/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/consrv/coninput.c * PURPOSE: Console I/O functions * PROGRAMMERS: */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "consrv.h" #include "conio.h" #include "tuiconsole.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ #define ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(Console, dChar, sWChar) \ WideCharToMultiByte((Console)->CodePage, 0, (sWChar), 1, (dChar), 1, NULL, NULL) #define ConsoleInputAnsiCharToUnicodeChar(Console, dWChar, sChar) \ MultiByteToWideChar((Console)->CodePage, 0, (sChar), 1, (dWChar), 1) typedef struct _GET_INPUT_INFO { PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData; PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; } GET_INPUT_INFO, *PGET_INPUT_INFO; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static VOID FASTCALL ConioInputEventToAnsi(PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console, PINPUT_RECORD InputEvent) { if (InputEvent->EventType == KEY_EVENT) { WCHAR UnicodeChar = InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = 0; ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(Console, &InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar, &UnicodeChar); } } static NTSTATUS FASTCALL ConioProcessChar(PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console, PINPUT_RECORD InputEvent) { ConsoleInput *ConInRec; /* Check for pause or unpause */ if (InputEvent->EventType == KEY_EVENT && InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { WORD vk = InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode; if (!(Console->PauseFlags & PAUSED_FROM_KEYBOARD)) { DWORD cks = InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState; if (Console->Mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT && (vk == VK_PAUSE || (vk == 'S' && (cks & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) && !(cks & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED))))) { ConioPause(Console, PAUSED_FROM_KEYBOARD); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { if ((vk < VK_SHIFT || vk > VK_CAPITAL) && vk != VK_LWIN && vk != VK_RWIN && vk != VK_NUMLOCK && vk != VK_SCROLL) { ConioUnpause(Console, PAUSED_FROM_KEYBOARD); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } /* add event to the queue */ ConInRec = RtlAllocateHeap(ConSrvHeap, 0, sizeof(ConsoleInput)); if (ConInRec == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ConInRec->InputEvent = *InputEvent; InsertTailList(&Console->InputEvents, &ConInRec->ListEntry); SetEvent(Console->ActiveEvent); CsrNotifyWait(&Console->ReadWaitQueue, WaitAny, NULL, NULL); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static DWORD FASTCALL ConioGetShiftState(PBYTE KeyState) { DWORD ssOut = 0; if (KeyState[VK_CAPITAL] & 1) ssOut |= CAPSLOCK_ON; if (KeyState[VK_NUMLOCK] & 1) ssOut |= NUMLOCK_ON; if (KeyState[VK_SCROLL] & 1) ssOut |= SCROLLLOCK_ON; if (KeyState[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80) ssOut |= SHIFT_PRESSED; if (KeyState[VK_LCONTROL] & 0x80) ssOut |= LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED; if (KeyState[VK_RCONTROL] & 0x80) ssOut |= RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED; if (KeyState[VK_LMENU] & 0x80) ssOut |= LEFT_ALT_PRESSED; if (KeyState[VK_RMENU] & 0x80) ssOut |= RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED; return ssOut; } VOID WINAPI ConioProcessKey(MSG *msg, PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console, BOOL TextMode) { static BYTE KeyState[256] = { 0 }; /* MSDN mentions that you should use the last virtual key code received * when putting a virtual key identity to a WM_CHAR message since multiple * or translated keys may be involved. */ static UINT LastVirtualKey = 0; DWORD ShiftState; UINT RepeatCount; WCHAR UnicodeChar; UINT VirtualKeyCode; UINT VirtualScanCode; BOOL Down = FALSE; INPUT_RECORD er; BOOLEAN Fake; // synthesized, not a real event BOOLEAN NotChar; // message should not be used to return a character RepeatCount = 1; VirtualScanCode = (msg->lParam >> 16) & 0xff; Down = msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || msg->message == WM_CHAR || msg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN || msg->message == WM_SYSCHAR; GetKeyboardState(KeyState); ShiftState = ConioGetShiftState(KeyState); if (msg->message == WM_CHAR || msg->message == WM_SYSCHAR) { VirtualKeyCode = LastVirtualKey; UnicodeChar = msg->wParam; } else { WCHAR Chars[2]; INT RetChars = 0; VirtualKeyCode = msg->wParam; RetChars = ToUnicodeEx(VirtualKeyCode, VirtualScanCode, KeyState, Chars, 2, 0, 0); UnicodeChar = (1 == RetChars ? Chars[0] : 0); } er.EventType = KEY_EVENT; er.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = Down; er.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = RepeatCount; er.