#pragma once #include "hook.h" #define MSQ_HUNG 5000 #define MSQ_NORMAL 0 #define MSQ_ISHOOK 1 #define MSQ_ISEVENT 2 typedef struct _USER_MESSAGE { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; BOOLEAN FreeLParam; MSG Msg; } USER_MESSAGE, *PUSER_MESSAGE; struct _USER_MESSAGE_QUEUE; typedef struct _USER_SENT_MESSAGE { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; MSG Msg; PKEVENT CompletionEvent; LRESULT* Result; struct _USER_MESSAGE_QUEUE* SenderQueue; SENDASYNCPROC CompletionCallback; ULONG_PTR CompletionCallbackContext; /* entry in the dispatching list of the sender's message queue */ LIST_ENTRY DispatchingListEntry; INT HookMessage; } USER_SENT_MESSAGE, *PUSER_SENT_MESSAGE; typedef struct _USER_SENT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY { SENDASYNCPROC CompletionCallback; ULONG_PTR CompletionCallbackContext; LRESULT Result; HWND hWnd; UINT Msg; LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; } USER_SENT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY, *PUSER_SENT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY; typedef struct _TIMER_ENTRY{ LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; LARGE_INTEGER ExpiryTime; HWND Wnd; UINT_PTR IDEvent; UINT Period; TIMERPROC TimerFunc; UINT Msg; } TIMER_ENTRY, *PTIMER_ENTRY; typedef struct _USER_MESSAGE_QUEUE { /* Reference counter, only access this variable with interlocked functions! */ LONG References; /* Owner of the message queue */ struct _ETHREAD *Thread; /* Queue of messages sent to the queue. */ LIST_ENTRY SentMessagesListHead; /* Queue of messages posted to the queue. */ LIST_ENTRY PostedMessagesListHead; /* Queue of sent-message notifies for the queue. */ LIST_ENTRY NotifyMessagesListHead; /* Queue for hardware messages for the queue. */ LIST_ENTRY HardwareMessagesListHead; /* List of timers, sorted on expiry time (earliest first) */ LIST_ENTRY TimerListHead; /* Lock for the hardware message list. */ KMUTEX HardwareLock; /* Pointer to the current WM_MOUSEMOVE message */ PUSER_MESSAGE MouseMoveMsg; /* True if a WM_QUIT message is pending. */ BOOLEAN QuitPosted; /* The quit exit code. */ ULONG QuitExitCode; /* Set if there are new messages specified by WakeMask in any of the queues. */ PKEVENT NewMessages; /* Handle for the above event (in the context of the process owning the queue). */ HANDLE NewMessagesHandle; /* Last time PeekMessage() was called. */ ULONG LastMsgRead; /* Current window with focus (ie. receives keyboard input) for this queue. */ HWND FocusWindow; /* Count of paints pending. */ ULONG PaintCount; /* Current active window for this queue. */ HWND ActiveWindow; /* Current capture window for this queue. */ HWND CaptureWindow; /* Current move/size window for this queue */ HWND MoveSize; /* Current menu owner window for this queue */ HWND MenuOwner; /* Identifes the menu state */ BYTE MenuState; /* Caret information for this queue */ PTHRDCARETINFO CaretInfo; /* Window hooks */ PHOOKTABLE Hooks; /* queue state tracking */ WORD WakeMask; WORD QueueBits; WORD ChangedBits; /* extra message information */ LPARAM ExtraInfo; /* messages that are currently dispatched by other threads */ LIST_ENTRY DispatchingMessagesHead; /* messages that are currently dispatched by this message queue, required for cleanup */ LIST_ENTRY LocalDispatchingMessagesHead; /* Desktop that the message queue is attached to */ struct _DESKTOP *Desktop; } USER_MESSAGE_QUEUE, *PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE; BOOL FASTCALL MsqIsHung(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue); NTSTATUS FASTCALL co_MsqSendMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, HWND Wnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT uTimeout, BOOL Block, INT HookMessage, ULONG_PTR *uResult); PUSER_MESSAGE FASTCALL MsqCreateMessage(LPMSG Msg, BOOLEAN FreeLParam); VOID FASTCALL MsqDestroyMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE Message); VOID FASTCALL MsqPostMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, MSG* Msg, BOOLEAN FreeLParam, DWORD MessageBits); VOID FASTCALL MsqPostQuitMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, ULONG ExitCode); BOOLEAN APIENTRY co_MsqFindMessage(IN PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, IN BOOLEAN Hardware, IN BOOLEAN Remove, IN PWINDOW_OBJECT Window, IN UINT MsgFilterLow, IN UINT MsgFilterHigh, OUT PUSER_MESSAGE* Message); BOOLEAN FASTCALL MsqInitializeMessageQueue(struct _ETHREAD *Thread, PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue); VOID FASTCALL MsqCleanupMessageQueue(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue); PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE FASTCALL MsqCreateMessageQueue(struct _ETHREAD *Thread); VOID FASTCALL