/* * Copyright 2012 Detlef Riekenberg * Copyright 2013 Mislav Blažević * Copyright 2015,2016 Mark Jansen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #ifdef __REACTOS__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "wine/test.h" #include "apphelp_apitest.h" #define DOS_PATH 0 #define HID_DATABASE_FULLPATH 2 #define SDB_DATABASE_MAIN_SHIM 0x80030000 #define TAGID_NULL 0x0 #define TAGID_ROOT 0x0 #define _TAGID_ROOT 12 #define TAG_TYPE_MASK 0xF000 #define TAG_TYPE_NULL 0x1000 #define TAG_TYPE_BYTE 0x2000 #define TAG_TYPE_WORD 0x3000 #define TAG_TYPE_DWORD 0x4000 #define TAG_TYPE_QWORD 0x5000 #define TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF 0x6000 #define TAG_TYPE_LIST 0x7000 #define TAG_TYPE_STRING 0x8000 #define TAG_TYPE_BINARY 0x9000 #define TAG_NULL 0x0 #define TAG_INCLUDE (0x1 | TAG_TYPE_NULL) #define TAG_MATCH_MODE (0x1 | TAG_TYPE_WORD) #define TAG_SIZE (0x1 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_CHECKSUM (0x3 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_MODULE_TYPE (0x6 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_VERFILEOS (0x9 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_VERFILETYPE (0xA | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_PE_CHECKSUM (0xB | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_PROBLEMSEVERITY (0x10 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_HTMLHELPID (0x15 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_FLAGS (0x17 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_LAYER_TAGID (0x1A | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_LINKER_VERSION (0x1C | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_LINK_DATE (0x1D | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_UPTO_LINK_DATE (0x1E | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_APP_NAME_RC_ID (0x24 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_VENDOR_NAME_RC_ID (0x25 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_SUMMARY_MSG_RC_ID (0x26 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_OS_PLATFORM (0x23 | TAG_TYPE_DWORD) #define TAG_TIME (0x1 | TAG_TYPE_QWORD) #define TAG_BIN_FILE_VERSION (0x2 | TAG_TYPE_QWORD) #define TAG_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION (0x3 | TAG_TYPE_QWORD) #define TAG_UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION (0x6 | TAG_TYPE_QWORD) #define TAG_UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION (0xD | TAG_TYPE_QWORD) #define TAG_FLAG_LUA (0x10 | TAG_TYPE_QWORD) #define TAG_DATABASE (0x1 | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_INEXCLUD (0x3 | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_EXE (0x7 | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_MATCHING_FILE (0x8 | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_SHIM_REF (0x9| TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_LAYER (0xB | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_APPHELP (0xD | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_LINK (0xE | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_STRINGTABLE (0x801 | TAG_TYPE_LIST) #define TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM (0x801 | TAG_TYPE_STRING) #define TAG_NAME (0x1 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_MODULE (0x3 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_VENDOR (0x5 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_APP_NAME (0x6 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_COMMAND_LINE (0x8 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_COMPANY_NAME (0x9 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_PRODUCT_NAME (0x10 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_PRODUCT_VERSION (0x11 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_FILE_DESCRIPTION (0x12 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_FILE_VERSION (0x13 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_ORIGINAL_FILENAME (0x14 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_INTERNAL_NAME (0x15 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_LEGAL_COPYRIGHT (0x16 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_APPHELP_DETAILS (0x18 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_LINK_URL (0x19 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_APPHELP_TITLE (0x1B | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_COMPILER_VERSION (0x22 | TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF) #define TAG_GENERAL (0x2 | TAG_TYPE_NULL) #define TAG_EXE_ID (0x4 | TAG_TYPE_BINARY) #define TAG_DATA_BITS (0x5 | TAG_TYPE_BINARY) #define TAG_DATABASE_ID (0x7 | TAG_TYPE_BINARY) static HMODULE hdll; static LPCWSTR (WINAPI *pSdbTagToString)(TAG); static PDB (WINAPI *pSdbOpenDatabase)(LPCWSTR, PATH_TYPE); static PDB (WINAPI *pSdbCreateDatabase)(LPCWSTR, PATH_TYPE); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbGetDatabaseVersion)(LPCWSTR, PDWORD, PDWORD); static void (WINAPI *pSdbCloseDatabase)(PDB); static void (WINAPI *pSdbCloseDatabaseWrite)(PDB); static TAG (WINAPI *pSdbGetTagFromTagID)(PDB, TAGID); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteNULLTag)(PDB, TAG); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteWORDTag)(PDB, TAG, WORD); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteDWORDTag)(PDB, TAG, DWORD); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteQWORDTag)(PDB, TAG, QWORD); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteBinaryTagFromFile)(PDB, TAG, LPCWSTR); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteStringTag)(PDB, TAG, LPCWSTR); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbWriteStringRefTag)(PDB, TAG, TAGID); static TAGID (WINAPI *pSdbBeginWriteListTag)(PDB, TAG); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbEndWriteListTag)(PDB, TAGID); static TAGID (WINAPI *pSdbFindFirstTag)(PDB, TAGID, TAG); static TAGID (WINAPI *pSdbFindNextTag)(PDB, TAGID, TAGID); static TAGID (WINAPI *pSdbFindFirstNamedTag)(PDB, TAGID, TAGID, TAGID, LPCWSTR); static WORD (WINAPI *pSdbReadWORDTag)(PDB, TAGID, WORD); static DWORD (WINAPI *pSdbReadDWORDTag)(PDB, TAGID, DWORD); static QWORD (WINAPI *pSdbReadQWORDTag)(PDB, TAGID, QWORD); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbReadBinaryTag)(PDB, TAGID, PBYTE, DWORD); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbReadStringTag)(PDB, TAGID, LPWSTR, DWORD); static DWORD (WINAPI *pSdbGetTagDataSize)(PDB, TAGID); static PVOID (WINAPI *pSdbGetBinaryTagData)(PDB, TAGID); static LPWSTR (WINAPI *pSdbGetStringTagPtr)(PDB, TAGID); static TAGID (WINAPI *pSdbGetFirstChild)(PDB, TAGID); static TAGID (WINAPI *pSdbGetNextChild)(PDB, TAGID, TAGID); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbGetDatabaseID)(PDB, GUID*); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbGUIDToString)(CONST GUID *, PCWSTR, SIZE_T); static HSDB (WINAPI *pSdbInitDatabase)(DWORD, LPCWSTR); static void (WINAPI *pSdbReleaseDatabase)(HSDB); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbGetMatchingExe)(HSDB hsdb, LPCWSTR path, LPCWSTR module_name, LPCWSTR env, DWORD flags, PSDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA result); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbTagRefToTagID)(HSDB hSDB, TAGREF trWhich, PDB *ppdb, TAGID *ptiWhich); static BOOL (WINAPI *pSdbTagIDToTagRef)(HSDB hSDB, PDB pdb, TAGID tiWhich, TAGREF *ptrWhich); static TAGREF (WINAPI *pSdbGetLayerTagRef)(HSDB hsdb, LPCWSTR layerName); static LONGLONG (WINAPI* pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString)(LPCWSTR); DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DATABASE_TEST, 0xe39b0eb0, 0x55db, 0x450b, 0x9b, 0xd4, 0xd2, 0x0c, 0x94, 0x84, 0x26, 0x0f); DEFINE_GUID(GUID_MAIN_DATABASE, 0x11111111, 0x1111, 0x1111, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11); static void Write(HANDLE file, LPCVOID buffer, DWORD size) { DWORD dwWritten = 0; WriteFile(file, buffer, size, &dwWritten, NULL); } static void test_Sdb(void) { static const WCHAR temp[] = L"temp"; static const WCHAR path1[] = L"temp.sdb"; static const WCHAR path2[] = L"temp2.bin"; static const WCHAR tag_size_string[] = L"SIZE"; static const WCHAR tag_flag_lua_string[] = L"FLAG_LUA"; static const WCHAR invalid_tag[] = L"InvalidTag"; static const TAG tags[5] = { TAG_SIZE, TAG_FLAG_LUA, TAG_NAME, TAG_STRINGTABLE, TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM }; WCHAR buffer[6] = { 0 }; PDB pdb; QWORD qword; DWORD dword; WORD word; BOOL ret; HANDLE file; /* temp file created for testing purpose */ TAG tag; TAGID tagid, ptagid, stringref = 6; LPCWSTR string; PBYTE binary; pdb = pSdbCreateDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "failed to create database\n"); if (pdb != NULL) { ret = pSdbWriteDWORDTag(pdb, tags[0], 0xDEADBEEF); ok(ret, "failed to write DWORD tag\n"); ret = pSdbWriteQWORDTag(pdb, tags[1], 0xDEADBEEFBABE); ok(ret, "failed to write QWORD tag\n"); ret = pSdbWriteStringRefTag(pdb, tags[2], stringref); ok(ret, "failed to write stringref tag\n"); tagid = pSdbBeginWriteListTag(pdb, tags[3]); ok(tagid != TAGID_NULL, "unexpected NULL tagid\n"); ret = pSdbWriteStringTag(pdb, tags[4], temp); ok(ret, "failed to write string tag\n"); ret = pSdbWriteNULLTag(pdb, TAG_GENERAL); ok(ret, "failed to write NULL tag\n"); ret = pSdbWriteWORDTag(pdb, TAG_MATCH_MODE, 0xACE); ok(ret, "failed to write WORD tag\n"); ret = pSdbEndWriteListTag(pdb, tagid); ok(ret, "failed to update list size\n"); /* [Err ][SdbCloseDatabase ] Failed to close the file. */ pSdbCloseDatabaseWrite(pdb); } /* [Err ][SdbGetDatabaseID ] Failed