/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/se/semgr.c * PURPOSE: Security manager * * PROGRAMMERS: No programmer listed. */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ PSE_EXPORTS SeExports = NULL; SE_EXPORTS SepExports; extern ULONG ExpInitializationPhase; extern ERESOURCE SepSubjectContextLock; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static BOOLEAN INIT_FUNCTION SepInitExports(VOID) { SepExports.SeCreateTokenPrivilege = SeCreateTokenPrivilege; SepExports.SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege = SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege; SepExports.SeLockMemoryPrivilege = SeLockMemoryPrivilege; SepExports.SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege = SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege; SepExports.SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege = SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege; SepExports.SeTcbPrivilege = SeTcbPrivilege; SepExports.SeSecurityPrivilege = SeSecurityPrivilege; SepExports.SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege; SepExports.SeLoadDriverPrivilege = SeLoadDriverPrivilege; SepExports.SeCreatePagefilePrivilege = SeCreatePagefilePrivilege; SepExports.SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege = SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege; SepExports.SeSystemProfilePrivilege = SeSystemProfilePrivilege; SepExports.SeSystemtimePrivilege = SeSystemtimePrivilege; SepExports.SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege = SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege; SepExports.SeCreatePermanentPrivilege = SeCreatePermanentPrivilege; SepExports.SeBackupPrivilege = SeBackupPrivilege; SepExports.SeRestorePrivilege = SeRestorePrivilege; SepExports.SeShutdownPrivilege = SeShutdownPrivilege; SepExports.SeDebugPrivilege = SeDebugPrivilege; SepExports.SeAuditPrivilege = SeAuditPrivilege; SepExports.SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege = SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege; SepExports.SeChangeNotifyPrivilege = SeChangeNotifyPrivilege; SepExports.SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege = SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege; SepExports.SeNullSid = SeNullSid; SepExports.SeWorldSid = SeWorldSid; SepExports.SeLocalSid = SeLocalSid; SepExports.SeCreatorOwnerSid = SeCreatorOwnerSid; SepExports.SeCreatorGroupSid = SeCreatorGroupSid; SepExports.SeNtAuthoritySid = SeNtAuthoritySid; SepExports.SeDialupSid = SeDialupSid; SepExports.SeNetworkSid = SeNetworkSid; SepExports.SeBatchSid = SeBatchSid; SepExports.SeInteractiveSid = SeInteractiveSid; SepExports.SeLocalSystemSid = SeLocalSystemSid; SepExports.SeAliasAdminsSid = SeAliasAdminsSid; SepExports.SeAliasUsersSid = SeAliasUsersSid; SepExports.SeAliasGuestsSid = SeAliasGuestsSid; SepExports.SeAliasPowerUsersSid = SeAliasPowerUsersSid; SepExports.SeAliasAccountOpsSid = SeAliasAccountOpsSid; SepExports.SeAliasSystemOpsSid = SeAliasSystemOpsSid; SepExports.SeAliasPrintOpsSid = SeAliasPrintOpsSid; SepExports.SeAliasBackupOpsSid = SeAliasBackupOpsSid; SepExports.SeAuthenticatedUsersSid = SeAuthenticatedUsersSid; SepExports.SeRestrictedSid = SeRestrictedSid; SepExports.SeAnonymousLogonSid = SeAnonymousLogonSid; SepExports.SeUndockPrivilege = SeUndockPrivilege; SepExports.SeSyncAgentPrivilege = SeSyncAgentPrivilege; SepExports.SeEnableDelegationPrivilege = SeEnableDelegationPrivilege; SeExports = &SepExports; return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI SepInitializationPhase0(VOID) { PAGED_CODE(); ExpInitLuid(); if (!SepInitSecurityIDs()) return FALSE; if (!SepInitDACLs()) return FALSE; if (!SepInitSDs()) return FALSE; SepInitPrivileges(); if (!SepInitExports()) return FALSE; /* Initialize the subject context lock */ ExInitializeResource(&SepSubjectContextLock); /* Initialize token objects */ SepInitializeTokenImplementation(); /* Clear impersonation info for the idle thread */ PsGetCurrentThread()->ImpersonationInfo = NULL; PspClearCrossThreadFlag(PsGetCurrentThread(), CT_ACTIVE_IMPERSONATION_INFO_BIT); /* Initialize the boot token */ ObInitializeFastReference(&PsGetCurrentProcess()->Token, NULL); ObInitializeFastReference(&PsGetCurrentProcess()->Token, SepCreateSystemProcessToken()); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI SepInitializationPhase1(VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); /* Insert the system token into the tree */ Status = ObInsertObject((PVOID)(PsGetCurrentProcess()->Token.Value & ~MAX_FAST_REFS), NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); /* FIXME: TODO \\ Security directory */ return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI SeInitSystem(VOID) { /* Check the initialization phase */ switch (ExpInitializationPhase) { case 0: /* Do Phase 0 */ return SepInitializationPhase0(); case 1: /* Do Phase 1 */ return SepInitializationPhase1(); default: /* Don't know any other phase! Bugcheck! */ KeBugCheckEx(UNEXPECTED_INITIALIZATION_CALL, 0, ExpInitializationPhase, 0, 0); return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN NTAPI SeInitSRM(VOID) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING Name; HANDLE DirectoryHandle; HANDLE EventHandle; NTSTATUS Status; /* Create '\Security' directory */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, L"\\Security"); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &Name, OBJ_PERMANENT, 0, NULL); Status = ZwCreateDirectoryObject(&DirectoryHandle, DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to create 'Security' directory!