/* * CMD.C - command-line interface. * * * History: * * 17 Jun 1994 (Tim Norman) * started. * * 08 Aug 1995 (Matt Rains) * I have cleaned up the source code. changes now bring this source * into guidelines for recommended programming practice. * * A added the the standard FreeDOS GNU licence test to the * initialize() function. * * Started to replace puts() with printf(). this will help * standardize output. please follow my lead. * * I have added some constants to help making changes easier. * * 15 Dec 1995 (Tim Norman) * major rewrite of the code to make it more efficient and add * redirection support (finally!) * * 06 Jan 1996 (Tim Norman) * finished adding redirection support! Changed to use our own * exec code (MUCH thanks to Svante Frey!!) * * 29 Jan 1996 (Tim Norman) * added support for CHDIR, RMDIR, MKDIR, and ERASE, as per * suggestion of Steffan Kaiser * * changed "file not found" error message to "bad command or * filename" thanks to Dustin Norman for noticing that confusing * message! * * changed the format to call internal commands (again) so that if * they want to split their commands, they can do it themselves * (none of the internal functions so far need that much power, anyway) * * 27 Aug 1996 (Tim Norman) * added in support for Oliver Mueller's ALIAS command * * 14 Jun 1997 (Steffan Kaiser) * added ctrl-break handling and error level * * 16 Jun 1998 (Rob Lake) * Runs command.com if /P is specified in command line. Command.com * also stays permanent. If /C is in the command line, starts the * program next in the line. * * 21 Jun 1998 (Rob Lake) * Fixed up /C so that arguments for the program * * 08-Jul-1998 (John P. Price) * Now sets COMSPEC environment variable * misc clean up and optimization * added date and time commands * changed to using spawnl instead of exec. exec does not copy the * environment to the child process! * * 14 Jul 1998 (Hans B Pufal) * Reorganised source to be more efficient and to more closely * follow MS-DOS conventions. (eg %..% environment variable * replacement works form command line as well as batch file. * * New organisation also properly support nested batch files. * * New command table structure is half way towards providing a * system in which COMMAND will find out what internal commands * are loaded * * 24 Jul 1998 (Hans B Pufal) [HBP_003] * Fixed return value when called with /C option * * 27 Jul 1998 John P. Price * added config.h include * * 28 Jul 1998 John P. Price * added showcmds function to show commands and options available * * 07-Aug-1998 (John P Price ) * Fixed carrage return output to better match MSDOS with echo * on or off. (marked with "JPP 19980708") * * 07-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * First ReactOS release. * Extended length of commandline buffers to 512. * * 13-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Added COMSPEC environment variable. * Added "/t" support (color) on cmd command line. * * 07-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Added help text ("cmd /?"). * * 25-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Unicode and redirection safe! * Fixed redirections and piping. * Piping is based on temporary files, but basic support * for anonymous pipes already exists. * * 27-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Replaced spawnl() by CreateProcess(). * * 22-Oct-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Added break handler. * * 15-Dec-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Fixed current directory * * 28-Dec-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Restore window title after program/batch execution * * 03-Feb-2001 (Eric Kohl) * Workaround because argc[0] is NULL under ReactOS * * 23-Feb-2001 (Carl Nettelblad ) * %envvar% replacement conflicted with for. * * 30-Apr-2004 (Filip Navara ) * Make MakeSureDirectoryPathExistsEx unicode safe. * * 28-Mai-2004 * Removed MakeSureDirectoryPathExistsEx. * Use the current directory if GetTempPath fails. * * 12-Jul-2004 (Jens Collin ) * Added ShellExecute call when all else fails to be able to "launch" any file. * * 02-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen ) * Remove all hardcode string to En.rc * * 06-May-2005 (Klemens Friedl ) * Add 'help' command (list all commands plus description) * * 06-jul-2005 (Magnus Olsen ) * translate '%errorlevel%' to the internal value. * Add proper memmory alloc ProcessInput, the error * handling for memmory handling need to be improve */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include #ifndef NT_SUCCESS #define NT_SUCCESS(StatCode) ((NTSTATUS)(StatCode) >= 0) #endif typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *NtQueryInformationProcessProc)(HANDLE, PROCESSINFOCLASS, PVOID, ULONG, PULONG); typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *NtReadVirtualMemoryProc)(HANDLE, PVOID, PVOID, ULONG, PULONG); BOOL bExit = FALSE; /* indicates EXIT was typed */ BOOL bCanExit = TRUE; /* indicates if this shell is exitable */ BOOL bCtrlBreak = FALSE; /* Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C hit */ BOOL bIgnoreEcho = FALSE; /* Set this to TRUE to prevent a newline, when executing a command */ INT nErrorLevel = 0; /* Errorlevel of last launched external program */ CRITICAL_SECTION ChildProcessRunningLock; BOOL bUnicodeOutput = FALSE; BOOL bDisableBatchEcho = FALSE; BOOL bDelayedExpansion = FALSE; DWORD dwChildProcessId = 0; OSVERSIONINFO osvi; HANDLE hIn; HANDLE hOut; LPTSTR lpOriginalEnvironment; HANDLE CMD_ModuleHandle; static