/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: User Atom helper routines * FILE: subsys/win32k/ntuser/useratom.c * PROGRAMER: Filip Navara */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserMisc); RTL_ATOM FASTCALL IntAddAtom(LPWSTR AtomName) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PTHREADINFO pti; RTL_ATOM Atom; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (pti->rpdesk == NULL) { SetLastNtError(Status); return (RTL_ATOM)0; } Status = RtlAddAtomToAtomTable(gAtomTable, AtomName, &Atom); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); return (RTL_ATOM)0; } return Atom; } ULONG FASTCALL IntGetAtomName(RTL_ATOM nAtom, LPWSTR lpBuffer, ULONG cjBufSize) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PTHREADINFO pti; ULONG Size = cjBufSize; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (pti->rpdesk == NULL) { SetLastNtError(Status); return 0; } Status = RtlQueryAtomInAtomTable(gAtomTable, nAtom, NULL, NULL, lpBuffer, &Size); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); return 0; } return Size; } RTL_ATOM FASTCALL IntAddGlobalAtom(LPWSTR lpBuffer, BOOL PinAtom) { RTL_ATOM Atom; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Status = RtlAddAtomToAtomTable(gAtomTable, lpBuffer, &Atom); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Error init Global Atom.\n"); return 0; } if ( Atom && PinAtom ) RtlPinAtomInAtomTable(gAtomTable, Atom); return Atom; } /*! * \brief Returns the name of an atom. * * \param atom - The atom to be queried. * \param pustrName - Pointer to an initialized UNICODE_STRING that receives * the name of the atom. The function does not update the Length member. The string is always NULL-terminated. * * \return The length of the name in characters, or 0 if the function fails. * * \note The function does not aquire any global lock, since synchronisation is * handled by the RtlAtom function. */ _Success_(return!=0) _At_(pustrName->Buffer, _Out_z_bytecap_post_bytecount_(pustrName->MaximumLength, return*2+2)) ULONG APIENTRY NtUserGetAtomName( _In_ ATOM atom, _Inout_ PUNICODE_STRING pustrName) { WCHAR awcBuffer[256]; ULONG cjLength; /* Retrieve the atom name into a local buffer (max length is 255 chars) */ cjLength = IntGetAtomName((RTL_ATOM)atom, awcBuffer, sizeof(awcBuffer)); if (cjLength != 0) { _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the unicode string and the buffer */ ProbeForRead(pustrName, sizeof(*pustrName), 1); ProbeForWrite(pustrName->Buffer, pustrName->MaximumLength, 1); /* Check if we have enough space to write the NULL termination */ if (pustrName->MaximumLength >= sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)) { /* Limit the length to the buffer size */ cjLength = min(pustrName->MaximumLength - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL), cjLength); /* Copy the string and NULL terminate it */ RtlCopyMemory(pustrName->Buffer, awcBuffer, cjLength); pustrName->Buffer[cjLength / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; } else { cjLength = 0; } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* On exception, set last error and fail */ SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); cjLength = 0; } _SEH2_END } /* Return the length in characters */ return cjLength / sizeof(WCHAR); } /* EOF */