/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k subsystem * PURPOSE: Cursor and icon functions * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/ntuser/cursoricon.c * PROGRAMER: ReactOS Team */ /* * We handle two types of cursors/icons: * - Private * Loaded without LR_SHARED flag * Private to a process * Can be deleted by calling NtDestroyCursorIcon() * CurIcon->hModule, CurIcon->hRsrc and CurIcon->hGroupRsrc set to NULL * - Shared * Loaded with LR_SHARED flag * Possibly shared by multiple processes * Immune to NtDestroyCursorIcon() * CurIcon->hModule, CurIcon->hRsrc and CurIcon->hGroupRsrc are valid * There's a M:N relationship between processes and (shared) cursor/icons. * A process can have multiple cursor/icons and a cursor/icon can be used * by multiple processes. To keep track of this we keep a list of all * cursor/icons (CurIconList) and per cursor/icon we keep a list of * CURICON_PROCESS structs starting at CurIcon->ProcessList. */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserIcon); static LIST_ENTRY gCurIconList; static PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *pgProcessLookasideList; SYSTEM_CURSORINFO gSysCursorInfo; BOOL InitCursorImpl() { pgProcessLookasideList = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)); if(!pgProcessLookasideList) return FALSE; ExInitializePagedLookasideList(pgProcessLookasideList, NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(CURICON_PROCESS), TAG_DIB, 128); InitializeListHead(&gCurIconList); gSysCursorInfo.Enabled = FALSE; gSysCursorInfo.ButtonsDown = 0; gSysCursorInfo.bClipped = FALSE; gSysCursorInfo.LastBtnDown = 0; gSysCursorInfo.CurrentCursorObject = NULL; gSysCursorInfo.ShowingCursor = -1; gSysCursorInfo.ClickLockActive = FALSE; gSysCursorInfo.ClickLockTime = 0; return TRUE; } PSYSTEM_CURSORINFO IntGetSysCursorInfo() { return &gSysCursorInfo; } FORCEINLINE BOOL is_icon(PCURICON_OBJECT object) { return MAKEINTRESOURCE(object->rt) == RT_ICON; } /* This function creates a reference for the object! */ PCURICON_OBJECT FASTCALL UserGetCurIconObject(HCURSOR hCurIcon) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; if (!hCurIcon) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE); return NULL; } CurIcon = (PCURICON_OBJECT)UserReferenceObjectByHandle(hCurIcon, otCursorIcon); if (!CurIcon) { /* We never set ERROR_INVALID_ICON_HANDLE. lets hope noone ever checks for it */ EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE); return NULL; } ASSERT(CurIcon->head.cLockObj >= 1); return CurIcon; } BOOL UserSetCursorPos( INT x, INT y, DWORD flags, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo, BOOL Hook) { PWND DesktopWindow; PSYSTEM_CURSORINFO CurInfo; MSG Msg; RECTL rcClip; POINT pt; if(!(DesktopWindow = UserGetDesktopWindow())) { return FALSE; } CurInfo = IntGetSysCursorInfo(); /* Clip cursor position */ if (!CurInfo->bClipped) rcClip = DesktopWindow->rcClient; else rcClip = CurInfo->rcClip; if(x >= rcClip.right) x = rcClip.right - 1; if(x < rcClip.left) x = rcClip.left; if(y >= rcClip.bottom) y = rcClip.bottom - 1; if(y < rcClip.top) y = rcClip.top; pt.x = x; pt.y = y; /* 1. Generate a mouse move message, this sets the htEx and Track Window too. */ Msg.message = WM_MOUSEMOVE; Msg.wParam = UserGetMouseButtonsState(); Msg.lParam = MAKELPARAM(x, y); Msg.pt = pt; co_MsqInsertMouseMessage(&Msg, flags, dwExtraInfo, Hook); /* 2. Store the new cursor position */ gpsi->ptCursor = pt; return TRUE; } /* * We have to register that this object is in use by the current * process. The only way to do that seems to be to walk the list * of cursor/icon objects starting at W32Process->CursorIconListHead. * If the object is already present in the list, we don't have to do * anything, if it's not present we add it and inc the ProcessCount * in the object. Having to walk the list kind of sucks, but that's * life... */ static BOOLEAN FASTCALL