/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Sound System "MME Buddy" NT4 Library * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: lib/drivers/sound/mment4/control.c * * PURPOSE: Device control for NT4 audio devices * * PROGRAMMERS: Andrew Greenwood (silverblade@reactos.org) */ #define NDEBUG #include "precomp.h" /* Convenience routine for getting the path of a device and opening it. */ MMRESULT OpenNt4KernelSoundDevice( IN PSOUND_DEVICE SoundDevice, IN BOOLEAN ReadOnly, OUT PHANDLE Handle) { PWSTR Path; MMRESULT Result; VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( IsValidSoundDevice(SoundDevice) ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( Handle ); Result = GetSoundDeviceIdentifier(SoundDevice, (PVOID*) &Path); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) { SND_ERR(L"Unable to get sound device path"); return TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); } SND_ASSERT( Path ); return OpenKernelSoundDeviceByName(Path, ReadOnly, Handle); } /* Device open/close. These are basically wrappers for the MME-Buddy open and close routines, which provide a Windows device handle. These may seem simple but as you can return pretty much anything as the handle, we could just as easily return a structure etc. */ MMRESULT OpenNt4SoundDevice( IN PSOUND_DEVICE SoundDevice, OUT PVOID* Handle) { SND_TRACE(L"Opening NT4 style sound device\n"); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( IsValidSoundDevice(SoundDevice) ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( Handle ); return OpenNt4KernelSoundDevice(SoundDevice, FALSE, Handle); } MMRESULT CloseNt4SoundDevice( IN PSOUND_DEVICE_INSTANCE SoundDeviceInstance, IN PVOID Handle) { SND_TRACE(L"Closing NT4 style sound device\n"); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( IsValidSoundDeviceInstance(SoundDeviceInstance) ); return CloseKernelSoundDevice((HANDLE) Handle); } /* Provides an implementation for the "get capabilities" request, using the standard IOCTLs used by NT4 sound drivers. */ MMRESULT GetNt4SoundDeviceCapabilities( IN PSOUND_DEVICE SoundDevice, OUT PVOID Capabilities, IN DWORD CapabilitiesSize) { MMRESULT Result; MMDEVICE_TYPE DeviceType; DWORD IoCtl; HANDLE DeviceHandle; /* If these are bad there's an internal error with MME-Buddy! */ SND_ASSERT( SoundDevice ); SND_ASSERT( Capabilities ); SND_ASSERT( CapabilitiesSize > 0 ); SND_TRACE(L"NT4 get-capabilities routine called\n"); /* Get the device type */ Result = GetSoundDeviceType(SoundDevice, &DeviceType); SND_ASSERT( Result == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) return TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); /* Choose the appropriate IOCTL */ if ( IS_WAVE_DEVICE_TYPE(DeviceType) ) { IoCtl = IOCTL_WAVE_GET_CAPABILITIES; } else if ( IS_MIDI_DEVICE_TYPE(DeviceType) ) { IoCtl = IOCTL_MIDI_GET_CAPABILITIES; } else { /* FIXME - need to support AUX and mixer devices */ SND_ASSERT( FALSE ); IoCtl = 0; } /* Get the capabilities information from the driver */ Result = OpenNt4KernelSoundDevice(SoundDevice, TRUE, &DeviceHandle); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) { SND_ERR(L"Failed to open device"); return TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); } Result = SyncOverlappedDeviceIoControl(DeviceHandle, IoCtl, Capabilities, CapabilitiesSize, NULL, 0, NULL); CloseKernelSoundDevice(DeviceHandle); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) { SND_ERR(L"Retrieval of capabilities information failed\n"); Result = TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); } return Result; } /* Querying/setting the format of a wave device. Querying format support requires us to first open the device, whereas setting format is done on an already opened device. */ MMRESULT QueryNt4WaveDeviceFormatSupport( IN PSOUND_DEVICE SoundDevice, IN LPWAVEFORMATEX Format, IN DWORD FormatSize) { MMRESULT Result; HANDLE Handle; SND_TRACE(L"NT4 wave format support querying routine called\n"); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( IsValidSoundDevice(SoundDevice) ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( Format ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( FormatSize >= sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ); /* Get the device path */ Result = OpenNt4KernelSoundDevice(SoundDevice, FALSE, &Handle); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) { SND_ERR(L"Unable to open kernel sound device\n"); return TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); } Result = SyncOverlappedDeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_WAVE_QUERY_FORMAT, (LPVOID) Format, FormatSize, NULL, 0, NULL); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) { SND_ERR(L"Sync overlapped I/O failed - MMSYS_ERROR %d\n", Result); Result = TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); } CloseKernelSoundDevice(Handle); return MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } MMRESULT SetNt4WaveDeviceFormat( IN PSOUND_DEVICE_INSTANCE SoundDeviceInstance, IN DWORD DeviceId, IN LPWAVEFORMATEX Format, IN DWORD FormatSize) { MMRESULT Result; HANDLE Handle; VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( IsValidSoundDeviceInstance(SoundDeviceInstance) ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( Format ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( FormatSize >= sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ); Result = GetSoundDeviceInstanceHandle(SoundDeviceInstance, &Handle); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) return TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); SND_TRACE(L"Setting wave device format on handle %x\n", Handle); Result = SyncOverlappedDeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_WAVE_SET_FORMAT, (LPVOID) Format, FormatSize, NULL, 0, NULL); if ( ! MMSUCCESS(Result) ) return TranslateInternalMmResult(Result); return MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } #if 0 MMRESULT SubmitNt4WaveHeader( IN PSOUND_DEVICE_INSTANCE SoundDeviceInstance, IN PWAVEHDR WaveHeader) { VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( SoundDeviceInstance ); VALIDATE_MMSYS_PARAMETER( WaveHeader ); SND_TRACE(L"Submitting wave header %p (in sound thread)\n", WaveHeader); /* TODO: This should only submit the header to the device, nothing more! */ } #endif