NtQueryInformationProcessProc NtQueryInformationProcessPtr = NULL; static NtReadVirtualMemoryProc NtReadVirtualMemoryPtr = NULL; #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_COLOR WORD wDefColor; /* default color */ #endif /* * convert * * insert commas into a number */ INT ConvertULargeInteger(ULONGLONG num, LPTSTR des, UINT len, BOOL bPutSeperator) { TCHAR temp[39]; /* maximum length with nNumberGroups == 1 */ UINT n, iTarget; if (len <= 1) return 0; n = 0; iTarget = nNumberGroups; if (!nNumberGroups) bPutSeperator = FALSE; do { if (iTarget == n && bPutSeperator) { iTarget += nNumberGroups + 1; temp[38 - n++] = cThousandSeparator; } temp[38 - n++] = (TCHAR)(num % 10) + _T('0'); num /= 10; } while (num > 0); if (n > len-1) n = len-1; memcpy(des, temp + 39 - n, n * sizeof(TCHAR)); des[n] = _T('\0'); return n; } /* * Is a process a console process? */ static BOOL IsConsoleProcess(HANDLE Process) { NTSTATUS Status; PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION Info; PEB ProcessPeb; ULONG BytesRead; if (NULL == NtQueryInformationProcessPtr || NULL == NtReadVirtualMemoryPtr) { return TRUE; } Status = NtQueryInformationProcessPtr ( Process, ProcessBasicInformation, &Info, sizeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION), NULL); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { WARN ("NtQueryInformationProcess failed with status %08x\n", Status); return TRUE; } Status = NtReadVirtualMemoryPtr ( Process, Info.PebBaseAddress, &ProcessPeb, sizeof(PEB), &BytesRead); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status) || sizeof(PEB) != BytesRead) { WARN ("Couldn't read virt mem status %08x bytes read %lu\n", Status, BytesRead); return TRUE; } return IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI == ProcessPeb.ImageSubsystem; } #ifdef _UNICODE #define SHELLEXECUTETEXT "ShellExecuteExW" #else #define SHELLEXECUTETEXT "ShellExecuteExA" #endif typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MYEX)(LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO lpExecInfo); HANDLE RunFile(DWORD flags, LPTSTR filename, LPTSTR params, LPTSTR directory, INT show) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei; HMODULE hShell32; MYEX hShExt; BOOL ret; TRACE ("RunFile(%s)\n", debugstr_aw(filename)); hShell32 = LoadLibrary(_T("SHELL32.DLL")); if (!hShell32) { WARN ("RunFile: couldn't load SHELL32.DLL!\n"); return NULL; } hShExt = (MYEX)(FARPROC)GetProcAddress(hShell32, SHELLEXECUTETEXT); if (!hShExt) { WARN ("RunFile: couldn't find ShellExecuteExA/W in SHELL32.DLL!\n"); FreeLibrary(hShell32); return NULL; } TRACE ("RunFile: ShellExecuteExA/W is at %x\n", hShExt); memset(&sei, 0, sizeof sei); sei.cbSize = sizeof sei; sei.fMask = flags; sei.lpFile = filename; sei.lpParameters = params; sei.lpDirectory = directory; sei.nShow = show; ret = hShExt(&sei); TRACE ("RunFile: ShellExecuteExA/W returned 0x%p\n", ret); FreeLibrary(hShell32); return ret ? sei.hProcess : NULL; } /* * This command (in first) was not found in the command table * * Full - buffer to hold whole command line * First - first word on command line * Rest - rest of command line */ static INT Execute(LPTSTR Full, LPTSTR First, LPTSTR Rest, PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { TCHAR szFullName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *first, *rest, *dot; TCHAR szWindowTitle[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwExitCode = 0; TCHAR *FirstEnd; TCHAR szFullCmdLine [CMDLINE_LENGTH]; TRACE ("Execute: \'%s\' \'%s\'\n", debugstr_aw(First), debugstr_aw(Rest)); /* Though it was already parsed once, we have a different set of rules for parsing before we pass to CreateProccess */ if (First[0] == _T('/') || (First[0] && First[1] == _T(':'))) { /* Use the entire first word as the program name (no change) */ FirstEnd = First + _tcslen(First); } else { /* If present in the first word, spaces and ,;=/ end the program * name and become the beginning of its parameters. */ BOOL bInside = FALSE; for (FirstEnd = First; *FirstEnd; FirstEnd++) { if (!bInside && (_istspace(*FirstEnd) || _tcschr(_T(",;=/"), *FirstEnd))) break; bInside ^= *FirstEnd == _T('"'); } } /* Copy the new first/rest into the buffer */ first = Full; rest = &Full[FirstEnd - First + 1]; _tcscpy(rest, FirstEnd); _tcscat(rest, Rest); *FirstEnd = _T('\0'); _tcscpy(first, First); /* check for a drive change */ if ((_istalpha (first[0])) && (!_tcscmp (first + 1, _T(":")))) { BOOL working = TRUE; if (!SetCurrentDirectory(first)) /* Guess they changed disc or something, handle that gracefully and get to root */ { TCHAR str[4]; str[0]=first[0]; str[1]=_T(':'); str[2]=_T('\\'); str[3]=0; working = SetCurrentDirectory(str); } if (!working) ConErrResPuts (STRING_FREE_ERROR1); return !working; } /* get the PATH environment variable and parse it */ /* search the PATH environment variable for the binary */ StripQuotes(First); if (!SearchForExecutable(First, szFullName)) { error_bad_command(first); return 1; } GetConsoleTitle (szWindowTitle, MAX_PATH); /* check if this is a .BAT or .CMD file */ dot = _tcsrchr (szFullName, _T('.')); if (dot && (!_tcsicmp (dot, _T(".bat")) || !_tcsicmp (dot, _T(".cmd")))) { while (*rest == _T(' ')) rest++; TRACE ("[BATCH: %s %s]\n", debugstr_aw(szFullName), debugstr_aw(rest)); dwExitCode = Batch(szFullName, first, rest, Cmd); } else { /* exec the program */ PROCESS_INFORMATION prci; STARTUPINFO stui; /* build command line for CreateProcess(): FullName + " " + rest */ BOOL quoted = !!