/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2002,2003 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/filesystem/ntfs/attrib.c * PURPOSE: NTFS filesystem driver * PROGRAMMERS: Eric Kohl * Valentin Verkhovsky * Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin@reactos.org) * Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "ntfs.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ NTSTATUS AddRun(PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT AttrContext, ULONGLONG NextAssignedCluster, ULONG RunLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; if (!AttrContext->Record.IsNonResident) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PUCHAR DecodeRun(PUCHAR DataRun, LONGLONG *DataRunOffset, ULONGLONG *DataRunLength) { UCHAR DataRunOffsetSize; UCHAR DataRunLengthSize; CHAR i; DataRunOffsetSize = (*DataRun >> 4) & 0xF; DataRunLengthSize = *DataRun & 0xF; *DataRunOffset = 0; *DataRunLength = 0; DataRun++; for (i = 0; i < DataRunLengthSize; i++) { *DataRunLength += ((ULONG64)*DataRun) << (i * 8); DataRun++; } /* NTFS 3+ sparse files */ if (DataRunOffsetSize == 0) { *DataRunOffset = -1; } else { for (i = 0; i < DataRunOffsetSize - 1; i++) { *DataRunOffset += ((ULONG64)*DataRun) << (i * 8); DataRun++; } /* The last byte contains sign so we must process it different way. */ *DataRunOffset = ((LONG64)(CHAR)(*(DataRun++)) << (i * 8)) + *DataRunOffset; } DPRINT("DataRunOffsetSize: %x\n", DataRunOffsetSize); DPRINT("DataRunLengthSize: %x\n", DataRunLengthSize); DPRINT("DataRunOffset: %x\n", *DataRunOffset); DPRINT("DataRunLength: %x\n", *DataRunLength); return DataRun; } BOOLEAN FindRun(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD NresAttr, ULONGLONG vcn, PULONGLONG lcn, PULONGLONG count) { if (vcn < NresAttr->NonResident.LowestVCN || vcn > NresAttr->NonResident.HighestVCN) return FALSE; DecodeRun((PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)NresAttr + NresAttr->NonResident.MappingPairsOffset), (PLONGLONG)lcn, count); return TRUE; } static NTSTATUS InternalReadNonResidentAttributes(PFIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context) { ULONGLONG ListSize; PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT ListContext; DPRINT("InternalReadNonResidentAttributes(%p)\n", Context); Attribute = Context->CurrAttr; ASSERT(Attribute->Type == AttributeAttributeList); if (Context->OnlyResident) { Context->NonResidentStart = NULL; Context->NonResidentEnd = NULL; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (Context->NonResidentStart != NULL) { return STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR; } ListContext = PrepareAttributeContext(Attribute); ListSize = AttributeDataLength(&ListContext->Record); if (ListSize > 0xFFFFFFFF) { ReleaseAttributeContext(ListContext); return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } Context->NonResidentStart = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, (ULONG)ListSize, TAG_NTFS); if (Context->NonResidentStart == NULL) { ReleaseAttributeContext(ListContext); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } if (ReadAttribute(Context->Vcb, ListContext, 0, (PCHAR)Context->NonResidentStart, (ULONG)ListSize) != ListSize) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Context->NonResidentStart, TAG_NTFS); Context->NonResidentStart = NULL; ReleaseAttributeContext(ListContext); return STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR; } ReleaseAttributeContext(ListContext); Context->NonResidentEnd = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((PCHAR)Context->NonResidentStart + ListSize); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD InternalGetNextAttribute(PFIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context) { PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD NextAttribute; if (Context->CurrAttr == (PVOID)-1) { return NULL; } if (Context->CurrAttr >= Context->FirstAttr && Context->CurrAttr < Context->LastAttr) { if (Context->CurrAttr->Length == 0) { DPRINT1("Broken length!\n"); Context->CurrAttr = (PVOID)-1; return NULL; } NextAttribute = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)Context->CurrAttr + Context->CurrAttr->Length); Context->Offset += ((ULONG_PTR)NextAttribute - (ULONG_PTR)Context->CurrAttr); Context->CurrAttr = NextAttribute; if (Context->CurrAttr < Context->LastAttr && Context->CurrAttr->Type != AttributeEnd) { return Context->CurrAttr; } } if (Context->NonResidentStart == NULL) { Context->CurrAttr = (PVOID)-1; return NULL; } if (Context->CurrAttr < Context->NonResidentStart || Context->CurrAttr >= Context->NonResidentEnd) { Context->CurrAttr = Context->NonResidentStart; } else if (Context->CurrAttr->Length != 0) { NextAttribute = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)Context->CurrAttr + Context->CurrAttr->Length); Context->Offset += ((ULONG_PTR)NextAttribute - (ULONG_PTR)Context->CurrAttr); Context->CurrAttr = NextAttribute; } else { DPRINT1("Broken length!