/* * Setupapi install routines * * Copyright 2002 Alexandre Julliard for CodeWeavers * 2005-2006 Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin@reactos.org) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "setupapi_private.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(setupapi); /* Unicode constants */ static const WCHAR BackSlash[] = {'\\',0}; static const WCHAR GroupOrderListKey[] = {'S','Y','S','T','E','M','\\','C','u','r','r','e','n','t','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','S','e','t','\\','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','\\','G','r','o','u','p','O','r','d','e','r','L','i','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR InfDirectory[] = {'i','n','f','\\',0}; static const WCHAR OemFileMask[] = {'o','e','m','*','.','i','n','f',0}; static const WCHAR OemFileSpecification[] = {'o','e','m','%','l','u','.','i','n','f',0}; static const WCHAR DotLnk[] = {'.','l','n','k',0}; static const WCHAR DotServices[] = {'.','S','e','r','v','i','c','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR DependenciesKey[] = {'D','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','c','i','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR DescriptionKey[] = {'D','e','s','c','r','i','p','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR DisplayNameKey[] = {'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR ErrorControlKey[] = {'E','r','r','o','r','C','o','n','t','r','o','l',0}; static const WCHAR LoadOrderGroupKey[] = {'L','o','a','d','O','r','d','e','r','G','r','o','u','p',0}; static const WCHAR SecurityKey[] = {'S','e','c','u','r','i','t','y',0}; static const WCHAR ServiceBinaryKey[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','B','i','n','a','r','y',0}; static const WCHAR ServiceTypeKey[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR StartTypeKey[] = {'S','t','a','r','t','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR Name[] = {'N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR CmdLine[] = {'C','m','d','L','i','n','e',0}; static const WCHAR SubDir[] = {'S','u','b','D','i','r',0}; static const WCHAR WorkingDir[] = {'W','o','r','k','i','n','g','D','i','r',0}; static const WCHAR IconPath[] = {'I','c','o','n','P','a','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR IconIndex[] = {'I','c','o','n','I','n','d','e','x',0}; static const WCHAR HotKey[] = {'H','o','t','K','e','y',0}; static const WCHAR InfoTip[] = {'I','n','f','o','T','i','p',0}; static const WCHAR DisplayResource[] = {'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','R','e','s','o','u','r','c','e',0}; /* info passed to callback functions dealing with files */ struct files_callback_info { HSPFILEQ queue; PCWSTR src_root; UINT copy_flags; HINF layout; }; /* info passed to callback functions dealing with the registry */ struct registry_callback_info { HKEY default_root; BOOL delete; }; /* info passed to callback functions dealing with registering dlls */ struct register_dll_info { PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_W callback; PVOID callback_context; BOOL unregister; }; /* info passed to callback functions dealing with Needs directives */ struct needs_callback_info { UINT type; HWND owner; UINT flags; HKEY key_root; LPCWSTR src_root; UINT copy_flags; PVOID callback; PVOID context; HDEVINFO devinfo; PSP_DEVINFO_DATA devinfo_data; PVOID reserved1; PVOID reserved2; }; typedef BOOL (*iterate_fields_func)( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ); static BOOL GetLineText( HINF hinf, PCWSTR section_name, PCWSTR key_name, PWSTR *value); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *COINITIALIZE)(IN LPVOID pvReserved); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *COCREATEINSTANCE)(IN REFCLSID rclsid, IN LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, IN DWORD dwClsContext, IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID *ppv); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *COUNINITIALIZE)(VOID); /* Unicode constants */ static const WCHAR AddService[] = {'A','d','d','S','e','r','v','i','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR CopyFiles[] = {'C','o','p','y','F','i','l','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR DelFiles[] = {'D','e','l','F','i','l','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR RenFiles[] = {'R','e','n','F','i','l','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR Ini2Reg[] = {'I','n','i','2','R','e','g',0}; static const WCHAR LogConf[] = {'L','o','g','C','o','n','f',0}; static const WCHAR AddReg[] = {'A','d','d','R','e','g',0}; static const WCHAR DelReg[] = {'D','e','l','R','e','g',0}; static const WCHAR BitReg[] = {'B','i','t','R','e','g',0}; static const WCHAR UpdateInis[] = {'U','p','d','a','t','e','I','n','i','s',0}; static const WCHAR CopyINF[] = {'C','o','p','y','I','N','F',0}; static const WCHAR UpdateIniFields[] = {'U','p','d','a','t','e','I','n','i','F','i','e','l','d','s',0}; static const WCHAR RegisterDlls[] = {'R','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','D','l','l','s',0}; static const WCHAR UnregisterDlls[] = {'U','n','r','e','g','i','s','t','e','r','D','l','l','s',0}; static const WCHAR ProfileItems[] = {'P','r','o','f','i','l','e','I','t','e','m','s',0}; static const WCHAR Include[] = {'I','n','c','l','u','d','e',0}; static const WCHAR Needs[] = {'N','e','e','d','s',0}; static const WCHAR DotSecurity[] = {'.','S','e','c','u','r','i','t','y',0}; #ifdef __WINESRC__ static const WCHAR WineFakeDlls[] = {'W','i','n','e','F','a','k','e','D','l','l','s',0}; #endif /*********************************************************************** * get_field_string * * Retrieve the contents of a field, dynamically growing the buffer if necessary. */ static WCHAR *get_field_string( INFCONTEXT *context, DWORD index, WCHAR *buffer, WCHAR *static_buffer, DWORD *size ) { DWORD required; if (SetupGetStringFieldW( context, index, buffer, *size, &required )) return buffer; if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { /* now grow the buffer */ if (buffer != static_buffer) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer ); if (!(buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, required*sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; *size = required; if (SetupGetStringFieldW( context, index, buffer, *size, &required )) return buffer; } if (buffer != static_buffer) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer ); return NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * copy_files_callback * * Called once for each CopyFiles entry in a given section. */ static BOOL copy_files_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { struct files_callback_info *info = arg; if (field[0] == '@') /* special case: copy single file */ SetupQueueDefaultCopyW( info->queue, info->layout ? info->layout : hinf, info->src_root, NULL, field+1, info->copy_flags ); else SetupQueueCopySectionW( info->queue, info->src_root, info->layout ? info->layout : hinf, hinf, field, info->copy_flags ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * delete_files_callback * * Called once for each DelFiles entry in a given section. */ static BOOL delete_files_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { struct files_callback_info *info = arg; SetupQueueDeleteSectionW( info->queue, hinf, 0, field ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * rename_files_callback * * Called once for each RenFiles entry in a given section. */ static BOOL rename_files_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { struct files_callback_info *info = arg; SetupQueueRenameSectionW( info->queue, hinf, 0, field ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * get_root_key * * Retrieve the registry root key from its name. */ static HKEY get_root_key( const WCHAR *name, HKEY def_root ) { static const WCHAR HKCR[] = {'H','K','C','R',0}; static const WCHAR HKCU[] = {'H','K','C','U',0}; static const WCHAR HKLM[] = {'H','K','L','M',0}; static const WCHAR HKU[] = {'H','K','U',0}; static const WCHAR HKR[] = {'H','K','R',0}; if (!strcmpiW( name, HKCR )) return HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if (!strcmpiW( name, HKCU )) return HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if (!strcmpiW( name, HKLM )) return HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if (!strcmpiW( name, HKU )) return HKEY_USERS; if (!strcmpiW( name, HKR )) return def_root; return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * append_multi_sz_value * * Append a multisz string to a multisz registry value. */ static void append_multi_sz_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *value, const WCHAR *strings, DWORD str_size ) { DWORD size, type, total; WCHAR *buffer, *p; if (RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, NULL, &type, NULL, &size )) return; if (type != REG_MULTI_SZ) return; if (!(buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (size + str_size) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return; if (RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)buffer, &size )) goto done; /* compare each string against all the existing ones */ total = size; while (*strings) { int len = strlenW(strings) + 1; for (p = buffer; *p; p += strlenW(p) + 1) if (!strcmpiW( p, strings )) break; if (!