/* fat.c - Read/write access to the FAT */ /* Written 1993 by Werner Almesberger */ /* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998 * by Roman Hodek */ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "dosfsck.h" #include "io.h" #include "check.h" #include "fat.h" static void get_fat(FAT_ENTRY *entry,void *fat,unsigned long cluster,DOS_FS *fs) { unsigned char *ptr; switch(fs->fat_bits) { case 12: ptr = &((unsigned char *) fat)[cluster*3/2]; entry->value = 0xfff & (cluster & 1 ? (ptr[0] >> 4) | (ptr[1] << 4) : (ptr[0] | ptr[1] << 8)); break; case 16: entry->value = CF_LE_W(((unsigned short *) fat)[cluster]); break; case 32: /* According to M$, the high 4 bits of a FAT32 entry are reserved and * are not part of the cluster number. So we cut them off. */ { unsigned long e = CF_LE_L(((unsigned int *) fat)[cluster]); entry->value = e & 0xfffffff; entry->reserved = e >> 28; } break; default: die("Bad FAT entry size: %d bits.",fs->fat_bits); } entry->owner = NULL; } void read_fat(DOS_FS *fs) { int eff_size; unsigned long i; void *first,*second,*use; int first_ok,second_ok; eff_size = ((fs->clusters+2)*fs->fat_bits+7)/8; first = alloc(eff_size); fs_read(fs->fat_start,eff_size,first); use = first; if (fs->nfats > 1) { second = alloc(eff_size); fs_read(fs->fat_start+fs->fat_size,eff_size,second); } else second = NULL; if (second && memcmp(first,second,eff_size) != 0) { FAT_ENTRY first_media, second_media; get_fat(&first_media,first,0,fs); get_fat(&second_media,second,0,fs); first_ok = (first_media.value & FAT_EXTD(fs)) == FAT_EXTD(fs); second_ok = (second_media.value & FAT_EXTD(fs)) == FAT_EXTD(fs); if (first_ok && !second_ok) { printf("FATs differ - using first FAT.\n"); fs_write(fs->fat_start+fs->fat_size,eff_size,use = first); } if (!first_ok && second_ok) { printf("FATs differ - using second FAT.\n"); fs_write(fs->fat_start,eff_size,use = second); } if (first_ok && second_ok) { if (interactive) { printf("FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ?\n" "1) Use first FAT\n2) Use second FAT\n"); if (get_key("12","?") == '1') fs_write(fs->fat_start+fs->fat_size,eff_size,use = first); else fs_write(fs->fat_start,eff_size,use = second); } else { printf("FATs differ but appear to be intact. Using first " "FAT.\n"); fs_write(fs->fat_start+fs->fat_size,eff_size,use = first); } } if (!first_ok && !second_ok) { printf("Both FATs appear to be corrupt. Giving up.\n"); exit(1); } } fs->fat = qalloc(&mem_queue,sizeof(FAT_ENTRY)*(fs->clusters+2)); for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) get_fat(&fs->fat[i],use,i,fs); for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (fs->fat[i].value >= fs->clusters+2 && (fs->fat[i].value < FAT_MIN_BAD(fs))) { printf("Cluster %ld out of range (%ld > %ld). Setting to EOF.\n", i-2,fs->fat[i].value,fs->clusters+2-1); set_fat(fs,i,-1); } free(first); if (second) free(second); } void set_fat(DOS_FS *fs,unsigned long cluster,unsigned long new) { unsigned char data[4]; int size; loff_t offs; if ((long)new == -1) new = FAT_EOF(fs); else if ((long)new == -2) new = FAT_BAD(fs); switch( fs->fat_bits ) { case 12: offs = fs->fat_start+cluster*3/2; if (cluster & 1) { data[0] = ((new & 0xf) << 4) | (fs->fat[cluster-1].value >> 8); data[1] = new >> 4; } else { data[0] = new & 0xff; data[1] = (new >> 8) | (cluster == fs->clusters-1 ? 0 : (0xff & fs->fat[cluster+1].value) << 4); } size = 2; break; case 16: offs = fs->fat_start+cluster*2; *(unsigned short *) data = CT_LE_W(new); size = 2; break; case 32: offs = fs->fat_start+cluster*4; /* According to M$, the high 4 bits of a FAT32 entry are reserved and * are not part of the cluster number. So we never touch them. */ *(unsigned long *) data = CT_LE_L( (new & 0xfffffff) | (fs->fat[cluster].reserved << 28) ); size = 4; break; default: die("Bad FAT entry size: %d bits.",fs->fat_bits); } fs->fat[cluster].value = new; fs_write(offs,size,&data); fs_write(offs+fs->fat_size,size,&data); } int bad_cluster(DOS_FS *fs,unsigned long cluster) { return FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[cluster].value); } unsigned long next_cluster(DOS_FS *fs,unsigned long cluster) { unsigned long value; value = fs->fat[cluster].value; if (FAT_IS_BAD(fs,value)) die("Internal error: next_cluster on bad cluster"); return FAT_IS_EOF(fs,value) ? -1 : value; } loff_t cluster_start(DOS_FS *fs,unsigned long cluster) { return fs->data_start+((loff_t)cluster-2)*fs->cluster_size; } void set_owner(DOS_FS *fs,unsigned long cluster,DOS_FILE *owner) { if (owner && fs->fat[cluster].owner) die("Internal error: attempt to change file owner"); fs->fat[cluster].owner = owner; } DOS_FILE *get_owner(DOS_FS *fs,unsigned long cluster) { return fs->fat[cluster].owner; } void fix_bad(DOS_FS *fs) { unsigned long i; if (verbose) printf("Checking for bad clusters.