/* * Copyright 2016, 2017 Mark Jansen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #ifdef __REACTOS__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include "wine/test.h" #include "apphelp_apitest.h" typedef void* HSDB; typedef void* PDB; typedef DWORD TAGREF; typedef WORD TAG; static HMODULE hdll; BOOL(WINAPI *pSdbGetMatchingExe)(HSDB hsdb, LPCWSTR szPath, LPCWSTR szModuleName, LPCWSTR pszEnvironment, DWORD dwFlags, PSDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA pQueryResult); HSDB (WINAPI *pSdbInitDatabase)(DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR pszDatabasePath); void (WINAPI *pSdbReleaseDatabase)(HSDB hsdb); BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbTagRefToTagID)(HSDB hsdb, TAGREF trWhich, PDB* ppdb, TAGID* ptiWhich); TAG (WINAPI *pSdbGetTagFromTagID)(PDB pdb, TAGID tiWhich); TAGREF (WINAPI *pSdbGetLayerTagRef)(HSDB hsdb, LPCWSTR layerName); /* TODO: Investigate ApphelpCheckRunApp, for some reason there is not AppCompatData generated... */ BOOL (WINAPI *pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w7)(HANDLE FileHandle, PVOID Unk1, PVOID Unk2, PWCHAR ApplicationName, PVOID Environment, USHORT ExeType, PULONG Reason, PVOID* SdbQueryAppCompatData, PULONG SdbQueryAppCompatDataSize, PVOID* SxsData, PULONG SxsDataSize, PULONG FusionFlags, PULONG64 SomeFlag1, PULONG SomeFlag2); BOOL (WINAPI *pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w10)(HANDLE FileHandle, PVOID Unk1, PVOID Unk2, PWCHAR ApplicationName, PVOID Environment, PVOID Unk3, USHORT ExeType, PULONG Reason, PVOID* SdbQueryAppCompatData, PULONG SdbQueryAppCompatDataSize, PVOID* SxsData, PULONG SxsDataSize, PULONG FusionFlags, PULONG64 SomeFlag1, PULONG SomeFlag2); BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbPackAppCompatData)(HSDB hsdb, PSDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA pQueryResult, PVOID* ppData, DWORD *dwSize); BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbUnpackAppCompatData)(HSDB hsdb, LPCWSTR pszImageName, PVOID pData, PSDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA pQueryResult); DWORD (WINAPI *pSdbGetAppCompatDataSize)(PVOID pData); static HSDB g_LayerDB; static DWORD g_ShimDataSize; static DWORD g_ModuleVersion; static const SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA empty_result = { { 0 } }; static const SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA almost_empty = { { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0 }, SHIMREG_DISABLE_LAYER, 0 }; #define SHIMDATA_MAGIC 0xAC0DEDAB #define MAX_LAYER_LENGTH 256 typedef struct ShimData_Win2k3 { WCHAR szModule[34]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMagic; TAGREF atrExes[SDB_MAX_EXES_2k3]; TAGREF atrLayers[SDB_MAX_LAYERS]; DWORD dwUnk0; DWORD dwUnk1; DWORD dwCustomSDBMap; GUID rgGuidDB[SDB_MAX_SDBS]; } ShimData_Win2k3; typedef struct ShimData_Win7 { WCHAR szModule[260]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMagic; SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA Query; WCHAR szLayer[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; DWORD unknown; // 0x14c } ShimData_Win7; typedef struct ShimData_Win10_v1 { WCHAR szModule[260]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMagic; DWORD unk1; SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA Query; WCHAR szLayer[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; char padding1[0x200]; char padding2[0x404]; // Contains some data at the start DWORD unk2; DWORD unk3; WCHAR processname[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szLayerEnv[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; WCHAR unk4[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; char padding4[120]; } ShimData_Win10_v1; typedef struct ShimData_Win10_v2 { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMagic; DWORD unk1; DWORD unk2; SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA Query; WCHAR szLayer[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; char padding1[0x200]; char padding2[0x2ae + 0x54 + 0x2a + 0x16 + 0x16]; DWORD unk3; DWORD unk4; WCHAR processname[MAX_PATH-2]; WCHAR szLayerEnv[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; WCHAR unk5[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH]; char padding4[76]; } ShimData_Win10_v2; typedef struct ShimData_QueryOffset { DWORD dwSize_10_v2; DWORD dwMagic_10_v2; char spacing1[60]; DWORD dwSize_2k3; DWORD dwMagic_2k3; char spacing2[444]; DWORD dwSize_7_10; DWORD dwMagic_7_10; } ShimData_QueryOffset; C_ASSERT(sizeof(ShimData_Win2k3) == 392); C_ASSERT(sizeof(ShimData_Win7) == 1500); C_ASSERT(sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v1) == 4712); C_ASSERT(sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v2) == 3976); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win10_v2, dwSize) == 0); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win2k3, dwSize) == 68); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win7, dwSize) == 520); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win10_v1, dwSize) == 520); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win10_v2, dwMagic) == 4); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win2k3, dwMagic) == 72); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win7, dwMagic) == 524); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_Win10_v1, dwMagic) == 524); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_QueryOffset, dwSize_10_v2) == 0); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_QueryOffset, dwSize_2k3) == 68); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_QueryOffset, dwSize_7_10) == 520); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_QueryOffset, dwMagic_10_v2) == 4); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_QueryOffset, dwMagic_2k3) == 72); C_ASSERT(offsetof(ShimData_QueryOffset, dwMagic_7_10) == 524); #define SDB_DATABASE_MAIN_SHIM 0x80030000 #define SDBGMEF_IGNORE_ENVIRONMENT 0x1 typedef struct test_RemoteShimInfo { ULARGE_INTEGER AppCompatFlags; ULARGE_INTEGER AppCompatFlagsUser; PVOID pShimData; DWORD ShimDataSize; PVOID AppCompatInfo; } test_RemoteShimInfo; static BOOL readproc(HANDLE proc, LPVOID address, PVOID target, DWORD size) { SIZE_T dwRead; if (ReadProcessMemory(proc, address, target, size, &dwRead)) { ok(dwRead == size, "Expected to read %u bytes, got %lu\n", size, dwRead); return dwRead == size; } ok(0, "RPM failed with %u\n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } static BOOL get_shiminfo(HANDLE proc, test_RemoteShimInfo* info) { PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION pbi = { 0 }; ULONG sizeOut = 0; NTSTATUS status = NtQueryInformationProcess(proc, ProcessBasicInformation, &pbi, sizeof(pbi), &sizeOut); ok(NT_SUCCESS(status), "Expected NtQI to succeed, but failed with: %x\n", status); memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { PEB peb = { 0 }; if (readproc(proc, pbi.PebBaseAddress, &peb, sizeof(peb))) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi = { 0 }; SIZE_T dwRead; info->AppCompatFlags = peb.AppCompatFlags; info->AppCompatFlagsUser = peb.AppCompatFlagsUser; info->AppCompatInfo = peb.AppCompatInfo; if (peb.pShimData == NULL) return TRUE; dwRead = VirtualQueryEx(proc, (LPCVOID)peb.pShimData, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)); ok(dwRead == sizeof(mbi), "Expected VQE to return %u, got %lu\n", sizeof(mbi), dwRead); if (dwRead == sizeof(mbi) || peb.pShimData == NULL) { info->ShimDataSize = mbi.RegionSize; info->pShimData = malloc(mbi.RegionSize); if (readproc(proc, peb.pShimData, info->pShimData, mbi.RegionSize)) return TRUE; free(info->pShimData); info->pShimData = NULL; } } } return FALSE; } static HANDLE create_proc(BOOL suspended) { static char proc_name[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; STARTUPINFOA si = {sizeof(si)}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; BOOL res; if (!proc_name[0]) { GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, proc_name, MAX_PATH); } res = CreateProcessA(NULL, proc_name, NULL, NULL, TRUE, suspended ? CREATE_SUSPENDED : 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (!res) return NULL; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return pi.hProcess; } static void create_environ(const char* layers[], size_t num) { char buf[256] = { 0 }; size_t n; for (n = 0; n < num; ++n) { if (n) strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, layers[n]); } SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", buf); } static void ValidateShim(TAGREF trLayer, const char* name) { HSDB hsdb = pSdbInitDatabase(SDB_DATABASE_MAIN_SHIM, NULL); ok(hsdb != NULL, "Expected a valid handle\n"); if (hsdb) { PDB pdb = NULL; TAGID tagid = 0xdeadbeef; WCHAR nameW[256] = { 0 }; BOOL ret; mbstowcs(nameW, name, strlen(name)); ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, trLayer, &pdb, &tagid); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected pSdbTagRefToTagID to succeed\n"); if (ret) { TAG tag; ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected pdb to be a valid pointer\n"); ok(tagid != 0 && tagid != 0xdeadbeef, "Expected tagid to be a valid tag id, was: 0x%x\n", tagid); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid); ok(tag == 0x700b, "Expected tag to be 0x700b, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); } pSdbReleaseDatabase(hsdb); } } static void Validate_ShimData_Win2k3(PVOID data, size_t count, const char* layers[]) { //size_t n; ShimData_Win2k3* pShimData = (ShimData_Win2k3*)data; ok(!lstrcmpW(pShimData->szModule, L"ShimEng.dll"), "Expected pShimData->Module to be %s, was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(L"ShimEng.dll"), wine_dbgstr_w(pShimData->szModule)); ok(pShimData->dwMagic == SHIMDATA_MAGIC, "Expected pShimData->dwMagic to be 0x%x, was 0x%x\n", SHIMDATA_MAGIC, pShimData->dwMagic); ok(pShimData->dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win2k3), "Expected pShimData->dwSize to be %u, was %u\n", sizeof(ShimData_Win2k3), pShimData->dwSize); ok(pShimData->dwCustomSDBMap == 1, "Expected pShimData->dwCustomSDBMap to be 1, was %u\n", pShimData->dwCustomSDBMap); } static void Validate_ShimData_Win7(PVOID data, WCHAR szApphelp[256], size_t count, const char* layers[]) { size_t n; ShimData_Win7* pShimData = (ShimData_Win7*)data; ok(!lstrcmpW(pShimData->szModule, szApphelp), "Expected