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = UnicodeChar; er.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = ShiftState; er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = VirtualKeyCode; er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode = VirtualScanCode; if (TextMode) { if (0 != (ShiftState & (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED | LEFT_ALT_PRESSED)) && VK_TAB == VirtualKeyCode) { if (Down) { TuiSwapConsole(ShiftState & SHIFT_PRESSED ? -1 : 1); } return; } else if (VK_MENU == VirtualKeyCode && ! Down) { if (TuiSwapConsole(0)) { return; } } } else { if ((ShiftState & (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED | LEFT_ALT_PRESSED) || KeyState[VK_MENU] & 0x80) && (VirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE || VirtualKeyCode == VK_TAB || VirtualKeyCode == VK_SPACE)) { DefWindowProcW( msg->hwnd, msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam); return; } } if (NULL == Console) { DPRINT1("No Active Console!\n"); return; } Fake = UnicodeChar && (msg->message != WM_CHAR && msg->message != WM_SYSCHAR && msg->message != WM_KEYUP && msg->message != WM_SYSKEYUP); NotChar = (msg->message != WM_CHAR && msg->message != WM_SYSCHAR); if (NotChar) LastVirtualKey = msg->wParam; DPRINT("CONSRV: %s %s %s %s %02x %02x '%lc' %04x\n", Down ? "down" : "up ", (msg->message == WM_CHAR || msg->message == WM_SYSCHAR) ? "char" : "key ", Fake ? "fake" : "real", NotChar ? "notc" : "char", VirtualScanCode, VirtualKeyCode, (UnicodeChar >= L' ') ? UnicodeChar : L'.', ShiftState); if (Fake) return; /* process Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break */ if (Console->Mode & ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT && er.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown && ((er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_PAUSE) || (er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'C')) && (er.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) || KeyState[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80)) { PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA current; PLIST_ENTRY current_entry; DPRINT1("Console_Api Ctrl-C\n"); current_entry = Console->ProcessList.Flink; while (current_entry != &Console->ProcessList) { current = CONTAINING_RECORD(current_entry, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); current_entry = current_entry->Flink; ConioConsoleCtrlEvent((DWORD)CTRL_C_EVENT, current); } if (Console->LineBuffer && !Console->LineComplete) { /* Line input is in progress; end it */ Console->LinePos = Console->LineSize = 0; Console->LineComplete = TRUE; } return; } if (0 != (er.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED | LEFT_ALT_PRESSED)) && (VK_UP == er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode || VK_DOWN == er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode)) { if (er.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { /* scroll up or down */ if (VK_UP == er.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode) { /* only scroll up if there is room to scroll up into */ if (Console->ActiveBuffer->CurrentY != Console->ActiveBuffer->MaxY - 1) { Console->ActiveBuffer->VirtualY = (Console->ActiveBuffer->VirtualY + Console->ActiveBuffer->MaxY - 1) % Console->ActiveBuffer->MaxY; Console->ActiveBuffer->CurrentY++; } } else { /* only scroll down if there is room to scroll down into */ if (Console->ActiveBuffer->CurrentY != 0) { Console->ActiveBuffer->VirtualY = (Console->ActiveBuffer->VirtualY + 1) % Console->ActiveBuffer->MaxY; Console->ActiveBuffer->CurrentY--; } } ConioDrawConsole(Console); } return; } ConioProcessChar(Console, &er); } static NTSTATUS WaitBeforeReading(IN PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN CSR_WAIT_FUNCTION WaitFunction OPTIONAL, IN BOOL CreateWaitBlock OPTIONAL) { if (CreateWaitBlock) { PGET_INPUT_INFO CapturedInputInfo; CapturedInputInfo = HeapAlloc(ConSrvHeap, 0, sizeof(GET_INPUT_INFO)); if (!CapturedInputInfo) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; memmove(CapturedInputInfo, InputInfo, sizeof(GET_INPUT_INFO)); if (!CsrCreateWait(&InputInfo->Console->ReadWaitQueue, WaitFunction, CsrGetClientThread(), ApiMessage, CapturedInputInfo, NULL)) { HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, CapturedInputInfo); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } /* Wait for input */ return STATUS_PENDING; } static NTSTATUS ReadInputBuffer(IN PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo, IN BOOL Wait, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN BOOL CreateWaitBlock OPTIONAL); // Wait function CSR_WAIT_FUNCTION static BOOLEAN ReadInputBufferThread(IN PLIST_ENTRY WaitList, IN PCSR_THREAD