\n"); for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (!get_owner(fs,i) && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[i].value)) if (!fs_test(cluster_start(fs,i),fs->cluster_size)) { printf("Cluster %lu is unreadable.\n",i); set_fat(fs,i,-2); } } void reclaim_free(DOS_FS *fs) { int reclaimed; unsigned long i; if (verbose) printf("Checking for unused clusters.\n"); reclaimed = 0; for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (!get_owner(fs,i) && fs->fat[i].value && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[i].value)) { set_fat(fs,i,0); reclaimed++; } if (reclaimed) printf("Reclaimed %d unused cluster%s (%d bytes).\n",reclaimed, reclaimed == 1 ? "" : "s",reclaimed*fs->cluster_size); } static void tag_free(DOS_FS *fs,DOS_FILE *ptr) { DOS_FILE *owner; int prev; unsigned long i,walk; for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (fs->fat[i].value && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[i].value) && !get_owner(fs,i) && !fs->fat[i].prev) { prev = 0; for (walk = i; walk > 0 && walk != -1; walk = next_cluster(fs,walk)) { if (!(owner = get_owner(fs,walk))) set_owner(fs,walk,ptr); else if (owner != ptr) die("Internal error: free chain collides with file"); else { set_fat(fs,prev,-1); break; } prev = walk; } } } void reclaim_file(DOS_FS *fs) { DOS_FILE dummy; int reclaimed,files,changed; unsigned long i,next,walk; if (verbose) printf("Reclaiming unconnected clusters.\n"); for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) fs->fat[i].prev = 0; for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) { next = fs->fat[i].value; if (!get_owner(fs,i) && next && next < fs->clusters+2) { if (get_owner(fs,next) || !fs->fat[next].value || FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[next].value)) set_fat(fs,i,-1); else fs->fat[next].prev++; } } do { tag_free(fs,&dummy); changed = 0; for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (fs->fat[i].value && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[i].value) && !get_owner(fs, i)) { if (!fs->fat[fs->fat[i].value].prev--) die("Internal error: prev going below zero"); set_fat(fs,i,-1); changed = 1; printf("Broke cycle at cluster %lu in free chain.\n",i); break; } } while (changed); files = reclaimed = 0; for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (get_owner(fs,i) == &dummy && !fs->fat[i].prev) { DIR_ENT de; loff_t offset; files++; offset = alloc_rootdir_entry(fs,&de,"FSCK%04dREC"); de.start = CT_LE_W(i&0xffff); if (fs->fat_bits == 32) de.starthi = CT_LE_W(i>>16); for (walk = i; walk > 0 && walk != -1; walk = next_cluster(fs,walk)) { de.size = CT_LE_L(CF_LE_L(de.size)+fs->cluster_size); reclaimed++; } fs_write(offset,sizeof(DIR_ENT),&de); } if (reclaimed) printf("Reclaimed %d unused cluster%s (%d bytes) in %d chain%s.\n", reclaimed,reclaimed == 1 ? "" : "s",reclaimed*fs->cluster_size,files, files == 1 ? "" : "s"); } unsigned long update_free(DOS_FS *fs) { unsigned long i; unsigned long free = 0; int do_set = 0; for (i = 2; i < fs->clusters+2; i++) if (!get_owner(fs,i) && !FAT_IS_BAD(fs,fs->fat[i].value)) ++free; if (!fs->fsinfo_start) return free; if (verbose) printf("Checking free cluster summary.\n"); if (fs->free_clusters >= 0) { if (free != fs->free_clusters) { printf( "Free cluster summary wrong (%ld vs. really %ld)\n", fs->free_clusters,free); if (interactive) printf( "1) Correct\n2) Don't correct\n" ); else printf( " Auto-correcting.\n" ); if (!interactive || get_key("12","?") == '1') do_set = 1; } } else { printf( "Free cluster summary uninitialized (should be %ld)\n", free ); if (interactive) printf( "1) Set it\n2) Leave it uninitialized\n" ); else printf( " Auto-setting.\n" ); if (!interactive || get_key("12","?") == '1') do_set = 1; } if (do_set) { fs->free_clusters = free; free = CT_LE_L(free); fs_write(fs->fsinfo_start+offsetof(struct info_sector,free_clusters), sizeof(free),&free); } return free; } /* Local Variables: */ /* tab-width: 8 */ /* End: */