pShimData->Module to be %s, was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(szApphelp), wine_dbgstr_w(pShimData->szModule)); ok(pShimData->dwMagic == SHIMDATA_MAGIC, "Expected pShimData->dwMagic to be 0x%x, was 0x%x\n", SHIMDATA_MAGIC, pShimData->dwMagic); ok(pShimData->dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win7), "Expected pShimData->dwSize to be %u, was %u\n", sizeof(ShimData_Win7), pShimData->dwSize); if (pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount != min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS)) { char buf[250] = {0}; GetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", buf, _countof(buf)); trace("At test: %s\n", buf); } ok(pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount == min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS), "Expected LayerCount to be %u, was %u\n", min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS), pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount); for (n = 0; n < SDB_MAX_LAYERS; ++n) { if (n < count) { ok(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n] != 0, "Expected to find a valid layer in index %u / %u\n", n, count); ValidateShim(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n], layers[n]); } else ok(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n] == 0, "Expected to find an empty layer in index %u / %u\n", n, count); } ok(pShimData->unknown == 0x14c, "Expected pShimData->unknown to be 0x14c, was 0x%x\n", pShimData->unknown); } static void Validate_ShimData_Win10_v2(PVOID data, WCHAR szApphelp[256], size_t count, const char* layers[]) { size_t n; ShimData_Win10_v2* pShimData = (ShimData_Win10_v2*)data; if (pShimData->dwMagic != SHIMDATA_MAGIC) { skip("Yet another unknown shimdata variant...\n"); return; } ok(pShimData->dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v2), "Expected pShimData->dwSize to be %u, was %u\n", sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v2), pShimData->dwSize); if (pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount != min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS)) { char buf[250] = {0}; GetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", buf, _countof(buf)); trace("At test: %s\n", buf); } ok(pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount == min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS), "Expected LayerCount to be %u, was %u\n", min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS), pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount); for (n = 0; n < SDB_MAX_LAYERS; ++n) { if (n < count) { ok(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n] != 0, "Expected to find a valid layer in index %u / %u\n", n, count); ValidateShim(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n], layers[n]); } else ok(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n] == 0, "Expected to find an empty layer in index %u / %u\n", n, count); } } static void Validate_ShimData_Win10(PVOID data, WCHAR szApphelp[256], size_t count, const char* layers[]) { size_t n; ShimData_Win10_v1* pShimData = (ShimData_Win10_v1*)data; if (pShimData->dwMagic != SHIMDATA_MAGIC) { Validate_ShimData_Win10_v2(data, szApphelp, count, layers); return; } ok(!lstrcmpiW(pShimData->szModule, szApphelp), "Expected pShimData->Module to be %s, was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(szApphelp), wine_dbgstr_w(pShimData->szModule)); ok(pShimData->dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v1), "Expected pShimData->dwSize to be %u, was %u\n", sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v1), pShimData->dwSize); if (pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount != min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS)) { char buf[250] = {0}; GetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", buf, _countof(buf)); trace("At test: %s\n", buf); } ok(pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount == min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS), "Expected LayerCount to be %u, was %u\n", min(count, SDB_MAX_LAYERS), pShimData->Query.dwLayerCount); for (n = 0; n < SDB_MAX_LAYERS; ++n) { if (n < count) { ok(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n] != 0, "Expected to find a valid layer in index %u / %u\n", n, count); ValidateShim(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n], layers[n]); } else ok(pShimData->Query.atrLayers[n] == 0, "Expected to find an empty layer in index %u / %u\n", n, count); } } static void Validate_EmptyShimData_Win10(PVOID data) { ShimData_Win10_v1* pShimData = (ShimData_Win10_v1*)data; ok(pShimData != NULL, "Expected pShimData\n"); if (!pShimData) return; if (pShimData->dwMagic != SHIMDATA_MAGIC) { ShimData_Win10_v2* pShimData2 = (ShimData_Win10_v2*)data; if (pShimData2->dwMagic != SHIMDATA_MAGIC) { skip("Unknown shimdata (win10)\n"); return; } ok(!lstrcmpiW(pShimData2->szLayer, L""), "Expected pShimData->szLayer to be '', was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pShimData2->szLayer)); ok(pShimData2->dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v2), "Expected pShimData->dwSize to be %u, was %u\n", sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v2), pShimData2->dwSize); ok(!memcmp(&pShimData2->Query, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } else { ok(!lstrcmpiW(pShimData->szModule, L""), "Expected pShimData->Module to be '', was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pShimData->szModule)); ok(!lstrcmpiW(pShimData->szLayer, L""), "Expected pShimData->szLayer to be '', was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pShimData->szLayer)); ok(pShimData->dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v1), "Expected pShimData->dwSize to be %u, was %u\n", sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v1), pShimData->dwSize); ok(!memcmp(&pShimData->Query, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } } static void Test_layers(WCHAR szApphelp[256]) { static const char* layers[] = { "256Color", "NT4SP5", "DisableNXHideUI", "DisableNXShowUI", "WIN2000SP3", "640X480", /*"DISABLEDWM",*/ "HIGHDPIAWARE", /*"RUNASADMIN",*/ "DISABLETHEMES" /*, "Layer_Win95VersionLie"*/ }; size_t n; HANDLE proc; test_RemoteShimInfo info; BOOL res; for (n = 0; n <= (sizeof(layers) / sizeof(layers[0])); ++n) { create_environ(layers, n); proc = create_proc(TRUE); res = get_shiminfo(proc, &info); TerminateProcess(proc, 0); CloseHandle(proc); if (!res) { ok(0, "Unable to get process info (%u)!\n", n); continue; } if (n == 0) { ok(info.AppCompatFlags.QuadPart == 0, "Expected AppCompatFlags to be 0, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(info.AppCompatFlags.QuadPart)); ok(info.AppCompatFlagsUser.QuadPart == 0, "Expected AppCompatFlagsUser to be 0, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(info.AppCompatFlagsUser.QuadPart)); ok(info.AppCompatInfo == NULL, "Expected AppCompatInfo to be NULL, was: %p\n", info.AppCompatInfo); if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) { ok(info.pShimData == NULL, "Expected pShimData to be NULL, was: %p\n", info.pShimData); } else { Validate_EmptyShimData_Win10(info.pShimData); } } else { ok(info.AppCompatFlags.QuadPart == 0, "Expected AppCompatFlags to be 0, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(info.AppCompatFlags.QuadPart)); ok(info.AppCompatFlagsUser.QuadPart == 0, "Expected AppCompatFlagsUser to be 0, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(info.AppCompatFlagsUser.QuadPart)); ok(info.AppCompatInfo == NULL, "Expected AppCompatInfo to be NULL, was: %p\n", info.AppCompatInfo); ok(info.pShimData != NULL, "Expected pShimData to be valid, was NULL\n"); ok(info.ShimDataSize == g_ShimDataSize, "Expected ShimDataSize to be %u, was: %u\n", g_ShimDataSize, info.ShimDataSize); if (info.pShimData) { if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_VISTA) Validate_ShimData_Win2k3(info.pShimData, n, layers); else if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) Validate_ShimData_Win7(info.pShimData, szApphelp, n, layers); else Validate_ShimData_Win10(info.pShimData, szApphelp, n, layers); } } free(info.pShimData); } } /* [Warn][SdbGetMatchingExe ] __COMPAT_LAYER name cannot exceed 256 characters. [Info][SdbpGetPermLayersInternal] Failed to read value info from Key "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" Status 0xc0000034 [Info][SdbpGetPermLayersInternal] Failed to read value info from Key "\REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-4051718696-421402927-393408651-2638\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" Status 0xc0000034 [Warn][SdbpEnumUserSdb ] Failed to open key "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Custom\NotepadReplacer.exe" Status 0xc0000034 */ static void Test_repeatlayer(WCHAR szApphelp[256]) { static const char* layers[] = { "256Color", "256Color", "256Color", "256Color", "256Color", "256Color", "256Color", "256Color" }; HANDLE proc; test_RemoteShimInfo info; BOOL res; SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "256Color 256Color 256Color 256Color 256Color 256Color 256Color 256Color"); proc = create_proc(TRUE); res = get_shiminfo(proc, &info); TerminateProcess(proc, 0); CloseHandle(proc); if (res) { ok(info.AppCompatFlags.QuadPart == 0, "Expected AppCompatFlags to be 0, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(info.AppCompatFlags.QuadPart)); ok(info.AppCompatFlagsUser.QuadPart == 0, "Expected AppCompatFlagsUser to be 0, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(info.AppCompatFlagsUser.QuadPart)); ok(info.AppCompatInfo == 0, "Expected AppCompatInfo to be 0, was: %p\n", info.AppCompatInfo); ok(info.pShimData != NULL, "Expected pShimData to be valid, was NULL\n"); ok(info.ShimDataSize == g_ShimDataSize, "Expected ShimDataSize to be %u, was: %u\n", g_ShimDataSize, info.ShimDataSize); if (info.pShimData) { /* Win10 only 'loads' one layer */ if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_VISTA) Validate_ShimData_Win2k3(info.pShimData, SDB_MAX_LAYERS, layers); else if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) Validate_ShimData_Win7(info.pShimData, szApphelp, SDB_MAX_LAYERS, layers); else Validate_ShimData_Win10(info.pShimData, szApphelp, 1, layers); } } else { ok(0, "Unable to get process info!