/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS UEFI Boot Library * FILE: boot/environ/lib/misc/image.c * PURPOSE: Boot Library Image Routines * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "bl.h" #include /* DATA VARIABLES ************************************************************/ ULONG IapAllocatedTableEntries; ULONG IapTableEntries; PVOID* IapImageTable; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ NTSTATUS ImgpGetFileSize ( _In_ PBL_IMG_FILE File, _Out_ PULONG FileSize ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Size; BL_FILE_INFORMATION FileInformation; /* Check if the file was memory mapped */ if (File->Flags & BL_IMG_MEMORY_FILE) { /* Just read the size of the mapping */ Size = File->FileSize; } else { /* Do file I/O to get the file size */ Status = BlFileGetInformation(File->FileId, &FileInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* We only support files less than 4GB in the Image Mapped */ Size = FileInformation.Size; if (FileInformation.Size > ULONG_MAX) { return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } /* Return the size and success */ *FileSize = Size; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ImgpReadAtFileOffset ( _In_ PBL_IMG_FILE File, _In_ ULONG Size, _In_ ULONGLONG ByteOffset, _In_ PVOID Buffer, _Out_ PULONG BytesReturned ) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Check what if this is a mapped file or not */ if (File->Flags & BL_IMG_MEMORY_FILE) { /* Check if the boundaries are within the file size */ if ((ByteOffset + Size) <= File->FileSize) { /* Yep, copy into the caller-supplied buffer */ RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)File->BaseAddress + (ULONG_PTR)ByteOffset), Size); /* If caller wanted to know, return the size copied */ if (BytesReturned) { *BytesReturned = Size; } /* All good */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { /* Doesn't fit */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { /* Issue the file I/O instead */ Status = BlFileReadAtOffsetEx(File->FileId, Size, ByteOffset, Buffer, BytesReturned, 0); } /* Return the final status */ return Status; } NTSTATUS ImgpOpenFile ( _In_ ULONG DeviceId, _In_ PWCHAR FileName, _In_ ULONG Flags, _Out_ PBL_IMG_FILE NewFile ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG FileSize; ULONGLONG RemoteFileSize; PVOID RemoteFileAddress; ULONG FileId; /* First, try to see if BD has this file remotely */ Status = BlBdPullRemoteFile(FileName, &RemoteFileAddress, &RemoteFileSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Yep, get the file size and make sure it's < 4GB */ FileSize = RemoteFileSize; if (RemoteFileSize <= ULONG_MAX) { /* Remember this is a memory mapped remote file */ NewFile->Flags |= (BL_IMG_MEMORY_FILE | BL_IMG_REMOTE_FILE); NewFile->FileSize = FileSize; NewFile->BaseAddress = RemoteFileAddress; goto Quickie; } } /* Use File I/O instead */ Status = BlFileOpen(DeviceId, FileName, BL_FILE_READ_ACCESS, &FileId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Bail out on failure */ return Status; } /* Make sure nobody thinks this is a memory file */ NewFile->Flags &= ~BL_IMG_MEMORY_FILE; NewFile->FileId = FileId; Quickie: /* Set common data for both memory and I/O based file */ NewFile->Flags |= BL_IMG_VALID_FILE; NewFile->FileName = FileName; return Status; } NTSTATUS ImgpCloseFile ( _In_ PBL_IMG_FILE File ) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Make sure this is a valid file, otherwise no-op */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (File->Flags & BL_IMG_VALID_FILE) { /* Is this a memory mapped file? */ if (!(File->Flags & BL_IMG_MEMORY_FILE)) { /* Nope, close the file handle */ return BlFileClose(File->FileId); } /* Is this a remote file? */ if (File->Flags & BL_IMG_REMOTE_FILE) { /* Then only free the memory in that scenario */ EfiPrintf(L"TODO\r\n"); //return MmPapFreePages(File->BaseAddress, TRUE); } } /* Return the final status */ return Status; } NTSTATUS BlImgUnallocateImageBuffer ( _In_ PVOID ImageBase, _In_ ULONG ImageSize, _In_ ULONG ImageFlags ) { EfiPrintf(L"leaking the shit out of %p\r\n", ImageBase); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS BlImgAllocateImageBuffer ( _Inout_ PVOID* ImageBuffer, _In_ ULONG MemoryType, _In_ ULONGLONG ImageSize, _In_ ULONG Flags ) { ULONG Attributes; ULONGLONG Pages, Size; PVOID MappedBase, CurrentBuffer; NTSTATUS Status; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; /* Read and reset the current buffer address */ CurrentBuffer = *ImageBuffer; *ImageBuffer = NULL; /* Align the image size to page */ Size = ROUND_TO_PAGES(ImageSize); /* Not sure what this attribute does yet */ Attributes = 0; if (Flags & BL_LOAD_IMG_UNKNOWN_BUFFER_FLAG) { Attributes = 0x10000; } /* Check if the caller wants a virtual buffer */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_IMG_VIRTUAL_BUFFER) { /* Set the physical address to the current buffer */ PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = (ULONG_PTR)CurrentBuffer; Pages = Size >> PAGE_SHIFT; /* Allocate