/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Application compatibility module * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Shim database string table builder * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2016 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) */ #if !defined(SDBWRITE_HOSTTOOL) #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "windows.h" #include "sdbtypes.h" #include "sdbpapi.h" #else /* !defined(SDBWRITE_HOSTTOOL) */ #include #include #include "sdbtypes.h" #include "sdbpapi.h" #endif /* !defined(SDBWRITE_HOSTTOOL) */ #include "sdbstringtable.h" #if !defined(offsetof) #if defined(__GNUC__) #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER) #else #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t)&(((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)) #endif #endif // !defined(offsetof) #define DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE 0x100 typedef struct SdbHashEntry { struct SdbHashEntry* Next; TAGID Tagid; WCHAR Name[1]; } SdbHashEntry; struct SdbStringHashTable { DWORD Size; struct SdbHashEntry** Entries; }; static struct SdbStringHashTable* HashCreate(void) { struct SdbStringHashTable* tab = SdbAlloc(sizeof(*tab)); if (!tab) { SHIM_ERR("Failed to allocate 8 bytes.\r\n"); return tab; } tab->Size = DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; tab->Entries = SdbAlloc(tab->Size * sizeof(*tab->Entries)); return tab; } void SdbpTableDestroy(struct SdbStringHashTable** pTable) { struct SdbStringHashTable* table = *pTable; struct SdbHashEntry* entry, *next; DWORD n, depth = 0, once = 1; *pTable = NULL; for (n = 0; n < table->Size; ++n) { depth = 0; entry = next = table->Entries[n]; while (entry) { next = entry->Next; SdbFree(entry); entry = next; depth++; } if (once && depth > 3) { // warn once = 0; } } SdbFree(table->Entries); SdbFree(table); } /* Based on RtlHashUnicodeString */ static DWORD StringHash(const WCHAR* str) { DWORD hash = 0; for (; *str; str++) { hash = ((65599 * hash) + (ULONG)(*str)); } return hash; } int Sdbwcscmp(const WCHAR* s1, const WCHAR* s2) { while (*s1 == *s2) { if (*s1 == 0) return 0; s1++; s2++; } return *s1 - *s2; } // implementation taken from reactos/sdk/lib/crt/string/wcs.c INT Sdbwcscpy(WCHAR* wcDest, size_t numElement, const WCHAR *wcSrc) { size_t size = 0; if(!wcDest || !numElement) return 22; /* EINVAL */ wcDest[0] = 0; if(!wcSrc) return 22; /* EINVAL */ size = SdbpStrlen(wcSrc) + 1; if(size > numElement) return 34; /* ERANGE */ memcpy(wcDest, wcSrc, size * sizeof(WCHAR)); return 0; } static struct SdbHashEntry** TableFindPtr(struct SdbStringHashTable* table, const WCHAR* str) { DWORD hash = StringHash(str); struct SdbHashEntry** entry = &table->Entries[hash % table->Size]; while (*entry) { if (!Sdbwcscmp((*entry)->Name, str)) return entry; entry = &(*entry)->Next; } return entry; } static BOOL HashAddString(struct SdbStringHashTable* table, struct SdbHashEntry** position, const WCHAR* str, TAGID tagid) { struct SdbHashEntry* entry; SIZE_T size, len; if (!position) position = TableFindPtr(table, str); len = SdbpStrlen(str) + 1; size = offsetof(struct SdbHashEntry, Name[len]); entry = (*position) = SdbAlloc(size); if (!entry) { SHIM_ERR("Failed to allocate %u bytes.", size); return FALSE; } entry->Tagid = tagid; Sdbwcscpy(entry->Name, len, str); return TRUE; } BOOL SdbpAddStringToTable(struct SdbStringHashTable** table, const WCHAR* str, TAGID* tagid) { struct SdbHashEntry** entry; if (!*table) { *table = HashCreate(); if (!*table) { SHIM_ERR("Error creating hash table\n"); return FALSE; } } entry = TableFindPtr(*table, str); if (*entry) { *tagid = (*entry)->Tagid; return FALSE; } return HashAddString(*table, entry, str, *tagid); }