*p) /* not found, need to append it */ { memcpy( p, strings, len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); p[len] = 0; total += len; } strings += len; } if (total != size) { TRACE( "setting value %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(value), debugstr_w(buffer) ); RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE *)buffer, total + sizeof(WCHAR) ); } done: HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer ); } /*********************************************************************** * delete_multi_sz_value * * Remove a string from a multisz registry value. */ static void delete_multi_sz_value( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *value, const WCHAR *string ) { DWORD size, type; WCHAR *buffer, *src, *dst; if (RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, NULL, &type, NULL, &size )) return; if (type != REG_MULTI_SZ) return; /* allocate double the size, one for value before and one for after */ if (!(buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size * 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return; if (RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)buffer, &size )) goto done; src = buffer; dst = buffer + size; while (*src) { int len = strlenW(src) + 1; if (strcmpiW( src, string )) { memcpy( dst, src, len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); dst += len; } src += len; } *dst++ = 0; if (dst != buffer + 2*size) /* did we remove something? */ { TRACE( "setting value %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(value), debugstr_w(buffer + size) ); RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE *)(buffer + size), dst - (buffer + size) ); } done: HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer ); } /*********************************************************************** * do_reg_operation * * Perform an add/delete registry operation depending on the flags. */ static BOOL do_reg_operation( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR *value, INFCONTEXT *context, INT flags ) { DWORD type, size; if (flags & (FLG_ADDREG_DELREG_BIT | FLG_ADDREG_DELVAL)) /* deletion */ { if (*value && !(flags & FLG_DELREG_KEYONLY_COMMON)) { if ((flags & FLG_DELREG_MULTI_SZ_DELSTRING) == FLG_DELREG_MULTI_SZ_DELSTRING) { WCHAR *str; if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( context, 5, NULL, 0, &size ) || !size) return TRUE; if (!(str = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return FALSE; SetupGetStringFieldW( context, 5, str, size, NULL ); delete_multi_sz_value( hkey, value, str ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, str ); } else RegDeleteValueW( hkey, value ); } else NtDeleteKey( hkey ); return TRUE; } if (flags & (FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY|FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY_COMMON)) return TRUE; if (flags & (FLG_ADDREG_NOCLOBBER|FLG_ADDREG_OVERWRITEONLY)) { BOOL exists = !RegQueryValueExW( hkey, value, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (exists && (flags & FLG_ADDREG_NOCLOBBER)) return TRUE; if (!exists && (flags & FLG_ADDREG_OVERWRITEONLY)) return TRUE; } switch(flags & FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MASK) { case FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ: type = REG_SZ; break; case FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ: type = REG_MULTI_SZ; break; case FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_EXPAND_SZ: type = REG_EXPAND_SZ; break; case FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_BINARY: type = REG_BINARY; break; case FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD: type = REG_DWORD; break; case FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_NONE: type = REG_NONE; break; default: type = flags >> 16; break; } if (!(flags & FLG_ADDREG_BINVALUETYPE) || (type == REG_DWORD && SetupGetFieldCount(context) == 5)) { static const WCHAR empty; WCHAR *str = NULL; if (type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { if (!SetupGetMultiSzFieldW( context, 5, NULL, 0, &size )) size = 0; if (size) { if (!(str = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return FALSE; SetupGetMultiSzFieldW( context, 5, str, size, NULL ); } if (flags & FLG_ADDREG_APPEND) { if (!str) return TRUE; append_multi_sz_value( hkey, value, str, size ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, str ); return TRUE; } /* else fall through to normal string handling */ } else { if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( context, 5, NULL, 0, &size )) size = 0; if (size) { if (!(str = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return FALSE; SetupGetStringFieldW( context, 5, str, size, NULL ); } } if (type == REG_DWORD) { DWORD dw = str ? strtoulW( str, NULL, 0 ) : 0; TRACE( "setting dword %s to %x\n", debugstr_w(value), dw ); RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, type, (BYTE *)&dw, sizeof(dw) ); } else { TRACE( "setting value %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(value), debugstr_w(str) ); if (str) RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, type, (BYTE *)str, size * sizeof(WCHAR) ); else RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, type, (const BYTE *)&empty, sizeof(WCHAR) ); } HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, str ); return TRUE; } else /* get the binary data */ { BYTE *data = NULL; if (!SetupGetBinaryField( context, 5, NULL, 0, &size )) size = 0; if (size) { if (!(data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size ))) return FALSE; TRACE( "setting binary data %s len %d\n", debugstr_w(value), size ); SetupGetBinaryField( context, 5, data, size, NULL ); } RegSetValueExW( hkey, value, 0, type, data, size ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, data ); return TRUE; } } /*********************************************************************** * registry_callback * * Called once for each AddReg and DelReg entry in a given section. */ static BOOL registry_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { struct registry_callback_info *info = arg; LPWSTR security_key, security_descriptor; INFCONTEXT context, security_context; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd = NULL; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes = { 0, }; HKEY root_key, hkey; DWORD required; BOOL ok = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, field, NULL, &context ); if (!ok) return TRUE; /* Check for .Security section */ security_key = MyMalloc( (strlenW( field ) + strlenW( DotSecurity )) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) ); if (!security_key) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } strcpyW( security_key, field ); strcatW( security_key, DotSecurity ); ok = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, security_key, NULL, &security_context ); MyFree(security_key); if (ok) { if (!SetupGetLineTextW( &security_context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &required )) return FALSE; security_descriptor = MyMalloc( required * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!security_descriptor) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } if (!SetupGetLineTextW( &security_context, NULL, NULL, NULL, security_descriptor, required, NULL )) return FALSE; ok = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW( security_descriptor, SDDL_REVISION_1, &sd, NULL ); MyFree( security_descriptor ); if (!ok) return FALSE; security_attributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); security_attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = sd; } for (ok = TRUE; ok; ok = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context )) { WCHAR buffer[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; INT flags; /* get root */ if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 1, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) continue; if (!(root_key = get_root_key( buffer, info->default_root ))) continue; /* get key */ if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 2, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) *buffer = 0; /* get flags */ if (!SetupGetIntField( &context, 4, &flags )) flags = 0; if (!info->delete) { if (flags & FLG_ADDREG_DELREG_BIT) continue; /* ignore this entry */ } else { if (!flags) flags = FLG_ADDREG_DELREG_BIT; else if (!(flags & FLG_ADDREG_DELREG_BIT)) continue; /* ignore this entry */ } if (info->delete || (flags & FLG_ADDREG_OVERWRITEONLY)) { if (RegOpenKeyW( root_key, buffer, &hkey )) continue; /* ignore if it doesn't exist */ } else if (RegCreateKeyExW( root_key, buffer, 0, NULL, 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, sd ? &security_attributes : NULL, &hkey, NULL )) { ERR( "could not create key %p %s\n", root_key, debugstr_w(buffer) ); continue; } TRACE( "key %p %s\n", root_key, debugstr_w(buffer) ); /* get value name */ if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 3, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) *buffer = 0; /* and now do it */ if (!do_reg_operation( hkey, buffer, &context, flags )) { if (hkey != root_key) RegCloseKey( hkey ); if (sd) LocalFree( sd ); return FALSE; } if (hkey != root_key) RegCloseKey( hkey ); } if (sd) LocalFree( sd ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * do_register_dll * * Register or unregister a dll. */ static BOOL do_register_dll( const struct register_dll_info *info, const WCHAR *path, INT flags, INT timeout, const WCHAR *args ) { HMODULE module; HRESULT res; SP_REGISTER_CONTROL_STATUSW status; #ifdef __WINESRC__ IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt; #endif status.cbSize = sizeof(status); status.FileName = path; status.FailureCode = SPREG_SUCCESS; status.Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (info->callback) { switch(info->callback( info->callback_context, SPFILENOTIFY_STARTREGISTRATION, (UINT_PTR)&status, !info->unregister )) { case FILEOP_ABORT: SetLastError( ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ); return FALSE; case FILEOP_SKIP: return TRUE; case FILEOP_DOIT: break; } } if (!(module = LoadLibraryExW( path, 0, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ))) { WARN( "could not load %s\n", debugstr_w(path) ); status.FailureCode = SPREG_LOADLIBRARY; status.Win32Error = GetLastError(); goto done; } #ifdef __WINESRC__ if ((nt = RtlImageNtHeader( module )) && !(nt->FileHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL)) { /* file is an executable, not a dll */ STARTUPINFOW startup; PROCESS_INFORMATION info; WCHAR *cmd_line; BOOL res; static const WCHAR format[] = {'"','%','s','"',' ','%','s',0}; static const WCHAR default_args[] = {'/','R','e','g','S','e','r','v','e','r',0}; FreeLibrary( module ); module = NULL; if (!args) args = default_args; cmd_line = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (strlenW(path) + strlenW(args) + 4) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); sprintfW( cmd_line, format, path, args ); memset( &startup, 0, sizeof(startup) ); startup.cb = sizeof(startup); TRACE( "executing %s\n", debugstr_w(cmd_line) ); res = CreateProcessW( NULL, cmd_line, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &info ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd_line ); if (!res) { status.FailureCode = SPREG_LOADLIBRARY; status.Win32Error = GetLastError(); goto done; } CloseHandle( info.hThread ); if (WaitForSingleObject( info.hProcess, timeout*1000 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* timed out, kill the process */ TerminateProcess( info.hProcess, 1 ); status.FailureCode = SPREG_TIMEOUT; status.Win32Error = ERROR_TIMEOUT; } CloseHandle( info.hProcess ); goto done; } #endif // __WINESRC__ if (flags & FLG_REGSVR_DLLREGISTER) { const char *entry_point = info->unregister ? "DllUnregisterServer" : "DllRegisterServer"; HRESULT (WINAPI *func)(void) = (void *)GetProcAddress( module, entry_point ); if (!func) { status.FailureCode = SPREG_GETPROCADDR; status.Win32Error = GetLastError(); goto done; } TRACE( "calling %s in %s\n", entry_point, debugstr_w(path) ); res = func(); if (FAILED(res)) { WARN( "calling %s in %s returned error %x\n", entry_point, debugstr_w(path), res ); status.FailureCode = SPREG_REGSVR; status.Win32Error = res; goto done; } } if (flags & FLG_REGSVR_DLLINSTALL) { HRESULT (WINAPI *func)(BOOL,LPCWSTR) = (void *)GetProcAddress( module, "DllInstall" ); if (!func) { status.FailureCode = SPREG_GETPROCADDR; status.Win32Error = GetLastError(); goto done; } TRACE( "calling DllInstall(%d,%s) in %s\n", !info->unregister, debugstr_w(args), debugstr_w(path) ); res = func( !info->unregister, args ); if (FAILED(res)) { WARN( "calling DllInstall in %s returned error %x\n", debugstr_w(path), res ); status.FailureCode = SPREG_REGSVR; status.Win32Error = res; goto done; } } done: if (module) FreeLibrary( module ); if (info->callback) info->callback( info->callback_context, SPFILENOTIFY_ENDREGISTRATION, (UINT_PTR)&status, !info->unregister ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * register_dlls_callback * * Called once for each RegisterDlls entry in a given section. */ static BOOL register_dlls_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { struct register_dll_info *info = arg; INFCONTEXT context; BOOL ret = TRUE; BOOL ok = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, field, NULL, &context ); for (; ok; ok = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context )) { WCHAR *path, *args, *p; WCHAR buffer[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; INT flags, timeout; /* get directory */ if (!(path = PARSER_get_dest_dir( &context ))) continue; /* get dll name */ if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 3, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) goto done; if (!(p = HeapReAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, path, (strlenW(path) + strlenW(buffer) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) goto done; path = p; p += strlenW(p); if (p == path || p[-1] != '\\') *p++ = '\\'; strcpyW( p, buffer ); /* get flags */ if (!SetupGetIntField( &context, 4, &flags )) flags = 0; /* get timeout */ if (!SetupGetIntField( &context, 5, &timeout )) timeout = 60; /* get command line */ args = NULL; if (SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 6, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) args = buffer; ret = do_register_dll( info, path, flags, timeout, args ); done: HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, path ); if (!ret) break; } return ret; } #ifdef __WINESRC__ /*********************************************************************** * fake_dlls_callback * * Called once for each WineFakeDlls entry in a given section. */ static BOOL fake_dlls_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { INFCONTEXT context; BOOL ret = TRUE; BOOL ok = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, field, NULL, &context ); for (; ok; ok = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context )) { WCHAR *path, *p; WCHAR buffer[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; /* get directory */ if (!(path = PARSER_get_dest_dir( &context ))) continue; /* get dll name */ if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 3, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) goto done; if (!(p = HeapReAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, path, (strlenW(path) + strlenW(buffer) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) goto done; path = p; p += strlenW(p); if (p == path || p[-1] != '\\') *p++ = '\\'; strcpyW( p, buffer ); /* get source dll */ if (SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 4, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) p = buffer; /* otherwise use target base name as default source */ create_fake_dll( path, p ); /* ignore errors */ done: HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, path ); if (!ret) break; } return ret; } #endif // __WINESRC__ /*********************************************************************** * update_ini_callback * * Called once for each UpdateInis entry in a given section. */ static BOOL update_ini_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { INFCONTEXT context; BOOL ok = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, field, NULL, &context ); for (; ok; ok = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context )) { WCHAR buffer[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR filename[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR section[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR entry[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR string[MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH]; LPWSTR divider; if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 1, filename, sizeof(filename)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) continue; if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 2, section, sizeof(section)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) continue; if (!SetupGetStringFieldW( &context, 4, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL )) continue; divider = strchrW(buffer,'='); if (divider) { *divider = 0; strcpyW(entry,buffer); divider++; strcpyW(string,divider); } else { strcpyW(entry,buffer); string[0]=0; } TRACE("Writing %s = %s in %s of file %s\n",debugstr_w(entry), debugstr_w(string),debugstr_w(section),debugstr_w(filename)); WritePrivateProfileStringW(section,entry,string,filename); } return TRUE; } static BOOL update_ini_fields_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { FIXME( "should update ini fields %s\n", debugstr_w(field) ); return TRUE; } static BOOL ini2reg_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { FIXME( "should do ini2reg %s\n", debugstr_w(field) ); return TRUE; } static BOOL logconf_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { FIXME( "should do logconf %s\n", debugstr_w(field) ); return TRUE; } static BOOL bitreg_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { FIXME( "should do bitreg %s\n", debugstr_w(field) ); return TRUE; } static BOOL Concatenate(int DirId, LPCWSTR SubDirPart, LPCWSTR NamePart, LPWSTR *pFullName) { DWORD dwRequired = 0; LPCWSTR Dir; LPWSTR FullName; *pFullName = NULL; Dir = DIRID_get_string(DirId); if (Dir) dwRequired += wcslen(Dir) + 1; if (SubDirPart) dwRequired += wcslen(SubDirPart) + 1; if (NamePart) dwRequired += wcslen(NamePart); dwRequired = dwRequired * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); FullName = MyMalloc(dwRequired); if (!FullName) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } FullName[0] = UNICODE_NULL; if (Dir) { wcscat(FullName, Dir); if (FullName[wcslen(FullName) - 1] != '\\') wcscat(FullName, BackSlash); } if (SubDirPart) { wcscat(FullName, SubDirPart); if (FullName[wcslen(FullName) - 1] != '\\') wcscat(FullName, BackSlash); } if (NamePart) wcscat(FullName, NamePart); *pFullName = FullName; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * profile_items_callback * * Called once for each ProfileItems entry in a given section. */ static BOOL profile_items_callback( IN HINF hInf, IN PCWSTR SectionName, IN PVOID Arg) { INFCONTEXT Context; LPWSTR LinkSubDir = NULL, LinkName = NULL; INT LinkAttributes = 0; INT LinkFolder = 0; INT FileDirId = 0; INT CSIDL = CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS; LPWSTR FileSubDir = NULL; INT DirId = 0; LPWSTR SubDirPart = NULL, NamePart = NULL; LPWSTR FullLinkName = NULL, FullFileName = NULL, FullWorkingDir = NULL, FullIconName = NULL; INT IconIdx = 0; LPWSTR lpHotKey = NULL, lpInfoTip = NULL; LPWSTR DisplayName = NULL; INT DisplayResId = 0; BOOL ret = FALSE; DWORD Index, Required; IShellLinkW *psl; IPersistFile *ppf; HMODULE hOle32 = NULL; COINITIALIZE pCoInitialize; COCREATEINSTANCE pCoCreateInstance; COUNINITIALIZE pCoUninitialize; HRESULT hr; TRACE("hInf %p, SectionName %s, Arg %p\n", hInf, debugstr_w(SectionName), Arg); /* Read 'Name' entry */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, Name, &Context)) goto cleanup; if (!GetStringField(&Context, 1, &LinkName)) goto cleanup; if (SetupGetFieldCount(&Context) >= 2) { if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 2, &LinkAttributes)) goto cleanup; } if (SetupGetFieldCount(&Context) >= 3) { if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 3, &LinkFolder)) goto cleanup; } /* Read 'CmdLine' entry */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, CmdLine, &Context)) goto cleanup; Index = 1; if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, Index++, &FileDirId)) goto cleanup; if (SetupGetFieldCount(&Context) >= 3) { if (!GetStringField(&Context, Index++, &FileSubDir)) goto cleanup; } if (!GetStringField(&Context, Index++, &NamePart)) goto cleanup; if (!Concatenate(FileDirId, FileSubDir, NamePart, &FullFileName)) goto cleanup; MyFree(NamePart); NamePart = NULL; /* Read 'SubDir' entry */ if ((LinkAttributes & FLG_PROFITEM_GROUP) == 0 && SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, SubDir, &Context)) { if (!GetStringField(&Context, 1, &LinkSubDir)) goto cleanup; } /* Read 'WorkingDir' entry */ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, WorkingDir, &Context)) { if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &DirId)) goto cleanup; if (SetupGetFieldCount(&Context) >= 2) { if (!GetStringField(&Context, 2, &SubDirPart)) goto cleanup; } if (!Concatenate(DirId, SubDirPart, NULL, &FullWorkingDir)) goto cleanup; MyFree(SubDirPart); SubDirPart = NULL; } else { if (!Concatenate(FileDirId, FileSubDir, NULL, &FullWorkingDir)) goto cleanup; } /* Read 'IconPath' entry */ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, IconPath, &Context)) { Index = 1; if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, Index++, &DirId)) goto cleanup; if (SetupGetFieldCount(&Context) >= 3) { if (!GetStringField(&Context, Index++, &SubDirPart)) goto cleanup; } if (!GetStringField(&Context, Index, &NamePart)) goto cleanup; if (!Concatenate(DirId, SubDirPart, NamePart, &FullIconName)) goto cleanup; MyFree(SubDirPart); MyFree(NamePart); SubDirPart = NamePart = NULL; } else { FullIconName = pSetupDuplicateString(FullFileName); if (!FullIconName) goto cleanup; } /* Read 'IconIndex' entry */ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, IconIndex, &Context)) { if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IconIdx)) goto cleanup; } /* Read 'HotKey' and 'InfoTip' entries */ GetLineText(hInf, SectionName, HotKey, &lpHotKey); GetLineText(hInf, SectionName, InfoTip, &lpInfoTip); /* Read 'DisplayResource' entry */ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(hInf, SectionName, DisplayResource, &Context)) { if (!GetStringField(&Context, 1, &DisplayName)) goto cleanup; if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 2, &DisplayResId)) goto cleanup; } /* Some debug */ TRACE("Link is %s\\%s, attributes 0x%x\n", debugstr_w(LinkSubDir), debugstr_w(LinkName), LinkAttributes); TRACE("File is %s\n", debugstr_w(FullFileName)); TRACE("Working dir %s\n", debugstr_w(FullWorkingDir)); TRACE("Icon is %s, %d\n", debugstr_w(FullIconName), IconIdx); TRACE("Hotkey %s\n", debugstr_w(lpHotKey)); TRACE("InfoTip %s\n", debugstr_w(lpInfoTip)); TRACE("Display %s, %d\n", DisplayName, DisplayResId); /* Load ole32.dll */ hOle32 = LoadLibraryA("ole32.dll"); if (!hOle32) goto cleanup; pCoInitialize = (COINITIALIZE)GetProcAddress(hOle32, "CoInitialize"); if (!pCoInitialize) goto cleanup; pCoCreateInstance = (COCREATEINSTANCE)GetProcAddress(hOle32, "CoCreateInstance"); if (!pCoCreateInstance) goto cleanup; pCoUninitialize = (COUNINITIALIZE)GetProcAddress(hOle32, "CoUninitialize"); if (!pCoUninitialize) goto cleanup; /* Create shortcut */ hr = pCoInitialize(NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) == FACILITY_WIN32) SetLastError(HRESULT_CODE(hr)); else SetLastError(E_FAIL); goto cleanup; } hr = pCoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IShellLinkW, (LPVOID*)&psl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* Fill link properties */ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = IShellLinkW_SetPath(psl, FullFileName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = IShellLinkW_SetArguments(psl, L""); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = IShellLinkW_SetWorkingDirectory(psl, FullWorkingDir); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = IShellLinkW_SetIconLocation(psl, FullIconName, IconIdx); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && lpHotKey) FIXME("Need to store hotkey %s in shell link\n", debugstr_w(lpHotKey)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && lpInfoTip) hr = IShellLinkW_SetDescription(psl, lpInfoTip); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && DisplayName) FIXME("Need to store display name %s, %d in shell link\n", debugstr_w(DisplayName), DisplayResId); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = IShellLinkW_QueryInterface(psl, &IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Required = (MAX_PATH + wcslen(LinkSubDir) + 1 + wcslen(LinkName)) * sizeof(WCHAR); FullLinkName = MyMalloc(Required); if (!FullLinkName) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { if (LinkAttributes & (FLG_PROFITEM_DELETE | FLG_PROFITEM_GROUP)) FIXME("Need to handle FLG_PROFITEM_DELETE and FLG_PROFITEM_GROUP\n"); if (LinkAttributes & FLG_PROFITEM_CSIDL) CSIDL = LinkFolder; else if (LinkAttributes & FLG_PROFITEM_CURRENTUSER) CSIDL = CSIDL_PROGRAMS; if (SHGetSpecialFolderPathW( NULL, FullLinkName, CSIDL, TRUE)) { if (FullLinkName[wcslen(FullLinkName) - 1] != '\\') wcscat(FullLinkName, BackSlash); if (LinkSubDir) { wcscat(FullLinkName, LinkSubDir); if (FullLinkName[wcslen(FullLinkName) - 1] != '\\') wcscat(FullLinkName, BackSlash); } wcscat(FullLinkName, LinkName); wcscat(FullLinkName, DotLnk); hr = IPersistFile_Save(ppf, FullLinkName, TRUE); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } IPersistFile_Release(ppf); } } IShellLinkW_Release(psl); } pCoUninitialize(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) ret = TRUE; else { if (HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) == FACILITY_WIN32) SetLastError(HRESULT_CODE(hr)); else SetLastError(E_FAIL); } cleanup: MyFree(LinkSubDir); MyFree(LinkName); MyFree(FileSubDir); MyFree(SubDirPart); MyFree(NamePart); MyFree(FullFileName); MyFree(FullWorkingDir); MyFree(FullIconName); MyFree(FullLinkName); MyFree(lpHotKey); MyFree(lpInfoTip); MyFree(DisplayName); if (hOle32) FreeLibrary(hOle32); TRACE("Returning %d\n", ret); return ret; } static BOOL copy_inf_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { FIXME( "should do copy inf %s\n", debugstr_w(field) ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * iterate_section_fields * * Iterate over all fields of a certain key of a certain section */ static BOOL iterate_section_fields( HINF hinf, PCWSTR section, PCWSTR key, iterate_fields_func callback, void *arg ) { WCHAR static_buffer[200]; WCHAR *buffer = static_buffer; DWORD size = sizeof(static_buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR); INFCONTEXT context; BOOL ret = FALSE; BOOL ok = SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, section, key, &context ); while (ok) { UINT i, count = SetupGetFieldCount( &context ); for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { if (!