the physical pages */ Status = BlMmAllocatePhysicalPages(&PhysicalAddress, Pages, MemoryType, Attributes, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* If that failed, remove allocation attributes */ PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = 0; Attributes &= ~BlMemoryValidAllocationAttributeMask, Status = BlMmAllocatePhysicalPages(&PhysicalAddress, Pages, MemoryType, Attributes, 0); } /* Check if either attempts succeeded */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Now map the physical buffer at the address requested */ MappedBase = (PVOID)PhysicalAddress.LowPart; Status = BlMmMapPhysicalAddressEx(&MappedBase, BlMemoryFixed, Size, PhysicalAddress); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Free on failure if needed */ BlMmFreePhysicalPages(PhysicalAddress); return Status; } } else { /* Otherwise, allocate raw physical pages */ MappedBase = CurrentBuffer; Pages = Size >> PAGE_SHIFT; Status = MmPapAllocatePagesInRange(&MappedBase, MemoryType, Pages, Attributes, 0, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* If that failed, try without allocation attributes */ MappedBase = NULL; Attributes &= ~BlMemoryValidAllocationAttributeMask, Status = MmPapAllocatePagesInRange(&MappedBase, MemoryType, Pages, Attributes, 0, NULL, 0); } /* Check if either attempts succeeded */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } } /* Success path, returned allocated address */ *ImageBuffer = MappedBase; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS BlImgLoadImageWithProgress2 ( _In_ ULONG DeviceId, _In_ BL_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, _In_ PWCHAR FileName, _Inout_ PVOID* MappedBase, _Inout_ PULONG MappedSize, _In_ ULONG ImageFlags, _In_ BOOLEAN ShowProgress, _Out_opt_ PUCHAR* HashBuffer, _Out_opt_ PULONG HashSize ) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID BaseAddress, Buffer; ULONG RemainingLength, CurrentSize, ImageSize, ReadSize; BOOLEAN ComputeSignature, ComputeHash, Completed; BL_IMG_FILE FileHandle; ULONGLONG ByteOffset; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; /* Initialize variables */ BaseAddress = 0; ImageSize = 0; Completed = FALSE; RtlZeroMemory(&FileHandle, sizeof(FileHandle)); /* Check for missing parameters */ if (!MappedBase) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } if (!FileName) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } if (!MappedSize) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } /* Check if the image buffer is being provided */ if (ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_EXISTING_BUFFER) { /* An existing base must already exist */ if (!(*MappedBase)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } } /* Check of a hash is being requested */ if (ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_COMPUTE_HASH) { /* Make sure we can return the hash */ if (!HashBuffer) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } if (!HashSize) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } } /* Check for invalid combination of parameters */ if ((ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_COMPUTE_HASH) && (ImageFlags & 0x270)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Quickie; } /* Initialize hash if requested by caller */ if (HashBuffer) { *HashBuffer = 0; } /* Do the same for the hash size */ if (HashSize) { *HashSize = 0; } /* Open the image file */ Status = ImgpOpenFile(DeviceId, FileName, DeviceId, &FileHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"Error opening file: %lx\r\n", Status); goto Quickie; } /* Get the size of the image */ Status = ImgpGetFileSize(&FileHandle, &ImageSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"Error getting file size: %lx\r\n", Status); goto Quickie; } /* Read the current base address */ BaseAddress = *MappedBase; if (ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_EXISTING_BUFFER) { /* Check if the current buffer is too small */ if (*MappedSize < ImageSize) { /* Return the required size of the buffer */ *MappedSize = ImageSize; Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } else { /* A buffer was not provided, allocate one ourselves */ Status = BlImgAllocateImageBuffer(&BaseAddress, MemoryType, ImageSize, ImageFlags); } /* Bail out if allocation failed */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Set the initial byte offset and length to read */ RemainingLength = ImageSize; ByteOffset = 0; Buffer = BaseAddress; /* Update the initial progress */ Completed = FALSE; if (ShowProgress) { BlUtlUpdateProgress(0, &Completed); ShowProgress &= (Completed != 0) - 1; } /* Set the chunk size for each read */ ReadSize = 0x100000; if (ReadSize > ImageSize) { ReadSize = ImageSize; } /* Check if we should compute hash and/or signatures */ ComputeSignature = ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_COMPUTE_SIGNATURE; if ((ComputeSignature) || (ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_COMPUTE_HASH)) { ComputeHash = TRUE; // todo: crypto is hard } /* Begin the read loop */ while (RemainingLength) { /* Check if we've got more than a chunk left to read */ if (RemainingLength > ReadSize) { /* Read a chunk*/ CurrentSize = ReadSize; } else { /* Read only what's left */ CurrentSize = RemainingLength; } /* Read the chunk */ Status = ImgpReadAtFileOffset(&FileHandle, CurrentSize, ByteOffset, Buffer, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Check if we need to compute the hash of this chunk */ if (ComputeHash) { // todo: crypto is hard } /* Update our position and read information */ Buffer = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer + CurrentSize); RemainingLength -= CurrentSize; ByteOffset += CurrentSize; /* Check if we should update the progress bar */ if (ShowProgress) { /* Compute new percentage completed, check if we're done */ BlUtlUpdateProgress(100 - 100 * RemainingLength / ImageSize, &Completed); ShowProgress &= (Completed != 0) - 1; } } /* Is the read fully complete? We need to finalize the hash if requested */ if (ComputeHash != RemainingLength) { // todo: CRYPTO IS HARD } /* Success path, return back the buffer and the size of the image */ *MappedBase = BaseAddress; *MappedSize = ImageSize; Quickie: /* Close the file handle */ ImgpCloseFile(&FileHandle); /* Check if we failed and had allocated a buffer */ if (!(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && (BaseAddress) && !(ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_EXISTING_BUFFER)) { /* Check what kind of buffer we had allocated */ if (ImageFlags & BL_LOAD_IMG_VIRTUAL_BUFFER) { /* Unmap and free the virtual buffer */ PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = (ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress; BlMmUnmapVirtualAddressEx(BaseAddress, ImageSize); BlMmFreePhysicalPages(PhysicalAddress); } else { /* Free the physical buffer */ //MmPapFreePages(VirtualAddress, 1); EfiPrintf(L"Leaking memory\r\n"); } } /* If we hadn't gotten to 100% yet, do it now */ if (ShowProgress) { BlUtlUpdateProgress(100, &Completed); } /* Return the final status */ return Status; } PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER BlImgFindSection ( _In_ PVOID ImageBase, _In_ ULONG ImageSize ) { PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER FoundSection; ULONG i; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeader; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeader; NTSTATUS Status; /* Assume failure */ FoundSection = NULL; /* Make sure the image is valid */ Status = RtlImageNtHeaderEx(0, ImageBase, ImageSize, &NtHeader); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Get the first section and loop through them all */ SectionHeader = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(NtHeader); for (i = 0; i < NtHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { /* Check if this is the resource section */ if (!_stricmp((PCCH)SectionHeader->Name, ".rsrc")) { /* Yep, we're done */ FoundSection = SectionHeader; break; } /* Nope, keep going */ SectionHeader++; } } /* Return the matching section */ return FoundSection; } VOID BlImgQueryCodeIntegrityBootOptions ( _In_ PBL_LOADED_APPLICATION_ENTRY ApplicationEntry, _Out_ PBOOLEAN IntegrityChecksDisabled, _Out_ PBOOLEAN TestSigning ) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN Value; /* Check if /DISABLEINTEGRITYCHECKS is on */ Status = BlGetBootOptionBoolean(ApplicationEntry->BcdData, BcdLibraryBoolean_DisableIntegrityChecks, &Value); *IntegrityChecksDisabled = NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (Value); /* Check if /TESTSIGNING is on */ Status = BlGetBootOptionBoolean(ApplicationEntry->BcdData, BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures, &Value); *TestSigning = NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (Value); } NTSTATUS BlImgUnLoadImage ( _In_ PVOID ImageBase, _In_ ULONG ImageSize, _In_ ULONG ImageFlags ) { /* Check for missing parameters */ if (!(ImageSize) || !(ImageBase)) { /* Bail out */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Unallocate the image buffer */ return BlImgUnallocateImageBuffer(ImageBase, ImageSize, ImageFlags); } NTSTATUS ImgpLoadPEImage ( _In_ PBL_IMG_FILE ImageFile, _In_ BL_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, _Inout_ PVOID* ImageBase, _Out_opt_ PULONG ImageSize, _Inout_opt_ PVOID Hash, _In_ ULONG Flags ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG FileSize, HeaderSize; BL_IMG_FILE LocalFileBuffer; PBL_IMG_FILE LocalFile; PVOID VirtualAddress, PreferredBase, ImageBuffer, CertBuffer, HashBuffer; ULONGLONG VirtualSize; PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY CertDirectory; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; USHORT SectionCount, CheckSum, PartialSum, FinalSum; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER Section; ULONG_PTR EndOfHeaders, SectionStart, Slack, SectionEnd; ULONG i, SectionSize, RawSize, BytesRead, RemainingLength, Offset, AlignSize; BOOLEAN First, ImageHashValid; UCHAR LocalBuffer[1024]; UCHAR TrustedBootInformation[52]; ULONG WorkaroundForBinutils; /* Initialize