// SockUtils.cpp - Some basic socket utility functions. // (C) 2002-2004 Royce Mitchell III // This file is under the BSD & LGPL licenses #include #include "SockUtils.h" #ifdef WIN32 # ifndef SD_SEND // defined in winsock2.h, but not winsock.h # define SD_SEND 1 # endif # define snprintf _snprintf # ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma comment ( lib, "ws2_32.lib" ) # endif//_MSC_VER #elif defined(UNIX) # include # include "string.h" // memset # include // hostent # include //inet_addr # include # define SD_SEND SHUT_WR //bah thou shalt name thy defines the same #else # error unrecognized target #endif //// Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const int kBufferSize = 1024; // creates broadcast address SockAddrIn::SockAddrIn() { memset ( this, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in) ); sin_family = AF_INET; } SockAddrIn::SockAddrIn ( const char* szAddr, u_short iPort ) { memset ( this, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in) ); sin_family = AF_INET; sin_addr.s_addr = suLookupAddress(szAddr); sin_port = htons(iPort); } SockAddrIn::SockAddrIn ( in_addr_t iAddr, u_short iPort ) { memset ( this, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in) ); sin_family = AF_INET; sin_addr.s_addr = iAddr; sin_port = htons(iPort); } bool suStartup() { #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; if ( WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData ) ) return false; if ( wsaData.wVersion != MAKEWORD(2,0) ) { WSACleanup(); return false; } return true; #elif defined(UNIX) // nothing special required here return true; #else # error unrecognized target #endif } //// suTcpSocket //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a TCP socket. SOCKET suTcpSocket() { SOCKET so = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) if ( so == INVALID_SOCKET && WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError() ) MessageBox ( NULL, "You forgot to call suStartup()!", "SockUtils", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); #endif return so; } //// suUdpSocket //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a UDP socket. Compensates for new "functionality" introduced // in Win2K with regards to select() calls // MS Transport Provider IOCTL to control // reporting PORT_UNREACHABLE messages // on UDP sockets via recv/WSARecv/etc. // Path TRUE in input buffer to enable (default if supported), // FALSE to disable. #ifndef SIO_UDP_CONNRESET #define SIO_UDP_CONNRESET _WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR,12) #endif//SIO_UDP_CONNRESET SOCKET suUdpSocket() { SOCKET so = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) if ( so == INVALID_SOCKET && WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError() ) MessageBox ( NULL, "You forgot to call suStartup()!", "SockUtils", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); #endif #ifdef WIN32 // for Windows 2000, disable new behavior... // see: http://www-pc.uni-regensburg.de/systemsw/W2KPRO/UPDATE/POSTSP1/Q263823.htm // this code is innocuous on other win32 platforms DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0; BOOL bNewBehavior = FALSE; // disable new Win2K behavior using // IOCTL: SIO_UDP_CONNRESET // we don't care about return value :) WSAIoctl(so, SIO_UDP_CONNRESET, &bNewBehavior, sizeof(bNewBehavior), NULL, 0, &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL); #endif return so; } //// suShutdownConnection //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gracefully shuts the connection sd down. Returns true if it was able // to shut it down nicely, false if we had to "slam" it shut. // (either way, the socket does get closed) bool suShutdownConnection(SOCKET sd) { if ( sd == INVALID_SOCKET ) return true; // Disallow any further data sends. This will tell the other side // that we want to go away now. If we skip this step, we don't // shut the connection down nicely. if (shutdown(sd, SD_SEND) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(sd); return false; } // Receive any extra data still sitting on the socket. After all // data is received, this call will block until the remote host // acknowledges the TCP control packet sent by the shutdown above. // Then we'll get a 0 back from recv, signalling that the remote // host has closed its side of the connection. char acReadBuffer[kBufferSize]; for ( ;; ) { int nNewBytes = recv(sd, acReadBuffer, kBufferSize, 0); if (nNewBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(sd); return false; } else if (nNewBytes != 0) { // FYI, received (nNewBytes) unexpected bytes during shutdown. } else { // Okay, we're done! break; } } // Close the socket. if (closesocket(sd) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return false; } return true; } //// suLookupAddress //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Basically converts a name address to an ip address in_addr_t suLookupAddress ( const char* pcHost ) { in_addr_t nRemoteAddr = inet_addr(pcHost); if ( nRemoteAddr == INADDR_NONE ) { // pcHost isn't a dotted IP, so resolve it through DNS hostent* pHE = gethostbyname(pcHost); if ( pHE == 0 ) { #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) if ( WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError() ) MessageBox ( NULL, "You forgot to call suStartup()!", "SockUtils", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); #endif return INADDR_NONE; } nRemoteAddr = *((in_addr_t*)pHE->h_addr_list[0]); } return nRemoteAddr; } bool suConnect ( SOCKET so, in_addr_t iAddress, u_short iPort ) { SockAddrIn sinRemote ( iAddress, iPort ); if ( SOCKET_ERROR == connect(so,sinRemote,sizeof(sinRemote)) ) { #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) if ( WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError() ) MessageBox ( NULL, "You forgot to call suStartup()!", "SockUtils", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); #endif return false; } return true; } bool suConnect ( SOCKET so, const char* szAddress, u_short iPort ) { return suConnect ( so, suLookupAddress(szAddress), iPort ); } //// suEstablishConnection //////////////////////////////////////////////// // creates a socket of the specified type, connects to the ip address/port // requested, and returns the SOCKET created SOCKET suEstablishConnection ( in_addr_t iAddress, u_short iPort, int type ) { // Create a socket if ( type != SOCK_STREAM && type != SOCK_DGRAM ) return INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKET so = socket(AF_INET, type, 0); if ( so == INVALID_SOCKET ) return so; if ( !suConnect(so, iAddress, iPort) ) { closesocket(so); return INVALID_SOCKET; } return so; } //// suEstablishConnection //////////////////////////////////////////////// // creates a socket of the specified type, connects to the address/port // requested, and returns the SOCKET created SOCKET suEstablishConnection ( const char* szAddress, u_short iPort, int type ) { return suEstablishConnection ( suLookupAddress ( szAddress ), iPort, type ); } //// suBroadcast //////////////////////////////////////////////// // takes a previously created broadcast-enabled UDP socket, and broadcasts // a message on the local network bool suBroadcast ( SOCKET so, u_short port, const char* buf, int len /* = -1 */ ) { if ( len == -1 ) len = (int)strlen(buf); #if 1 SockAddrIn to ( INADDR_BROADCAST, port ); #else // some strange MS OS's don't broadcast to localhost... SockAddrIn to ( "", port ); if ( SOCKET_ERROR == sendto ( so, buf, len, 0, to, sizeof(to) ) ) return false; to.