/* * PROJECT: NT Object Namespace shell extension * LICENSE: LGPL-2.1-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1-or-later) * PURPOSE: NT Object Namespace enumeration header * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2004 Martin Fuchs */ #pragma once // All the possible values are defined here because I want the type field to be // "persistable" and not change if more types are added in the future. enum OBJECT_TYPE { DIRECTORY_OBJECT, SYMBOLICLINK_OBJECT, MUTANT_OBJECT, SECTION_OBJECT, EVENT_OBJECT, SEMAPHORE_OBJECT, TIMER_OBJECT, KEY_OBJECT, EVENTPAIR_OBJECT, IOCOMPLETION_OBJECT, DEVICE_OBJECT, FILE_OBJECT, CONTROLLER_OBJECT, PROFILE_OBJECT, TYPE_OBJECT, DESKTOP_OBJECT, WINDOWSTATION_OBJECT, DRIVER_OBJECT, TOKEN_OBJECT, PROCESS_OBJECT, THREAD_OBJECT, ADAPTER_OBJECT, PORT_OBJECT, UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE = -1 }; extern const LPCWSTR ObjectTypeNames[]; #define NT_OBJECT_PIDL_MAGIC (USHORT)0x9A03 #define REGISTRY_PIDL_MAGIC (USHORT)0x5364 #include // NT OBJECT browser struct NtPidlEntry { USHORT cb; USHORT magic; // 0x9A03 ~~~ "NTOB" // If this is -1, there will be a NtPidlTypeData following this, and before any other extensions OBJECT_TYPE objectType; USHORT entryNameLength; WCHAR entryName[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; struct NtPidlTypeData { USHORT typeNameLength; WCHAR typeName[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; // REGISTRY browser enum REG_ENTRY_TYPE { REG_ENTRY_ROOT, REG_ENTRY_KEY, REG_ENTRY_VALUE, REG_ENTRY_VALUE_WITH_CONTENT // any more? }; extern const LPCWSTR RegistryTypeNames []; struct RegPidlEntry { USHORT cb; USHORT magic; // 0x5364 ~~~ "REGK" REG_ENTRY_TYPE entryType; USHORT entryNameLength; union { struct { // For Value entries, this contains the value contents, if it's reasonably small. // For Key entries, this contains the custom class name DWORD contentType; USHORT contentsLength; }; HKEY rootKey; }; WCHAR entryName[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; #include HRESULT ReadRegistryValue(HKEY root, PCWSTR path, PCWSTR valueName, PVOID * valueData, PDWORD valueLength); HRESULT GetEnumRegistryRoot(IEnumIDList ** ppil); HRESULT GetEnumRegistryKey(LPCWSTR path, HKEY root, IEnumIDList ** ppil); HRESULT GetEnumNTDirectory(LPCWSTR path, IEnumIDList ** ppil); HRESULT GetNTObjectSymbolicLinkTarget(LPCWSTR path, LPCWSTR entryName, PUNICODE_STRING LinkTarget);