_tcschr(First, ' '); _tcscpy(szFullCmdLine, quoted ? _T("\"") : _T("")); _tcsncat(szFullCmdLine, First, CMDLINE_LENGTH - _tcslen(szFullCmdLine) - 1); _tcsncat(szFullCmdLine, quoted ? _T("\"") : _T(""), CMDLINE_LENGTH - _tcslen(szFullCmdLine) - 1); if (*rest) { _tcsncat(szFullCmdLine, _T(" "), CMDLINE_LENGTH - _tcslen(szFullCmdLine) - 1); _tcsncat(szFullCmdLine, rest, CMDLINE_LENGTH - _tcslen(szFullCmdLine) - 1); } TRACE ("[EXEC: %s]\n", debugstr_aw(szFullCmdLine)); /* fill startup info */ memset (&stui, 0, sizeof (STARTUPINFO)); stui.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFO); stui.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; stui.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT; /* Set the console to standard mode */ SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); if (CreateProcess(szFullName, szFullCmdLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, /* CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP */ NULL, NULL, &stui, &prci)) { CloseHandle(prci.hThread); } else { // See if we can run this with ShellExecute() ie myfile.xls prci.hProcess = RunFile(SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE, szFullName, rest, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } if (prci.hProcess != NULL) { if (IsConsoleProcess(prci.hProcess)) { EnterCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); dwChildProcessId = prci.dwProcessId; WaitForSingleObject(prci.hProcess, INFINITE); LeaveCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); GetExitCodeProcess(prci.hProcess, &dwExitCode); nErrorLevel = (INT)dwExitCode; } CloseHandle(prci.hProcess); } else { TRACE ("[ShellExecute failed!: %s]\n", debugstr_aw(Full)); error_bad_command(first); dwExitCode = 1; } /* Restore our default console mode */ SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT | ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT); } /* Get code page if it has been changed */ InputCodePage= GetConsoleCP(); OutputCodePage = GetConsoleOutputCP(); SetConsoleTitle(szWindowTitle); return dwExitCode; } /* * look through the internal commands and determine whether or not this * command is one of them. If it is, call the command. If not, call * execute to run it as an external program. * * first - first word on command line * rest - rest of command line */ INT DoCommand(LPTSTR first, LPTSTR rest, PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { TCHAR *com; TCHAR *cp; LPTSTR param; /* pointer to command's parameters */ INT cl; LPCOMMAND cmdptr; BOOL nointernal = FALSE; INT ret; TRACE ("DoCommand: (\'%s\' \'%s\')\n", debugstr_aw(first), debugstr_aw(rest)); /* full command line */ com = cmd_alloc((_tcslen(first) + _tcslen(rest) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (com == NULL) { error_out_of_memory(); return 1; } /* If present in the first word, these characters end the name of an * internal command and become the beginning of its parameters. */ cp = first + _tcscspn(first, _T("\t +,/;=[]")); for (cl = 0; cl < (cp - first); cl++) { /* These characters do it too, but if one of them is present, * then we check to see if the word is a file name and skip * checking for internal commands if so. * This allows running programs with names like "echo.exe" */ if (_tcschr(_T(".:\\"), first[cl])) { TCHAR tmp = *cp; *cp = _T('\0'); nointernal = IsExistingFile(first); *cp = tmp; break; } } /* Scan internal command table */ for (cmdptr = cmds; !nointernal && cmdptr->name; cmdptr++) { if (!_tcsnicmp(first, cmdptr->name, cl) && cmdptr->name[cl] == _T('\0')) { _tcscpy(com, first); _tcscat(com, rest); param = &com[cl]; /* Skip over whitespace to rest of line, exclude 'echo' command */ if (_tcsicmp(cmdptr->name, _T("echo")) != 0) while (_istspace(*param)) param++; ret = cmdptr->func(param); cmd_free(com); return ret; } } ret = Execute(com, first, rest, Cmd); cmd_free(com); return ret; } /* * process the command line and execute the appropriate functions * full input/output redirection and piping are supported */ INT ParseCommandLine (LPTSTR cmd) { INT Ret = 0; PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd = ParseCommand(cmd); if (Cmd) { Ret = ExecuteCommand(Cmd); FreeCommand(Cmd); } return Ret; } /* Execute a command without waiting for it to finish. If it's an internal * command or batch file, we must create a new cmd.exe process to handle it. * TODO: For now, this just always creates a cmd.exe process. * This works, but is inefficient for running external programs, * which could just be run directly. */ static HANDLE ExecuteAsync(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { TCHAR CmdPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR CmdParams[CMDLINE_LENGTH], *ParamsEnd; STARTUPINFO stui; PROCESS_INFORMATION prci; /* Get the path to cmd.exe */ GetModuleFileName(NULL, CmdPath, MAX_PATH); /* Build the parameter string to pass to cmd.exe */ ParamsEnd = _stpcpy(CmdParams, _T("/S/D/C\"")); ParamsEnd = Unparse(Cmd, ParamsEnd, &CmdParams[CMDLINE_LENGTH - 2]); if (!ParamsEnd) { error_out_of_memory(); return NULL; } _tcscpy(ParamsEnd, _T("\"")); memset(&stui, 0, sizeof stui); stui.