.topic IDH_TEXT_OUTPUT Output display This is the place where the typed numbers and the results of the calculations are shown. .topic IDH_RADIO_HEX Hex It selects the hexadecimal numeric base and it converts the number shown into the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: F5 .topic IDH_RADIO_DEC Dec It selects the decimal numeric base and it converts the number shown into the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: F6 .topic IDH_RADIO_OCT Oct It selects the octal numeric base and it converts the number shown into the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: F7 .topic IDH_RADIO_BIN Bin It selects the binary numeric base and it converts the number shown into the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: F8 .topic IDH_RADIO_DEG Degrees It enables the processing of trigonometric functions into degree format. Shortcut from keyboard: F2 .topic IDH_RADIO_RAD Radians It enables the processing of trigonometric functions into radians format. Shortcut from keyboard: F3 .topic IDH_RADIO_GRAD Gradians It enables the processing of trigonometric functions into gradians format. Shortcut from keyboard: F4 .topic IDH_RADIO_QWORD Qword It limits the length of integer numbers to 64 bits. Shortcut from keyboard: F12 .topic IDH_RADIO_DWORD Dword It limits the length of integer numbers to 32 bits. Shortcut from keyboard: F2 .topic IDH_RADIO_WORD Word It limits the length of integer numbers to 16 bits. Shortcut from keyboard: F3 .topic IDH_RADIO_BYTE Byte It limits the length of integer numbers to 8 bits. Shortcut from keyboard: F4 .topic IDH_CHECK_INV Inv It enables the inverse function for [sin] [cos] [tan] [pi] [x^y] [x^2] [x^3] [ln] [log] [dms] [MS] [M+] [Int] buttons. Shortcut from keyboard: I .topic IDH_CHECK_HYP Hyp It enables the hyperbolic mode for [sin] [cos] [tan] buttons Shortcut from keyboard: H .topic IDH_BUTTON_BACK Back It deletes the last digit typed on the calculator. It also disables the temporary scientific mode if an exponent is removed completely. Shortcut from keyboard: Backspace .topic IDH_BUTTON_CE CE It deletes the last typed number from the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: Delete .topic IDH_BUTTON_CANC CANCEL It deletes the current calculation and all sub expressions. Shortcut from keyboard: ESC .topic IDH_BUTTON_FE F-E It enables or it disables the fixed scietific notation. Shortcut from keyboard: V .topic IDH_BUTTON_0 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_1 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_2 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_3 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_4 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_5 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_6 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_7 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_8 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_9 This button is used for entering digits. Shortcut from keyboard: the corresponding number on the keyboard or the numeric pad. .topic IDH_BUTTON_A This button is used for entering hexadecimal numbers. Shortcut from keyboard: A .topic IDH_BUTTON_B This button is used for entering hexadecimal numbers. Shortcut from keyboard: B .topic IDH_BUTTON_C This button is used for entering hexadecimal numbers. Shortcut from keyboard: C .topic IDH_BUTTON_D This button is used for entering hexadecimal numbers. Shortcut from keyboard: D .topic IDH_BUTTON_E This button is used for entering hexadecimal numbers. Shortcut from keyboard: E .topic IDH_BUTTON_F This button is used for entering hexadecimal numbers. Shortcut from keyboard: F .topic IDH_BUTTON_SIGN It changes the sign of the number. Shortcut from keyboard: F9 .topic IDH_BUTTON_DOT It adds the decimal point for a decimal number. Shortcut from keyboard: , or . .topic IDH_BUTTON_ADD Addition Shortcut from keyboard: + .topic IDH_BUTTON_SUB Subtraction Shortcut from keyboard: - .topic IDH_BUTTON_MULT Multiplication Shortcut from keyboard: * .topic IDH_BUTTON_DIV Division Shortcut from keyboard: / .topic IDH_BUTTON_EQU It resolves the current calculation and all sub expressions. Shortcut from keyboard: = .topic IDH_BUTTON_MOD Remainder of an integer division. Shortcut from keyboard: % .topic IDH_BUTTON_AND Logical "and". Shortcut from keyboard: & .topic IDH_BUTTON_OR Logical "or". Shortcut from keyboard: | .topic IDH_BUTTON_XOR Logical exclusive "or". Shortcut from keyboard: ^ .topic IDH_BUTTON_LSH Logical shift to left. Shortcut from keyboard: < .topic IDH_BUTTON_NOT Logical bit inversion. Shortcut from keyboard: ~ .topic IDH_BUTTON_INT It isolates the Integer or fractional part of a number. Shortcut from keyboard: ; .topic IDH_BUTTON_MC It deletes the memory. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-L .topic IDH_BUTTON_MR It recalls a previously stored number from the memory. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-R .topic IDH_BUTTON_MS It stores a number into the memory and it eventually transfers the previous value to the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-M .topic IDH_BUTTON_MP It adds or it subtracts the value into the output display to the memory. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-P .topic IDH_BUTTON_PI It loads the pi or 2*pi value into the output display. Shortcut from keyboard: P .topic IDH_BUTTON_LEFTPAR It starts a new sub expression. Shortcut from keyboard: ( .topic IDH_BUTTON_RIGHTPAR It closes and it resolves a sub expression. Shortcut from keyboard: ) .topic IDH_BUTTON_DMS It converts a decimal degree to a decimal-minute-second degree and viceversa. Shortcut from keyboard: M .topic IDH_BUTTON_EXP It enables the temporary scientific notation. Shortcut from keyboard: X .topic IDH_BUTTON_LN It calculates the natural logarithm. Natural anti logarithm calculation is activated by Inv modifier. Shortcut from keyboard: N .topic IDH_BUTTON_LOG It calculates the decimal logarithm. Decimal anti logarithm calculation is activated by Inv modifier. Shortcut from keyboard: L .topic IDH_BUTTON_NF It calculates the factorial of a number. Shortcut from keyboard: ! .topic IDH_BUTTON_RX It calculates the reciprocal of a number. Shortcut from keyboard: R .topic IDH_BUTTON_SIN It calculates the sine, hyperbolic sine, arcsine or the hyperbolic arcsine of an angle. Shortcut from keyboard: S .topic IDH_BUTTON_COS It calculates the cosine, hyperbolic cosine, arcsine or the hyperbolic arccosine of an angle. Shortcut from keyboard: O .topic IDH_BUTTON_TAN It calculates the tangent, hyperbolic tangent, arcstangent or the hyperbolic arctangent of an angle. Shortcut from keyboard: T .topic IDH_BUTTON_XeY It calculates the power of X to Y. With the Inv modifier, it calculates the Yth root of X. Shortcut from keyboard: Y .topic IDH_BUTTON_Xe2 It calculates the square of X. With the Inv modifier, it calculates the square root of X. Shortcut from keyboard: @ .topic IDH_BUTTON_Xe3 It calculates the cube of X. With the Inv modifier, it calculates the cubic root of X. Shortcut from keyboard: $ .topic IDH_BUTTON_STA It enables the statistical window and its functions. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-S .topic IDH_BUTTON_AVE It calculates the arithmetic average of the numbers stored into the statistical box. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-A .topic IDH_BUTTON_SUM It calculates the sum of the numbers stored into the statistical box. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-T .topic IDH_BUTTON_S It calculates the standard deviation of the numbers stores into the statistical box. Shortcut from keyboard: CTRL-D .topic IDH_BUTTON_DAT It inserts a new number into the statistical box Shortcut from keyboard: Insert .topic IDH_BUTTON_PERCENT It executes the calculation with percent mode. Shortcut from keyboard: % .topic IDH_BUTTON_SQRT It calculates the square root of a number. Shortcut from keyboard: @