\n"); return FALSE; } /* Create 'LSA_AUTHENTICATION_INITALIZED' event */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, L"\\LSA_AUTHENTICATION_INITALIZED"); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &Name, OBJ_PERMANENT, DirectoryHandle, SePublicDefaultSd); Status = ZwCreateEvent(&EventHandle, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to create 'LSA_AUTHENTICATION_INITALIZED' event!\n"); NtClose(DirectoryHandle); return FALSE; } ZwClose(EventHandle); ZwClose(DirectoryHandle); /* FIXME: Create SRM port and listener thread */ return TRUE; } NTSTATUS NTAPI SeDefaultObjectMethod(IN PVOID Object, IN SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE OperationType, IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN OUT PULONG ReturnLength OPTIONAL, IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OldSecurityDescriptor, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Select the operation type */ switch (OperationType) { /* Setting a new descriptor */ case SetSecurityDescriptor: /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((PoolType == PagedPool) || (PoolType == NonPagedPool)); /* Set the information */ return ObSetSecurityDescriptorInfo(Object, SecurityInformation, SecurityDescriptor, OldSecurityDescriptor, PoolType, GenericMapping); case QuerySecurityDescriptor: /* Query the information */ return ObQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo(Object, SecurityInformation, SecurityDescriptor, ReturnLength, OldSecurityDescriptor); case DeleteSecurityDescriptor: /* De-assign it */ return ObDeassignSecurity(OldSecurityDescriptor); case AssignSecurityDescriptor: /* Assign it */ ObAssignObjectSecurityDescriptor(Object, SecurityDescriptor, PoolType); return STATUS_SUCCESS; default: /* Bug check */ KeBugCheckEx(SECURITY_SYSTEM, 0, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, 0, 0); } /* Should never reach here */ ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG SidInTokenCalls = 0; static BOOLEAN SepSidInToken(PACCESS_TOKEN _Token, PSID Sid) { ULONG i; PTOKEN Token = (PTOKEN)_Token; PAGED_CODE(); SidInTokenCalls++; if (!(SidInTokenCalls % 10000)) DPRINT1("SidInToken Calls: %d\n", SidInTokenCalls); if (Token->UserAndGroupCount == 0) { return FALSE; } for (i=0; iUserAndGroupCount; i++) { if (RtlEqualSid(Sid, Token->UserAndGroups[i].Sid)) { if ((i == 0)|| (Token->UserAndGroups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_ENABLED)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } VOID NTAPI SeQuerySecurityAccessMask(IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, OUT PACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess) { *DesiredAccess = 0; if (SecurityInformation & (OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION)) { *DesiredAccess |= READ_CONTROL; } if (SecurityInformation & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { *DesiredAccess |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; } } VOID NTAPI SeSetSecurityAccessMask(IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, OUT PACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess) { *DesiredAccess = 0; if (SecurityInformation & (OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION)) { *DesiredAccess |= WRITE_OWNER; } if (SecurityInformation & DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { *DesiredAccess |= WRITE_DAC; } if (SecurityInformation & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) { *DesiredAccess |= ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY; } } BOOLEAN NTAPI SepAccessCheck(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET* Privileges, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL LowestImpersonationLevel) { LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privilege; ACCESS_MASK CurrentAccess, AccessMask; PACCESS_TOKEN Token; ULONG i; PACL Dacl; BOOLEAN Present; BOOLEAN Defaulted; PACE CurrentAce; PSID Sid; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); /* Check if this is kernel mode */ if (AccessMode == KernelMode) { /* Check if kernel wants everything */ if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { /* Give it */ *GrantedAccess = GenericMapping->GenericAll; *GrantedAccess |= (DesiredAccess &~ MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); *GrantedAccess |= PreviouslyGrantedAccess; } else { /* Give the desired