/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries * FILE: lib/kernel32/file/dosdev.c * PURPOSE: Dos device functions * PROGRAMMER: Ariadne (ariadne@xs4all.nl) * UPDATE HISTORY: * Created 01/11/98 */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #include DEBUG_CHANNEL(kernel32file); /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI DefineDosDeviceA( DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR lpDeviceName, LPCSTR lpTargetPath ) { UNICODE_STRING DeviceNameU = {0}; UNICODE_STRING TargetPathU = {0}; BOOL Result; if (lpDeviceName && ! RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&DeviceNameU, (LPSTR)lpDeviceName)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } if (lpTargetPath && ! RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&TargetPathU, (LPSTR)lpTargetPath)) { if (DeviceNameU.Buffer) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, DeviceNameU.Buffer); } SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } Result = DefineDosDeviceW(dwFlags, DeviceNameU.Buffer, TargetPathU.Buffer); if (TargetPathU.Buffer) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, TargetPathU.Buffer); } if (DeviceNameU.Buffer) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, DeviceNameU.Buffer); } return Result; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI DefineDosDeviceW( DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpDeviceName, LPCWSTR lpTargetPath ) { ULONG ArgumentCount; ULONG BufferSize; BASE_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage; PBASE_DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE DefineDosDeviceRequest = &ApiMessage.Data.DefineDosDeviceRequest; PCSR_CAPTURE_BUFFER CaptureBuffer; NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING NtTargetPathU; UNICODE_STRING DeviceNameU; UNICODE_STRING DeviceUpcaseNameU; HANDLE hUser32; DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME dbcv; BOOL Result = TRUE; DWORD dwRecipients; typedef long (WINAPI *BSM_type)(DWORD,LPDWORD,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM); BSM_type BSM_ptr; if ( (dwFlags & 0xFFFFFFF0) || ((dwFlags & DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE) && ! (dwFlags & DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION)) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } ArgumentCount = 1; BufferSize = 0; if (! lpTargetPath) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&NtTargetPathU, NULL); } else { if (dwFlags & DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&NtTargetPathU, lpTargetPath); } else { if (! RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(lpTargetPath, &NtTargetPathU, 0, 0)) { WARN("RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U() failed\n"); BaseSetLastNTError(STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID); return FALSE; } } ArgumentCount = 2; BufferSize += NtTargetPathU.Length; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&DeviceNameU, lpDeviceName); RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&DeviceUpcaseNameU, &DeviceNameU, TRUE); BufferSize += DeviceUpcaseNameU.Length; CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(ArgumentCount, BufferSize); if (! CaptureBuffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Result = FALSE; } else { DefineDosDeviceRequest->Flags = dwFlags; CsrCaptureMessageBuffer(CaptureBuffer, (PVOID)DeviceUpcaseNameU.Buffer, DeviceUpcaseNameU.Length, (PVOID*)&DefineDosDeviceRequest->DeviceName.Buffer); DefineDosDeviceRequest->DeviceName.Length = DeviceUpcaseNameU.Length; DefineDosDeviceRequest->DeviceName.MaximumLength = DeviceUpcaseNameU.Length; if (NtTargetPathU.Buffer) { CsrCaptureMessageBuffer(CaptureBuffer, (PVOID)NtTargetPathU.Buffer, NtTargetPathU.Length, (PVOID*)&DefineDosDeviceRequest->TargetPath.Buffer); } DefineDosDeviceRequest->TargetPath.Length = NtTargetPathU.Length; DefineDosDeviceRequest->TargetPath.MaximumLength = NtTargetPathU.Length; Status = CsrClientCallServer((PCSR_API_MESSAGE)&ApiMessage, CaptureBuffer, CSR_CREATE_API_NUMBER(BASESRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, BasepDefineDosDevice), sizeof(BASE_DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE)); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer(CaptureBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { WARN("CsrClientCallServer() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); BaseSetLastNTError(Status); Result = FALSE; } else { if (! (dwFlags & DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM) && DeviceUpcaseNameU.Length == 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) && DeviceUpcaseNameU.Buffer[1] == L':' && ( (DeviceUpcaseNameU.Buffer[0] - L'A') < 26 )) { hUser32 = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll"); if (hUser32) { BSM_ptr = (BSM_type) GetProcAddress(hUser32, "BroadcastSystemMessageW"); if (BSM_ptr) { dwRecipients = BSM_APPLICATIONS; dbcv.dbcv_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME); dbcv.dbcv_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME; dbcv.dbcv_reserved = 0; dbcv.dbcv_unitmask |= (1 << (DeviceUpcaseNameU.Buffer[0] - L'A')); dbcv.dbcv_flags = DBTF_NET; (void) BSM_ptr(BSF_SENDNOTIFYMESSAGE | BSF_FLUSHDISK, &dwRecipients, WM_DEVICECHANGE, (WPARAM)DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL, (LPARAM)&dbcv); } FreeLibrary(hUser32); } } } } if (NtTargetPathU.Buffer) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, NtTargetPathU.Buffer); } RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DeviceUpcaseNameU); return Result; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceA( LPCSTR lpDeviceName, LPSTR lpTargetPath, DWORD ucchMax ) { UNICODE_STRING DeviceNameU; UNICODE_STRING TargetPathU; ANSI_STRING TargetPathA; DWORD Length; DWORD CurrentLength; PWCHAR Buffer; if (lpDeviceName) { if (!RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz (&DeviceNameU, (LPSTR)lpDeviceName)) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } } Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap (RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, ucchMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Buffer == NULL) { if (lpDeviceName) { RtlFreeHeap (RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, DeviceNameU.Buffer); } SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } Length = QueryDosDeviceW (lpDeviceName ? DeviceNameU.Buffer : NULL, Buffer, ucchMax); if (Length != 0) { TargetPathA.Buffer = lpTargetPath; TargetPathU.Buffer = Buffer; ucchMax = Length; while (ucchMax) { CurrentLength = min (ucchMax, MAXUSHORT / 2); TargetPathU.MaximumLength = TargetPathU.Length = (USHORT)CurrentLength * sizeof(WCHAR); TargetPathA.Length = 0; TargetPathA.MaximumLength = (USHORT)CurrentLength; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString (&TargetPathA, &TargetPathU, FALSE); ucchMax -= CurrentLength; TargetPathA.Buffer += TargetPathA.Length; TargetPathU.Buffer += TargetPathU.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); } } RtlFreeHeap (RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, Buffer); if (lpDeviceName) { RtlFreeHeap (RtlGetProcessHeap (), 0, DeviceNameU.Buffer); } return Length; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI QueryDosDeviceW( LPCWSTR lpDeviceName, LPWSTR lpTargetPath, DWORD ucchMax ) { POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION DirInfo; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; HANDLE DirectoryHandle; HANDLE DeviceHandle; ULONG ReturnLength; ULONG NameLength; ULONG Length; ULONG Context; BOOLEAN RestartScan; NTSTATUS Status; UCHAR Buffer[512]; PWSTR Ptr; /* Open the '\??' directory */ RtlInitUnicodeString (&UnicodeString, L"\\??"); InitializeObjectAttributes (&ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenDirectoryObject (&DirectoryHandle, DIRECTORY_QUERY, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { WARN ("NtOpenDirectoryObject() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); BaseSetLastNTError (Status); return 0; } Length = 0; if (lpDeviceName != NULL) { /* Open the lpDeviceName link object */ RtlInitUnicodeString (&UnicodeString, (PWSTR)lpDeviceName); InitializeObjectAttributes (&ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, DirectoryHandle, NULL); Status = NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject (&DeviceHandle, SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { WARN ("NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); NtClose (DirectoryHandle); BaseSetLastNTError (Status); return 0; } /* Query link target */ UnicodeString.Length = 0; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)ucchMax * sizeof(WCHAR); UnicodeString.Buffer = lpTargetPath; ReturnLength = 0; Status = NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject (DeviceHandle, &UnicodeString, &ReturnLength); NtClose (DeviceHandle); NtClose (DirectoryHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { WARN ("NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); BaseSetLastNTError (Status); return 0; } TRACE ("ReturnLength: %lu\n", ReturnLength); TRACE ("TargetLength: %hu\n", UnicodeString.Length); TRACE ("Target: '%wZ'\n", &UnicodeString); Length = UnicodeString.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); if (Length < ucchMax) { /* Append null-charcter */ lpTargetPath[Length] = UNICODE_NULL; Length++; } else { TRACE ("Buffer is too small\n"); BaseSetLastNTError (STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); return 0; } } else { RestartScan = TRUE; Context = 0; Ptr = lpTargetPath; DirInfo = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION)Buffer; while (TRUE) { Status = NtQueryDirectoryObject (DirectoryHandle, Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), TRUE, RestartScan, &Context, &ReturnLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { /* Terminate the buffer */ *Ptr = UNICODE_NULL; Length++; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Length = 0; } BaseSetLastNTError (Status); break; } if (!wcscmp (DirInfo->TypeName.Buffer, L"SymbolicLink")) { TRACE ("Name: '%wZ'\n", &DirInfo->Name); NameLength = DirInfo->Name.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); if (Length + NameLength + 1 >= ucchMax) { Length = 0; BaseSetLastNTError (STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); break; } memcpy (Ptr, DirInfo->Name.Buffer, DirInfo->Name.Length); Ptr += NameLength; Length += NameLength; *Ptr = UNICODE_NULL; Ptr++; Length++; } RestartScan = FALSE; } NtClose (DirectoryHandle); } return Length; } /* EOF */