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); if (!CreateProcess(CmdPath, CmdParams, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &stui, &prci)) { ErrorMessage(GetLastError(), NULL); return NULL; } CloseHandle(prci.hThread); return prci.hProcess; } static VOID ExecutePipeline(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { #ifdef FEATURE_REDIRECTION HANDLE hInput = NULL; HANDLE hOldConIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); HANDLE hOldConOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); HANDLE hProcess[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS]; INT nProcesses = 0; DWORD dwExitCode; /* Do all but the last pipe command */ do { HANDLE hPipeRead, hPipeWrite; if (nProcesses > (MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 2)) { error_too_many_parameters(_T("|")); goto failed; } /* Create the pipe that this process will write into. * Make the handles non-inheritable initially, because this * process shouldn't inherit the reading handle. */ if (!CreatePipe(&hPipeRead, &hPipeWrite, NULL, 0)) { error_no_pipe(); goto failed; } /* The writing side of the pipe is STDOUT for this process */ SetHandleInformation(hPipeWrite, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT); SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hPipeWrite); /* Execute it (error check is done later for easier cleanup) */ hProcess[nProcesses] = ExecuteAsync(Cmd->Subcommands); CloseHandle(hPipeWrite); if (hInput) CloseHandle(hInput); /* The reading side of the pipe will be STDIN for the next process */ SetHandleInformation(hPipeRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT); SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hPipeRead); hInput = hPipeRead; if (!hProcess[nProcesses]) goto failed; nProcesses++; Cmd = Cmd->Subcommands->Next; } while (Cmd->Type == C_PIPE); /* The last process uses the original STDOUT */ SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hOldConOut); hProcess[nProcesses] = ExecuteAsync(Cmd); if (!hProcess[nProcesses]) goto failed; nProcesses++; CloseHandle(hInput); SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hOldConIn); /* Wait for all processes to complete */ EnterCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); WaitForMultipleObjects(nProcesses, hProcess, TRUE, INFINITE); LeaveCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); /* Use the exit code of the last process in the pipeline */ GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess[nProcesses - 1], &dwExitCode); nErrorLevel = (INT)dwExitCode; while (--nProcesses >= 0) CloseHandle(hProcess[nProcesses]); return; failed: if (hInput) CloseHandle(hInput); while (--nProcesses >= 0) { TerminateProcess(hProcess[nProcesses], 0); CloseHandle(hProcess[nProcesses]); } SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hOldConIn); SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hOldConOut); #endif } INT ExecuteCommand(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { PARSED_COMMAND *Sub; LPTSTR First, Rest; INT Ret = 0; if (!PerformRedirection(Cmd->Redirections)) return 1; switch (Cmd->Type) { case C_COMMAND: Ret = 1; First = DoDelayedExpansion(Cmd->Command.First); if (First) { Rest = DoDelayedExpansion(Cmd->Command.Rest); if (Rest) { Ret = DoCommand(First, Rest, Cmd); cmd_free(Rest); } cmd_free(First); } break; case C_QUIET: case C_BLOCK: case C_MULTI: for (Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; Sub; Sub = Sub->Next) Ret = ExecuteCommand(Sub); break; case C_IFFAILURE: Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; Ret = ExecuteCommand(Sub); if (Ret != 0) { nErrorLevel = Ret; Ret = ExecuteCommand(Sub->Next); } break; case C_IFSUCCESS: Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; Ret = ExecuteCommand(Sub); if (Ret == 0) Ret = ExecuteCommand(Sub->Next); break; case C_PIPE: ExecutePipeline(Cmd); break; case C_IF: Ret = ExecuteIf(Cmd); break; case C_FOR: Ret = ExecuteFor(Cmd); break; } UndoRedirection(Cmd->Redirections, NULL); return Ret; } LPTSTR GetEnvVar(LPCTSTR varName) { static LPTSTR ret = NULL; UINT size; cmd_free(ret); ret = NULL; size = GetEnvironmentVariable(varName, NULL, 0); if (size > 0) { ret = cmd_alloc(size * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ret != NULL) GetEnvironmentVariable(varName, ret, size + 1); } return ret; } LPCTSTR GetEnvVarOrSpecial(LPCTSTR varName) { static TCHAR ret[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR var = GetEnvVar(varName); if (var) return var; /* env var doesn't exist, look for a "special" one */ /* %CD% */ if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("cd")) ==0) { GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, ret); return ret; } /* %TIME% */ else if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("time")) ==0) { return GetTimeString(); } /* %DATE% */ else if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("date")) ==0) { return GetDateString(); } /* %RANDOM% */ else if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("random")) ==0) { /* Get random number */ _itot(rand(),ret,10); return ret; } /* %CMDCMDLINE% */ else if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("cmdcmdline")) ==0) { return GetCommandLine(); } /* %CMDEXTVERSION% */ else if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("cmdextversion")) ==0) { /* Set version number to 2 */ _itot(2,ret,10); return ret; } /* %ERRORLEVEL% */ else if (_tcsicmp(varName,_T("errorlevel")) ==0) { _itot(nErrorLevel,ret,10); return ret; } return NULL; } /* Handle the %~var syntax */ static LPTSTR GetEnhancedVar(TCHAR **pFormat, LPTSTR (*GetVar)(TCHAR, BOOL *)) { static const TCHAR ModifierTable[] = _T("dpnxfsatz"); enum { M_DRIVE = 1, /* D: drive letter */ M_PATH = 2, /* P: path */ M_NAME = 4, /* N: filename */ M_EXT = 8, /* X: extension */ M_FULL = 16, /* F: full path (drive+path+name+ext) */ M_SHORT = 32, /* S: full path (drive+path+name+ext), use