/* * SETLOCAL.C - setlocal and endlocal internal batch commands. * * History: * * 1 Feb 2008 (Christoph von Wittich) * started. */ #include "precomp.h" typedef struct _SETLOCAL { struct _SETLOCAL *Prev; BOOL DelayedExpansion; LPTSTR Environment; } SETLOCAL; /* Create a copy of the current environment */ LPTSTR DuplicateEnvironment(VOID) { LPTSTR Environ = GetEnvironmentStrings(); LPTSTR End, EnvironCopy; if (!Environ) return NULL; for (End = Environ; *End; End += _tcslen(End) + 1) ; EnvironCopy = cmd_alloc((End + 1 - Environ) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (EnvironCopy) memcpy(EnvironCopy, Environ, (End + 1 - Environ) * sizeof(TCHAR)); FreeEnvironmentStrings(Environ); return EnvironCopy; } INT cmd_setlocal(LPTSTR param) { SETLOCAL *Saved; LPTSTR *arg; INT argc, i; /* SETLOCAL only works inside a batch file */ if (!bc) return 0; Saved = cmd_alloc(sizeof(SETLOCAL)); if (!Saved) { error_out_of_memory(); return 1; } Saved->Prev = bc->setlocal; Saved->DelayedExpansion = bDelayedExpansion; Saved->Environment = DuplicateEnvironment(); if (!Saved->Environment) { error_out_of_memory(); cmd_free(Saved); return 1; } bc->setlocal = Saved; nErrorLevel = 0; arg = splitspace(param, &argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("enableextensions"))) /* not implemented, ignore */; else if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("disableextensions"))) /* not implemented, ignore */; else if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("enabledelayedexpansion"))) bDelayedExpansion = TRUE; else if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("disabledelayedexpansion"))) bDelayedExpansion = FALSE; else { error_invalid_parameter_format(arg[i]); break; } } freep(arg); return nErrorLevel; } /* endlocal doesn't take any params */ INT cmd_endlocal(LPTSTR param) { LPTSTR Environ, Name, Value; SETLOCAL *Saved; /* Pop a SETLOCAL struct off of this batch file's stack */ if (!bc || !(Saved = bc->setlocal)) return 0; bc->setlocal = Saved->Prev; bDelayedExpansion = Saved->DelayedExpansion; /* First, clear out the environment. Since making any changes to the * environment invalidates pointers obtained from GetEnvironmentStrings(), * we must make a copy of it and get the variable names from that */ Environ = DuplicateEnvironment(); if (Environ) { for (Name = Environ; *Name; Name += _tcslen(Name) + 1) { if (!(Value = _tcschr(Name + 1, _T('=')))) continue; *Value++ = _T('\0'); SetEnvironmentVariable(Name, NULL); Name = Value; } cmd_free(Environ); } /* Now, restore variables from the copy saved by cmd_setlocal */ for (Name = Saved->Environment; *Name; Name += _tcslen(Name) + 1) { if (!(Value = _tcschr(Name + 1, _T('=')))) continue; *Value++ = _T('\0'); SetEnvironmentVariable(Name, Value); Name = Value; } cmd_free(Saved->Environment); cmd_free(Saved); return 0; }