/* * PROJECT: ReactOS user32.dll * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Window ghosting feature * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2018 Katayama Hirofumi MZ (katayama.hirofumi.mz@gmail.com) */ #include #include "ghostwnd.h" #define NDEBUG #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserInput); static UNICODE_STRING GhostClass = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(GHOSTCLASSNAME); static UNICODE_STRING GhostProp = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(GHOST_PROP); PTHREADINFO gptiGhostThread = NULL; /* * GhostThreadMain * * Creates ghost windows and exits when no non-responsive window remains. */ VOID NTAPI UserGhostThreadEntry(VOID) { TRACE("Ghost thread started\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); gptiGhostThread = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); //TODO: Implement. This thread should handle all ghost windows and exit when no ghost window is needed. gptiGhostThread = NULL; UserLeave(); } BOOL FASTCALL IntIsGhostWindow(PWND Window) { BOOLEAN Ret = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING ClassName; INT iCls, Len; RTL_ATOM Atom = 0; if (!Window) return FALSE; if (Window->fnid && !(Window->fnid & FNID_DESTROY)) { if (LookupFnIdToiCls(Window->fnid, &iCls)) { Atom = gpsi->atomSysClass[iCls]; } } // check class name RtlInitUnicodeString(&ClassName, NULL); Len = UserGetClassName(Window->pcls, &ClassName, Atom, FALSE); if (Len > 0) { Ret = RtlEqualUnicodeString(&ClassName, &GhostClass, TRUE); } else { DPRINT1("Unable to get class name\n"); } RtlFreeUnicodeString(&ClassName); return Ret; } HWND FASTCALL IntGhostWindowFromHungWindow(PWND pHungWnd) { RTL_ATOM Atom; HWND hwndGhost; if (!IntGetAtomFromStringOrAtom(&GhostProp, &Atom)) return NULL; hwndGhost = UserGetProp(pHungWnd, Atom, TRUE); if (hwndGhost) { if (ValidateHwndNoErr(hwndGhost)) return hwndGhost; DPRINT("Not a window\n"); } return NULL; } HWND FASTCALL UserGhostWindowFromHungWindow(HWND hwndHung) { PWND pHungWnd = ValidateHwndNoErr(hwndHung); if (!pHungWnd) { DPRINT("Not a window\n"); return NULL; } return IntGhostWindowFromHungWindow(pHungWnd); } HWND FASTCALL IntHungWindowFromGhostWindow(PWND pGhostWnd) { const GHOST_DATA *UserData; HWND hwndTarget; if (!IntIsGhostWindow(pGhostWnd)) { DPRINT("Not a ghost window\n"); return NULL; } UserData = (const GHOST_DATA *)pGhostWnd->dwUserData; if (UserData) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(UserData, sizeof(GHOST_DATA), 1); hwndTarget = UserData->hwndTarget; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DPRINT1("Exception!\n"); hwndTarget = NULL; } _SEH2_END; } else { DPRINT("No user data\n"); hwndTarget = NULL; } if (hwndTarget) { if (ValidateHwndNoErr(hwndTarget)) return hwndTarget; DPRINT1("Not a window\n"); } return NULL; } HWND FASTCALL UserHungWindowFromGhostWindow(HWND hwndGhost) { PWND pGhostWnd = ValidateHwndNoErr(hwndGhost); return IntHungWindowFromGhostWindow(pGhostWnd); } BOOL FASTCALL IntMakeHungWindowGhosted(HWND hwndHung) { PWND pHungWnd = ValidateHwndNoErr(hwndHung); if (!pHungWnd) { DPRINT1("Not a window\n"); return FALSE; // not a window } if (!MsqIsHung(pHungWnd->head.pti)) { DPRINT1("Not hung window\n"); return FALSE; // not hung window } if (!(pHungWnd->style & WS_VISIBLE)) return FALSE; // invisible if (pHungWnd->style & WS_CHILD) return FALSE; // child if (IntIsGhostWindow(pHungWnd)) { DPRINT1("IntIsGhostWindow\n"); return FALSE; // ghost window cannot be ghosted } if (IntGhostWindowFromHungWindow(pHungWnd)) { DPRINT("Already ghosting\n"); return FALSE; // already ghosting } // TODO: Find a way to pass the hwnd of pHungWnd to the ghost thread as we can't pass parameters directly if (!gptiGhostThread) UserCreateSystemThread(ST_GHOST_THREAD); return TRUE; }