/* ------------- textbox.c ------------ */ #include "dflat.h" static void ComputeWindowTop(DFWINDOW); static void ComputeWindowLeft(DFWINDOW); static int ComputeVScrollBox(DFWINDOW); static int ComputeHScrollBox(DFWINDOW); static void MoveScrollBox(DFWINDOW, int); static char *GetTextLine(DFWINDOW, int); BOOL VSliding; BOOL HSliding; /* ------------ ADDTEXT Message -------------- */ static BOOL AddTextMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, char *txt) { /* --- append text to the textbox's buffer --- */ unsigned adln = strlen(txt); if (adln > (unsigned)0xfff0) return FALSE; if (wnd->text != NULL) { /* ---- appending to existing text ---- */ unsigned txln = strlen(wnd->text); if ((long)txln+adln > (unsigned) 0xfff0) return FALSE; if (txln+adln > wnd->textlen) { wnd->text = DFrealloc(wnd->text, txln+adln+3); wnd->textlen = txln+adln+1; } } else { /* ------ 1st text appended ------ */ wnd->text = DFcalloc(1, adln+3); wnd->textlen = adln+1; } if (wnd->text != NULL) { /* ---- append the text ---- */ strcat(wnd->text, txt); strcat(wnd->text, "\n"); BuildTextPointers(wnd); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* ------------ DELETETEXT Message -------------- */ static void DeleteTextMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, int lno) { char *cp1 = TextLine(wnd, lno); --wnd->wlines; if (lno == wnd->wlines) *cp1 = '\0'; else { char *cp2 = TextLine(wnd, lno+1); memmove(cp1, cp2, strlen(cp2)+1); } BuildTextPointers(wnd); } /* ------------ INSERTTEXT Message -------------- */ static void InsertTextMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, char *txt, int lno) { if (AddTextMsg(wnd, txt)) { int len = strlen(txt); char *cp2 = TextLine(wnd, lno); char *cp1 = cp2+len+1; memmove(cp1, cp2, strlen(cp2)-len); strcpy(cp2, txt); *(cp2+len) = '\n'; BuildTextPointers(wnd); } } /* ------------ SETTEXT Message -------------- */ static void SetTextMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, char *txt) { /* -- assign new text value to textbox buffer -- */ unsigned int len = strlen(txt)+1; DfSendMessage(wnd, CLEARTEXT, 0, 0); wnd->textlen = len; wnd->text=DFrealloc(wnd->text, len+1); wnd->text[len] = '\0'; strcpy(wnd->text, txt); BuildTextPointers(wnd); } /* ------------ CLEARTEXT Message -------------- */ static void ClearTextMsg(DFWINDOW wnd) { /* ----- clear text from textbox ----- */ if (wnd->text != NULL) free(wnd->text); wnd->text = NULL; wnd->textlen = 0; wnd->wlines = 0; wnd->textwidth = 0; wnd->wtop = wnd->wleft = 0; ClearTextBlock(wnd); ClearTextPointers(wnd); } /* ------------ KEYBOARD Message -------------- */ static int KeyboardMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { switch ((int) p1) { case UP: return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLL,FALSE,0); case DN: return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLL,TRUE,0); case FWD: return DfSendMessage(wnd,HORIZSCROLL,TRUE,0); case BS: return DfSendMessage(wnd,HORIZSCROLL,FALSE,0); case PGUP: return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLLPAGE,FALSE,0); case PGDN: return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLLPAGE,TRUE,0); case CTRL_PGUP: return DfSendMessage(wnd,HORIZPAGE,FALSE,0); case CTRL_PGDN: return DfSendMessage(wnd,HORIZPAGE,TRUE,0); case HOME: return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLLDOC,TRUE,0); case END: return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLLDOC,FALSE,0); default: break; } return FALSE; } /* ------------ LEFT_BUTTON Message -------------- */ static int LeftButtonMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1, PARAM p2) { int mx = (int) p1 - GetLeft(wnd); int my = (int) p2 - GetTop(wnd); if (TestAttribute(wnd, VSCROLLBAR) && mx == WindowWidth(wnd)-1) { /* -------- in the right border ------- */ if (my == 0 || my == ClientHeight(wnd)+1) /* --- above or below the scroll bar --- */ return FALSE; if (my == 1) /* -------- top scroll button --------- */ return DfSendMessage(wnd, SCROLL, FALSE, 0); if (my == ClientHeight(wnd)) /* -------- bottom scroll button --------- */ return DfSendMessage(wnd, SCROLL, TRUE, 0); /* ---------- in the scroll bar ----------- */ if (!VSliding && my-1 == wnd->VScrollBox) { DFRECT rc; VSliding = TRUE; rc.lf = rc.rt = GetRight(wnd); rc.tp = GetTop(wnd)+2; rc.bt = GetBottom(wnd)-2; return DfSendMessage(NULL, MOUSE_TRAVEL, (PARAM) &rc, 0); } if (my-1 < wnd->VScrollBox) return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLLPAGE,FALSE,0); if (my-1 > wnd->VScrollBox) return DfSendMessage(wnd,SCROLLPAGE,TRUE,0); } if (TestAttribute(wnd, HSCROLLBAR) && my == WindowHeight(wnd)-1) { /* -------- in the bottom border ------- */ if (mx == 0 || my == ClientWidth(wnd)+1) /* ------ outside the scroll bar ---- */ return FALSE; if (mx == 1) return DfSendMessage(wnd, HORIZSCROLL,FALSE,0); if (mx == WindowWidth(wnd)-2) return DfSendMessage(wnd, HORIZSCROLL,TRUE,0); if (!HSliding && mx-1 == wnd->HScrollBox) { /* --- hit the scroll box --- */ DFRECT rc; rc.lf = GetLeft(wnd)+2; rc.rt = GetRight(wnd)-2; rc.tp = rc.bt = GetBottom(wnd); /* - keep the mouse in the scroll bar - */ DfSendMessage(NULL,MOUSE_TRAVEL,(PARAM)&rc,0); HSliding = TRUE; return TRUE; } if (mx-1 < wnd->HScrollBox) return DfSendMessage(wnd,HORIZPAGE,FALSE,0); if (mx-1 > wnd->HScrollBox) return DfSendMessage(wnd,HORIZPAGE,TRUE,0); } return FALSE; } /* ------------ MOUSE_MOVED Message -------------- */ static BOOL MouseMovedMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1, PARAM p2) { int mx = (int) p1 - GetLeft(wnd); int my = (int) p2 - GetTop(wnd); if (VSliding) { /* ---- dragging the vertical scroll box --- */ if (my-1 != wnd->VScrollBox) { foreground = FrameForeground(wnd); background = FrameBackground(wnd); wputch(wnd, SCROLLBARCHAR, WindowWidth(wnd)-1, wnd->VScrollBox+1); wnd->VScrollBox = my-1; wputch(wnd, SCROLLBOXCHAR, WindowWidth(wnd)-1, my); } return TRUE; } if (HSliding) { /* --- dragging the horizontal scroll box --- */ if (mx-1 != wnd->HScrollBox) { foreground = FrameForeground(wnd); background = FrameBackground(wnd); wputch(wnd, SCROLLBARCHAR, wnd->HScrollBox+1, WindowHeight(wnd)-1); wnd->HScrollBox = mx-1; wputch(wnd, SCROLLBOXCHAR, mx, WindowHeight(wnd)-1); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* ------------ BUTTON_RELEASED Message -------------- */ static void ButtonReleasedMsg(DFWINDOW wnd) { if (HSliding || VSliding) { /* release the mouse ouside the scroll bar */ DfSendMessage(NULL, MOUSE_TRAVEL, 0, 0); VSliding ? ComputeWindowTop(wnd):ComputeWindowLeft(wnd); DfSendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); DfSendMessage(wnd, KEYBOARD_CURSOR, 0, 0); VSliding = HSliding = FALSE; } } /* ------------ SCROLL Message -------------- */ static BOOL ScrollMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { /* ---- vertical scroll one line ---- */ if (p1) { /* ----- scroll one line up ----- */ if (wnd->wtop+ClientHeight(wnd) >= wnd->wlines) return FALSE; wnd->wtop++; } else { /* ----- scroll one line down ----- */ if (wnd->wtop == 0) return FALSE; --wnd->wtop; } if (isVisible(wnd)) { DFRECT rc; rc = ClipRectangle(wnd, ClientRect(wnd)); if (ValidRect(rc)) { /* ---- scroll the window ----- */ if (wnd != inFocus) DfSendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); else { scroll_window(wnd, rc, (int)p1); if (!