ReferenceCurIconByProcess(PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon) { PPROCESSINFO Win32Process; PCURICON_PROCESS Current; Win32Process = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); LIST_FOR_EACH(Current, &CurIcon->ProcessList, CURICON_PROCESS, ListEntry) { if (Current->Process == Win32Process) { /* Already registered for this process */ return TRUE; } } /* Not registered yet */ Current = ExAllocateFromPagedLookasideList(pgProcessLookasideList); if (NULL == Current) { return FALSE; } InsertHeadList(&CurIcon->ProcessList, &Current->ListEntry); Current->Process = Win32Process; return TRUE; } static PCURICON_OBJECT FASTCALL IntFindExistingCurIconObject( PUNICODE_STRING pustrModule, PUNICODE_STRING pustrRsrc, FINDEXISTINGCURICONPARAM* param) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; LIST_FOR_EACH(CurIcon, &gCurIconList, CURICON_OBJECT, ListEntry) { /* See if we are looking for an icon or a cursor */ if(MAKEINTRESOURCE(CurIcon->rt) != (param->bIcon ? RT_ICON : RT_CURSOR)) continue; /* See if module names match */ if(RtlCompareUnicodeString(pustrModule, &CurIcon->ustrModule, TRUE) == 0) { /* They do. Now see if this is the same resource */ if(IS_INTRESOURCE(CurIcon->strName.Buffer) && IS_INTRESOURCE(pustrRsrc->Buffer)) { if(CurIcon->strName.Buffer != pustrRsrc->Buffer) continue; } else if(IS_INTRESOURCE(CurIcon->strName.Buffer) || IS_INTRESOURCE(pustrRsrc->Buffer)) continue; else if(RtlCompareUnicodeString(pustrRsrc, &CurIcon->strName, TRUE) != 0) continue; if ((param->cx == CurIcon->cx) && (param->cy == CurIcon->cy)) { if (! ReferenceCurIconByProcess(CurIcon)) { return NULL; } return CurIcon; } } } return NULL; } PCURICON_OBJECT IntCreateCurIconHandle(DWORD dwNumber) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; HANDLE hCurIcon; if(dwNumber == 0) dwNumber = 1; CurIcon = UserCreateObject(gHandleTable, NULL, NULL, &hCurIcon, otCursorIcon, sizeof(CURICON_OBJECT)); if (!CurIcon) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } CurIcon->Self = hCurIcon; InitializeListHead(&CurIcon->ProcessList); if (! ReferenceCurIconByProcess(CurIcon)) { ERR("Failed to add process\n"); UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); UserDeleteObject(hCurIcon, otCursorIcon); return NULL; } InsertHeadList(&gCurIconList, &CurIcon->ListEntry); return CurIcon; } BOOLEAN FASTCALL IntDestroyCurIconObject(PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon, PPROCESSINFO ppi, BOOLEAN bForce) { HBITMAP bmpMask, bmpColor, bmpAlpha; BOOLEAN Ret, bListEmpty, bFound = FALSE; PCURICON_PROCESS Current = NULL; /* Check if this is the current cursor */ if(CurIcon->CURSORF_flags & CURSORF_CURRENT) { UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); return FALSE; } /* For handles created without any data (error handling) */ if(IsListEmpty(&CurIcon->ProcessList)) goto emptyList; /* Now find this process in the list of processes referencing this object and remove it from that list */ LIST_FOR_EACH(Current, &CurIcon->ProcessList, CURICON_PROCESS, ListEntry) { if (Current->Process == ppi) { bFound = TRUE; bListEmpty = RemoveEntryList(&Current->ListEntry); break; } } if(!bFound) { /* This object doesn't belong to this process */ EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); /* Caller expects us to dereference! */ UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); return FALSE; } /* We found our process, but we're told to not destroy it in case it is shared */ if((CurIcon->ustrModule.Buffer != NULL) && !bForce) { /* Tests show this is a valid call */ UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); return TRUE; } ExFreeToPagedLookasideList(pgProcessLookasideList, Current); /* If there are still processes referencing this object we can't destroy it yet */ if (!bListEmpty) { if(CurIcon->head.ppi == ppi) { /* Set the first process of the list as owner */ Current = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurIcon->ProcessList.Flink, CURICON_PROCESS, ListEntry); UserSetObjectOwner(CurIcon, otCursorIcon, Current->Process); } UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); return TRUE; } emptyList: /* Remove it from the list */ RemoveEntryList(&CurIcon->ListEntry); bmpMask = CurIcon->hbmMask; bmpColor = CurIcon->hbmColor; bmpAlpha = CurIcon->hbmAlpha; /* Delete bitmaps */ if (bmpMask) { GreSetObjectOwner(bmpMask, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); GreDeleteObject(bmpMask); CurIcon->hbmMask = NULL; } if (bmpColor) { GreSetObjectOwner(bmpColor, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); GreDeleteObject(bmpColor); CurIcon->hbmColor = NULL; } if (bmpAlpha) { GreSetObjectOwner(bmpAlpha, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); GreDeleteObject(bmpAlpha); CurIcon->hbmAlpha = NULL; } if(!IS_INTRESOURCE(CurIcon->strName.Buffer)) ExFreePoolWithTag(CurIcon->strName.Buffer, TAG_STRING); if(CurIcon->ustrModule.Buffer) ReleaseCapturedUnicodeString(&CurIcon->ustrModule, UserMode); /* We were given a pointer, no need to keep the reference anylonger! */ UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); Ret = UserDeleteObject(CurIcon->Self, otCursorIcon); return Ret; } VOID FASTCALL IntCleanupCurIcons(struct _EPROCESS *Process, PPROCESSINFO Win32Process) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon, tmp; /* Run through the list of icon objects */ LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(CurIcon, tmp, &gCurIconList, CURICON_OBJECT, ListEntry) { UserReferenceObject(CurIcon); IntDestroyCurIconObject(CurIcon, Win32Process, TRUE); } } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetIconInfo( _In_ HANDLE hCurIcon, _Out_opt_ PICONINFO IconInfo, _Out_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING lpModule, // Optional _Out_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING lpResName, // Optional _Out_opt_ LPDWORD pbpp, // Optional _In_ BOOL bInternal) { ICONINFO ii; PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL Ret = FALSE; DWORD colorBpp = 0; TRACE("Enter NtUserGetIconInfo\n"); /* Check if something was actually asked */ if (!IconInfo && !lpModule && !lpResName) { WARN("Nothing to fill.\n"); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(CurIcon = UserGetCurIconObject(hCurIcon))) { WARN("UserGetIconObject(0x%08x) Failed.\n", hCurIcon); UserLeave(); return FALSE; } /* Give back the icon information */ if(IconInfo) { /* Fill data */ ii.fIcon = is_icon(CurIcon); ii.xHotspot = CurIcon->xHotspot; ii.yHotspot = CurIcon->yHotspot; /* Copy bitmaps */ ii.hbmMask = BITMAP_CopyBitmap(CurIcon->hbmMask); GreSetObjectOwner(ii.hbmMask, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); ii.hbmColor = BITMAP_CopyBitmap(CurIcon->hbmColor); GreSetObjectOwner(ii.hbmColor, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); colorBpp = CurIcon->bpp; /* Copy fields */ _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(IconInfo, sizeof(ICONINFO), 1); RtlCopyMemory(IconInfo, &ii, sizeof(ICONINFO)); if (pbpp) { ProbeForWrite(pbpp, sizeof(DWORD), 1); *pbpp = colorBpp; } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { WARN("Status: 0x%08x.\n", Status); SetLastNtError(Status); goto leave; } /* Give back the module name */ if(lpModule) { if(!CurIcon->ustrModule.Buffer) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); goto leave; } /* Copy what we can */ _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(lpModule, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), 1); ProbeForWrite(lpModule->Buffer, lpModule->MaximumLength, 1); lpModule->Length = min(lpModule->MaximumLength, CurIcon->ustrModule.Length); RtlCopyMemory(lpModule->Buffer, CurIcon->ustrModule.Buffer, lpModule->Length); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); goto leave; } if(lpResName) { if(!CurIcon->strName.Buffer) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); goto leave; } /* Copy it */ _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(lpResName, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), 1); if(IS_INTRESOURCE(CurIcon->strName.Buffer)) { lpResName->Buffer = CurIcon->strName.Buffer; lpResName->Length = 0; } else { lpResName->Length = min(lpResName->MaximumLength, CurIcon->strName.Length); RtlCopyMemory(lpResName->Buffer, CurIcon->strName.Buffer, lpResName->Length); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); goto leave; } Ret = TRUE; leave: UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); TRACE("Leave NtUserGetIconInfo, ret=%i\n", Ret); UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetIconSize( HANDLE hCurIcon, UINT istepIfAniCur, PLONG plcx, // &size.cx PLONG plcy) // &size.cy { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL bRet = FALSE; TRACE("Enter NtUserGetIconSize\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(CurIcon = UserGetCurIconObject(hCurIcon))) { goto cleanup; } _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(plcx, sizeof(LONG), 1); *plcx = CurIcon->cx; ProbeForWrite(plcy, sizeof(LONG), 1); *plcy = CurIcon->cy; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) bRet = TRUE; else SetLastNtError(Status); // Maybe not, test this UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); cleanup: TRACE("Leave NtUserGetIconSize, ret=%i\n", bRet); UserLeave(); return bRet; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetCursorInfo( PCURSORINFO pci) { CURSORINFO SafeCi; PSYSTEM_CURSORINFO CurInfo; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; BOOL Ret = FALSE; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); TRACE("Enter NtUserGetCursorInfo\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); CurInfo = IntGetSysCursorInfo(); CurIcon = (PCURICON_OBJECT)CurInfo->CurrentCursorObject; SafeCi.cbSize = sizeof(CURSORINFO); SafeCi.flags = ((CurIcon && CurInfo->ShowingCursor >= 0) ? CURSOR_SHOWING : 0); SafeCi.hCursor = (CurIcon ? (HCURSOR)CurIcon->Self : (HCURSOR)0); SafeCi.ptScreenPos = gpsi->ptCursor; _SEH2_TRY { if (pci->cbSize == sizeof(CURSORINFO)) { ProbeForWrite(pci, sizeof(CURSORINFO), 1); RtlCopyMemory(pci, &SafeCi, sizeof(CURSORINFO)); Ret = TRUE; } else { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); } RETURN(Ret); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserGetCursorInfo, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY UserClipCursor( RECTL *prcl) { /* FIXME: Check if process has WINSTA_WRITEATTRIBUTES */ PSYSTEM_CURSORINFO CurInfo; PWND DesktopWindow = NULL; CurInfo = IntGetSysCursorInfo(); DesktopWindow = UserGetDesktopWindow(); if (prcl != NULL && DesktopWindow != NULL) { if (prcl->right < prcl->left || prcl->bottom < prcl->top) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } CurInfo->bClipped = TRUE; /* Set nw cliping region. Note: we can't use RECTL_bIntersectRect because it sets rect to 0 0 0 0 when it's empty. For more info see monitor winetest */ CurInfo->rcClip.left = max(prcl->left, DesktopWindow->rcWindow.left); CurInfo->rcClip.right = min(prcl->right, DesktopWindow->rcWindow.right); if (CurInfo->rcClip.right < CurInfo->rcClip.left) CurInfo->rcClip.right = CurInfo->rcClip.left; CurInfo->rcClip.top = max(prcl->top, DesktopWindow->rcWindow.top); CurInfo->rcClip.bottom = min(prcl->bottom, DesktopWindow->rcWindow.bottom); if (CurInfo->rcClip.bottom < CurInfo->rcClip.top) CurInfo->rcClip.bottom = CurInfo->rcClip.top; /* Make sure cursor is in clipping region */ UserSetCursorPos(gpsi->ptCursor.x, gpsi->ptCursor.y, 0, 0, FALSE); } else { CurInfo->bClipped = FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserClipCursor( RECTL *prcl) { RECTL rclLocal; BOOL bResult; if (prcl) { _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe and copy rect */ ProbeForRead(prcl, sizeof(RECTL), 1); rclLocal = *prcl; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); _SEH2_YIELD(return FALSE;) } _SEH2_END prcl = &rclLocal; } UserEnterExclusive(); /* Call the internal function */ bResult = UserClipCursor(prcl); UserLeave(); return bResult; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserDestroyCursor( _In_ HANDLE hCurIcon, _In_ BOOL bForce) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; BOOL ret; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); TRACE("Enter NtUserDestroyCursorIcon\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(CurIcon = UserGetCurIconObject(hCurIcon))) { RETURN(FALSE); } ret = IntDestroyCurIconObject(CurIcon, PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(), bForce); /* Note: IntDestroyCurIconObject will remove our reference for us! */ RETURN(ret); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserDestroyCursorIcon, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * @implemented */ HICON NTAPI NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon( _In_ PUNICODE_STRING pustrModule, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING pustrRsrc, _In_ FINDEXISTINGCURICONPARAM* param) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; HICON Ret = NULL; UNICODE_STRING ustrModuleSafe, ustrRsrcSafe; FINDEXISTINGCURICONPARAM paramSafe; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("Enter NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon\n"); /* Capture resource name (it can be an INTRESOURCE == ATOM) */ Status = ProbeAndCaptureUnicodeStringOrAtom(&ustrRsrcSafe, pustrRsrc); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL; Status = ProbeAndCaptureUnicodeString(&ustrModuleSafe, UserMode, pustrModule); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(param, sizeof(*param), 1); RtlCopyMemory(¶mSafe, param, sizeof(paramSafe)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END UserEnterExclusive(); CurIcon = IntFindExistingCurIconObject(&ustrModuleSafe, &ustrRsrcSafe, ¶mSafe); if (CurIcon) Ret = CurIcon->Self; UserLeave(); done: if(!IS_INTRESOURCE(ustrRsrcSafe.Buffer)) ExFreePoolWithTag(ustrRsrcSafe.Buffer, TAG_STRING); ReleaseCapturedUnicodeString(&ustrModuleSafe, UserMode); return Ret; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetClipCursor( RECTL *lpRect) { /* FIXME: Check if process has WINSTA_READATTRIBUTES */ PSYSTEM_CURSORINFO CurInfo; RECTL Rect; NTSTATUS Status; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); TRACE("Enter NtUserGetClipCursor\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!lpRect) RETURN(FALSE); CurInfo = IntGetSysCursorInfo(); if (CurInfo->bClipped) { Rect = CurInfo->rcClip; } else { Rect.left = 0; Rect.top = 0; Rect.right = UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); Rect.bottom = UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } Status = MmCopyToCaller(lpRect, &Rect, sizeof(RECT)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN(FALSE); } RETURN(TRUE); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserGetClipCursor, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * @implemented */ HCURSOR APIENTRY NtUserSetCursor( HCURSOR hCursor) { PCURICON_OBJECT pcurOld, pcurNew; HCURSOR hOldCursor = NULL; TRACE("Enter NtUserSetCursor\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (hCursor) { pcurNew = UserGetCurIconObject(hCursor); if (!pcurNew) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE); goto leave; } pcurNew->CURSORF_flags |= CURSORF_CURRENT; } else { pcurNew = NULL; } pcurOld = UserSetCursor(pcurNew, FALSE); if (pcurOld) { hOldCursor = (HCURSOR)pcurOld->Self; pcurOld->CURSORF_flags &= ~CURSORF_CURRENT; UserDereferenceObject(pcurOld); } leave: UserLeave(); return hOldCursor; } /* * @unimplemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserSetCursorContents( HANDLE hCurIcon, PICONINFO UnsafeIconInfo) { FIXME(" is UNIMPLEMENTED.