short names */ M_ATTR = 64, /* A: attributes */ M_TIME = 128, /* T: modification time */ M_SIZE = 256, /* Z: file size */ } Modifiers = 0; TCHAR *Format, *FormatEnd; TCHAR *PathVarName = NULL; LPTSTR Variable; TCHAR *VarEnd; BOOL VariableIsParam0; TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR FixedPath[MAX_PATH], *Filename, *Extension; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA w32fd; TCHAR *In, *Out; static TCHAR Result[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; /* There is ambiguity between modifier characters and FOR variables; * the rule that cmd uses is to pick the longest possible match. * For example, if there is a %n variable, then out of %~anxnd, * %~anxn will be substituted rather than just %~an. */ /* First, go through as many modifier characters as possible */ FormatEnd = Format = *pFormat; while (*FormatEnd && _tcschr(ModifierTable, _totlower(*FormatEnd))) FormatEnd++; if (*FormatEnd == _T('$')) { /* $PATH: syntax */ PathVarName = FormatEnd + 1; FormatEnd = _tcschr(PathVarName, _T(':')); if (!FormatEnd) return NULL; /* Must be immediately followed by the variable */ Variable = GetVar(*++FormatEnd, &VariableIsParam0); if (!Variable) return NULL; } else { /* Backtrack if necessary to get a variable name match */ while (!(Variable = GetVar(*FormatEnd, &VariableIsParam0))) { if (FormatEnd == Format) return NULL; FormatEnd--; } } for (; Format < FormatEnd && *Format != _T('$'); Format++) Modifiers |= 1 << (_tcschr(ModifierTable, _totlower(*Format)) - ModifierTable); *pFormat = FormatEnd + 1; /* Exclude the leading and trailing quotes */ VarEnd = &Variable[_tcslen(Variable)]; if (*Variable == _T('"')) { Variable++; if (VarEnd > Variable && VarEnd[-1] == _T('"')) VarEnd--; } if ((char *)VarEnd - (char *)Variable >= sizeof Result) return _T(""); memcpy(Result, Variable, (char *)VarEnd - (char *)Variable); Result[VarEnd - Variable] = _T('\0'); if (PathVarName) { /* $PATH: syntax - search the directories listed in the * specified environment variable for the file */ LPTSTR PathVar; FormatEnd[-1] = _T('\0'); PathVar = GetEnvVar(PathVarName); FormatEnd[-1] = _T(':'); if (!PathVar || !SearchPath(PathVar, Result, NULL, MAX_PATH, FullPath, NULL)) { return _T(""); } } else if (Modifiers == 0) { /* For plain %~var with no modifiers, just return the variable without quotes */ return Result; } else if (VariableIsParam0) { /* Special case: If the variable is %0 and modifier characters are present, * use the batch file's path (which includes the .bat/.cmd extension) * rather than the actual %0 variable (which might not). */ _tcscpy(FullPath, bc->BatchFilePath); } else { /* Convert the variable, now without quotes, to a full path */ if (!GetFullPathName(Result, MAX_PATH, FullPath, NULL)) return _T(""); } /* Next step is to change the path to fix letter case (e.g. * C:\ReAcToS -> C:\ReactOS) and, if requested with the S modifier, * replace long filenames with short. */ In = FullPath; Out = FixedPath; /* Copy drive letter */ *Out++ = *In++; *Out++ = *In++; *Out++ = *In++; /* Loop over each \-separated component in the path */ do { TCHAR *Next = _tcschr(In, _T('\\')); if (Next) *Next++ = _T('\0'); /* Use FindFirstFile to get the correct name */ if (Out + _tcslen(In) + 1 >= &FixedPath[MAX_PATH]) return _T(""); _tcscpy(Out, In); hFind = FindFirstFile(FixedPath, &w32fd); /* If it doesn't exist, just leave the name as it was given */ if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LPTSTR FixedComponent = w32fd.cFileName; if (*w32fd.cAlternateFileName && ((Modifiers & M_SHORT) || !_tcsicmp(In, w32fd.cAlternateFileName))) { FixedComponent = w32fd.cAlternateFileName; } FindClose(hFind); if (Out + _tcslen(FixedComponent) + 1 >= &FixedPath[MAX_PATH]) return _T(""); _tcscpy(Out, FixedComponent); } Filename = Out; Out += _tcslen(Out); *Out++ = _T('\\'); In = Next; } while (In != NULL); Out[-1] = _T('\0'); /* Build the result string. Start with attributes, modification time, and * file size. If the file didn't exist, these fields will all be empty. */ Out = Result; if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (Modifiers & M_ATTR) { static const struct { TCHAR Character; WORD Value; } *Attrib, Table[] = { { _T('d'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY }, { _T('r'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY }, { _T('a'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE }, { _T('h'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN }, { _T('s'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM }, { _T('c'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED }, { _T('o'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE }, { _T('t'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY }, { _T('l'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT }, }; for (Attrib = Table; Attrib != &Table[9]; Attrib++) { *Out++ = w32fd.dwFileAttributes & Attrib->Value ? Attrib->Character : _T('-'); } *Out++ = _T(' '); } if (Modifiers & M_TIME) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&w32fd.ftLastWriteTime, &ft); FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); Out += FormatDate(Out, &st, TRUE); *Out++ = _T(' '); Out += FormatTime(Out, &st); *Out++ = _T(' '); } if (Modifiers & M_SIZE) { ULARGE_INTEGER Size; Size.LowPart = w32fd.nFileSizeLow; Size.HighPart = w32fd.nFileSizeHigh; Out += _stprintf(Out, _T("%I64u "), Size.QuadPart); } } /* When using the path-searching syntax or the S modifier, * at least part of the file path is always included. * If