/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Keep track of selection parameters, notify listeners * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015 Benedikt Freisen * Copyright 2019 Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ #include "precomp.h" SelectionModel selectionModel; /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ SelectionModel::SelectionModel() : m_hbmColor(NULL) , m_hbmMask(NULL) , m_rgbBack(RGB(255, 255, 255)) , m_bShow(FALSE) , m_bContentChanged(FALSE) { m_rc.SetRectEmpty(); m_rcOld.SetRectEmpty(); m_ptHit = { -1, -1 }; } SelectionModel::~SelectionModel() { ClearColorImage(); ClearMaskImage(); } void SelectionModel::DrawBackgroundPoly(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg) { if (m_rcOld.IsRectEmpty()) return; HGDIOBJ hbrOld = ::SelectObject(hDCImage, ::GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH)); ::SetDCBrushColor(hDCImage, crBg); ::MaskBlt(hDCImage, m_rcOld.left, m_rcOld.top, m_rcOld.Width(), m_rcOld.Height(), hDCImage, m_rcOld.left, m_rcOld.top, m_hbmMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(PATCOPY, SRCCOPY)); ::SelectObject(hDCImage, hbrOld); } void SelectionModel::DrawBackgroundRect(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg) { if (m_rcOld.IsRectEmpty()) return; Rect(hDCImage, m_rcOld.left, m_rcOld.top, m_rcOld.right, m_rcOld.bottom, crBg, crBg, 0, 1); } void SelectionModel::DrawBackground(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg) { if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_FREESEL) DrawBackgroundPoly(hDCImage, crBg); else DrawBackgroundRect(hDCImage, crBg); } void SelectionModel::DrawSelection(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg, BOOL bBgTransparent, const CRect& rc, HBITMAP hbm) { if (rc.IsRectEmpty()) return; BITMAP bm; if (!GetObjectW(hbm, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) return; COLORREF keyColor = (bBgTransparent ? crBg : CLR_INVALID); HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDCImage); HGDIOBJ hbmOld = SelectObject(hMemDC, hbm); ColorKeyedMaskBlt(hDCImage, rc.left, rc.top, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), hMemDC, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, m_hbmMask, keyColor); SelectObject(hMemDC, hbmOld); DeleteDC(hMemDC); } void SelectionModel::setMask(const CRect& rc, HBITMAP hbmMask) { if (m_hbmMask) ::DeleteObject(m_hbmMask); m_hbmMask = hbmMask; m_rc = m_rcOld = rc; } HBITMAP SelectionModel::GetSelectionContents() { HBITMAP hbmWhole = imageModel.LockBitmap(); HBITMAP hbmPart = getSubImage(hbmWhole, (IsLanded() ? m_rc : m_rcOld)); imageModel.UnlockBitmap(hbmWhole); if (!hbmPart) return NULL; CRect rc = { 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height() }; HDC hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HBITMAP hbmNew = CreateColorDIB(rc.Width(), rc.Height(), paletteModel.GetBgColor()); HGDIOBJ hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmNew); selectionModel.DrawSelection(hdcMem, paletteModel.GetBgColor(), TRUE, rc, hbmPart); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); ::DeleteObject(hbmPart); return hbmNew; } BOOL SelectionModel::IsLanded() const { return !m_hbmColor; } BOOL SelectionModel::TakeOff() { if (!IsLanded() || m_rc.IsRectEmpty()) return FALSE; // The background color is needed for transparency of selection m_rgbBack = paletteModel.GetBgColor(); // Get the contents of the selection area ClearColorImage(); m_hbmColor = GetSelectionContents(); // RectSel doesn't need the mask image if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_RECTSEL) ClearMaskImage(); // Save the selection area m_rcOld = m_rc; imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); return TRUE; } void SelectionModel::Landing() { if (IsLanded() && !m_bShow) { imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); return; } if (m_bContentChanged || (!m_rc.EqualRect(m_rcOld) && !m_rc.IsRectEmpty() && !m_rcOld.IsRectEmpty())) { CRect rc; rc.UnionRect(m_rc, m_rcOld); imageModel.PushImageForUndo(rc); canvasWindow.m_drawing = FALSE; toolsModel.OnDrawOverlayOnImage(imageModel.GetDC()); } HideSelection(); } void SelectionModel::InsertFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbmColor, INT x, INT y, HBITMAP hbmMask) { ::DeleteObject(m_hbmColor); m_hbmColor = hbmColor; m_rc.left = x; m_rc.top = y; m_rc.right = x + GetDIBWidth(hbmColor); m_rc.bottom = y + GetDIBHeight(hbmColor); if (hbmMask) { ::DeleteObject(m_hbmMask); m_hbmMask = hbmMask; } else { ClearMaskImage(); } NotifyContentChanged(); } void SelectionModel::FlipHorizontally() { TakeOff(); HDC hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (m_hbmMask) { ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmMask); ::StretchBlt(hdcMem, m_rc.Width() - 1, 0, -m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), SRCCOPY); } if (m_hbmColor) { ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmColor); ::StretchBlt(hdcMem, m_rc.Width() - 1, 0, -m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), SRCCOPY); } ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); NotifyContentChanged(); } void SelectionModel::FlipVertically() { TakeOff(); HDC hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (m_hbmMask) { ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmMask); ::StretchBlt(hdcMem, 0, m_rc.Height() - 1, m_rc.Width(), -m_rc.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), SRCCOPY); } if (m_hbmColor) { ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmColor); ::StretchBlt(hdcMem, 0, m_rc.Height() - 1, m_rc.Width(), -m_rc.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), SRCCOPY); } ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); NotifyContentChanged(); } void SelectionModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees(int iN) { HBITMAP hbm; HGDIOBJ hbmOld; HDC hdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); switch (iN) { case 1: /* rotate 90 degrees */ case 3: /* rotate 270 degrees */ TakeOff(); if (m_hbmColor) { hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmColor); hbm = Rotate90DegreeBlt(hdcMem, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), iN == 1, FALSE); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteObject(m_hbmColor); m_hbmColor = hbm; } if (m_hbmMask) { hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmMask); hbm = Rotate90DegreeBlt(hdcMem, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), iN == 1, TRUE); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); ::DeleteObject(m_hbmMask); m_hbmMask = hbm; } SwapWidthAndHeight(); break; case 2: /* rotate 180 degrees */ TakeOff(); if (m_hbmColor) { hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmColor); ::StretchBlt(hdcMem, m_rc.Width() - 1, m_rc.Height() - 1, -m_rc.Width(), -m_rc.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); } if (m_hbmMask) { hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdcMem, m_hbmMask); ::StretchBlt(hdcMem, m_rc.Width() - 1, m_rc.Height() - 1, -m_rc.Width(), -m_rc.Height(), hdcMem, 0, 0, m_rc.Width(), m_rc.Height(), SRCCOPY); ::SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); } break; } ::DeleteDC(hdcMem); NotifyContentChanged(); } static void AttachHBITMAP(HBITMAP *phbm, HBITMAP hbmNew) { if (hbmNew == NULL) return; ::DeleteObject(*phbm); *phbm = hbmNew; } void SelectionModel::StretchSkew(int nStretchPercentX, int nStretchPercentY, int nSkewDegX, int nSkewDegY) { if (nStretchPercentX == 100 && nStretchPercentY == 100 && nSkewDegX == 0 && nSkewDegY == 0) return; TakeOff(); INT oldWidth = m_rc.Width(), oldHeight = m_rc.Height(); INT newWidth = oldWidth * nStretchPercentX / 100; INT newHeight = oldHeight * nStretchPercentY / 100; HBITMAP hbmColor = m_hbmColor, hbmMask = m_hbmMask; if (hbmMask == NULL) hbmMask = CreateMonoBitmap(oldWidth, oldHeight, TRUE); if (oldWidth != newWidth || oldHeight != newHeight) { AttachHBITMAP(&hbmColor, CopyDIBImage(hbmColor, newWidth, newHeight)); AttachHBITMAP(&hbmMask, CopyMonoImage(hbmMask, newWidth, newHeight)); } HGDIOBJ hbmOld; HDC hDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (nSkewDegX) { hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hDC, hbmColor); AttachHBITMAP(&hbmColor, SkewDIB(hDC, hbmColor, nSkewDegX, FALSE)); ::SelectObject(hDC, hbmMask); AttachHBITMAP(&hbmMask, SkewDIB(hDC, hbmMask, nSkewDegX, FALSE, TRUE)); ::SelectObject(hDC, hbmOld); } if (nSkewDegY) { hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hDC, hbmColor); AttachHBITMAP(&hbmColor, SkewDIB(hDC, hbmColor, nSkewDegY, TRUE)); ::SelectObject(hDC, hbmMask); AttachHBITMAP(&hbmMask, SkewDIB(hDC, hbmMask, nSkewDegY, TRUE, TRUE)); ::SelectObject(hDC, hbmOld); } ::DeleteDC(hDC); InsertFromHBITMAP(hbmColor, m_rc.left, m_rc.top, hbmMask); m_bShow = TRUE; NotifyContentChanged(); } void SelectionModel::SetRectFromPoints(const POINT& ptFrom, const POINT& ptTo) { m_rc = CRect(ptFrom, ptTo); m_rc.NormalizeRect(); } void SelectionModel::Dragging(HITTEST hit, POINT pt) { switch (hit) { case HIT_NONE: break; case HIT_UPPER_LEFT: m_rc.left += pt.x - m_ptHit.x; m_rc.top += pt.y - m_ptHit.y; break; case HIT_UPPER_CENTER: m_rc.top += pt.y - m_ptHit.y; break; case HIT_UPPER_RIGHT: m_rc.right += pt.x - m_ptHit.x; m_rc.top += pt.y - m_ptHit.y; break; case HIT_MIDDLE_LEFT: m_rc.left += pt.x - m_ptHit.x; break; case HIT_MIDDLE_RIGHT: m_rc.right += pt.x - m_ptHit.x; break; case HIT_LOWER_LEFT: m_rc.left += pt.x - m_ptHit.x; m_rc.bottom += pt.y - m_ptHit.y; break; case HIT_LOWER_CENTER: m_rc.bottom += pt.y - m_ptHit.y; break; case HIT_LOWER_RIGHT: m_rc.right += pt.x - m_ptHit.x; m_rc.bottom += pt.y - m_ptHit.y; break; case HIT_BORDER: case HIT_INNER: m_rc.OffsetRect(pt.x - m_ptHit.x, pt.y - m_ptHit.y); break; } m_ptHit = pt; } void SelectionModel::ClearMaskImage() { if (m_hbmMask) { ::DeleteObject(m_hbmMask); m_hbmMask = NULL; } } void SelectionModel::ClearColorImage() { if (m_hbmColor) { ::DeleteObject(m_hbmColor); m_hbmColor = NULL; } } void SelectionModel::HideSelection() { m_bShow = m_bContentChanged = FALSE; ClearColorImage(); ClearMaskImage(); m_rc.SetRectEmpty(); m_rcOld.SetRectEmpty(); imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); } void SelectionModel::DeleteSelection() { if (!m_bShow) return; TakeOff(); imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); DrawBackground(imageModel.GetDC(), paletteModel.GetBgColor()); HideSelection(); } void SelectionModel::InvertSelection() { TakeOff(); BITMAP bm; ::GetObjectW(m_hbmColor, sizeof(bm), &bm); HDC hdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HGDIOBJ hbmOld = ::SelectObject(hdc, m_hbmColor); RECT rc = { 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight }; ::InvertRect(hdc, &rc); ::SelectObject(hdc, hbmOld); ::DeleteDC(hdc); NotifyContentChanged(); } void SelectionModel::NotifyContentChanged() { m_bContentChanged = TRUE; imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); } void SelectionModel::SwapWidthAndHeight() { INT cx = m_rc.Width(), cy = m_rc.Height(); m_rc.right = m_rc.left + cy; m_rc.bottom = m_rc.top + cx; } HITTEST SelectionModel::hitTest(POINT ptCanvas) { if (!m_bShow) return HIT_NONE; CRect rcSelection = m_rc; canvasWindow.ImageToCanvas(rcSelection); rcSelection.InflateRect(GRIP_SIZE, GRIP_SIZE); return getSizeBoxHitTest(ptCanvas, &rcSelection); } void SelectionModel::drawFrameOnCanvas(HDC hCanvasDC) { if (!m_bShow) return; CRect rcSelection = m_rc; canvasWindow.ImageToCanvas(rcSelection); rcSelection.InflateRect(GRIP_SIZE, GRIP_SIZE); drawSizeBoxes(hCanvasDC, &rcSelection, TRUE); } void SelectionModel::moveSelection(INT xDelta, INT yDelta) { if (!m_bShow) return; TakeOff(); m_rc.OffsetRect(xDelta, yDelta); canvasWindow.Invalidate(); } void SelectionModel::StretchSelection(BOOL bShrink) { if (!m_bShow) return; TakeOff(); INT cx = m_rc.Width(), cy = m_rc.Height(); if (bShrink) m_rc.InflateRect(-cx / 4, -cy / 4); else m_rc.InflateRect(+cx / 2, +cy / 2); // The selection area must exist there if (m_rc.Width() <= 0) m_rc.right = m_rc.left + 1; if (m_rc.Height() <= 0) m_rc.bottom = m_rc.top + 1; imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); }