/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/consrv/include/settings.h * PURPOSE: Public Console Settings Management Interface * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) * * NOTE: Adapted from existing code. */ #pragma once /* STRUCTURES *****************************************************************/ /* * Structure used to hold terminal-specific information */ typedef struct _TERMINAL_INFO { ULONG Size; /* Size of the memory buffer pointed by TermInfo */ PVOID TermInfo; /* Address (or offset when talking to console.dll) of the memory buffer holding terminal information */ } TERMINAL_INFO, *PTERMINAL_INFO; /* * Structure used to hold console information */ typedef struct _CONSOLE_INFO { ULONG HistoryBufferSize; ULONG NumberOfHistoryBuffers; BOOLEAN HistoryNoDup; /* BOOLEAN */ ULONG FullScreen; /* Give the type of console: GUI (windowed) or TUI (fullscreen) */ BOOLEAN QuickEdit; BOOLEAN InsertMode; ULONG InputBufferSize; COORD ScreenBufferSize; /* SIZE */ COORD ConsoleSize; /* The size of the console */ BOOLEAN CursorBlinkOn; BOOLEAN ForceCursorOff; ULONG CursorSize; USHORT ScreenAttrib; // CHAR_INFO ScreenFillAttrib USHORT PopupAttrib; COLORREF Colors[16]; /* Color palette */ ULONG CodePage; WCHAR ConsoleTitle[MAX_PATH + 1]; } CONSOLE_INFO, *PCONSOLE_INFO; #define RGBFromAttrib(Console, Attribute) ((Console)->Colors[(Attribute) & 0xF]) #define TextAttribFromAttrib(Attribute) ((Attribute) & 0xF) #define BkgdAttribFromAttrib(Attribute) (((Attribute) >> 4) & 0xF) #define MakeAttrib(TextAttrib, BkgdAttrib) (DWORD)((((BkgdAttrib) & 0xF) << 4) | ((TextAttrib) & 0xF)) /* * Structure used to communicate with console.dll */ typedef struct _CONSOLE_PROPS { HWND hConsoleWindow; BOOL ShowDefaultParams; BOOLEAN AppliedConfig; DWORD ActiveStaticControl; CONSOLE_INFO ci; /* Console-specific informations */ TERMINAL_INFO TerminalInfo; /* Frontend-specific parameters */ } CONSOLE_PROPS, *PCONSOLE_PROPS; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ #ifndef CONSOLE_H__ // If we aren't included by console.dll BOOL ConSrvOpenUserSettings(DWORD ProcessId, LPCWSTR ConsoleTitle, PHKEY hSubKey, REGSAM samDesired, BOOL bCreate); BOOL ConSrvReadUserSettings(IN OUT PCONSOLE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN DWORD ProcessId); BOOL ConSrvWriteUserSettings(IN PCONSOLE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN DWORD ProcessId); VOID ConSrvGetDefaultSettings(IN OUT PCONSOLE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN DWORD ProcessId); VOID ConSrvApplyUserSettings(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PCONSOLE_INFO ConsoleInfo); #endif /* EOF */