/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries * FILE: lib/rtl/dos8dot3.c * PURPOSE: Short name (8.3 name) functions * PROGRAMMER: Eric Kohl */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include extern PUSHORT NlsUnicodeToMbOemTable; /* CONSTANTS *****************************************************************/ const ULONG RtlpShortIllegals[] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFC009C04, 0x38000000, 0x10000000 }; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlIsValidOemCharacter(IN PWCHAR Char); static BOOLEAN RtlpIsShortIllegal(const WCHAR Char) { return (Char < 128 && (RtlpShortIllegals[Char / 32] & (1 << (Char % 32)))); } static USHORT RtlpGetCheckSum(PUNICODE_STRING Name) { PWCHAR CurrentChar; USHORT Hash; USHORT Saved; USHORT Length; if (!Name->Length) return 0; if (Name->Length == sizeof(WCHAR)) return Name->Buffer[0]; CurrentChar = Name->Buffer; Hash = (*CurrentChar << 8) + *(CurrentChar + 1); if (Name->Length == 2 * sizeof(WCHAR)) return Hash; Saved = Hash; Length = 2; do { CurrentChar += 2; Hash = (Hash << 7) + *CurrentChar; Hash = (Saved >> 1) + (Hash << 8); if (Length + 1 < Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)) { Hash += *(CurrentChar + 1); } Saved = Hash; Length += 2; } while (Length < Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); return Hash; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RtlGenerate8dot3Name(IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN BOOLEAN AllowExtendedCharacters, IN OUT PGENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT Context, OUT PUNICODE_STRING Name8dot3) { ULONG Length = Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); ULONG IndexLength; ULONG Index; ULONG DotPos; WCHAR IndexBuffer[8]; WCHAR Char; USHORT Checksum; if (!Context->NameLength) { DotPos = Length; /* Find last dot in Name */ for (Index = 0; Index < Length; Index++) { if (Name->Buffer[Index] == L'.') DotPos = Index; } /* Copy name. OEM string length can't exceed 6. */ UCHAR OemSizeLeft = 6; for (Index = 0; (Index < DotPos) && OemSizeLeft; Index++) { Char = Name->Buffer[Index]; if ((Char > L' ') && (Char != L'.') && ((Char < 127) || (AllowExtendedCharacters && RtlIsValidOemCharacter(&Char)))) { if (RtlpIsShortIllegal(Char)) Char = L'_'; else if (Char >= L'a' && Char <= L'z') Char = RtlpUpcaseUnicodeChar(Char); /* Beware of MB OEM codepage */ if (NlsMbOemCodePageTag && HIBYTE(NlsUnicodeToMbOemTable[Char])) { if (OemSizeLeft < 2) break; OemSizeLeft--; } Context->NameBuffer[Context->NameLength] = Char; Context->NameLength++; OemSizeLeft--; } } /* Copy extension (4 valid characters max) */ Context->ExtensionLength = 0; if (DotPos < Length) { Context->ExtensionBuffer[0] = L'.'; Context->ExtensionLength = 1; while (DotPos < Length && Context->ExtensionLength < 4) { Char = Name->Buffer[DotPos]; if ((Char > L' ') && (Char != L'.') && ((Char < 127) || (AllowExtendedCharacters && RtlIsValidOemCharacter(&Char)))) { if (RtlpIsShortIllegal(Char)) Char = L'_'; else if (Char >= L'a' && Char <= L'z') Char = RtlpUpcaseUnicodeChar(Char); Context->ExtensionBuffer[Context->ExtensionLength++] = Char; } Char = UNICODE_NULL; ++DotPos; } if (Char != UNICODE_NULL) Context->ExtensionBuffer[Context->ExtensionLength - 1] = L'~'; } if (Context->NameLength <= 2) { Checksum = Context->Checksum = RtlpGetCheckSum(Name); for (Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++) { Context->NameBuffer[Context->NameLength + Index] = (Checksum & 0xF) > 9 ? (Checksum & 0xF) + L'A' - 10 : (Checksum & 0xF) + L'0'; Checksum >>= 4; } Context->CheckSumInserted = TRUE; Context->NameLength += 4; } } ++Context->LastIndexValue; if (Context->LastIndexValue > 4 && !Context->CheckSumInserted) { Checksum = Context->Checksum = RtlpGetCheckSum(Name); for (Index = 2; Index < 6; Index++) { Context->NameBuffer[Index] = (Checksum & 0xF) > 9 ? (Checksum & 0xF) + L'A' - 10 : (Checksum & 0xF) + L'0'; Checksum >>= 4; } Context->CheckSumInserted = TRUE; Context->NameLength = 6; Context->LastIndexValue = 1; } /* Calculate index length and index buffer */ Index = Context->LastIndexValue; for (IndexLength = 1; IndexLength <= 7 && Index > 0; IndexLength++) { IndexBuffer[8 - IndexLength] = L'0' + (Index % 10); Index /= 10; } IndexBuffer[8 - IndexLength] = L'~'; /* Reset name length */ Name8dot3->Length = 0; /* If name present */ if (Context->NameLength) { /* Copy name buffer */ Length = Context->NameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(Name8dot3->Buffer, Context->NameBuffer, Length); Name8dot3->Length = Length; } /* Copy index buffer */ Length = IndexLength * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(Name8dot3->Buffer + (Name8dot3->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)), IndexBuffer + (8 - IndexLength), Length); Name8dot3->Length += Length; /* If extension present */ if (Context->ExtensionLength) { /* Copy extension buffer */ Length = Context->ExtensionLength * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(Name8dot3->Buffer + (Name8dot3->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)), Context->ExtensionBuffer, Length); Name8dot3->Length += Length; } } /* * @implemented * Note: the function does not conform to the annotations. * SpacesFound is not always set! */ _IRQL_requires_max_(PASSIVE_LEVEL) _Must_inspect_result_ NTSYSAPI BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3(IN PCUNICODE_STRING Name, IN OUT POEM_STRING OemName, OUT PBOOLEAN NameContainsSpaces OPTIONAL) { static const char Illegal[] = "*?<>|\"+=,;[]:/\\\345"; int Dot = -1; int i; char Buffer[12]; OEM_STRING OemString; BOOLEAN GotSpace = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; if (!OemName) { OemString.Length = sizeof(Buffer); OemString.MaximumLength = sizeof(Buffer); OemString.Buffer = Buffer; OemName = &OemString; } Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString(OemName, Name, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return FALSE; if ((OemName->Length > 12) || (OemName->Buffer == NULL)) return FALSE; /* a starting . is invalid, except for . and .. */ if (OemName->Buffer[0] == '.') { if (OemName->Length != 1 && (OemName->Length != 2 || OemName->Buffer[1] != '.')) return FALSE; if (NameContainsSpaces) *NameContainsSpaces = FALSE; return TRUE; } for (i = 0; i < OemName->Length; i++) { switch (OemName->Buffer[i]) { case ' ': /* leading/trailing spaces not allowed */ if (!i || i == OemName->Length-1 || OemName->Buffer[i+1] == '.') return FALSE; GotSpace = TRUE; break; case '.': if (Dot != -1) return FALSE; Dot = i; break; default: if (strchr(Illegal, OemName->Buffer[i])) return FALSE; break; } } /* check file part is shorter than 8, extension shorter than 3 * dot cannot be last in string */ if (Dot == -1) { if (OemName->Length > 8) return FALSE; } else { if (Dot > 8 || (OemName->Length - Dot > 4) || Dot == OemName->Length - 1) return FALSE; } if (NameContainsSpaces) *NameContainsSpaces = GotSpace; return TRUE; } /* EOF */