/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: Security Account Manager (SAM) Server * FILE: reactos/dll/win32/samsrv/samrpc.c * PURPOSE: RPC interface functions * * PROGRAMMERS: Eric Kohl */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "samsrv.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(samsrv); /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ static SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY NtSidAuthority = {SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY}; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID SampStartRpcServer(VOID) { RPC_STATUS Status; TRACE("SampStartRpcServer() called\n"); Status = RpcServerUseProtseqEpW(L"ncacn_np", 10, L"\\pipe\\samr", NULL); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { WARN("RpcServerUseProtseqEpW() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return; } Status = RpcServerRegisterIf(samr_v1_0_s_ifspec, NULL, NULL); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { WARN("RpcServerRegisterIf() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return; } Status = RpcServerListen(1, 20, TRUE); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { WARN("RpcServerListen() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return; } TRACE("SampStartRpcServer() done\n"); } void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER midl_user_allocate(SIZE_T len) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, len); } void __RPC_USER midl_user_free(void __RPC_FAR * ptr) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr); } void __RPC_USER SAMPR_HANDLE_rundown(SAMPR_HANDLE hHandle) { } /* Function 0 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrConnect(IN PSAMPR_SERVER_NAME ServerName, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *ServerHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT ServerObject; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrConnect(%p %p %lx)\n", ServerName, ServerHandle, DesiredAccess); Status = SampOpenDbObject(NULL, NULL, L"SAM", SamDbServerObject, DesiredAccess, &ServerObject); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) *ServerHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)ServerObject; TRACE("SamrConnect done (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 1 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrCloseHandle(IN OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *SamHandle) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DbObject; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE("SamrCloseHandle(%p)\n", SamHandle); Status = SampValidateDbObject(*SamHandle, SamDbIgnoreObject, 0, &DbObject); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = SampCloseDbObject(DbObject); *SamHandle = NULL; } TRACE("SamrCloseHandle done (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 2 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetSecurityObject(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, IN PSAMPR_SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 3 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQuerySecurityObject(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, OUT PSAMPR_SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * SecurityDescriptor) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 4 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrShutdownSamServer(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ServerHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 5 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrLookupDomainInSamServer(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ServerHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Name, OUT PRPC_SID *DomainId) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT ServerObject; HANDLE DomainsKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE DomainKeyHandle = NULL; WCHAR DomainKeyName[64]; ULONG Index; WCHAR DomainNameString[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; UNICODE_STRING DomainName; ULONG Length; BOOL Found = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrLookupDomainInSamServer(%p %p %p)\n", ServerHandle, Name, DomainId); /* Validate the server handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(ServerHandle, SamDbServerObject, SAM_SERVER_LOOKUP_DOMAIN, &ServerObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; *DomainId = NULL; Status = SampRegOpenKey(ServerObject->KeyHandle, L"Domains", KEY_READ, &DomainsKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Index = 0; while (Found == FALSE) { Status = SampRegEnumerateSubKey(DomainsKeyHandle, Index, 64, DomainKeyName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN; break; } TRACE("Domain key name: %S\n", DomainKeyName); Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainsKeyHandle, DomainKeyName, KEY_READ, &DomainKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Length = (MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = SampRegQueryValue(DomainKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, (PVOID)&DomainNameString, &Length); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Domain name: %S\n", DomainNameString); RtlInitUnicodeString(&DomainName, DomainNameString); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&DomainName, (PUNICODE_STRING)Name, TRUE)) { TRACE("Found it!\n"); Found = TRUE; Status = SampRegQueryValue(DomainKeyHandle, L"SID", NULL, NULL, &Length); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *DomainId = midl_user_allocate(Length); SampRegQueryValue(DomainKeyHandle, L"SID", NULL, (PVOID)*DomainId, &Length); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } } NtClose(DomainKeyHandle); } Index++; } NtClose(DomainsKeyHandle); return Status; } /* Function 6 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrEnumerateDomainsInSamServer(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ServerHandle, IN OUT unsigned long *EnumerationContext, OUT PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER *Buffer, IN ULONG PreferedMaximumLength, OUT PULONG CountReturned) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT ServerObject; WCHAR DomainKeyName[64]; HANDLE DomainsKeyHandle; HANDLE DomainKeyHandle; ULONG EnumIndex; ULONG EnumCount; ULONG RequiredLength; ULONG DataLength; ULONG i; PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER EnumBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrEnumerateDomainsInSamServer(%p %p %p %lu %p)\n", ServerHandle, EnumerationContext, Buffer, PreferedMaximumLength, CountReturned); /* Validate the server handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(ServerHandle, SamDbServerObject, SAM_SERVER_ENUMERATE_DOMAINS, &ServerObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(ServerObject->KeyHandle, L"Domains", KEY_READ, &DomainsKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; EnumCount = 0; RequiredLength = 0; while (TRUE) { Status = SampRegEnumerateSubKey(DomainsKeyHandle, EnumIndex, 64 * sizeof(WCHAR), DomainKeyName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("Domain key name: %S\n", DomainKeyName); Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainsKeyHandle, DomainKeyName, KEY_READ, &DomainKeyHandle); TRACE("SampRegOpenKey returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = 0; Status = SampRegQueryValue(DomainKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, NULL, &DataLength); TRACE("SampRegQueryValue returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Data length: %lu\n", DataLength); if ((RequiredLength + DataLength + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)) > PreferedMaximumLength) break; RequiredLength += (DataLength + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); EnumCount++; } NtClose(DomainKeyHandle); } EnumIndex++; } TRACE("EnumCount: %lu\n", EnumCount); TRACE("RequiredLength: %lu\n", RequiredLength); EnumBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER)); if (EnumBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } EnumBuffer->EntriesRead = EnumCount; EnumBuffer->Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumCount * sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; for (i = 0; i < EnumCount; i++, EnumIndex++) { Status = SampRegEnumerateSubKey(DomainsKeyHandle, EnumIndex, 64 * sizeof(WCHAR), DomainKeyName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("Domain key name: %S\n", DomainKeyName); Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainsKeyHandle, DomainKeyName, KEY_READ, &DomainKeyHandle); TRACE("SampRegOpenKey returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = 0; Status = SampRegQueryValue(DomainKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, NULL, &DataLength); TRACE("SampRegQueryValue returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].RelativeId = 0; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length = (USHORT)DataLength - sizeof(WCHAR); EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength = (USHORT)DataLength; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer = midl_user_allocate(DataLength); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer == NULL) { NtClose(DomainKeyHandle); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } Status = SampRegQueryValue(DomainKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer, &DataLength); TRACE("SampRegQueryValue returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Domain name: %S\n", EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer); } } NtClose(DomainKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; } } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *EnumerationContext += EnumCount; *Buffer = EnumBuffer; *CountReturned = EnumCount; } done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *EnumerationContext = 0; *Buffer = NULL; *CountReturned = 0; if (EnumBuffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->EntriesRead != 0) { for (i = 0; i < EnumBuffer->EntriesRead; i++) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer); } } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer); } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer); } } NtClose(DomainsKeyHandle); return Status; } /* Function 7 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrOpenDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ServerHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PRPC_SID DomainId, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *DomainHandle) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT ServerObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrOpenDomain(%p %lx %p %p)\n", ServerHandle, DesiredAccess, DomainId, DomainHandle); /* Validate the server handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(ServerHandle, SamDbServerObject, SAM_SERVER_LOOKUP_DOMAIN, &ServerObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Validate the Domain SID */ if ((DomainId->Revision != SID_REVISION) || (DomainId->SubAuthorityCount > SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES) || (memcmp(&DomainId->IdentifierAuthority, &NtSidAuthority, sizeof(SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY)) != 0)) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Open the domain object */ if ((DomainId->SubAuthorityCount == 1) && (DomainId->SubAuthority[0] == SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID)) { /* Builtin domain object */ TRACE("Opening the builtin domain object.\n"); Status = SampOpenDbObject(ServerObject, L"Domains", L"Builtin", SamDbDomainObject, DesiredAccess, &DomainObject); } else if ((DomainId->SubAuthorityCount == 4) && (DomainId->SubAuthority[0] == SECURITY_NT_NON_UNIQUE)) { /* Account domain object */ TRACE("Opening the account domain object.\n"); /* FIXME: Check the account domain sub authorities!!! */ Status = SampOpenDbObject(ServerObject, L"Domains", L"Account", SamDbDomainObject, DesiredAccess, &DomainObject); } else { /* No vaild domain SID */ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) *DomainHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)DomainObject; TRACE("SamrOpenDomain done (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainPassword(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Password.MinPasswordLength = FixedData.MinPasswordLength; InfoBuffer->Password.PasswordHistoryLength = FixedData.PasswordHistoryLength; InfoBuffer->Password.PasswordProperties = FixedData.PasswordProperties; InfoBuffer->Password.MaxPasswordAge.LowPart = FixedData.MaxPasswordAge.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Password.MaxPasswordAge.HighPart = FixedData.MaxPasswordAge.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Password.MinPasswordAge.LowPart = FixedData.MinPasswordAge.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Password.MinPasswordAge.HighPart = FixedData.MinPasswordAge.HighPart; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainGeneral(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->General.ForceLogoff.LowPart = FixedData.ForceLogoff.LowPart; InfoBuffer->General.ForceLogoff.HighPart = FixedData.ForceLogoff.HighPart; InfoBuffer->General.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart; InfoBuffer->General.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart; InfoBuffer->General.DomainServerState = FixedData.DomainServerState; InfoBuffer->General.DomainServerRole = FixedData.DomainServerRole; InfoBuffer->General.UasCompatibilityRequired = FixedData.UasCompatibilityRequired; /* Get the OemInformation string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"OemInformation", &InfoBuffer->General.OemInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->General.DomainName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the ReplicaSourceNodeName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"ReplicaSourceNodeName", &InfoBuffer->General.ReplicaSourceNodeName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } InfoBuffer->General.UserCount = 0; /* FIXME */ InfoBuffer->General.GroupCount = 0; /* FIXME */ InfoBuffer->General.AliasCount = 0; /* FIXME */ *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->General.OemInformation.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.OemInformation.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.DomainName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.DomainName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainLogoff(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Logoff.ForceLogoff.LowPart = FixedData.ForceLogoff.