\n"); return FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserSetCursorIconData( _In_ HCURSOR Handle, _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING pustrModule, _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING pustrRsrc, _In_ PCURSORDATA pCursorData) { PCURICON_OBJECT CurIcon; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL Ret = FALSE; TRACE("Enter NtUserSetCursorIconData\n"); /* If a module name is provided, we need a resource name, and vice versa */ if((pustrModule && !pustrRsrc) || (!pustrModule && pustrRsrc)) return FALSE; UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(CurIcon = UserGetCurIconObject(Handle))) { UserLeave(); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(pCursorData, sizeof(*pCursorData), 1); CurIcon->xHotspot = pCursorData->xHotspot; CurIcon->yHotspot = pCursorData->yHotspot; CurIcon->cx = pCursorData->cx; CurIcon->cy = pCursorData->cy; CurIcon->rt = pCursorData->rt; CurIcon->bpp = pCursorData->bpp; CurIcon->hbmMask = pCursorData->hbmMask; CurIcon->hbmColor = pCursorData->hbmColor; CurIcon->hbmAlpha = pCursorData->hbmAlpha; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); goto done; } if(pustrModule) { /* We use this convenient function, because INTRESOURCEs and ATOMs are the same */ Status = ProbeAndCaptureUnicodeStringOrAtom(&CurIcon->strName, pustrRsrc); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = ProbeAndCaptureUnicodeString(&CurIcon->ustrModule, UserMode, pustrModule); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; } if(!CurIcon->hbmMask) { ERR("NtUserSetCursorIconData was got no hbmMask.\n"); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; } GreSetObjectOwner(CurIcon->hbmMask, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_PUBLIC); if(CurIcon->hbmColor) GreSetObjectOwner(CurIcon->hbmColor, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_PUBLIC); if(CurIcon->hbmAlpha) GreSetObjectOwner(CurIcon->hbmAlpha, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_PUBLIC); Ret = TRUE; done: if(!Ret) { if(!IS_INTRESOURCE(CurIcon->strName.Buffer)) ExFreePoolWithTag(CurIcon->strName.Buffer, TAG_STRING); if(CurIcon->ustrModule.Buffer) ReleaseCapturedUnicodeString(&CurIcon->ustrModule, UserMode); } UserDereferenceObject(CurIcon); TRACE("Leave NtUserSetCursorIconData, ret=%i\n",Ret); UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* Mostly inspired from wine code. * We use low level functions because: * - at this point, the icon bitmap could have a different bit depth than the DC, * making it thus impossible to use NtCreateCompatibleDC and selecting the bitmap. * This happens after a mode setting change. * - it avoids massive GDI objects locking when only the destination surface needs it. * - It makes (small) performance gains. */ BOOL UserDrawIconEx( HDC hDc, INT xLeft, INT yTop, PCURICON_OBJECT pIcon, INT cxWidth, INT cyHeight, UINT istepIfAniCur, HBRUSH hbrFlickerFreeDraw, UINT diFlags) { PSURFACE psurfDest, psurfMask, psurfColor; //, psurfOffScreen = NULL; PDC pdc = NULL; BOOL Ret = FALSE; HBITMAP hbmMask, hbmColor, hbmAlpha; BOOL bOffScreen; RECTL rcDest, rcSrc; CLIPOBJ* pdcClipObj = NULL; EXLATEOBJ exlo; /* Stupid case */ if((diFlags & DI_NORMAL) == 0) { ERR("DrawIconEx called without mask or color bitmap to draw.\n"); return FALSE; } hbmMask = pIcon->hbmMask; hbmColor = pIcon->hbmColor; hbmAlpha = pIcon->hbmAlpha; if (istepIfAniCur) ERR("NtUserDrawIconEx: istepIfAniCur is not supported!\n"); /* * Get our objects. * Shared locks are enough, we are only reading those bitmaps */ psurfMask = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmMask); if(psurfMask == NULL) { ERR("Unable to lock the mask surface.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Color bitmap is not mandatory */ if(hbmColor == NULL) { /* But then the mask bitmap must have the information in it's bottom half */ ASSERT(psurfMask->SurfObj.sizlBitmap.cy == 2*pIcon->cy); psurfColor = NULL; } else if ((psurfColor = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmColor)) == NULL) { ERR("Unable to lock the color bitmap.\n"); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfMask); return FALSE; } pdc = DC_LockDc(hDc); if(!pdc) { ERR("Could not lock the destination DC.