WaitThread, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE WaitApiMessage, IN PVOID WaitContext, IN PVOID WaitArgument1, IN PVOID WaitArgument2, IN ULONG WaitFlags) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSRSS_GET_CONSOLE_INPUT GetConsoleInputRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)WaitApiMessage)->Data.GetConsoleInputRequest; PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo = (PGET_INPUT_INFO)WaitContext; Status = ReadInputBuffer(InputInfo, GetConsoleInputRequest->bRead, WaitApiMessage, FALSE); if (Status != STATUS_PENDING) { WaitApiMessage->Status = Status; HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, InputInfo); } return (Status == STATUS_PENDING ? FALSE : TRUE); } static NTSTATUS ReadInputBuffer(IN PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo, IN BOOL Wait, // TRUE --> Read ; FALSE --> Peek IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN BOOL CreateWaitBlock OPTIONAL) { if (IsListEmpty(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents)) { if (Wait) { return WaitBeforeReading(InputInfo, ApiMessage, ReadInputBufferThread, CreateWaitBlock); } else { /* No input available and we don't wait, so we return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { PCSRSS_GET_CONSOLE_INPUT GetConsoleInputRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.GetConsoleInputRequest; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentInput; ConsoleInput* Input; ULONG Length = GetConsoleInputRequest->Length; PINPUT_RECORD InputRecord = GetConsoleInputRequest->InputRecord; /* Only get input if there is any */ CurrentInput = InputInfo->Console->InputEvents.Flink; while ( CurrentInput != &InputInfo->Console->InputEvents && GetConsoleInputRequest->InputsRead < Length ) { Input = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentInput, ConsoleInput, ListEntry); GetConsoleInputRequest->InputsRead++; *InputRecord = Input->InputEvent; if (GetConsoleInputRequest->Unicode == FALSE) { ConioInputEventToAnsi(InputInfo->Console, InputRecord); } InputRecord++; CurrentInput = CurrentInput->Flink; if (Wait) // TRUE --> Read, we remove inputs from the buffer ; FALSE --> Peek, we keep inputs. { RemoveEntryList(&Input->ListEntry); HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, Input); } } if (IsListEmpty(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents)) { ResetEvent(InputInfo->Console->ActiveEvent); } /* We read all the inputs available, we return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } static NTSTATUS ReadChars(IN PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN BOOL CreateWaitBlock OPTIONAL); // Wait function CSR_WAIT_FUNCTION static BOOLEAN ReadCharsThread(IN PLIST_ENTRY WaitList, IN PCSR_THREAD WaitThread, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE WaitApiMessage, IN PVOID WaitContext, IN PVOID WaitArgument1, IN PVOID WaitArgument2, IN ULONG WaitFlags) { NTSTATUS Status; PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo = (PGET_INPUT_INFO)WaitContext; Status = ReadChars(InputInfo, WaitApiMessage, FALSE); if (Status != STATUS_PENDING) { WaitApiMessage->Status = Status; HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, InputInfo); } return (Status == STATUS_PENDING ? FALSE : TRUE); } static NTSTATUS ReadChars(IN PGET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN BOOL CreateWaitBlock OPTIONAL) { BOOL WaitForMoreToRead = TRUE; // TRUE : Wait if more to read ; FALSE : Don't wait. PCSRSS_READ_CONSOLE ReadConsoleRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.ReadConsoleRequest; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; ConsoleInput *Input; PCHAR Buffer = (PCHAR)ReadConsoleRequest->Buffer; PWCHAR UnicodeBuffer = (PWCHAR)Buffer; ULONG nNumberOfCharsToRead = ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersToRead; /* We haven't read anything (yet) */ if (InputInfo->Console->Mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT) { if (InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer == NULL) { /* Starting a new line */ InputInfo->Console->LineMaxSize = max(256, nNumberOfCharsToRead); InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer = HeapAlloc(ConSrvHeap, 0, InputInfo->Console->LineMaxSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } InputInfo->Console->LineComplete = FALSE; InputInfo->Console->LineUpPressed = FALSE; InputInfo->Console->LineInsertToggle = 0; InputInfo->Console->LineWakeupMask = ReadConsoleRequest->CtrlWakeupMask; InputInfo->Console->LineSize = ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead; InputInfo->Console->LinePos = InputInfo->Console->LineSize; /* * Pre-filling the buffer is only allowed in the Unicode API, * so we don't need to worry about ANSI <-> Unicode conversion. */ memcpy(InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer, Buffer, InputInfo->Console->LineSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (InputInfo->Console->LineSize == InputInfo->Console->LineMaxSize) { InputInfo->Console->LineComplete = TRUE; InputInfo->Console->LinePos = 0; } } /* If we don't have a complete line yet, process the pending input */ while ( !InputInfo->Console->LineComplete && !IsListEmpty(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents) ) { /* Remove input event from queue */ CurrentEntry = RemoveHeadList(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents); if (IsListEmpty(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents)) { ResetEvent(InputInfo->Console->ActiveEvent); } Input = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, ConsoleInput, ListEntry); /* Only pay attention to key down */ if (KEY_EVENT == Input->InputEvent.EventType && Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { LineInputKeyDown(InputInfo->Console, &Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent); ReadConsoleRequest->ControlKeyState = Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState; } HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, Input); } /* Check if we have a complete line to read from */ if (InputInfo->Console->LineComplete) { while ( ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead < nNumberOfCharsToRead && InputInfo->Console->LinePos != InputInfo->Console->LineSize ) { WCHAR Char = InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer[InputInfo->Console->LinePos++]; if (ReadConsoleRequest->Unicode) { UnicodeBuffer[ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead] = Char; } else { ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(InputInfo->Console, &Buffer[ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead], &Char); } ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead++; } if (InputInfo->Console->LinePos == InputInfo->Console->LineSize) { /* Entire line has been read */ HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer); InputInfo->Console->LineBuffer = NULL; } WaitForMoreToRead = FALSE; } } else { /* Character input */ while ( ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead < nNumberOfCharsToRead && !IsListEmpty(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents) ) { /* Remove input event from queue */ CurrentEntry = RemoveHeadList(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents); if (IsListEmpty(&InputInfo->Console->InputEvents)) { ResetEvent(InputInfo->Console->ActiveEvent); } Input = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, ConsoleInput, ListEntry); /* Only pay attention to valid ascii chars, on key down */ if (KEY_EVENT == Input->InputEvent.EventType && Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown && Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar != L'\0') { WCHAR Char = Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; if (ReadConsoleRequest->Unicode) { UnicodeBuffer[ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead] = Char; } else { ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(InputInfo->Console, &Buffer[ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead], &Char); } ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead++; /* Did read something */ WaitForMoreToRead = FALSE; } HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, Input); } } /* We haven't completed a read, so start a wait */ if (WaitForMoreToRead == TRUE) { return WaitBeforeReading(InputInfo, ApiMessage, ReadCharsThread, CreateWaitBlock); } else /* We read all what we wanted, we return success */ { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* PUBLIC APIS ****************************************************************/ CSR_API(SrvGetConsoleInput) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSRSS_GET_CONSOLE_INPUT GetConsoleInputRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.GetConsoleInputRequest; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData = ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process); PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; GET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo; DPRINT("SrvGetConsoleInput\n"); if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&GetConsoleInputRequest->InputRecord, GetConsoleInputRequest->Length, sizeof(INPUT_RECORD))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = ConioLockConsole(ProcessData, GetConsoleInputRequest->ConsoleHandle, &Console, GENERIC_READ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; GetConsoleInputRequest->InputsRead = 0; InputInfo.ProcessData = ProcessData; // ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process); InputInfo.Console = Console; Status = ReadInputBuffer(&InputInfo, GetConsoleInputRequest->bRead, ApiMessage, TRUE); ConioUnlockConsole(Console); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) *ReplyCode = CsrReplyPending; return Status; } CSR_API(SrvWriteConsoleInput) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSRSS_WRITE_CONSOLE_INPUT WriteConsoleInputRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.WriteConsoleInputRequest; PINPUT_RECORD InputRecord; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData = ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process); PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; DWORD Length; DWORD i; DPRINT("SrvWriteConsoleInput\n"); if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&WriteConsoleInputRequest->InputRecord, WriteConsoleInputRequest->Length, sizeof(INPUT_RECORD))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = ConioLockConsole(ProcessData, WriteConsoleInputRequest->ConsoleHandle, &Console, GENERIC_WRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; InputRecord = WriteConsoleInputRequest->InputRecord; Length = WriteConsoleInputRequest->Length; for (i = 0; i < Length && NT_SUCCESS(Status); i++) { if (!WriteConsoleInputRequest->Unicode && InputRecord->EventType == KEY_EVENT) { CHAR AsciiChar = InputRecord->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; ConsoleInputAnsiCharToUnicodeChar(Console, &InputRecord->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, &AsciiChar); } Status = ConioProcessChar(Console, InputRecord++); } ConioUnlockConsole(Console); WriteConsoleInputRequest->Length = i; return Status; } CSR_API(SrvReadConsole) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSRSS_READ_CONSOLE ReadConsoleRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.ReadConsoleRequest; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData = ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process); PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; GET_INPUT_INFO InputInfo; DPRINT("SrvReadConsole\n"); if (!CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)&ReadConsoleRequest->Buffer, ReadConsoleRequest->BufferSize, sizeof(BYTE))) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // if (Request->Data.ReadConsoleRequest.NrCharactersRead * sizeof(WCHAR) > nNumberOfCharsToRead * CharSize) if (ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead > ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersToRead) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = ConioLockConsole(ProcessData, ReadConsoleRequest->ConsoleHandle, &Console, GENERIC_READ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; ReadConsoleRequest->NrCharactersRead = 0; InputInfo.ProcessData = ProcessData; // ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process); InputInfo.Console = Console; Status = ReadChars(&InputInfo, ApiMessage, TRUE); ConioUnlockConsole(Console); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) *ReplyCode = CsrReplyPending; return Status; } CSR_API(SrvFlushConsoleInputBuffer) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSRSS_FLUSH_INPUT_BUFFER FlushInputBufferRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.FlushInputBufferRequest; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; ConsoleInput* Input; DPRINT("SrvFlushConsoleInputBuffer\n"); Status = ConioLockConsole(ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process), FlushInputBufferRequest->ConsoleInput, &Console, GENERIC_WRITE); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Discard all entries in the input event queue */ while (!IsListEmpty(&Console->InputEvents)) { CurrentEntry = RemoveHeadList(&Console->InputEvents); Input = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, ConsoleInput, ListEntry); /* Destroy the event */ HeapFree(ConSrvHeap, 0, Input); } ResetEvent(Console->ActiveEvent); ConioUnlockConsole(Console); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } CSR_API(SrvGetConsoleNumberOfInputEvents) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSRSS_GET_NUM_INPUT_EVENTS GetNumInputEventsRequest = &((PCONSOLE_API_MESSAGE)ApiMessage)->Data.GetNumInputEventsRequest; PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentInput; DWORD NumEvents; DPRINT("SrvGetConsoleNumberOfInputEvents\n"); Status = ConioLockConsole(ConsoleGetPerProcessData(CsrGetClientThread()->Process), GetNumInputEventsRequest->ConsoleHandle, &Console, GENERIC_READ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; CurrentInput = Console->InputEvents.Flink; NumEvents = 0; /* If there are any events ... */ while (CurrentInput != &Console->InputEvents) { CurrentInput = CurrentInput->Flink; NumEvents++; } ConioUnlockConsole(Console); GetNumInputEventsRequest->NumInputEvents = NumEvents; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */