/* * PROJECT: ReactOS API tests * LICENSE: LGPL-2.1+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1+) * PURPOSE: Tests for system menu messages, based on msg.c Wine test * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 1999 Ove Kaaven * Copyright 2003 Dimitrie O. Paun * Copyright 2004-2005, 2016 Dmitry Timoshkov * Copyright 2023 Egor Ananyin */ #include "precomp.h" #define WND_PARENT_ID 1 #define WND_POPUP_ID 2 static BOOL (WINAPI *pGetCurrentActCtx)(HANDLE *); static BOOL (WINAPI *pQueryActCtxW)(DWORD, HANDLE, void *, ULONG, void *, SIZE_T, SIZE_T *); static BOOL test_DestroyWindow_flag; static HWINEVENTHOOK hEvent_hook; static HHOOK hKBD_hook; static HHOOK hCBT_hook; static DWORD cbt_hook_thread_id; typedef enum { sent = 0x1, posted = 0x2, parent = 0x4, wparam = 0x8, lparam = 0x10, defwinproc = 0x20, beginpaint = 0x40, optional = 0x80, hook = 0x100, winevent_hook = 0x200, kbd_hook = 0x400 } msg_flags_t; struct message { UINT message; /* the WM_* code */ msg_flags_t flags; /* message props */ WPARAM wParam; /* expected value of wParam */ LPARAM lParam; /* expected value of lParam */ WPARAM wp_mask; /* mask for wParam checks */ LPARAM lp_mask; /* mask for lParam checks */ }; struct recvd_message { UINT message; /* the WM_* code */ msg_flags_t flags; /* message props */ HWND hwnd; /* window that received the message */ WPARAM wParam; /* expected value of wParam */ LPARAM lParam; /* expected value of lParam */ int line; /* source line where logged */ const char *descr; /* description for trace output */ char output[512]; /* trace output */ }; static int sequence_cnt, sequence_size; static struct recvd_message* sequence; static CRITICAL_SECTION sequence_cs; /* user32 functions */ static HWND (WINAPI *pGetAncestor)(HWND, UINT); static BOOL (WINAPI *pUnhookWinEvent)(HWINEVENTHOOK); static void init_procs(void) { HMODULE user32 = GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"); #define GET_PROC(dll, func) \ p ## func = (void*)GetProcAddress(dll, #func); \ if (!p ## func) { \ trace("GetProcAddress(%s) failed\n", #func); \ } GET_PROC(user32, GetAncestor) GET_PROC(user32, UnhookWinEvent) #undef GET_PROC } static BOOL ignore_message(UINT message) { /* these are always ignored */ return (message >= 0xc000 || message == WM_GETICON || message == WM_GETOBJECT || message == WM_TIMECHANGE || message == WM_DISPLAYCHANGE || message == WM_DEVICECHANGE || message == WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED); } #define add_message(msg) add_message_(__LINE__, msg); static void add_message_(int line, const struct recvd_message *msg) { struct recvd_message *seq; EnterCriticalSection(&sequence_cs); if (!sequence) { sequence_size = 10; sequence = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sequence_size * sizeof(*sequence)); } if (sequence_cnt == sequence_size) { sequence_size *= 2; sequence = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sequence, sequence_size * sizeof(*sequence)); } assert(sequence); seq = &sequence[sequence_cnt++]; seq->hwnd = msg->hwnd; seq->message = msg->message; seq->flags = msg->flags; seq->wParam = msg->wParam; seq->lParam = msg->lParam; seq->line = line; seq->descr = msg->descr; seq->output[0] = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&sequence_cs); if (msg->descr) { if (msg->flags & hook) { static const char * const CBT_code_name[10] = { "HCBT_MOVESIZE", "HCBT_MINMAX", "HCBT_QS", "HCBT_CREATEWND", "HCBT_DESTROYWND", "HCBT_ACTIVATE", "HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED", "HCBT_KEYSKIPPED", "HCBT_SYSCOMMAND", "HCBT_SETFOCUS" }; const char *code_name = (msg->message <= HCBT_SETFOCUS ? CBT_code_name[msg->message] : "Unknown"); sprintf(seq->output, "%s: hook %d (%s) wp %08Ix lp %08Ix", msg->descr, msg->message, code_name, msg->wParam, msg->lParam); } else if (msg->flags & winevent_hook) { sprintf(seq->output, "%s: winevent %p %08x %08Ix %08Ix", msg->descr, msg->hwnd, msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam); } else { if (msg->message >= 0xc000) return; /* ignore registered messages */ sprintf(seq->output, "%s: %p %04x wp %08Ix lp %08Ix", msg->descr, msg->hwnd, msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam); if (msg->flags & (sent | posted | parent | defwinproc | beginpaint)) sprintf(seq->output + strlen(seq->output), " (flags %x)", msg->flags); } } } /* try to make sure pending X events have been processed before continuing */ static void flush_events(void) { MSG msg; int diff = 200; int min_timeout = 100; DWORD time = GetTickCount() + diff; while (diff > 0) { if (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 0, NULL, FALSE, min_timeout, QS_ALLINPUT ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) break; while (PeekMessageA(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) DispatchMessageA(&msg); diff = time - GetTickCount(); } } static void flush_sequence(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&sequence_cs); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sequence); sequence = 0; sequence_cnt = sequence_size = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&sequence_cs); } static void dump_sequence(const struct message *expected, const char *context, const char *file, int line) { const struct recvd_message *actual = sequence; unsigned int count = 0; trace_(file, line)("Failed sequence %s:\n", context); while (expected->message && actual->message) { if (actual->output[0]) { if (expected->flags & hook) { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: hook %04x - actual: %s\n", count, expected->message, actual->output); } else if (expected->flags & winevent_hook) { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: winevent %04x - actual: %s\n", count, expected->message, actual->output); } else if (expected->flags & kbd_hook) { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: kbd %04x - actual: %s\n", count, expected->message, actual->output); } else { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: msg %04x - actual: %s\n", count, expected->message, actual->output); } } if (expected->message == actual->message) { if ((expected->flags & defwinproc) != (actual->flags & defwinproc) && (expected->flags & optional)) { /* don't match messages if their defwinproc status differs */ expected++; } else { expected++; actual++; } } /* silently drop winevent messages if there is no support for them */ else if ((expected->flags & optional) || ((expected->flags & winevent_hook) && !hEvent_hook)) expected++; else { expected++; actual++; } count++; } /* optional trailing messages */ while (expected->message && ((expected->flags & optional) || ((expected->flags & winevent_hook) && !hEvent_hook))) { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: msg %04x - actual: nothing\n", count, expected->message); expected++; count++; } if (expected->message) { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: msg %04x - actual: nothing\n", count, expected->message); return; } while (actual->message && actual->output[0]) { trace_(file, line)(" %u: expected: nothing - actual: %s\n", count, actual->output); actual++; count++; } } #define ok_sequence(exp, contx, todo) \ ok_sequence_((exp), (contx), (todo), __FILE__, __LINE__) static void ok_sequence_(const struct message *expected_list, const char *context, BOOL todo, const char *file, int line) { static const struct recvd_message end_of_sequence; const struct message *expected = expected_list; const struct recvd_message *actual; int failcount = 0, dump = 0; unsigned int count = 0; add_message(&end_of_sequence); actual = sequence; while (expected->message && actual->message) { if (expected->message == actual->message && !((expected->flags ^ actual->flags) & (hook | winevent_hook | kbd_hook))) { if (expected->flags & wparam) { if (((expected->wParam ^ actual->wParam) & ~expected->wp_mask) && todo) { todo_wine { failcount++; if (strcmp(winetest_platform, "wine")) dump++; ok_( file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: in msg 0x%04x expecting wParam 0x%x got 0x%x\n", context, count, expected->message, expected->wParam, actual->wParam); } } else { ok_( file, line)(((expected->wParam ^ actual->wParam) & ~expected->wp_mask) == 0, "%s: %u: in msg 0x%04x expecting wParam 0x%x got 0x%x\n", context, count, expected->message, expected->wParam, actual->wParam); if ((expected->wParam ^ actual->wParam) & ~expected->wp_mask) dump++; } } if (expected->flags & lparam) { if (((expected->lParam ^ actual->lParam) & ~expected->lp_mask) && todo) { todo_wine { failcount++; if (strcmp(winetest_platform, "wine")) dump++; ok_( file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: in msg 0x%04x expecting lParam 0x%lx got 0x%lx\n", context, count, expected->message, expected->lParam, actual->lParam); } } else { ok_( file, line)(((expected->lParam ^ actual->lParam) & ~expected->lp_mask) == 