(int)p1) /* -- write top line (down) -- */ WriteTextLine(wnd,NULL,wnd->wtop,FALSE); else { /* -- write bottom line (up) -- */ int y=RectBottom(rc)-GetClientTop(wnd); WriteTextLine(wnd, NULL, wnd->wtop+y, FALSE); } } } /* ---- reset the scroll box ---- */ if (TestAttribute(wnd, VSCROLLBAR)) { int vscrollbox = ComputeVScrollBox(wnd); if (vscrollbox != wnd->VScrollBox) MoveScrollBox(wnd, vscrollbox); } } return TRUE; } /* ------------ HORIZSCROLL Message -------------- */ static BOOL HorizScrollMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { /* --- horizontal scroll one column --- */ if (p1) { /* --- scroll left --- */ if (wnd->wleft + ClientWidth(wnd)-1 >= wnd->textwidth) return FALSE; wnd->wleft++; } else { /* --- scroll right --- */ if (wnd->wleft == 0) return FALSE; --wnd->wleft; } DfSendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); return TRUE; } /* ------------ SCROLLPAGE Message -------------- */ static void ScrollPageMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { /* --- vertical scroll one page --- */ if ((int) p1 == FALSE) { /* ---- page up ---- */ if (wnd->wtop) wnd->wtop -= ClientHeight(wnd); } else { /* ---- page down ---- */ if (wnd->wtop+ClientHeight(wnd) < wnd->wlines) { wnd->wtop += ClientHeight(wnd); if (wnd->wtop>wnd->wlines-ClientHeight(wnd)) wnd->wtop=wnd->wlines-ClientHeight(wnd); } } if (wnd->wtop < 0) wnd->wtop = 0; DfSendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); } /* ------------ HORIZSCROLLPAGE Message -------------- */ static void HorizScrollPageMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { /* --- horizontal scroll one page --- */ if ((int) p1 == FALSE) /* ---- page left ----- */ wnd->wleft -= ClientWidth(wnd); else { /* ---- page right ----- */ wnd->wleft += ClientWidth(wnd); if (wnd->wleft > wnd->textwidth-ClientWidth(wnd)) wnd->wleft = wnd->textwidth-ClientWidth(wnd); } if (wnd->wleft < 0) wnd->wleft = 0; DfSendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); } /* ------------ SCROLLDOC Message -------------- */ static void ScrollDocMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { /* --- scroll to beginning or end of document --- */ if ((int) p1) wnd->wtop = wnd->wleft = 0; else if (wnd->wtop+ClientHeight(wnd) < wnd->wlines){ wnd->wtop = wnd->wlines-ClientHeight(wnd); wnd->wleft = 0; } DfSendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); } /* ------------ PAINT Message -------------- */ static void PaintMsg(DFWINDOW wnd, PARAM p1, PARAM p2) { /* ------ paint the client area ----- */ DFRECT rc, rcc; int y; char blankline[201]; /* ----- build the rectangle to paint ----- */ if ((DFRECT *)p1 == NULL) rc=RelativeWindowRect(wnd, WindowRect(wnd)); else rc= *(DFRECT *)p1; if (TestAttribute(wnd, HASBORDER) && RectRight(rc) >= WindowWidth(wnd)-1) { if (RectLeft(rc) >= WindowWidth(wnd)-1) return; RectRight(rc) = WindowWidth(wnd)-2; } rcc = AdjustRectangle(wnd, rc); if (!p2 && wnd != inFocus) ClipString++; /* ----- blank line for padding ----- */ memset(blankline, ' ', SCREENWIDTH); blankline[RectRight(rcc)+1] = '\0'; /* ------- each line within rectangle ------ */ for (y = RectTop(rc); y <= RectBottom(rc); y++){ int yy; /* ---- test outside of Client area ---- */ if (TestAttribute(wnd, HASBORDER | HASTITLEBAR)) { if (y < TopBorderAdj(wnd)) continue; if (y > WindowHeight(wnd)-2) continue; } yy = y-TopBorderAdj(wnd); if (yy < wnd->wlines-wnd->wtop) /* ---- paint a text line ---- */ WriteTextLine(wnd, &rc, yy+wnd->wtop, FALSE); else { /* ---- paint a blank line ---- */ SetStandardColor(wnd); writeline(wnd, blankline+RectLeft(rcc), RectLeft(rcc)+BorderAdj(wnd), y, FALSE); } } /* ------- position the scroll box ------- */ if (TestAttribute(wnd, VSCROLLBAR|HSCROLLBAR)) { int hscrollbox = ComputeHScrollBox(wnd); int vscrollbox = ComputeVScrollBox(wnd); if (hscrollbox != wnd->HScrollBox || vscrollbox != wnd->VScrollBox) { wnd->HScrollBox = hscrollbox; wnd->VScrollBox = vscrollbox; DfSendMessage(wnd, BORDER, p1, 0); } } if (!p2 && wnd != inFocus) --ClipString; } /* ------------ CLOSE_WINDOW Message -------------- */ static void CloseWindowMsg(DFWINDOW wnd) { DfSendMessage(wnd, CLEARTEXT, 0, 0); if (wnd->TextPointers != NULL) { free(wnd->TextPointers); wnd->TextPointers = NULL; } } /* ----------- TEXTBOX Message-processing Module ----------- */ int TextBoxProc(DFWINDOW wnd, DFMESSAGE msg, PARAM p1, PARAM p2) { switch (msg) { case CREATE_WINDOW: wnd->HScrollBox = wnd->VScrollBox = 1; ClearTextPointers(wnd); break; case ADDTEXT: return AddTextMsg(wnd, (char *) p1); case DELETETEXT: DeleteTextMsg(wnd, (int) p1); return TRUE; case INSERTTEXT: InsertTextMsg(wnd, (char *) p1, (int) p2); return TRUE; case SETTEXT: SetTextMsg(wnd, (char *) p1); return TRUE; case CLEARTEXT: ClearTextMsg(wnd); break; case KEYBOARD: if (WindowMoving || WindowSizing) break; if (KeyboardMsg(wnd, p1)) return TRUE; break; case LEFT_BUTTON: if (WindowSizing || WindowMoving) return FALSE; if (LeftButtonMsg(wnd, p1, p2)) return TRUE; break; case MOUSE_MOVED: if (MouseMovedMsg(wnd, p1, p2)) return TRUE; break; case DFM_BUTTON_RELEASED: ButtonReleasedMsg(wnd); break; case SCROLL: return ScrollMsg(wnd, p1); case HORIZSCROLL: return HorizScrollMsg(wnd, p1); case SCROLLPAGE: ScrollPageMsg(wnd, p1); return TRUE; case HORIZPAGE: HorizScrollPageMsg(wnd, p1); return TRUE; case SCROLLDOC: ScrollDocMsg(wnd, p1); return TRUE; case PAINT: if (isVisible(wnd)) { PaintMsg(wnd, p1, p2); return FALSE; } break; case CLOSE_WINDOW: CloseWindowMsg(wnd); break; default: break; } return BaseWndProc(TEXTBOX, wnd, msg, p1, p2); } /* ------ compute the vertical scroll box position from the text pointers --------- */ static int ComputeVScrollBox(DFWINDOW wnd) { int pagelen = wnd->wlines - ClientHeight(wnd); int barlen = ClientHeight(wnd)-2; int lines_tick; int vscrollbox; if (pagelen < 1 || barlen < 1) vscrollbox = 1; else { if (pagelen > barlen) lines_tick = pagelen / barlen; else lines_tick = barlen / pagelen; vscrollbox = 1 + (wnd->wtop / lines_tick); if (vscrollbox > ClientHeight(wnd)-2 || wnd->wtop + ClientHeight(wnd) >= wnd->wlines) vscrollbox = ClientHeight(wnd)-2; } return vscrollbox; } /* ---- compute top text line from scroll box position ---- */ static void ComputeWindowTop(DFWINDOW wnd) { int pagelen = wnd->wlines - ClientHeight(wnd); if (wnd->VScrollBox == 0) wnd->wtop = 0; else if (wnd->VScrollBox == ClientHeight(wnd)-2) wnd->wtop = pagelen; else { int barlen = ClientHeight(wnd)-2; int lines_tick; if (pagelen > barlen) lines_tick = barlen ? (pagelen / barlen) : 0; else lines_tick = pagelen ? (barlen / pagelen) : 0; wnd->wtop = (wnd->VScrollBox-1) * lines_tick; if (wnd->wtop + ClientHeight(wnd) > wnd->wlines) wnd->wtop = pagelen; } if (wnd->wtop < 0) wnd->wtop = 0; } /* ------ compute the horizontal scroll box position from the