/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Messages * FILE: subsys/win32k/ntuser/message.c * PROGRAMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) * REVISION HISTORY: * 06-06-2001 CSH Created */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define PM_BADMSGFLAGS ~((QS_RAWINPUT << 16)|PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE|PM_QS_PAINT|PM_QS_POSTMESSAGE|PM_QS_INPUT|PM_NOYIELD|PM_REMOVE) typedef struct { UINT uFlags; UINT uTimeout; ULONG_PTR Result; } DOSENDMESSAGE, *PDOSENDMESSAGE; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ NTSTATUS FASTCALL IntInitMessageImpl(VOID) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS FASTCALL IntCleanupMessageImpl(VOID) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #define MMS_SIZE_WPARAM -1 #define MMS_SIZE_WPARAMWCHAR -2 #define MMS_SIZE_LPARAMSZ -3 #define MMS_SIZE_SPECIAL -4 #define MMS_FLAG_READ 0x01 #define MMS_FLAG_WRITE 0x02 #define MMS_FLAG_READWRITE (MMS_FLAG_READ | MMS_FLAG_WRITE) typedef struct tagMSGMEMORY { UINT Message; UINT Size; INT Flags; } MSGMEMORY, *PMSGMEMORY; static MSGMEMORY MsgMemory[] = { { WM_CREATE, MMS_SIZE_SPECIAL, MMS_FLAG_READWRITE }, { WM_DDE_ACK, sizeof(KMDDELPARAM), MMS_FLAG_READ }, { WM_DDE_EXECUTE, MMS_SIZE_WPARAM, MMS_FLAG_READ }, { WM_GETMINMAXINFO, sizeof(MINMAXINFO), MMS_FLAG_READWRITE }, { WM_GETTEXT, MMS_SIZE_WPARAMWCHAR, MMS_FLAG_WRITE }, { WM_NCCALCSIZE, MMS_SIZE_SPECIAL, MMS_FLAG_READWRITE }, { WM_NCCREATE, MMS_SIZE_SPECIAL, MMS_FLAG_READWRITE }, { WM_SETTEXT, MMS_SIZE_LPARAMSZ, MMS_FLAG_READ }, { WM_STYLECHANGED, sizeof(STYLESTRUCT), MMS_FLAG_READ }, { WM_STYLECHANGING, sizeof(STYLESTRUCT), MMS_FLAG_READWRITE }, { WM_COPYDATA, MMS_SIZE_SPECIAL, MMS_FLAG_READ }, { WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, sizeof(WINDOWPOS), MMS_FLAG_READ }, { WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sizeof(WINDOWPOS), MMS_FLAG_READWRITE }, }; static PMSGMEMORY FASTCALL FindMsgMemory(UINT Msg) { PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; /* See if this message type is present in the table */ for (MsgMemoryEntry = MsgMemory; MsgMemoryEntry < MsgMemory + sizeof(MsgMemory) / sizeof(MSGMEMORY); MsgMemoryEntry++) { if (Msg == MsgMemoryEntry->Message) { return MsgMemoryEntry; } } return NULL; } static UINT FASTCALL MsgMemorySize(PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CREATESTRUCTW *Cs; PUNICODE_STRING WindowName; PUNICODE_STRING ClassName; UINT Size = 0; _SEH2_TRY { if (MMS_SIZE_WPARAM == MsgMemoryEntry->Size) { Size = (UINT)wParam; } else if (MMS_SIZE_WPARAMWCHAR == MsgMemoryEntry->Size) { Size = (UINT) (wParam * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else if (MMS_SIZE_LPARAMSZ == MsgMemoryEntry->Size) { Size = (UINT) ((wcslen((PWSTR) lParam) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else if (MMS_SIZE_SPECIAL == MsgMemoryEntry->Size) { switch(MsgMemoryEntry->Message) { case WM_CREATE: case WM_NCCREATE: Cs = (CREATESTRUCTW *) lParam; WindowName = (PUNICODE_STRING) Cs->lpszName; ClassName = (PUNICODE_STRING) Cs->lpszClass; Size = sizeof(CREATESTRUCTW) + WindowName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); if (IS_ATOM(ClassName->Buffer)) { Size += sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(ATOM); } else { Size += sizeof(WCHAR) + ClassName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); } break; case WM_NCCALCSIZE: Size = wParam ? sizeof(NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS) + sizeof(WINDOWPOS) : sizeof(RECT); break; case WM_COPYDATA: Size = sizeof(COPYDATASTRUCT) + ((PCOPYDATASTRUCT)lParam)->cbData; break; case WM_COPYGLOBALDATA: Size = wParam; break; default: assert(FALSE); Size = 0; break; } } else { Size = MsgMemoryEntry->Size; } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DPRINT1("Exception caught in MsgMemorySize()! Status: 0x%x\n", _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); Size = 0; } _SEH2_END; return Size; } static NTSTATUS PackParam(LPARAM *lParamPacked, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *UnpackedNcCalcsize; NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *PackedNcCalcsize; CREATESTRUCTW *UnpackedCs; CREATESTRUCTW *PackedCs; PUNICODE_STRING WindowName; PUNICODE_STRING ClassName; UINT Size; PCHAR CsData; *lParamPacked = lParam; if (WM_NCCALCSIZE == Msg && wParam) { UnpackedNcCalcsize = (NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *) lParam; if (UnpackedNcCalcsize->lppos != (PWINDOWPOS) (UnpackedNcCalcsize + 1)) { PackedNcCalcsize = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS) + sizeof(WINDOWPOS), TAG_MSG); if (NULL == PackedNcCalcsize) { DPRINT1("Not enough memory to pack lParam\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } RtlCopyMemory(PackedNcCalcsize, UnpackedNcCalcsize, sizeof(NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)); PackedNcCalcsize->lppos = (PWINDOWPOS) (PackedNcCalcsize + 1); RtlCopyMemory(PackedNcCalcsize->lppos, UnpackedNcCalcsize->lppos, sizeof(WINDOWPOS)); *lParamPacked = (LPARAM) PackedNcCalcsize; } } else if (WM_CREATE == Msg || WM_NCCREATE == Msg) { UnpackedCs = (CREATESTRUCTW *) lParam; WindowName = (PUNICODE_STRING) UnpackedCs->lpszName; ClassName = (PUNICODE_STRING) UnpackedCs->lpszClass; Size = sizeof(CREATESTRUCTW) + WindowName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); if (IS_ATOM(ClassName->Buffer)) { Size += sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(ATOM); } else { Size += sizeof(WCHAR) + ClassName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); } PackedCs = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, Size, TAG_MSG); if (NULL == PackedCs) { DPRINT1("Not enough memory to pack lParam\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } RtlCopyMemory(PackedCs, UnpackedCs, sizeof(CREATESTRUCTW)); CsData = (PCHAR) (PackedCs + 1); PackedCs->lpszName = (LPCWSTR) (CsData - (PCHAR) PackedCs); RtlCopyMemory(CsData, WindowName->Buffer, WindowName->Length); CsData += WindowName->Length; *((WCHAR *) CsData) = L'\0'; CsData += sizeof(WCHAR); PackedCs->lpszClass = (LPCWSTR) (CsData - (PCHAR) PackedCs); if (IS_ATOM(ClassName->Buffer)) { *((WCHAR *) CsData) = L'A'; CsData += sizeof(WCHAR); *((ATOM *) CsData) = (ATOM)(DWORD_PTR) ClassName->Buffer; CsData += sizeof(ATOM); } else { *((WCHAR *) CsData) = L'S'; CsData += sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(CsData, ClassName->Buffer, ClassName->Length); CsData += ClassName->Length; *((WCHAR *) CsData) = L'\0'; CsData += sizeof(WCHAR); } ASSERT(CsData == (PCHAR) PackedCs + Size); *lParamPacked = (LPARAM) PackedCs; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS UnpackParam(LPARAM lParamPacked, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *UnpackedParams; NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *PackedParams; PWINDOWPOS UnpackedWindowPos; if (lParamPacked == lParam) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (WM_NCCALCSIZE == Msg && wParam) { PackedParams = (NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *) lParamPacked; UnpackedParams = (NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *) lParam; UnpackedWindowPos = UnpackedParams->lppos; RtlCopyMemory(UnpackedParams, PackedParams, sizeof(NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)); UnpackedParams->lppos = UnpackedWindowPos; RtlCopyMemory(UnpackedWindowPos, PackedParams + 1, sizeof(WINDOWPOS)); ExFreePool((PVOID) lParamPacked); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (WM_CREATE == Msg || WM_NCCREATE == Msg) { ExFreePool((PVOID) lParamPacked); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } static VOID FASTCALL IntCallWndProc ( PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL SameThread = FALSE; if (Window->pti == ((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread())) SameThread = TRUE; if ((!SameThread && (Window->pti->fsHooks & HOOKID_TO_FLAG(WH_CALLWNDPROC))) || (SameThread && ISITHOOKED(WH_CALLWNDPROC)) ) { CWPSTRUCT CWP; CWP.hwnd = hWnd; CWP.message = Msg; CWP.wParam = wParam; CWP.lParam = lParam; co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CALLWNDPROC, HC_ACTION, SameThread, (LPARAM)&CWP ); } } static VOID FASTCALL IntCallWndProcRet ( PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *uResult) { BOOL SameThread = FALSE; if (Window->pti == ((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread())) SameThread = TRUE; if ((!SameThread && (Window->pti->fsHooks & HOOKID_TO_FLAG(WH_CALLWNDPROCRET))) || (SameThread && ISITHOOKED(WH_CALLWNDPROCRET)) ) { CWPRETSTRUCT CWPR; CWPR.hwnd = hWnd; CWPR.message = Msg; CWPR.wParam = wParam; CWPR.lParam = lParam; CWPR.lResult = *uResult; co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CALLWNDPROCRET, HC_ACTION, SameThread, (LPARAM)&CWPR ); } } LRESULT FASTCALL IntDispatchMessage(PMSG pMsg) { LARGE_INTEGER TickCount; LONG Time; LRESULT retval; PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; INT lParamBufferSize; LPARAM lParamPacked; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window = NULL; if (pMsg->hwnd) { Window = UserGetWindowObject(pMsg->hwnd); if (!Window || !Window->Wnd) return 0; } if (((pMsg->message == WM_SYSTIMER) || (pMsg->message == WM_TIMER)) && (pMsg->lParam) ) { if (pMsg->message == WM_TIMER) { if (ValidateTimerCallback(PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(),Window,pMsg->wParam,pMsg->lParam)) { KeQueryTickCount(&TickCount); Time = MsqCalculateMessageTime(&TickCount); return co_IntCallWindowProc((WNDPROC)pMsg->lParam, TRUE, pMsg->hwnd, WM_TIMER, pMsg->wParam, (LPARAM)Time, sizeof(LPARAM)); } return 0; } else { PTIMER pTimer = FindSystemTimer(pMsg); if (pTimer && pTimer->pfn) { KeQueryTickCount(&TickCount); Time = MsqCalculateMessageTime(&TickCount); pTimer->pfn(pMsg->hwnd, WM_SYSTIMER, (UINT)pMsg->wParam, Time); } return 0; } } // Need a window! if ( !Window || !Window->Wnd ) return 0; /* See if this message type is present in the table */ MsgMemoryEntry = FindMsgMemory(pMsg->message); if ( !MsgMemoryEntry ) { lParamBufferSize = -1; } else { lParamBufferSize = MsgMemorySize(MsgMemoryEntry, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam); } if (! NT_SUCCESS(PackParam(&lParamPacked, pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam))) { DPRINT1("Failed to pack message parameters\n"); return 0; } retval = co_IntCallWindowProc( Window->Wnd->lpfnWndProc, !Window->Wnd->Unicode, pMsg->hwnd, pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, lParamPacked, lParamBufferSize); if (! NT_SUCCESS(UnpackParam(lParamPacked, pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam))) { DPRINT1("Failed to unpack message parameters\n"); } if (pMsg->message == WM_PAINT) { /* send a WM_NCPAINT and WM_ERASEBKGND if the non-client area is still invalid */ HRGN hrgn = IntSysCreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); co_UserGetUpdateRgn( Window, hrgn, TRUE ); REGION_FreeRgnByHandle( hrgn ); } return retval; } VOID FASTCALL co_IntSendHitTestMessages(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue, LPMSG Msg) { if(!Msg->hwnd || ThreadQueue->CaptureWindow) { return; } switch(Msg->message) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { co_IntSendMessage(Msg->hwnd, WM_SETCURSOR, (WPARAM)Msg->hwnd, MAKELPARAM(HTCLIENT, Msg->message)); break; } case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: { co_IntSendMessage(Msg->hwnd, WM_SETCURSOR, (WPARAM)Msg->hwnd, MAKELPARAM(Msg->wParam, Msg->message)); break; } case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: { WPARAM wParam; PSYSTEM_CURSORINFO CurInfo; CurInfo = IntGetSysCursorInfo(); wParam = (WPARAM)(CurInfo->ButtonsDown); co_IntSendMessage(Msg->hwnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, wParam, Msg->lParam); co_IntSendMessage(Msg->hwnd, WM_SETCURSOR, (WPARAM)Msg->hwnd, MAKELPARAM(HTCLIENT, Msg->message)); break; } case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK: { co_IntSendMessage(Msg->hwnd, WM_NCMOUSEMOVE, (WPARAM)Msg->wParam, Msg->lParam); co_IntSendMessage(Msg->hwnd, WM_SETCURSOR, (WPARAM)Msg->hwnd, MAKELPARAM(Msg->wParam, Msg->message)); break; } } } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntActivateWindowMouse( PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue, LPMSG Msg, PWINDOW_OBJECT MsgWindow, USHORT *HitTest) { ULONG Result; PWINDOW_OBJECT Parent; ASSERT_REFS_CO(MsgWindow); if(*HitTest == (USHORT)HTTRANSPARENT) { /* eat the message, search again! */ return TRUE; } Parent = IntGetParent(MsgWindow);//fixme: deref retval? /* If no parent window, pass MsgWindows HWND as wParam. Fixes bug #3111 */ Result = co_IntSendMessage(MsgWindow->hSelf, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, (WPARAM) (Parent ? Parent->hSelf : MsgWindow->hSelf), (LPARAM)MAKELONG(*HitTest, Msg->message) ); switch (Result) { case MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT: return TRUE; case MA_NOACTIVATE: break; case MA_ACTIVATEANDEAT: co_IntMouseActivateWindow(MsgWindow); return TRUE; default: /* MA_ACTIVATE */ co_IntMouseActivateWindow(MsgWindow); break; } return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntTranslateMouseMessage( PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue, LPMSG Msg, USHORT *HitTest, BOOL Remove) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref, DesktopRef; if(!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(Msg->hwnd))) { /* let's just eat the message?! */ return TRUE; } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); if ( ThreadQueue == Window->pti->MessageQueue && ThreadQueue->CaptureWindow != Window->hSelf) { /* only send WM_NCHITTEST messages if we're not capturing the window! */ *HitTest = co_IntSendMessage(Window->hSelf, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELONG(Msg->pt.x, Msg->pt.y)); if (*HitTest == (USHORT)HTTRANSPARENT) { PWINDOW_OBJECT DesktopWindow; HWND hDesktop = IntGetDesktopWindow(); if ((DesktopWindow = UserGetWindowObject(hDesktop))) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Wnd; UserRefObjectCo(DesktopWindow, &DesktopRef); co_WinPosWindowFromPoint(DesktopWindow, Window->pti->MessageQueue, &Msg->pt, &Wnd); if (Wnd) { if (Wnd != Window) { /* post the message to the other window */ Msg->hwnd = Wnd->hSelf; if(!(Wnd->state & WINDOWSTATUS_DESTROYING)) { MsqPostMessage(Wnd->pti->MessageQueue, Msg, FALSE, Msg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE ? QS_MOUSEMOVE : QS_MOUSEBUTTON); } /* eat the message */ UserDereferenceObject(Wnd); UserDerefObjectCo(DesktopWindow); UserDerefObjectCo(Window); return TRUE; } UserDereferenceObject(Wnd); } UserDerefObjectCo(DesktopWindow); } } } else { *HitTest = HTCLIENT; } if ( gspv.bMouseClickLock && ( (Msg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP) || (Msg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) ) ) { if (MsqIsClkLck(Msg, Remove)) { // FIXME: drop the message, hack: use WM_NULL Msg->message = WM_NULL; } } if (IS_BTN_MESSAGE(Msg->message, DOWN)) { /* generate double click messages, if necessary */ if ((((*HitTest) != HTCLIENT) || (Window->Wnd->pcls->style & CS_DBLCLKS)) && MsqIsDblClk(Msg, Remove)) { Msg->message += WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK - WM_LBUTTONDOWN; } } if(Msg->message != WM_MOUSEWHEEL) { if ((*HitTest) != HTCLIENT) { Msg->message += WM_NCMOUSEMOVE - WM_MOUSEMOVE; if ( (Msg->message == WM_NCRBUTTONUP) && (((*HitTest) == HTCAPTION) || ((*HitTest) == HTSYSMENU)) ) { Msg->message = WM_CONTEXTMENU; Msg->wParam = (WPARAM)Window->hSelf; } else { Msg->wParam = *HitTest; } Msg->lParam = MAKELONG(Msg->pt.x, Msg->pt.y); } else if ( ThreadQueue->MoveSize == NULL && ThreadQueue->MenuOwner == NULL ) { /* NOTE: Msg->pt should remain in screen coordinates. -- FiN */ Msg->lParam = MAKELONG( Msg->pt.x - (WORD)Window->Wnd->rcClient.left, Msg->pt.y - (WORD)Window->Wnd->rcClient.top); } } UserDerefObjectCo(Window); return FALSE; } /* * Internal version of PeekMessage() doing all the work */ BOOL FASTCALL co_IntPeekMessage( PUSER_MESSAGE Msg, PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, UINT RemoveMsg ) { PTHREADINFO pti; LARGE_INTEGER LargeTickCount; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; PUSER_MESSAGE Message; BOOL Present, RemoveMessages; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; USHORT HitTest; MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT MHook; /* The queues and order in which they are checked are documented in the MSDN article on GetMessage() */ pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; /* Inspect RemoveMsg flags */ /* Note: The only flag we process is PM_REMOVE. Processing (High word) PM_QS_Xx Is needed. This and MsgFilterXxx can result with QS_Xx flags to be used to isolate which message check to test for. ATM, we look at all messages and the filters are sent to co_MsqFindMessage and there, it is cross checked. Example: Wine server/queue.c is_keyboard_msg, check_msg_filter and filter_contains_hw_range. */ RemoveMessages = RemoveMsg & PM_REMOVE; /* If no filter is specified, messages are processed in the following order: * Sent messages * Posted messages * Input (hardware) messages and system internal events * Sent messages (again) * WM_PAINT messages * WM_TIMER messages */ CheckMessages: Present = FALSE; KeQueryTickCount(&LargeTickCount); ThreadQueue->LastMsgRead = LargeTickCount.u.LowPart; /* Dispatch sent messages here. */ while (co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage(ThreadQueue)) ; /* Now look for a quit message. */ if (ThreadQueue->QuitPosted) { /* According to the PSDK, WM_QUIT messages are always returned, regardless of the filter specified */ Msg->Msg.hwnd = NULL; Msg->Msg.message = WM_QUIT; Msg->Msg.wParam = ThreadQueue->QuitExitCode; Msg->Msg.lParam = 0; Msg->FreeLParam = FALSE; if (RemoveMessages) { ThreadQueue->QuitPosted = FALSE; } goto MsgExit; } /* Now check for normal messages. */ Present = co_MsqFindMessage( ThreadQueue, FALSE, RemoveMessages, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, &Message ); if (Present) { RtlCopyMemory(Msg, Message, sizeof(USER_MESSAGE)); if (RemoveMessages) { MsqDestroyMessage(Message); } goto MessageFound; } /* Check for hardware events. */ Present = co_MsqFindMessage( ThreadQueue, TRUE, RemoveMessages, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, &Message ); if (Present) { RtlCopyMemory(Msg, Message, sizeof(USER_MESSAGE)); if (RemoveMessages) { MsqDestroyMessage(Message); } goto MessageFound; } /* Check for sent messages again. */ while (co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage(ThreadQueue)) ; /* Check for paint messages. */ if ( IntGetPaintMessage( Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, pti, &Msg->Msg, RemoveMessages)) { Msg->FreeLParam = FALSE; goto MsgExit; } if (ThreadQueue->WakeMask & QS_TIMER) if (PostTimerMessages(Window)) // If there are timers ready, goto CheckMessages; // go back and process them. // LOL! Polling Timer Queue? How much time is spent doing this? /* Check for WM_(SYS)TIMER messages */ Present = MsqGetTimerMessage( ThreadQueue, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, &Msg->Msg, RemoveMessages); if (Present) { Msg->FreeLParam = FALSE; goto MessageFound; } if(Present) { MessageFound: if(RemoveMessages) { PWINDOW_OBJECT MsgWindow = NULL; /* Mouse message process */ if( Msg->Msg.hwnd && ( MsgWindow = UserGetWindowObject(Msg->Msg.hwnd) ) && Msg->Msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST && Msg->Msg.message <= WM_MOUSELAST ) { USHORT HitTest; UserRefObjectCo(MsgWindow, &Ref); if ( co_IntTranslateMouseMessage( ThreadQueue, &Msg->Msg, &HitTest, TRUE)) /* FIXME - check message filter again, if the message doesn't match anymore, search again */ { UserDerefObjectCo(MsgWindow); /* eat the message, search again */ goto CheckMessages; } if(ThreadQueue->CaptureWindow == NULL) { co_IntSendHitTestMessages(ThreadQueue, &Msg->Msg); if ( ( Msg->Msg.message != WM_MOUSEMOVE && Msg->Msg.message != WM_NCMOUSEMOVE ) && IS_BTN_MESSAGE(Msg->Msg.message, DOWN) && co_IntActivateWindowMouse(ThreadQueue, &Msg->Msg, MsgWindow, &HitTest) ) { UserDerefObjectCo(MsgWindow); /* eat the message, search again */ goto CheckMessages; } } UserDerefObjectCo(MsgWindow); } else { co_IntSendHitTestMessages(ThreadQueue, &Msg->Msg); } // if(MsgWindow) // { // UserDereferenceObject(MsgWindow); // } goto MsgExit; } if ( ( Msg->Msg.hwnd && Msg->Msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST && Msg->Msg.message <= WM_MOUSELAST ) && co_IntTranslateMouseMessage( ThreadQueue, &Msg->Msg, &HitTest, FALSE) ) /* FIXME - check message filter again, if the message doesn't match anymore, search again */ { /* eat the message, search again */ goto CheckMessages; } MsgExit: if ( ISITHOOKED(WH_MOUSE) && Msg->Msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST && Msg->Msg.message <= WM_MOUSELAST ) { MHook.pt = Msg->Msg.pt; MHook.hwnd = Msg->Msg.hwnd; MHook.wHitTestCode = HitTest; MHook.dwExtraInfo = 0; if (co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_MOUSE, RemoveMsg ? HC_ACTION : HC_NOREMOVE, Msg->Msg.message, (LPARAM)&MHook )) { if (ISITHOOKED(WH_CBT)) { MHook.pt = Msg->Msg.pt; MHook.hwnd = Msg->Msg.hwnd; MHook.wHitTestCode = HitTest; MHook.dwExtraInfo = 0; co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CBT, HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED, Msg->Msg.message, (LPARAM)&MHook); } return FALSE; } } if ( ISITHOOKED(WH_KEYBOARD) && (Msg->Msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN || Msg->Msg.message == WM_KEYUP) ) { if (co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_KEYBOARD, RemoveMsg ? HC_ACTION : HC_NOREMOVE, LOWORD(Msg->Msg.wParam), Msg->Msg.lParam)) { if (ISITHOOKED(WH_CBT)) { /* skip this message */ co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CBT, HCBT_KEYSKIPPED, LOWORD(Msg->Msg.wParam), Msg->Msg.lParam ); } return FALSE; } } // The WH_GETMESSAGE hook enables an application to monitor messages about to // be returned by the GetMessage or PeekMessage function. if (ISITHOOKED(WH_GETMESSAGE)) { //DPRINT1("Peek WH_GETMESSAGE -> %x\n",&Msg); co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_GETMESSAGE, HC_ACTION, RemoveMsg & PM_REMOVE, (LPARAM)&Msg->Msg); } return TRUE; } return Present; } static NTSTATUS FASTCALL CopyMsgToKernelMem(MSG *KernelModeMsg, MSG *UserModeMsg, PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID KernelMem; UINT Size; *KernelModeMsg = *UserModeMsg; /* See if this message type is present in the table */ if (NULL == MsgMemoryEntry) { /* Not present, no copying needed */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Determine required size */ Size = MsgMemorySize(MsgMemoryEntry, UserModeMsg->wParam, UserModeMsg->lParam); if (0 != Size) { /* Allocate kernel mem */ KernelMem = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, Size, TAG_MSG); if (NULL == KernelMem) { DPRINT1("Not enough memory to copy message to kernel mem\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } KernelModeMsg->lParam = (LPARAM) KernelMem; /* Copy data if required */ if (0 != (MsgMemoryEntry->Flags & MMS_FLAG_READ)) { Status = MmCopyFromCaller(KernelMem, (PVOID) UserModeMsg->lParam, Size); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to copy message to kernel: invalid usermode buffer\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(KernelMem, TAG_MSG); return Status; } } else { /* Make sure we don't pass any secrets to usermode */ RtlZeroMemory(KernelMem, Size); } } else { KernelModeMsg->lParam = 0; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS FASTCALL CopyMsgToUserMem(MSG *UserModeMsg, MSG *KernelModeMsg) { NTSTATUS Status; PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; UINT Size; /* See if this message type is present in the table */ MsgMemoryEntry = FindMsgMemory(UserModeMsg->message); if (NULL == MsgMemoryEntry) { /* Not present, no copying needed */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Determine required size */ Size = MsgMemorySize(MsgMemoryEntry, UserModeMsg->wParam, UserModeMsg->lParam); if (0 != Size) { /* Copy data if required */ if (0 != (MsgMemoryEntry->Flags & MMS_FLAG_WRITE)) { Status = MmCopyToCaller((PVOID) UserModeMsg->lParam, (PVOID) KernelModeMsg->lParam, Size); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to copy message from kernel: invalid usermode buffer\n"); ExFreePool((PVOID) KernelModeMsg->lParam); return Status; } } ExFreePool((PVOID) KernelModeMsg->lParam); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static BOOL FASTCALL co_IntWaitMessage( PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax ) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; USER_MESSAGE Msg; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; do { if ( co_IntPeekMessage( &Msg, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, PM_NOREMOVE)) { return TRUE; } /* Nothing found. Wait for new messages. */ Status = co_MsqWaitForNewMessages( ThreadQueue, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax); } while ( (STATUS_WAIT_0 <= Status && Status <= STATUS_WAIT_63) || STATUS_TIMEOUT == Status ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); DPRINT1("Exit co_IntWaitMessage on error!\n"); } return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntGetPeekMessage( PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, UINT RemoveMsg, BOOL bGMSG ) { BOOL Present; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; USER_MESSAGE Msg; if ( hWnd == HWND_TOPMOST || hWnd == HWND_BROADCAST ) hWnd = HWND_BOTTOM; /* Validate input */ if (hWnd && hWnd != HWND_BOTTOM) { if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { if (bGMSG) return -1; else return FALSE; } } else { Window = (PWINDOW_OBJECT)hWnd; } if (MsgFilterMax < MsgFilterMin) { MsgFilterMin = 0; MsgFilterMax = 0; } do { Present = co_IntPeekMessage( &Msg, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, RemoveMsg ); if (Present) { RtlCopyMemory( pMsg, &Msg.Msg, sizeof(MSG)); if (bGMSG) return (WM_QUIT != pMsg->message); else return TRUE; } if ( bGMSG && !co_IntWaitMessage(Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax) ) { return -1; } else { if (!(RemoveMsg & PM_NOYIELD)) { // Yield this thread! UserLeave(); ZwYieldExecution(); UserEnterExclusive(); // Fall through to fail. } } } while( bGMSG && !Present ); return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL UserPostThreadMessage( DWORD idThread, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { MSG Message; PETHREAD peThread; PTHREADINFO pThread; LARGE_INTEGER LargeTickCount; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT1("UserPostThreadMessage wParam 0x%x lParam 0x%x\n", wParam,lParam); if (FindMsgMemory(Msg) != 0) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY ); return FALSE; } Status = PsLookupThreadByThreadId((HANDLE)idThread,&peThread); if( Status == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { pThread = (PTHREADINFO)peThread->Tcb.Win32Thread; if( !pThread || !pThread->MessageQueue || (pThread->TIF_flags & TIF_INCLEANUP)) { ObDereferenceObject( peThread ); return FALSE; } Message.hwnd = NULL; Message.message = Msg; Message.wParam = wParam; Message.lParam = lParam; Message.pt = gpsi->ptCursor; KeQueryTickCount(&LargeTickCount); pThread->timeLast = Message.time = MsqCalculateMessageTime(&LargeTickCount); MsqPostMessage(pThread->MessageQueue, &Message, FALSE, QS_POSTMESSAGE); ObDereferenceObject( peThread ); return TRUE; } else { SetLastNtError( Status ); } return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL UserPostMessage( HWND Wnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PTHREADINFO pti; MSG Message; LARGE_INTEGER LargeTickCount; if (FindMsgMemory(Msg) != 0) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY ); return FALSE; } if (!Wnd) return UserPostThreadMessage( PtrToInt(PsGetCurrentThreadId()), Msg, wParam, lParam); if (Wnd == HWND_BROADCAST) { HWND *List; PWINDOW_OBJECT DesktopWindow; ULONG i; DesktopWindow = UserGetWindowObject(IntGetDesktopWindow()); List = IntWinListChildren(DesktopWindow); if (List != NULL) { for (i = 0; List[i]; i++) UserPostMessage(List[i], Msg, wParam, lParam); ExFreePool(List); } } else { PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; Window = UserGetWindowObject(Wnd); if ( !Window || !Window->Wnd ) { return FALSE; } pti = Window->Wnd->head.pti; if ( pti->TIF_flags & TIF_INCLEANUP ) { DPRINT1("Attempted to post message to window 0x%x when the thread is in cleanup!\n", Wnd); return FALSE; } if ( Window->state & WINDOWSTATUS_DESTROYING ) { DPRINT1("Attempted to post message to window 0x%x that is being destroyed!