MsqDestroyMessageQueue(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue); PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE FASTCALL MsqGetHardwareMessageQueue(VOID); NTSTATUS FASTCALL MsqInitializeImpl(VOID); BOOLEAN FASTCALL co_MsqDispatchOneSentMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue); NTSTATUS FASTCALL co_MsqWaitForNewMessages(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, PWINDOW_OBJECT WndFilter, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax); VOID FASTCALL MsqSendNotifyMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, PUSER_SENT_MESSAGE_NOTIFY NotifyMessage); VOID FASTCALL MsqIncPaintCountQueue(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE Queue); VOID FASTCALL MsqDecPaintCountQueue(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE Queue); LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntSendMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntPostOrSendMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT FASTCALL co_IntSendMessageTimeout(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT uFlags, UINT uTimeout, ULONG_PTR *uResult); LRESULT FASTCALL IntDispatchMessage(MSG* Msg); BOOL FASTCALL IntTranslateKbdMessage(LPMSG lpMsg, UINT flags); VOID FASTCALL co_MsqPostKeyboardMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); VOID FASTCALL MsqPostHotKeyMessage(PVOID Thread, HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); VOID FASTCALL MsqInsertSystemMessage(MSG* Msg); BOOL FASTCALL MsqIsClkLck(LPMSG Msg, BOOL Remove); BOOL FASTCALL MsqIsDblClk(LPMSG Msg, BOOL Remove); HWND FASTCALL MsqSetStateWindow(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, ULONG Type, HWND hWnd); __inline BOOL MsqIsSignaled( PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE queue ); __inline VOID MsqSetQueueBits( PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE queue, WORD bits ); __inline VOID MsqClearQueueBits( PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE queue, WORD bits ); BOOL APIENTRY IntInitMessagePumpHook(); BOOL APIENTRY IntUninitMessagePumpHook(); #define MAKE_LONG(x, y) ((((y) & 0xFFFF) << 16) | ((x) & 0xFFFF)) PHOOKTABLE FASTCALL MsqGetHooks(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE Queue); VOID FASTCALL MsqSetHooks(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE Queue, PHOOKTABLE Hooks); LPARAM FASTCALL MsqSetMessageExtraInfo(LPARAM lParam); LPARAM FASTCALL MsqGetMessageExtraInfo(VOID); VOID APIENTRY MsqRemoveWindowMessagesFromQueue(PVOID pWindow); /* F*(&$ headers, will be gone in the rewrite! */ #define IntLockHardwareMessageQueue(MsgQueue) \ KeWaitForMutexObject(&(MsgQueue)->HardwareLock, UserRequest, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL) #define IntUnLockHardwareMessageQueue(MsgQueue) \ KeReleaseMutex(&(MsgQueue)->HardwareLock, FALSE) #define IntReferenceMessageQueue(MsgQueue) \ InterlockedIncrement(&(MsgQueue)->References) #define IntDereferenceMessageQueue(MsgQueue) \ do { \ if(InterlockedDecrement(&(MsgQueue)->References) == 0) \ { \ DPRINT("Free message queue 0x%x\n", (MsgQueue)); \ if ((MsgQueue)->NewMessages != NULL) \ ObDereferenceObject((MsgQueue)->NewMessages); \ if ((MsgQueue)->NewMessagesHandle != NULL) \ ZwClose((MsgQueue)->NewMessagesHandle); \ ExFreePool((MsgQueue)); \ } \ } while(0) #define IS_BTN_MESSAGE(message,code) \ ((message) == WM_LBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_MBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_RBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_XBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_NCLBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_NCMBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_NCRBUTTON##code || \ (message) == WM_NCXBUTTON##code ) HANDLE FASTCALL IntMsqSetWakeMask(DWORD WakeMask); BOOL FASTCALL IntMsqClearWakeMask(VOID); BOOLEAN FASTCALL MsqSetTimer(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, HWND Wnd, UINT_PTR IDEvent, UINT Period, TIMERPROC TimerFunc, UINT Msg); BOOLEAN FASTCALL MsqKillTimer(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, HWND Wnd, UINT_PTR IDEvent, UINT Msg); BOOLEAN FASTCALL MsqGetTimerMessage(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, PWINDOW_OBJECT WindowFilter, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, MSG *Msg, BOOLEAN Restart); BOOLEAN FASTCALL MsqGetFirstTimerExpiry(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, PWINDOW_OBJECT WndFilter, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, PLARGE_INTEGER FirstTimerExpiry); VOID FASTCALL MsqRemoveTimersWindow(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE MessageQueue, HWND Wnd); static __inline LONG MsqCalculateMessageTime(IN PLARGE_INTEGER TickCount) { return (LONG)(TickCount->QuadPart * (KeQueryTimeIncrement() / 10000)); } /* EOF */