/*++ Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Klaus P. Gerlicher Module Name: patch.c Abstract: hooking of kernel internal keyboard interrupt handler Environment: Kernel mode only Author: Klaus P. Gerlicher Reactos Port: Eugene Ingerman Revision History: 10-Jul-1999: created 15-Nov-2000: general cleanup of source files 12/1/2001 reactos port Copyright notice: This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License. --*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INCLUDES //// #include "remods.h" #include "precomp.h" //#include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBALS //// static PUCHAR pPatchAddress; static ULONG ulOldOffset = 0; static ULONG ulKeyPatchFlags; void (*old_handle_scancode)(UCHAR,int); char tempPatch[256]; UCHAR ucBreakKey = 'd'; // key that will break into debugger in combination with CTRL //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS //// //*********************************************************************************** // PiceKbdIsr - keyboard isr hook routine. // IsrContext - context that we passed to keyboard driver in internal iocontrol // pCurrentInput, pCurrentOutput - not implemented yet // StatusByte - keyboard status register // pByte - pointer to the byte read from keyboard data port. can be changed. // pContinueProcessing - should keyboard driver continue processing this byte. //*********************************************************************************** BOOLEAN PiceKbdIsr ( PVOID IsrContext, PKEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA pCurrentInput, POUTPUT_PACKET pCurrentOutput, UCHAR StatusByte, PUCHAR pByte, PBOOLEAN pContinueProcessing, PKEYBOARD_SCAN_STATE pScanState ) { static BOOLEAN bControl = FALSE; BOOLEAN bForward=TRUE; // should we let keyboard driver process this keystroke BOOLEAN isDown=!(*pByte & 0x80); UCHAR ucKey = *pByte & 0x7f; ENTER_FUNC(); // BUG?? should protect with spinlock since bControl is static. DPRINT((0,"PiceKbdIsr(pByte: %x, val: %x,%u)\n",pByte,*pByte,isDown)); DPRINT((0,"PiceKbdIsr(1): bControl = %u bForward = %u bEnterNow = %u\n",bControl,bForward,bEnterNow)); if(isDown) { DPRINT((0,"bControl: %x, ucKey: %x, breakkey: %x\n", bControl, ucKey, AsciiToScan(ucBreakKey))); // CTRL pressed if(ucKey==0x1d) { bControl=TRUE; } else if(bControl==TRUE && ucKey==AsciiToScan(ucBreakKey)) // CTRL-D { // fake a CTRL-D release call bEnterNow=TRUE; bControl=FALSE; // simulate an initial break __asm__("\n\t \ pushfl\n\t \ pushl %cs\n\t \ pushl $returnpoint\n\t \ pushl $" STR(REASON_CTRLF) "\n\t \ jmp NewInt31Handler\n\t \ returnpoint:"); *pByte = 0x1d | 0x80 | 0x7f; bForward=TRUE; } else if((ucKey == 66|| ucKey == 68) && bStepping) { bForward=FALSE; } } else { // CTRL released if(ucKey==0x1d) { bControl=FALSE; } else if((ucKey == 66|| ucKey == 68) && bStepping) { bForward=FALSE; } } *pContinueProcessing = bForward; DPRINT((5,"*pContinueProcessing: %d\n", *pContinueProcessing)); LEAVE_FUNC(); return TRUE; } //*********************************************************************************** // PiceSendIoctl - send internal_io_control to the driver // Target - Device Object that receives control request // Ioctl - request // InputBuffer - Type3Buffer will be pointing here // InputBufferLength - length of inputbuffer //*********************************************************************************** NTSTATUS PiceSendIoctl(PDEVICE_OBJECT Target, ULONG Ioctl, PVOID InputBuffer, ULONG InputBufferLength) { KEVENT event; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; PIRP irp; KeInitializeEvent(&event, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); if (NULL == (irp = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest(Ioctl, Target, InputBuffer, InputBufferLength, 0, 0, TRUE, &event, &iosb))) { DPRINT((0,"PiceSendIoctl: STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES\n")); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } status = IoCallDriver(Target, irp); if (STATUS_PENDING == status) { status = KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(STATUS_SUCCESS == status); status = iosb.Status; } DPRINT((0,"PiceSendIoctl: status: %d\n",NT_SUCCESS(status))); return status; } //************************************************** // PatchKeyboardDriver - set keyboard driver hook. // We use interface supported by standard keyboard drivers. //************************************************** BOOLEAN PatchKeyboardDriver(void) { PINTERNAL_I8042_HOOK_KEYBOARD phkData; //When we have i8042 driver this should be changed!!!!!!! UNICODE_STRING DevName = ROS_STRING_INITIALIZER(L"\\Device\\Keyboard"); PDEVICE_OBJECT kbdDevice = NULL; PFILE_OBJECT FO = NULL; NTSTATUS status; ENTER_FUNC(); //Get pointer to keyboard device if( !NT_SUCCESS( status = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer( &DevName, FILE_READ_ACCESS, &FO, &kbdDevice ) ) ) { DPRINT((0,"PatchKeyboardDriver: IoGetDeviceObjectPointer status: %x\n", status)); return FALSE; } phkData = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, sizeof( INTERNAL_I8042_HOOK_KEYBOARD ) ); RtlZeroMemory( phkData, sizeof( INTERNAL_I8042_HOOK_KEYBOARD ) ); phkData->IsrRoutine = (PI8042_KEYBOARD_ISR) PiceKbdIsr; phkData->Context = (PVOID) NULL; //DeviceObject; //call keyboard device internal io control to hook keyboard input stream status = PiceSendIoctl( kbdDevice, IOCTL_INTERNAL_I8042_HOOK_KEYBOARD, phkData, sizeof( INTERNAL_I8042_HOOK_KEYBOARD ) ); DPRINT((0,"PatchKeyboardDriver: PiceSendIoctl status: %x\n", status)); ObDereferenceObject(FO); ExFreePool(phkData); LEAVE_FUNC(); return NT_SUCCESS(status); } void RestoreKeyboardDriver(void) { ENTER_FUNC(); DbgPrint("RestoreKeyboardDriver: Not Implemented yet!!!\n"); LEAVE_FUNC(); }