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Logoff.ForceLogoff.HighPart = FixedData.ForceLogoff.HighPart; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainOem(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the OemInformation string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"OemInformation", &InfoBuffer->Oem.OemInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Oem.OemInformation.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Oem.OemInformation.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainName(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->Name.DomainName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Name.DomainName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Name.DomainName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainReplication(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the ReplicaSourceNodeName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"ReplicaSourceNodeName", &InfoBuffer->Replication.ReplicaSourceNodeName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Replication.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Replication.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainServerRole(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Role.DomainServerRole = FixedData.DomainServerRole; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainModified(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Modified.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Modified.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Modified.CreationTime.LowPart = FixedData.CreationTime.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Modified.CreationTime.HighPart = FixedData.CreationTime.HighPart; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainState(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->State.DomainServerState = FixedData.DomainServerState; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainGeneral2(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.ForceLogoff.LowPart = FixedData.ForceLogoff.LowPart; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.ForceLogoff.HighPart = FixedData.ForceLogoff.HighPart; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainServerState = FixedData.DomainServerState; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainServerRole = FixedData.DomainServerRole; InfoBuffer->General2.I1.UasCompatibilityRequired = FixedData.UasCompatibilityRequired; InfoBuffer->General2.LockoutDuration = FixedData.LockoutDuration; InfoBuffer->General2.LockoutObservationWindow = FixedData.LockoutObservationWindow; InfoBuffer->General2.LockoutThreshold = FixedData.LockoutThreshold; /* Get the OemInformation string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"OemInformation", &InfoBuffer->General2.I1.OemInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the ReplicaSourceNodeName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(DomainObject, L"ReplicaSourceNodeName", &InfoBuffer->General2.I1.ReplicaSourceNodeName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } InfoBuffer->General2.I1.UserCount = 0; /* FIXME */ InfoBuffer->General2.I1.GroupCount = 0; /* FIXME */ InfoBuffer->General2.I1.AliasCount = 0; /* FIXME */ *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->General2.I1.OemInformation.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General2.I1.OemInformation.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General2.I1.DomainName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General2.I1.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General2.I1.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainLockout(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Lockout.LockoutDuration = FixedData.LockoutDuration; InfoBuffer->Lockout.LockoutObservationWindow = FixedData.LockoutObservationWindow; InfoBuffer->Lockout.LockoutThreshold = FixedData.LockoutThreshold; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryDomainModified2(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Modified2.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Modified2.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart = FixedData.DomainModifiedCount.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Modified2.CreationTime.LowPart = FixedData.CreationTime.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Modified2.CreationTime.HighPart = FixedData.CreationTime.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Modified2.ModifiedCountAtLastPromotion.LowPart = FixedData.ModifiedCountAtLastPromotion.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Modified2.ModifiedCountAtLastPromotion.HighPart = FixedData.ModifiedCountAtLastPromotion.HighPart; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } /* Function 8 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryInformationDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS DomainInformationClass, OUT PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrQueryInformationDomain(%p %lu %p)\n", DomainHandle, DomainInformationClass, Buffer); switch (DomainInformationClass) { case DomainPasswordInformation: case DomainLockoutInformation: DesiredAccess = DOMAIN_READ_PASSWORD_PARAMETERS; break; case DomainGeneralInformation: case DomainLogoffInformation: case DomainOemInformation: case DomainNameInformation: case DomainReplicationInformation: case DomainServerRoleInformation: case DomainModifiedInformation: case DomainStateInformation: case DomainModifiedInformation2: DesiredAccess = DOMAIN_READ_OTHER_PARAMETERS; break; case DomainGeneralInformation2: DesiredAccess = DOMAIN_READ_PASSWORD_PARAMETERS | DOMAIN_READ_OTHER_PARAMETERS; break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } /* Validate the server handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DesiredAccess, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; switch (DomainInformationClass) { case DomainPasswordInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainPassword(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainGeneralInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainGeneral(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainLogoffInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainLogoff(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainOemInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainOem(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainNameInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainName(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainReplicationInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainReplication(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainServerRoleInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainServerRole(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainModifiedInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainModified(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainStateInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainState(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainGeneralInformation2: Status = SampQueryDomainGeneral2(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainLockoutInformation: Status = SampQueryDomainLockout(DomainObject, Buffer); break; case DomainModifiedInformation2: Status = SampQueryDomainModified2(DomainObject, Buffer); break; default: Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetDomainPassword(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.MinPasswordLength = Buffer->Password.MinPasswordLength; FixedData.PasswordHistoryLength = Buffer->Password.PasswordHistoryLength; FixedData.PasswordProperties = Buffer->Password.PasswordProperties; FixedData.MaxPasswordAge.LowPart = Buffer->Password.MaxPasswordAge.LowPart; FixedData.MaxPasswordAge.HighPart = Buffer->Password.MaxPasswordAge.HighPart; FixedData.MinPasswordAge.LowPart = Buffer->Password.MinPasswordAge.LowPart; FixedData.MinPasswordAge.HighPart = Buffer->Password.MinPasswordAge.HighPart; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetDomainLogoff(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.ForceLogoff.LowPart = Buffer->Logoff.ForceLogoff.LowPart; FixedData.ForceLogoff.HighPart = Buffer->Logoff.ForceLogoff.HighPart; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetDomainServerRole(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.DomainServerRole = Buffer->Role.DomainServerRole; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetDomainState(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.DomainServerState = Buffer->State.DomainServerState; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetDomainLockout(PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject, PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.LockoutDuration = Buffer->Lockout.LockoutDuration; FixedData.LockoutObservationWindow = Buffer->Lockout.LockoutObservationWindow; FixedData.LockoutThreshold = Buffer->Lockout.LockoutThreshold; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } /* Function 9 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetInformationDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS DomainInformationClass, IN PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER DomainInformation) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrSetInformationDomain(%p %lu %p)\n", DomainHandle, DomainInformationClass, DomainInformation); switch (DomainInformationClass) { case DomainPasswordInformation: case DomainLockoutInformation: DesiredAccess = DOMAIN_WRITE_PASSWORD_PARAMS; break; case DomainLogoffInformation: case DomainOemInformation: case DomainNameInformation: DesiredAccess = DOMAIN_WRITE_OTHER_PARAMETERS; break; case DomainReplicationInformation: case DomainServerRoleInformation: case DomainStateInformation: DesiredAccess = DOMAIN_ADMINISTER_SERVER; break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } /* Validate the server handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DesiredAccess, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; switch (DomainInformationClass) { case DomainPasswordInformation: Status = SampSetDomainPassword(DomainObject, DomainInformation); break; case DomainLogoffInformation: Status = SampSetDomainLogoff(DomainObject, DomainInformation); break; case DomainOemInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"OemInformation", REG_SZ, DomainInformation->Oem.OemInformation.Buffer, DomainInformation->Oem.OemInformation.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case DomainNameInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, DomainInformation->Name.DomainName.Buffer, DomainInformation->Name.DomainName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case DomainReplicationInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"ReplicaSourceNodeName", REG_SZ, DomainInformation->Replication.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Buffer, DomainInformation->Replication.ReplicaSourceNodeName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case DomainServerRoleInformation: Status = SampSetDomainServerRole(DomainObject, DomainInformation); break; case DomainStateInformation: Status = SampSetDomainState(DomainObject, DomainInformation); break; case DomainLockoutInformation: Status = SampSetDomainLockout(DomainObject, DomainInformation); break; default: Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return Status; } /* Function 10 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrCreateGroupInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Name, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *GroupHandle, OUT unsigned long *RelativeId) { UNICODE_STRING EmptyString = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L""); SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedDomainData; SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA FixedGroupData; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject; ULONG ulSize; ULONG ulRid; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrCreateGroupInDomain(%p %p %lx %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, Name, DesiredAccess, GroupHandle, RelativeId); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_CREATE_GROUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Check if the group name already exists in the domain */ Status = SampCheckAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, Name->Buffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Group name \'%S\' already exists in domain (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Name->Buffer, Status); return Status; } /* Get the fixed domain attributes */ ulSize = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedDomainData, &ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Increment the NextRid attribute */ ulRid = FixedDomainData.NextRid; FixedDomainData.NextRid++; /* Store the fixed domain attributes */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedDomainData, ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } TRACE("RID: %lx\n", ulRid); /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", ulRid); /* Create the group object */ Status = SampCreateDbObject(DomainObject, L"Groups", szRid, SamDbGroupObject, DesiredAccess, &GroupObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Add the account name of the user object */ Status = SampSetAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, L"Groups", Name->Buffer, ulRid); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Initialize fixed user data */ memset(&FixedGroupData, 0, sizeof(SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA)); FixedGroupData.Version = 1; FixedGroupData.GroupId = ulRid; /* Set fixed user data attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, (LPVOID)&FixedGroupData, sizeof(SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the Name attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, (LPVOID)Name->Buffer, Name->MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the AdminComment attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"AdminComment", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *GroupHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)GroupObject; *RelativeId = ulRid; } TRACE("returns with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 11 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrEnumerateGroupsInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN OUT unsigned long *EnumerationContext, OUT PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER *Buffer, IN unsigned long PreferedMaximumLength, OUT unsigned long *CountReturned) { PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER EnumBuffer = NULL; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; HANDLE GroupsKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE NamesKeyHandle = NULL; WCHAR