\n", Wnd); /* FIXME - last error code? */ return FALSE; } if (WM_QUIT == Msg) { MsqPostQuitMessage(Window->pti->MessageQueue, wParam); } else { Message.hwnd = Wnd; Message.message = Msg; Message.wParam = wParam; Message.lParam = lParam; Message.pt = gpsi->ptCursor; KeQueryTickCount(&LargeTickCount); pti->timeLast = Message.time = MsqCalculateMessageTime(&LargeTickCount); MsqPostMessage(Window->pti->MessageQueue, &Message, FALSE, QS_POSTMESSAGE); } } return TRUE; } LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntSendMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { ULONG_PTR Result = 0; if(co_IntSendMessageTimeout(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_NORMAL, 0, &Result)) { return (LRESULT)Result; } return 0; } static LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT uFlags, UINT uTimeout, ULONG_PTR *uResult ) { ULONG_PTR Result; NTSTATUS Status; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window = NULL; PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; INT lParamBufferSize; LPARAM lParamPacked; PTHREADINFO Win32Thread; DECLARE_RETURN(LRESULT); USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN( FALSE); } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); Win32Thread = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); IntCallWndProc( Window, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); if ( NULL != Win32Thread && Window->pti->MessageQueue == Win32Thread->MessageQueue) { if (Win32Thread->TIF_flags & TIF_INCLEANUP) { /* Never send messages to exiting threads */ RETURN( FALSE); } /* See if this message type is present in the table */ MsgMemoryEntry = FindMsgMemory(Msg); if (NULL == MsgMemoryEntry) { lParamBufferSize = -1; } else { lParamBufferSize = MsgMemorySize(MsgMemoryEntry, wParam, lParam); } if (! NT_SUCCESS(PackParam(&lParamPacked, Msg, wParam, lParam))) { DPRINT1("Failed to pack message parameters\n"); RETURN( FALSE); } Result = (ULONG_PTR)co_IntCallWindowProc( Window->Wnd->lpfnWndProc, !Window->Wnd->Unicode, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParamPacked, lParamBufferSize ); if(uResult) { *uResult = Result; } IntCallWndProcRet( Window, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, (LRESULT *)uResult); if (! NT_SUCCESS(UnpackParam(lParamPacked, Msg, wParam, lParam))) { DPRINT1("Failed to unpack message parameters\n"); RETURN( TRUE); } RETURN( TRUE); } if (uFlags & SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG && MsqIsHung(Window->pti->MessageQueue)) { /* FIXME - Set a LastError? */ RETURN( FALSE); } if (Window->state & WINDOWSTATUS_DESTROYING) { /* FIXME - last error? */ DPRINT1("Attempted to send message to window 0x%x that is being destroyed!\n", hWnd); RETURN( FALSE); } do { Status = co_MsqSendMessage( Window->pti->MessageQueue, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, uTimeout, (uFlags & SMTO_BLOCK), MSQ_NORMAL, uResult ); } while ((STATUS_TIMEOUT == Status) && (uFlags & SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG) && !MsqIsHung(Window->pti->MessageQueue)); IntCallWndProcRet( Window, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, (LRESULT *)uResult); if (STATUS_TIMEOUT == Status) { /* MSDN says: Microsoft Windows 2000: If GetLastError returns zero, then the function timed out. XP+ : If the function fails or times out, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. If GetLastError returns ERROR_TIMEOUT, then the function timed out. */ SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_TIMEOUT); RETURN( FALSE); } else if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( FALSE); } RETURN( TRUE); CLEANUP: if (Window) UserDerefObjectCo(Window); END_CLEANUP; } LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntSendMessageTimeout( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT uFlags, UINT uTimeout, ULONG_PTR *uResult ) { PWINDOW_OBJECT DesktopWindow; HWND *Children; HWND *Child; if (HWND_BROADCAST != hWnd) { return co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, uFlags, uTimeout, uResult); } DesktopWindow = UserGetWindowObject(IntGetDesktopWindow()); if (NULL == DesktopWindow) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); return 0; } Children = IntWinListChildren(DesktopWindow); if (NULL == Children) { return 0; } for (Child = Children; NULL != *Child; Child++) { co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle(*Child, Msg, wParam, lParam, uFlags, uTimeout, uResult); } ExFreePool(Children); return (LRESULT) TRUE; } /* This function posts a message if the destination's message queue belongs to another thread, otherwise it sends the message. It does not support broadcast messages! */ LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntPostOrSendMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { ULONG_PTR Result; PTHREADINFO pti; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; if ( hWnd == HWND_BROADCAST ) { return 0; } if(!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { return 0; } pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if ( Window->pti->MessageQueue != pti->MessageQueue && FindMsgMemory(Msg) == 0 ) { Result = UserPostMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); } else { if ( !co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_NORMAL, 0, &Result) ) { Result = 0; } } return (LRESULT)Result; } LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntDoSendMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PDOSENDMESSAGE dsm, PNTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO UnsafeInfo ) { PTHREADINFO pti; LRESULT Result = TRUE; NTSTATUS Status; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window = NULL; NTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO Info; MSG UserModeMsg; MSG KernelModeMsg; PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; RtlZeroMemory(&Info, sizeof(NTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO)); /* FIXME: Call hooks. */ if (HWND_BROADCAST != hWnd) { Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); if ( !Window || !Window->Wnd ) { /* Tell usermode to not touch this one */ Info.HandledByKernel = TRUE; MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeInfo, &Info, sizeof(NTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO)); return 0; } } /* Check for an exiting window. */ if (Window && Window->state & WINDOWSTATUS_DESTROYING) { DPRINT1("co_IntDoSendMessage Window Exiting!\n"); } /* See if the current thread can handle the message */ pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); // This is checked in user mode!!!!!!! if ( HWND_BROADCAST != hWnd && NULL != pti && Window->pti->MessageQueue == pti->MessageQueue && !ISITHOOKED(WH_CALLWNDPROC) && !ISITHOOKED(WH_CALLWNDPROCRET) && ( Msg < WM_DDE_FIRST || Msg > WM_DDE_LAST ) ) { /* Gather the information usermode needs to call the window proc directly */ Info.HandledByKernel = FALSE; Status = MmCopyFromCaller(&(Info.Ansi), &(UnsafeInfo->Ansi), sizeof(BOOL)); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Info.Ansi = ! Window->Wnd->Unicode; } Info.Ansi = !Window->Wnd->Unicode; Info.Proc = Window->Wnd->lpfnWndProc; } else { /* Must be handled by other thread */ // if (HWND_BROADCAST != hWnd) // { // UserDereferenceObject(Window); // } Info.HandledByKernel = TRUE; UserModeMsg.hwnd = hWnd; UserModeMsg.message = Msg; UserModeMsg.wParam = wParam; UserModeMsg.lParam = lParam; MsgMemoryEntry = FindMsgMemory(UserModeMsg.message); Status = CopyMsgToKernelMem(&KernelModeMsg, &UserModeMsg, MsgMemoryEntry); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeInfo, &Info, sizeof(NTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO)); SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (dsm ? 