\n"); } } TAGREF find_layer(const char* szLayerStart, const char* szLayerEnd) { char layer[100] = { 0 }; WCHAR layerW[100] = { 0 }; strncpy(layer, szLayerStart, szLayerEnd - szLayerStart); if (!g_LayerDB) { g_LayerDB = pSdbInitDatabase(SDB_DATABASE_MAIN_SHIM, 0); } mbstowcs(layerW, layer, strlen(layer)); return pSdbGetLayerTagRef(g_LayerDB, layerW); } static void expect_layeronly_imp(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA* result, const char* layers, DWORD flags) { DWORD dwLayerCount = 0, n; TAGREF atrLayers[SDB_MAX_LAYERS] = { 0 }; const char* layer = layers, *nextlayer; while (layer && *layer) { nextlayer = strchr(layer, ' '); atrLayers[dwLayerCount++] = find_layer(layer, nextlayer ? nextlayer : (layer + strlen(layer))); layer = nextlayer ? (nextlayer+1) : NULL; } if (g_ModuleVersion < WINVER_VISTA) { SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3* result2 = (SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3*)result; result = NULL; winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result2->atrExes, &empty_result.atrExes, sizeof(result2->atrExes)), "Expected atrExes to be empty\n"); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result2->atrLayers[dwLayerCount], &empty_result.atrLayers[dwLayerCount], sizeof(result2->atrLayers) - dwLayerCount * sizeof(result2->atrLayers[0])), "Expected atrLayers[+1] to be empty\n"); for (n = 0; n < dwLayerCount; ++n) { winetest_ok(result2->atrLayers[n] == atrLayers[n], "Expected atrLayers[%u] to be %x, was %x\n", n, atrLayers[n], result2->atrLayers[n]); } winetest_ok(result2->dwLayerFlags == 0, "Expected dwLayerFlags to be 0, was %u\n", result2->dwLayerFlags); winetest_ok(result2->trApphelp == 0, "Expected trApphelp to be 0, was %u\n", result2->trApphelp); winetest_ok(result2->dwExeCount == 0, "Expected dwExeCount to be 0, was %u\n", result2->dwExeCount); winetest_ok(result2->dwLayerCount == dwLayerCount, "Expected dwLayerCount to be %u, was %u\n", dwLayerCount, result2->dwLayerCount); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result2->guidID, &empty_result.guidID, sizeof(result2->guidID)), "Expected guidID to be empty\n"); winetest_ok(result2->dwFlags == flags, "Expected dwFlags to be 0x%x, was 0x%x\n", flags, result2->dwFlags); winetest_ok(result2->dwCustomSDBMap == 1, "Expected dwCustomSDBMap to be 1, was %u\n", result2->dwCustomSDBMap); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result2->rgGuidDB[1], &empty_result.rgGuidDB[1], sizeof(result2->rgGuidDB) - sizeof(result2->rgGuidDB[0])), "Expected rgGuidDB[+1] to be empty\n"); } else { winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result->atrExes, &empty_result.atrExes, sizeof(empty_result.atrExes)), "Expected atrExes to be empty\n"); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result->adwExeFlags, &empty_result.adwExeFlags, sizeof(empty_result.adwExeFlags)), "Expected adwExeFlags to be empty\n"); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result->atrLayers[dwLayerCount], &empty_result.atrLayers[dwLayerCount], sizeof(empty_result.atrLayers) - dwLayerCount * sizeof(empty_result.atrLayers[0])), "Expected atrLayers[+1] to be empty\n"); for (n = 0; n < dwLayerCount; ++n) { winetest_ok(result->atrLayers[n] == atrLayers[n], "Expected atrLayers[%u] to be %x, was %x\n", n, atrLayers[n], result->atrLayers[n]); } winetest_ok(result->dwLayerFlags == 0, "Expected dwLayerFlags to be 0, was %u\n", result->dwLayerFlags); winetest_ok(result->trApphelp == 0, "Expected trApphelp to be 0, was %u\n", result->trApphelp); winetest_ok(result->dwExeCount == 0, "Expected dwExeCount to be 0, was %u\n", result->dwExeCount); winetest_ok(result->dwLayerCount == dwLayerCount, "Expected dwLayerCount to be %u, was %u\n", dwLayerCount, result->dwLayerCount); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result->guidID, &empty_result.guidID, sizeof(empty_result.guidID)), "Expected guidID to be empty\n"); winetest_ok(result->dwFlags == flags, "Expected dwFlags to be 0x%x, was 0x%x\n", flags, result->dwFlags); winetest_ok(result->dwCustomSDBMap == 1, "Expected dwCustomSDBMap to be 1, was %u\n", result->dwCustomSDBMap); winetest_ok(!memcmp(&result->rgGuidDB[1], &empty_result.rgGuidDB[1], sizeof(empty_result.rgGuidDB) - sizeof(empty_result.rgGuidDB[0])), "Expected rgGuidDB[+1] to be empty\n"); } } static void Test_Shimdata(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA* result, const WCHAR* szLayer) { BOOL ret; PVOID pData; DWORD dwSize; pData = NULL; dwSize = 0; ret = pSdbPackAppCompatData(g_LayerDB, result, &pData, &dwSize); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE\n"); if (pData) { ShimData_Win2k3* pWin2k3; ShimData_Win7* pWin7; ShimData_Win10_v1* pWin10; ShimData_Win10_v2* pWin10_v2; SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA result2 = { { 0 } }; DWORD res = pSdbGetAppCompatDataSize(pData); ok_int(dwSize, res); switch(dwSize) { case sizeof(ShimData_Win2k3): pWin2k3 = (ShimData_Win2k3*)pData; ok_hex(pWin2k3->dwMagic, SHIMDATA_MAGIC); ok_int(pWin2k3->dwSize, dwSize); ok(pWin2k3->dwCustomSDBMap == 1, "Expected pWin2k3->dwCustomSDBMap to equal 1, was %u for %s\n", pWin2k3->dwCustomSDBMap, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer)); //ok(!memcmp(&pWin2k3->Query, result, sizeof(SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3)), "Expected