locals */ WorkaroundForBinutils = 0; LocalFile = NULL; ImageBuffer = NULL; FileSize = 0; First = FALSE; VirtualAddress = NULL; CertBuffer = NULL; CertDirectory = NULL; HashBuffer = NULL; Offset = 0; VirtualSize = 0; ImageHashValid = FALSE; RtlZeroMemory(&TrustedBootInformation, sizeof(TrustedBootInformation)); /* Get the size of the image */ Status = ImgpGetFileSize(ImageFile, &FileSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return STATUS_FILE_INVALID; } /* Allocate a flat buffer for it */ Status = BlImgAllocateImageBuffer(&ImageBuffer, BlLoaderData, FileSize, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Read the whole file flat for now */ Status = ImgpReadAtFileOffset(ImageFile, FileSize, 0, ImageBuffer, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Build a local file handle */ LocalFile = &LocalFileBuffer; LocalFileBuffer.FileName = ImageFile->FileName; LocalFileBuffer.Flags = BL_IMG_MEMORY_FILE | BL_IMG_VALID_FILE; LocalFileBuffer.BaseAddress = ImageBuffer; LocalFileBuffer.FileSize = FileSize; /* Get the NT headers of the file */ Status = RtlImageNtHeaderEx(0, ImageBuffer, FileSize, &NtHeaders); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Check if we should validate the machine type */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_CHECK_MACHINE) { /* Is it different than our current machine type? */ #if _M_AMD64 if (NtHeaders->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) #else if (NtHeaders->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) #endif { /* Is it x86 (implying we are x64) ? */ if (NtHeaders->FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { /* Return special error code */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_32; } else if (NtHeaders->FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { /* Otherwise, it's x64 but we are x86 */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_64; } else { /* Or it's ARM or something... */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; } /* Return with the distinguished error code */ goto Quickie; } } /* Check if we should validate the subsystem */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_CHECK_SUBSYSTEM) { /* It must be a Windows boot Application */ if (NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.Subsystem != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_BOOT_APPLICATION) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } } /* Check if we should validate the /INTEGRITYCHECK flag */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_CHECK_FORCED_INTEGRITY) { /* Check if it's there */ if (!(NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DllCharacteristics & IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY)) { /* Nope, fail otherwise */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } } /* Check if we should compute the image hash */ if ((Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_COMPUTE_HASH) || (Hash)) { EfiPrintf(L"No hash support\r\n"); } /* Read the current base address, if any */ VirtualAddress = *ImageBase; /* Get the virtual size of the image */ VirtualSize = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; /* Safely align the virtual size to a page */ Status = RtlULongLongAdd(VirtualSize, PAGE_SIZE - 1, &VirtualSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } VirtualSize = ALIGN_DOWN_BY(VirtualSize, PAGE_SIZE); /* Make sure the image isn't larger than 4GB */ if (VirtualSize > ULONG_MAX) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* Check if we have a buffer already */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_IMG_EXISTING_BUFFER) { /* Check if it's too small */ if (*ImageSize < VirtualSize) { /* Fail, letting the caller know how big to make it */ *ImageSize = VirtualSize; Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } else { /* Allocate the buffer with the flags and type the caller wants */ Status = BlImgAllocateImageBuffer(&VirtualAddress, MemoryType, VirtualSize, Flags); } /* Bail out if allocation failed, or existing buffer is too small */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Read the size of the headers */ HeaderSize = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders; if (VirtualSize < HeaderSize) { /* Bail out if they're bigger than the image! */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* Now read the header into the buffer */ Status = ImgpReadAtFileOffset(LocalFile, HeaderSize, 0, VirtualAddress, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Get the NT headers of the file */ Status = RtlImageNtHeaderEx(0, VirtualAddress, HeaderSize, &NtHeaders); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } First = FALSE; /* Record how many sections we have */ SectionCount = NtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; /* Capture the current checksum and reset it */ CheckSum = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum; NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum = 0; /* Calculate the checksum of the header, and restore the original one */ PartialSum = BlUtlCheckSum(0, VirtualAddress, HeaderSize, BL_UTL_CHECKSUM_COMPLEMENT | BL_UTL_CHECKSUM_USHORT_BUFFER); NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum = CheckSum; /* Record our current position (right after the headers) */ EndOfHeaders = (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress + HeaderSize; EfiPrintf(L"here\r\n"); /* Get the first section and iterate through each one */ Section = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(NtHeaders); for (i = 0; i < SectionCount; i++) { /* Compute where this section starts */ SectionStart = (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress + Section->VirtualAddress; /* Make sure that the section fits within the image */ if ((VirtualSize < Section->VirtualAddress) || ((PVOID)SectionStart < VirtualAddress)) { EfiPrintf(L"fail 1\r\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* Check if there's slack space between header end and the section */ if (!(First) && (EndOfHeaders < SectionStart)) { /* Zero it out */ Slack = SectionStart - EndOfHeaders; RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)EndOfHeaders, Slack); } /* Get the section virtual size and the raw size */ SectionSize = Section->Misc.VirtualSize; RawSize = Section->SizeOfRawData; /* Safely align the raw size by 2 */ Status = RtlULongAdd(RawSize, 1, &AlignSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } AlignSize = ALIGN_DOWN_BY(AlignSize, 2); /* IF we don't have a virtual size, use the raw size */ if (!SectionSize) { SectionSize = RawSize; } /* If we don't have raw data, ignore the raw size */ if (!Section->PointerToRawData) { RawSize = 0; } else if (SectionSize < RawSize) { /* And if the virtual size is smaller, use it as the final size */ RawSize = SectionSize; } /* Make sure that the section doesn't overflow in memory */ Status = RtlULongAdd(Section->VirtualAddress, SectionSize, &SectionEnd); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"fail 21\r\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* Make sure that it fits within the image */ if (VirtualSize < SectionEnd) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* Make sure it doesn't overflow on disk */ Status = RtlULongAdd(Section->VirtualAddress, AlignSize, &SectionEnd); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"fail 31\r\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* Make sure that it fits within the disk image as well */ if (VirtualSize < SectionEnd) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT; goto Quickie; } /* So does this section have a valid size after all? */ if (RawSize) { /* Are we in the first iteration? */ if (!First) { /* FUCK YOU BINUTILS */ if ((*(PULONG)&Section->Name == 'ler.') && (RawSize < AlignSize)) { /* Piece of shit won't build relocations when you tell it to, * either by using --emit-relocs or --dynamicbase. People online * have found out that by using -pie-executable you can get this * to happen, but then it turns out that the .reloc section is * incorrectly sized, and results in a corrupt PE. However, they * still compute the checksum using the correct value. What idiots. */ WorkaroundForBinutils = AlignSize - RawSize; AlignSize -= WorkaroundForBinutils; } /* Yes, read the section data */ Status = ImgpReadAtFileOffset(LocalFile, AlignSize, Section->PointerToRawData, (PVOID)SectionStart, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Update our current offset */ Offset = AlignSize + Section->PointerToRawData; /* Update the checksum to include this section */ PartialSum = BlUtlCheckSum(PartialSum, (PUCHAR)SectionStart, AlignSize, BL_UTL_CHECKSUM_COMPLEMENT | BL_UTL_CHECKSUM_USHORT_BUFFER); AlignSize += WorkaroundForBinutils; } } /* Are we in the first iteration? */ if (!First) { /* Is there space at the end of the section? */ if (RawSize < SectionSize) { /* Zero out the slack space that's there */ Slack = SectionSize - RawSize; RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)(SectionStart + RawSize), Slack); } /* Update our tail offset */ EndOfHeaders = SectionStart + SectionSize; } /* Move to the next section */ Section++; } /* Are we in the first iteration? */ if (!First) { /* Go to the end of the file */ SectionStart = (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress + VirtualSize; /* Is there still some slack space left? */ if (EndOfHeaders < SectionStart) { /* Zero it out */ Slack = SectionStart - EndOfHeaders; RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)EndOfHeaders, Slack); } } /* Did the first iteration complete OK? */ if ((NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && !(First)) { /* Check how many non-image bytes are left in the file */ RemainingLength = FileSize - Offset; while (RemainingLength) { /* See if the read will fit into our local buffer */ if (RemainingLength >= sizeof(LocalBuffer)) { /* Nope, cap it */ BytesRead = sizeof(LocalBuffer); } else { /* Yes, but there's less to read */ BytesRead = RemainingLength; } /* Read 1024 bytes into the local buffer */ Status = ImgpReadAtFileOffset(LocalFile, BytesRead, Offset, LocalBuffer, &BytesRead); if (!(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) || !(BytesRead)) { Status = STATUS_FILE_INVALID; goto Quickie; } /* Advance the offset and reduce the length */ RemainingLength -= BytesRead; Offset += BytesRead; /* Compute the checksum of this leftover space */ PartialSum = BlUtlCheckSum(PartialSum, LocalBuffer, BytesRead, BL_UTL_CHECKSUM_COMPLEMENT | BL_UTL_CHECKSUM_USHORT_BUFFER); } /* Finally, calculate the final checksum and compare it */ FinalSum = FileSize + PartialSum + WorkaroundForBinutils; if ((FinalSum != CheckSum) && (PartialSum == 0xFFFF)) { /* It hit overflow, so set it to the file size */ FinalSum = FileSize; } /* If the checksum doesn't match, and caller is enforcing, bail out */ if ((FinalSum != CheckSum) && !(Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_IGNORE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH)) { Status = STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH; goto Quickie; } } /* Check if the .rsrc section should be checked with the filename */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_VALIDATE_ORIGINAL_FILENAME) { EfiPrintf(L"Not yet supported\r\n"); Status = 0xC0430007; // STATUS_SECUREBOOT_FILE_REPLACED goto Quickie; } /* Check if we should relocate */ if (!(Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_SKIP_RELOCATIONS)) { /* Check if we loaded at a different address */ PreferredBase = (PVOID)NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; if (VirtualAddress != PreferredBase) { /* Yep -- do relocations */ Status = LdrRelocateImage(VirtualAddress, "Boot Environment Library", STATUS_SUCCESS, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL, STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* That's bad */ goto Quickie; } } } #if BL_TPM_SUPPORT /* Check if the image hash was valid */ if (!ImageHashValid) { /* Send a TPM/SI notification without a context */ BlEnNotifyEvent(0x10000002, NULL); } /* Now send a TPM/SI notification with the hash of the loaded image */ BlMmTranslateVirtualAddress(VirtualAddress, &Context.ImageBase); Context.HashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm; Context.HashSize = HashSize; Context.FileName = ImageFile->FileName; Context.ImageSize = VirtualSize; Context.HashValid = ImageHashValid; Context.Hash = Hash; BlEnNotifyEvent(0x10000002, &Context); #endif /* Return the loaded address to the caller */ *ImageBase = VirtualAddress; /* If the caller wanted the image size, return it too */ if (ImageSize) { *ImageSize = VirtualSize; } Quickie: /* Check if we computed the image hash OK */ if (ImageHashValid) { /* Then free the information that ImgpValidateImageHash set up */ EfiPrintf(L"leadking trusted boot\r\n"); //ImgpDestroyTrustedBootInformation(&TrustedBootInformation); } /* Check if we had a hash buffer */ if (HashBuffer) { /* Free it */ EfiPrintf(L"Leadking hash: %p\r\n", HashBuffer); //MmPapFreePages(HashBuffer, TRUE); } /* Check if we have a certificate diretory */ if ((CertBuffer) && (CertDirectory)) { /* Free it */ BlImgUnallocateImageBuffer(CertBuffer, CertDirectory->Size, 0); } /* Check if we had an image buffer allocated */ if ((ImageBuffer) && (FileSize)) { /* Free it */ BlImgUnallocateImageBuffer(ImageBuffer, FileSize, 0); } /* Check if we had a local file handle */ if (LocalFile) { /* Close it */ ImgpCloseFile(LocalFile); } /* Check if this is the failure path */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Check if we had started mapping in the image already */ if ((VirtualAddress) && !(Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_EXISTING_BUFFER)) { /* Into a virtual buffer? */ if (Flags & BL_LOAD_PE_IMG_VIRTUAL_BUFFER) { /* Unmap and free it */ BlMmUnmapVirtualAddressEx(VirtualAddress, VirtualSize); PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress; BlMmFreePhysicalPages(PhysicalAddress); } else { /* Into a physical buffer -- free it */ EfiPrintf(L"Leaking physical pages\r\n"); // MmPapFreePages(VirtualAddress, TRUE); } } } /* Return back to caller */ return Status; } NTSTATUS BlImgLoadPEImageEx ( _In_ ULONG DeviceId, _In_ BL_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, _In_ PWCHAR Path, _Out_ PVOID* ImageBase, _Out_ PULONG ImageSize, _Out_ PVOID Hash, _In_ ULONG Flags ) { BL_IMG_FILE ImageFile; NTSTATUS Status; /* Initialize the image file structure */ ImageFile.Flags = 0; ImageFile.FileName = NULL; /* Check if the required parameter are missing */ if (!(ImageBase) || !(Path)) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* If we are loading a pre-allocated image, make sure we have it */ if ((Flags & BL_LOAD_IMG_EXISTING_BUFFER) && (!(*ImageBase) || !(ImageSize))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Load the file from disk */ Status = ImgpOpenFile(DeviceId, Path, 0, &ImageFile); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* If that worked, do the PE parsing */ Status = ImgpLoadPEImage(&ImageFile, MemoryType, ImageBase, ImageSize, Hash, Flags); } /* Close the image file and return back to caller */ ImgpCloseFile(&ImageFile); return Status; } NTSTATUS BlImgLoadBootApplication ( _In_ PBL_LOADED_APPLICATION_ENTRY BootEntry, _Out_ PULONG AppHandle ) { NTSTATUS Status; PULONGLONG AllowedList; ULONGLONG AllowedCount; ULONG i, DeviceId, ImageSize, Flags, ListSize; LARGE_INTEGER Frequency; PVOID UnlockCode, ImageBase; PBL_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR Device, BitLockerDevice; PWCHAR Path; PBL_APPLICATION_ENTRY AppEntry; PBL_IMG_FILE ImageFile; BOOLEAN DisableIntegrity, TestSigning; UCHAR Hash[64]; PBL_IMAGE_APPLICATION_ENTRY ImageAppEntry; /* Initialize all locals */ BitLockerDevice = NULL; UnlockCode = NULL; ImageFile = NULL; DeviceId = -1; Device = NULL; ImageAppEntry = NULL; Path = NULL; ImageSize = 0; ImageBase = NULL; /* Check for "allowed in-memory settings" */ Status = BlpGetBootOptionIntegerList(BootEntry->BcdData, BcdLibraryIntegerList_AllowedInMemorySettings, &AllowedList, &AllowedCount, TRUE); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Loop through the list of allowed setting */ for (i = 0; i < AllowedCount; i++) { /* Find the super undocumented one */ if (AllowedList[i] == BcdLibraryInteger_UndocumentedMagic) { /* If it's present, append the current perf frequence to it */ BlTimeQueryPerformanceCounter(&Frequency); BlAppendBootOptionInteger(BootEntry, BcdLibraryInteger_UndocumentedMagic, Frequency.QuadPart); } } } #if BL_BITLOCKER_SUPPORT /* Do bitlocker stuff */ Status = BlFveSecureBootUnlockBootDevice(BootEntry, &BitLockerDevice, &UnlockCode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } #endif /* Get the device on which this application is on*/ Status = BlGetBootOptionDevice(BootEntry->BcdData, BcdLibraryDevice_ApplicationDevice, &Device, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Get the path of the application */ Status = BlGetBootOptionString(BootEntry->BcdData, BcdLibraryString_ApplicationPath, &Path); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Open the device */ Status = BlpDeviceOpen(Device, BL_DEVICE_READ_ACCESS, 0, &DeviceId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } /* Check for integrity BCD options */ BlImgQueryCodeIntegrityBootOptions(BootEntry, &DisableIntegrity, &TestSigning); #if BL_TPM_SUPPORT RtlZeroMemory(&Context, sizeof(Context); Context.BootEntry = BootEntry; BlEnNotifyEvent(0x10000003, &Context); #endif /* Enable signing and hashing checks if integrity is enabled */ Flags = 0; if (!DisableIntegrity) { Flags = 0x8070; } /* Now call the PE loader to load the image */ Status = BlImgLoadPEImageEx(DeviceId, BlLoaderMemory, Path, &ImageBase, &ImageSize, Hash, Flags); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } #if BL_KD_SUPPORT /* Check if we should notify the debugger of load */ if (BdDebugTransitions) { /* Initialize it */ BdForceDebug = 1; Status = BlBdInitialize(); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Check if it's enabled */ if (BlBdDebuggerEnabled()) { /* Send it an image load notification */ BdDebuggerNotPresent = FALSE; RtlInitUnicodeString(&PathString, Path); BlBdLoadImageSymbols(&PathString, ImageBase); } } } #endif #if BL_BITLOCKER_SUPPORT /* Do bitlocker stuff */ Status = BlSecureBootCheckPolicyOnFveDevice(BitLockerDevice); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } #endif #if BL_BITLOCKER_SUPPORT /* Do bitlocker stuff */ Status = BlFveSecureBootCheckpointBootApp(BootEntry, BitLockerDevice, Hash, UnlockCode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Quickie; } #endif /* Get the BCD option size */ ListSize = BlGetBootOptionListSize(BootEntry->BcdData); /* Allocate an entry with all the BCD options */ AppEntry = BlMmAllocateHeap(ListSize + sizeof(*AppEntry)); if (!AppEntry) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto Quickie; } /* Zero it out */ RtlZeroMemory(AppEntry, sizeof(*AppEntry)); /* Initialize it */ strcpy(AppEntry->Signature, "BTAPENT"); AppEntry->Guid = BootEntry->Guid; AppEntry->Flags = BootEntry->Flags; /* Copy the BCD options */ RtlCopyMemory(&AppEntry->BcdData, BootEntry->BcdData, ListSize); /* Allocate the image entry */ ImageAppEntry = BlMmAllocateHeap(sizeof(*ImageAppEntry)); if (!ImageAppEntry) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto Quickie; } /* Initialize it */ ImageAppEntry->ImageBase = ImageBase; ImageAppEntry->ImageSize = ImageSize; ImageAppEntry->AppEntry = AppEntry; /* Check if this is the first entry */ if (!IapTableEntries) { /* Allocate two entries */ IapAllocatedTableEntries = 0; IapTableEntries = 2; IapImageTable = BlMmAllocateHeap(IapTableEntries * sizeof(PVOID)); if (!IapImageTable) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto Quickie; } /* Zero out the entries for now */ RtlZeroMemory(IapImageTable, IapTableEntries * sizeof(PVOID)); } /* Set this entry into the table */ Status = BlTblSetEntry(&IapImageTable, &IapTableEntries, ImageAppEntry, AppHandle, TblDoNotPurgeEntry); Quickie: /* Is the device open? Close it if so */ if (DeviceId != 1) { BlDeviceClose(DeviceId); } /* Is there an allocated device? Free it */ if (Device) { BlMmFreeHeap(Device); } /* Is there an allocated path? Free it */ if (Path) { BlMmFreeHeap(Path); } /* Is there a bitlocker device? Free it */ if (BitLockerDevice) { BlMmFreeHeap(BitLockerDevice); } /* Is there a bitlocker unlock code? Free it */ if (UnlockCode) { BlMmFreeHeap(UnlockCode); } /* Did we succeed in creating an entry? */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Remember there's one more in the table */ IapAllocatedTableEntries++; /* Return success */ return Status; } /* Did we load an image after all? */ if (ImageBase) { /* Unload it */ BlImgUnLoadImage(ImageBase, ImageSize, 0); } /* Did we allocate an app entry? Free it */ if (AppEntry) { BlMmFreeHeap(AppEntry); } /* Do we have an image file entry? Free it */ if (ImageFile) { BlMmFreeHeap(ImageFile); } /* Do we no longer have a single entry in the table? */ if (!(IapAllocatedTableEntries) && (IapImageTable)) { /* Free and destroy the table */ BlMmFreeHeap(IapImageTable); IapTableEntries = 0; IapImageTable = NULL; } /* Return the failure code */ return Status; } NTSTATUS BlpPdParseReturnArguments ( _In_ PBL_RETURN_ARGUMENTS ReturnArguments ) { /* Check if any custom data was returned */ if (ReturnArguments->DataPage == 0) { /* Nope, nothing to do */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Yes, we have to parse it */ EfiPrintf(L"Return arguments not supported\r\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS ImgArchEfiStartBootApplication ( _In_ PBL_APPLICATION_ENTRY AppEntry, _In_ PVOID ImageBase, _In_ ULONG ImageSize, _In_ PBL_RETURN_ARGUMENTS ReturnArguments ) { /* Not yet implemented. This is the last step! */ EfiPrintf(L"EFI APPLICATION START!!!\r\n"); EfiStall(100000000); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS BlImgStartBootApplication ( _In_ ULONG AppHandle, _Inout_opt_ PBL_RETURN_ARGUMENTS ReturnArguments ) { PBL_IMAGE_APPLICATION_ENTRY ImageAppEntry; BL_RETURN_ARGUMENTS LocalReturnArgs; PBL_FILE_SYSTEM_ENTRY FileSystem; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry, ListHead; NTSTATUS Status; /* Check if we don't have an argument structure */ if (!ReturnArguments) { /* Initialize a local copy and use it instead */ LocalReturnArgs.Version = BL_RETURN_ARGUMENTS_VERSION; LocalReturnArgs.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; LocalReturnArgs.Flags = 0; LocalReturnArgs.DataPage = 0; LocalReturnArgs.DataSize = 0; ReturnArguments = &LocalReturnArgs; } /* Make sure the handle index is valid */ if (IapTableEntries <= AppHandle) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Get the entry for this handle, making sure it exists */ ImageAppEntry = IapImageTable[AppHandle]; if (!ImageAppEntry) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Loop the registered file systems */ ListHead = &RegisteredFileSystems; NextEntry = RegisteredFileSystems.Flink; while (NextEntry != ListHead) { /* Get the filesystem entry */ FileSystem = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, BL_FILE_SYSTEM_ENTRY, ListEntry); /* See if it has a purge callback */ if (FileSystem->PurgeCallback) { /* Call it */ FileSystem->PurgeCallback(); } /* Move to the next entry */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; } /* TODO -- flush the block I/O cache too */ //BlockIoPurgeCache(); /* Call into EFI land to start the boot application */ Status = ImgArchEfiStartBootApplication(ImageAppEntry->AppEntry, ImageAppEntry->ImageBase, ImageAppEntry->ImageSize, ReturnArguments); /* Parse any arguments we got on the way back */ BlpPdParseReturnArguments(ReturnArguments); #if BL_BITLOCKER_SUPPORT /* Bitlocker stuff */ FvebpCheckAllPartitions(TRUE); #endif #if BL_TPM_SUPPORT /* Notify a TPM/SI event */ BlEnNotifyEvent(0x10000005, NULL); #endif /* Reset the display */ BlpDisplayReinitialize(); /* TODO -- reset ETW */ //BlpLogInitialize(); /* All done */ return Status; } NTSTATUS BlImgUnloadBootApplication ( _In_ ULONG AppHandle ) { PBL_IMAGE_APPLICATION_ENTRY ImageAppEntry; NTSTATUS Status; /* Make sure the handle index is valid */ if (IapTableEntries <= AppHandle) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Get the entry for this handle, making sure it exists */ ImageAppEntry = IapImageTable[AppHandle]; if (!ImageAppEntry) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Unload the image */ Status = BlImgUnLoadImage(ImageAppEntry->ImageBase, ImageAppEntry->ImageSize, 0); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Normalize the success code */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { /* Normalize the failure code */ Status = STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED; } /* Free the entry and the image entry as well */ BlMmFreeHeap(ImageAppEntry->AppEntry); BlMmFreeHeap(ImageAppEntry); /* Clear the handle */ IapImageTable[AppHandle] = NULL; /* Free one entry */ if (!(--IapAllocatedTableEntries)) { /* There are no more, so get rid of the table itself */ BlMmFreeHeap(IapImageTable); IapImageTable = NULL; IapTableEntries = 0; } /* All good */ return Status; }