and previous access */ *GrantedAccess = DesiredAccess | PreviouslyGrantedAccess; } /* Success */ *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } /* Check if we didn't get an SD */ if (!SecurityDescriptor) { /* Automatic failure */ *AccessStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return FALSE; } /* Check for invalid impersonation */ if ((SubjectSecurityContext->ClientToken) && (SubjectSecurityContext->ImpersonationLevel < LowestImpersonationLevel)) { *AccessStatus = STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL; return FALSE; } /* Check for no access desired */ if (!DesiredAccess) { /* Check if we had no previous access */ if (!PreviouslyGrantedAccess) { /* Then there's nothing to give */ *AccessStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return FALSE; } /* Return the previous access only */ *GrantedAccess = PreviouslyGrantedAccess; *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; *Privileges = NULL; return TRUE; } /* Acquire the lock if needed */ if (!SubjectContextLocked) SeLockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); /* Map given accesses */ RtlMapGenericMask(&DesiredAccess, GenericMapping); if (PreviouslyGrantedAccess) RtlMapGenericMask(&PreviouslyGrantedAccess, GenericMapping); CurrentAccess = PreviouslyGrantedAccess; Token = SubjectSecurityContext->ClientToken ? SubjectSecurityContext->ClientToken : SubjectSecurityContext->PrimaryToken; /* Get the DACL */ Status = RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor, &Present, &Dacl, &Defaulted); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } *AccessStatus = Status; return FALSE; } /* RULE 1: Grant desired access if the object is unprotected */ if (Present == TRUE && Dacl == NULL) { if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { *GrantedAccess = GenericMapping->GenericAll; *GrantedAccess |= (DesiredAccess & ~MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); } else { *GrantedAccess = DesiredAccess | PreviouslyGrantedAccess; } *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } CurrentAccess = PreviouslyGrantedAccess; /* RULE 2: Check token for 'take ownership' privilege */ Privilege.Luid = SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege; Privilege.Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if (SepPrivilegeCheck(Token, &Privilege, 1, PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY, AccessMode)) { CurrentAccess |= WRITE_OWNER; if ((DesiredAccess & ~VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS) == (CurrentAccess & ~VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS)) { if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } *GrantedAccess = CurrentAccess; *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } } /* RULE 3: Check whether the token is the owner */ Status = RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor, &Sid, &Defaulted); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } *AccessStatus = Status; return FALSE; } if (Sid && SepSidInToken(Token, Sid)) { CurrentAccess |= (READ_CONTROL | WRITE_DAC); if ((DesiredAccess & ~VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS) == (CurrentAccess & ~VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS)) { if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } *GrantedAccess = CurrentAccess; *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } } /* Fail if DACL is absent */ if (Present == FALSE) { if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } *GrantedAccess = 0; *AccessStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return FALSE; } /* RULE 4: Grant rights according to the DACL */ CurrentAce = (PACE)(Dacl + 1); for (i = 0; i < Dacl->AceCount; i++) { Sid = (PSID)(CurrentAce + 1); if (CurrentAce->Header.AceType == ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE) { if (SepSidInToken(Token, Sid)) { if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } *GrantedAccess = 0; *AccessStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; return FALSE; } } else if (CurrentAce->Header.AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) { if (SepSidInToken(Token, Sid)) { AccessMask = CurrentAce->AccessMask; RtlMapGenericMask(&AccessMask, GenericMapping); CurrentAccess |= AccessMask; } } else { DPRINT1("Unknown Ace type 0x%lx\n", CurrentAce->Header.AceType); } CurrentAce = (PACE)((ULONG_PTR)CurrentAce + CurrentAce->Header.AceSize); } if (SubjectContextLocked == FALSE) { SeUnlockSubjectContext(SubjectSecurityContext); } DPRINT("CurrentAccess %08lx\n DesiredAccess %08lx\n", CurrentAccess, DesiredAccess); *GrantedAccess = CurrentAccess & DesiredAccess; if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { *GrantedAccess = CurrentAccess; *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } else if ((*GrantedAccess & ~VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS) == (DesiredAccess & ~VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS)) { *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } else { DPRINT1("HACK: Should deny access for caller: granted 0x%lx, desired 0x%lx (generic mapping %p).