pWin2k3->Query to equal result\n"); //ok_wstr(pWin7->szLayer, szLayer); break; case sizeof(ShimData_Win7): pWin7 = (ShimData_Win7*)pData; ok_hex(pWin7->dwMagic, SHIMDATA_MAGIC); ok_int(pWin7->dwSize, dwSize); ok(!memcmp(&pWin7->Query, result, sizeof(*result)), "Expected pWin7->Query to equal result\n"); ok_wstr(pWin7->szLayer, szLayer); break; case sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v1): pWin10 = (ShimData_Win10_v1*)pData; ok_hex(pWin10->dwMagic, SHIMDATA_MAGIC); ok_int(pWin10->dwSize, dwSize); ok(!memcmp(&pWin10->Query, result, sizeof(*result)), "Expected pWin10->Query to equal result\n"); ok_wstr(pWin10->szLayerEnv, szLayer); ok_wstr(pWin10->szLayer, L""); break; case sizeof(ShimData_Win10_v2): pWin10_v2 = (ShimData_Win10_v2*)pData; ok_hex(pWin10_v2->dwMagic, SHIMDATA_MAGIC); ok_int(pWin10_v2->dwSize, dwSize); ok(!memcmp(&pWin10_v2->Query, result, sizeof(*result)), "Expected pWin10->Query to equal result\n"); ok_wstr(pWin10_v2->szLayerEnv, szLayer); ok_wstr(pWin10_v2->szLayer, L""); break; default: skip("Unknown size %d\n", dwSize); break; } ret = pSdbUnpackAppCompatData(g_LayerDB, NULL, pData, &result2); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE\n"); /* TODO: For some reason 2k3 does not seem to output the database GUIDs, investigate when we have support for multible db's! */ if (dwSize == sizeof(ShimData_Win2k3)) { /* Fake it for now, so the memcmp works. */ SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3* input = (SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3*)result; SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3* output = (SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3*)&result2; ok(output->dwCustomSDBMap == 0, "Expected output->dwCustomSDBMap to be 0, was %u for %s\n", output->dwCustomSDBMap, wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer)); output->dwCustomSDBMap = input->dwCustomSDBMap; output->rgGuidDB[0] = input->rgGuidDB[0]; } ok(!memcmp(&result2, result, sizeof(result)), "Expected result2 to equal result for %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(szLayer)); RtlFreeHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pData); } } #define expect_layeronly (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : expect_layeronly_imp static void Test_GetMatchingExe(void) { BOOL ret; SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA result = { { 0 } }; WCHAR self[MAX_PATH]; DWORD flags = (g_WinVersion < WINVER_VISTA) ? 0 : ((g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) ? 1 : 0x21); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, self, MAX_PATH); SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", NULL); /* szPath cannot be NULL! */ ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, L"", NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected ret to be FALSE\n"); ok(!memcmp(&result, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); result = empty_result; ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected ret to be FALSE\n"); ok(!memcmp(&result, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); result = empty_result; SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "Some_invalid_layer_name"); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected ret to be FALSE\n"); if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) ok(!memcmp(&result, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); else ok(!memcmp(&result, &almost_empty, sizeof(almost_empty)), "Expected result to be almost empty\n"); result = empty_result; SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "256Color"); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE\n"); expect_layeronly(&result, "256Color", flags); Test_Shimdata(&result, L"256Color"); result = empty_result; SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "640X480"); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE\n"); expect_layeronly(&result, "640X480", flags); Test_Shimdata(&result, L"640X480"); /* HIGHDPIAWARE does not exist in 2k3 */ if (g_WinVersion > WINVER_2003) { result = empty_result; SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "HIGHDPIAWARE"); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE\n"); expect_layeronly(&result, "HIGHDPIAWARE", flags); Test_Shimdata(&result, L"HIGHDPIAWARE"); result = empty_result; SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "256Color HIGHDPIAWARE 640X480"); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, self, NULL, NULL, 0, &result); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE\n"); expect_layeronly(&result, "256Color HIGHDPIAWARE 640X480", flags); Test_Shimdata(&result, L"256Color HIGHDPIAWARE 640X480"); } } HANDLE xOpenFile(WCHAR* ApplicationName) { UNICODE_STRING FileName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE FileHandle; if (!