0, "%s: %u: in msg 0x%04x expecting lParam 0x%lx got 0x%lx\n", context, count, expected->message, expected->lParam, actual->lParam); if ((expected->lParam ^ actual->lParam) & ~expected->lp_mask) dump++; } } if ((expected->flags & optional) && ((expected->flags ^ actual->flags) & (defwinproc | parent))) { /* don't match optional messages if their defwinproc or parent status differs */ expected++; count++; continue; } if ((expected->flags & defwinproc) != (actual->flags & defwinproc) && todo) { todo_wine { failcount++; if (strcmp(winetest_platform, "wine")) dump++; ok_(file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should %shave been sent by DefWindowProc\n", context, count, expected->message, (expected->flags & defwinproc) ? "" : "NOT "); } } else { ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & defwinproc) == (actual->flags & defwinproc), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should %shave been sent by DefWindowProc\n", context, count, expected->message, (expected->flags & defwinproc) ? "" : "NOT "); if ((expected->flags & defwinproc) != (actual->flags & defwinproc)) dump++; } ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & beginpaint) == (actual->flags & beginpaint), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should %shave been sent by BeginPaint\n", context, count, expected->message, (expected->flags & beginpaint) ? "" : "NOT "); if ((expected->flags & beginpaint) != (actual->flags & beginpaint)) dump++; ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & (sent | posted)) == (actual->flags & (sent | posted)), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should have been %s\n", context, count, expected->message, (expected->flags & posted) ? "posted" : "sent"); if ((expected->flags & (sent | posted)) != (actual->flags & (sent | posted))) dump++; ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & parent) == (actual->flags & parent), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x was expected in %s\n", context, count, expected->message, (expected->flags & parent) ? "parent" : "child"); if ((expected->flags & parent) != (actual->flags & parent)) dump++; ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & hook) == (actual->flags & hook), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should have been sent by a hook\n", context, count, expected->message); if ((expected->flags & hook) != (actual->flags & hook)) dump++; ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & winevent_hook) == (actual->flags & winevent_hook), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should have been sent by a winevent hook\n", context, count, expected->message); if ((expected->flags & winevent_hook) != (actual->flags & winevent_hook)) dump++; ok_(file, line) ((expected->flags & kbd_hook) == (actual->flags & kbd_hook), "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x should have been sent by a keyboard hook\n", context, count, expected->message); if ((expected->flags & kbd_hook) != (actual->flags & kbd_hook)) dump++; expected++; actual++; } /* silently drop hook messages if there is no support for them */ else if ((expected->flags & optional) || ((expected->flags & hook) && !hCBT_hook) || ((expected->flags & winevent_hook) && !hEvent_hook) || ((expected->flags & kbd_hook) && !hKBD_hook)) expected++; else if (todo) { failcount++; todo_wine { if (strcmp(winetest_platform, "wine")) dump++; ok_(file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x was expected, but got msg 0x%04x instead\n", context, count, expected->message, actual->message); } goto done; } else { ok_(file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: the msg 0x%04x was expected, but got msg 0x%04x instead\n", context, count, expected->message, actual->message); dump++; expected++; actual++; } count++; } /* skip all optional trailing messages */ while (expected->message && ((expected->flags & optional) || ((expected->flags & hook) && !hCBT_hook) || ((expected->flags & winevent_hook) && !hEvent_hook))) expected++; if (todo) { todo_wine { if (expected->message || actual->message) { failcount++; if (strcmp(winetest_platform, "wine")) dump++; ok_(file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: the msg sequence is not complete: expected %04x - actual %04x\n", context, count, expected->message, actual->message); } } } else { if (expected->message || actual->message) { dump++; ok_(file, line) (FALSE, "%s: %u: the msg sequence is not complete: expected %04x - actual %04x\n", context, count, expected->message, actual->message); } } if (todo && !failcount) /* succeeded yet marked todo */ todo_wine { if (!strcmp(winetest_platform, "wine")) dump++; ok_(file, line) (TRUE, "%s: marked \"todo_wine\" but succeeds\n", context); } done: if (dump) dump_sequence(expected_list, context, file, line); flush_sequence(); } #define expect(EXPECTED,GOT) ok((GOT)==(EXPECTED), "Expected %d, got %d\n", (EXPECTED), (GOT)) /************* window procedures ********************/ static LRESULT MsgCheckProc(BOOL unicode, HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static LONG defwndproc_counter = 0; static LONG beginpaint_counter = 0; LRESULT ret; struct recvd_message msg; if (ignore_message(message)) return 0; msg.hwnd = hwnd; msg.message = message; msg.flags = sent | wparam | lparam; if (defwndproc_counter) msg.flags |= defwinproc; if (beginpaint_counter) msg.flags |= beginpaint; msg.wParam = wParam; msg.lParam = lParam; msg.descr = "MsgCheckProc"; add_message(&msg); defwndproc_counter++; ret = unicode ? DefWindowProcW(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam) : DefWindowProcA(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); defwndproc_counter--; return ret; } static LRESULT WINAPI MsgCheckProcA(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return MsgCheckProc(FALSE, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } static BOOL RegisterWindowClasses(void) { WNDCLASSA cls; cls.style = 0; cls.lpfnWndProc = MsgCheckProcA; cls.cbClsExtra = 0; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(0); cls.hIcon = 0; cls.hCursor = LoadCursorA(0, (LPCSTR)IDC_ARROW); cls.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.lpszClassName = "TestWindowClass"; if (!RegisterClassA(&cls)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL is_our_logged_class(HWND hwnd) { char buf[256]; if (GetClassNameA(hwnd, buf, sizeof(buf))) { if (!lstrcmpiA(buf, "TestWindowClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "ShowWindowClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "RecursiveActivationClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "TestParentClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "TestPopupClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "SimpleWindowClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "TestDialogClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "MDI_frame_class") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "MDI_client_class") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "MDI_child_class") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "my_button_class") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "my_edit_class") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "static") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "ListBox") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "ComboBox") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "MyDialogClass") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "#32770") || !lstrcmpiA(buf, "#32768")) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static LRESULT CALLBACK cbt_hook_proc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwnd; ok(cbt_hook_thread_id == GetCurrentThreadId(), "we didn't ask for events from other threads\n"); if (nCode == HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED) { /* ignore this event, XP sends it a lot when switching focus between windows */ return CallNextHookEx(hCBT_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } if (nCode == HCBT_SYSCOMMAND || nCode == HCBT_KEYSKIPPED) { struct recvd_message msg; msg.hwnd = 0; msg.message = nCode; msg.flags = hook | wparam | lparam; msg.wParam = wParam; msg.lParam = lParam; msg.descr = "CBT"; add_message(&msg); return CallNextHookEx(hCBT_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } if (nCode == HCBT_DESTROYWND) { if (test_DestroyWindow_flag) { DWORD style = GetWindowLongA((HWND)wParam, GWL_STYLE); if (style & WS_CHILD) lParam = GetWindowLongPtrA((HWND)wParam, GWLP_ID); else if (style & WS_POPUP) lParam = WND_POPUP_ID; else lParam = WND_PARENT_ID; } } /* Log also SetFocus(0) calls */ hwnd = wParam ? (HWND)wParam : (HWND)lParam; if (is_our_logged_class(hwnd)) { struct recvd_message msg; msg.hwnd = hwnd; msg.message = nCode; msg.flags = hook | wparam | lparam; msg.wParam = wParam; msg.lParam = lParam; msg.descr = "CBT"; add_message(&msg); } return CallNextHookEx(hCBT_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } /*************************** Menu test ******************************/ static const struct message wm_popup_menu_4[] = { { HCBT_CREATEWND, hook }, { WM_ENTERMENULOOP, sent | wparam | lparam, 0, 0 }, { WM_INITMENU, sent | lparam, 0, 0 }, { WM_INITMENUPOPUP, sent | lparam, 0, 0x10000 }, { HCBT_KEYSKIPPED, hook | wparam | lparam | optional, VK_DOWN, 0x10000001 }, { WM_MENUSELECT, sent, MAKEWPARAM(0,0xffff), 0 }, { HCBT_KEYSKIPPED, hook | wparam | lparam | optional, VK_DOWN, 0xd0000001 }, { HCBT_KEYSKIPPED, hook | wparam | lparam | optional, VK_ESCAPE, 0x10000001 }, { HCBT_DESTROYWND, hook }, { WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP, sent | lparam, 0, 0x20000000 }, { WM_MENUSELECT, sent, MAKEWPARAM(0,0xffff), 0 }, { WM_EXITMENULOOP, sent | wparam | lparam, 0, 0 }, { HCBT_KEYSKIPPED, hook | wparam | lparam | optional, VK_ESCAPE, 0xc0000001 }, { WM_KEYUP, sent | wparam | lparam, VK_ESCAPE, 0xc0000001 }, { 0 } }; static LRESULT WINAPI parent_menu_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { if (message == WM_ENTERIDLE || message == WM_INITMENU || message == WM_INITMENUPOPUP || message == WM_MENUSELECT || message == WM_PARENTNOTIFY || message == WM_ENTERMENULOOP || message == WM_EXITMENULOOP || message == WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP || message == WM_KEYDOWN || message == WM_KEYUP || message == WM_CHAR || message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN || message == WM_SYSKEYUP || message == WM_SYSCHAR || message == WM_COMMAND || message == WM_MENUCOMMAND) { struct recvd_message msg; msg.hwnd = hwnd; msg.message = message; msg.flags = sent | wparam | lparam; msg.wParam = wp; msg.lParam = lp; msg.descr = "parent_menu_proc"; add_message(&msg); } return DefWindowProcA(hwnd, message, wp, lp); } static void test_menu_messages(void) { MSG msg; WNDCLASSA cls; HWND hwnd; RECT rect; cls.style = 0; cls.lpfnWndProc = parent_menu_proc; cls.cbClsExtra = 0; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(0); cls.hIcon = 0; cls.hCursor = LoadCursorA(0, (LPCSTR)IDC_ARROW); cls.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.lpszClassName = "TestMenuClass"; UnregisterClassA(cls.lpszClassName, cls.hInstance); if (!RegisterClassA(&cls)) assert(0); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "TestMenuClass", NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, 100, 100, 200, 200, 0, 0, 0, NULL); ok(hwnd != 0, "LoadMenuA error %lu\n", GetLastError()); SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); flush_events(); trace("testing system menu\n"); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect); SetCursorPos(rect.left + 30, rect.top + 10); flush_sequence(); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_DOWN, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_DOWN, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); while (PeekMessageA(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageA(&msg); } ok_sequence(wm_popup_menu_4, "system menu command", FALSE); DestroyWindow(hwnd); } static void init_funcs(void) { HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"); #define X(f) p##f = (void*)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, #f) X(GetCurrentActCtx); X(QueryActCtxW); #undef X } static void init_tests() { init_funcs(); InitializeCriticalSection(&sequence_cs); init_procs(); if (!RegisterWindowClasses()) assert(0); cbt_hook_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId(); hCBT_hook = SetWindowsHookExA(WH_CBT, cbt_hook_proc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId()); if (!hCBT_hook) win_skip("cannot set global hook, will skip hook tests\n"); } static void cleanup_tests() { BOOL ret; UnhookWindowsHookEx(hCBT_hook); if (pUnhookWinEvent && hEvent_hook) { ret = pUnhookWinEvent(hEvent_hook); ok(ret, "UnhookWinEvent error %ld\n", GetLastError()); SetLastError(0xdeadbeef); ok(!pUnhookWinEvent(hEvent_hook), "UnhookWinEvent succeeded\n"); ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE || /* Win2k */ GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, /* Win9x */ "unexpected error %ld\n", GetLastError()); } DeleteCriticalSection(&sequence_cs); } START_TEST(SystemMenu) { init_tests(); test_menu_messages(); cleanup_tests(); }