/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: FxDeviceInitShared.hpp Abstract: This header is split from FxDeviceInit.hpp to have definitions needed in shared code. Author: Environment: Revision History: --*/ #ifndef __FXDEVICEINITSHARED_HPP__ #define __FXDEVICEINITSHARED_HPP__ struct PdoInit { PdoInit( VOID ) { DeviceText.Next = NULL; LastDeviceTextEntry = &DeviceText.Next; } WDF_PDO_EVENT_CALLBACKS EventCallbacks; CfxDevice* Parent; FxString* DeviceID; FxString* InstanceID; FxCollectionInternal HardwareIDs; FxCollectionInternal CompatibleIDs; FxString* ContainerID; SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY DeviceText; PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY* LastDeviceTextEntry; FxDeviceDescriptionEntry* DescriptionEntry; LCID DefaultLocale; BOOLEAN Raw; BOOLEAN Static; BOOLEAN ForwardRequestToParent; }; #endif //__FXDEVICEINITSHARED_HPP__