/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: InterruptObject.cpp Abstract: This module implements a frameworks managed interrupt object Author: Environment: Kernel mode only Revision History: --*/ #include "pnppriv.hpp" // Tracing support // #include "InterruptObjectKm.tmh" _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxInterrupt::InitializeInternal( __in FxObject* Parent, __in PWDF_INTERRUPT_CONFIG Configuration ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Parent); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Configuration); DO_NOTHING(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID FxInterrupt::DpcHandler( __in_opt PVOID SystemArgument1, __in_opt PVOID SystemArgument2 ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SystemArgument1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SystemArgument2); ASSERT(m_EvtInterruptDpc != NULL); FX_TRACK_DRIVER(GetDriverGlobals()); // // Call the drivers registered DpcForIsr event callback // if (m_CallbackLock != NULL) { KIRQL irql = 0; m_CallbackLock->Lock(&irql); m_EvtInterruptDpc(GetHandle(), m_Device->GetHandle()); m_CallbackLock->Unlock(irql); } else { m_EvtInterruptDpc(GetHandle(), m_Device->GetHandle()); } return; } BOOLEAN FxInterrupt::QueueDpcForIsr( VOID ) { BOOLEAN queued; // // Using this function is optional, // but the caller better have registered a handler // ASSERT(m_EvtInterruptDpc != NULL); queued = KeInsertQueueDpc(&m_Dpc, this, NULL); return queued; } VOID FxInterrupt::WorkItemHandler( VOID ) { ASSERT(m_EvtInterruptWorkItem != NULL ); FX_TRACK_DRIVER(GetDriverGlobals()); // // Call the drivers registered WorkItemForIsr event callback // if (m_CallbackLock != NULL) { KIRQL irql = 0; m_CallbackLock->Lock(&irql); FxPerfTraceWorkItem(&m_EvtInterruptWorkItem); m_EvtInterruptWorkItem(GetHandle(), m_Device->GetHandle()); m_CallbackLock->Unlock(irql); } else { FxPerfTraceWorkItem(&m_EvtInterruptWorkItem); m_EvtInterruptWorkItem(GetHandle(), m_Device->GetHandle()); } return; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxInterrupt::ConnectInternal( VOID ) { IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS connectParams; FxPkgPnp* fxPkgPnp; fxPkgPnp = m_Device->m_PkgPnp; // // Tell the PnP Manager to connect the interrupt. // ASSERT(fxPkgPnp->m_IoConnectInterruptEx != NULL); // // We're running on Longhorn or later (or somebody backported the new // interrupt code,) so tell the PnP manager everything we can about this // device. // RtlZeroMemory(&connectParams, sizeof(connectParams)); if (FxIsProcessorGroupSupported()) { connectParams.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_GROUP; } else { connectParams.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED; } connectParams.FullySpecified.PhysicalDeviceObject = m_Device->GetPhysicalDevice(); connectParams.FullySpecified.InterruptObject = &m_Interrupt; connectParams.FullySpecified.ServiceRoutine = _InterruptThunk; connectParams.FullySpecified.ServiceContext = this; connectParams.FullySpecified.SpinLock = m_SpinLock; connectParams.FullySpecified.FloatingSave = m_FloatingSave; connectParams.FullySpecified.Vector = m_InterruptInfo.Vector; connectParams.FullySpecified.Irql = m_InterruptInfo.Irql; connectParams.FullySpecified.ProcessorEnableMask = m_InterruptInfo.TargetProcessorSet; connectParams.FullySpecified.Group = m_InterruptInfo.Group; connectParams.FullySpecified.InterruptMode = m_InterruptInfo.Mode; connectParams.FullySpecified.ShareVector = m_InterruptInfo.ShareDisposition == CmResourceShareShared ? TRUE : FALSE; connectParams.FullySpecified.SynchronizeIrql = m_SynchronizeIrql; return fxPkgPnp->m_IoConnectInterruptEx(&connectParams); } VOID FxInterrupt::DisconnectInternal( VOID ) { IO_DISCONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS params; PKINTERRUPT interruptObject; FxPkgPnp* fxPkgPnp; fxPkgPnp = m_Device->m_PkgPnp; // // Now null these pointers so that we can catch anyone trying to use them // erroneously. // interruptObject = m_Interrupt; m_Interrupt = NULL; // // Disconnect the interrupt. // ASSERT(fxPkgPnp->m_IoDisconnectInterruptEx != NULL); RtlZeroMemory(¶ms, sizeof(params)); if (FxIsProcessorGroupSupported()) { params.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_GROUP; } else { params.