/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL * FILE: base/applications/mspaint/mouse.cpp * PURPOSE: Things which should not be in the mouse event handler itself * PROGRAMMERS: Benedikt Freisen * Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ /* INCLUDES *********************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" INT ToolBase::pointSP = 0; POINT ToolBase::pointStack[256] = { { 0 } }; /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ void regularize(LONG x0, LONG y0, LONG& x1, LONG& y1) { if (abs(x1 - x0) >= abs(y1 - y0)) y1 = y0 + (y1 > y0 ? abs(x1 - x0) : -abs(x1 - x0)); else x1 = x0 + (x1 > x0 ? abs(y1 - y0) : -abs(y1 - y0)); } void roundTo8Directions(LONG x0, LONG y0, LONG& x1, LONG& y1) { if (abs(x1 - x0) >= abs(y1 - y0)) { if (abs(y1 - y0) * 5 < abs(x1 - x0) * 2) y1 = y0; else y1 = y0 + (y1 > y0 ? abs(x1 - x0) : -abs(x1 - x0)); } else { if (abs(x1 - x0) * 5 < abs(y1 - y0) * 2) x1 = x0; else x1 = x0 + (x1 > x0 ? abs(y1 - y0) : -abs(y1 - y0)); } } BOOL nearlyEqualPoints(INT x0, INT y0, INT x1, INT y1) { INT cxThreshold = toolsModel.GetLineWidth() + UnZoomed(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDRAG)); INT cyThreshold = toolsModel.GetLineWidth() + UnZoomed(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDRAG)); return (abs(x1 - x0) <= cxThreshold) && (abs(y1 - y0) <= cyThreshold); } void updateStartAndLast(LONG x, LONG y) { start.x = last.x = x; start.y = last.y = y; } void updateLast(LONG x, LONG y) { last.x = x; last.y = y; } void ToolBase::reset() { pointSP = 0; start.x = start.y = last.x = last.y = -1; selectionModel.ResetPtStack(); if (selectionModel.m_bShow) { selectionModel.Landing(); selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; } } void ToolBase::OnCancelDraw() { reset(); } void ToolBase::OnFinishDraw() { reset(); } void ToolBase::beginEvent() { m_hdc = imageModel.GetDC(); m_fg = paletteModel.GetFgColor(); m_bg = paletteModel.GetBgColor(); } void ToolBase::endEvent() { m_hdc = NULL; } /* TOOLS ********************************************************/ // TOOL_FREESEL struct FreeSelTool : ToolBase { BOOL m_bLeftButton; FreeSelTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_FREESEL), m_bLeftButton(FALSE) { } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { selectionModel.Landing(); if (bLeftButton) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; selectionModel.ResetPtStack(); POINT pt = { x, y }; selectionModel.PushToPtStack(pt); } m_bLeftButton = bLeftButton; } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { if (bLeftButton) { POINT pt = { x, y }; imageModel.Bound(pt); selectionModel.PushToPtStack(pt); imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); selectionModel.DrawFramePoly(m_hdc); } } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { if (bLeftButton) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if (selectionModel.PtStackSize() > 2) { selectionModel.BuildMaskFromPtStack(); selectionModel.TakeOff(); selectionModel.m_bShow = TRUE; } else { imageModel.Undo(TRUE); selectionModel.ResetPtStack(); selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; } canvasWindow.Invalidate(FALSE); } } void OnFinishDraw() { if (m_bLeftButton) canvasWindow.Invalidate(FALSE); m_bLeftButton = FALSE; ToolBase::OnFinishDraw(); } void OnCancelDraw() { if (m_bLeftButton) imageModel.Undo(TRUE); m_bLeftButton = FALSE; ToolBase::OnCancelDraw(); } }; // TOOL_RECTSEL struct RectSelTool : ToolBase { BOOL m_bLeftButton; RectSelTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_RECTSEL), m_bLeftButton(FALSE) { } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { selectionModel.Landing(); if (bLeftButton) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); selectionModel.m_bShow = FALSE; ::SetRectEmpty(&selectionModel.m_rc); } m_bLeftButton = bLeftButton; } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { if (bLeftButton) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); POINT pt = { x, y }; imageModel.Bound(pt); selectionModel.SetRectFromPoints(start, pt); RectSel(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, pt.x, pt.y); } } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { if (bLeftButton) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if (start.x == x && start.y == y) imageModel.Undo(TRUE); selectionModel.m_bShow = !selectionModel.m_rc.IsRectEmpty(); canvasWindow.Invalidate(FALSE); } } void OnFinishDraw() { if (m_bLeftButton) canvasWindow.Invalidate(FALSE); m_bLeftButton = FALSE; ToolBase::OnFinishDraw(); } void OnCancelDraw() { if (m_bLeftButton) imageModel.Undo(TRUE); m_bLeftButton = FALSE; ToolBase::OnCancelDraw(); } }; struct GenericDrawTool : ToolBase { GenericDrawTool(TOOLTYPE type) : ToolBase(type) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) = 0; void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); draw(bLeftButton, x, y); } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { draw(bLeftButton, x, y); } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { draw(bLeftButton, x, y); } void OnCancelDraw() { OnButtonUp(FALSE, 0, 0); imageModel.Undo(TRUE); ToolBase::OnCancelDraw(); } }; // TOOL_RUBBER struct RubberTool : GenericDrawTool { RubberTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_RUBBER) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { if (bLeftButton) Erase(m_hdc, last.x, last.y, x, y, m_bg, toolsModel.GetRubberRadius()); else Replace(m_hdc, last.x, last.y, x, y, m_fg, m_bg, toolsModel.GetRubberRadius()); } }; // TOOL_FILL struct FillTool : ToolBase { FillTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_FILL) { } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); Fill(m_hdc, x, y, bLeftButton ? m_fg : m_bg); } }; // TOOL_COLOR struct ColorTool : ToolBase { ColorTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_COLOR) { } void fetchColor(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { COLORREF rgbColor; if (0 <= x && x < imageModel.GetWidth() && 0 <= y && y < imageModel.GetHeight()) rgbColor = GetPixel(m_hdc, x, y); else rgbColor = RGB(255, 255, 255); // Outside is white if (bLeftButton) paletteModel.SetFgColor(rgbColor); else paletteModel.SetBgColor(rgbColor); } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { fetchColor(bLeftButton, x, y); } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { fetchColor(bLeftButton, x, y); toolsModel.SetActiveTool(toolsModel.GetOldActiveTool()); } }; // TOOL_ZOOM struct ZoomTool : ToolBase { ZoomTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_ZOOM) { } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); if (bLeftButton) { if (toolsModel.GetZoom() < MAX_ZOOM) zoomTo(toolsModel.GetZoom() * 2, x, y); } else { if (toolsModel.GetZoom() > MIN_ZOOM) zoomTo(toolsModel.GetZoom() / 2, x, y); } } }; // TOOL_PEN struct PenTool : GenericDrawTool { PenTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_PEN) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { COLORREF rgb = bLeftButton ? m_fg : m_bg; Line(m_hdc, last.x, last.y, x, y, rgb, 1); SetPixel(m_hdc, x, y, rgb); } }; // TOOL_BRUSH struct BrushTool : GenericDrawTool { BrushTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_BRUSH) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { COLORREF rgb = bLeftButton ? m_fg : m_bg; Brush(m_hdc, last.x, last.y, x, y, rgb, toolsModel.GetBrushStyle()); } }; // TOOL_AIRBRUSH struct AirBrushTool : GenericDrawTool { AirBrushTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_AIRBRUSH) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { COLORREF rgb = bLeftButton ? m_fg : m_bg; Airbrush(m_hdc, x, y, rgb, toolsModel.GetAirBrushWidth()); } }; // TOOL_TEXT struct TextTool : ToolBase { TextTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_TEXT) { } void UpdatePoint(LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); POINT pt = { x, y }; imageModel.Bound(pt); selectionModel.SetRectFromPoints(start, pt); RectSel(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, pt.x, pt.y); } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { if (!textEditWindow.IsWindow()) textEditWindow.Create(canvasWindow); imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); UpdatePoint(x, y); } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { UpdatePoint(x, y); } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.Undo(TRUE); POINT pt = { x, y }; imageModel.Bound(pt); selectionModel.SetRectFromPoints(start, pt); BOOL bTextBoxShown = ::IsWindowVisible(textEditWindow); if (bTextBoxShown && textEditWindow.GetWindowTextLength() > 0) { CString szText; textEditWindow.GetWindowText(szText); RECT rc; textEditWindow.InvalidateEditRect(); textEditWindow.GetEditRect(&rc); ::InflateRect(&rc, -GRIP_SIZE / 2, -GRIP_SIZE / 2); // Draw the text INT style = (toolsModel.IsBackgroundTransparent() ? 0 : 1); imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); Text(m_hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom, m_fg, m_bg, szText, textEditWindow.GetFont(), style); if (selectionModel.m_rc.IsRectEmpty()) { textEditWindow.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); textEditWindow.SetWindowText(NULL); return; } } if (registrySettings.ShowTextTool) { if (!fontsDialog.IsWindow()) fontsDialog.Create(mainWindow); fontsDialog.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); } RECT rc = selectionModel.m_rc; // Enlarge if tool small INT cxMin = CX_MINTEXTEDIT, cyMin = CY_MINTEXTEDIT; if (selectionModel.m_rc.IsRectEmpty()) { SetRect(&rc, x, y, x + cxMin, y + cyMin); } else { if (rc.right - rc.left < cxMin) rc.right = rc.left + cxMin; if (rc.bottom - rc.top < cyMin) rc.bottom = rc.top + cyMin; } if (!textEditWindow.IsWindow()) textEditWindow.Create(canvasWindow); textEditWindow.SetWindowText(NULL); textEditWindow.ValidateEditRect(&rc); textEditWindow.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); textEditWindow.SetFocus(); } void OnFinishDraw() { toolsModel.OnButtonDown(TRUE, -1, -1, TRUE); toolsModel.OnButtonUp(TRUE, -1, -1); ToolBase::OnFinishDraw(); } }; // TOOL_LINE struct LineTool : GenericDrawTool { LineTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_LINE) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) roundTo8Directions(start.x, start.y, x, y); COLORREF rgb = bLeftButton ? m_fg : m_bg; Line(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, rgb, toolsModel.GetLineWidth()); } }; // TOOL_BEZIER struct BezierTool : ToolBase { BOOL m_bLeftButton; BezierTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_BEZIER), m_bLeftButton(FALSE) { } void draw(BOOL bLeftButton) { COLORREF rgb = (bLeftButton ? m_fg : m_bg); switch (pointSP) { case 1: Line(m_hdc, pointStack[0].x, pointStack[0].y, pointStack[1].x, pointStack[1].y, rgb, toolsModel.GetLineWidth()); break; case 2: Bezier(m_hdc, pointStack[0], pointStack[2], pointStack[2], pointStack[1], rgb, toolsModel.GetLineWidth()); break; case 3: Bezier(m_hdc, pointStack[0], pointStack[2], pointStack[3], pointStack[1], rgb, toolsModel.GetLineWidth()); break; } m_bLeftButton = bLeftButton; } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { pointStack[pointSP].x = x; pointStack[pointSP].y = y; if (pointSP == 0) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); pointSP++; } } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); pointStack[pointSP].x = x; pointStack[pointSP].y = y; draw(bLeftButton); } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); draw(bLeftButton); pointSP++; if (pointSP == 4) pointSP = 0; } void OnCancelDraw() { OnButtonUp(FALSE, 0, 0); imageModel.Undo(TRUE); ToolBase::OnCancelDraw(); } void OnFinishDraw() { if (pointSP) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); --pointSP; draw(m_bLeftButton); } ToolBase::OnFinishDraw(); } }; // TOOL_RECT struct RectTool : GenericDrawTool { RectTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_RECT) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) regularize(start.x, start.y, x, y); if (bLeftButton) Rect(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, m_fg, m_bg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle()); else Rect(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, m_bg, m_fg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle()); } }; // TOOL_SHAPE struct ShapeTool : ToolBase { BOOL m_bLeftButton; ShapeTool() : ToolBase(TOOL_SHAPE), m_bLeftButton(FALSE) { } void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bClosed = FALSE) { if (pointSP + 1 >= 2) { if (bLeftButton) Poly(m_hdc, pointStack, pointSP + 1, m_fg, m_bg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle(), bClosed, FALSE); else Poly(m_hdc, pointStack, pointSP + 1, m_bg, m_fg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle(), bClosed, FALSE); } m_bLeftButton = bLeftButton; } void OnButtonDown(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y, BOOL bDoubleClick) { pointStack[pointSP].x = x; pointStack[pointSP].y = y; if (pointSP == 0 && !bDoubleClick) { imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); draw(bLeftButton, x, y); pointSP++; } else { draw(bLeftButton, x, y, bDoubleClick); } } void OnMouseMove(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); pointStack[pointSP].x = x; pointStack[pointSP].y = y; if ((pointSP > 0) && (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0)) roundTo8Directions(pointStack[pointSP - 1].x, pointStack[pointSP - 1].y, x, y); draw(bLeftButton, x, y, FALSE); } void OnButtonUp(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if ((pointSP > 0) && (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0)) roundTo8Directions(pointStack[pointSP - 1].x, pointStack[pointSP - 1].y, x, y); if (nearlyEqualPoints(x, y, pointStack[0].x, pointStack[0].y)) { pointSP--; draw(bLeftButton, x, y, TRUE); pointSP = 0; } else { pointSP++; pointStack[pointSP].x = x; pointStack[pointSP].y = y; draw(bLeftButton, x, y, FALSE); } if (pointSP == _countof(pointStack)) pointSP--; } void OnCancelDraw() { imageModel.Undo(TRUE); ToolBase::OnCancelDraw(); } void OnFinishDraw() { if (pointSP) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); --pointSP; draw(m_bLeftButton, -1, -1, TRUE); } ToolBase::OnFinishDraw(); } }; // TOOL_ELLIPSE struct EllipseTool : GenericDrawTool { EllipseTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_ELLIPSE) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) regularize(start.x, start.y, x, y); if (bLeftButton) Ellp(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, m_fg, m_bg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle()); else Ellp(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, m_bg, m_fg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle()); } }; // TOOL_RRECT struct RRectTool : GenericDrawTool { RRectTool() : GenericDrawTool(TOOL_RRECT) { } virtual void draw(BOOL bLeftButton, LONG x, LONG y) { imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) regularize(start.x, start.y, x, y); if (bLeftButton) RRect(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, m_fg, m_bg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle()); else RRect(m_hdc, start.x, start.y, x, y, m_bg, m_fg, toolsModel.GetLineWidth(), toolsModel.GetShapeStyle()); } }; /*static*/ ToolBase* ToolBase::createToolObject(TOOLTYPE type) { switch (type) { case TOOL_FREESEL: return new FreeSelTool(); case TOOL_RECTSEL: return new RectSelTool(); case TOOL_RUBBER: return new RubberTool(); case TOOL_FILL: return new FillTool(); case TOOL_COLOR: return new ColorTool(); case TOOL_ZOOM: return new ZoomTool(); case TOOL_PEN: return new PenTool(); case TOOL_BRUSH: return new BrushTool(); case TOOL_AIRBRUSH: return new AirBrushTool(); case TOOL_TEXT: return new TextTool(); case TOOL_LINE: return new LineTool(); case TOOL_BEZIER: return new BezierTool(); case TOOL_RECT: return new RectTool(); case TOOL_SHAPE: return new ShapeTool(); case TOOL_ELLIPSE: return new EllipseTool(); case TOOL_RRECT: return new RRectTool(); } UNREACHABLE; return NULL; }