/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS DirectX * FILE: ddraw/ddraw/GetDeviceIdentifier.c * PURPOSE: IDirectDraw7 Implementation * PROGRAMMER: Magnus Olsen * */ /* TODO * We need adding digtial signarture detections for the drivers * and count out which level the signtature driver got, the value * shall be save to pDDDI->dwWHQLLevel, But I do not known how todo * this part yet, That is only missing feature in this functions * * Write a UML digram for this api */ #include "rosdraw.h" #include /* For DirectDraw 4 - 6 */ HRESULT WINAPI Main_DirectDraw_GetDeviceIdentifier(LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT This, LPDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER pDDDI, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT retVal = DD_OK; DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 pDDDI2; ZeroMemory(&pDDDI2,sizeof(DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2)); _SEH2_TRY { memcpy(&pDDDI2 , pDDDI, sizeof(DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER)); retVal = Main_DirectDraw_GetDeviceIdentifier7(This, &pDDDI2, dwFlags); if (IsBadWritePtr(pDDDI, sizeof(DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER))) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } else { memcpy(pDDDI , &pDDDI2, sizeof(DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER) ); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { retVal = DD_FALSE; } _SEH2_END; return retVal; } HRESULT WINAPI Main_DirectDraw_GetDeviceIdentifier7(LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT This, LPDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 pDDDI, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; BOOL found = FALSE; DWORD iDevNum = 0; DISPLAY_DEVICEA DisplayDeviceA; HKEY hKey; DWORD lpType = 0; DWORD strSize = MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING; char *pdest; char* pcCnvEnd; long *lpdata; DX_WINDBG_trace(); EnterCriticalSection( &ddcs ); _SEH2_TRY { if ( (IsBadWritePtr( pDDDI, sizeof(DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2) ) ) || (dwFlags & ~DDGDI_GETHOSTIDENTIFIER)) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* now we can start getting the driver data */ while (1) { ZeroMemory(&DisplayDeviceA,sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICEA)); DisplayDeviceA.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICEA); if ( EnumDisplayDevicesA( NULL, iDevNum, &DisplayDeviceA, 0) == 0) { retVal = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; break; } if (_stricmp(DisplayDeviceA.DeviceName, This->lpLcl->lpGbl->cDriverName) != 0) { /* if we got another device like hardware mpeg decoder or video card or another drv */ found = TRUE; } else if (DisplayDeviceA.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) { /* double check if it primary driver we just found */ if (!_stricmp( This->lpLcl->lpGbl->cDriverName, "DISPLAY")) { /* yeah we found it */ found = TRUE; } } if (found == TRUE) { /* we found our driver now we start setup it */ if (!_strnicmp(DisplayDeviceA.DeviceKey,"\\REGISTRY\\Machine\\",18)) { if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &DisplayDeviceA.DeviceKey[18], 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if (RegQueryValueExA(hKey, "InstalledDisplayDrivers",0, &lpType, (LPBYTE)pDDDI->szDriver, &strSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ZeroMemory(pDDDI->szDriver,MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING); } else { strcat(pDDDI->szDriver,".dll"); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } strcpy( pDDDI->szDescription, DisplayDeviceA.DeviceString); pDDDI->liDriverVersion.HighPart = 0; pDDDI->liDriverVersion.LowPart = 0; pdest = strstr(DisplayDeviceA.DeviceID,"REV_"); pDDDI->dwRevision = strtol ( &pdest[4], &pcCnvEnd, 16); pdest = strstr(DisplayDeviceA.DeviceID,"SUBSYS_"); pDDDI->dwSubSysId = strtol ( &pdest[7], &pcCnvEnd, 16); pdest = strstr(DisplayDeviceA.DeviceID,"DEV_"); pDDDI->dwDeviceId = strtol ( &pdest[4], &pcCnvEnd, 16); pdest = strstr(DisplayDeviceA.DeviceID,"VEN_"); pDDDI->dwVendorId =strtol ( &pdest[4], &pcCnvEnd, 16); /* Count out the guidDeviceIdentifier */ memcpy(&pDDDI->guidDeviceIdentifier, &CLSID_DirectDraw,sizeof(GUID)); pDDDI->guidDeviceIdentifier.Data1 ^= pDDDI->dwVendorId; lpdata = (long *)&pDDDI->guidDeviceIdentifier.Data2; *lpdata ^= pDDDI->dwDeviceId; lpdata = (long *)&pDDDI->guidDeviceIdentifier.Data4; *lpdata = (*lpdata ^ pDDDI->dwSubSysId) ^ pDDDI->liDriverVersion.LowPart; lpdata = (long *)&pDDDI->guidDeviceIdentifier.Data4[4]; *lpdata = (*lpdata ^ pDDDI->dwRevision) ^ pDDDI->liDriverVersion.HighPart; /* FIXME pDDDI->dwWHQLLevel * we leave this with no informations, I do not known * if program care for it, I mark this api done, and * tested, no bugs was found in it */ pDDDI->dwWHQLLevel = 0; retVal = DD_OK; } break; } iDevNum++; } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { retVal = DD_FALSE; } _SEH2_END; LeaveCriticalSection( &ddcs ); return retVal; }