0 : -1); } if(!dsm) { Result = co_IntSendMessage( KernelModeMsg.hwnd, KernelModeMsg.message, KernelModeMsg.wParam, KernelModeMsg.lParam ); } else { Result = co_IntSendMessageTimeout( KernelModeMsg.hwnd, KernelModeMsg.message, KernelModeMsg.wParam, KernelModeMsg.lParam, dsm->uFlags, dsm->uTimeout, &dsm->Result ); } Status = CopyMsgToUserMem(&UserModeMsg, &KernelModeMsg); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeInfo, &Info, sizeof(NTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO)); SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(dsm ? 0 : -1); } } Status = MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeInfo, &Info, sizeof(NTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO)); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } return (LRESULT)Result; } BOOL FASTCALL UserSendNotifyMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL Result = TRUE; if (FindMsgMemory(Msg) != 0) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY ); return FALSE; } // Basicly the same as IntPostOrSendMessage if (hWnd == HWND_BROADCAST) //Handle Broadcast { HWND *List; PWINDOW_OBJECT DesktopWindow; ULONG i; DesktopWindow = UserGetWindowObject(IntGetDesktopWindow()); List = IntWinListChildren(DesktopWindow); if (List != NULL) { for (i = 0; List[i]; i++) { UserSendNotifyMessage(List[i], Msg, wParam, lParam); } ExFreePool(List); } } else { ULONG_PTR PResult; PTHREADINFO pti; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; MSG Message; if ( !(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd)) ) return FALSE; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (Window->pti->MessageQueue != pti->MessageQueue) { // Send message w/o waiting for it. Result = UserPostMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); } else { // Handle message and callback. Message.hwnd = hWnd; Message.message = Msg; Message.wParam = wParam; Message.lParam = lParam; Result = co_IntSendMessageTimeoutSingle( hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_NORMAL, 0, &PResult ); } } return Result; } DWORD APIENTRY IntGetQueueStatus(BOOL ClearChanges) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE Queue; DWORD Result; DECLARE_RETURN(DWORD); DPRINT("Enter IntGetQueueStatus\n"); pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); Queue = pti->MessageQueue; Result = MAKELONG(Queue->QueueBits, Queue->ChangedBits); if (ClearChanges) { Queue->ChangedBits = 0; } RETURN(Result); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave IntGetQueueStatus, ret=%i\n",_ret_); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY IntInitMessagePumpHook() { if (((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThread()->Tcb.Win32Thread)->pcti) { ((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThread()->Tcb.Win32Thread)->pcti->dwcPumpHook++; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL APIENTRY IntUninitMessagePumpHook() { if (((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThread()->Tcb.Win32Thread)->pcti) { if (((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThread()->Tcb.Win32Thread)->pcti->dwcPumpHook <= 0) { return FALSE; } ((PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThread()->Tcb.Win32Thread)->pcti->dwcPumpHook--; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Functions ******************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserPostMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserPostMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); RETURN( UserPostMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam)); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserPostMessage, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserPostThreadMessage(DWORD idThread, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserPostThreadMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); RETURN( UserPostThreadMessage( idThread, Msg, wParam, lParam)); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserPostThreadMessage, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserQuerySendMessage(DWORD Unknown0) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return 0; } ////////// API on the way out! LRESULT APIENTRY NtUserSendMessageTimeout( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT uFlags, UINT uTimeout, ULONG_PTR *uResult, PNTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO UnsafeInfo ) { DOSENDMESSAGE dsm; LRESULT Result; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserSendMessageTimeout\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); dsm.uFlags = uFlags; dsm.uTimeout = uTimeout; Result = co_IntDoSendMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, &dsm, UnsafeInfo); if(uResult != NULL && Result != 0) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = MmCopyToCaller(uResult, &dsm.Result, sizeof(ULONG_PTR)); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN( FALSE); } } RETURN( Result); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserSendMessageTimeout, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } LRESULT APIENTRY NtUserSendMessage( HWND Wnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PNTUSERSENDMESSAGEINFO UnsafeInfo ) { DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserSendMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); RETURN(co_IntDoSendMessage(Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, NULL, UnsafeInfo)); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserSendMessage, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } ////////// BOOL APIENTRY NtUserWaitMessage(VOID) { DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("EnterNtUserWaitMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); RETURN(co_IntWaitMessage(NULL, 0, 0)); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserWaitMessage, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetMessage( PNTUSERGETMESSAGEINFO UnsafeInfo, HWND hWnd, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax ) /* * FUNCTION: Get a message from the calling thread's message queue. * ARGUMENTS: * UnsafeMsg - Pointer to the structure which receives the returned message. * Wnd - Window whose messages are to be retrieved. * MsgFilterMin - Integer value of the lowest message value to be * retrieved. * MsgFilterMax - Integer value of the highest message value to be * retrieved. */ { BOOL GotMessage; NTUSERGETMESSAGEINFO Info; NTSTATUS Status; /* FIXME: if initialization is removed, gcc complains that this may be used before initialization. Please review */ PWINDOW_OBJECT Window = NULL; PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; PVOID UserMem; UINT Size; USER_MESSAGE Msg; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); // USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; DPRINT("Enter NtUserGetMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); /* Validate input */ if (hWnd && !