/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS User API Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/winsrv/shutdown.c * PURPOSE: Logout/shutdown * PROGRAMMERS: */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "winsrv.h" #include #define NDEBUG #include static HWND LogonNotifyWindow = NULL; static ULONG_PTR LogonProcessId = 0; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /* NTSTATUS FASTCALL Win32CsrEnumProcesses(CSRSS_ENUM_PROCESS_PROC EnumProc, PVOID Context) { return CsrEnumProcesses(EnumProc, Context); } */ CSR_API(SrvRegisterLogonProcess) { PCSRSS_REGISTER_LOGON_PROCESS RegisterLogonProcessRequest = &((PUSER_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.RegisterLogonProcessRequest; if (RegisterLogonProcessRequest->Register) { if (LogonProcessId != 0) return STATUS_LOGON_SESSION_EXISTS; LogonProcessId = RegisterLogonProcessRequest->ProcessId; } else { if (ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess != (HANDLE)LogonProcessId) { DPRINT1("Current logon process 0x%x, can't deregister from process 0x%x\n", LogonProcessId, ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess); return STATUS_NOT_LOGON_PROCESS; } LogonProcessId = 0; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /// HACK: ReactOS-specific CSR_API(RosSetLogonNotifyWindow) { PCSRSS_SET_LOGON_NOTIFY_WINDOW SetLogonNotifyWindowRequest = &((PUSER_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.SetLogonNotifyWindowRequest; DWORD WindowCreator; if (0 == GetWindowThreadProcessId(SetLogonNotifyWindowRequest->LogonNotifyWindow, &WindowCreator)) { DPRINT1("Can't get window creator\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (WindowCreator != LogonProcessId) { DPRINT1("Trying to register window not created by winlogon as notify window\n"); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } LogonNotifyWindow = SetLogonNotifyWindowRequest->LogonNotifyWindow; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } typedef struct tagSHUTDOWN_SETTINGS { BOOL AutoEndTasks; DWORD HungAppTimeout; DWORD WaitToKillAppTimeout; } SHUTDOWN_SETTINGS, *PSHUTDOWN_SETTINGS; #define DEFAULT_AUTO_END_TASKS FALSE #define DEFAULT_HUNG_APP_TIMEOUT 5000 #define DEFAULT_WAIT_TO_KILL_APP_TIMEOUT 20000 typedef struct tagNOTIFY_CONTEXT { DWORD ProcessId; UINT Msg; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; HDESK Desktop; DWORD StartTime; DWORD QueryResult; HWND Dlg; DWORD EndNowResult; BOOL ShowUI; HANDLE UIThread; HWND WndClient; PSHUTDOWN_SETTINGS ShutdownSettings; LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE SendMessageProc; } NOTIFY_CONTEXT, *PNOTIFY_CONTEXT; #define QUERY_RESULT_ABORT 0 #define QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE 1 #define QUERY_RESULT_TIMEOUT 2 #define QUERY_RESULT_ERROR 3 #define QUERY_RESULT_FORCE 4 static void FASTCALL UpdateProgressBar(HWND ProgressBar, PNOTIFY_CONTEXT NotifyContext) { DWORD Passed; Passed = GetTickCount() - NotifyContext->StartTime; Passed -= NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->HungAppTimeout; if (NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout < Passed) { Passed = NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout; } SendMessageW(ProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, Passed / 2, 0); } static INT_PTR CALLBACK EndNowDlgProc(HWND Dlg, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR Result; PNOTIFY_CONTEXT NotifyContext; HWND ProgressBar; DWORD TitleLength; int Len; LPWSTR Title; switch(Msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: NotifyContext = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) lParam; NotifyContext->EndNowResult = QUERY_RESULT_ABORT; SetWindowLongPtrW(Dlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) lParam); TitleLength = SendMessageW(NotifyContext->WndClient, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0) + GetWindowTextLengthW(Dlg); Title = HeapAlloc(UserSrvHeap, 0, (TitleLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL != Title) { Len = GetWindowTextW(Dlg, Title, TitleLength + 1); SendMessageW(NotifyContext->WndClient, WM_GETTEXT, TitleLength + 1 - Len, (LPARAM) (Title + Len)); SetWindowTextW(Dlg, Title); HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, Title); } ProgressBar = GetDlgItem(Dlg, IDC_PROGRESS); SendMessageW(ProgressBar, PBM_SETRANGE32, 0, NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout / 2); UpdateProgressBar(ProgressBar, NotifyContext); SetTimer(Dlg, 0, 200, NULL); Result = FALSE; break; case WM_TIMER: NotifyContext = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) GetWindowLongPtrW(Dlg, DWLP_USER); ProgressBar = GetDlgItem(Dlg, IDC_PROGRESS); UpdateProgressBar(ProgressBar, NotifyContext); Result = TRUE; break; case WM_COMMAND: if (BN_CLICKED == HIWORD(wParam) && IDC_END_NOW == LOWORD(wParam)) { NotifyContext = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) GetWindowLongPtrW(Dlg, DWLP_USER); NotifyContext->EndNowResult = QUERY_RESULT_FORCE; SendMessageW(Dlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); Result = TRUE; } else { Result = FALSE; } break; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(Dlg); Result = TRUE; break; case WM_DESTROY: NotifyContext = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) GetWindowLongPtrW(Dlg, DWLP_USER); NotifyContext->Dlg = NULL; KillTimer(Dlg, 0); PostQuitMessage(NotifyContext->EndNowResult); Result = TRUE; break; default: Result = FALSE; break; } return Result; } typedef void (WINAPI *INITCOMMONCONTROLS_PROC)(void); static void CallInitCommonControls() { static BOOL Initialized = FALSE; HMODULE Lib; INITCOMMONCONTROLS_PROC InitProc; if (Initialized) { return; } Lib = LoadLibraryW(L"COMCTL32.DLL"); if (NULL == Lib) { return; } InitProc = (INITCOMMONCONTROLS_PROC) GetProcAddress(Lib, "InitCommonControls"); if (NULL == InitProc) { return; } (*InitProc)(); Initialized = TRUE; } static DWORD WINAPI EndNowThreadProc(LPVOID Parameter) { PNOTIFY_CONTEXT NotifyContext = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) Parameter; MSG Msg; SetThreadDesktop(NotifyContext->Desktop); SwitchDesktop(NotifyContext->Desktop); CallInitCommonControls(); NotifyContext->Dlg = CreateDialogParam(UserSrvDllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_END_NOW), NULL, EndNowDlgProc, (LPARAM) NotifyContext); if (NULL == NotifyContext->Dlg) { return 0; } ShowWindow(NotifyContext->Dlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL); while (GetMessageW(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (! IsDialogMessage(NotifyContext->Dlg, &Msg)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessageW(&Msg); } } return Msg.wParam; } typedef struct tagMESSAGE_CONTEXT { HWND Wnd; UINT Msg; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; DWORD Timeout; } MESSAGE_CONTEXT, *PMESSAGE_CONTEXT; static DWORD WINAPI SendQueryEndSession(LPVOID Parameter) { PMESSAGE_CONTEXT Context = (PMESSAGE_CONTEXT) Parameter; DWORD_PTR Result; if (SendMessageTimeoutW(Context->Wnd, WM_QUERYENDSESSION, Context->wParam, Context->lParam, SMTO_NORMAL, Context->Timeout, &Result)) { return Result ? QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE : QUERY_RESULT_ABORT; } return 0 == GetLastError() ? QUERY_RESULT_TIMEOUT : QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } static DWORD WINAPI SendEndSession(LPVOID Parameter) { PMESSAGE_CONTEXT Context = (PMESSAGE_CONTEXT) Parameter; DWORD_PTR Result; if (Context->wParam) { if (SendMessageTimeoutW(Context->Wnd, WM_ENDSESSION, Context->wParam, Context->lParam, SMTO_NORMAL, Context->Timeout, &Result)) { return QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE; } return 0 == GetLastError() ? QUERY_RESULT_TIMEOUT : QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } else { SendMessage(Context->Wnd, WM_ENDSESSION, Context->wParam, Context->lParam); return QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE; } } static BOOL CALLBACK NotifyTopLevelEnum(HWND Wnd, LPARAM lParam) { PNOTIFY_CONTEXT NotifyContext = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) lParam; MESSAGE_CONTEXT MessageContext; DWORD Now, Passed; DWORD Timeout, WaitStatus; DWORD ProcessId; HANDLE MessageThread; HANDLE Threads[2]; if (0 == GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, &ProcessId)) { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; return FALSE; } if (ProcessId == NotifyContext->ProcessId) { Now = GetTickCount(); if (0 == NotifyContext->StartTime) { NotifyContext->StartTime = Now; } /* Note: Passed is computed correctly even when GetTickCount() wraps due to unsigned arithmetic */ Passed = Now - NotifyContext->StartTime; MessageContext.Wnd = Wnd; MessageContext.Msg = NotifyContext->Msg; MessageContext.wParam = NotifyContext->wParam; MessageContext.lParam = NotifyContext->lParam; MessageContext.Timeout = NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->HungAppTimeout; if (! NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->AutoEndTasks) { MessageContext.Timeout += NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout; } if (Passed < MessageContext.Timeout) { MessageContext.Timeout -= Passed; MessageThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, NotifyContext->SendMessageProc, (LPVOID) &MessageContext, 0, NULL); if (NULL == MessageThread) { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; return FALSE; } Timeout = NotifyContext->ShutdownSettings->HungAppTimeout; if (Passed < Timeout) { Timeout -= Passed; WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObjectEx(MessageThread, Timeout, FALSE); } else { WaitStatus = WAIT_TIMEOUT; } if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitStatus) { NotifyContext->WndClient = Wnd; if (NULL == NotifyContext->UIThread && NotifyContext->ShowUI) { NotifyContext->UIThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, EndNowThreadProc, (LPVOID) NotifyContext, 0, NULL); } Threads[0] = MessageThread; Threads[1] = NotifyContext->UIThread; WaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(NULL == NotifyContext->UIThread ? 1 : 2, Threads, FALSE, INFINITE, FALSE); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitStatus) { if (! GetExitCodeThread(MessageThread, &NotifyContext->QueryResult)) { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 == WaitStatus) { if (! GetExitCodeThread(NotifyContext->UIThread, &NotifyContext->QueryResult)) { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } } else { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitStatus) { TerminateThread(MessageThread, QUERY_RESULT_TIMEOUT); } } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitStatus) { if (! GetExitCodeThread(MessageThread, &NotifyContext->QueryResult)) { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } } else { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; } CloseHandle(MessageThread); } else { NotifyContext->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_TIMEOUT; } } return QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE == NotifyContext->QueryResult; } static BOOL CALLBACK NotifyDesktopEnum(LPWSTR DesktopName, LPARAM lParam) { PNOTIFY_CONTEXT Context = (PNOTIFY_CONTEXT) lParam; Context->Desktop = OpenDesktopW(DesktopName, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ENUMERATE | DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP); if (NULL == Context->Desktop) { DPRINT1("OpenDesktop failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); Context->QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_ERROR; return FALSE; } EnumDesktopWindows(Context->Desktop, NotifyTopLevelEnum, lParam); CloseDesktop(Context->Desktop); return QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE == Context->QueryResult; } static BOOL FASTCALL NotifyTopLevelWindows(PNOTIFY_CONTEXT Context) { HWINSTA WindowStation; WindowStation = GetProcessWindowStation(); if (NULL == WindowStation) { DPRINT1("GetProcessWindowStation failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); return TRUE; } EnumDesktopsW(WindowStation, NotifyDesktopEnum, (LPARAM) Context); return TRUE; } /*** Taken from win32ss/user/consrv/console.c ***/ BOOL FASTCALL DtbgIsDesktopVisible(VOID) { HWND VisibleDesktopWindow = GetDesktopWindow(); // DESKTOPWNDPROC if (VisibleDesktopWindow != NULL && !IsWindowVisible(VisibleDesktopWindow)) { VisibleDesktopWindow = NULL; } return VisibleDesktopWindow != NULL; } /* TODO: Find another way to do it. */ #if 0 VOID FASTCALL ConioConsoleCtrlEventTimeout(DWORD Event, PCSR_PROCESS ProcessData, DWORD Timeout) { HANDLE Thread; DPRINT("ConioConsoleCtrlEvent Parent ProcessId = %x\n", ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess); if (ProcessData->CtrlDispatcher) { Thread = CreateRemoteThread(ProcessData->ProcessHandle, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ProcessData->CtrlDispatcher, UlongToPtr(Event), 0, NULL); if (NULL == Thread) { DPRINT1("Failed thread creation (Error: 0x%x)\n", GetLastError()); return; } WaitForSingleObject(Thread, Timeout); CloseHandle(Thread); } } #endif /************************************************/ static BOOL FASTCALL NotifyAndTerminateProcess(PCSR_PROCESS ProcessData, PSHUTDOWN_SETTINGS ShutdownSettings, UINT Flags) { NOTIFY_CONTEXT Context; HANDLE Process; DWORD QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE; Context.QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE; if (0 == (Flags & EWX_FORCE)) { // TODO: Find in an other way whether or not the process has a console. #if 0 if (NULL != ProcessData->Console) { ConioConsoleCtrlEventTimeout(CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, ProcessData, ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout); } else #endif { Context.ProcessId = (DWORD_PTR) ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess; Context.wParam = 0; Context.lParam = (0 != (Flags & EWX_INTERNAL_FLAG_LOGOFF) ? ENDSESSION_LOGOFF : 0); Context.StartTime = 0; Context.UIThread = NULL; Context.ShowUI = DtbgIsDesktopVisible(); Context.Dlg = NULL; Context.ShutdownSettings = ShutdownSettings; Context.SendMessageProc = SendQueryEndSession; NotifyTopLevelWindows(&Context); Context.wParam = (QUERY_RESULT_ABORT != Context.QueryResult); Context.lParam = (0 != (Flags & EWX_INTERNAL_FLAG_LOGOFF) ? ENDSESSION_LOGOFF : 0); Context.SendMessageProc = SendEndSession; Context.ShowUI = DtbgIsDesktopVisible() && (QUERY_RESULT_ABORT != Context.QueryResult); QueryResult = Context.QueryResult; Context.QueryResult = QUERY_RESULT_CONTINUE; NotifyTopLevelWindows(&Context); if (NULL != Context.UIThread) { if (NULL != Context.Dlg) { SendMessageW(Context.Dlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } else { TerminateThread(Context.UIThread, QUERY_RESULT_ERROR); } CloseHandle(Context.UIThread); } } if (QUERY_RESULT_ABORT == QueryResult) { return FALSE; } } /* Terminate this process */ Process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, (DWORD_PTR) ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess); if (NULL == Process) { DPRINT1("Unable to open process %d, error %d\n", ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess, GetLastError()); return TRUE; } TerminateProcess(Process, 0); CloseHandle(Process); return TRUE; } typedef struct tagPROCESS_ENUM_CONTEXT { UINT ProcessCount; PCSR_PROCESS *ProcessData; TOKEN_ORIGIN TokenOrigin; DWORD ShellProcess; DWORD CsrssProcess; } PROCESS_ENUM_CONTEXT, *PPROCESS_ENUM_CONTEXT; #if 0 static NTSTATUS WINAPI ExitReactosProcessEnum(PCSR_PROCESS ProcessData, PVOID Data) { HANDLE Process; HANDLE Token; TOKEN_ORIGIN Origin; DWORD ReturnLength; PPROCESS_ENUM_CONTEXT Context = (PPROCESS_ENUM_CONTEXT) Data; PCSR_PROCESS *NewData; /* Do not kill winlogon or csrss */ if ((DWORD_PTR) ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess == Context->CsrssProcess || ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess == LogonProcessId) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Get the login session of this process */ Process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, (DWORD_PTR) ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess); if (NULL == Process) { DPRINT1("Unable to open process %d, error %d\n", ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess, GetLastError()); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (! OpenProcessToken(Process, TOKEN_QUERY, &Token)) { DPRINT1("Unable to open token for process %d, error %d\n", ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(Process); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } CloseHandle(Process); if (! GetTokenInformation(Token, TokenOrigin, &Origin, sizeof(TOKEN_ORIGIN), &ReturnLength)) { DPRINT1("GetTokenInformation failed for process %d with error %d\n", ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(Token); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } CloseHandle(Token); /* This process will be killed if it's in the correct logon session */ if (RtlEqualLuid(&(Context->TokenOrigin.OriginatingLogonSession), &(Origin.OriginatingLogonSession))) { /* Kill the shell process last */ if ((DWORD_PTR) ProcessData->ClientId.UniqueProcess == Context->ShellProcess) { ProcessData->ShutdownLevel = 0; } NewData = HeapAlloc(UserSrvHeap, 0, (Context->ProcessCount + 1) * sizeof(PCSR_PROCESS)); if (NULL == NewData) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (0 != Context->ProcessCount) { memcpy(NewData, Context->ProcessData, Context->ProcessCount * sizeof(PCSR_PROCESS)); HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, Context->ProcessData); } Context->ProcessData = NewData; Context->ProcessData[Context->ProcessCount] = ProcessData; Context->ProcessCount++; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif static int ProcessDataCompare(const void *Elem1, const void *Elem2) { const PCSR_PROCESS *ProcessData1 = (PCSR_PROCESS *) Elem1; const PCSR_PROCESS *ProcessData2 = (PCSR_PROCESS *) Elem2; if ((*ProcessData1)->ShutdownLevel < (*ProcessData2)->ShutdownLevel) { return +1; } else if ((*ProcessData2)->ShutdownLevel < (*ProcessData1)->ShutdownLevel) { return -1; } else if ((*ProcessData1)->ClientId.UniqueProcess < (*ProcessData2)->ClientId.UniqueProcess) { return +1; } else if ((*ProcessData2)->ClientId.UniqueProcess < (*ProcessData1)->ClientId.UniqueProcess) { return -1; } return 0; } static DWORD FASTCALL GetShutdownSetting(HKEY DesktopKey, LPCWSTR ValueName, DWORD DefaultValue) { BYTE ValueBuffer[16]; LONG ErrCode; DWORD Type; DWORD ValueSize; UNICODE_STRING StringValue; ULONG Value; ValueSize = sizeof(ValueBuffer); ErrCode = RegQueryValueExW(DesktopKey, ValueName, NULL, &Type, ValueBuffer, &ValueSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrCode) { DPRINT("GetShutdownSetting for %S failed with error code %ld\n", ValueName, ErrCode); return DefaultValue; } if (REG_SZ == Type) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&StringValue, (LPCWSTR) ValueBuffer); if (! NT_SUCCESS(RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&StringValue, 10, &Value))) { DPRINT1("Unable to convert value %S for setting %S\n", StringValue.Buffer, ValueName); return DefaultValue; } return (DWORD) Value; } else if (REG_DWORD == Type) { return *((DWORD *) ValueBuffer); } DPRINT1("Unexpected registry type %d for setting %S\n", Type, ValueName); return DefaultValue; } static void FASTCALL LoadShutdownSettings(PSID Sid, PSHUTDOWN_SETTINGS ShutdownSettings) { static WCHAR Subkey[] = L"\\Control Panel\\Desktop"; LPWSTR StringSid; WCHAR InitialKeyName[128]; LPWSTR KeyName; HKEY DesktopKey; LONG ErrCode; ShutdownSettings->AutoEndTasks = DEFAULT_AUTO_END_TASKS; ShutdownSettings->HungAppTimeout = DEFAULT_HUNG_APP_TIMEOUT; ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout = DEFAULT_WAIT_TO_KILL_APP_TIMEOUT; if (! ConvertSidToStringSidW(Sid, &StringSid)) { DPRINT1("ConvertSidToStringSid failed with error %d, using default shutdown settings\n", GetLastError()); return; } if (wcslen(StringSid) + wcslen(Subkey) + 1 <= sizeof(InitialKeyName) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { KeyName = InitialKeyName; } else { KeyName = HeapAlloc(UserSrvHeap, 0, (wcslen(StringSid) + wcslen(Subkey) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == KeyName) { DPRINT1("Failed to allocate memory, using default shutdown settings\n"); LocalFree(StringSid); return; } } wcscat(wcscpy(KeyName, StringSid), Subkey); LocalFree(StringSid); ErrCode = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_USERS, KeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &DesktopKey); if (KeyName != InitialKeyName) { HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, KeyName); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrCode) { DPRINT1("RegOpenKeyEx failed with error %ld, using default shutdown settings\n", ErrCode); return; } ShutdownSettings->AutoEndTasks = (BOOL) GetShutdownSetting(DesktopKey, L"AutoEndTasks", (DWORD) DEFAULT_AUTO_END_TASKS); ShutdownSettings->HungAppTimeout = GetShutdownSetting(DesktopKey, L"HungAppTimeout", DEFAULT_HUNG_APP_TIMEOUT); ShutdownSettings->WaitToKillAppTimeout = GetShutdownSetting(DesktopKey, L"WaitToKillAppTimeout", DEFAULT_WAIT_TO_KILL_APP_TIMEOUT); RegCloseKey(DesktopKey); } static NTSTATUS FASTCALL InternalExitReactos(DWORD ProcessId, DWORD ThreadId, UINT Flags) { HANDLE CallerThread; HANDLE CallerToken; NTSTATUS Status; PROCESS_ENUM_CONTEXT Context; DWORD ReturnLength; HWND ShellWnd; UINT ProcessIndex; char FixedUserInfo[64]; TOKEN_USER *UserInfo; SHUTDOWN_SETTINGS ShutdownSettings; if (ProcessId != (DWORD_PTR) LogonProcessId) { DPRINT1("Internal ExitWindowsEx call not from winlogon\n"); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } DPRINT1("FIXME: Need to close all user processes!