\n"); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfMask); if(psurfColor) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfColor); return FALSE; } /* Calculate destination rectangle */ RECTL_vSetRect(&rcDest, xLeft, yTop, xLeft + cxWidth, yTop + cyHeight); IntLPtoDP(pdc, (LPPOINT)&rcDest, 2); RECTL_vOffsetRect(&rcDest, pdc->ptlDCOrig.x, pdc->ptlDCOrig.y); /* Prepare the underlying surface */ DC_vPrepareDCsForBlit(pdc, rcDest, NULL, rcDest); /* We now have our destination surface and rectangle */ psurfDest = pdc->dclevel.pSurface; if(psurfDest == NULL) { /* Empty DC */ DC_vFinishBlit(pdc, NULL); DC_UnlockDc(pdc); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfMask); if(psurfColor) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfColor); return FALSE; } /* Set source rect */ RECTL_vSetRect(&rcSrc, 0, 0, pIcon->cx, pIcon->cy); /* Fix width parameter, if needed */ if (!cxWidth) { if(diFlags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE) cxWidth = is_icon(pIcon) ? UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON) : UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CXCURSOR); else cxWidth = pIcon->cx; } /* Fix height parameter, if needed */ if (!cyHeight) { if(diFlags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE) cyHeight = is_icon(pIcon) ? UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON) : UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCURSOR); else cyHeight = pIcon->cy; } /* Should we render off-screen? */ bOffScreen = hbrFlickerFreeDraw && (GDI_HANDLE_GET_TYPE(hbrFlickerFreeDraw) == GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_BRUSH); if (bOffScreen) { /* Yes: Allocate and paint the offscreen surface */ EBRUSHOBJ eboFill; PBRUSH pbrush = BRUSH_ShareLockBrush(hbrFlickerFreeDraw); TRACE("Performing off-screen rendering.\n"); if(!pbrush) { ERR("Failed to get brush object.\n"); goto Cleanup; } #if 0 //We lock the hdc surface during the whole function it makes no sense to use an offscreen surface for "flicker free" drawing psurfOffScreen = SURFACE_AllocSurface(STYPE_BITMAP, cxWidth, cyHeight, psurfDest->SurfObj.iBitmapFormat, 0, 0, NULL); if(!psurfOffScreen) { ERR("Failed to allocate the off-screen surface.\n"); BRUSH_ShareUnlockBrush(pbrush); goto Cleanup; } /* Paint the brush */ EBRUSHOBJ_vInit(&eboFill, pbrush, psurfOffScreen, 0x00FFFFFF, 0, NULL); RECTL_vSetRect(&rcDest, 0, 0, cxWidth, cyHeight); Ret = IntEngBitBlt(&psurfOffScreen->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rcDest, NULL, NULL, &eboFill.BrushObject, &pbrush->ptOrigin, ROP4_PATCOPY); /* Clean up everything */ EBRUSHOBJ_vCleanup(&eboFill); BRUSH_ShareUnlockBrush(pbrush); if(!Ret) { ERR("Failed to paint the off-screen surface.\n"); goto Cleanup; } /* We now have our destination surface */ psurfDest = psurfOffScreen; #else pdcClipObj = pdc->rosdc.CombinedClip; /* Paint the brush */ EBRUSHOBJ_vInit(&eboFill, pbrush, psurfDest, 0x00FFFFFF, 0, NULL); Ret = IntEngBitBlt(&psurfDest->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, pdcClipObj, NULL, &rcDest, NULL, NULL, &eboFill.BrushObject, &pbrush->ptOrigin, ROP4_PATCOPY); /* Clean up everything */ EBRUSHOBJ_vCleanup(&eboFill); BRUSH_ShareUnlockBrush(pbrush); if(!Ret) { ERR("Failed to paint the off-screen surface.\n"); goto Cleanup; } #endif } else { /* We directly draw to the DC */ TRACE("Performing on screen rendering.\n"); pdcClipObj = pdc->rosdc.CombinedClip; // psurfOffScreen = NULL; } /* Now do the rendering */ if(hbmAlpha && ((diFlags & DI_NORMAL) == DI_NORMAL)) { BLENDOBJ blendobj = { {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA } }; PSURFACE psurf = NULL; psurf = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmAlpha); if(!psurf) { ERR("SURFACE_LockSurface failed!