GroupName[64]; ULONG EnumIndex; ULONG EnumCount = 0; ULONG RequiredLength = 0; ULONG NameLength; ULONG DataLength; ULONG Rid; ULONG i; BOOLEAN MoreEntries = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrEnumerateUsersInDomain(%p %p %p %lu %p)\n", DomainHandle, EnumerationContext, Buffer, PreferedMaximumLength, CountReturned); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LIST_ACCOUNTS, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Groups", KEY_READ, &GroupsKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(GroupsKeyHandle, L"Names", KEY_READ, &NamesKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; TRACE("Part 1\n"); EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; while (TRUE) { NameLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(NamesKeyHandle, EnumIndex, GroupName, &NameLength, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("Group name: %S\n", GroupName); TRACE("Name length: %lu\n", NameLength); if ((RequiredLength + NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) + sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)) > PreferedMaximumLength) { MoreEntries = TRUE; break; } RequiredLength += (NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) + sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); EnumCount++; EnumIndex++; } TRACE("EnumCount: %lu\n", EnumCount); TRACE("RequiredLength: %lu\n", RequiredLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; EnumBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER)); if (EnumBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } EnumBuffer->EntriesRead = EnumCount; if (EnumCount == 0) goto done; EnumBuffer->Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumCount * sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } TRACE("Part 2\n"); EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; for (i = 0; i < EnumCount; i++, EnumIndex++) { NameLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(NamesKeyHandle, EnumIndex, GroupName, &NameLength, NULL, &Rid, &DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("Group name: %S\n", GroupName); TRACE("Name length: %lu\n", NameLength); TRACE("RID: %lu\n", Rid); EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].RelativeId = Rid; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length = (USHORT)NameLength; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(DataLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); /* FIXME: Disabled because of bugs in widl and rpcrt4 */ #if 0 EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } memcpy(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer, GroupName, EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length); #endif } done: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *EnumerationContext += EnumCount; *Buffer = EnumBuffer; *CountReturned = EnumCount; } else { *EnumerationContext = 0; *Buffer = NULL; *CountReturned = 0; if (EnumBuffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->EntriesRead != 0) { for (i = 0; i < EnumBuffer->EntriesRead; i++) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer); } } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer); } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer); } } if (NamesKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(NamesKeyHandle); if (GroupsKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(GroupsKeyHandle); if ((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && (MoreEntries == TRUE)) Status = STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; return Status; } /* Function 12 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrCreateUserInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Name, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *UserHandle, OUT unsigned long *RelativeId) { UNICODE_STRING EmptyString = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L""); SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedDomainData; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedUserData; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject; ULONG ulSize; ULONG ulRid; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrCreateUserInDomain(%p %p %lx %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, Name, DesiredAccess, UserHandle, RelativeId); if (Name == NULL || Name->Length == 0 || Name->Buffer == NULL || UserHandle == NULL || RelativeId == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_CREATE_USER, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Check if the user name already exists in the domain */ Status = SampCheckAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, Name->Buffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("User name \'%S\' already exists in domain (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Name->Buffer, Status); return Status; } /* Get the fixed domain attributes */ ulSize = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedDomainData, &ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Increment the NextRid attribute */ ulRid = FixedDomainData.NextRid; FixedDomainData.NextRid++; /* Store the fixed domain attributes */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedDomainData, ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } TRACE("RID: %lx\n", ulRid); /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", ulRid); /* Create the user object */ Status = SampCreateDbObject(DomainObject, L"Users", szRid, SamDbUserObject, DesiredAccess, &UserObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Add the account name for the user object */ Status = SampSetAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, L"Users", Name->Buffer, ulRid); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Initialize fixed user data */ memset(&FixedUserData, 0, sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA)); FixedUserData.Version = 1; FixedUserData.LastLogon.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.LastLogoff.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.PasswordLastSet.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.AccountExpires.LowPart = MAXULONG; FixedUserData.AccountExpires.HighPart = MAXLONG; FixedUserData.LastBadPasswordTime.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.UserId = ulRid; FixedUserData.PrimaryGroupId = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS; FixedUserData.UserAccountControl = USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED | USER_PASSWORD_NOT_REQUIRED | USER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT; /* Set fixed user data attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, (LPVOID)&FixedUserData, sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the Name attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, (LPVOID)Name->Buffer, Name->MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the FullName attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"FullName", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the HomeDirectory attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"HomeDirectory", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the HomeDirectoryDrive attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"HomeDirectoryDrive", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the ScriptPath attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"ScriptPath", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the ProfilePath attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"ProfilePath", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the AdminComment attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"AdminComment", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the UserComment attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"UserComment", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the WorkStations attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"WorkStations", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* FIXME: Set default user attributes */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *UserHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)UserObject; *RelativeId = ulRid; } TRACE("returns with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 13 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrEnumerateUsersInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN OUT unsigned long *EnumerationContext, IN unsigned long UserAccountControl, OUT PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER *Buffer, IN unsigned long PreferedMaximumLength, OUT unsigned long *CountReturned) { PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER EnumBuffer = NULL; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; HANDLE UsersKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE NamesKeyHandle = NULL; WCHAR UserName[64]; ULONG EnumIndex; ULONG EnumCount = 0; ULONG RequiredLength = 0; ULONG NameLength; ULONG DataLength; ULONG Rid; ULONG i; BOOLEAN MoreEntries = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrEnumerateUsersInDomain(%p %p %lx %p %lu %p)\n", DomainHandle, EnumerationContext, UserAccountControl, Buffer, PreferedMaximumLength, CountReturned); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LIST_ACCOUNTS, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Users", KEY_READ, &UsersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(UsersKeyHandle, L"Names", KEY_READ, &NamesKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; TRACE("Part 1\n"); EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; while (TRUE) { NameLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(NamesKeyHandle, EnumIndex, UserName, &NameLength, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("User name: %S\n", UserName); TRACE("Name length: %lu\n", NameLength); if ((RequiredLength + NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) + sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)) > PreferedMaximumLength) { MoreEntries = TRUE; break; } RequiredLength += (NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) + sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); EnumCount++; EnumIndex++; } TRACE("EnumCount: %lu\n", EnumCount); TRACE("RequiredLength: %lu\n", RequiredLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; EnumBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER)); if (EnumBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } EnumBuffer->EntriesRead = EnumCount; if (EnumCount == 0) goto done; EnumBuffer->Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumCount * sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } TRACE("Part 2\n"); EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; for (i = 0; i < EnumCount; i++, EnumIndex++) { NameLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(NamesKeyHandle, EnumIndex, UserName, &NameLength, NULL, &Rid, &DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("User name: %S\n", UserName); TRACE("Name length: %lu\n", NameLength); TRACE("RID: %lu\n", Rid); EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].RelativeId = Rid; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length = (USHORT)NameLength; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(DataLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); /* FIXME: Disabled because of bugs in widl and rpcrt4 */ #if 0 EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } memcpy(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer, UserName, EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length); #endif } done: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *EnumerationContext += EnumCount; *Buffer = EnumBuffer; *CountReturned = EnumCount; } else { *EnumerationContext = 0; *Buffer = NULL; *CountReturned = 0; if (EnumBuffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->EntriesRead != 0) { for (i = 0; i < EnumBuffer->EntriesRead; i++) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer); } } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer); } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer); } } if (NamesKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(NamesKeyHandle); if (UsersKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(UsersKeyHandle); if ((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && (MoreEntries == TRUE)) Status = STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; return Status; } /* Function 14 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrCreateAliasInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING AccountName, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *AliasHandle, OUT unsigned long *RelativeId) { SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedDomainData; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; UNICODE_STRING EmptyString = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L""); ULONG ulSize; ULONG ulRid; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrCreateAliasInDomain(%p %p %lx %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, AccountName, DesiredAccess, AliasHandle, RelativeId); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_CREATE_ALIAS, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Check if the alias name already exists in the domain */ Status = SampCheckAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, AccountName->Buffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Alias name \'%S\' already exists in domain (Status 0x%08lx)\n", AccountName->Buffer, Status); return Status; } /* Get the fixed domain attributes */ ulSize = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedDomainData, &ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Increment the NextRid attribute */ ulRid = FixedDomainData.NextRid; FixedDomainData.NextRid++; /* Store the fixed domain attributes */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedDomainData, ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } TRACE("RID: %lx\n", ulRid); /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", ulRid); /* Create the alias object */ Status = SampCreateDbObject(DomainObject, L"Aliases", szRid, SamDbAliasObject, DesiredAccess, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Add the account name for the alias object */ Status = SampSetAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, L"Aliases", AccountName->Buffer, ulRid); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the Name attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(AliasObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, (LPVOID)AccountName->Buffer, AccountName->MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the Description attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(AliasObject, L"Description", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *AliasHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)AliasObject; *RelativeId = ulRid; } TRACE("returns with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 15 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrEnumerateAliasesInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN OUT unsigned long *EnumerationContext, OUT PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER *Buffer, IN unsigned long PreferedMaximumLength, OUT unsigned long *CountReturned) { PSAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER EnumBuffer = NULL; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; HANDLE AliasesKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE NamesKeyHandle = NULL; WCHAR AliasName[64]; ULONG EnumIndex; ULONG EnumCount = 0; ULONG RequiredLength = 0; ULONG NameLength; ULONG DataLength; ULONG Rid; ULONG i; BOOLEAN MoreEntries = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrEnumerateAliasesInDomain(%p %p %p %lu %p)\n", DomainHandle, EnumerationContext, Buffer, PreferedMaximumLength, CountReturned); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LIST_ACCOUNTS, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Aliases", KEY_READ, &AliasesKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(AliasesKeyHandle, L"Names", KEY_READ, &NamesKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; TRACE("Part 1\n"); EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; while (TRUE) { NameLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(NamesKeyHandle, EnumIndex, AliasName, &NameLength, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("Alias name: %S\n", AliasName); TRACE("Name length: %lu\n", NameLength); if ((RequiredLength + NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) + sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)) > PreferedMaximumLength) { MoreEntries = TRUE; break; } RequiredLength += (NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) + sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); EnumCount++; EnumIndex++; } TRACE("EnumCount: %lu\n", EnumCount); TRACE("RequiredLength: %lu\n", RequiredLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; EnumBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ENUMERATION_BUFFER)); if (EnumBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } EnumBuffer->EntriesRead = EnumCount; if (EnumCount == 0) goto done; EnumBuffer->Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumCount * sizeof(SAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION)); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } TRACE("Part 2\n"); EnumIndex = *EnumerationContext; for (i = 0; i < EnumCount; i++, EnumIndex++) { NameLength = 64 * sizeof(WCHAR); DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(NamesKeyHandle, EnumIndex, AliasName, &NameLength, NULL, &Rid, &DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } TRACE("EnumIndex: %lu\n", EnumIndex); TRACE("Alias name: %S\n", AliasName); TRACE("Name length: %lu\n", NameLength); TRACE("RID: %lu\n", Rid); EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].RelativeId = Rid; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length = (USHORT)NameLength; EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(DataLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); /* FIXME: Disabled because of bugs in widl and rpcrt4 */ #if 0 EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer = midl_user_allocate(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.MaximumLength); if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } memcpy(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer, AliasName, EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Length); #endif } done: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *EnumerationContext += EnumCount; *Buffer = EnumBuffer; *CountReturned = EnumCount; } else { *EnumerationContext = 0; *Buffer = NULL; *CountReturned = 0; if (EnumBuffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer != NULL) { if (EnumBuffer->EntriesRead != 0) { for (i = 0; i < EnumBuffer->EntriesRead; i++) { if (EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer[i].Name.Buffer); } } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer->Buffer); } midl_user_free(EnumBuffer); } } if (NamesKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(NamesKeyHandle); if (AliasesKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(AliasesKeyHandle); if ((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && (MoreEntries == TRUE)) Status = STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; return Status; } /* Function 16 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetAliasMembership(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN PSAMPR_PSID_ARRAY SidArray, OUT PSAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY Membership) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; HANDLE AliasesKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE MembersKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE MemberKeyHandle = NULL; LPWSTR MemberSidString = NULL; PULONG RidArray = NULL; ULONG MaxSidCount = 0; ULONG ValueCount; ULONG DataLength; ULONG i, j; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrGetAliasMembership(%p %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, SidArray, Membership); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Aliases", KEY_READ, &AliasesKeyHandle); TRACE("SampRegOpenKey returned %08lX\n", Status); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = SampRegOpenKey(AliasesKeyHandle, L"Members", KEY_READ, &MembersKeyHandle); TRACE("SampRegOpenKey returned %08lX\n", Status); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; for (i = 0; i < SidArray->Count; i++) { ConvertSidToStringSid(SidArray->Sids[i].SidPointer, &MemberSidString); TRACE("Open %S\n", MemberSidString); Status = SampRegOpenKey(MembersKeyHandle, MemberSidString, KEY_READ, &MemberKeyHandle); TRACE("SampRegOpenKey returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MemberKeyHandle, NULL, &ValueCount); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Found %lu values\n", ValueCount); MaxSidCount += ValueCount; } NtClose(MemberKeyHandle); } LocalFree(MemberSidString); } TRACE("Maximum sid count: %lu\n", MaxSidCount); RidArray = midl_user_allocate(MaxSidCount * sizeof(ULONG)); if (RidArray == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < SidArray->Count; i++) { ConvertSidToStringSid(SidArray->Sids[i].SidPointer, &MemberSidString); TRACE("Open %S\n", MemberSidString); Status = SampRegOpenKey(MembersKeyHandle, MemberSidString, KEY_READ, &MemberKeyHandle); TRACE("SampRegOpenKey returned %08lX\n", Status); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MemberKeyHandle, NULL, &ValueCount); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Found %lu values\n", ValueCount); for (j = 0; j < ValueCount; j++) { DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(MemberKeyHandle, j, NULL, NULL, NULL, (PVOID)&RidArray[j], &DataLength); } } NtClose(MemberKeyHandle); } LocalFree(MemberSidString); } done: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Membership->Count = MaxSidCount; Membership->Element = RidArray; } else { if (RidArray != NULL) midl_user_free(RidArray); } if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) NtClose(MembersKeyHandle); if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) NtClose(MembersKeyHandle); if (AliasesKeyHandle != NULL) NtClose(AliasesKeyHandle); return Status; } /* Function 17 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrLookupNamesInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN ULONG Count, IN RPC_UNICODE_STRING Names[], OUT PSAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY RelativeIds, OUT PSAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY Use) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; HANDLE AccountsKeyHandle; HANDLE NamesKeyHandle; ULONG MappedCount = 0; ULONG DataLength; ULONG i; ULONG RelativeId; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrLookupNamesInDomain(%p %lu %p %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, Count, Names, RelativeIds, Use); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } RelativeIds->Count = 0; Use->Count = 0; if (Count == 0) return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Allocate the relative IDs array */ RelativeIds->Element = midl_user_allocate(Count * sizeof(ULONG)); if (RelativeIds->Element == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } /* Allocate the use array */ Use->Element = midl_user_allocate(Count * sizeof(ULONG)); if (Use->Element == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } RelativeIds->Count = Count; Use->Count = Count; for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { TRACE("Name: %S\n", Names[i].Buffer); RelativeId = 0; /* Lookup aliases */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Aliases", KEY_READ, &AccountsKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegOpenKey(AccountsKeyHandle, L"Names", KEY_READ, &NamesKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegQueryValue(NamesKeyHandle, Names[i].Buffer, NULL, &RelativeId, &DataLength); SampRegCloseKey(NamesKeyHandle); } SampRegCloseKey(AccountsKeyHandle); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) break; /* Return alias account */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && RelativeId != 0) { TRACE("Rid: %lu\n", RelativeId); RelativeIds->Element[i] = RelativeId; Use->Element[i] = SidTypeAlias; MappedCount++; continue; } /* Lookup groups */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Groups", KEY_READ, &AccountsKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegOpenKey(AccountsKeyHandle, L"Names", KEY_READ, &NamesKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegQueryValue(NamesKeyHandle, Names[i].Buffer, NULL, &RelativeId, &DataLength); SampRegCloseKey(NamesKeyHandle); } SampRegCloseKey(AccountsKeyHandle); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) break; /* Return group account */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && RelativeId != 0) { TRACE("Rid: %lu\n", RelativeId); RelativeIds->Element[i] = RelativeId; Use->Element[i] = SidTypeGroup; MappedCount++; continue; } /* Lookup users */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Users", KEY_READ, &AccountsKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegOpenKey(AccountsKeyHandle, L"Names", KEY_READ, &NamesKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = sizeof(ULONG); Status = SampRegQueryValue(NamesKeyHandle, Names[i].Buffer, NULL, &RelativeId, &DataLength); SampRegCloseKey(NamesKeyHandle); } SampRegCloseKey(AccountsKeyHandle); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) break; /* Return user account */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && RelativeId != 0) { TRACE("Rid: %lu\n", RelativeId); RelativeIds->Element[i] = RelativeId; Use->Element[i] = SidTypeUser; MappedCount++; continue; } /* Return unknown account */ RelativeIds->Element[i] = 0; Use->Element[i] = SidTypeUnknown; } done: if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (MappedCount == 0) Status = STATUS_NONE_MAPPED; else if (MappedCount < Count) Status = STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED; } else { if (RelativeIds->Element != NULL) { midl_user_free(RelativeIds->Element); RelativeIds->Element = NULL; } RelativeIds->Count = 0; if (Use->Element != NULL) { midl_user_free(Use->Element); Use->Element = NULL; } Use->Count = 0; } TRACE("Returned Status %lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 18 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrLookupIdsInDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN ULONG Count, IN ULONG *RelativeIds, OUT PSAMPR_RETURNED_USTRING_ARRAY Names, OUT PSAMPR_ULONG_ARRAY Use) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; WCHAR RidString[9]; HANDLE AccountsKeyHandle; HANDLE AccountKeyHandle; ULONG MappedCount = 0; ULONG DataLength; ULONG i; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrLookupIdsInDomain(%p %lu %p %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, Count, RelativeIds, Names, Use); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } Names->Count = 0; Use->Count = 0; if (Count == 0) return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Allocate the names array */ Names->Element = midl_user_allocate(Count * sizeof(ULONG)); if (Names->Element == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } /* Allocate the use array */ Use->Element = midl_user_allocate(Count * sizeof(ULONG)); if (Use->Element == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } Names->Count = Count; Use->Count = Count; for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { TRACE("RID: %lu\n", RelativeIds[i]); swprintf(RidString, L"%08lx", RelativeIds[i]); /* Lookup aliases */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Aliases", KEY_READ, &AccountsKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegOpenKey(AccountsKeyHandle, RidString, KEY_READ, &AccountKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = 0; Status = SampRegQueryValue(AccountKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, NULL, &DataLength); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Names->Element[i].Buffer = midl_user_allocate(DataLength); if (Names->Element[i].Buffer == NULL) Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Names->Element[i].MaximumLength = (USHORT)DataLength; Names->Element[i].Length = (USHORT)(DataLength - sizeof(WCHAR)); Status = SampRegQueryValue(AccountKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, Names->Element[i].Buffer, &DataLength); } } SampRegCloseKey(AccountKeyHandle); } SampRegCloseKey(AccountsKeyHandle); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) break; /* Return alias account */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Names->Element[i].Buffer != NULL) { TRACE("Name: %S\n", Names->Element[i].Buffer); Use->Element[i] = SidTypeAlias; MappedCount++; continue; } /* Lookup groups */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Groups", KEY_READ, &AccountsKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegOpenKey(AccountsKeyHandle, RidString, KEY_READ, &AccountKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = 0; Status = SampRegQueryValue(AccountKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, NULL, &DataLength); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Names->Element[i].Buffer = midl_user_allocate(DataLength); if (Names->Element[i].Buffer == NULL) Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Names->Element[i].MaximumLength = (USHORT)DataLength; Names->Element[i].Length = (USHORT)(DataLength - sizeof(WCHAR)); Status = SampRegQueryValue(AccountKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, Names->Element[i].Buffer, &DataLength); } } SampRegCloseKey(AccountKeyHandle); } SampRegCloseKey(AccountsKeyHandle); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) break; /* Return group account */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Names->Element[i].Buffer != NULL) { TRACE("Name: %S\n", Names->Element[i].Buffer); Use->Element[i] = SidTypeGroup; MappedCount++; continue; } /* Lookup users */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(DomainObject->KeyHandle, L"Users", KEY_READ, &AccountsKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SampRegOpenKey(AccountsKeyHandle, RidString, KEY_READ, &AccountKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DataLength = 0; Status = SampRegQueryValue(AccountKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, NULL, &DataLength); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("DataLength: %lu\n", DataLength); Names->Element[i].Buffer = midl_user_allocate(DataLength); if (Names->Element[i].Buffer == NULL) Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Names->Element[i].MaximumLength = (USHORT)DataLength; Names->Element[i].Length = (USHORT)(DataLength - sizeof(WCHAR)); Status = SampRegQueryValue(AccountKeyHandle, L"Name", NULL, Names->Element[i].Buffer, &DataLength); } } SampRegCloseKey(AccountKeyHandle); } SampRegCloseKey(AccountsKeyHandle); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) break; /* Return user account */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Names->Element[i].Buffer != NULL) { TRACE("Name: %S\n", Names->Element[i].Buffer); Use->Element[i] = SidTypeUser; MappedCount++; continue; } /* Return unknown account */ Use->Element[i] = SidTypeUnknown; } done: if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (MappedCount == 0) Status = STATUS_NONE_MAPPED; else if (MappedCount < Count) Status = STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED; } else { if (Names->Element != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if (Names->Element[i].Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(Names->Element[i].Buffer); } midl_user_free(Names->Element); Names->Element = NULL; } Names->Count = 0; if (Use->Element != NULL) { midl_user_free(Use->Element); Use->Element = NULL; } Use->Count = 0; } return Status; } /* Function 19 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrOpenGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN unsigned long GroupId, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *GroupHandle) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrOpenGroup(%p %lx %lx %p)\n", DomainHandle, DesiredAccess, GroupId, GroupHandle); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", GroupId); /* Create the group object */ Status = SampOpenDbObject(DomainObject, L"Groups", szRid, SamDbGroupObject, DesiredAccess, &GroupObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } *GroupHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)GroupObject; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryGroupGeneral(PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject, PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; HANDLE MembersKeyHandle = NULL; SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(GroupObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->General.Name); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(GroupObject, L"Description", &InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Length = sizeof(SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->General.Attributes = FixedData.Attributes; /* Open the Members subkey */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(GroupObject->KeyHandle, L"Members", KEY_READ, &MembersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Retrieve the number of members of the alias */ Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MembersKeyHandle, NULL, &InfoBuffer->General.MemberCount); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MembersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->General.Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.Name.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryGroupName(PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject, PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(GroupObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->Name.Name); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Name.Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Name.Name.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryGroupAttribute(PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject, PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Attribute.Attributes = FixedData.Attributes; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryGroupAdminComment(PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject, PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(GroupObject, L"Description", &InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } /* Function 20 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryInformationGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE GroupHandle, IN GROUP_INFORMATION_CLASS GroupInformationClass, OUT PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrQueryInformationGroup(%p %lu %p)\n", GroupHandle, GroupInformationClass, Buffer); /* Validate the group handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(GroupHandle, SamDbGroupObject, GROUP_READ_INFORMATION, &GroupObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; switch (GroupInformationClass) { case GroupGeneralInformation: Status = SampQueryGroupGeneral(GroupObject, Buffer); break; case GroupNameInformation: Status = SampQueryGroupName(GroupObject, Buffer); break; case GroupAttributeInformation: Status = SampQueryGroupAttribute(GroupObject, Buffer); break; case GroupAdminCommentInformation: Status = SampQueryGroupAdminComment(GroupObject, Buffer); break; default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetGroupAttribute(PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject, PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_GROUP_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.Attributes = Buffer->Attribute.Attributes; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } /* Function 21 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetInformationGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE GroupHandle, IN GROUP_INFORMATION_CLASS GroupInformationClass, IN PSAMPR_GROUP_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT GroupObject; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrSetInformationGroup(%p %lu %p)\n", GroupHandle, GroupInformationClass, Buffer); /* Validate the group handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(GroupHandle, SamDbGroupObject, GROUP_WRITE_ACCOUNT, &GroupObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; switch (GroupInformationClass) { case GroupNameInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, Buffer->Name.Name.Buffer, Buffer->Name.Name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case GroupAttributeInformation: Status = SampSetGroupAttribute(GroupObject, Buffer); break; case GroupAdminCommentInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(GroupObject, L"Description", REG_SZ, Buffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer, Buffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } return Status; } /* Function 22 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrAddMemberToGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE GroupHandle, IN unsigned long MemberId, IN unsigned long Attributes) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 21 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrDeleteGroup(IN OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *GroupHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 24 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrRemoveMemberFromGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE GroupHandle, IN unsigned long MemberId) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 25 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetMembersInGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE GroupHandle, OUT PSAMPR_GET_MEMBERS_BUFFER *Members) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 26 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetMemberAttributesOfGroup(IN SAMPR_HANDLE GroupHandle, IN unsigned long MemberId, IN unsigned long Attributes) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 27 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrOpenAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN ULONG AliasId, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *AliasHandle) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrOpenAlias(%p %lx %lx %p)\n", DomainHandle, DesiredAccess, AliasId, AliasHandle); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", AliasId); /* Create the alias object */ Status = SampOpenDbObject(DomainObject, L"Aliases", szRid, SamDbAliasObject, DesiredAccess, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } *AliasHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)AliasObject; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryAliasGeneral(PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject, PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; HANDLE MembersKeyHandle = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(AliasObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->General.Name); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(AliasObject, L"Description", &InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Open the Members subkey */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(AliasObject->KeyHandle, L"Members", KEY_READ, &MembersKeyHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Retrieve the number of members of the alias */ Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MembersKeyHandle, NULL, &InfoBuffer->General.MemberCount); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } } else if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { InfoBuffer->General.MemberCount = 0; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MembersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->General.Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.Name.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryAliasName(PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject, PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(AliasObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->Name.Name); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Name.Name.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Name.Name.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryAliasAdminComment(PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject, PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(AliasObject, L"Description", &InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } /* Function 28 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryInformationAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, IN ALIAS_INFORMATION_CLASS AliasInformationClass, OUT PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrQueryInformationAlias(%p %lu %p)\n", AliasHandle, AliasInformationClass, Buffer); /* Validate the alias handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(AliasHandle, SamDbAliasObject, ALIAS_READ_INFORMATION, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; switch (AliasInformationClass) { case AliasGeneralInformation: Status = SampQueryAliasGeneral(AliasObject, Buffer); break; case AliasNameInformation: Status = SampQueryAliasName(AliasObject, Buffer); break; case AliasAdminCommentInformation: Status = SampQueryAliasAdminComment(AliasObject, Buffer); break; default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } return Status; } /* Function 29 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetInformationAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, IN ALIAS_INFORMATION_CLASS AliasInformationClass, IN PSAMPR_ALIAS_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrSetInformationAlias(%p %lu %p)\n", AliasHandle, AliasInformationClass, Buffer); /* Validate the alias handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(AliasHandle, SamDbAliasObject, ALIAS_WRITE_ACCOUNT, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; switch (AliasInformationClass) { case AliasNameInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(AliasObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, Buffer->Name.Name.Buffer, Buffer->Name.Name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case AliasAdminCommentInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(AliasObject, L"Description", REG_SZ, Buffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer, Buffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); break; default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; break; } return Status; } /* Function 30 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrDeleteAlias(IN OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *AliasHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 31 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrAddMemberToAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, IN PRPC_SID MemberId) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; LPWSTR MemberIdString = NULL; HANDLE MembersKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE MemberKeyHandle = NULL; ULONG MemberIdLength; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrAddMemberToAlias(%p %p)\n", AliasHandle, MemberId); /* Validate the alias handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(AliasHandle, SamDbAliasObject, ALIAS_ADD_MEMBER, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } ConvertSidToStringSidW(MemberId, &MemberIdString); TRACE("Member SID: %S\n", MemberIdString); MemberIdLength = RtlLengthSid(MemberId); Status = SampRegCreateKey(AliasObject->KeyHandle, L"Members", KEY_WRITE, &MembersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegCreateKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegSetValue(MembersKeyHandle, MemberIdString, REG_BINARY, MemberId, MemberIdLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegSetValue failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegCreateKey(AliasObject->MembersKeyHandle, MemberIdString, KEY_WRITE, &MemberKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegCreateKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegSetValue(MemberKeyHandle, AliasObject->Name, REG_BINARY, MemberId, MemberIdLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegSetValue failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } done: if (MemberKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MemberKeyHandle); if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MembersKeyHandle); if (MemberIdString != NULL) LocalFree(MemberIdString); return Status; } /* Function 32 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrRemoveMemberFromAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, IN PRPC_SID MemberId) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; LPWSTR MemberIdString = NULL; HANDLE MembersKeyHandle = NULL; HANDLE MemberKeyHandle = NULL; ULONG ulValueCount; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrRemoveMemberFromAlias(%p %p)\n", AliasHandle, MemberId); /* Validate the alias handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(AliasHandle, SamDbAliasObject, ALIAS_REMOVE_MEMBER, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } ConvertSidToStringSidW(MemberId, &MemberIdString); TRACE("Member SID: %S\n", MemberIdString); Status = SampRegOpenKey(AliasObject->MembersKeyHandle, MemberIdString, KEY_WRITE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &MemberKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegOpenKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegDeleteValue(MemberKeyHandle, AliasObject->Name); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegDeleteValue failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MemberKeyHandle, NULL, &ulValueCount); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegQueryKeyInfo failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } if (ulValueCount == 0) { SampRegCloseKey(MemberKeyHandle); MemberKeyHandle = NULL; Status = SampRegDeleteKey(AliasObject->MembersKeyHandle, MemberIdString); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegDeleteKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } } Status = SampRegOpenKey(AliasObject->KeyHandle, L"Members", KEY_WRITE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &MembersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegOpenKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegDeleteValue(MembersKeyHandle, MemberIdString); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegDeleteValue failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MembersKeyHandle, NULL, &ulValueCount); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegQueryKeyInfo failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } if (ulValueCount == 0) { SampRegCloseKey(MembersKeyHandle); MembersKeyHandle = NULL; Status = SampRegDeleteKey(AliasObject->KeyHandle, L"Members"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("SampRegDeleteKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } } done: if (MemberKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MemberKeyHandle); if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MembersKeyHandle); if (MemberIdString != NULL) LocalFree(MemberIdString); return Status; } /* Function 33 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetMembersInAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, OUT PSAMPR_PSID_ARRAY_OUT Members) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT AliasObject; HANDLE MembersKeyHandle = NULL; PSAMPR_SID_INFORMATION MemberArray = NULL; ULONG ValueCount = 0; ULONG DataLength; ULONG Index; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrGetMembersInAlias(%p %p %p)\n", AliasHandle, Members); /* Validate the alias handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(AliasHandle, SamDbAliasObject, ALIAS_LIST_MEMBERS, &AliasObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Open the members key of the alias objct */ Status = SampRegOpenKey(AliasObject->KeyHandle, L"Members", KEY_READ, &MembersKeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("SampRegOpenKey failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Get the number of members */ Status = SampRegQueryKeyInfo(MembersKeyHandle, NULL, &ValueCount); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("SampRegQueryKeyInfo failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Allocate the member array */ MemberArray = midl_user_allocate(ValueCount * sizeof(SAMPR_SID_INFORMATION)); if (MemberArray == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } /* Enumerate the members */ Index = 0; while (TRUE) { /* Get the size of the next SID */ DataLength = 0; Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(MembersKeyHandle, Index, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } /* Allocate a buffer for the SID */ MemberArray[Index].SidPointer = midl_user_allocate(DataLength); if (MemberArray[Index].SidPointer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto done; } /* Read the SID into the buffer */ Status = SampRegEnumerateValue(MembersKeyHandle, Index, NULL, NULL, NULL, (PVOID)MemberArray[Index].SidPointer, &DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto done; } Index++; } /* Return the number of members and the member array */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Members->Count = ValueCount; Members->Sids = MemberArray; } done: /* Clean up the members array and the SID buffers if something failed */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (MemberArray != NULL) { for (Index = 0; Index < ValueCount; Index++) { if (MemberArray[Index].SidPointer != NULL) midl_user_free(MemberArray[Index].SidPointer); } midl_user_free(MemberArray); } } /* Close the members key */ if (MembersKeyHandle != NULL) SampRegCloseKey(MembersKeyHandle); return Status; } /* Function 34 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrOpenUser(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN unsigned long UserId, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *UserHandle) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrOpenUser(%p %lx %lx %p)\n", DomainHandle, DesiredAccess, UserId, UserHandle); /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", UserId); /* Create the user object */ Status = SampOpenDbObject(DomainObject, L"Users", szRid, SamDbUserObject, DesiredAccess, &UserObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } *UserHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)UserObject; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Function 35 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrDeleteUser(IN OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *UserHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserGeneral(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->General.PrimaryGroupId = FixedData.PrimaryGroupId; /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->General.UserName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the FullName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"FullName", &InfoBuffer->General.FullName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the AdminComment string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"AdminComment", &InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the UserComment string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"UserComment", &InfoBuffer->General.UserComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->General.UserName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.UserName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.FullName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.FullName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->General.UserComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->General.UserComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserPreferences(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Preferences.CountryCode = FixedData.CountryCode; InfoBuffer->Preferences.CodePage = FixedData.CodePage; /* Get the UserComment string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"UserComment", &InfoBuffer->Preferences.UserComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Preferences.UserComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Preferences.UserComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserLogon(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Logon.UserId = FixedData.UserId; InfoBuffer->Logon.PrimaryGroupId = FixedData.PrimaryGroupId; InfoBuffer->Logon.LastLogon.LowPart = FixedData.LastLogon.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Logon.LastLogon.HighPart = FixedData.LastLogon.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Logon.LastLogoff.LowPart = FixedData.LastLogoff.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Logon.LastLogoff.HighPart = FixedData.LastLogoff.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Logon.PasswordLastSet.LowPart = FixedData.PasswordLastSet.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Logon.PasswordLastSet.HighPart = FixedData.PasswordLastSet.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Logon.BadPasswordCount = FixedData.BadPasswordCount; InfoBuffer->Logon.LogonCount = FixedData.LogonCount; InfoBuffer->Logon.UserAccountControl = FixedData.UserAccountControl; // OLD_LARGE_INTEGER PasswordCanChange; // OLD_LARGE_INTEGER PasswordMustChange; /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->Logon.UserName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the FullName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"FullName", &InfoBuffer->Logon.FullName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the HomeDirectory string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"HomeDirectory", &InfoBuffer->Logon.HomeDirectory); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the HomeDirectoryDrive string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"HomeDirectoryDrive", &InfoBuffer->Logon.HomeDirectoryDrive); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the ScriptPath string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"ScriptPath", &InfoBuffer->Logon.ScriptPath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the ProfilePath string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"ProfilePath", &InfoBuffer->Logon.ProfilePath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the WorkStations string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"WorkStations", &InfoBuffer->Logon.WorkStations); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* FIXME: LogonHours */ *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Logon.UserName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.UserName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.FullName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.FullName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.HomeDirectory.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.HomeDirectory.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.ScriptPath.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.ScriptPath.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.ProfilePath.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.ProfilePath.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.WorkStations.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.WorkStations.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Logon.LogonHours.LogonHours != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Logon.LogonHours.LogonHours); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserAccount(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Account.UserId = FixedData.UserId; InfoBuffer->Account.PrimaryGroupId = FixedData.PrimaryGroupId; InfoBuffer->Account.LastLogon.LowPart = FixedData.LastLogon.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Account.LastLogon.HighPart = FixedData.LastLogon.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Account.LastLogoff.LowPart = FixedData.LastLogoff.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Account.LastLogoff.HighPart = FixedData.LastLogoff.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Account.PasswordLastSet.LowPart = FixedData.PasswordLastSet.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Account.PasswordLastSet.HighPart = FixedData.PasswordLastSet.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Account.AccountExpires.LowPart = FixedData.AccountExpires.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Account.AccountExpires.HighPart = FixedData.AccountExpires.HighPart; InfoBuffer->Account.BadPasswordCount = FixedData.BadPasswordCount; InfoBuffer->Account.LogonCount = FixedData.LogonCount; InfoBuffer->Account.UserAccountControl = FixedData.UserAccountControl; /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->Account.UserName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the FullName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"FullName", &InfoBuffer->Account.FullName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the HomeDirectory string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"HomeDirectory", &InfoBuffer->Account.HomeDirectory); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the HomeDirectoryDrive string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"HomeDirectoryDrive", &InfoBuffer->Account.HomeDirectoryDrive); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the ScriptPath string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"ScriptPath", &InfoBuffer->Account.ScriptPath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the ProfilePath string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"ProfilePath", &InfoBuffer->Account.ProfilePath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the AdminComment string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"AdminComment", &InfoBuffer->Account.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the WorkStations string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"WorkStations", &InfoBuffer->Account.WorkStations); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* FIXME: LogonHours */ *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Account.UserName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.UserName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.FullName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.FullName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.HomeDirectory.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.HomeDirectory.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.ScriptPath.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.ScriptPath.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.ProfilePath.