/* $Id: ShellCommandsLinkedList.cpp,v 1.1 2000/10/04 21:04:31 ea Exp $ * * regexpl - Console Registry Explorer * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Nedko Arnaoudov * * License: GNU GPL * */ // ShellCommandsLinkedList.cpp: implementation of the CShellCommandsLinkedList class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "ph.h" #include "ShellCommandsLinkedList.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CShellCommandsLinkedList::CShellCommandsLinkedList(CConsole& rConsole):m_rConsole(rConsole) { m_pRoot = NULL; } CShellCommandsLinkedList::~CShellCommandsLinkedList() { } void CShellCommandsLinkedList::AddCommand(CShellCommand *pCommand) { // Create new node SNode *pNewNode = new SNode; if (pNewNode == NULL) return; pNewNode->m_pData = pCommand; // add new node to the end if (m_pRoot) { SNode *pLastNode = m_pRoot; while (pLastNode->m_pNext) pLastNode = pLastNode->m_pNext; pLastNode->m_pNext = pNewNode; } else { m_pRoot = pNewNode; } } int CShellCommandsLinkedList::Execute(CArgumentParser& rArgumentParser, int& nReturnValue) { rArgumentParser.ResetArgumentIteration(); const TCHAR *pchCommand = rArgumentParser.GetNextArgument(); if (pchCommand == NULL) // empty command line return -2; int i = -1; SNode *pNode = m_pRoot; while(pNode) { i++; if (pNode->m_pData->Match(pchCommand)) { nReturnValue = pNode->m_pData->Execute(m_rConsole,rArgumentParser); return i; } pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } return -1; } CShellCommand * CShellCommandsLinkedList::Match(const TCHAR * pchCommand) { SNode *pNode = m_pRoot; while(pNode) { if (pNode->m_pData->Match(pchCommand)) return pNode->m_pData; pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } return NULL; } POSITION CShellCommandsLinkedList::GetFirstCommandPosition() { return (POSITION)m_pRoot; } CShellCommand * CShellCommandsLinkedList::GetNextCommand(POSITION& rPos) { CShellCommand * pCommand = ((SNode *)rPos)->m_pData; rPos = (POSITION)(((SNode *)rPos)->m_pNext); return pCommand; }