\n"); goto NoAlpha; } /* Initialize color translation object */ EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exlo, psurf->ppal, psurfDest->ppal, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0); /* Now do it */ Ret = IntEngAlphaBlend(&psurfDest->SurfObj, &psurf->SurfObj, pdcClipObj, &exlo.xlo, &rcDest, &rcSrc, &blendobj); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurf); if(Ret) goto done; ERR("NtGdiAlphaBlend failed!\n"); } NoAlpha: if (diFlags & DI_MASK) { DWORD rop4 = (diFlags & DI_IMAGE) ? ROP4_SRCAND : ROP4_SRCCOPY; EXLATEOBJ_vInitSrcMonoXlate(&exlo, psurfDest->ppal, 0x00FFFFFF, 0); Ret = IntEngStretchBlt(&psurfDest->SurfObj, &psurfMask->SurfObj, NULL, pdcClipObj, &exlo.xlo, NULL, &rcDest, &rcSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, rop4); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); if(!Ret) { ERR("Failed to mask the bitmap data.\n"); goto Cleanup; } } if(diFlags & DI_IMAGE) { if (psurfColor) { DWORD rop4 = (diFlags & DI_MASK) ? ROP4_SRCINVERT : ROP4_SRCCOPY ; EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exlo, psurfColor->ppal, psurfDest->ppal, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0); Ret = IntEngStretchBlt(&psurfDest->SurfObj, &psurfColor->SurfObj, NULL, pdcClipObj, &exlo.xlo, NULL, &rcDest, &rcSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, rop4); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); if(!Ret) { ERR("Failed to render the icon bitmap.\n"); goto Cleanup; } } else { /* Mask bitmap holds the information in its bottom half */ DWORD rop4 = (diFlags & DI_MASK) ? ROP4_SRCINVERT : ROP4_SRCCOPY; RECTL_vOffsetRect(&rcSrc, 0, pIcon->cy); EXLATEOBJ_vInitSrcMonoXlate(&exlo, psurfDest->ppal, 0x00FFFFFF, 0); Ret = IntEngStretchBlt(&psurfDest->SurfObj, &psurfMask->SurfObj, NULL, pdcClipObj, &exlo.xlo, NULL, &rcDest, &rcSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, rop4); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); if(!Ret) { ERR("Failed to render the icon bitmap.\n"); goto Cleanup; } } } done: #if 0 /* We're done. Was it a double buffered draw ? */ if(bOffScreen) { /* Yes. Draw it back to our DC */ POINTL ptSrc = {0, 0}; /* Calculate destination rectangle */ RECTL_vSetRect(&rcDest, xLeft, yTop, xLeft + cxWidth, yTop + cyHeight); IntLPtoDP(pdc, (LPPOINT)&rcDest, 2); RECTL_vOffsetRect(&rcDest, pdc->ptlDCOrig.x, pdc->ptlDCOrig.y); /* Get the clip object */ pdcClipObj = pdc->rosdc.CombinedClip; /* We now have our destination surface and rectangle */ psurfDest = pdc->dclevel.pSurface; /* Color translation */ EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exlo, psurfOffScreen->ppal, psurfDest->ppal, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0); /* Blt it! */ Ret = IntEngBitBlt(&psurfDest->SurfObj, &psurfOffScreen->SurfObj, NULL, pdcClipObj, &exlo.xlo, &rcDest, &ptSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_SRCCOPY); EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); } #endif Cleanup: if(pdc) { DC_vFinishBlit(pdc, NULL); DC_UnlockDc(pdc); } #if 0 /* Delete off screen rendering surface */ if(psurfOffScreen) GDIOBJ_vDeleteObject(&psurfOffScreen->BaseObject); #endif /* Unlock other surfaces */ SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfMask); if(psurfColor) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfColor); return Ret; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserDrawIconEx( HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, HICON hIcon, int cxWidth, int cyHeight, UINT istepIfAniCur, HBRUSH hbrFlickerFreeDraw, UINT diFlags, BOOL bMetaHDC, // When TRUE, GDI functions need to be handled in User32! PVOID pDIXData) { PCURICON_OBJECT pIcon; BOOL Ret; TRACE("Enter NtUserDrawIconEx\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(pIcon = UserGetCurIconObject(hIcon))) { ERR("UserGetCurIconObject(0x%08x) failed!\n", hIcon); UserLeave(); return FALSE; } Ret = UserDrawIconEx(hdc, xLeft, yTop, pIcon, cxWidth, cyHeight, istepIfAniCur, hbrFlickerFreeDraw, diFlags); UserDereferenceObject(pIcon); UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* EOF */