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(ApplicationName, &FileName, NULL, NULL)) { skip("Unable to translate %s to Nt path\n", wine_dbgstr_w(ApplicationName)); return NULL; } InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &FileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenFile(&FileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_EXECUTE, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT | FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&FileName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL; return FileHandle; } #define RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS()\ do { \ if (AppCompatData && AppCompatData != &Query) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, AppCompatData); } \ ExeType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; \ SxsDataSize = FusionFlags = Reason = 0; \ SxsData = NULL; \ memset(&Query, 0, sizeof(Query)); \ AppCompatData = &Query; \ AppCompatDataSize = 123456; \ } while (0) #define CHECK_BASICS()\ do { \ ok_hex(ret, TRUE); \ ok(AppCompatData != NULL && AppCompatData != &Query, "Expected the pointer to be valid\n"); \ ok_hex(AppCompatDataSize, sizeof(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA)); \ ok(SxsData == NULL, "Expected the pointer to be NULL\n"); \ ok_hex(SxsDataSize, 0); \ ok_hex(FusionFlags, 0); \ } while (0) /* W10 does not seem to use the flags at all, so with this macro we can still test it below 10. */ #define CHECKREASON(value, w10dum) (g_ModuleVersion < WINVER_WIN10 ? value : w10dum) static BOOL call_ApphelpCheckRunApp(HANDLE FileHandle, PWCHAR ApplicationName, PVOID Environment, USHORT ExeType, PULONG Reason, PVOID* SdbQueryAppCompatData, PULONG SdbQueryAppCompatDataSize, PVOID* SxsData, PULONG SxsDataSize, PULONG FusionFlags) { ULONG64 SomeFlag1 = 0; ULONG SomeFlag2 = 0; if (pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w7) { return pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w7(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, ApplicationName, Environment, ExeType, Reason, SdbQueryAppCompatData, SdbQueryAppCompatDataSize, SxsData, SxsDataSize, FusionFlags, &SomeFlag1, &SomeFlag2); } if (pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w10) { return pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w10(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, ApplicationName, Environment, NULL, ExeType, Reason, SdbQueryAppCompatData, SdbQueryAppCompatDataSize, SxsData, SxsDataSize, FusionFlags, &SomeFlag1, &SomeFlag2); } return FALSE; } static void Test_ApphelpCheckRunApp(WCHAR szApphelp[256]) { BOOL ret; HANDLE FileHandle = NULL; WCHAR ApplicationName[MAX_PATH], EmptyName[1] = { 0 }; DWORD expect_flags = (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) ? 1 : 0x21; USHORT ExeType; PVOID AppCompatData = NULL, SxsData, DuplicatedEnv, Environment; ULONG AppCompatDataSize, SxsDataSize, FusionFlags; ULONG Reason; SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA Query; int n; /* this are the only interesting bits (with the exception of '1', which is there to invoke the 'default' case) */ const int kTestBits = 0x70503; if (!pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w7 && !pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w10) { skip("No usable ApphelpCheckRunAppEx\n"); return; } GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, ApplicationName, MAX_PATH); FileHandle = xOpenFile(ApplicationName); SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", NULL); if (!CreateEnvironmentBlock(&DuplicatedEnv, NULL, TRUE)) DuplicatedEnv = NULL; ok(DuplicatedEnv != NULL, "Invalid env (%u)\n", GetLastError()); /* First with the environment without __COMPAT_LAYER */ RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS(); ret = call_ApphelpCheckRunApp(FileHandle, ApplicationName, DuplicatedEnv, ExeType, &Reason, &AppCompatData, &AppCompatDataSize, &SxsData, &SxsDataSize, &FusionFlags); CHECK_BASICS(); ok_hex(Reason, CHECKREASON(0x30000, 0)); ok(!memcmp(AppCompatData, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); /* We need this to be set for tests later on. */ SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", "256Color"); if (g_ModuleVersion < WINVER_WIN10) { /* Showing that when an environment is passed in, that is used instead of the current. In Win10 this behavior is no longer observed */ RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS(); ret = call_ApphelpCheckRunApp(FileHandle, ApplicationName, DuplicatedEnv, ExeType, &Reason, &AppCompatData, &AppCompatDataSize, &SxsData, &SxsDataSize, &FusionFlags); CHECK_BASICS(); ok_hex(Reason, CHECKREASON(0x30000, 0)); ok(!memcmp(AppCompatData, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } for (n = 0; n < 32; ++n) { ULONG ExpectedReason; if (!(kTestBits & (1<= WINVER_WIN10) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); else ok(!memcmp(AppCompatData, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } } /* NULL file handle still works */ RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS(); ret = call_ApphelpCheckRunApp(NULL, ApplicationName, Environment, ExeType, &Reason, &AppCompatData, &AppCompatDataSize, &SxsData, &SxsDataSize, &FusionFlags); CHECK_BASICS(); ok_hex(Reason, CHECKREASON(0x50000, 0)); if (AppCompatData && AppCompatDataSize == sizeof(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA)) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); for (n = 0; n < 32; ++n) { ULONG ExpectedReason; RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS(); if (!