to get root tag */ pdb = pSdbOpenDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "unexpected NULL handle\n"); if (pdb) { tagid = pSdbGetFirstChild(pdb, TAGID_ROOT); ok(tagid == _TAGID_ROOT, "unexpected tagid %u, expected %u\n", tagid, _TAGID_ROOT); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid); ok(tag == TAG_SIZE, "unexpected tag 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n", tag, TAG_SIZE); string = pSdbTagToString(tag); ok(lstrcmpW(string, tag_size_string) == 0, "unexpected string %s, expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(string), wine_dbgstr_w(tag_size_string)); dword = pSdbReadDWORDTag(pdb, tagid, 0); ok(dword == 0xDEADBEEF, "unexpected value %u, expected 0xDEADBEEF\n", dword); tagid = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, tagid); ok(tagid == _TAGID_ROOT + sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(DWORD), "unexpected tagid %u, expected %u\n", tagid, _TAGID_ROOT + sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(DWORD)); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid); ok(tag == TAG_FLAG_LUA, "unexpected tag 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n", tag, TAG_FLAG_LUA); string = pSdbTagToString(tag); if (g_WinVersion >= WINVER_VISTA) { ok(lstrcmpW(string, tag_flag_lua_string) == 0, "unexpected string %s, expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(string), wine_dbgstr_w(tag_flag_lua_string)); } else { ok(lstrcmpW(string, invalid_tag) == 0, "unexpected string %s, expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(string), wine_dbgstr_w(invalid_tag)); } qword = pSdbReadQWORDTag(pdb, tagid, 0); ok(qword == 0xDEADBEEFBABE, "unexpected value 0x%I64x, expected 0xDEADBEEFBABE\n", qword); tagid = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, tagid); string = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, tagid); ok(string && (lstrcmpW(string, temp) == 0), "unexpected string %s, expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(string), wine_dbgstr_w(temp)); ptagid = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, tagid); tagid = pSdbGetFirstChild(pdb, ptagid); string = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, tagid); ok(string && (lstrcmpW(string, temp) == 0), "unexpected string %s, expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(string), wine_dbgstr_w(temp)); ok(pSdbReadStringTag(pdb, tagid, buffer, 6), "failed to write string to buffer\n"); /* [Err ][SdbpReadTagData ] Buffer too small. Avail: 6, Need: 10. */ ok(!pSdbReadStringTag(pdb, tagid, buffer, 3), "string was written to buffer, but failure was expected"); ok(pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagid) == 5 * sizeof(WCHAR), "string has unexpected size\n"); tagid = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, ptagid, tagid); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid); ok(tag == TAG_GENERAL, "unexpected tag 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n", tag, TAG_GENERAL); ok(pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagid) == 0, "null tag with size > 0\n"); tagid = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, ptagid, tagid); word = pSdbReadWORDTag(pdb, tagid, 0); ok(word == 0xACE, "unexpected value 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n", word, 0xACE); pSdbCloseDatabase(pdb); } DeleteFileW(path1); file = CreateFileW(path2, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "failed to open file\n"); Write(file, &qword, 8); CloseHandle(file); pdb = pSdbCreateDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "unexpected NULL handle\n"); if (pdb) { ret = pSdbWriteBinaryTagFromFile(pdb, TAG_DATA_BITS, path2); ok(ret, "failed to write tag from binary file\n"); pSdbCloseDatabaseWrite(pdb); /* [Err ][SdbCloseDatabase ] Failed to close the file. */ DeleteFileW(path2); /* FIXME: doesnt work on win10?! */ pdb = pSdbOpenDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "unexpected NULL handle\n"); if (pdb) { binary = (PBYTE)pSdbGetBinaryTagData(pdb, _TAGID_ROOT); ok(memcmp(binary, &qword, 8) == 0, "binary data is corrupt\n"); ret = pSdbReadBinaryTag(pdb, _TAGID_ROOT, (PBYTE)buffer, 12); ok(ret, "failed to read binary tag\n"); ok(memcmp(buffer, &qword, 8) == 0, "binary data is corrupt\n"); pSdbCloseDatabase(pdb); } } DeleteFileW(path1); } /* - Show that a stringtable is automatically generated, - Show that entries in the stringtable are re-used, - validate multiple lists (for the length) */ static void test_write_ex(void) { WCHAR path1[] = {'t','e','s','t','.','s','d','b',0}; WCHAR test1[] = {'T','E','S','T',0}; WCHAR test2[] = {'t','e','s','t',0}; PDB pdb; TAGID tagdb, tagstr; TAG tag; DWORD size; BOOL ret; LPWSTR ptr; /* Write a small database */ pdb = pSdbCreateDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a valid database\n"); if (!pdb) return; tagdb = pSdbBeginWriteListTag(pdb, TAG_DATABASE); ok(tagdb == 12, "Expected tag to be 12, was %u\n", tagdb); ret = pSdbWriteStringTag(pdb, TAG_NAME, test1); ret = pSdbWriteStringTag(pdb, TAG_NAME, test2); ok(ret, "Expected SdbWriteStringTag to succeed\n"); ret = pSdbEndWriteListTag(pdb, tagdb); ok(ret, "Expected SdbEndWriteListTag to succeed\n"); tagdb = pSdbBeginWriteListTag(pdb, TAG_DATABASE); ok(tagdb == 30, "Expected tag to be 24, was %u\n", tagdb); ret = pSdbWriteStringTag(pdb, TAG_NAME, test1); ret = pSdbWriteStringTag(pdb, TAG_NAME, test2); ok(ret, "Expected SdbWriteStringTag to succeed\n"); ret = pSdbEndWriteListTag(pdb, tagdb); ok(ret, "Expected SdbEndWriteListTag to succeed\n"); pSdbCloseDatabaseWrite(pdb); /* Now validate it's contents */ pdb = pSdbOpenDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a valid database\n"); if (!pdb) return; tagdb = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_DATABASE); ok(tagdb == 12, "Expected tag to be 12, was %u\n", tagdb); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagdb); ok(size == 12, "Expected size to be 12, was %u\n", size); tagstr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, tagdb, TAG_NAME); ok(tagstr == 18, "Expected string tag to be 18, was %u\n", tagstr); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_NAME, "Expected tag to be TAG_NAME, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 4, "Expected size to be 4, was 0x%x\n", size); tagstr = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, tagdb, tagstr); ok(tagstr == 24, "Expected string tag to be 24, was %u\n", tagstr); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_NAME, "Expected tag to be TAG_NAME, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 4, "Expected size to be 4, was 0x%x\n", size); tagdb = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, tagdb); ok(tagdb == 30, "Expected tag to be 30, was %u\n", tagdb); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagdb); ok(size == 12, "Expected size to be 12, was %u\n", size); tagstr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, tagdb, TAG_NAME); ok(tagstr == 36, "Expected string tag to be 36, was %u\n", tagstr); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_NAME, "Expected tag to be TAG_NAME, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 4, "Expected size to be 4, was %u\n", size); tagstr = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, tagdb, tagstr); ok(tagstr == 42, "Expected string tag to be 42, was %u\n", tagstr); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_NAME, "Expected tag to be TAG_NAME, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 4, "Expected size to be 4, was 0x%x\n", size); tagdb = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_STRINGTABLE); ok(tagdb == 48, "Expected tag to be 48, was %u\n", tagdb); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagdb); ok(size == 32, "Expected size to be 32, was %u\n", size); tagstr = pSdbGetFirstChild(pdb, tagdb); ok(tagstr == 54, "Expected string tag to be 54, was %u\n", tagstr); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM, "Expected tag to be TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 10, "Expected size to be 10, was %u\n", size); ptr = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, tagstr); ok(ptr != NULL, "Expected a valid pointer\n"); if (ptr) ok(!wcscmp(ptr, test1), "Expected ptr to be %s, was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(test1), wine_dbgstr_w(ptr)); tagstr = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, tagdb, tagstr); ok(tagstr == 70, "Expected string tag to be 70, was %u\n", tagstr); tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM, "Expected tag to be TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM, was 0x%x\n", (DWORD)tag); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 10, "Expected size to be 10, was %u\n", size); ptr = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, tagstr); ok(ptr != NULL, "Expected a valid pointer\n"); if (ptr) ok(!wcscmp(ptr, test2), "Expected ptr to be %s, was %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(test2), wine_dbgstr_w(ptr)); pSdbCloseDatabase(pdb); } static void write_db_strings(const WCHAR* name, const WCHAR* data[], size_t count) { PDB pdb; size_t n; BOOL ret; pdb = pSdbCreateDatabase(name, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "Failed to create db for case %u\n", count); for (n = 0; n < count; ++n) { ret = pSdbWriteStringTag(pdb, TAG_NAME, data[n]); ok(ret, "Failed to write string %u/%u\n", n, count); } pSdbCloseDatabaseWrite(pdb); } static void test_stringtable() { static const WCHAR path1[] = {'t','e','s','t','.','s','d','b',0}; static