/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS DirectX * FILE: ddraw/ddraw/ddraw_main.c * PURPOSE: IDirectDraw7::SetCooperativeLevel Implementation * PROGRAMMER: Magnus Olsen * */ #include "rosdraw.h" HRESULT WINAPI Main_DirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel (LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT This, HWND hwnd, DWORD cooplevel) { HRESULT retVal = DD_OK; DX_WINDBG_trace(); _SEH2_TRY { if (hwnd && !IsWindow(hwnd)) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } // FIXME test if 0x20 exists as a flag and what thuse it do if ( cooplevel & (~(DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE | DDSCL_FPUSETUP | DDSCL_MULTITHREADED | DDSCL_CREATEDEVICEWINDOW | DDSCL_SETDEVICEWINDOW | DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW | DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_NORMAL | DDSCL_NOWINDOWCHANGES | DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN))) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if (!( cooplevel & (DDSCL_NORMAL | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW))) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if ((cooplevel & DDSCL_FPUSETUP) && (cooplevel & DDSCL_FPUPRESERVE)) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if ((cooplevel & DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE) && (!(cooplevel & DDSCL_FULLSCREEN))) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if ((cooplevel & DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX) && (!(cooplevel & DDSCL_FULLSCREEN))) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if ((cooplevel & (DDSCL_CREATEDEVICEWINDOW | DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW))) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if (!cooplevel) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* NORMAL MODE */ if(!(cooplevel & (~DDSCL_NORMAL))) { /* FIXME in setup.c set DDRAWI_UMODELOADED | DDRAWI_DISPLAYDRV | DDRAWI_EMULATIONINITIALIZED | DDRAWI_GDIDRV | DDRAWI_ATTACHEDTODESKTOP */ /* FIXME in setup.c This->lpLcl->lpGbl->dwFlags = */ This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags = DDRAWILCL_SETCOOPCALLED | DDRAWILCL_DIRECTDRAW7 ; This->lpLcl->hWnd = (ULONG_PTR) hwnd; This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd = (ULONG_PTR) hwnd; This->lpLcl->lpGbl->lpExclusiveOwner=NULL; retVal = DD_OK; _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* FULLSCREEN */ if ((!(cooplevel & (~(DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN)))) || (!(cooplevel & (~(DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX))))) { /* FIXME in setup.c This->lpLcl->lpGbl->dwFlags = */ if (hwnd == NULL) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if( (GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) ) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } if( (This->lpLcl->lpGbl->lpExclusiveOwner != NULL) && (This->lpLcl->lpGbl->lpExclusiveOwner != This->lpLcl) ) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } This->lpLcl->lpGbl->lpExclusiveOwner = This-> lpLcl; This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags = DDRAWILCL_SETCOOPCALLED | DDRAWILCL_DIRECTDRAW7 | DDRAWILCL_HOOKEDHWND | DDRAWILCL_HASEXCLUSIVEMODE | DDRAWILCL_ISFULLSCREEN | DDRAWILCL_ACTIVEYES | DDRAWILCL_CURSORCLIPPED; if (cooplevel & DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX) { This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags = This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags | DDRAWILCL_ALLOWMODEX; } This->lpLcl->hWnd = (ULONG_PTR) hwnd; This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd = (ULONG_PTR) hwnd; /* FIXME fullscreen are not finuish */ retVal = DD_OK; _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* * Code from wine, this functions have been cut and paste from wine 0.9.35 * and have been modify allot and are still in devloping so it match with * msdn document struct and flags */ ///* Handle those levels first which set various hwnds */ //if(cooplevel & DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW) //{ // // if(This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags & DDRAWILCL_SETCOOPCALLED) // { // retVal = DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET; // _SEH2_LEAVE; // } // else if( (This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags & DDRAWILCL_ISFULLSCREEN) && window) // { // retVal = DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET; // _SEH2_LEAVE; // } // This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd = (ULONG_PTR) hwnd; // /* Won't use the hwnd param for anything else */ // hwnd = NULL; // /* Use the focus window for drawing too */ // This->lpLcl->hWnd = This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd; //} ///* DDSCL_NORMAL or DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE */ //if(cooplevel & DDSCL_NORMAL) //{ // /* Can't coexist with fullscreen or exclusive */ // if(cooplevel & (DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE) ) // { // retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; // _SEH2_LEAVE; // } // /* Switching from fullscreen? */ // if(This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags & DDRAWILCL_ISFULLSCREEN) // { // /* Restore the display mode */ // Main_DirectDraw_RestoreDisplayMode(iface); // This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags &= ~DDRAWILCL_ISFULLSCREEN; // This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags &= ~DDRAWILCL_HASEXCLUSIVEMODE; // This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags &= ~DDRAWILCL_ALLOWMODEX; // } // /* Don't override focus windows or private device windows */ // if( hwnd && // !(This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd) && // !(This->lpLcl->dwObsolete1) && // (hwnd != window) ) // { // This->lpLcl->hWnd = (ULONG_PTR)hwnd; // } // /* FIXME GL // IWineD3DDevice_SetFullscreen(This->wineD3DDevice, // FALSE); // */ // } // else if(cooplevel & DDSCL_FULLSCREEN) // { // /* Needs DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE */ // if(!(cooplevel & DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE) ) // { // retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; // _SEH2_LEAVE; // } // /* Switch from normal to full screen mode? */ // if (!(This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags & DDRAWILCL_HASEXCLUSIVEMODE)) // { // /* FIXME GL // IWineD3DDevice_SetFullscreen(This->wineD3DDevice, // TRUE); // */ // } // /* Don't override focus windows or private device windows */ // if( hwnd && // !(This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd) && // !(This->lpLcl->dwObsolete1) && // (hwnd != window) ) // { // This->lpLcl->hWnd = (ULONG_PTR) hwnd; // } // } // else if(cooplevel & DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE) // { // retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; // _SEH2_LEAVE; // } // if(cooplevel & DDSCL_CREATEDEVICEWINDOW) // { // /* Don't create a device window if a focus window is set */ // if( !This->lpLcl->hFocusWnd) // { // HWND devicewindow = CreateWindowExW(0, classname, L"DDraw device window", // WS_POPUP, 0, 0, // GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), // GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), // NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandleW(0), NULL); // ShowWindow(devicewindow, SW_SHOW); /* Just to be sure */ // This->lpLcl->dwObsolete1 = (DWORD)devicewindow; // } // } // if(cooplevel & DDSCL_MULTITHREADED && !(This->lpLcl->dwLocalFlags & DDRAWILCL_MULTITHREADED)) // { // /* FIXME GL // * IWineD3DDevice_SetMultithreaded(This->wineD3DDevice); // */ // } // /* Store the cooperative_level */ // /* FIXME GL // * This->cooperative_level |= cooplevel; // */ } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } _SEH2_END; return retVal; }