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.ProfilePath.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.AdminComment.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.WorkStations.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.WorkStations.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Account.LogonHours.LogonHours != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Account.LogonHours.LogonHours); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } /* FIXME: SampQueryUserLogonHours */ static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserName(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->Name.UserName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the FullName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"FullName", &InfoBuffer->Name.FullName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Name.UserName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Name.UserName.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Name.FullName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Name.FullName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserAccountName(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the Name string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"Name", &InfoBuffer->AccountName.UserName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->AccountName.UserName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->AccountName.UserName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserFullName(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the FullName string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"FullName", &InfoBuffer->FullName.FullName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->FullName.FullName.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->FullName.FullName.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserPrimaryGroup(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroupId = FixedData.PrimaryGroupId; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserHome(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the HomeDirectory string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"HomeDirectory", &InfoBuffer->Home.HomeDirectory); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } /* Get the HomeDirectoryDrive string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"HomeDirectoryDrive", &InfoBuffer->Home.HomeDirectoryDrive); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Home.HomeDirectory.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Home.HomeDirectory.Buffer); if (InfoBuffer->Home.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Home.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserScript(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the ScriptPath string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"ScriptPath", &InfoBuffer->Script.ScriptPath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Script.ScriptPath.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Script.ScriptPath.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserProfile(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the ProfilePath string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"ProfilePath", &InfoBuffer->Profile.ProfilePath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->Profile.ProfilePath.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->Profile.ProfilePath.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserAdminComment(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the AdminComment string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"AdminComment", &InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserWorkStations(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the WorkStations string */ Status = SampGetObjectAttributeString(UserObject, L"WorkStations", &InfoBuffer->WorkStations.WorkStations); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); goto done; } *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { if (InfoBuffer->WorkStations.WorkStations.Buffer != NULL) midl_user_free(InfoBuffer->WorkStations.WorkStations.Buffer); midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserControl(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Control.UserAccountControl = FixedData.UserAccountControl; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampQueryUserExpires(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER InfoBuffer = NULL; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *Buffer = NULL; InfoBuffer = midl_user_allocate(sizeof(SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER)); if (InfoBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; InfoBuffer->Expires.AccountExpires.LowPart = FixedData.AccountExpires.LowPart; InfoBuffer->Expires.AccountExpires.HighPart = FixedData.AccountExpires.HighPart; *Buffer = InfoBuffer; done: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (InfoBuffer != NULL) { midl_user_free(InfoBuffer); } } return Status; } /* Function 36 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryInformationUser(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, IN USER_INFORMATION_CLASS UserInformationClass, OUT PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject; ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrQueryInformationUser(%p %lu %p)\n", UserHandle, UserInformationClass, Buffer); switch (UserInformationClass) { case UserGeneralInformation: case UserNameInformation: case UserAccountNameInformation: case UserFullNameInformation: case UserPrimaryGroupInformation: case UserAdminCommentInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_READ_GENERAL; break; case UserLogonHoursInformation: case UserHomeInformation: case UserScriptInformation: case UserProfileInformation: case UserWorkStationsInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_READ_LOGON; break; case UserControlInformation: case UserExpiresInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_READ_ACCOUNT; break; case UserPreferencesInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_READ_GENERAL | USER_READ_PREFERENCES; break; case UserLogonInformation: case UserAccountInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_READ_GENERAL | USER_READ_PREFERENCES | USER_READ_LOGON | USER_READ_ACCOUNT; break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(UserHandle, SamDbUserObject, DesiredAccess, &UserObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } switch (UserInformationClass) { case UserGeneralInformation: Status = SampQueryUserGeneral(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserPreferencesInformation: Status = SampQueryUserPreferences(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserLogonInformation: Status = SampQueryUserLogon(UserObject, Buffer); break; // case UserLogonHoursInformation: // Status = SampQueryUserLogonHours(UserObject, // Buffer); // break; case UserAccountInformation: Status = SampQueryUserAccount(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserNameInformation: Status = SampQueryUserName(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserAccountNameInformation: Status = SampQueryUserAccountName(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserFullNameInformation: Status = SampQueryUserFullName(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserPrimaryGroupInformation: Status = SampQueryUserPrimaryGroup(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserHomeInformation: Status = SampQueryUserHome(UserObject, Buffer); case UserScriptInformation: Status = SampQueryUserScript(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserProfileInformation: Status = SampQueryUserProfile(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserAdminCommentInformation: Status = SampQueryUserAdminComment(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserWorkStationsInformation: Status = SampQueryUserWorkStations(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserControlInformation: Status = SampQueryUserControl(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserExpiresInformation: Status = SampQueryUserExpires(UserObject, Buffer); break; default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetUserGeneral(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.PrimaryGroupId = Buffer->General.PrimaryGroupId; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, Buffer->General.UserName.Buffer, Buffer->General.UserName.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"FullName", REG_SZ, Buffer->General.FullName.Buffer, Buffer->General.FullName.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"AdminComment", REG_SZ, Buffer->General.AdminComment.Buffer, Buffer->General.AdminComment.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"UserComment", REG_SZ, Buffer->General.UserComment.Buffer, Buffer->General.UserComment.MaximumLength); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetUserPreferences(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.CountryCode = Buffer->Preferences.CountryCode; FixedData.CodePage = Buffer->Preferences.CodePage; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"UserComment", REG_SZ, Buffer->Preferences.UserComment.Buffer, Buffer->Preferences.UserComment.MaximumLength); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetUserPrimaryGroup(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.PrimaryGroupId = Buffer->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroupId; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetUserControl(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.UserAccountControl = Buffer->Control.UserAccountControl; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } static NTSTATUS SampSetUserExpires(PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject, PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedData; ULONG Length = 0; NTSTATUS Status; Length = sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedData, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto done; FixedData.AccountExpires.LowPart = Buffer->Expires.AccountExpires.LowPart; FixedData.AccountExpires.HighPart = Buffer->Expires.AccountExpires.HighPart; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedData, Length); done: return Status; } /* Function 37 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetInformationUser(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, IN USER_INFORMATION_CLASS UserInformationClass, IN PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject; ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrSetInformationUser(%p %lu %p)\n", UserHandle, UserInformationClass, Buffer); switch (UserInformationClass) { case UserLogonHoursInformation: case UserNameInformation: case UserAccountNameInformation: case UserFullNameInformation: case UserPrimaryGroupInformation: case UserHomeInformation: case UserScriptInformation: case UserProfileInformation: case UserAdminCommentInformation: case UserWorkStationsInformation: case UserControlInformation: case UserExpiresInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT; break; case UserGeneralInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_WRITE_ACCOUNT | USER_WRITE_PREFERENCES; break; case UserPreferencesInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_WRITE_PREFERENCES; break; case UserSetPasswordInformation: DesiredAccess = USER_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE; break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(UserHandle, SamDbUserObject, DesiredAccess, &UserObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } switch (UserInformationClass) { case UserGeneralInformation: Status = SampSetUserGeneral(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserPreferencesInformation: Status = SampSetUserPreferences(UserObject, Buffer); break; /* case UserLogonHoursInformation: Status = SampSetUserLogonHours(UserObject, Buffer); break; */ case UserNameInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, Buffer->Name.UserName.Buffer, Buffer->Name.UserName.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"FullName", REG_SZ, Buffer->Name.FullName.Buffer, Buffer->Name.FullName.MaximumLength); break; case UserAccountNameInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, Buffer->AccountName.UserName.Buffer, Buffer->AccountName.UserName.MaximumLength); break; case UserFullNameInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"FullName", REG_SZ, Buffer->FullName.FullName.Buffer, Buffer->FullName.FullName.MaximumLength); break; case UserPrimaryGroupInformation: Status = SampSetUserPrimaryGroup(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserHomeInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"HomeDirectory", REG_SZ, Buffer->Home.HomeDirectory.Buffer, Buffer->Home.HomeDirectory.