const WCHAR test1[] = {'t','e','s','t','1',0}; static const WCHAR test2[] = {'T','e','s','t','1',0}; static const WCHAR test3[] = {'T','E','s','t','1',0}; static const WCHAR test4[] = {'T','E','S','T','1',0}; static const WCHAR test5[] = {'T','E','S','T','2',0}; static const WCHAR lipsum[] = {'L','o','r','e','m',' ','i','p','s','u','m',' ','d','o','l','o','r',' ','s','i','t',' ','a','m','e','t',',',' ','c','o','n','s','e','c','t','e','t','u','r',' ','a','d','i','p','i','s','c','i','n','g',' ','e','l','i','t','.',' ','N','u','l','l','a',' ','a','n','t','e',' ','r','i','s','u','s',',',' ','m','a','l','e','s','u','a','d','a',' ','s','e','d',' ','i','a','c','u','l','i','s',' ','l','u','c','t','u','s',',',' ','o','r','n','a','r','e',' ','p','u','l','v','i','n','a','r',' ','v','e','l','i','t','.',' ','L','o','r','e','m',' ','i','p','s','u','m',' ','d','o','l','o','r',' ','s','i','t',' ','a','m','e','t',',',' ','c','o','n','s','e','c','t','e','t','u','r',' ','a','d','i','p','i','s','c','i','n','g',' ','e','l','i','t','.',' ','I','n','t','e','g','e','r',' ','q','u','i','s',' ','f','e','l','i','s',' ','u','t',' ','l','e','o',' ','e','l','e','i','f','e','n','d',' ','u','l','t','r','i','c','e','s',' ','f','i','n','i','b','u','s',' ','e','u',' ','d','o','l','o','r','.',' ','I','n',' ','b','i','b','e','n','d','u','m',',',' ','e','r','o','s',' ','e','u',' ','f','a','u','c','i','b','u','s',' ','c','o','n','s','e','q','u','a','t',',',' ','n','i','s','i',' ','m','a','g','n','a',' ','v','e','n','e','n','a','t','i','s',' ','j','u','s','t','o',',',' ','a','t',' ','t','r','i','s','t','i','q','u','e',' ','m','e','t','u','s',' ','d','o','l','o','r',' ','u','t',' ','r','i','s','u','s','.',' ','N','u','n','c',' ','e','u',' ','o','d','i','o',' ','d','i','g','n','i','s','s','i','m',',',' ','o','r','n','a','r','e',' ','a','n','t','e',' ','g','r','a','v','i','d','a',',',' ','l','o','b','o','r','t','i','s',' ','e','r','o','s','.',' ','C','r','a','s',' ','s','e','m',' ','e','x',',',' ','c','o','n','s','e','c','t','e','t','u','r',' ','p','u','l','v','i','n','a','r',' ','t','i','n','c','i','d','u','n','t',' ','e','u',',',' ','c','o','n','g','u','e',' ','a',' ','e','r','o','s','.',' ','C','u','r','a','b','i','t','u','r',' ','e','r','o','s',' ','e','r','a','t',',',' ','p','e','l','l','e','n','t','e','s','q','u','e',' ','e','t',' ','n','i','b','h',' ','q','u','i','s',',',' ','i','n','t','e','r','d','u','m',' ','t','e','m','p','o','r',' ','o','d','i','o','.',' ','E','t','i','a','m',' ','s','a','p','i','e','n',' ','s','a','p','i','e','n',',',' ','a','l','i','q','u','a','m',' ','u','t',' ','a','l','i','q','u','a','m',' ','a','t',',',' ','s','a','g','i','t','t','i','s',' ','e','u',' ','m','a','g','n','a','.',' ','M','a','e','c','e','n','a','s',' ','m','a','g','n','a',' ','m','a','g','n','a',',',' ','s','u','s','c','i','p','i','t',' ','u','t',' ','l','o','r','e','m',' ','u','t',',',' ','v','a','r','i','u','s',' ','p','r','e','t','i','u','m',' ','f','e','l','i','s','.',' ','I','n','t','e','g','e','r',' ','t','i','n','c','i','d','u','n','t',',',' ','m','e','t','u','s',' ','v','e','l',' ','s','o','l','l','i','c','i','t','u','d','i','n',' ','f','i','n','i','b','u','s',',',' ','f','e','l','i','s',' ','e','r','a','t',' ','m','o','l','e','s','t','i','e',' ','u','r','n','a',',',' ','a',' ','c','o','n','d','i','m','e','n','t','u','m',' ','a','u','g','u','e',' ','a','r','c','u',' ','v','i','t','a','e',' ','r','i','s','u','s','.',' ','E','t','i','a','m',' ','i','d',' ','s','a','g','i','t','t','i','s',' ','q','u','a','m','.',' ','M','o','r','b','i',' ','a',' ','u','l','t','r','i','c','i','e','s',' ','n','u','n','c','.',' ','P','h','a','s','e','l','l','u','s',' ','e','r','o','s',' ','r','i','s','u','s',',',' ','c','u','r','s','u','s',' ','u','l','l','a','m','c','o','r','p','e','r',' ','m','a','s','s','a',' ','s','e','d',',',' ','d','i','g','n','i','s','s','i','m',' ','c','o','n','s','e','q','u','a','t',' ','l','i','g','u','l','a','.',' ','A','l','i','q','u','a','m',' ','t','u','r','p','i','s',' ','a','r','c','u',',',' ','a','c','c','u','m','s','a','n',' ','q','u','i','s',' ','s','a','p','i','e','n',' ','v','i','t','a','e',',',' ','l','a','c','i','n','i','a',' ','e','u','i','s','m','o','d',' ','n','i','s','l','.',' ','M','a','u','r','i','s',' ','i','d',' ','f','e','l','i','s',' ','s','e','m','.',0}; /* Last char changed from '.' to '!' */ static const WCHAR