\n", *GrantedAccess, DesiredAccess, GenericMapping); //*AccessStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; //return FALSE; *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return TRUE; } } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SeAccessCheck(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET* Privileges, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) { /* Call the internal function */ return SepAccessCheck(SecurityDescriptor, SubjectSecurityContext, SubjectContextLocked, DesiredAccess, PreviouslyGrantedAccess, Privileges, GenericMapping, AccessMode, GrantedAccess, AccessStatus, SecurityImpersonation); } /* SYSTEM CALLS ***************************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheck(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN HANDLE TokenHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet OPTIONAL, IN OUT PULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) { SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode = ExGetPreviousMode(); PTOKEN Token; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); /* Check if this is kernel mode */ if (PreviousMode == KernelMode) { /* Check if kernel wants everything */ if (DesiredAccess & MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) { /* Give it */ *GrantedAccess = GenericMapping->GenericAll; *GrantedAccess |= (DesiredAccess &~ MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); } else { /* Just give the desired access */ *GrantedAccess = DesiredAccess; } /* Success */ *AccessStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Protect probe in SEH */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe all pointers */ ProbeForRead(GenericMapping, sizeof(GENERIC_MAPPING), sizeof(ULONG)); ProbeForRead(PrivilegeSetLength, sizeof(ULONG), sizeof(ULONG)); ProbeForWrite(PrivilegeSet, *PrivilegeSetLength, sizeof(ULONG)); ProbeForWrite(GrantedAccess, sizeof(ACCESS_MASK), sizeof(ULONG)); ProbeForWrite(AccessStatus, sizeof(NTSTATUS), sizeof(ULONG)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Return the exception code */ _SEH2_YIELD(return _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; /* Check for unmapped access rights */ if (DesiredAccess & (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_EXECUTE | GENERIC_ALL)) return STATUS_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPED; /* Reference the token */ Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(TokenHandle, TOKEN_QUERY, SepTokenObjectType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&Token, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to reference token (Status %lx)\n", Status); return Status; } /* Check token type */ if (Token->TokenType != TokenImpersonation) { DPRINT1("No impersonation token\n"); ObDereferenceObject(Token); return STATUS_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN; } /* Check the impersonation level */ if (Token->ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification) { DPRINT1("Impersonation level < SecurityIdentification\n"); ObDereferenceObject(Token); return STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL; } /* Set up the subject context, and lock it */ SubjectSecurityContext.ClientToken = Token; SubjectSecurityContext.ImpersonationLevel = Token->ImpersonationLevel; SubjectSecurityContext.PrimaryToken = NULL; SubjectSecurityContext.ProcessAuditId = NULL; SeLockSubjectContext(&SubjectSecurityContext); /* Now perform the access check */ SepAccessCheck(SecurityDescriptor, &SubjectSecurityContext, TRUE, DesiredAccess, 0, &PrivilegeSet, //FIXME GenericMapping, PreviousMode, GrantedAccess, AccessStatus, SecurityIdentification); /* Unlock subject context and dereference the token */ SeUnlockSubjectContext(&SubjectSecurityContext); ObDereferenceObject(Token); /* Check succeeded */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByType(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, IN ULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm(IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN HANDLE HandleId, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE AuditType, IN ULONG Flags, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreation, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, IN ULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm(IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN HANDLE HandleId, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE AuditType, IN ULONG Flags, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreation, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle(IN PUNICODE_STRING SubsystemName, IN HANDLE HandleId, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE AuditType, IN ULONG Flags, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreation, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* EOF */