(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN(-1); } // if (Window) UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); if (MsgFilterMax < MsgFilterMin) { MsgFilterMin = 0; MsgFilterMax = 0; } do { GotMessage = co_IntPeekMessage(&Msg, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, PM_REMOVE); if (GotMessage) { Info.Msg = Msg.Msg; /* See if this message type is present in the table */ MsgMemoryEntry = FindMsgMemory(Info.Msg.message); if (NULL == MsgMemoryEntry) { /* Not present, no copying needed */ Info.LParamSize = 0; } else { /* Determine required size */ Size = MsgMemorySize(MsgMemoryEntry, Info.Msg.wParam, Info.Msg.lParam); /* Allocate required amount of user-mode memory */ Info.LParamSize = Size; UserMem = NULL; Status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &UserMem, 0, &Info.LParamSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } /* Transfer lParam data to user-mode mem */ Status = MmCopyToCaller(UserMem, (PVOID) Info.Msg.lParam, Size); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ZwFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID *) &UserMem, &Info.LParamSize, MEM_DECOMMIT); SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } Info.Msg.lParam = (LPARAM) UserMem; } if (Msg.FreeLParam && 0 != Msg.Msg.lParam) { ExFreePool((void *) Msg.Msg.lParam); } Status = MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeInfo, &Info, sizeof(NTUSERGETMESSAGEINFO)); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } } else if (! co_IntWaitMessage(Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax)) { RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } } while (! GotMessage); RETURN( WM_QUIT != Info.Msg.message); CLEANUP: // if (Window) UserDerefObjectCo(Window); DPRINT("Leave NtUserGetMessage\n"); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetMessageX( PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax) { MSG Msg; BOOL Ret = FALSE; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserGetMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if ( (MsgFilterMin|MsgFilterMax) & ~WM_MAXIMUM ) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN( Ret); } RtlZeroMemory(&Msg, sizeof(MSG)); Ret = co_IntGetPeekMessage(&Msg, hWnd, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, PM_REMOVE, TRUE); if (Ret) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(pMsg, sizeof(MSG), 1); RtlCopyMemory(pMsg, &Msg, sizeof(MSG)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); Ret = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; } RETURN( Ret); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserGetMessage\n"); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserPeekMessage(PNTUSERGETMESSAGEINFO UnsafeInfo, HWND hWnd, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, UINT RemoveMsg) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOL Present; NTUSERGETMESSAGEINFO Info; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; PMSGMEMORY MsgMemoryEntry; PVOID UserMem; UINT Size; USER_MESSAGE Msg; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserPeekMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (hWnd == (HWND)-1 || hWnd == (HWND)0x0000FFFF || hWnd == (HWND)0xFFFFFFFF) hWnd = (HWND)1; /* Validate input */ if (hWnd && hWnd != (HWND)1) { if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN(-1); } } else { Window = (PWINDOW_OBJECT)hWnd; } if (MsgFilterMax < MsgFilterMin) { MsgFilterMin = 0; MsgFilterMax = 0; } Present = co_IntPeekMessage(&Msg, Window, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, RemoveMsg); if (Present) { Info.Msg = Msg.Msg; /* See if this message type is present in the table */ MsgMemoryEntry = FindMsgMemory(Info.Msg.message); if (NULL == MsgMemoryEntry) { /* Not present, no copying needed */ Info.LParamSize = 0; } else { /* Determine required size */ Size = MsgMemorySize(MsgMemoryEntry, Info.Msg.wParam, Info.Msg.lParam); /* Allocate required amount of user-mode memory */ Info.LParamSize = Size; UserMem = NULL; Status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &UserMem, 0, &Info.LParamSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } /* Transfer lParam data to user-mode mem */ Status = MmCopyToCaller(UserMem, (PVOID) Info.Msg.lParam, Size); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ZwFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID *) &UserMem, &Info.LParamSize, MEM_RELEASE); SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } Info.Msg.lParam = (LPARAM) UserMem; } if (RemoveMsg && Msg.FreeLParam && 0 != Msg.Msg.lParam) { ExFreePool((void *) Msg.Msg.lParam); } Status = MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeInfo, &Info, sizeof(NTUSERGETMESSAGEINFO)); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( (BOOL) -1); } } RETURN( Present); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserPeekMessage, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserPeekMessageX( PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, UINT RemoveMsg) { MSG Msg; BOOL Ret = FALSE; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserPeekMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if ( RemoveMsg & PM_BADMSGFLAGS ) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); RETURN( Ret); } RtlZeroMemory(&Msg, sizeof(MSG)); Ret = co_IntGetPeekMessage(&Msg, hWnd, MsgFilterMin, MsgFilterMax, RemoveMsg, FALSE); if (Ret) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(pMsg, sizeof(MSG), 1); RtlCopyMemory(pMsg, &Msg, sizeof(MSG)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); Ret = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; } RETURN( Ret); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserPeekMessage, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserCallMsgFilter( LPMSG lpmsg, INT code) { BOOL BadChk = FALSE, Ret = FALSE; MSG Msg; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserCallMsgFilter\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (lpmsg) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead((PVOID)lpmsg, sizeof(MSG), 1); RtlCopyMemory( &Msg, (PVOID)lpmsg, sizeof(MSG)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BadChk = TRUE; } _SEH2_END; } else RETURN( FALSE); if (BadChk) RETURN( FALSE); if ( ISITHOOKED(WH_SYSMSGFILTER) && co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_SYSMSGFILTER, code, 0, (LPARAM)&Msg)) { Ret = TRUE; } else { if ( ISITHOOKED(WH_MSGFILTER) ) { Ret = co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_MSGFILTER, code, 0, (LPARAM)&Msg); } } _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite((PVOID)lpmsg, sizeof(MSG), 1); RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)lpmsg, &Msg, sizeof(MSG)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BadChk = TRUE; } _SEH2_END; if (BadChk) RETURN( FALSE); RETURN( Ret) CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserCallMsgFilter. ret=%i\n", _ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } LRESULT