(buffer = get_field_string( &context, i, buffer, static_buffer, &size ))) goto done; if (!callback( hinf, buffer, arg )) { WARN("callback failed for %s %s err %d\n", debugstr_w(section), debugstr_w(buffer), GetLastError() ); goto done; } } ok = SetupFindNextMatchLineW( &context, key, &context ); } ret = TRUE; done: if (buffer != static_buffer) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionA (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionA( HINF hinf, HINF hlayout, HSPFILEQ queue, PCSTR section, PCSTR src_root, UINT flags ) { UNICODE_STRING sectionW; BOOL ret = FALSE; if (!RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( §ionW, section )) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } if (!src_root) ret = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW( hinf, hlayout, queue, sectionW.Buffer, NULL, flags ); else { UNICODE_STRING srcW; if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &srcW, src_root )) { ret = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW( hinf, hlayout, queue, sectionW.Buffer, srcW.Buffer, flags ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &srcW ); } else SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } RtlFreeUnicodeString( §ionW ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW( HINF hinf, HINF hlayout, HSPFILEQ queue, PCWSTR section, PCWSTR src_root, UINT flags ) { struct files_callback_info info; info.queue = queue; info.src_root = src_root; info.copy_flags = flags; info.layout = hlayout; return iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, CopyFiles, copy_files_callback, &info ); } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallFromInfSectionA (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallFromInfSectionA( HWND owner, HINF hinf, PCSTR section, UINT flags, HKEY key_root, PCSTR src_root, UINT copy_flags, PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A callback, PVOID context, HDEVINFO devinfo, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA devinfo_data ) { UNICODE_STRING sectionW, src_rootW; struct callback_WtoA_context ctx; BOOL ret = FALSE; src_rootW.Buffer = NULL; if (src_root && !RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &src_rootW, src_root )) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( §ionW, section )) { ctx.orig_context = context; ctx.orig_handler = callback; ret = SetupInstallFromInfSectionW( owner, hinf, sectionW.Buffer, flags, key_root, src_rootW.Buffer, copy_flags, QUEUE_callback_WtoA, &ctx, devinfo, devinfo_data ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( §ionW ); } else SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &src_rootW ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * include_callback * * Called once for each Include entry in a given section. */ static BOOL include_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { return SetupOpenAppendInfFileW( field, hinf, NULL ); } /*********************************************************************** * needs_callback * * Called once for each Needs entry in a given section. */ static BOOL needs_callback( HINF hinf, PCWSTR field, void *arg ) { struct needs_callback_info *info = arg; switch (info->type) { case 0: return SetupInstallFromInfSectionW(info->owner, *(HINF*)hinf, field, info->flags, info->key_root, info->src_root, info->copy_flags, info->callback, info->context, info->devinfo, info->devinfo_data); case 1: return SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW(*(HINF*)hinf, field, info->flags, info->devinfo, info->devinfo_data, info->reserved1, info->reserved2); default: ERR("Unknown info type %u\n", info->type); return FALSE; } } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallFromInfSectionW (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallFromInfSectionW( HWND owner, HINF hinf, PCWSTR section, UINT flags, HKEY key_root, PCWSTR src_root, UINT copy_flags, PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_W callback, PVOID context, HDEVINFO devinfo, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA devinfo_data ) { struct needs_callback_info needs_info; /* Parse 'Include' and 'Needs' directives */ iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, Include, include_callback, NULL); needs_info.type = 0; needs_info.owner = owner; needs_info.flags = flags; needs_info.key_root = key_root; needs_info.src_root = src_root; needs_info.copy_flags = copy_flags; needs_info.callback = callback; needs_info.context = context; needs_info.devinfo = devinfo; needs_info.devinfo_data = devinfo_data; iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, Needs, needs_callback, &needs_info); if (flags & SPINST_FILES) { SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W install_params; struct files_callback_info info; HSPFILEQ queue = NULL; BOOL use_custom_queue; BOOL ret; install_params.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS); use_custom_queue = SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW(devinfo, devinfo_data, &install_params) && (install_params.Flags & DI_NOVCP); if (!use_custom_queue && ((queue = SetupOpenFileQueue()) == (HSPFILEQ)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )) return FALSE; info.queue = use_custom_queue ? install_params.FileQueue : queue; info.src_root = src_root; info.copy_flags = copy_flags; info.layout = hinf; ret = (iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, CopyFiles, copy_files_callback, &info ) && iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, DelFiles, delete_files_callback, &info ) && iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, RenFiles, rename_files_callback, &info )); if (!use_custom_queue) { if (ret) ret = SetupCommitFileQueueW( owner, queue, callback, context ); SetupCloseFileQueue( queue ); } if (!ret) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_INIFILES) { if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, UpdateInis, update_ini_callback, NULL ) || !iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, UpdateIniFields, update_ini_fields_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_INI2REG) { if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, Ini2Reg, ini2reg_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_LOGCONFIG) { if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, LogConf, logconf_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_REGSVR) { struct register_dll_info info; info.unregister = FALSE; if (flags & SPINST_REGISTERCALLBACKAWARE) { info.callback = callback; info.callback_context = context; } else info.callback = NULL; if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, RegisterDlls, register_dlls_callback, &info )) return FALSE; #ifdef __WINESRC__ if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, WineFakeDlls, fake_dlls_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; #endif // __WINESRC__ } if (flags & SPINST_UNREGSVR) { struct register_dll_info info; info.unregister = TRUE; if (flags & SPINST_REGISTERCALLBACKAWARE) { info.callback = callback; info.callback_context = context; } else info.callback = NULL; if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, UnregisterDlls, register_dlls_callback, &info )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_REGISTRY) { struct registry_callback_info info; info.default_root = key_root; info.delete = TRUE; if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, DelReg, registry_callback, &info )) return FALSE; info.delete = FALSE; if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, AddReg, registry_callback, &info )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_BITREG) { if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, BitReg, bitreg_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_PROFILEITEMS) { if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, ProfileItems, profile_items_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; } if (flags & SPINST_COPYINF) { if (!iterate_section_fields( hinf, section, CopyINF, copy_inf_callback, NULL )) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * InstallHinfSectionW (SETUPAPI.@) * * NOTE: 'cmdline' is
from * RUNDLL32.EXE SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection
*/ void WINAPI InstallHinfSectionW( HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE handle, LPCWSTR cmdline, INT show ) { WCHAR *s, *path, section[MAX_PATH]; void *callback_context = NULL; DWORD SectionNameLength; UINT mode; HINF hinf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL bRebootRequired = FALSE; BOOL ret; TRACE("hwnd %p, handle %p, cmdline %s\n", hwnd, handle, debugstr_w(cmdline)); lstrcpynW( section, cmdline, MAX_PATH ); if (!(s = strchrW( section, ' ' ))) return; *s++ = 0; while (*s == ' ') s++; mode = atoiW( s ); /* quoted paths are not allowed on native, the rest of the command line is taken as the path */ if (!(s = strchrW( s, ' ' ))) return; while (*s == ' ') s++; path = s; if (mode & 0x80) { FIXME("default path of the installation not changed\n"); mode &= ~0x80; } hinf = SetupOpenInfFileW( path, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL ); if (hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARN("SetupOpenInfFileW(%s) failed (Error %u)\n", path, GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } ret = SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallW( hinf, section, section, sizeof(section)/sizeof(section[0]), &SectionNameLength, NULL ); if (!ret) { WARN("SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallW() failed (Error %u)\n", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } if (SectionNameLength > MAX_PATH - strlenW(DotServices)) { WARN("Section name '%s' too long\n", section); goto cleanup; } /* Copy files and add registry entries */ callback_context = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback( hwnd ); ret = SetupInstallFromInfSectionW( hwnd, hinf, section, SPINST_ALL, NULL, NULL, SP_COPY_NEWER | SP_COPY_IN_USE_NEEDS_REBOOT, SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW, callback_context, NULL, NULL ); if (!ret) { WARN("SetupInstallFromInfSectionW() failed (Error %u)\n", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } /* FIXME: need to check if some files were in use and need reboot * bReboot = ...; */ /* Install services */ wcscat(section, DotServices); ret = SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionW( hinf, section, 0 ); if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND) ret = TRUE; if (!ret) { WARN("SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionW() failed (Error %u)\n", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED) { bRebootRequired = TRUE; } /* Check if we need to reboot */ switch (mode) { case 0: /* Never reboot */ break; case 1: /* Always reboot */ ExitWindowsEx(EWX_REBOOT, SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_APPLICATION | SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_INSTALLATION | SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED); break; case 2: /* Query user before rebooting */ SetupPromptReboot(NULL, hwnd, FALSE); break; case 3: /* Reboot if necessary */ if (bRebootRequired) { ExitWindowsEx(EWX_REBOOT, SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_APPLICATION | SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_INSTALLATION | SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED); } break; case 4: /* If necessary, query user before rebooting */ if (bRebootRequired) { SetupPromptReboot(NULL, hwnd, FALSE); } break; default: break; } cleanup: if ( callback_context ) SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback( callback_context ); if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinf ); } /*********************************************************************** * InstallHinfSectionA (SETUPAPI.@) */ void WINAPI InstallHinfSectionA( HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE handle, LPCSTR cmdline, INT show ) { UNICODE_STRING cmdlineW; if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &cmdlineW, cmdline )) { InstallHinfSectionW( hwnd, handle, cmdlineW.Buffer, show ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &cmdlineW ); } } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionW (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionW( HINF Inf, PCWSTR SectionName, DWORD Flags) { return SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW( Inf, SectionName, Flags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionA (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionA( HINF Inf, PCSTR SectionName, DWORD Flags) { return SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExA( Inf, SectionName, Flags, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExA (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExA( HINF hinf, PCSTR sectionname, DWORD flags, HDEVINFO devinfo, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA devinfo_data, PVOID reserved1, PVOID reserved2 ) { UNICODE_STRING sectionnameW; BOOL ret = FALSE; if (RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( §ionnameW, sectionname )) { ret = SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW( hinf, sectionnameW.Buffer, flags, devinfo, devinfo_data, reserved1, reserved2 ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( §ionnameW ); } else SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return ret; } static BOOL GetLineText( HINF hinf, PCWSTR section_name, PCWSTR key_name, PWSTR *value) { DWORD required; PWSTR buf = NULL; *value = NULL; if (! SetupGetLineTextW( NULL, hinf, section_name, key_name, NULL, 0, &required ) && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) return FALSE; buf = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, required * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( ! buf ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } if (! SetupGetLineTextW( NULL, hinf, section_name, key_name, buf, required, &required ) ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf ); return FALSE; } *value = buf; return TRUE; } static BOOL GetIntField( HINF hinf, PCWSTR section_name, PCWSTR key_name, INT *value) { LPWSTR buffer, end; INT res; if (! GetLineText( hinf, section_name, key_name, &buffer ) ) return FALSE; res = wcstol( buffer, &end, 0 ); if (end != buffer && !*end) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer); *value = res; return TRUE; } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); return FALSE; } } BOOL GetStringField( PINFCONTEXT context, DWORD index, PWSTR *value) { DWORD RequiredSize; BOOL ret; ret = SetupGetStringFieldW( context, index, NULL, 0, &RequiredSize); if (!ret) return FALSE; else if (RequiredSize == 0) { *value = NULL; return TRUE; } /* We got the needed size for the buffer */ *value = MyMalloc(RequiredSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*value) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } ret = SetupGetStringFieldW( context, index, *value, RequiredSize, NULL); if (!ret) MyFree(*value); return ret; } static VOID FixupServiceBinaryPath( IN DWORD ServiceType, IN OUT LPWSTR *ServiceBinary) { LPWSTR Buffer; WCHAR ReactosDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD RosDirLength, ServiceLength, Win32Length; GetWindowsDirectoryW(ReactosDir, MAX_PATH); RosDirLength = strlenW(ReactosDir); ServiceLength = strlenW(*ServiceBinary); /* Check and fix two things: 1. Get rid of C:\ReactOS and use relative path instead. 2. Add %SystemRoot% for Win32 services */ if (ServiceLength < RosDirLength) return; if (!wcsnicmp(*ServiceBinary, ReactosDir, RosDirLength)) { /* Yes, the first part is the C:\ReactOS\, just skip it */ MoveMemory(*ServiceBinary, *ServiceBinary + RosDirLength + 1, (ServiceLength - RosDirLength) * sizeof(WCHAR)); /* Handle Win32-services differently */ if (ServiceType & SERVICE_WIN32) { Win32Length = (ServiceLength - RosDirLength - 1 + 13) * sizeof(WCHAR); /* -1 to not count the separator after C:\ReactOS wcslen(L"%SystemRoot%\\") = 13*sizeof(wchar_t) */ Buffer = MyMalloc(Win32Length); wcscpy(Buffer, L"%SystemRoot%\\"); wcscat(Buffer, *ServiceBinary); MyFree(*ServiceBinary); *ServiceBinary = Buffer; } } } static BOOL InstallOneService( struct DeviceInfoSet *list, IN HINF hInf, IN LPCWSTR ServiceSection, IN LPCWSTR ServiceName, IN UINT ServiceFlags) { SC_HANDLE hSCManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; LPDWORD GroupOrder = NULL; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW ServiceConfig = NULL; HKEY hServicesKey, hServiceKey; LONG rc; BOOL ret = FALSE; HKEY hGroupOrderListKey = NULL; LPWSTR ServiceBinary = NULL; LPWSTR LoadOrderGroup = NULL; LPWSTR DisplayName = NULL; LPWSTR Description = NULL; LPWSTR Dependencies = NULL; LPWSTR SecurityDescriptor = NULL; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd = NULL; INT ServiceType, StartType, ErrorControl; DWORD dwRegType; DWORD tagId = (DWORD)-1; BOOL useTag; if (!GetIntField(hInf, ServiceSection, ServiceTypeKey, &ServiceType)) goto cleanup; if (!GetIntField(hInf, ServiceSection, StartTypeKey, &StartType)) goto cleanup; if (!GetIntField(hInf, ServiceSection, ErrorControlKey, &ErrorControl)) goto cleanup; useTag = (ServiceType == SERVICE_BOOT_START || ServiceType == SERVICE_SYSTEM_START); hSCManager = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE); if (hSCManager == NULL) goto cleanup; if (!GetLineText(hInf, ServiceSection, ServiceBinaryKey, &ServiceBinary)) goto cleanup; /* Adjust binary path according to the service type */ FixupServiceBinaryPath(ServiceType, &ServiceBinary); /* Don't check return value, as these fields are optional and * GetLineText initialize output parameter even on failure */ GetLineText(hInf, ServiceSection, LoadOrderGroupKey, &LoadOrderGroup); GetLineText(hInf, ServiceSection, DisplayNameKey, &DisplayName); GetLineText(hInf, ServiceSection, DescriptionKey, &Description); GetLineText(hInf, ServiceSection, DependenciesKey, &Dependencies); /* If there is no group, we must not request a tag */ if (!LoadOrderGroup || !*LoadOrderGroup) useTag = FALSE; hService = OpenServiceW( hSCManager, ServiceName, DELETE | SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG | SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG | WRITE_DAC); if (hService == NULL && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) goto cleanup; if (hService && (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_DELETEEVENTLOGENTRY)) { ret = DeleteService(hService); if (!ret && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE) goto cleanup; } if (hService == NULL) { /* Create new service */ hService = CreateServiceW( hSCManager, ServiceName, DisplayName, WRITE_DAC, ServiceType, StartType, ErrorControl, ServiceBinary, LoadOrderGroup, useTag ? &tagId : NULL, Dependencies, NULL, NULL); if (hService == NULL) goto cleanup; } else { DWORD bufferSize; /* Read current configuration */ if (!QueryServiceConfigW(hService, NULL, 0, &bufferSize)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) goto cleanup; ServiceConfig = MyMalloc(bufferSize); if (!ServiceConfig) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto cleanup; } if (!QueryServiceConfigW(hService, ServiceConfig, bufferSize, &bufferSize)) goto cleanup; } tagId = ServiceConfig->dwTagId; /* Update configuration */ ret = ChangeServiceConfigW( hService, ServiceType, (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_STARTTYPE) ? SERVICE_NO_CHANGE : StartType, (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_ERRORCONTROL) ? SERVICE_NO_CHANGE : ErrorControl, ServiceBinary, (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_LOADORDERGROUP && ServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup) ? NULL : LoadOrderGroup, useTag ? &tagId : NULL, (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DEPENDENCIES && ServiceConfig->lpDependencies) ? NULL : Dependencies, NULL, NULL, (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DISPLAYNAME && ServiceConfig->lpDisplayName) ? NULL : DisplayName); if (!ret) goto cleanup; } /* Set security */ if (GetLineText(hInf, ServiceSection, SecurityKey, &SecurityDescriptor)) { ret = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(SecurityDescriptor, SDDL_REVISION_1, &sd, NULL); if (!ret) goto cleanup; ret = SetServiceObjectSecurity(hService, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd); if (!ret) goto cleanup; } /* FIXME: use Description and SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DESCRIPTION */ if (useTag) { /* Add the tag to SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GroupOrderList key */ LPCWSTR lpLoadOrderGroup; DWORD bufferSize; lpLoadOrderGroup = LoadOrderGroup; if ((ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_LOADORDERGROUP) && ServiceConfig && ServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup) lpLoadOrderGroup = ServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup; rc = RegOpenKeyW( list ? list->HKLM : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GroupOrderListKey, &hGroupOrderListKey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto cleanup; } rc = RegQueryValueExW(hGroupOrderListKey, lpLoadOrderGroup, NULL, &dwRegType, NULL, &bufferSize); if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) bufferSize = sizeof(DWORD); else if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto cleanup; } else if (dwRegType != REG_BINARY || bufferSize == 0 || bufferSize % sizeof(DWORD) != 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); goto cleanup; } /* Allocate buffer to store existing data + the new tag */ GroupOrder = MyMalloc(bufferSize + sizeof(DWORD)); if (!GroupOrder) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto cleanup; } if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Read existing data */ rc = RegQueryValueExW( hGroupOrderListKey, lpLoadOrderGroup, NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)GroupOrder, &bufferSize); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto cleanup; } if (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT) memmove(&GroupOrder[2], &GroupOrder[1], bufferSize - sizeof(DWORD)); } else { GroupOrder[0] = 0; } GroupOrder[0]++; if (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT) GroupOrder[1] = tagId; else GroupOrder[bufferSize / sizeof(DWORD)] = tagId; rc = RegSetValueExW( hGroupOrderListKey, lpLoadOrderGroup, 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE*)GroupOrder, bufferSize + sizeof(DWORD)); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto cleanup; } } /* Handle AddReg and DelReg */ rc = RegOpenKeyExW( list ? list->HKLM : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_SERVICES, 0, 0, &hServicesKey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto cleanup; } rc = RegOpenKeyExW( hServicesKey, ServiceName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hServiceKey); RegCloseKey(hServicesKey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto cleanup; } ret = SetupInstallFromInfSectionW( NULL, hInf, ServiceSection, SPINST_REGISTRY, hServiceKey, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); RegCloseKey(hServiceKey); cleanup: if (hSCManager != NULL) CloseServiceHandle(hSCManager); if (hService != NULL) CloseServiceHandle(hService); if (hGroupOrderListKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hGroupOrderListKey); if (sd != NULL) LocalFree(sd); MyFree(ServiceConfig); MyFree(ServiceBinary); MyFree(LoadOrderGroup); MyFree(DisplayName); MyFree(Description); MyFree(Dependencies); MyFree(SecurityDescriptor); MyFree(GroupOrder); TRACE("Returning %d\n", ret); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW( HINF hinf, PCWSTR sectionname, DWORD flags, HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, PVOID reserved1, PVOID reserved2 ) { struct DeviceInfoSet *list = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; TRACE("%p, %s, 0x%lx, %p, %p, %p, %p\n", hinf, debugstr_w(sectionname), flags, DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, reserved1, reserved2); if (!sectionname) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (flags & ~(SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT | SPSVCINST_DELETEEVENTLOGENTRY | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DISPLAYNAME | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_STARTTYPE | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_ERRORCONTROL | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_LOADORDERGROUP | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DEPENDENCIES | SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE)) { TRACE("Unknown flags: 0x%08lx\n", flags & ~(SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT | SPSVCINST_DELETEEVENTLOGENTRY | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DISPLAYNAME | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_STARTTYPE | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_ERRORCONTROL | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_LOADORDERGROUP | SPSVCINST_NOCLOBBER_DEPENDENCIES | SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); } else if (DeviceInfoSet == (HDEVINFO)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); else if (DeviceInfoSet && (list = (struct DeviceInfoSet *)DeviceInfoSet)->magic != SETUP_DEVICE_INFO_SET_MAGIC) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); else if (DeviceInfoData && DeviceInfoData->cbSize != sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA)) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER); else if (reserved1 != NULL || reserved2 != NULL) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else { struct needs_callback_info needs_info; LPWSTR ServiceName = NULL; LPWSTR ServiceSection = NULL; INT ServiceFlags; INFCONTEXT ContextService; BOOL bNeedReboot = FALSE; /* Parse 'Include' and 'Needs' directives */ iterate_section_fields( hinf, sectionname, Include, include_callback, NULL); needs_info.type = 1; needs_info.flags = flags; needs_info.devinfo = DeviceInfoSet; needs_info.devinfo_data = DeviceInfoData; needs_info.reserved1 = reserved1; needs_info.reserved2 = reserved2; iterate_section_fields( hinf, sectionname, Needs, needs_callback, &needs_info); if (flags & SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE) { FIXME("Stopping the device not implemented\n"); /* This may lead to require a reboot */ /* bNeedReboot = TRUE; */ #if 0 SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; ret = ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus); if (!ret && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) goto cleanup; if (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOP_PENDING && ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSTALL_SERVICE_FAILURE); goto cleanup; } #endif flags &= ~SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE; } ret = SetupFindFirstLineW(hinf, sectionname, AddService, &ContextService); while (ret) { if (!GetStringField(&ContextService, 1, &ServiceName)) goto nextservice; ret = SetupGetIntField( &ContextService, 2, /* Field index */ &ServiceFlags); if (!ret) { /* The field may be empty. Ignore the error */ ServiceFlags = 0; } if (!GetStringField(&ContextService, 3, &ServiceSection)) goto nextservice; ret = InstallOneService(list, hinf, ServiceSection, ServiceName, (ServiceFlags & ~SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE) | flags); if (!ret) goto nextservice; if (ServiceFlags & SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE) { ret = SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_SERVICE, (LPBYTE)ServiceName, (strlenW(ServiceName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!ret) goto nextservice; } nextservice: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ServiceName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ServiceSection); ServiceName = ServiceSection = NULL; ret = SetupFindNextMatchLineW(&ContextService, AddService, &ContextService); } if (bNeedReboot) SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED); else SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); ret = TRUE; } TRACE("Returning %d\n", ret); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * SetupCopyOEMInfA (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupCopyOEMInfA( IN PCSTR SourceInfFileName, IN PCSTR OEMSourceMediaLocation, IN DWORD OEMSourceMediaType, IN DWORD CopyStyle, OUT PSTR DestinationInfFileName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD DestinationInfFileNameSize, OUT PDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL, OUT PSTR* DestinationInfFileNameComponent OPTIONAL) { PWSTR SourceInfFileNameW = NULL; PWSTR OEMSourceMediaLocationW = NULL; PWSTR DestinationInfFileNameW = NULL; PWSTR DestinationInfFileNameComponentW = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; TRACE("%s %s 0x%lx 0x%lx %p 0%lu %p %p\n", SourceInfFileName, OEMSourceMediaLocation, OEMSourceMediaType, CopyStyle, DestinationInfFileName, DestinationInfFileNameSize, RequiredSize, DestinationInfFileNameComponent); if (!DestinationInfFileName && DestinationInfFileNameSize > 0) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (!(SourceInfFileNameW = pSetupMultiByteToUnicode(SourceInfFileName, CP_ACP))) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (OEMSourceMediaType != SPOST_NONE && !(OEMSourceMediaLocationW = pSetupMultiByteToUnicode(OEMSourceMediaLocation, CP_ACP))) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else { if (DestinationInfFileNameSize != 0) { DestinationInfFileNameW = MyMalloc(DestinationInfFileNameSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!DestinationInfFileNameW) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto cleanup; } } ret = SetupCopyOEMInfW( SourceInfFileNameW, OEMSourceMediaLocationW, OEMSourceMediaType, CopyStyle, DestinationInfFileNameW, DestinationInfFileNameSize, RequiredSize, DestinationInfFileNameComponent ? &DestinationInfFileNameComponentW : NULL); if (!ret) goto cleanup; if (DestinationInfFileNameSize != 0) { if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, DestinationInfFileNameW, -1, DestinationInfFileName, DestinationInfFileNameSize, NULL, NULL) == 0) { DestinationInfFileName[0] = '\0'; goto cleanup; } } if (DestinationInfFileNameComponent) { if (DestinationInfFileNameComponentW) *DestinationInfFileNameComponent = &DestinationInfFileName[DestinationInfFileNameComponentW - DestinationInfFileNameW]; else *DestinationInfFileNameComponent = NULL; } ret = TRUE; } cleanup: MyFree(SourceInfFileNameW); MyFree(OEMSourceMediaLocationW); MyFree(DestinationInfFileNameW); TRACE("Returning %d\n", ret); if (ret) SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return ret; } static int compare_files( HANDLE file1, HANDLE file2 ) { char buffer1[2048]; char buffer2[2048]; DWORD size1; DWORD size2; while( ReadFile(file1, buffer1, sizeof(buffer1), &size1, NULL) && ReadFile(file2, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), &size2, NULL) ) { int ret; if (size1 != size2) return size1 > size2 ? 1 : -1; if (!size1) return 0; ret = memcmp( buffer1, buffer2, size1 ); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * SetupCopyOEMInfW (SETUPAPI.@) */ BOOL WINAPI SetupCopyOEMInfW( IN PCWSTR SourceInfFileName, IN PCWSTR OEMSourceMediaLocation, IN DWORD OEMSourceMediaType, IN DWORD CopyStyle, OUT PWSTR DestinationInfFileName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD DestinationInfFileNameSize, OUT PDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL, OUT PWSTR* DestinationInfFileNameComponent OPTIONAL) { BOOL ret = FALSE; TRACE("%s %s 0x%lx 0x%lx %p 0%lu %p %p\n", debugstr_w(SourceInfFileName), debugstr_w(OEMSourceMediaLocation), OEMSourceMediaType, CopyStyle, DestinationInfFileName, DestinationInfFileNameSize, RequiredSize, DestinationInfFileNameComponent); if (!SourceInfFileName) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (OEMSourceMediaType != SPOST_NONE && OEMSourceMediaType != SPOST_PATH && OEMSourceMediaType != SPOST_URL) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (OEMSourceMediaType != SPOST_NONE && !OEMSourceMediaLocation) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (CopyStyle & ~(SP_COPY_DELETESOURCE | SP_COPY_REPLACEONLY | SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE | SP_COPY_OEMINF_CATALOG_ONLY)) { TRACE("Unknown flags: 0x%08lx\n", CopyStyle & ~(SP_COPY_DELETESOURCE | SP_COPY_REPLACEONLY | SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE | SP_COPY_OEMINF_CATALOG_ONLY)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); } else if (!DestinationInfFileName && DestinationInfFileNameSize > 0) SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); else if (CopyStyle & SP_COPY_OEMINF_CATALOG_ONLY) { FIXME("CopyStyle 0x%x not supported\n", SP_COPY_OEMINF_CATALOG_ONLY); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else { HANDLE hSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData; BOOL AlreadyExists; DWORD NextFreeNumber = 0; SIZE_T len; LPWSTR pFullFileName = NULL; LPWSTR pFileName; /* Pointer into pFullFileName buffer */ HANDLE hSourceFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (OEMSourceMediaType == SPOST_PATH || OEMSourceMediaType == SPOST_URL) FIXME("OEMSourceMediaType 0x%lx ignored\n", OEMSourceMediaType); /* Check if source file exists, and open it */ if (strchrW(SourceInfFileName, '\\' ) || strchrW(SourceInfFileName, '/' )) { WCHAR *path; if (!(len = GetFullPathNameW(SourceInfFileName, 0, NULL, NULL))) return FALSE; if (!(path = MyMalloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } GetFullPathNameW(SourceInfFileName, len, path, NULL); hSourceFile = CreateFileW( path, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); MyFree(path); } else /* try Windows directory */ { WCHAR *path, *p; static const WCHAR Inf[] = {'\\','i','n','f','\\',0}; static const WCHAR System32[] = {'\\','s','y','s','t','e','m','3','2','\\',0}; len = GetWindowsDirectoryW(NULL, 0) + strlenW(SourceInfFileName) + 12; if (!(path = MyMalloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } GetWindowsDirectoryW(path, len); p = path + strlenW(path); strcpyW(p, Inf); strcatW(p, SourceInfFileName); hSourceFile = CreateFileW( path, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hSourceFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { strcpyW(p, System32); strcatW(p, SourceInfFileName); hSourceFile = CreateFileW( path, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); } MyFree(path); } if (hSourceFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); goto cleanup; } /* Prepare .inf file specification */ len = MAX_PATH + 1 + strlenW(InfDirectory) + 13; pFullFileName = MyMalloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pFullFileName) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto cleanup; } len = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(pFullFileName, MAX_PATH); if (len == 0 || len > MAX_PATH) goto cleanup; if (pFullFileName[strlenW(pFullFileName) - 1] != '\\') strcatW(pFullFileName, BackSlash); strcatW(pFullFileName, InfDirectory); pFileName = &pFullFileName[strlenW(pFullFileName)]; /* Search if the specified .inf file already exists in %WINDIR%\Inf */ AlreadyExists = FALSE; strcpyW(pFileName, OemFileMask); hSearch = FindFirstFileW(pFullFileName, &FindFileData); if (hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LARGE_INTEGER SourceFileSize; if (GetFileSizeEx(hSourceFile, &SourceFileSize)) { do { LARGE_INTEGER DestFileSize; HANDLE hDestFile; strcpyW(pFileName, FindFileData.cFileName); hDestFile = CreateFileW( pFullFileName, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hDestFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetFileSizeEx(hDestFile, &DestFileSize) && DestFileSize.QuadPart == SourceFileSize.QuadPart && !compare_files(hSourceFile, hDestFile)) { TRACE("%s already exists as %s\n", debugstr_w(SourceInfFileName), debugstr_w(pFileName)); AlreadyExists = TRUE; } } } while (!AlreadyExists && FindNextFileW(hSearch, &FindFileData)); } FindClose(hSearch); hSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (!AlreadyExists && CopyStyle & SP_COPY_REPLACEONLY) { /* FIXME: set DestinationInfFileName, RequiredSize, DestinationInfFileNameComponent */ SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); goto cleanup; } else if (AlreadyExists && (CopyStyle & SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE)) { DWORD Size = strlenW(pFileName) + 1; if (RequiredSize) *RequiredSize = Size; if (DestinationInfFileNameSize == 0) SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS); else if (DestinationInfFileNameSize < Size) SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); else { SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS); strcpyW(DestinationInfFileName, pFileName); } goto cleanup; } /* Search the number to give to OEM??.INF */ strcpyW(pFileName, OemFileMask); hSearch = FindFirstFileW(pFullFileName, &FindFileData); if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) goto cleanup; } else { do { DWORD CurrentNumber; if (swscanf(FindFileData.cFileName, OemFileSpecification, &CurrentNumber) == 1 && CurrentNumber <= 99999) { if (CurrentNumber >= NextFreeNumber) NextFreeNumber = CurrentNumber + 1; } } while (FindNextFileW(hSearch, &FindFileData)); } if (NextFreeNumber > 99999) { ERR("Too much custom .inf files\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); goto cleanup; } /* Create the full path: %WINDIR%\Inf\OEM{XXXXX}.inf */ sprintfW(pFileName, OemFileSpecification, NextFreeNumber); TRACE("Next available file is %s\n", debugstr_w(pFileName)); if (!CopyFileW(SourceInfFileName, pFullFileName, TRUE)) { TRACE("CopyFileW() failed with error 0x%lx\n", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } len = strlenW(pFullFileName) + 1; if (RequiredSize) *RequiredSize = len; if (DestinationInfFileName) { if (DestinationInfFileNameSize >= len) { strcpyW(DestinationInfFileName, pFullFileName); if (DestinationInfFileNameComponent) *DestinationInfFileNameComponent = &DestinationInfFileName[pFileName - pFullFileName]; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto cleanup; } } if (CopyStyle & SP_COPY_DELETESOURCE) { if (!DeleteFileW(SourceInfFileName)) { TRACE("DeleteFileW() failed with error 0x%lx\n", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } } ret = TRUE; cleanup: if (hSourceFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hSourceFile); if (hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hSearch); MyFree(pFullFileName); } TRACE("Returning %d\n", ret); if (ret) SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return ret; }