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"HomeDirectoryDrive", REG_SZ, Buffer->Home.HomeDirectoryDrive.Buffer, Buffer->Home.HomeDirectoryDrive.MaximumLength); break; case UserScriptInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"ScriptPath", REG_SZ, Buffer->Script.ScriptPath.Buffer, Buffer->Script.ScriptPath.MaximumLength); break; case UserProfileInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"ProfilePath", REG_SZ, Buffer->Profile.ProfilePath.Buffer, Buffer->Profile.ProfilePath.MaximumLength); break; case UserAdminCommentInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"AdminComment", REG_SZ, Buffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.Buffer, Buffer->AdminComment.AdminComment.MaximumLength); break; case UserWorkStationsInformation: Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"WorkStations", REG_SZ, Buffer->WorkStations.WorkStations.Buffer, Buffer->WorkStations.WorkStations.MaximumLength); break; case UserSetPasswordInformation: TRACE("Password: %S\n", Buffer->SetPassword.Password.Buffer); TRACE("PasswordExpired: %d\n", Buffer->SetPassword.PasswordExpired); Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"Password", REG_SZ, Buffer->SetPassword.Password.Buffer, Buffer->SetPassword.Password.MaximumLength); break; case UserControlInformation: Status = SampSetUserControl(UserObject, Buffer); break; case UserExpiresInformation: Status = SampSetUserExpires(UserObject, Buffer); break; // case UserInternal1Information: // case UserParametersInformation: // case UserAllInformation: // case UserInternal4Information: // case UserInternal5Information: // case UserInternal4InformationNew: // case UserInternal5InformationNew: default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS; } return Status; } /* Function 38 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrChangePasswordUser(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, IN unsigned char LmPresent, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD OldLmEncryptedWithNewLm, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD NewLmEncryptedWithOldLm, IN unsigned char NtPresent, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD OldNtEncryptedWithNewNt, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD NewNtEncryptedWithOldNt, IN unsigned char NtCrossEncryptionPresent, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD NewNtEncryptedWithNewLm, IN unsigned char LmCrossEncryptionPresent, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD NewLmEncryptedWithNewNt) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 39 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetGroupsForUser(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, OUT PSAMPR_GET_GROUPS_BUFFER *Groups) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 40 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryDisplayInformation(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_DISPLAY_INFORMATION DisplayInformationClass, IN unsigned long Index, IN unsigned long EntryCount, IN unsigned long PreferredMaximumLength, OUT unsigned long *TotalAvailable, OUT unsigned long *TotalReturned, OUT PSAMPR_DISPLAY_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 41 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetDisplayEnumerationIndex(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_DISPLAY_INFORMATION DisplayInformationClass, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Prefix, OUT unsigned long *Index) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 42 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrTestPrivateFunctionsDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 43 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrTestPrivateFunctionsUser(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 44 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetUserDomainPasswordInformation(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, OUT PUSER_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION PasswordInformation) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 45 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrRemoveMemberFromForeignDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN PRPC_SID MemberSid) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 46 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryInformationDomain2(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS DomainInformationClass, OUT PSAMPR_DOMAIN_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 47 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryInformationUser2(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, IN USER_INFORMATION_CLASS UserInformationClass, OUT PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER *Buffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 48 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryDisplayInformation2(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_DISPLAY_INFORMATION DisplayInformationClass, IN unsigned long Index, IN unsigned long EntryCount, IN unsigned long PreferredMaximumLength, OUT unsigned long *TotalAvailable, OUT unsigned long *TotalReturned, OUT PSAMPR_DISPLAY_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 49 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetDisplayEnumerationIndex2(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_DISPLAY_INFORMATION DisplayInformationClass, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Prefix, OUT unsigned long *Index) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 50 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrCreateUser2InDomain(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Name, IN unsigned long AccountType, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *UserHandle, OUT unsigned long *GrantedAccess, OUT unsigned long *RelativeId) { UNICODE_STRING EmptyString = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L""); SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA FixedDomainData; SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA FixedUserData; PSAM_DB_OBJECT DomainObject; PSAM_DB_OBJECT UserObject; ULONG ulSize; ULONG ulRid; WCHAR szRid[9]; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("SamrCreateUserInDomain(%p %p %lx %p %p)\n", DomainHandle, Name, DesiredAccess, UserHandle, RelativeId); if (Name == NULL || Name->Length == 0 || Name->Buffer == NULL || UserHandle == NULL || RelativeId == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Check for valid account type */ if (AccountType != USER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT && AccountType != USER_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT && AccountType != USER_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT && AccountType != USER_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT && AccountType != USER_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Validate the domain handle */ Status = SampValidateDbObject(DomainHandle, SamDbDomainObject, DOMAIN_CREATE_USER, &DomainObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Check if the user name already exists in the domain */ Status = SampCheckAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, Name->Buffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("User name \'%S\' already exists in domain (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Name->Buffer, Status); return Status; } /* Get the fixed domain attributes */ ulSize = sizeof(SAM_DOMAIN_FIXED_DATA); Status = SampGetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", NULL, (PVOID)&FixedDomainData, &ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Increment the NextRid attribute */ ulRid = FixedDomainData.NextRid; FixedDomainData.NextRid++; /* Store the fixed domain attributes */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(DomainObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, &FixedDomainData, ulSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } TRACE("RID: %lx\n", ulRid); /* Convert the RID into a string (hex) */ swprintf(szRid, L"%08lX", ulRid); /* Create the user object */ Status = SampCreateDbObject(DomainObject, L"Users", szRid, SamDbUserObject, DesiredAccess, &UserObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Add the account name for the user object */ Status = SampSetAccountNameInDomain(DomainObject, L"Users", Name->Buffer, ulRid); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Initialize fixed user data */ memset(&FixedUserData, 0, sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA)); FixedUserData.Version = 1; FixedUserData.LastLogon.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.LastLogoff.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.PasswordLastSet.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.AccountExpires.LowPart = MAXULONG; FixedUserData.AccountExpires.HighPart = MAXLONG; FixedUserData.LastBadPasswordTime.QuadPart = 0; FixedUserData.UserId = ulRid; FixedUserData.PrimaryGroupId = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS; FixedUserData.UserAccountControl = USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED | USER_PASSWORD_NOT_REQUIRED | AccountType; /* Set fixed user data attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"F", REG_BINARY, (LPVOID)&FixedUserData, sizeof(SAM_USER_FIXED_DATA)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the Name attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"Name", REG_SZ, (LPVOID)Name->Buffer, Name->MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the FullName attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"FullName", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the HomeDirectory attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"HomeDirectory", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the HomeDirectoryDrive attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"HomeDirectoryDrive", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the ScriptPath attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"ScriptPath", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the ProfilePath attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"ProfilePath", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the AdminComment attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"AdminComment", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the UserComment attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"UserComment", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Set the WorkStations attribute */ Status = SampSetObjectAttribute(UserObject, L"WorkStations", REG_SZ, EmptyString.Buffer, EmptyString.MaximumLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE("failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* FIXME: Set default user attributes */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *UserHandle = (SAMPR_HANDLE)UserObject; *RelativeId = ulRid; *GrantedAccess = UserObject->Access; } TRACE("returns with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Function 51 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrQueryDisplayInformation3(IN SAMPR_HANDLE DomainHandle, IN DOMAIN_DISPLAY_INFORMATION DisplayInformationClass, IN unsigned long Index, IN unsigned long EntryCount, IN unsigned long PreferredMaximumLength, OUT unsigned long *TotalAvailable, OUT unsigned long *TotalReturned, OUT PSAMPR_DISPLAY_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 52 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrAddMultipleMembersToAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, IN PSAMPR_PSID_ARRAY MembersBuffer) { ULONG i; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE("SamrAddMultipleMembersToAlias(%p %p)\n", AliasHandle, MembersBuffer); for (i = 0; i < MembersBuffer->Count; i++) { Status = SamrAddMemberToAlias(AliasHandle, ((PSID *)MembersBuffer->Sids)[i]); if (Status == STATUS_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } return Status; } /* Function 53 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrRemoveMultipleMembersFromAlias(IN SAMPR_HANDLE AliasHandle, IN PSAMPR_PSID_ARRAY MembersBuffer) { ULONG i; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE("SamrRemoveMultipleMembersFromAlias(%p %p)\n", AliasHandle, MembersBuffer); for (i = 0; i < MembersBuffer->Count; i++) { Status = SamrRemoveMemberFromAlias(AliasHandle, ((PSID *)MembersBuffer->Sids)[i]); if (Status == STATUS_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS) Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } return Status; } /* Function 54 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrOemChangePasswordUser2(IN handle_t BindingHandle, IN PRPC_STRING ServerName, IN PRPC_STRING UserName, IN PSAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD NewPasswordEncryptedWithOldLm, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD OldLmOwfPasswordEncryptedWithNewLm) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 55 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrUnicodeChangePasswordUser2(IN handle_t BindingHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING ServerName, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PSAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD NewPasswordEncryptedWithOldNt, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD OldNtOwfPasswordEncryptedWithNewNt, IN unsigned char LmPresent, IN PSAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD NewPasswordEncryptedWithOldLm, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD OldLmOwfPasswordEncryptedWithNewNt) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 56 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetDomainPasswordInformation(IN handle_t BindingHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Unused, OUT PUSER_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION PasswordInformation) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 57 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrConnect2(IN PSAMPR_SERVER_NAME ServerName, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *ServerHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 58 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetInformationUser2(IN SAMPR_HANDLE UserHandle, IN USER_INFORMATION_CLASS UserInformationClass, IN PSAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER Buffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 59 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetBootKeyInformation(IN handle_t BindingHandle) /* FIXME */ { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 60 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrGetBootKeyInformation(IN handle_t BindingHandle) /* FIXME */ { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 61 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrConnect3(IN handle_t BindingHandle) /* FIXME */ { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 62 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrConnect4(IN PSAMPR_SERVER_NAME ServerName, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *ServerHandle, IN unsigned long ClientRevision, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 63 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrUnicodeChangePasswordUser3(IN handle_t BindingHandle) /* FIXME */ { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 64 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrConnect5(IN PSAMPR_SERVER_NAME ServerName, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN unsigned long InVersion, IN SAMPR_REVISION_INFO *InRevisionInfo, OUT unsigned long *OutVersion, OUT SAMPR_REVISION_INFO *OutRevisionInfo, OUT SAMPR_HANDLE *ServerHandle) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 65 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrRidToSid(IN SAMPR_HANDLE ObjectHandle, IN unsigned long Rid, OUT PRPC_SID *Sid) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 66 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrSetDSRMPassword(IN handle_t BindingHandle, IN PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Unused, IN unsigned long UserId, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD EncryptedNtOwfPassword) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Function 67 */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SamrValidatePassword(IN handle_t Handle, IN PASSWORD_POLICY_VALIDATION_TYPE ValidationType, IN PSAM_VALIDATE_INPUT_ARG InputArg, OUT PSAM_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG *OutputArg) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* EOF */