(kTestBits & (1<= WINVER_WIN10) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); else ok(!memcmp(AppCompatData, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } } /* INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE file handle results in failure (according to flags!), but still results in AppCompatData */ RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS(); ret = call_ApphelpCheckRunApp(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ApplicationName, Environment, ExeType, &Reason, &AppCompatData, &AppCompatDataSize, &SxsData, &SxsDataSize, &FusionFlags); CHECK_BASICS(); ok_hex(Reason, 0); if (AppCompatData && AppCompatDataSize == sizeof(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA)) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); for (n = 0; n < 32; ++n) { ULONG ExpectedReason; if (!(kTestBits & (1<= WINVER_WIN10) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); else ok(!memcmp(AppCompatData, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } } RESET_CHECKRUNAPP_VARS(); ExeType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP; ret = call_ApphelpCheckRunApp(FileHandle, ApplicationName, Environment, ExeType, &Reason, &AppCompatData, &AppCompatDataSize, &SxsData, &SxsDataSize, &FusionFlags); CHECK_BASICS(); ok_hex(Reason, CHECKREASON(0x50000, 0)); if (AppCompatData && AppCompatDataSize == sizeof(SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA)) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); for (n = 0; n < 32; ++n) { ULONG ExpectedReason; if (!(kTestBits & (1<= WINVER_WIN10) expect_layeronly(AppCompatData, "256Color", expect_flags); else ok(!memcmp(AppCompatData, &empty_result, sizeof(empty_result)), "Expected result to be empty\n"); } } if (AppCompatData && AppCompatData != &Query) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, AppCompatData); FreeEnvironmentStringsW(Environment); DestroyEnvironmentBlock(DuplicatedEnv); NtClose(FileHandle); } START_TEST(env) { WCHAR szApphelp[MAX_PATH]; ShimData_QueryOffset QueryOffset; DWORD ShimDataType; NTSTATUS ExceptionStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; //SetEnvironmentVariable("SHIM_DEBUG_LEVEL", "127"); //SetEnvironmentVariable("SHIMENG_DEBUG_LEVEL", "127"); silence_debug_output(); hdll = LoadLibraryA("apphelp.dll"); g_WinVersion = get_host_winver(); g_ModuleVersion = get_module_version(hdll); trace("Detected host: 0x%x, module: 0x%x\n", g_WinVersion, g_ModuleVersion); GetModuleFileNameW(hdll, szApphelp, _countof(szApphelp)); pSdbGetMatchingExe = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetMatchingExe"); pSdbInitDatabase = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbInitDatabase"); pSdbReleaseDatabase = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReleaseDatabase"); pSdbTagRefToTagID = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbTagRefToTagID"); pSdbGetTagFromTagID = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetTagFromTagID"); pSdbGetLayerTagRef = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetLayerTagRef"); switch (g_ModuleVersion) { case WINVER_WIN7: pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w7 = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "ApphelpCheckRunAppEx"); break; case WINVER_WIN10: pApphelpCheckRunAppEx_w10 = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "ApphelpCheckRunAppEx"); break; default: skip("Unknown apphelp.dll version %x, cannot determine which ApphelpCheckRunApp(Ex) function to use\n", g_ModuleVersion); break; } pSdbPackAppCompatData = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbPackAppCompatData"); pSdbUnpackAppCompatData = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbUnpackAppCompatData"); pSdbGetAppCompatDataSize = (void*)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetAppCompatDataSize"); memset(&QueryOffset, 0, sizeof(QueryOffset)); QueryOffset.dwMagic_2k3 = QueryOffset.dwMagic_7_10 = QueryOffset.dwMagic_10_v2 = SHIMDATA_MAGIC; QueryOffset.dwSize_2k3 = 1; QueryOffset.dwSize_7_10 = 2; QueryOffset.dwSize_10_v2 = 3; g_ShimDataSize = g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10 ? 4096 : 8192; _SEH2_TRY { ShimDataType = pSdbGetAppCompatDataSize(&QueryOffset); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ExceptionStatus = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; ok(ExceptionStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS, "Exception 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n", ExceptionStatus, STATUS_SUCCESS); if (ExceptionStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { skip("SdbGetAppCompatDataSize not functional\n"); return; } /* New version of Win10.. */ if (g_WinVersion == WINVER_WIN10 && ShimDataType == 3) g_ShimDataSize = 4096; if (g_WinVersion == g_ModuleVersion) { Test_layers(szApphelp); Test_repeatlayer(szApphelp); } else { skip("Tests requiring process launch, reported OS version (0x%x) does not match apphelp version (0x%x)\n", g_WinVersion, g_ModuleVersion); } { Test_GetMatchingExe(); } Test_ApphelpCheckRunApp(szApphelp); if (g_LayerDB) pSdbReleaseDatabase(g_LayerDB); }