none of the DPNX modifiers are present, include the full path */ if (PathVarName || (Modifiers & M_SHORT)) if ((Modifiers & (M_DRIVE | M_PATH | M_NAME | M_EXT)) == 0) Modifiers |= M_FULL; /* Now add the requested parts of the name. * With the F modifier, add all parts to form the full path. */ Extension = _tcsrchr(Filename, _T('.')); if (Modifiers & (M_DRIVE | M_FULL)) { *Out++ = FixedPath[0]; *Out++ = FixedPath[1]; } if (Modifiers & (M_PATH | M_FULL)) { memcpy(Out, &FixedPath[2], (char *)Filename - (char *)&FixedPath[2]); Out += Filename - &FixedPath[2]; } if (Modifiers & (M_NAME | M_FULL)) { while (*Filename && Filename != Extension) *Out++ = *Filename++; } if (Modifiers & (M_EXT | M_FULL)) { if (Extension) Out = _stpcpy(Out, Extension); } /* Trim trailing space which otherwise would appear as a * result of using the A/T/Z modifiers but no others. */ while (Out != &Result[0] && Out[-1] == _T(' ')) Out--; *Out = _T('\0'); return Result; } LPCTSTR GetBatchVar(TCHAR *varName, UINT *varNameLen) { LPCTSTR ret; TCHAR *varNameEnd; BOOL dummy; *varNameLen = 1; switch ( *varName ) { case _T('~'): varNameEnd = varName + 1; ret = GetEnhancedVar(&varNameEnd, FindArg); if (!ret) { error_syntax(varName); return NULL; } *varNameLen = varNameEnd - varName; return ret; case _T('0'): case _T('1'): case _T('2'): case _T('3'): case _T('4'): case _T('5'): case _T('6'): case _T('7'): case _T('8'): case _T('9'): return FindArg(*varName, &dummy); case _T('*'): // // Copy over the raw params(not including the batch file name // return bc->raw_params; case _T('%'): return _T("%"); } return NULL; } BOOL SubstituteVars(TCHAR *Src, TCHAR *Dest, TCHAR Delim) { #define APPEND(From, Length) { \ if (Dest + (Length) > DestEnd) \ goto too_long; \ memcpy(Dest, From, (Length) * sizeof(TCHAR)); \ Dest += Length; } #define APPEND1(Char) { \ if (Dest >= DestEnd) \ goto too_long; \ *Dest++ = Char; } TCHAR *DestEnd = Dest + CMDLINE_LENGTH - 1; const TCHAR *Var; int VarLength; TCHAR *SubstStart; TCHAR EndChr; while (*Src) { if (*Src != Delim) { APPEND1(*Src++) continue; } Src++; if (bc && Delim == _T('%')) { UINT NameLen; Var = GetBatchVar(Src, &NameLen); if (Var != NULL) { VarLength = _tcslen(Var); APPEND(Var, VarLength) Src += NameLen; continue; } } /* Find the end of the variable name. A colon (:) will usually * end the name and begin the optional modifier, but not if it * is immediately followed by the delimiter (%VAR:%). */ SubstStart = Src; while (*Src != Delim && !(*Src == _T(':') && Src[1] != Delim)) { if (!*Src) goto bad_subst; Src++; } EndChr = *Src; *Src = _T('\0'); Var = GetEnvVarOrSpecial(SubstStart); *Src++ = EndChr; if (Var == NULL) { /* In a batch file, %NONEXISTENT% "expands" to an empty string */ if (bc) continue; goto bad_subst; } VarLength = _tcslen(Var); if (EndChr == Delim) { /* %VAR% - use as-is */ APPEND(Var, VarLength) } else if (*Src == _T('~')) { /* %VAR:~[start][,length]% - substring * Negative values are offsets from the end */ int Start = _tcstol(Src + 1, &Src, 0); int End = VarLength; if (Start < 0) Start += VarLength; Start = max(Start, 0); Start = min(Start, VarLength); if (*Src == _T(',')) { End = _tcstol(Src + 1, &Src, 0); End += (End < 0) ? VarLength : Start; End = max(End, Start); End = min(End, VarLength); } if (*Src++ != Delim) goto bad_subst; APPEND(&Var[Start], End - Start); } else { /* %VAR:old=new% - replace all occurrences of old with new * %VAR:*old=new% - replace first occurrence only, * and remove everything before it */ TCHAR *Old, *New; DWORD OldLength, NewLength; BOOL Star = FALSE; int LastMatch = 0, i = 0; if (*Src == _T('*')) { Star = TRUE; Src++; } /* the string to replace may contain the delimiter */ Src = _tcschr(Old = Src, _T('=')); if (Src == NULL) goto bad_subst; OldLength = Src++ - Old; if (OldLength == 0) goto bad_subst; Src = _tcschr(New = Src, Delim); if (Src == NULL) goto bad_subst; NewLength = Src++ - New; while (i < VarLength) { if (_tcsnicmp(&Var[i], Old, OldLength) == 0) { if (!Star) APPEND(&Var[LastMatch], i - LastMatch) APPEND(New, NewLength) i += OldLength; LastMatch = i; if (Star) break; continue; } i++; } APPEND(&Var[LastMatch], VarLength - LastMatch) } continue; bad_subst: Src = SubstStart; if (!bc) APPEND1(Delim) } *Dest = _T('\0'); return TRUE; too_long: ConOutResPrintf(STRING_ALIAS_ERROR); nErrorLevel = 9023; return FALSE; #undef APPEND #undef APPEND1 } /* Search the list of FOR contexts for a variable */ static LPTSTR FindForVar(TCHAR Var, BOOL *IsParam0) { FOR_CONTEXT *Ctx; *IsParam0 = FALSE; for (Ctx = fc; Ctx != NULL; Ctx = Ctx->prev) { if ((UINT)(Var - Ctx->firstvar) < Ctx->varcount) return Ctx->values[Var - Ctx->firstvar]; } return NULL; } BOOL SubstituteForVars(TCHAR *Src, TCHAR *Dest) { TCHAR *DestEnd = &Dest[CMDLINE_LENGTH - 1]; while (*Src) { if (Src[0] == _T('%')) { BOOL Dummy; LPTSTR End = &Src[2]; LPTSTR Value = NULL; if (Src[1] == _T('~')) Value = GetEnhancedVar(&End, FindForVar); if (!Value) Value = FindForVar(Src[1], &Dummy); if (Value) { if (Dest + _tcslen(Value) > DestEnd) return FALSE; Dest = _stpcpy(Dest, Value); Src = End; continue; } } /* Not a variable; just copy the character */ if (Dest >= DestEnd) return FALSE; *Dest++ = *Src++; } *Dest = _T('\0'); return TRUE; } LPTSTR DoDelayedExpansion(LPTSTR Line) { TCHAR Buf1[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR Buf2[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; /* First, substitute FOR variables */ if (!SubstituteForVars(Line, Buf1)) return NULL; if (!bDelayedExpansion || !