lipsum2[] = {'L','o','r','e','m',' ','i','p','s','u','m',' ','d','o','l','o','r',' ','s','i','t',' ','a','m','e','t',',',' ','c','o','n','s','e','c','t','e','t','u','r',' ','a','d','i','p','i','s','c','i','n','g',' ','e','l','i','t','.',' ','N','u','l','l','a',' ','a','n','t','e',' ','r','i','s','u','s',',',' ','m','a','l','e','s','u','a','d','a',' ','s','e','d',' ','i','a','c','u','l','i','s',' ','l','u','c','t','u','s',',',' ','o','r','n','a','r','e',' ','p','u','l','v','i','n','a','r',' ','v','e','l','i','t','.',' ','L','o','r','e','m',' ','i','p','s','u','m',' ','d','o','l','o','r',' ','s','i','t',' ','a','m','e','t',',',' ','c','o','n','s','e','c','t','e','t','u','r',' ','a','d','i','p','i','s','c','i','n','g',' ','e','l','i','t','.',' ','I','n','t','e','g','e','r',' ','q','u','i','s',' ','f','e','l','i','s',' ','u','t',' ','l','e','o',' ','e','l','e','i','f','e','n','d',' ','u','l','t','r','i','c','e','s',' ','f','i','n','i','b','u','s',' ','e','u',' ','d','o','l','o','r','.',' ','I','n',' ','b','i','b','e','n','d','u','m',',',' ','e','r','o','s',' ','e','u',' ','f','a','u','c','i','b','u','s',' ','c','o','n','s','e','q','u','a','t',',',' ','n','i','s','i',' ','m','a','g','n','a',' ','v','e','n','e','n','a','t','i','s',' ','j','u','s','t','o',',',' ','a','t',' ','t','r','i','s','t','i','q','u','e',' ','m','e','t','u','s',' ','d','o','l','o','r',' ','u','t',' ','r','i','s','u','s','.',' ','N','u','n','c',' ','e','u',' ','o','d','i','o',' ','d','i','g','n','i','s','s','i','m',',',' ','o','r','n','a','r','e',' ','a','n','t','e',' ','g','r','a','v','i','d','a',',',' ','l','o','b','o','r','t','i','s',' ','e','r','o','s','.',' ','C','r','a','s',' ','s','e','m',' ','e','x',',',' ','c','o','n','s','e','c','t','e','t','u','r',' ','p','u','l','v','i','n','a','r',' ','t','i','n','c','i','d','u','n','t',' ','e','u',',',' ','c','o','n','g','u','e',' ','a',' ','e','r','o','s','.',' ','C','u','r','a','b','i','t','u','r',' ','e','r','o','s',' ','e','r','a','t',',',' ','p','e','l','l','e','n','t','e','s','q','u','e',' ','e','t',' ','n','i','b','h',' ','q','u','i','s',',',' ','i','n','t','e','r','d','u','m',' ','t','e','m','p','o','r',' ','o','d','i','o','.',' ','E','t','i','a','m',' ','s','a','p','i','e','n',' ','s','a','p','i','e','n',',',' ','a','l','i','q','u','a','m',' ','u','t',' ','a','l','i','q','u','a','m',' ','a','t',',',' ','s','a','g','i','t','t','i','s',' ','e','u',' ','m','a','g','n','a','.',' ','M','a','e','c','e','n','a','s',' ','m','a','g','n','a',' ','m','a','g','n','a',',',' ','s','u','s','c','i','p','i','t',' ','u','t',' ','l','o','r','e','m',' ','u','t',',',' ','v','a','r','i','u','s',' ','p','r','e','t','i','u','m',' ','f','e','l','i','s','.',' ','I','n','t','e','g','e','r',' ','t','i','n','c','i','d','u','n','t',',',' ','m','e','t','u','s',' ','v','e','l',' ','s','o','l','l','i','c','i','t','u','d','i','n',' ','f','i','n','i','b','u','s',',',' ','f','e','l','i','s',' ','e','r','a','t',' ','m','o','l','e','s','t','i','e',' ','u','r','n','a',',',' ','a',' ','c','o','n','d','i','m','e','n','t','u','m',' ','a','u','g','u','e',' ','a','r','c','u',' ','v','i','t','a','e',' ','r','i','s','u','s','.',' ','E','t','i','a','m',' ','i','d',' ','s','a','g','i','t','t','i','s',' ','q','u','a','m','.',' ','M','o','r','b','i',' ','a',' ','u','l','t','r','i','c','i','e','s',' ','n','u','n','c','.',' ','P','h','a','s','e','l','l','u','s',' ','e','r','o','s',' ','r','i','s','u','s',',',' ','c','u','r','s','u','s',' ','u','l','l','a','m','c','o','r','p','e','r',' ','m','a','s','s','a',' ','s','e','d',',',' ','d','i','g','n','i','s','s','i','m',' ','c','o','n','s','e','q','u','a','t',' ','l','i','g','u','l','a','.',' ','A','l','i','q','u','a','m',' ','t','u','r','p','i','s',' ','a','r','c','u',',',' ','a','c','c','u','m','s','a','n',' ','q','u','i','s',' ','s','a','p','i','e','n',' ','v','i','t','a','e',',',' ','l','a','c','i','n','i','a',' ','e','u','i','s','m','o','d',' ','n','i','s','l','.',' ','M','a','u','r','i','s',' ','i','d',' ','f','e','l','i','s',' ','s','e','m','!',0}; static const WCHAR empty[] = {0}; static const WCHAR* all[] = { test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, lipsum, lipsum2, empty }; static const TAGID expected_str[] = { 0xc, 0x12, 0x18, 0x1e, 0x24, 0x2a, 0x30, 0x36 }; static const TAGID expected_tab[] = { 6, 0x18, 0x2a, 0x3c, 0x4e, 0x60, 0x846, 0x102c }; size_t n, j; for (n = 0; n < (sizeof(all) / sizeof(all[0])); ++n) { PDB pdb; TAGID tagstr, table, expected_table; write_db_strings(path1, all, n+1); pdb = pSdbOpenDatabase(path1, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a valid database\n"); if (!pdb) { DeleteFileW(path1); continue; } tagstr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_NAME); for (j = 0; j <= n; ++j) { ok(tagstr == expected_str[j], "Expected tagstr to be 0x%x, was 0x%x for %u/%u\n", expected_str[j], tagstr, j, n); if (tagstr) { LPWSTR data; DWORD size; TAG tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_NAME, "Expected tag to be TAG_NAME, was 0x%x for %u/%u\n", tag, j, n); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); ok(size == 