/* * PROJECT: ReactOS PCI Bus Driver * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/bus/pci/pci/config.c * PURPOSE: PCI Configuration Space Routines * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ BOOLEAN PciAssignBusNumbers; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ UCHAR NTAPI PciGetAdjustedInterruptLine(IN PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension) { UCHAR InterruptLine = 0, PciInterruptLine; ULONG Length; /* Does the device have an interrupt pin? */ if (PdoExtension->InterruptPin) { /* Find the associated line on the parent bus */ Length = HalGetBusDataByOffset(PCIConfiguration, PdoExtension->ParentFdoExtension->BaseBus, PdoExtension->Slot.u.AsULONG, &PciInterruptLine, FIELD_OFFSET(PCI_COMMON_HEADER, u.type0.InterruptLine), sizeof(UCHAR)); if (Length) InterruptLine = PciInterruptLine; } /* Either keep the original interrupt line, or the one on the master bus */ return InterruptLine ? PdoExtension->RawInterruptLine : InterruptLine; } VOID NTAPI PciReadWriteConfigSpace(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PCI_SLOT_NUMBER Slot, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN Read) { PPCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD PciInterface; PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler; PPCIBUSDATA BusData; PciReadWriteConfig HalFunction; /* Only the root FDO can access configuration space */ ASSERT(PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(DeviceExtension->BusRootFdoExtension)); /* Get the ACPI-compliant PCI interface */ PciInterface = DeviceExtension->BusRootFdoExtension->PciBusInterface; if (PciInterface) { /* Currently this driver only supports the legacy HAL interface */ UNIMPLEMENTED; while (TRUE); } else { /* Make sure there's a registered HAL bus handler */ ASSERT(DeviceExtension->BusHandler); /* PCI Bus Number assignment is only valid on ACPI systems */ ASSERT(!PciAssignBusNumbers); /* Grab the HAL PCI Bus Handler data */ BusHandler = (PBUS_HANDLER)DeviceExtension->BusHandler; BusData = (PPCIBUSDATA)BusHandler->BusData; /* Choose the appropriate read or write function, and call it */ HalFunction = Read ? BusData->ReadConfig : BusData->WriteConfig; HalFunction(BusHandler, Slot, Buffer, Offset, Length); } } VOID NTAPI PciWriteDeviceConfig(IN PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length) { /* Call the generic worker function */ PciReadWriteConfigSpace(DeviceExtension->ParentFdoExtension, DeviceExtension->Slot, Buffer, Offset, Length, FALSE); } VOID NTAPI PciReadDeviceConfig(IN PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length) { /* Call the generic worker function */ PciReadWriteConfigSpace(DeviceExtension->ParentFdoExtension, DeviceExtension->Slot, Buffer, Offset, Length, TRUE); } VOID NTAPI PciReadSlotConfig(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PCI_SLOT_NUMBER Slot, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length) { /* Call the generic worker function */ PciReadWriteConfigSpace(DeviceExtension, Slot, Buffer, Offset, Length, TRUE); } NTSTATUS NTAPI PciQueryForPciBusInterface(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension) { PDEVICE_OBJECT AttachedDevice; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; KEVENT Event; NTSTATUS Status; PIRP Irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IoStackLocation; PPCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD PciInterface; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(FdoExtension)); /* Allocate space for the inteface */ PciInterface = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(PCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD), PCI_POOL_TAG); if (!PciInterface) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Get the device the PDO is attached to, should be the Root (ACPI) */ AttachedDevice = IoGetAttachedDeviceReference(FdoExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject); /* Build an IRP for this request */ KeInitializeEvent(&Event, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); Irp = IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest(IRP_MJ_PNP, AttachedDevice, NULL, 0, NULL, &Event, &IoStatusBlock); if (Irp) { /* Initialize the default PnP response */ Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; /* Make it a Query Interface IRP */ IoStackLocation = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); ASSERT(IoStackLocation->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_PNP); IoStackLocation->MinorFunction = IRP_MN_QUERY_INTERFACE; IoStackLocation->Parameters.QueryInterface.InterfaceType = &GUID_PCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD; IoStackLocation->Parameters.QueryInterface.Size = sizeof(GUID_PCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD); IoStackLocation->Parameters.QueryInterface.Version = PCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD_VERSION; IoStackLocation->Parameters.QueryInterface.Interface = (PINTERFACE)PciInterface; IoStackLocation->Parameters.QueryInterface.InterfaceSpecificData = NULL; /* Send it to the root PDO */ Status = IoCallDriver(AttachedDevice, Irp); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { /* Wait for completion */ KeWaitForSingleObject(&Event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status; } /* Check if an interface was returned */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* No interface was returned by the root PDO */ FdoExtension->PciBusInterface = NULL; ExFreePoolWithTag(PciInterface, 0); } else { /* An interface was returned, save it */ FdoExtension->PciBusInterface = PciInterface; } /* Dereference the device object because we took a reference earlier */ ObfDereferenceObject(AttachedDevice); } else { /* Failure path, dereference the device object and set failure code */ if (AttachedDevice) ObfDereferenceObject(AttachedDevice); ExFreePoolWithTag(PciInterface, 0); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Return status code to caller */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI PciGetConfigHandlers(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION FdoExtension) { PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler; NTSTATUS Status; ASSERT(FdoExtension->BusHandler == NULL); /* Check if this is the FDO for the root bus */ if (PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(FdoExtension)) { /* Query the PCI Bus Interface that ACPI exposes */ ASSERT(FdoExtension->PciBusInterface == NULL); Status = PciQueryForPciBusInterface(FdoExtension); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* No ACPI, so Bus Numbers should be maintained by BIOS */ ASSERT(!PciAssignBusNumbers); } else { /* ACPI detected, PCI Bus Driver will reconfigure bus numbers*/ PciAssignBusNumbers = TRUE; } } else { /* Check if the root bus already has the interface set up */ if (FdoExtension->BusRootFdoExtension->PciBusInterface) { /* Nothing for this FDO to do */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Fail into case below so we can query the HAL interface */ Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* If the ACPI PCI Bus Interface couldn't be obtained, try the HAL */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Bus number assignment should be static */ ASSERT(Status == STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); ASSERT(!PciAssignBusNumbers); /* Call the HAL to obtain the bus handler for PCI */ BusHandler = HalReferenceHandlerForBus(PCIBus, FdoExtension->BaseBus); FdoExtension->BusHandler = BusHandler; /* Fail if the HAL does not have a PCI Bus Handler for this bus */ if (!BusHandler) return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; } /* Appropriate interface was obtained */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */