/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL * FILE: base/applications/mspaint/history.cpp * PURPOSE: Undo and redo functionality * PROGRAMMERS: Benedikt Freisen * Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ #include "precomp.h" ImageModel imageModel; /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ void ImageModel::NotifyImageChanged() { if (canvasWindow.IsWindow()) canvasWindow.Invalidate(FALSE); } ImageModel::ImageModel() : hDrawingDC(::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL)) , currInd(0) , undoSteps(0) , redoSteps(0) { ZeroMemory(hBms, sizeof(hBms)); hBms[0] = CreateDIBWithProperties(1, 1); ::SelectObject(hDrawingDC, hBms[0]); imageSaved = TRUE; } ImageModel::~ImageModel() { ::DeleteDC(hDrawingDC); for (size_t i = 0; i < HISTORYSIZE; ++i) { if (hBms[i]) ::DeleteObject(hBms[i]); } } void ImageModel::Undo(BOOL bClearRedo) { ATLTRACE("%s: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, undoSteps); if (!CanUndo()) return; selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; // Select previous item currInd = (currInd + HISTORYSIZE - 1) % HISTORYSIZE; ::SelectObject(hDrawingDC, hBms[currInd]); undoSteps--; if (bClearRedo) redoSteps = 0; else if (redoSteps < HISTORYSIZE - 1) redoSteps++; NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::Redo() { ATLTRACE("%s: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, redoSteps); if (!CanRedo()) return; selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; // Select next item currInd = (currInd + 1) % HISTORYSIZE; ::SelectObject(hDrawingDC, hBms[currInd]); redoSteps--; if (undoSteps < HISTORYSIZE - 1) undoSteps++; NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::ResetToPrevious() { ATLTRACE("%s: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, currInd); // Revert current item with previous item ::DeleteObject(hBms[currInd]); hBms[currInd] = CopyDIBImage(hBms[(currInd + HISTORYSIZE - 1) % HISTORYSIZE]); ::SelectObject(hDrawingDC, hBms[currInd]); NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::ClearHistory() { undoSteps = 0; redoSteps = 0; } void ImageModel::PushImageForUndo(HBITMAP hbm) { ATLTRACE("%s: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, currInd); // Go to the next item with an HBITMAP or current item ::DeleteObject(hBms[(currInd + 1) % HISTORYSIZE]); hBms[(currInd + 1) % HISTORYSIZE] = (hbm ? hbm : CopyDIBImage(hBms[currInd])); currInd = (currInd + 1) % HISTORYSIZE; ::SelectObject(hDrawingDC, hBms[currInd]); if (undoSteps < HISTORYSIZE - 1) undoSteps++; redoSteps = 0; imageSaved = FALSE; NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::Crop(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY) { // We cannot create bitmaps of size zero if (nWidth <= 0) nWidth = 1; if (nHeight <= 0) nHeight = 1; // Create an HBITMAP HBITMAP hbmCropped = CreateDIBWithProperties(nWidth, nHeight); if (!hbmCropped) return; // Select the HBITMAP by memory DC HDC hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDrawingDC); HGDIOBJ hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmCropped); // Fill background of the HBITMAP RECT rcBack = { 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight }; HBRUSH hbrBack = ::CreateSolidBrush(paletteModel.GetBgColor()); ::FillRect(hdcMem, &rcBack, hbrBack); ::DeleteObject(hbrBack); // Copy the old content ::BitBlt(hdcMem, -nOffsetX, -nOffsetY, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), hDrawingDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // Clean up ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); // Push it PushImageForUndo(hbmCropped); NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::SaveImage(LPCTSTR lpFileName) { SaveDIBToFile(hBms[currInd], lpFileName, hDrawingDC); } BOOL ImageModel::IsImageSaved() const { return imageSaved; } void ImageModel::StretchSkew(int nStretchPercentX, int nStretchPercentY, int nSkewDegX, int nSkewDegY) { int oldWidth = GetWidth(); int oldHeight = GetHeight(); INT newWidth = oldWidth * nStretchPercentX / 100; INT newHeight = oldHeight * nStretchPercentY / 100; if (oldWidth != newWidth || oldHeight != newHeight) { HBITMAP hbm0 = CopyDIBImage(hBms[currInd], newWidth, newHeight); PushImageForUndo(hbm0); } if (nSkewDegX) { HBITMAP hbm1 = SkewDIB(hDrawingDC, hBms[currInd], nSkewDegX, FALSE); PushImageForUndo(hbm1); } if (nSkewDegY) { HBITMAP hbm2 = SkewDIB(hDrawingDC, hBms[currInd], nSkewDegY, TRUE); PushImageForUndo(hbm2); } NotifyImageChanged(); } int ImageModel::GetWidth() const { return GetDIBWidth(hBms[currInd]); } int ImageModel::GetHeight() const { return GetDIBHeight(hBms[currInd]); } void ImageModel::InvertColors() { RECT rect = {0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight()}; PushImageForUndo(); InvertRect(hDrawingDC, &rect); NotifyImageChanged(); } HDC ImageModel::GetDC() { return hDrawingDC; } void ImageModel::FlipHorizontally() { PushImageForUndo(); StretchBlt(hDrawingDC, GetWidth() - 1, 0, -GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetDC(), 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), SRCCOPY); NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::FlipVertically() { PushImageForUndo(); StretchBlt(hDrawingDC, 0, GetHeight() - 1, GetWidth(), -GetHeight(), GetDC(), 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), SRCCOPY); NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees(int iN) { switch (iN) { case 1: case 3: { HBITMAP hbm = Rotate90DegreeBlt(hDrawingDC, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), iN == 1, FALSE); if (hbm) PushImageForUndo(hbm); break; } case 2: { PushImageForUndo(); StretchBlt(hDrawingDC, GetWidth() - 1, GetHeight() - 1, -GetWidth(), -GetHeight(), hDrawingDC, 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), SRCCOPY); break; } } NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::DeleteSelection() { if (!selectionModel.m_bShow) return; selectionModel.TakeOff(); selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; selectionModel.ClearColor(); selectionModel.ClearMask(); NotifyImageChanged(); } void ImageModel::Bound(POINT& pt) { pt.x = max(0, min(pt.x, GetWidth())); pt.y = max(0, min(pt.y, GetHeight())); }