/* * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Multimedia * FILE: dll/win32/mmdrv/mmdrv.h * PURPOSE: Multimedia User Mode Driver (header) * PROGRAMMER: Andrew Greenwood * Aleksey Bragin * UPDATE HISTORY: * Jan 30, 2004: Imported into ReactOS tree * Jan 10, 2007: Rewritten and tidied up */ #ifndef MMDRV_H #define MMDRV_H #include #include #include #include /* Need to check these */ #define MAX_DEVICES 256 #define MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH 256 #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1048576 #define MAX_WAVE_BYTES 1048576 /* Custom flag set when overlapped I/O is done */ #define WHDR_COMPLETE 0x80000000 /* The kinds of devices which MMSYSTEM/WINMM may request from us. */ typedef enum { WaveOutDevice, WaveInDevice, MidiOutDevice, MidiInDevice, AuxDevice } DeviceType; #define IsWaveDevice(devicetype) \ ( ( devicetype == WaveOutDevice ) || ( devicetype == WaveInDevice ) ) #define IsMidiDevice(devicetype) \ ( ( devicetype == MidiOutDevice ) || ( devicetype == MidiInDevice ) ) #define IsAuxDevice(devicetype) \ ( devicetype == AuxDevice ) /* We use these structures to store information regarding open devices. Since the main structure gets destroyed when a device is closed, I call this a "session". */ typedef struct { OVERLAPPED overlap; LPWAVEHDR header; } WaveOverlapInfo; /* typedef enum { WaveAddBuffer, WaveClose, WaveReset, WaveRestart, SessionThreadTerminate, InvalidFunction } ThreadFunction; */ /* Our own values, used with the session threads */ typedef DWORD ThreadFunction; #define DRVM_TERMINATE 0xFFFFFFFE #define DRVM_INVALID 0xFFFFFFFF typedef enum { WavePlaying, WaveStopped, WaveReset, WaveRestart } WaveState; typedef union { PWAVEHDR wave_header; PMIDIHDR midi_header; } MediaHeader; /* typedef union { MediaHeader header; } ThreadParameter; */ typedef struct _ThreadInfo { HANDLE handle; HANDLE ready_event; HANDLE go_event; /*ThreadFunction function;*/ DWORD function; PVOID parameter; MMRESULT result; } ThreadInfo; typedef struct _LoopInfo { PWAVEHDR head; DWORD iterations; } LoopInfo; typedef struct _SessionInfo { struct _SessionInfo* next; DeviceType device_type; UINT device_id; HANDLE kernel_device_handle; /* These are all the same */ union { HDRVR mme_handle; HWAVE mme_wave_handle; HMIDI mme_midi_handle; }; /* If playback is paused or not */ BOOL is_paused; /* Stuff passed to us from winmm */ DWORD_PTR app_user_data; DWORD_PTR callback; DWORD flags; /* Can only be one or the other */ union { PWAVEHDR wave_queue; PMIDIHDR midi_queue; }; /* Current playback point */ //PWAVEHDR next_buffer; /* Where in the current buffer we are */ DWORD buffer_position; // DWORD remaining_bytes; LoopInfo loop; ThreadInfo thread; } SessionInfo; #undef ASSERT #define ASSERT(condition) \ if ( ! (condition) ) \ DPRINT("ASSERT FAILED: %s\n", #condition); /* MME interface */ BOOL NotifyClient( SessionInfo* session_info, DWORD message, DWORD_PTR parameter1, DWORD_PTR parameter2); /* Helpers */ MMRESULT ErrorToMmResult(UINT error_code); /* Kernel interface */ MMRESULT CobbleDeviceName( DeviceType device_type, UINT device_id, PWCHAR out_device_name); MMRESULT OpenKernelDevice( DeviceType device_type, UINT device_id, DWORD access, HANDLE* handle); VOID CloseKernelDevice(HANDLE device_handle); MMRESULT SetDeviceData( HANDLE device_handle, DWORD ioctl, PBYTE input_buffer, DWORD buffer_size); MMRESULT GetDeviceData( HANDLE device_handle, DWORD ioctl, PBYTE output_buffer, DWORD buffer_size); /* Session management */ MMRESULT CreateSession( DeviceType device_type, UINT device_id, SessionInfo** session_info); VOID DestroySession(SessionInfo* session); SessionInfo* GetSession( DeviceType device_type, UINT device_id); MMRESULT StartSessionThread(SessionInfo* session_info); MMRESULT CallSessionThread( SessionInfo* session_info, ThreadFunction function, PVOID thread_parameter); DWORD HandleBySessionThread( DWORD_PTR private_handle, DWORD_PTR message, DWORD_PTR parameter); /* General */ DWORD GetDeviceCount(DeviceType device_type); DWORD GetDeviceCapabilities( DeviceType device_type, UINT device_id, DWORD_PTR capabilities, DWORD capabilities_size); DWORD OpenDevice( DeviceType device_type, UINT device_id, PVOID open_descriptor, DWORD flags, DWORD_PTR private_handle); DWORD CloseDevice( DWORD_PTR private_handle); DWORD PauseDevice( DWORD private_handle); DWORD RestartDevice( DWORD private_handle); DWORD ResetDevice( DWORD private_handle); DWORD GetPosition( DWORD private_handle, PMMTIME time, DWORD time_size); DWORD BreakLoop(DWORD private_handle); DWORD QueryWaveFormat( DeviceType device_type, PVOID lpFormat); DWORD WriteWaveBuffer( DWORD_PTR private_handle, PWAVEHDR wave_header, DWORD wave_header_size); /* wave thread */ DWORD WaveThread(LPVOID parameter); /* Wave I/O */ VOID PerformWaveIO(SessionInfo* session_info); extern CRITICAL_SECTION critical_section; #endif