\n"); Context->CurrAttr = (PVOID)-1; return NULL; } if (Context->CurrAttr < Context->NonResidentEnd && Context->CurrAttr->Type != AttributeEnd) { return Context->CurrAttr; } Context->CurrAttr = (PVOID)-1; return NULL; } NTSTATUS FindFirstAttribute(PFIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context, PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord, BOOLEAN OnlyResident, PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD * Attribute) { NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("FindFistAttribute(%p, %p, %p, %p, %u, %p)\n", Context, Vcb, FileRecord, OnlyResident, Attribute); Context->Vcb = Vcb; Context->OnlyResident = OnlyResident; Context->FirstAttr = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)FileRecord + FileRecord->AttributeOffset); Context->CurrAttr = Context->FirstAttr; Context->LastAttr = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)FileRecord + FileRecord->BytesInUse); Context->NonResidentStart = NULL; Context->NonResidentEnd = NULL; Context->Offset = FileRecord->AttributeOffset; if (Context->FirstAttr->Type == AttributeEnd) { Context->CurrAttr = (PVOID)-1; return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } else if (Context->FirstAttr->Type == AttributeAttributeList) { Status = InternalReadNonResidentAttributes(Context); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } *Attribute = InternalGetNextAttribute(Context); if (*Attribute == NULL) { return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } } else { *Attribute = Context->CurrAttr; Context->Offset = (UCHAR*)Context->CurrAttr - (UCHAR*)FileRecord; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS FindNextAttribute(PFIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context, PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD * Attribute) { NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("FindNextAttribute(%p, %p)\n", Context, Attribute); *Attribute = InternalGetNextAttribute(Context); if (*Attribute == NULL) { return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } if (Context->CurrAttr->Type != AttributeAttributeList) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } Status = InternalReadNonResidentAttributes(Context); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } *Attribute = InternalGetNextAttribute(Context); if (*Attribute == NULL) { return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID FindCloseAttribute(PFIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context) { if (Context->NonResidentStart != NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Context->NonResidentStart, TAG_NTFS); Context->NonResidentStart = NULL; } } static VOID NtfsDumpFileNameAttribute(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute) { PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE FileNameAttr; DbgPrint(" $FILE_NAME "); // DbgPrint(" Length %lu Offset %hu ", Attribute->Resident.ValueLength, Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); FileNameAttr = (PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); DbgPrint(" (%x) '%.*S' ", FileNameAttr->NameType, FileNameAttr->NameLength, FileNameAttr->Name); DbgPrint(" '%x' \n", FileNameAttr->FileAttributes); DbgPrint(" AllocatedSize: %I64u\nDataSize: %I64u\n", FileNameAttr->AllocatedSize, FileNameAttr->DataSize); } static VOID NtfsDumpStandardInformationAttribute(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute) { PSTANDARD_INFORMATION StandardInfoAttr; DbgPrint(" $STANDARD_INFORMATION "); // DbgPrint(" Length %lu Offset %hu ", Attribute->Resident.ValueLength, Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); StandardInfoAttr = (PSTANDARD_INFORMATION)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); DbgPrint(" '%x' ", StandardInfoAttr->FileAttribute); } static VOID NtfsDumpVolumeNameAttribute(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute) { PWCHAR VolumeName; DbgPrint(" $VOLUME_NAME "); // DbgPrint(" Length %lu Offset %hu ", Attribute->Resident.ValueLength, Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); VolumeName = (PWCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); DbgPrint(" '%.*S' ", Attribute->Resident.ValueLength / sizeof(WCHAR), VolumeName); } static VOID NtfsDumpVolumeInformationAttribute(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute) { PVOLINFO_ATTRIBUTE VolInfoAttr; DbgPrint(" $VOLUME_INFORMATION "); // DbgPrint(" Length %lu Offset %hu ", Attribute->Resident.ValueLength, Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); VolInfoAttr = (PVOLINFO_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); DbgPrint(" NTFS Version %u.%u Flags 0x%04hx ", VolInfoAttr->MajorVersion, VolInfoAttr->MinorVersion, VolInfoAttr->Flags); } static VOID NtfsDumpIndexRootAttribute(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute) { PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE IndexRootAttr; IndexRootAttr = (PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); if (IndexRootAttr->AttributeType == AttributeFileName) ASSERT(IndexRootAttr->CollationRule == COLLATION_FILE_NAME); DbgPrint(" $INDEX_ROOT (%uB, %u) ", IndexRootAttr->SizeOfEntry, IndexRootAttr->ClustersPerIndexRecord); if (IndexRootAttr->Header.Flags == INDEX_ROOT_SMALL) { DbgPrint(" (small) "); } else { ASSERT(IndexRootAttr->Header.Flags == INDEX_ROOT_LARGE); DbgPrint(" (large) "); } } static VOID NtfsDumpAttribute(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute) { UNICODE_STRING Name; ULONGLONG lcn = 0; ULONGLONG runcount = 0; switch (Attribute->Type) { case AttributeFileName: NtfsDumpFileNameAttribute(Attribute); break; case AttributeStandardInformation: NtfsDumpStandardInformationAttribute(Attribute); break; case AttributeObjectId: DbgPrint(" $OBJECT_ID "); break; case AttributeSecurityDescriptor: DbgPrint(" $SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR "); break; case AttributeVolumeName: NtfsDumpVolumeNameAttribute(Attribute); break; case AttributeVolumeInformation: NtfsDumpVolumeInformationAttribute(Attribute); break; case AttributeData: DbgPrint(" $DATA "); //DataBuf = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,AttributeLengthAllocated(Attribute)); break; case AttributeIndexRoot: NtfsDumpIndexRootAttribute(Attribute); break; case AttributeIndexAllocation: DbgPrint(" $INDEX_ALLOCATION "); break; case AttributeBitmap: DbgPrint(" $BITMAP "); break; case AttributeReparsePoint: DbgPrint(" $REPARSE_POINT "); break; case AttributeEAInformation: DbgPrint(" $EA_INFORMATION "); break; case AttributeEA: DbgPrint(" $EA "); break; case AttributePropertySet: DbgPrint(" $PROPERTY_SET "); break; case AttributeLoggedUtilityStream: DbgPrint(" $LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM "); break; default: DbgPrint(" Attribute %lx ", Attribute->Type); break; } if (Attribute->Type != AttributeAttributeList) { if (Attribute->NameLength != 0) { Name.Length = Attribute->NameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); Name.MaximumLength = Name.Length; Name.Buffer = (PWCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->NameOffset); DbgPrint("'%wZ' ", &Name); } DbgPrint("(%s)\n", Attribute->IsNonResident ? "non-resident" : "resident"); if (Attribute->IsNonResident) { FindRun(Attribute,0,&lcn, &runcount); DbgPrint(" AllocatedSize %I64u DataSize %I64u InitilizedSize %I64u\n", Attribute->NonResident.AllocatedSize, Attribute->NonResident.DataSize, Attribute->NonResident.InitializedSize); DbgPrint(" logical clusters: %I64u - %I64u\n", lcn, lcn + runcount - 1); } } } VOID NtfsDumpFileAttributes(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord) { NTSTATUS Status; FIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context; PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute; Status = FindFirstAttribute(&Context, Vcb, FileRecord, FALSE, &Attribute); while (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NtfsDumpAttribute(Vcb, Attribute); Status = FindNextAttribute(&Context, &Attribute); } FindCloseAttribute(&Context); } PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE GetFileNameFromRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord, UCHAR NameType) { FIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context; PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute; PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE Name; NTSTATUS Status; Status = FindFirstAttribute(&Context, Vcb, FileRecord, FALSE, &Attribute); while (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Attribute->Type == AttributeFileName) { Name = (PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); if (Name->NameType == NameType || (Name->NameType == NTFS_FILE_NAME_WIN32_AND_DOS && NameType == NTFS_FILE_NAME_WIN32) || (Name->NameType == NTFS_FILE_NAME_WIN32_AND_DOS && NameType == NTFS_FILE_NAME_DOS)) { FindCloseAttribute(&Context); return Name; } } Status = FindNextAttribute(&Context, &Attribute); } FindCloseAttribute(&Context); return NULL; } NTSTATUS GetLastClusterInDataRun(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute, PULONGLONG LastCluster) { LONGLONG DataRunOffset; ULONGLONG DataRunLength; LONGLONG DataRunStartLCN; ULONGLONG LastLCN = 0; PUCHAR DataRun = (PUCHAR)Attribute + Attribute->NonResident.MappingPairsOffset; if (!Attribute->IsNonResident) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; while (1) { DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset == -1) { // sparse run if (*DataRun == 0) { // if it's the last run, return the last cluster of the last run *LastCluster = LastLCN + DataRunLength - 1; break; } } else { // Normal data run. DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } if (*DataRun == 0) { *LastCluster = LastLCN + DataRunLength - 1; break; } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } PSTANDARD_INFORMATION GetStandardInformationFromRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord) { NTSTATUS Status; FIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context; PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute; PSTANDARD_INFORMATION StdInfo; Status = FindFirstAttribute(&Context, Vcb, FileRecord, FALSE, &Attribute); while (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Attribute->Type == AttributeStandardInformation) { StdInfo = (PSTANDARD_INFORMATION)((ULONG_PTR)Attribute + Attribute->Resident.ValueOffset); FindCloseAttribute(&Context); return StdInfo; } Status = FindNextAttribute(&Context, &Attribute); } FindCloseAttribute(&Context); return NULL; } PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE GetBestFileNameFromRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord) { PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE FileName; FileName = GetFileNameFromRecord(Vcb, FileRecord, NTFS_FILE_NAME_POSIX); if (FileName == NULL) { FileName = GetFileNameFromRecord(Vcb, FileRecord, NTFS_FILE_NAME_WIN32); if (FileName == NULL) { FileName = GetFileNameFromRecord(Vcb, FileRecord, NTFS_FILE_NAME_DOS); } } return FileName; } /* EOF */