\n"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; CallerThread = OpenThread(THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, ThreadId); if (NULL == CallerThread) { DPRINT1("OpenThread failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (! OpenThreadToken(CallerThread, TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &CallerToken)) { DPRINT1("OpenThreadToken failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(CallerThread); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } CloseHandle(CallerThread); Context.ProcessCount = 0; Context.ProcessData = NULL; if (! GetTokenInformation(CallerToken, TokenOrigin, &Context.TokenOrigin, sizeof(TOKEN_ORIGIN), &ReturnLength)) { DPRINT1("GetTokenInformation failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(CallerToken); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (! GetTokenInformation(CallerToken, TokenUser, FixedUserInfo, sizeof(FixedUserInfo), &ReturnLength)) { if (sizeof(FixedUserInfo) < ReturnLength) { UserInfo = HeapAlloc(UserSrvHeap, 0, ReturnLength); if (NULL == UserInfo) { DPRINT1("Unable to allocate %u bytes for user info\n", (unsigned) ReturnLength); CloseHandle(CallerToken); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (! GetTokenInformation(CallerToken, TokenUser, UserInfo, ReturnLength, &ReturnLength)) { DPRINT1("GetTokenInformation failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, UserInfo); CloseHandle(CallerToken); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else { DPRINT1("GetTokenInformation failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(CallerToken); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else { UserInfo = (TOKEN_USER *) FixedUserInfo; } CloseHandle(CallerToken); LoadShutdownSettings(UserInfo->User.Sid, &ShutdownSettings); if (UserInfo != (TOKEN_USER *) FixedUserInfo) { HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, UserInfo); } Context.CsrssProcess = GetCurrentProcessId(); ShellWnd = GetShellWindow(); if (NULL == ShellWnd) { DPRINT("No shell present\n"); Context.ShellProcess = 0; } else if (0 == GetWindowThreadProcessId(ShellWnd, &Context.ShellProcess)) { DPRINT1("Can't get process id of shell window\n"); Context.ShellProcess = 0; } // Status = Win32CsrEnumProcesses(ExitReactosProcessEnum, &Context); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to enumerate registered processes, status 0x%x\n", Status); if (NULL != Context.ProcessData) { HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, Context.ProcessData); } return Status; } qsort(Context.ProcessData, Context.ProcessCount, sizeof(PCSR_PROCESS), ProcessDataCompare); /* Terminate processes, stop if we find one kicking and screaming it doesn't want to die */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; for (ProcessIndex = 0; ProcessIndex < Context.ProcessCount && NT_SUCCESS(Status); ProcessIndex++) { if (! NotifyAndTerminateProcess(Context.ProcessData[ProcessIndex], &ShutdownSettings, Flags)) { Status = STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED; } } /* Cleanup */ if (NULL != Context.ProcessData) { HeapFree(UserSrvHeap, 0, Context.ProcessData); } return Status; } static NTSTATUS FASTCALL UserExitReactos(DWORD UserProcessId, UINT Flags) { NTSTATUS Status; if (NULL == LogonNotifyWindow) { DPRINT1("No LogonNotifyWindow registered\n"); return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } /* FIXME Inside 2000 says we should impersonate the caller here */ Status = SendMessageW(LogonNotifyWindow, PM_WINLOGON_EXITWINDOWS, (WPARAM) UserProcessId, (LPARAM) Flags); /* If the message isn't handled, the return value is 0, so 0 doesn't indicate success. Success is indicated by a 1 return value, if anything besides 0 or 1 it's a NTSTATUS value */ if (1 == Status) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (0 == Status) { Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return Status; } CSR_API(SrvExitWindowsEx) { PCSRSS_EXIT_REACTOS ExitReactosRequest = &((PUSER_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.ExitReactosRequest; if (0 == (ExitReactosRequest->Flags & EWX_INTERNAL_FLAG)) { return UserExitReactos((DWORD_PTR) ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess, ExitReactosRequest->Flags); } else { return InternalExitReactos((DWORD_PTR) ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess, (DWORD_PTR) ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueThread, ExitReactosRequest->Flags); } } /* EOF */