if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") add_compile_options(/Ox /Ob2 /Ot /Oy) # Avoid spam in clang-cl as it doesn't support /GT if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC") add_compile_options(/GT) endif() elseif(OPTIMIZE STREQUAL "1") add_compile_options(/O1) elseif(OPTIMIZE STREQUAL "2") add_compile_options(/O2) elseif(OPTIMIZE STREQUAL "3") add_compile_options(/Ot /Ox /GS-) elseif(OPTIMIZE STREQUAL "4") add_compile_options(/Ob0 /Od) elseif(OPTIMIZE STREQUAL "5") add_compile_options(/Gy /Ob2 /Os /Ox /GS-) endif() # Always use string pooling: this helps reducing the binaries size since a lot # of redundancy come from the usage of __FILE__ / __RELFILE__ in the debugging # helper macros. Note also that GCC builds use string pooling by default. add_compile_options(/GF) # Enable function level linking and comdat folding add_compile_options(/Gy) add_link_options(/OPT:REF /OPT:ICF) if(ARCH STREQUAL "i386") add_definitions(/DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS) endif() add_definitions(/D__STDC__=1) # Ignore any "standard" include paths, and do not use any default CRT library. if(NOT USE_CLANG_CL) add_compile_options(/X /Zl) endif() # Disable buffer security checks by default. add_compile_options(/GS-) if(USE_CLANG_CL) set(CMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX "Note: including file: ") endif() # HACK: for VS 11+ we need to explicitly disable SSE, which is off by # default for older compilers. See CORE-6507 if(ARCH STREQUAL "i386") # Clang's IA32 means i386, which doesn't have cmpxchg8b if(USE_CLANG_CL) add_compile_options(-march=${OARCH}) else() add_compile_options(/arch:IA32) endif() endif() # CLang default to -fno-common from version 11 onward. We are not rady for this now if (USE_CLANG_CL) add_compile_options(-fcommon) endif() # VS 12+ requires /FS when used in parallel compilations if(NOT MSVC_IDE) add_compile_options(/FS) endif() # VS14+ tries to use thread-safe initialization add_compile_options(/Zc:threadSafeInit-) # HACK: Disable use of __CxxFrameHandler4 on VS 16.3+ (x64 only) # See https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/746534/visual-c-163-runtime-uses-an-unsupported-api-for-u.html if(ARCH STREQUAL "amd64" AND MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1922) if (NOT CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") add_compile_options(/d2FH4-) endif() add_link_options(/d2:-FH4-) endif() # Generate Warnings Level 3 add_compile_options(/W3) # Disable overly sensitive warnings as well as those that generally aren't # useful to us. # - C4244: implicit integer truncation # - C4290: C++ exception specification ignored # - C4800: forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) # - C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union # - C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int add_compile_options(/wd4244 /wd4290 /wd4800 /wd4200 /wd4214) # FIXME: Temporarily disable C4018 until we fix more of the others. CORE-10113 add_compile_options(/wd4018) # Allow all warnings on msbuild/VS IDE if (MSVC_IDE) set(ALLOW_WARNINGS TRUE) endif() # On x86 Debug builds, if it's not Clang-CL or msbuild, treat all warnings as errors if ((ARCH STREQUAL "i386") AND (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") AND (NOT USE_CLANG_CL) AND (NOT MSVC_IDE)) set(TREAT_ALL_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=TRUE) endif() # Define ALLOW_WARNINGS=TRUE on the cmake/configure command line to bypass errors if (ALLOW_WARNINGS) # Nothing elseif (TREAT_ALL_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) add_compile_options(/WX) else() # The following warnings are treated as errors: # - C4013: implicit function declaration # - C4020: too many actual parameters # - C4022: pointer type mismatch for parameter # - C4028: formal parameter different from declaration # - C4047: different level of indirection # - TODO: C4090: different 'modifier' qualifiers (for C programs only; # for C++ programs, the compiler error C2440 is issued) # - C4098: void function returning a value # - C4113: parameter lists differ # - C4129: unrecognized escape sequence # - C4133: incompatible types - from ' *' to ' *' # - C4163: 'identifier': not available as an intrinsic function # - C4229: modifiers on data are ignored # - C4311: pointer truncation from '' to '' # - C4312: conversion from '' to '' of greater size # - C4313: 'fprintf': '%x' in format string conflicts with argument n of type 'HANDLE' # - C4477: '_snprintf' : format string '%ld' requires an argument of type 'long', but variadic argument 1 has type 'DWORD_PTR' # - C4603: macro is not defined or definition is different after precompiled header use # - C4700: uninitialized variable usage # - C4715: 'function': not all control paths return a value # - C4716: function must return a value add_compile_options(/we4013 /we4020 /we4022 /we4028 /we4047 /we4098 /we4113 /we4129 /we4133 /we4163 /we4229 /we4311 /we4312 /we4313 /we4477 /we4603 /we4700 /we4715 /we4716) # - C4101: unreferenced local variable # - C4189: local variable initialized but not referenced # Not in Release mode, msbuild generator doesn't like CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE if(MSVC_IDE OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") add_compile_options(/we4101 /we4189) endif() endif() # Enable warnings above the default level, but don't treat them as errors: # - C4115: named type definition in parentheses add_compile_options(/w14115) if(USE_CLANG_CL) add_compile_options("$<$:-nostdinc;-Wno-multichar;-Wno-char-subscripts;-Wno-microsoft-enum-forward-reference;-Wno-pragma-pack;-Wno-microsoft-anon-tag;-Wno-parentheses-equality;-Wno-unknown-pragmas>") endif() # Debugging if(NOT (_PREFAST_ OR _VS_ANALYZE_)) add_compile_options($<$:/Zi>) endif() add_compile_definitions($<$:NDEBUG>) # Hotpatchable images if(ARCH STREQUAL "i386") if(NOT USE_CLANG_CL) add_compile_options(/hotpatch) endif() set(_hotpatch_link_flag "/FUNCTIONPADMIN:5") elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") set(_hotpatch_link_flag "/FUNCTIONPADMIN:6") endif() if(MSVC_IDE AND (NOT DEFINED USE_FOLDER_STRUCTURE)) set(USE_FOLDER_STRUCTURE TRUE) endif() if(RUNTIME_CHECKS) add_definitions(-D__RUNTIME_CHECKS__) add_compile_options(/RTC1) endif() add_link_options(/MANIFEST:NO /INCREMENTAL:NO /SAFESEH:NO /NODEFAULTLIB /RELEASE ${_hotpatch_link_flag} /IGNORE:4039) set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "") # HACK: Remove the /implib argument, implibs are generated separately string(REPLACE "/implib:" "" CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE "${CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE}") string(REPLACE "/implib:" "" CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE "${CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE}") string(REPLACE "/implib:" "" CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY "${CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY}") string(REPLACE "/implib:" "" CMAKE_CXX_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY "${CMAKE_CXX_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY}") string(REPLACE "/implib:" "" CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE "${CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE}") string(REPLACE "/implib:" "" CMAKE_CXX_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE "${CMAKE_CXX_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE}") # HACK2: CMake lacks the ability to completely remove the 'implib' argument for solution files... # To work around this, we just let it create a dummy file if(MSVC_IDE) set(CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX ".dummy") endif() if(CMAKE_DISABLE_NINJA_DEPSLOG) set(cl_includes_flag "") else() set(cl_includes_flag "/showIncludes") endif() if(MSVC_IDE) # For VS builds we'll only have en-US in resource files add_definitions(/DLANGUAGE_EN_US) else() set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILE_OBJECT " /nologo ${I18N_DEFS} /fo ") endif() # We don't put because this is handled in add_asm_files macro if (NOT MSVC_IDE) if(ARCH STREQUAL "arm" OR ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(CMAKE_ASM_MASM_COMPILE_OBJECT " -nologo -o ") else() set(CMAKE_ASM_MASM_COMPILE_OBJECT " /nologo /Cp /Fo /c /Ta ") endif() endif() if(_VS_ANALYZE_) message("-- VS static analysis enabled!") add_compile_options(/analyze:WX-) elseif(_PREFAST_) message("PREFAST enabled!") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT "prefast ${CMAKE_START_TEMP_FILE} ${CMAKE_CL_NOLOGO} /Fo -c ${CMAKE_END_TEMP_FILE}" "prefast LIST") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT "prefast ${CMAKE_START_TEMP_FILE} ${CMAKE_CL_NOLOGO} /TP /Fo -c ${CMAKE_END_TEMP_FILE}" "prefast LIST") set(CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE " ${CMAKE_CL_NOLOGO} ${CMAKE_START_TEMP_FILE} /Fe -link /implib: /version:. ${CMAKE_END_TEMP_FILE}") set(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE " ${CMAKE_CL_NOLOGO} ${CMAKE_START_TEMP_FILE} /Fe -link /implib: /version:. ${CMAKE_END_TEMP_FILE}") endif() set(CMAKE_RC_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY}) set(CMAKE_ASM_MASM_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY}) set(CMAKE_RC_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE ${CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE}) set(CMAKE_ASM_MASM_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE ${CMAKE_C_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE}) set(CMAKE_ASM_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_C_CREATE_STATIC_LIBRARY}) function(set_entrypoint _module _entrypoint) if(${_entrypoint} STREQUAL "0") target_link_options(${_module} PRIVATE "/NOENTRY") elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "i386") set(_entrysymbol ${_entrypoint}) if(${ARGC} GREATER 2) set(_entrysymbol ${_entrysymbol}@${ARGV2}) endif() target_link_options(${_module} PRIVATE "/ENTRY:${_entrysymbol}") else() target_link_options(${_module} PRIVATE "/ENTRY:${_entrypoint}") endif() endfunction() function(set_subsystem MODULE SUBSYSTEM) string(TOUPPER ${SUBSYSTEM} _subsystem) if(ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE "/SUBSYSTEM:${_subsystem},5.02") elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "arm") target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE "/SUBSYSTEM:${_subsystem},6.02") elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE "/SUBSYSTEM:${_subsystem},6.04") else() target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE "/SUBSYSTEM:${_subsystem},5.01") endif() endfunction() function(set_image_base MODULE IMAGE_BASE) target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE "/BASE:${IMAGE_BASE}") endfunction() function(set_module_type_toolchain MODULE TYPE) # Set the PE image version numbers from the NT OS version ReactOS is based on target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE "/VERSION:5.01") if((TYPE STREQUAL win32dll) OR (TYPE STREQUAL win32ocx) OR (TYPE STREQUAL cpl)) target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE /DLL) elseif(TYPE IN_LIST KERNEL_MODULE_TYPES) # Mark INIT section as Executable Read Write Discardable target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE /SECTION:INIT,ERWD) if(TYPE STREQUAL kernelmodedriver) target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE /DRIVER) elseif(TYPE STREQUAL wdmdriver) target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE /DRIVER:WDM) elseif (TYPE STREQUAL kernel) # Mark .rsrc section as non-disposable non-pageable, as bugcheck code needs to access it target_link_options(${MODULE} PRIVATE /SECTION:.rsrc,!DP) endif() endif() if(RUNTIME_CHECKS) target_link_libraries(${MODULE} runtmchk) endif() endfunction() function(add_delay_importlibs _module) get_target_property(_module_type ${_module} TYPE) if(_module_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot add delay imports to a static library") endif() foreach(_lib ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_basename "${_lib}" NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_ext "${_lib}" EXT) if(NOT _ext) set(_ext ".dll") endif() target_link_options(${_module} PRIVATE "/DELAYLOAD:${_basename}${_ext}") target_link_libraries(${_module} "lib${_basename}") endforeach() target_link_libraries(${_module} delayimp) endfunction() function(fixup_load_config _target) # msvc knows how to generate a load_config so no hacks here endfunction() function(generate_import_lib _libname _dllname _spec_file) set(_def_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_libname}_implib.def) set(_asm_stubs_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_libname}_stubs.asm) # Generate the def and asm stub files add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_asm_stubs_file} ${_def_file} COMMAND native-spec2def --ms -a=${SPEC2DEF_ARCH} --implib -n=${_dllname} -d=${_def_file} -l=${_asm_stubs_file} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_spec_file} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_spec_file} native-spec2def) # Compile the generated asm stub file if(ARCH STREQUAL "arm" OR ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(_asm_stub_command ${CMAKE_ASM_MASM_COMPILER} -nologo -o ${_asm_stubs_file}.obj ${_asm_stubs_file}) else() set(_asm_stub_command ${CMAKE_ASM_MASM_COMPILER} /nologo /Cp /Fo${_asm_stubs_file}.obj /c /Ta ${_asm_stubs_file}) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_asm_stubs_file}.obj COMMAND ${_asm_stub_command} DEPENDS ${_asm_stubs_file}) # generate the intermediate import lib set(_libfile_tmp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_libname}_tmp.lib) set(_static_lib_options ) set(_implib_command ${CMAKE_LINKER} /LIB /NOLOGO /MACHINE:${WINARCH} $ $ /DEF:${_def_file} /OUT:${_libfile_tmp} ${_asm_stubs_file}.obj) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_libfile_tmp} COMMAND ${_implib_command} DEPENDS ${_asm_stubs_file}.obj ${_def_file}) # By giving the import lib as an object input, LIB extracts the relevant object files and make a new library. # This allows us to treat the implib as a regular static library set_source_files_properties(${_libfile_tmp} PROPERTIES EXTERNAL_OBJECT TRUE) add_library(${_libname} STATIC ${_libfile_tmp}) set_target_properties(${_libname} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE "C") endfunction() if(ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") # This is NOT a typo. # See https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/404643 add_definitions(/D__x86_64) set(SPEC2DEF_ARCH x86_64) elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "arm") set(SPEC2DEF_ARCH arm) elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") add_definitions(/D__arm64__) set(SPEC2DEF_ARCH arm64) else() set(SPEC2DEF_ARCH i386) endif() function(spec2def _dllname _spec_file) cmake_parse_arguments(__spec2def "ADD_IMPORTLIB;NO_PRIVATE_WARNINGS;WITH_RELAY" "VERSION" "" ${ARGN}) # Get library basename get_filename_component(_file ${_dllname} NAME_WE) # Error out on anything else than spec if(NOT ${_spec_file} MATCHES ".*\\.spec") message(FATAL_ERROR "spec2def only takes spec files as input.") endif() if(__spec2def_WITH_RELAY) set(__with_relay_arg "--with-tracing") endif() if(__spec2def_VERSION) set(__version_arg "--version=0x${__spec2def_VERSION}") endif() # Generate exports def and C stubs file for the DLL add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}.def ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}_stubs.c COMMAND native-spec2def --ms -a=${SPEC2DEF_ARCH} -n=${_dllname} -d=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}.def -s=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}_stubs.c ${__with_relay_arg} ${__version_arg} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_spec_file} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_spec_file} native-spec2def) if(__spec2def_ADD_IMPORTLIB) generate_import_lib(lib${_file} ${_dllname} ${_spec_file}) if(__spec2def_NO_PRIVATE_WARNINGS) set_property(TARGET lib${_file} APPEND PROPERTY STATIC_LIBRARY_OPTIONS /ignore:4104) endif() endif() endfunction() macro(macro_mc FLAG FILE) set(COMMAND_MC ${CMAKE_MC_COMPILER} -u ${FLAG} -b -h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ -r ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ ${FILE}) endmacro() # PSEH workaround set(PSEH_LIB "pseh") # Use a full path for the x86 version of ml when using x64 VS. # It's not a problem when using the DDK/WDK because, in x64 mode, # both the x86 and x64 versions of ml are available. if((ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") AND (DEFINED ENV{VCToolsInstallDir})) set(CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER $ENV{VCToolsInstallDir}/bin/HostX86/x86/ml.exe) elseif((ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") AND (DEFINED ENV{VCINSTALLDIR})) set(CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER $ENV{VCINSTALLDIR}/bin/ml.exe) elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "arm") set(CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER armasm.exe) elseif(ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER armasm64.exe) else() set(CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER ml.exe) endif() function(CreateBootSectorTarget _target_name _asm_file _binary_file _base_address) set(_object_file ${_binary_file}.obj) set(_temp_file ${_binary_file}.tmp) get_defines(_defines) get_includes(_includes) if(USE_CLANG_CL) set(_no_std_includes_flag "-nostdinc") else() set(_no_std_includes_flag "/X") endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_temp_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} /nologo ${_no_std_includes_flag} /I${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/sdk/include/asm /I${REACTOS_BINARY_DIR}/sdk/include/asm ${_includes} ${_defines} /D__ASM__ /D_USE_ML /EP /c ${_asm_file} > ${_temp_file} DEPENDS ${_asm_file}) if(ARCH STREQUAL "arm" OR ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(_asm16_command ${CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER} -nologo -o ${_object_file} ${_temp_file}) else() set(_asm16_command ${CMAKE_ASM16_COMPILER} /nologo /Cp /Fo${_object_file} /c /Ta ${_temp_file}) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_object_file} COMMAND ${_asm16_command} DEPENDS ${_temp_file}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_binary_file} COMMAND native-obj2bin ${_object_file} ${_binary_file} ${_base_address} DEPENDS ${_object_file} native-obj2bin) set_source_files_properties(${_object_file} ${_temp_file} ${_binary_file} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) add_custom_target(${_target_name} ALL DEPENDS ${_binary_file}) endfunction() function(allow_warnings __module) endfunction() macro(add_asm_files _target) get_defines(_directory_defines) get_includes(_directory_includes) get_directory_property(_defines COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) foreach(_source_file ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_source_file_base_name ${_source_file} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_source_file_full_path ${_source_file} ABSOLUTE) set(_preprocessed_asm_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/asm/${_source_file_base_name}_${_target}.asm) get_source_file_property(_defines_semicolon_list ${_source_file_full_path} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) unset(_source_file_defines) foreach(_define ${_defines_semicolon_list}) if(NOT ${_define} STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") list(APPEND _source_file_defines -D${_define}) endif() endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_preprocessed_asm_file} COMMAND cl /nologo /X /I${REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR}/sdk/include/asm /I${REACTOS_BINARY_DIR}/sdk/include/asm ${_directory_includes} ${_source_file_defines} ${_directory_defines} /D__ASM__ /D_USE_ML /EP /c ${_source_file_full_path} > ${_preprocessed_asm_file} DEPENDS ${_source_file_full_path}) list(APPEND ${_target} ${_preprocessed_asm_file}) endforeach() endmacro() function(add_linker_script _target _linker_script_file) get_filename_component(_file_full_path ${_linker_script_file} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_file_name ${_linker_script_file} NAME) set(_generated_file_path_prefix "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/${_target}.dir/${_file_name}") # Generate the ASM module containing sections specifications and layout. set(_generated_file "${_generated_file_path_prefix}.S") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_generated_file} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${_file_full_path}" "${_generated_file}" DEPENDS ${_file_full_path}) set_source_files_properties(${_generated_file} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE "ASM_MASM" GENERATED TRUE) add_asm_files(${_target}_linker_file ${_generated_file}) # Generate the C module containing extra sections specifications and layout, # as well as comment-type linker #pragma directives. set(_generated_file "${_generated_file_path_prefix}.c") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_generated_file} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${_file_full_path}" "${_generated_file}" DEPENDS ${_file_full_path}) set_source_files_properties(${_generated_file} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE "C" GENERATED TRUE) list(APPEND ${_target}_linker_file ${_generated_file}) # Add both files to the sources of the target. target_sources(${_target} PRIVATE "${${_target}_linker_file}") # Create the additional linker response file. set(_generated_file "${_generated_file_path_prefix}.rsp") if(USE_CLANG_CL) set(_no_std_includes_flag "-nostdinc") else() set(_no_std_includes_flag "/X") endif() if(MSVC_IDE) # MSBuild, via the VS IDE, uses response files when calling CL or LINK. # We cannot specify a custom response file on the linker command-line, # since specifying response files from within response files is forbidden. # We therefore have to pre-process, at configuration time, the linker # script so as to retrieve the custom linker options to be appended # to the linker command-line. execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} /nologo ${_no_std_includes_flag} /D__LINKER__ /EP /c "${_file_full_path}" # OUTPUT_FILE "${_generated_file}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE linker_options ERROR_QUIET WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE linker_rsp_result OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT linker_rsp_result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Generating pre-processed linker options for target '${_target}' failed with error ${linker_rsp_result}.") endif() # file(STRINGS ${_generated_file} linker_options NEWLINE_CONSUME) string(REGEX REPLACE "[\r\n]+" ";" linker_options "${linker_options}") target_link_options(${_target} PRIVATE ${linker_options}) else() # Generate at compile-time a linker response file and append it # to the linker command-line. add_custom_command( # OUTPUT ${_generated_file} TARGET ${_target} PRE_LINK # PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} /nologo ${_no_std_includes_flag} /D__LINKER__ /EP /c "${_file_full_path}" > "${_generated_file}" DEPENDS ${_file_full_path} VERBATIM) set_source_files_properties(${_generated_file} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) # add_custom_target("${_target}_${_file_name}" ALL DEPENDS ${_generated_file}) # add_dependencies(${_target} "${_target}_${_file_name}") target_link_options(${_target} PRIVATE "@${_generated_file}") set_property(TARGET ${_target} APPEND PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS ${_file_full_path}) endif() endfunction() # handle C++ options # disable RTTI unless said so add_compile_options("$<$:$>,/GR,/GR->>") # disable exceptions unless said so add_compile_options("$<$:$>,/EHsc,/EHs-c->>") # Create our interface libraries wrapping the needed library for this compiler add_library(cppstl INTERFACE) target_link_libraries(cppstl INTERFACE cpprt stlport oldnames) # We set this properties through our INTERFACE library set_target_properties(cppstl PROPERTIES INTERFACE_WITH_CXX_STL TRUE) # add_library(cpprt INTERFACE) # Our runtime library is already called cpprt