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED; } params.ConnectionContext.InterruptObject = interruptObject; fxPkgPnp->m_IoDisconnectInterruptEx(¶ms); return; } VOID FxInterrupt::FilterResourceRequirements( __inout PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR IoResourceDescriptor ) /*++ Routine Description: This function allows an interrupt object to change the IoResourceRequirementsList that the PnP Manager sends during IRP_MN_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS. This function takes a single IoResourceDescriptor and applies default or user specified policy. Arguments: IoResourceDescriptor - Pointer to descriptor that matches this interrupt object Return Value: VOID --*/ { // // Set sharing policy. // switch (m_ShareVector) { case WdfTrue: // // Override the bus driver's value, explicitly sharing this interrupt. // IoResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareShared; break; case WdfFalse: // // Override the bus driver's value, explicitly claiming this interrupt // as non-shared. // IoResourceDescriptor->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; break; case WdfUseDefault: default: // // Leave the bus driver's value alone. // break; } // // Apply policy. Only do this if we are running on an OS which supports // the notion of Interrupt Policy and if the policy is not already included // by the bus driver based on registry settings. // if (FxLibraryGlobals.IoConnectInterruptEx != NULL && m_SetPolicy && (IoResourceDescriptor->Flags & CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_POLICY_INCLUDED) == 0x0) { IoResourceDescriptor->Flags |= CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_POLICY_INCLUDED; IoResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.AffinityPolicy = (IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY)m_Policy; IoResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.PriorityPolicy = (IRQ_PRIORITY)m_Priority; IoResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.TargetedProcessors = m_Processors.Mask; IoResourceDescriptor->u.Interrupt.Group = m_Processors.Group; } } VOID FxInterrupt::FlushQueuedDpcs( VOID ) { KeFlushQueuedDpcs(); } BOOLEAN FxInterrupt::_InterruptThunk( __in struct _KINTERRUPT *Interrupt, __in PVOID ServiceContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the C routine called by the kernels INTERRUPT handler Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { FxInterrupt* interrupt; BOOLEAN result; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Interrupt); interrupt = (FxInterrupt*)ServiceContext; ASSERT( interrupt->m_EvtInterruptIsr != NULL ); if (interrupt->m_IsEdgeTriggeredNonMsiInterrupt == TRUE) { // // If KMDF is in the process of disconnecting this interrupt, discard it. // if (interrupt->m_Disconnecting == TRUE) { return FALSE; } // // Captures the interrupt object as a backup in case interrupts start // to arrive before IoConnectInterruptEx sets FxInterrupt.m_Interrupt. // interrupt->m_InterruptCaptured = Interrupt; } // // If the interrupt is not connected, treat this as spurious interrupt. // else if (NULL == interrupt->m_Interrupt) { return FALSE; } if (interrupt->IsWakeCapable()) { // // if it is a wake capable interrupt, we will hand it off // to the state machine so that it can power up the device // if required and then invoke the ISR callback // ASSERT(interrupt->m_PassiveHandling); FxPerfTracePassiveInterrupt(&interrupt->m_EvtInterruptIsr); return interrupt->WakeInterruptIsr(); } if (interrupt->m_PassiveHandling) { ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); // // Acquire our internal passive-lock after the kernel acquired its own // passive-lock and before invoking the callback. // interrupt->AcquireLock(); FxPerfTracePassiveInterrupt(&interrupt->m_EvtInterruptIsr); result = interrupt->m_EvtInterruptIsr( interrupt->GetHandle(), interrupt->m_InterruptInfo.MessageNumber); interrupt->ReleaseLock(); } else { FxPerfTraceInterrupt(&interrupt->m_EvtInterruptIsr); result = interrupt->m_EvtInterruptIsr( interrupt->GetHandle(), interrupt->m_InterruptInfo.MessageNumber); } return result; } VOID FxInterrupt::_InterruptDpcThunk( __in PKDPC Dpc, __in_opt PVOID