4, "Expected datasize to be 4, was %u for %u/%u\n", size, j, n); data = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, tagstr); ok(data && !wcsicmp(data, all[j]), "Expected data to be %s was %s for %u/%u\n", wine_dbgstr_w(all[j]), wine_dbgstr_w(data), j, n); } tagstr = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, tagstr); } ok(tagstr == TAGID_NULL, "Expected to be at the end for %u\n", n); table = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_STRINGTABLE); expected_table = 0xc + (n+1)*6; ok(table == expected_table, "Expected to find a stringtable at 0x%x instead of 0x%x for %u\n", expected_table, table, n); if (table) { tagstr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, table, TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM); for (j = 0; j <= n; ++j) { ok(tagstr == (expected_tab[j] + expected_table), "Expected tagstr to be 0x%x, was 0x%x for %u/%u\n", (expected_tab[j] + expected_table), tagstr, j, n); if (tagstr) { LPWSTR data; DWORD size, expected_size; TAG tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagstr); ok(tag == TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM, "Expected tag to be TAG_NAME, was 0x%x for %u/%u\n", tag, j, n); size = pSdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagstr); expected_size = (lstrlenW(all[j])+1) * 2; ok(size == expected_size, "Expected datasize to be %u, was %u for %u/%u\n", expected_size, size, j, n); data = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, tagstr); ok(data && !wcsicmp(data, all[j]), "Expected data to be %s was %s for %u/%u\n", wine_dbgstr_w(all[j]), wine_dbgstr_w(data), j, n); } tagstr = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, tagstr); } ok(tagstr == TAGID_NULL, "Expected to be at the end for %u\n", n); } pSdbCloseDatabase(pdb); DeleteFileW(path1); } } static void match_str_attr_imp(PDB pdb, TAGID parent, TAG find, const char* compare) { TAGID attr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, parent, find); winetest_ok(attr != TAG_NULL, "Could not find: %x\n", find); if (attr != TAG_NULL) { LPWSTR name = pSdbGetStringTagPtr(pdb, attr); winetest_ok(name != NULL, "Could not convert attr to str.\n"); if (name) { char name_a[100]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, name_a, sizeof(name_a), NULL, NULL); winetest_ok(strcmp(name_a, compare) == 0, "Expected tagid %x to be %s, was %s\n", attr, compare, name_a); } } } static void match_dw_attr_imp(PDB pdb, TAGID parent, TAG find, DWORD compare) { TAGID attr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, parent, find); winetest_ok(attr != TAG_NULL, "Could not find: %x\n", find); if (attr != TAG_NULL) { DWORD val = pSdbReadDWORDTag(pdb, attr, 0x1234567); winetest_ok(val == compare, "Expected tagid %x to be 0x%x, was 0x%x\n", attr, compare, val); } } static void match_qw_attr_imp(PDB pdb, TAGID parent, TAG find, QWORD compare) { TAGID attr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, parent, find); winetest_ok(attr != TAG_NULL, "Could not find: %x\n", find); if (attr != TAG_NULL) { QWORD val = pSdbReadQWORDTag(pdb, attr, 0x123456789abcdef); winetest_ok(val == compare, "Expected tagid %x to be 0x%I64x, was 0x%I64x\n", attr, compare, val); } } static void match_guid_attr_imp(PDB pdb, TAGID parent, TAG find, const GUID* compare) { TAGID attr = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, parent, find); winetest_ok(attr != TAG_NULL, "Could not find: %x\n", find); if (attr != TAG_NULL) { GUID guid = { 0 }; BOOL result = pSdbReadBinaryTag(pdb, attr, (PBYTE)&guid, sizeof(guid)); winetest_ok(result, "expected pSdbReadBinaryTag not to fail.\n"); winetest_ok(IsEqualGUID(guid, *compare), "expected guids to be equal(%s:%s)\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&guid), wine_dbgstr_guid(compare)); } } #define match_str_attr (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : match_str_attr_imp #define match_dw_attr (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : match_dw_attr_imp #define match_qw_attr (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : match_qw_attr_imp #define match_guid_attr (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : match_guid_attr_imp //The application name cannot contain any of the following characters: // \ / < > : * ? | " static void check_db_properties(PDB pdb, TAGID root) { TAGID iter = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, root, TAG_DATABASE_ID); ok(iter != TAGID_NULL, "expected a result, got TAGID_NULL\n"); if (iter != TAGID_NULL) { GUID guid = { 0 }, guid2 = { 0 }; BOOL result = pSdbReadBinaryTag(pdb, iter, (PBYTE)&guid, sizeof(guid)); ok(result, "expected SdbReadBinaryTag not to fail.\n"); if (result) { WCHAR guid_wstr[50]; result = pSdbGUIDToString(&guid, guid_wstr, 50); ok(result, "expected SdbGUIDToString not to fail.