text pointers --------- */ static int ComputeHScrollBox(DFWINDOW wnd) { int pagewidth = wnd->textwidth - ClientWidth(wnd); int barlen = ClientWidth(wnd)-2; int chars_tick; int hscrollbox; if (pagewidth < 1 || barlen < 1) hscrollbox = 1; else { if (pagewidth > barlen) chars_tick = barlen ? (pagewidth / barlen) : 0; else chars_tick = pagewidth ? (barlen / pagewidth) : 0; hscrollbox = 1 + (chars_tick ? (wnd->wleft / chars_tick) : 0); if (hscrollbox > ClientWidth(wnd)-2 || wnd->wleft + ClientWidth(wnd) >= wnd->textwidth) hscrollbox = ClientWidth(wnd)-2; } return hscrollbox; } /* ---- compute left column from scroll box position ---- */ static void ComputeWindowLeft(DFWINDOW wnd) { int pagewidth = wnd->textwidth - ClientWidth(wnd); if (wnd->HScrollBox == 0) wnd->wleft = 0; else if (wnd->HScrollBox == ClientWidth(wnd)-2) wnd->wleft = pagewidth; else { int barlen = ClientWidth(wnd)-2; int chars_tick; if (pagewidth > barlen) chars_tick = pagewidth / barlen; else chars_tick = barlen / pagewidth; wnd->wleft = (wnd->HScrollBox-1) * chars_tick; if (wnd->wleft + ClientWidth(wnd) > wnd->textwidth) wnd->wleft = pagewidth; } if (wnd->wleft < 0) wnd->wleft = 0; } /* ----- get the text to a specified line ----- */ static char *GetTextLine(DFWINDOW wnd, int selection) { char *line; int len = 0; char *cp, *cp1; cp = cp1 = TextLine(wnd, selection); while (*cp && *cp != '\n') { len++; cp++; } line = DFmalloc(len+7); memmove(line, cp1, len); line[len] = '\0'; return line; } /* ------- write a line of text to a textbox window ------- */ void WriteTextLine(DFWINDOW wnd, DFRECT *rcc, int y, BOOL reverse) { int len = 0; int dif = 0; unsigned char line[200]; DFRECT rc; unsigned char *lp, *svlp; int lnlen; int i; BOOL trunc = FALSE; /* ------ make sure y is inside the window ----- */ if (y < wnd->wtop || y >= wnd->wtop+ClientHeight(wnd)) return; /* ---- build the retangle within which can write ---- */ if (rcc == NULL) { rc = RelativeWindowRect(wnd, WindowRect(wnd)); if (TestAttribute(wnd, HASBORDER) && RectRight(rc) >= WindowWidth(wnd)-1) RectRight(rc) = WindowWidth(wnd)-2; } else rc = *rcc; /* ----- make sure rectangle is within window ------ */ if (RectLeft(rc) >= WindowWidth(wnd)-1) return; if (RectRight(rc) == 0) return; rc = AdjustRectangle(wnd, rc); if (y-wnd->wtopwtop>RectBottom(rc)) return; /* --- get the text and length of the text line --- */ lp = svlp = GetTextLine(wnd, y); if (svlp == NULL) return; lnlen = LineLength(lp); /* -------- insert block color change controls ------- */ if (TextBlockMarked(wnd)) { int bbl = wnd->BlkBegLine; int bel = wnd->BlkEndLine; int bbc = wnd->BlkBegCol; int bec = wnd->BlkEndCol; int by = y; /* ----- put lowest marker first ----- */ if (bbl > bel) { swap(bbl, bel); swap(bbc, bec); } if (bbl == bel && bbc > bec) swap(bbc, bec); if (by >= bbl && by <= bel) { /* ------ the block includes this line ----- */ int blkbeg = 0; int blkend = lnlen; if (!(by > bbl && by < bel)) { /* --- the entire line is not in the block -- */ if (by == bbl) /* ---- the block begins on this line --- */ blkbeg = bbc; if (by == bel) /* ---- the block ends on this line ---- */ blkend = bec; } if (blkend == 0 && lnlen == 0) { strcpy(lp, " "); blkend++; } /* ----- insert the reset color token ----- */ memmove(lp+blkend+1,lp+blkend,strlen(lp+blkend)+1); lp[blkend] = RESETCOLOR; /* ----- insert the change color token ----- */ memmove(lp+blkbeg+3,lp+blkbeg,strlen(lp+blkbeg)+1); lp[blkbeg] = CHANGECOLOR; /* ----- insert the color tokens ----- */ SetReverseColor(wnd); lp[blkbeg+1] = foreground | 0x80; lp[blkbeg+2] = background | 0x80; lnlen += 4; } } /* - make sure left margin doesn't overlap color change - */ for (i = 0; i < wnd->wleft+3; i++) { if (*(lp+i) == '\0') break; if (*(unsigned char *)(lp + i) == RESETCOLOR) break; } if (*(lp+i) && i < wnd->wleft+3) { if (wnd->wleft+4 > lnlen) trunc = TRUE; else lp += 4; } else { /* --- it does, shift the color change over --- */ for (i = 0; i < wnd->wleft; i++) { if (*(lp+i) == '\0') break; if (*(unsigned char *)(lp + i) == CHANGECOLOR) { *(lp+wnd->wleft+2) = *(lp+i+2); *(lp+wnd->wleft+1) = *(lp+i+1); *(lp+wnd->wleft) = *(lp+i); break; } } } /* ------ build the line to display -------- */ if (!trunc) { if (lnlen < wnd->wleft) lnlen = 0; else lp += wnd->wleft; if (lnlen > RectLeft(rc)) { /* ---- the line exceeds the rectangle ---- */ int ct = RectLeft(rc); char *initlp = lp; /* --- point to end of clipped line --- */ while (ct) { if (*(unsigned char *)lp == CHANGECOLOR) lp += 3; else if (*(unsigned char *)lp == RESETCOLOR) lp++; else lp++, --ct; } if (RectLeft(rc)) { char *lpp = lp; while (*lpp) { if (*(unsigned char*)lpp==CHANGECOLOR) break; if (*(unsigned char*)lpp==RESETCOLOR) { lpp = lp; while (lpp >= initlp) { if (*(unsigned char *)lpp == CHANGECOLOR) { lp -= 3; memmove(lp,lpp,3); break; } --lpp; } break; } lpp++; } } lnlen = LineLength(lp); len = min(lnlen, RectWidth(rc)); dif = strlen(lp) - lnlen; len += dif; if (len > 0) strncpy(line, lp, len); } } /* -------- pad the line --------- */ while (len < RectWidth(rc)+dif) line[len++] = ' '; line[len] = '\0'; dif = 0; /* ------ establish the line's main color ----- */ if (reverse) { char *cp = line; SetReverseColor(wnd); while ((cp = strchr(cp, CHANGECOLOR)) != NULL) { cp += 2; *cp++ = background | 0x80; } if (*(unsigned char *)line == CHANGECOLOR) dif = 3; } else SetStandardColor(wnd); /* ------- display the line -------- */ writeline(wnd, line+dif, RectLeft(rc)+BorderAdj(wnd), y-wnd->wtop+TopBorderAdj(wnd), FALSE); free(svlp); } void MarkTextBlock(DFWINDOW wnd, int BegLine, int BegCol, int EndLine, int EndCol) { wnd->BlkBegLine = BegLine; wnd->BlkEndLine = EndLine; wnd->BlkBegCol = BegCol; wnd->BlkEndCol = EndCol; } /* ----- clear and initialize text line pointer array ----- */ void ClearTextPointers(DFWINDOW wnd) { wnd->TextPointers = DFrealloc(wnd->TextPointers, sizeof(int)); *(wnd->TextPointers) = 0; } #define INITLINES 100 /* ---- build array of pointers to text lines ---- */ void BuildTextPointers(DFWINDOW wnd) { char *cp = wnd->text, *cp1; int incrs = INITLINES; unsigned int off; wnd->textwidth = wnd->wlines = 0; while (*cp) { if (incrs == INITLINES) { incrs = 0; wnd->TextPointers = DFrealloc(wnd->TextPointers, (wnd->wlines + INITLINES) * sizeof(int)); } off = (unsigned int) ((unsigned int)cp - (unsigned int)wnd->text); *((wnd->TextPointers) + wnd->wlines) = off; wnd->wlines++; incrs++; cp1 = cp; while (*cp && *cp != '\n') cp++; wnd->textwidth = max(wnd->textwidth, (int)(cp - cp1)); if (*cp) cp++; } } static void MoveScrollBox(DFWINDOW wnd, int vscrollbox) { foreground = FrameForeground(wnd); background = FrameBackground(wnd); wputch(wnd, SCROLLBARCHAR, WindowWidth(wnd)-1, wnd->VScrollBox+1); wputch(wnd, SCROLLBOXCHAR, WindowWidth(wnd)-1, vscrollbox+1); wnd->VScrollBox = vscrollbox; } int TextLineNumber(DFWINDOW wnd, char *lp) { int lineno; char *cp; for (lineno = 0; lineno < wnd->wlines; lineno++) { cp = wnd->text + *((wnd->TextPointers) + lineno); if (cp == lp) return lineno; if (cp > lp) break; } return lineno-1; } /* EOF */