_tcschr(Buf1, _T('!'))) return cmd_dup(Buf1); /* FIXME: Delayed substitutions actually aren't quite the same as * immediate substitutions. In particular, it's possible to escape * the exclamation point using ^. */ if (!SubstituteVars(Buf1, Buf2, _T('!'))) return NULL; return cmd_dup(Buf2); } /* * do the prompt/input/process loop * */ BOOL ReadLine(TCHAR *commandline, BOOL bMore) { TCHAR readline[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; LPTSTR ip; /* if no batch input then... */ if (bc == NULL) { if (bMore) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_MORE); } else { /* JPP 19980807 - if echo off, don't print prompt */ if (bEcho) { if (!bIgnoreEcho) ConOutChar(_T('\n')); PrintPrompt(); } } if (!ReadCommand(readline, CMDLINE_LENGTH - 1)) { bExit = TRUE; return FALSE; } if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { ConOutChar(_T('\n')); return FALSE; } ip = readline; } else { ip = ReadBatchLine(); if (!ip) return FALSE; } return SubstituteVars(ip, commandline, _T('%')); } static VOID ProcessInput() { PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd; while (!bCanExit || !bExit) { Cmd = ParseCommand(NULL); if (!Cmd) continue; ExecuteCommand(Cmd); FreeCommand(Cmd); } } /* * control-break handler. */ BOOL WINAPI BreakHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { DWORD dwWritten; INPUT_RECORD rec; static BOOL SelfGenerated = FALSE; if ((dwCtrlType != CTRL_C_EVENT) && (dwCtrlType != CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)) { return FALSE; } else { if (SelfGenerated) { SelfGenerated = FALSE; return TRUE; } } if (!TryEnterCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock)) { SelfGenerated = TRUE; GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent (dwCtrlType, 0); return TRUE; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); } rec.EventType = KEY_EVENT; rec.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = TRUE; rec.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 1; rec.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = _T('C'); rec.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode = _T('C') - 35; rec.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar = _T('C'); rec.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = _T('C'); rec.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED; WriteConsoleInput(hIn, &rec, 1, &dwWritten); bCtrlBreak = TRUE; /* FIXME: Handle batch files */ //ConOutPrintf(_T("^C")); return TRUE; } VOID AddBreakHandler (VOID) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler ((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)BreakHandler, TRUE); } VOID RemoveBreakHandler (VOID) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler ((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)BreakHandler, FALSE); } /* * show commands and options that are available. * */ #if 0 static VOID ShowCommands (VOID) { /* print command list */ ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP1); PrintCommandList(); /* print feature list */ ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP2); #ifdef FEATURE_ALIASES ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP3); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP4); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_UNIX_FILENAME_COMPLETION ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP5); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_DIRECTORY_STACK ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP6); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_REDIRECTION ConOutResPuts(STRING_CMD_HELP7); #endif ConOutChar(_T('\n')); } #endif static VOID ExecuteAutoRunFile(HKEY hkeyRoot) { TCHAR autorun[2048]; DWORD len = sizeof autorun; HKEY hkey; if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyRoot, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Command Processor"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, _T("AutoRun"), 0, 0, (LPBYTE)autorun, &len) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (*autorun) ParseCommandLine(autorun); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } } /* Get the command that comes after a /C or /K switch */ static VOID GetCmdLineCommand(TCHAR *commandline, TCHAR *ptr, BOOL AlwaysStrip) { TCHAR *LastQuote; while (_istspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading quote, find final quote */ if (*ptr == _T('"') && (LastQuote = _tcsrchr(++ptr, _T('"'))) != NULL) { TCHAR *Space; /* Under certain circumstances, all quotes are preserved. * CMD /? documents these conditions as follows: * 1. No /S switch * 2. Exactly two quotes * 3. No "special characters" between the quotes * (CMD /? says &<>()@^| but parentheses did not * trigger this rule when I tested them.) * 4. Whitespace exists between the quotes * 5. Enclosed string is an executable filename */ *LastQuote = _T('\0'); for (Space = ptr + 1; Space < LastQuote; Space++) { if (_istspace(*Space)) /* Rule 4 */ { if (!AlwaysStrip && /* Rule 1 */ !_tcspbrk(ptr, _T("\"&<>@^|")) && /* Rules 2, 3 */ SearchForExecutable(ptr, commandline)) /* Rule 5 */ { /* All conditions met: preserve both the quotes */ *LastQuote = _T('"'); _tcscpy(commandline, ptr - 1); return; } break; } } /* The conditions were not met: remove both the * leading quote and the last quote */ _tcscpy(commandline, ptr); _tcscpy(&commandline[LastQuote - ptr], LastQuote + 1); return; } /* No quotes; just copy */ _tcscpy(commandline, ptr); } /* * set up global initializations and process parameters */ static VOID Initialize() { HMODULE NtDllModule; TCHAR commandline[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR ModuleName[_MAX_PATH + 1]; INT nExitCode; //INT len; TCHAR *ptr, *cmdLine, option = 0; BOOL AlwaysStrip = FALSE; BOOL AutoRun = TRUE; /* get version information */ osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx (&osvi); /* Some people like to run ReactOS cmd.exe on Win98, it helps in the * build process. So don't link implicitly against ntdll.dll, load it * dynamically instead */ NtDllModule = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("ntdll.dll")); if (NtDllModule != NULL) { NtQueryInformationProcessPtr = (NtQueryInformationProcessProc)GetProcAddress(NtDllModule, "NtQueryInformationProcess"); NtReadVirtualMemoryPtr = (NtReadVirtualMemoryProc)GetProcAddress(NtDllModule, "NtReadVirtualMemory"); } InitLocale(); /* get default input and output console handles */ hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); /* Initialize prompt support */ InitPrompt(); #ifdef FEATURE_DIR_STACK /* initialize directory stack */ InitDirectoryStack(); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY /*initialize history*/ InitHistory(); #endif /* Set COMSPEC environment variable */ if (0 != GetModuleFileName (NULL, ModuleName, _MAX_PATH + 1)) { ModuleName[_MAX_PATH] = _T('\0'); SetEnvironmentVariable (_T("COMSPEC"), ModuleName); } /* Add ctrl break handler */ AddBreakHandler(); /* Set our default console mode */ SetConsoleMode(hOut, 0); // Reinitialize the console output mode SetConsoleMode(hOut, ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT | ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT); SetConsoleMode(hIn , ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); cmdLine = GetCommandLine(); TRACE ("[command args: %s]\n", debugstr_aw(cmdLine)); for (ptr = cmdLine; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == _T('/')) { option = _totupper(ptr[1]); if (option == _T('?')) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_CMD_HELP8); nErrorLevel = 1; bExit = TRUE; return; } else if (option == _T('P')) { if (!IsExistingFile (_T("\\autoexec.bat"))) { #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_DATE cmd_date (_T("")); #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_TIME cmd_time (_T("")); #endif } else { ParseCommandLine (_T("\\autoexec.bat")); } bCanExit = FALSE; } else if (option == _T('A')) { bUnicodeOutput = FALSE; } else if (option == _T('C') || option == _T('K') || option == _T('R')) { /* Remainder of command line is a command to be run */ break; } else if (option == _T('D')) { AutoRun = FALSE; } else if (option == _T('Q')) { bDisableBatchEcho = TRUE; } else if (option == _T('S')) { AlwaysStrip = TRUE; } #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_COLOR else if (!_tcsnicmp(ptr, _T("/T:"), 3)) { /* process /T (color) argument */ wDefColor = (WORD)_tcstoul(&ptr[3], &ptr, 16); SetScreenColor(wDefColor, FALSE); } #endif else if (option == _T('U')) { bUnicodeOutput = TRUE; } else if (option == _T('V')) { bDelayedExpansion = _tcsnicmp(&ptr[2], _T(":OFF"), 4); } } } if (!*ptr) { /* If neither /C or /K was given, display a simple version string */ ConOutChar(_T('\n')); ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REACTOS_VERSION, _T(KERNEL_RELEASE_STR), _T(KERNEL_VERSION_BUILD_STR)); ConOutPuts(_T("(C) Copyright 1998-") _T(COPYRIGHT_YEAR) _T(" ReactOS Team.\n")); } if (AutoRun) { ExecuteAutoRunFile(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); ExecuteAutoRunFile(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); } if (*ptr) { /* Do the /C or /K command */ GetCmdLineCommand(commandline, &ptr[2], AlwaysStrip); nExitCode = ParseCommandLine(commandline); if (option != _T('K')) { nErrorLevel = nExitCode; bExit = TRUE; } } } static VOID Cleanup() { /* run cmdexit.bat */ if (IsExistingFile (_T("cmdexit.bat"))) { ConErrResPuts(STRING_CMD_ERROR5); ParseCommandLine (_T("cmdexit.bat")); } else if (IsExistingFile (_T("\\cmdexit.bat"))) { ConErrResPuts (STRING_CMD_ERROR5); ParseCommandLine (_T("\\cmdexit.bat")); } #ifdef FEATURE_DIECTORY_STACK /* destroy directory stack */ DestroyDirectoryStack (); #endif #ifdef FEATURE_HISTORY CleanHistory(); #endif /* free GetEnvVar's buffer */ GetEnvVar(NULL); /* Remove ctrl break handler */ RemoveBreakHandler(); /* Restore the default console mode */ SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT); SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT | ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT); DeleteCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); } /* * main function */ int _tmain(int argc, const TCHAR *argv[]) { HANDLE hConsole; TCHAR startPath[MAX_PATH]; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO Info; InitializeCriticalSection(&ChildProcessRunningLock); lpOriginalEnvironment = DuplicateEnvironment(); GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,startPath); _tchdir(startPath); SetFileApisToOEM(); InputCodePage = 0; OutputCodePage = 0; hConsole = CreateFile(_T("CONOUT$"), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &Info)) { ConErrFormatMessage(GetLastError()); return(1); } wDefColor = Info.wAttributes; CloseHandle(hConsole); } InputCodePage = GetConsoleCP(); OutputCodePage = GetConsoleOutputCP(); CMD_ModuleHandle = GetModuleHandle(NULL); /* check switches on command-line */ Initialize(); /* call prompt routine */ ProcessInput(); /* do the cleanup */ Cleanup(); cmd_free(lpOriginalEnvironment); cmd_exit(nErrorLevel); return(nErrorLevel); } /* EOF */