/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: timer.c * PURPOSE: Programmable Interval Timer emulation - * i82C54/8254 compatible * PROGRAMMERS: Aleksandar Andrejevic * Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #define NDEBUG #include "emulator.h" #include "io.h" #include "timer.h" #include "pic.h" /* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/ static PIT_CHANNEL PitChannels[PIT_CHANNELS]; PPIT_CHANNEL PitChannel2 = &PitChannels[2]; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static VOID PitLatchChannelStatus(BYTE Channel) { if (Channel >= PIT_CHANNELS) return; /* * A given counter can be latched only one time until it gets unlatched. * If the counter is latched and then is latched again later before the * value is read, then this last latch command is ignored and the value * will be the value at the time the first command was issued. */ if (PitChannels[Channel].LatchStatusSet == FALSE) { BYTE StatusLatch = 0; /* HACK!! */BYTE NullCount = 0;/* HACK!! */ StatusLatch = PitChannels[Channel].Out << 7 | NullCount << 6; StatusLatch |= (PitChannels[Channel].ReadWriteMode & 0x03) << 4; StatusLatch |= (PitChannels[Channel].Mode & 0x07) << 1; StatusLatch |= (PitChannels[Channel].Bcd & 0x01); PitChannels[Channel].LatchStatusSet = TRUE; PitChannels[Channel].StatusLatch = StatusLatch; } } static VOID PitLatchChannelCount(BYTE Channel) { if (Channel >= PIT_CHANNELS) return; /* * A given counter can be latched only one time until it gets unlatched. * If the counter is latched and then is latched again later before the * value is read, then this last latch command is ignored and the value * will be the value at the time the first command was issued. */ if (PitChannels[Channel].ReadStatus == 0x00) { PitChannels[Channel].ReadStatus = PitChannels[Channel].ReadWriteMode; /* Convert the current value to BCD if needed */ PitChannels[Channel].OutputLatch = READ_PIT_VALUE(PitChannels[Channel], PitChannels[Channel].CurrentValue); } } static VOID PitSetOut(PPIT_CHANNEL Channel, BOOLEAN State) { if (State == Channel->Out) return; /* Set the new state of the OUT pin */ Channel->Out = State; // /* Call the callback */ // if (Channel->OutFunction) Channel->OutFunction(Channel->OutParam, State); } static VOID PitInitCounter(PPIT_CHANNEL Channel) { switch (Channel->Mode) { case PIT_MODE_INT_ON_TERMINAL_COUNT: PitSetOut(Channel, FALSE); break; case PIT_MODE_HARDWARE_ONE_SHOT: case PIT_MODE_RATE_GENERATOR: case PIT_MODE_SQUARE_WAVE: case PIT_MODE_SOFTWARE_STROBE: case PIT_MODE_HARDWARE_STROBE: PitSetOut(Channel, TRUE); break; } } static VOID PitWriteCommand(BYTE Value) { BYTE Channel = (Value >> 6) & 0x03; BYTE ReadWriteMode = (Value >> 4) & 0x03; BYTE Mode = (Value >> 1) & 0x07; BOOLEAN IsBcd = Value & 0x01; /* * Check for valid PIT channel - Possible values: 0, 1, 2. * A value of 3 is for Read-Back Command. */ if (Channel > PIT_CHANNELS) return; /* Read-Back Command */ if (Channel == PIT_CHANNELS) { if ((Value & 0x20) == 0) // Bit 5 (Count) == 0: We latch multiple counters' counts { if (Value & 0x02) PitLatchChannelCount(0); if (Value & 0x04) PitLatchChannelCount(1); if (Value & 0x08) PitLatchChannelCount(2); } if ((Value & 0x10) == 0) // Bit 4 (Status) == 0: We latch multiple counters' statuses { if (Value & 0x02) PitLatchChannelStatus(0); if (Value & 0x04) PitLatchChannelStatus(1); if (Value & 0x08) PitLatchChannelStatus(2); } return; } /* Check if this is a counter latch command... */ if (ReadWriteMode == 0) { PitLatchChannelCount(Channel); return; } /* ... otherwise, set the modes and reset flip-flops */ PitChannels[Channel].ReadWriteMode = ReadWriteMode; PitChannels[Channel].LatchStatusSet = FALSE; PitChannels[Channel].StatusLatch = 0x00; PitChannels[Channel].ReadStatus = 0x00; PitChannels[Channel].WriteStatus = 0x00; PitChannels[Channel].CountRegister = 0x00; PitChannels[Channel].OutputLatch = 0x00; PitChannels[Channel].Pulsed = FALSE; // PitChannels[Channel].Out = FALSE; // <-- unneeded, see the PitInitCounter call below. /* Fix the current value if we switch to BCD counting */ PitChannels[Channel].Bcd = IsBcd; if (IsBcd && PitChannels[Channel].CurrentValue > 9999) PitChannels[Channel].CurrentValue = 9999; switch (Mode) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: { PitChannels[Channel].Mode = Mode; break; } case 6: case 7: { /* * Modes 6 and 7 become PIT_MODE_RATE_GENERATOR * and PIT_MODE_SQUARE_WAVE respectively. */ PitChannels[Channel].Mode = Mode - 4; break; } } PitInitCounter(&PitChannels[Channel]); } static BYTE PitReadData(BYTE Channel) { LPBYTE ReadWriteMode = NULL; LPWORD CurrentValue = NULL; /* * If the status was latched, the first read operation * will return the latched status, whichever the count * value or the status was latched first. */ if (PitChannels[Channel].LatchStatusSet) { PitChannels[Channel].LatchStatusSet = FALSE; return PitChannels[Channel].StatusLatch; } /* To be able to read the count asynchronously, latch it first if needed */ if (PitChannels[Channel].ReadStatus == 0) PitLatchChannelCount(Channel); /* The count is now latched */ ASSERT(PitChannels[Channel].ReadStatus != 0); ReadWriteMode = &PitChannels[Channel].ReadStatus ; CurrentValue = &PitChannels[Channel].OutputLatch; if (*ReadWriteMode & 1) { /* Read LSB */ *ReadWriteMode &= ~1; return LOBYTE(*CurrentValue); } if (*ReadWriteMode & 2) { /* Read MSB */ *ReadWriteMode &= ~2; return HIBYTE(*CurrentValue); } /* Shouldn't get here */ ASSERT(FALSE); return 0; } static VOID PitWriteData(BYTE Channel, BYTE Value) { LPBYTE ReadWriteMode = NULL; if (PitChannels[Channel].WriteStatus == 0x00) { PitChannels[Channel].WriteStatus = PitChannels[Channel].ReadWriteMode; } ReadWriteMode = &PitChannels[Channel].WriteStatus; if (*ReadWriteMode & 1) { /* Write LSB */ *ReadWriteMode &= ~1; PitChannels[Channel].ReloadValue &= 0xFF00; PitChannels[Channel].ReloadValue |= Value; return; } else if (*ReadWriteMode & 2) { /* Write MSB */ *ReadWriteMode &= ~2; PitChannels[Channel].ReloadValue &= 0x00FF; PitChannels[Channel].ReloadValue |= Value << 8; return; } } static BYTE WINAPI PitReadPort(ULONG Port) { switch (Port) { case PIT_DATA_PORT(0): case PIT_DATA_PORT(1): case PIT_DATA_PORT(2): { return PitReadData(Port - PIT_DATA_PORT(0)); } } return 0; } static VOID WINAPI PitWritePort(ULONG Port, BYTE Data) { switch (Port) { case PIT_COMMAND_PORT: { PitWriteCommand(Data); break; } case PIT_DATA_PORT(0): case PIT_DATA_PORT(1): case PIT_DATA_PORT(2): { PitWriteData(Port - PIT_DATA_PORT(0), Data); break; } } } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ VOID PitDecrementCount(DWORD Count) { INT i; for (i = 0; i < PIT_CHANNELS; i++) { switch (PitChannels[i].Mode) { case PIT_MODE_INT_ON_TERMINAL_COUNT: { /* Decrement the value */ if (Count > PitChannels[i].CurrentValue) { /* The value does not reload in this case */ PitChannels[i].CurrentValue = 0; } else PitChannels[i].CurrentValue -= Count; /* Did it fall to the terminal count? */ if (PitChannels[i].CurrentValue == 0 && !PitChannels[i].Pulsed) { /* Yes, raise the output line */ if (i == 0) PicInterruptRequest(0); PitChannels[i].Pulsed = TRUE; } break; } case PIT_MODE_RATE_GENERATOR: { BOOLEAN Reloaded = FALSE; while (Count) { if ((Count > PitChannels[i].CurrentValue) && (PitChannels[i].CurrentValue != 0)) { /* Decrease the count */ Count -= PitChannels[i].CurrentValue; /* Reload the value */ PitChannels[i].CurrentValue = PitChannels[i].ReloadValue; /* Set the flag */ Reloaded = TRUE; } else { /* Decrease the value */ PitChannels[i].CurrentValue -= Count; /* Clear the count */ Count = 0; /* Did it fall to zero? */ if (PitChannels[i].CurrentValue == 0) { PitChannels[i].CurrentValue = PitChannels[i].ReloadValue; Reloaded = TRUE; } } } /* If there was a reload on channel 0, raise IRQ 0 */ if ((i == 0) && Reloaded) PicInterruptRequest(0); break; } case PIT_MODE_SQUARE_WAVE: { INT ReloadCount = 0; WORD ReloadValue = PitChannels[i].ReloadValue; /* The reload value must be even */ ReloadValue &= ~1; while (Count) { if (((Count * 2) > PitChannels[i].CurrentValue) && (PitChannels[i].CurrentValue != 0)) { /* Decrease the count */ Count -= PitChannels[i].CurrentValue / 2; /* Reload the value */ PitChannels[i].CurrentValue = ReloadValue; /* Increment the reload count */ ReloadCount++; } else { /* Decrease the value */ PitChannels[i].CurrentValue -= Count * 2; /* Clear the count */ Count = 0; /* Did it fall to zero? */ if (PitChannels[i].CurrentValue == 0) { /* Reload the value */ PitChannels[i].CurrentValue = ReloadValue; /* Increment the reload count */ ReloadCount++; } } } if (ReloadCount == 0) break; /* Toggle the flip-flop if the number of reloads was odd */ if (ReloadCount & 1) { PitChannels[i].Out = !PitChannels[i].Out; } /* Was there any rising edge on channel 0 ? */ if (((PitChannels[i].Out && (ReloadCount == 1)) || (ReloadCount > 1)) && (i == 0)) { /* Yes, IRQ 0 */ PicInterruptRequest(0); } break; } case PIT_MODE_SOFTWARE_STROBE: { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED break; } case PIT_MODE_HARDWARE_ONE_SHOT: case PIT_MODE_HARDWARE_STROBE: { /* These modes do not work on x86 PCs */ break; } } } } DWORD PitGetResolution(VOID) { INT i; DWORD MinReloadValue = 65536; for (i = 0; i < PIT_CHANNELS; i++) { DWORD ReloadValue = PitChannels[i].ReloadValue; /* 0 means 65536 */ if (ReloadValue == 0) ReloadValue = 65536; if (ReloadValue < MinReloadValue) MinReloadValue = ReloadValue; } /* Return the frequency resolution */ return PIT_BASE_FREQUENCY / MinReloadValue; } VOID PitInitialize(VOID) { /* Register the I/O Ports */ RegisterIoPort(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, NULL , PitWritePort); RegisterIoPort(PIT_DATA_PORT(0), PitReadPort, PitWritePort); RegisterIoPort(PIT_DATA_PORT(1), PitReadPort, PitWritePort); RegisterIoPort(PIT_DATA_PORT(2), PitReadPort, PitWritePort); } /* EOF */