APIENTRY NtUserDispatchMessage(PMSG UnsafeMsgInfo) { LRESULT Res = 0; BOOL Hit = FALSE; MSG SafeMsg; UserEnterExclusive(); _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(UnsafeMsgInfo, sizeof(MSG), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&SafeMsg, UnsafeMsgInfo, sizeof(MSG)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); Hit = TRUE; } _SEH2_END; if (!Hit) Res = IntDispatchMessage(&SafeMsg); UserLeave(); return Res; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserTranslateMessage(LPMSG lpMsg, HKL dwhkl) { NTSTATUS Status; MSG SafeMsg; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); DPRINT("Enter NtUserTranslateMessage\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); Status = MmCopyFromCaller(&SafeMsg, lpMsg, sizeof(MSG)); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN( FALSE); } RETURN( IntTranslateKbdMessage(&SafeMsg, dwhkl)); CLEANUP: DPRINT("Leave NtUserTranslateMessage: ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserMessageCall( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, ULONG_PTR ResultInfo, DWORD dwType, // fnID? BOOL Ansi) { LRESULT lResult = 0; BOOL Ret = FALSE; BOOL BadChk = FALSE; PWINDOW_OBJECT Window = NULL; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserEnterExclusive(); /* Validate input */ if (hWnd && (hWnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && !(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { UserLeave(); return FALSE; } switch(dwType) { case FNID_DEFWINDOWPROC: UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); lResult = IntDefWindowProc(Window, Msg, wParam, lParam, Ansi); Ret = TRUE; UserDerefObjectCo(Window); break; case FNID_SENDNOTIFYMESSAGE: Ret = UserSendNotifyMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); break; case FNID_BROADCASTSYSTEMMESSAGE: { BROADCASTPARM parm; DWORD_PTR RetVal = 0; if (ResultInfo) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite((PVOID)ResultInfo, sizeof(BROADCASTPARM), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&parm, (PVOID)ResultInfo, sizeof(BROADCASTPARM)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BadChk = TRUE; } _SEH2_END; if (BadChk) break; } else break; if ( parm.recipients & BSM_ALLDESKTOPS || parm.recipients == BSM_ALLCOMPONENTS ) { } else if (parm.recipients & BSM_APPLICATIONS) { if (parm.flags & BSF_QUERY) { if (parm.flags & BSF_FORCEIFHUNG || parm.flags & BSF_NOHANG) { co_IntSendMessageTimeout( HWND_BROADCAST, Msg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 2000, &RetVal); } else if (parm.flags & BSF_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG) { co_IntSendMessageTimeout( HWND_BROADCAST, Msg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG, 2000, &RetVal); } else { co_IntSendMessageTimeout( HWND_BROADCAST, Msg, wParam, lParam, SMTO_NORMAL, 2000, &RetVal); } } else if (parm.flags & BSF_POSTMESSAGE) { Ret = UserPostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, Msg, wParam, lParam); } else if ( parm.flags & BSF_SENDNOTIFYMESSAGE) { Ret = UserSendNotifyMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, Msg, wParam, lParam); } } } break; case FNID_SENDMESSAGECALLBACK: break; // CallNextHook bypass. case FNID_CALLWNDPROC: case FNID_CALLWNDPROCRET: { PCLIENTINFO ClientInfo = GetWin32ClientInfo(); PHOOK NextObj, Hook = ClientInfo->phkCurrent; if (!ClientInfo || !Hook) break; UserReferenceObject(Hook); if (Hook->Thread && (Hook->Thread != PsGetCurrentThread())) { UserDereferenceObject(Hook); break; } NextObj = IntGetNextHook(Hook); ClientInfo->phkCurrent = NextObj; if ( Hook->HookId == WH_CALLWNDPROC) { CWPSTRUCT CWP; CWP.hwnd = hWnd; CWP.message = Msg; CWP.wParam = wParam; CWP.lParam = lParam; DPRINT("WH_CALLWNDPROC: Hook %x NextHook %x\n", Hook, NextObj ); lResult = co_IntCallHookProc( Hook->HookId, HC_ACTION, ((ClientInfo->CI_flags & CI_CURTHPRHOOK) ? 1 : 0), (LPARAM)&CWP, Hook->Proc, Hook->Ansi, &Hook->ModuleName); } else { CWPRETSTRUCT CWPR; CWPR.hwnd = hWnd; CWPR.message = Msg; CWPR.wParam = wParam; CWPR.lParam = lParam; CWPR.lResult = ClientInfo->dwHookData; lResult = co_IntCallHookProc( Hook->HookId, HC_ACTION, ((ClientInfo->CI_flags & CI_CURTHPRHOOK) ? 1 : 0), (LPARAM)&CWPR, Hook->Proc, Hook->Ansi, &Hook->ModuleName); } UserDereferenceObject(Hook); lResult = (LRESULT) NextObj; } break; } switch(dwType) { case FNID_DEFWINDOWPROC: case FNID_CALLWNDPROC: case FNID_CALLWNDPROCRET: if (ResultInfo) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite((PVOID)ResultInfo, sizeof(LRESULT), 1); RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)ResultInfo, &lResult, sizeof(LRESULT)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BadChk = TRUE; } _SEH2_END; } break; default: break; } UserLeave(); return BadChk ? FALSE : Ret; } #define INFINITE 0xFFFFFFFF #define WAIT_FAILED ((DWORD)0xFFFFFFFF) DWORD APIENTRY NtUserWaitForInputIdle( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwMilliseconds, IN BOOL Unknown2) { PEPROCESS Process; PPROCESSINFO W32Process; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Handles[2]; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; ULONGLONG StartTime, Run, Elapsed = 0; UserEnterExclusive(); Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(hProcess, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, PsProcessType, UserMode, (PVOID*)&Process, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { UserLeave(); SetLastNtError(Status); return WAIT_FAILED; } W32Process = (PPROCESSINFO)Process->Win32Process; if (!W32Process) { ObDereferenceObject(Process); UserLeave(); SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return WAIT_FAILED; } EngCreateEvent((PEVENT *)&W32Process->InputIdleEvent); Handles[0] = Process; Handles[1] = W32Process->InputIdleEvent; if (!Handles[1]) { ObDereferenceObject(Process); UserLeave(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* no event to wait on */ } StartTime = EngGetTickCount(); Run = dwMilliseconds; DPRINT("WFII: waiting for %p\n", Handles[1] ); do { Timeout.QuadPart = Run - Elapsed; UserLeave(); Status = KeWaitForMultipleObjects( 2, Handles, WaitAny, UserRequest, UserMode, FALSE, dwMilliseconds == INFINITE ? NULL : &Timeout, NULL); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); Status = WAIT_FAILED; goto WaitExit; } switch (Status) { case STATUS_WAIT_0: Status = WAIT_FAILED; goto WaitExit; case STATUS_WAIT_2: { USER_MESSAGE Msg; co_IntPeekMessage( &Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE | PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE ); break; } case STATUS_USER_APC: case STATUS_ALERTED: case STATUS_TIMEOUT: DPRINT1("WFII: timeout\n"); Status = STATUS_TIMEOUT; goto WaitExit; default: DPRINT1("WFII: finished\n"); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto WaitExit; } if (dwMilliseconds != INFINITE) { Elapsed = EngGetTickCount() - StartTime; if (Elapsed > Run) Status = STATUS_TIMEOUT; break; } } while (1); WaitExit: if (W32Process->InputIdleEvent) { EngFreeMem((PVOID)W32Process->InputIdleEvent); W32Process->InputIdleEvent = NULL; } ObDereferenceObject(Process); UserLeave(); return Status; } /* EOF */