DeferredContext, __in_opt PVOID SystemArgument1, __in_opt PVOID SystemArgument2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Thunk used to invoke EvtInterruptDpc at DPC-level, or to queue a work-item for invoking EvtInterruptWorkItem at passive-level. --*/ { FxInterrupt* interrupt; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Dpc); ASSERT(DeferredContext != NULL); interrupt = (FxInterrupt*) DeferredContext; if (interrupt->m_SystemWorkItem == NULL) { FxPerfTraceDpc(&interrupt->m_EvtInterruptDpc); interrupt->DpcHandler(SystemArgument1, SystemArgument2); } else { interrupt->m_SystemWorkItem->TryToEnqueue(_InterruptWorkItemCallback, interrupt); } } VOID FxInterrupt::FlushAndRundownInternal( VOID ) { // // Rundown the workitem. // if (m_SystemWorkItem != NULL) { m_SystemWorkItem->DeleteObject(); m_SystemWorkItem = NULL; } // // If present, delete the default passive-lock. // if (m_DisposeWaitLock) { ASSERT(m_WaitLock != NULL); m_WaitLock->DeleteObject(); m_WaitLock = NULL; m_DisposeWaitLock = FALSE; } } BOOLEAN FxInterrupt::_InterruptMarkDisconnecting( _In_opt_ PVOID SyncContext ) { FxInterrupt* pFxInterrupt; ASSERT(SyncContext != NULL); pFxInterrupt = (FxInterrupt*)SyncContext; // // This callback is invoked only if m_IsEdgeTriggeredNonMsiInterrupt // is TRUE. This will cause _InterruptThunk to discard subsequent // interrupts until m_Disconnecting is reset to FALSE. // pFxInterrupt->m_Disconnecting = TRUE; return TRUE; } VOID FxInterrupt::ReportActive( _In_ BOOLEAN Internal ) { IO_REPORT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE_STATE_PARAMETERS parameters; FxPkgPnp* fxPkgPnp; fxPkgPnp = m_Device->m_PkgPnp; if (Internal == FALSE) { // // if the interrupt is not connected, you can't report active or inactive // if(m_Connected == FALSE || m_Interrupt == NULL) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, TRACINGPNP, "Driver is reporting WDFINTERRUPT %p as being active even though" " it is not connected.", GetHandle()); FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint(GetDriverGlobals()); return; } if (fxPkgPnp->m_IoReportInterruptActive == NULL) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, TRACINGPNP, "Driver is calling DDI WdfInterruptReportActive() on an OS that " "doesn't support the DDI."); FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint(GetDriverGlobals()); return; } } // // No need to report active if interrupt is already active // if (m_Active) { return; } RtlZeroMemory(¶meters, sizeof(parameters)); if (FxIsProcessorGroupSupported()) { parameters.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_GROUP; } else { parameters.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED; } parameters.ConnectionContext.InterruptObject = m_Interrupt; fxPkgPnp->m_IoReportInterruptActive(¶meters); m_Active = TRUE; return; } VOID FxInterrupt::ReportInactive( _In_ BOOLEAN Internal ) { IO_REPORT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE_STATE_PARAMETERS parameters; FxPkgPnp* fxPkgPnp; fxPkgPnp = m_Device->m_PkgPnp; if (Internal == FALSE) { // // if the interrupt is not connected, you can't report active or inactive // if(m_Connected == FALSE || m_Interrupt == NULL) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, TRACINGPNP, "Driver is reporting WDFINTERRUPT %p as being inactive even though" " it is not connected.", GetHandle()); FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint(GetDriverGlobals()); return; } if (fxPkgPnp->m_IoReportInterruptInactive == NULL) { DoTraceLevelMessage( GetDriverGlobals(), TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, TRACINGPNP, "Driver is calling DDI WdfInterruptReportInactive() on an OS that " "doesn't support the DDI."); FxVerifierDbgBreakPoint(GetDriverGlobals()); return; } } // // No need to report Inactive if interrupt is already Inactive // if (m_Active == FALSE) { return; } RtlZeroMemory(¶meters, sizeof(parameters)); if (FxIsProcessorGroupSupported()) { parameters.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_GROUP; } else { parameters.Version = CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED; } parameters.ConnectionContext.InterruptObject = m_Interrupt; fxPkgPnp->m_IoReportInterruptInactive(¶meters); m_Active = FALSE; return; }