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; #endif if ( SOCKET_ERROR == sendto ( so, buf, len, 0, to, sizeof(to) ) ) return false; return true; } //// suRecv //////////////////////////////////////////////// // retrieves data sent to our TCP socket. If no data, waits for // a period of timeout ms. // returns bytes received // -1 == SOCKET_ERROR // -2 == timed out waiting for data int suRecv ( SOCKET so, char* buf, int buflen, int timeout ) { struct timeval to; fd_set rread; int res; FD_ZERO(&rread); // clear the fd_set FD_SET(so,&rread); // indicate which socket(s) we want to check memset((char *)&to,0,sizeof(to)); // clear the timeval struct to.tv_sec = timeout; // timeout select after (timeout) seconds // select returns > 0 if there is an event on the socket res = select((int)so+1, &rread, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &to ); if (res < 0) return -1; // socket error // there was an event on the socket if ( (res>0) && (FD_ISSET(so,&rread)) ) return recv ( so, buf, buflen, 0 ); return -2; } //// suRecvFrom //////////////////////////////////////////////// // retrieves data sent to our UDP socket. If no data, waits for // a period of timeout ms. // returns bytes received // returns bytes received // -1 == SOCKET_ERROR // -2 == timed out waiting for data int suRecvFrom ( SOCKET so, char* buf, int buflen, int timeout, sockaddr_in* from, socklen_t* fromlen ) { struct timeval to; fd_set rread; int res; FD_ZERO(&rread); // clear the fd_set FD_SET(so,&rread); // indicate which socket(s) we want to check memset((char *)&to,0,sizeof(to)); // clear the timeval struct to.tv_sec = timeout; // timeout select after (timeout) seconds // select returns > 0 if there is an event on the socket res = select((int)so+1, &rread, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &to ); if (res < 0) return -1; // socket error // there was an event on the socket if ( (res>0) && (FD_ISSET(so,&rread)) ) return recvfrom ( so, buf, buflen, 0, (sockaddr*)from, fromlen ); return -2; // timeout } //// suBind //////////////////////////////////////////////// // binds a UDP socket to an interface & port to receive // data on that port bool suBind ( SOCKET so, in_addr_t iInterfaceAddress, u_short iListenPort, bool bReuseAddr /* = false */ ) { SockAddrIn sinInterface ( iInterfaceAddress, iListenPort ); if ( bReuseAddr ) { int optval = -1; // true if ( SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt ( so, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&optval, sizeof(optval) ) ) { #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) if ( WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError() ) MessageBox ( NULL, "You forgot to call suStartup()!", "SockUtils", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); #endif return false; } } if ( SOCKET_ERROR == bind(so, sinInterface, sizeof(sinInterface)) ) { int err = SUERRNO; if ( err != EADDRINUSE ) return false; #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WIN32) if ( WSANOTINITIALISED == WSAGetLastError() ) MessageBox ( NULL, "You forgot to call suStartup()!", "SockUtils", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); #endif } return true; } //// suBind //////////////////////////////////////////////// // binds a UDP socket to an interface & port to receive // data on that port bool suBind ( SOCKET so, const char* szInterfaceAddress, u_short iListenPort, bool bReuseAddr /* = false */ ) { in_addr_t iInterfaceAddr = inet_addr(szInterfaceAddress); if ( iInterfaceAddr == INADDR_NONE ) return false; return suBind ( so, iInterfaceAddr, iListenPort, bReuseAddr ); } //// suEnableBroadcast //////////////////////////////////////////////// // in order to send broadcast messages on a UDP socket, this function // must be called first bool suEnableBroadcast ( SOCKET so, bool bEnable /* = true */ ) { int optval = bEnable ? -1 : 0; if ( SOCKET_ERROR == setsockopt ( so, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char*)&optval, sizeof(optval) ) ) return false; return true; } //// suErrDesc //////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns text description of error code const char* suErrDesc ( int err ) { static char errbuf[256]; #ifdef WIN32 switch ( err ) { #define X(E) case E: return #E; X(WSAEINTR) X(WSAEBADF) X(WSAEACCES) X(WSAEFAULT) X(WSAEINVAL) X(WSAEMFILE) X(WSAEWOULDBLOCK) X(WSAEINPROGRESS) X(WSAEALREADY) X(WSAENOTSOCK) X(WSAEDESTADDRREQ) X(WSAEMSGSIZE) X(WSAEPROTOTYPE) X(WSAENOPROTOOPT) X(WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT) X(WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT) X(WSAEOPNOTSUPP) X(WSAEPFNOSUPPORT) X(WSAEAFNOSUPPORT) X(WSAEADDRINUSE) X(WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL) X(WSAENETDOWN) X(WSAENETUNREACH) X(WSAENETRESET) X(WSAECONNABORTED) X(WSAECONNRESET) X(WSAENOBUFS) X(WSAEISCONN) X(WSAENOTCONN) X(WSAESHUTDOWN) X(WSAETOOMANYREFS) X(WSAETIMEDOUT) X(WSAECONNREFUSED) X(WSAELOOP) X(WSAENAMETOOLONG) X(WSAEHOSTDOWN) X(WSAEHOSTUNREACH) X(WSAENOTEMPTY) X(WSAEPROCLIM) X(WSAEUSERS) X(WSAEDQUOT) X(WSAESTALE) X(WSAEREMOTE) X(WSASYSNOTREADY) X(WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED) X(WSANOTINITIALISED) X(WSAEDISCON) X(WSAENOMORE) X(WSAECANCELLED) X(WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE) X(WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER) X(WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT) X(WSASYSCALLFAILURE) X(WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND) X(WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND) X(WSA_E_NO_MORE) X(WSA_E_CANCELLED) X(WSAEREFUSED) #undef X } snprintf ( errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), "Unknown socket error (%lu)", err ); errbuf[sizeof(errbuf)-1] = '\0'; return errbuf; #elif defined(UNIX) perror(errbuf); return errbuf; #else # error unrecognized target #endif } #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) in_addr_t suLookupAddress ( const wchar_t* pcHost ) { int len = wcslen(pcHost); char* p = new char[len+1]; wcstombs ( p, pcHost, len ); p[len] = 0; in_addr_t rc = suLookupAddress ( p ); delete[] p; return rc; } bool suBroadcast ( SOCKET so, u_short port, const wchar_t* buf, int len /* = -1 */ ) { char* p = new char[len+1]; wcstombs ( p, buf, len ); p[len] = 0; bool rc = suBroadcast ( so, port, p, len ); delete[] p; return rc; } int suRecv ( SOCKET so, wchar_t* buf, int buflen, int timeout ) { char* p = new char[buflen+1]; int rc = suRecv ( so, p, buflen, timeout ); p[buflen] = 0; mbstowcs ( buf, p, buflen ); delete[] p; return rc; } int suRecvFrom ( SOCKET so, wchar_t* buf, int buflen, int timeout, sockaddr_in* from, int* fromlen ) { char* p = new char[buflen+1]; int rc = suRecvFrom ( so, p, buflen, timeout, from, fromlen ); p[buflen] = 0; mbs2wcs ( buf, p, buflen ); delete[] p; return rc; } bool suBind ( SOCKET so, const wchar_t* szInterfaceAddress, u_short iListenPort, bool bReuseAddr /* = false */ ) { int len = wcslen(szInterfaceAddress); char* p = new char[len+1]; wcstombs ( p, szInterfaceAddress, len ); p[len] = 0; bool rc = suBind ( so, p, iListenPort, bReuseAddr ); delete[] p; return rc; } #endif//UNICODE suBufferedRecvSocket::suBufferedRecvSocket ( SOCKET so ) : suSocket ( so ), _off(0), _len(0) { } int suBufferedRecvSocket::recvUntil ( std::string& buf, char until, int timeout ) { if ( !_len ) _off = 0; else if ( _off > (sizeof(_buf)>>1) ) { memmove ( _buf, &_buf[_off], _len ); _off = 0; } char* poff = &_buf[_off]; for ( ;; ) { char* p = (char*)memchr ( poff, until, _len ); if ( p /*&& p < &poff[_len]*/ ) { int ret_len = p-poff+1; buf.resize ( ret_len ); memmove ( &buf[0], poff, ret_len ); _off += ret_len; _len -= ret_len; return ret_len; } int rc = suRecv ( *this, &poff[_len], sizeof(_buf)-_len-_off, timeout ); if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( _len ) { rc = _len; buf.resize ( rc ); memmove ( &buf[0], &_buf[_off], rc ); _len = 0; } return rc; } _len += rc; } } void suBufferedRecvSocket::recvPending() { if ( !_len ) _off = 0; else if ( _off > (sizeof(_buf)>>1) ) { memmove ( _buf, &_buf[_off], _len ); _off = 0; } char* poff = &_buf[_off]; while ( sizeof(_buf)-_len-_off ) { int rc = suRecv ( *this, &poff[_len], sizeof(_buf)-_len-_off, 1 ); if ( rc <= 0 ) break; _len += rc; } } bool suBufferedRecvSocket::recvInStr ( char c ) { return NULL != memchr ( &_buf[_off], c, _len ); }