\n"); if (result) { char guid_str[50]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, guid_wstr, -1, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str), NULL, NULL); ok_str(guid_str, "{e39b0eb0-55db-450b-9bd4-d20c9484260f}"); } ok(pSdbGetDatabaseID(pdb, &guid2), "expected SdbGetDatabaseID not to fail.\n"); ok(IsEqualGUID(guid, guid2), "expected guids to be equal(%s:%s)\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&guid), wine_dbgstr_guid(&guid2)); } } match_qw_attr(pdb, root, TAG_TIME, 0x1d1b91a02c0d63e); match_str_attr(pdb, root, TAG_COMPILER_VERSION, ""); match_str_attr(pdb, root, TAG_NAME, "apphelp_test1"); match_dw_attr(pdb, root, TAG_OS_PLATFORM, 1); } static void check_db_layer(PDB pdb, TAGID layer) { TAGID shimref, inexclude, is_include; ok(layer != TAGID_NULL, "Expected a valid layer, got NULL\n"); if (!layer) return; match_str_attr(pdb, layer, TAG_NAME, "TestNewMode"); shimref = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, layer, TAG_SHIM_REF); ok(shimref != TAGID_NULL, "Expected a valid shim ref, got NULL\n"); if (!shimref) return; match_str_attr(pdb, shimref, TAG_NAME, "VirtualRegistry"); match_str_attr(pdb, shimref, TAG_COMMAND_LINE, "ThemeActive"); inexclude = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, shimref, TAG_INEXCLUD); ok(inexclude != TAGID_NULL, "Expected a valid in/exclude ref, got NULL\n"); if (!inexclude) return; is_include = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, inexclude, TAG_INCLUDE); ok(is_include == TAGID_NULL, "Expected a NULL include ref, but got one anyway.\n"); match_str_attr(pdb, inexclude, TAG_MODULE, "exclude.dll"); inexclude = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, shimref, inexclude); ok(inexclude != TAGID_NULL, "Expected a valid in/exclude ref, got NULL\n"); if (!inexclude) return; is_include = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, inexclude, TAG_INCLUDE); ok(is_include != TAGID_NULL, "Expected a valid include ref, got NULL\n"); match_str_attr(pdb, inexclude, TAG_MODULE, "include.dll"); } static void check_matching_file(PDB pdb, TAGID exe, TAGID matching_file, int num) { ok(matching_file != TAGID_NULL, "Expected to find atleast 1 matching file.\n"); if (matching_file == TAGID_NULL) return; ok(num < 4, "Too many matches, expected only 4!\n"); if (num >= 4) return; match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_NAME, "*"); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_COMPANY_NAME, "CompanyName"); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_PRODUCT_NAME, "ProductName"); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_PRODUCT_VERSION, ""); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_FILE_VERSION, ""); if (num == 0 || num == 3) { match_qw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION, 0x1000000000001); match_qw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION, 0x1000000000000); } if (num == 1 || num == 3) { match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_PE_CHECKSUM, 0xbaad); } if (num != 0) { match_qw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION, 0x1000000000001); match_qw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_BIN_FILE_VERSION, 0x1000000000000); } if (num == 3) { match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_SIZE, 0x800); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_CHECKSUM, 0x178bd629); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_FILE_DESCRIPTION, "FileDescription"); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_MODULE_TYPE, 3); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_VERFILEOS, 4); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_VERFILETYPE, 1); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_LINKER_VERSION, 0x40002); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_ORIGINAL_FILENAME, "OriginalFilename"); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_INTERNAL_NAME, "InternalName"); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_LEGAL_COPYRIGHT, "LegalCopyright"); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_LINK_DATE, 0x12345); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_UPTO_LINK_DATE, 0x12345); } if (num > 3) { ok(0, "unknown case: %d\n", num); } matching_file = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, exe, matching_file); if (num == 2) { ok(matching_file != TAGID_NULL, "Did expect a secondary match on %d\n", num); match_str_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_NAME, "test_checkfile.txt"); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_SIZE, 0x4); match_dw_attr(pdb, matching_file, TAG_CHECKSUM, 0xb0b0b0b0); } else { ok(matching_file == TAGID_NULL, "Did not expect a secondary match on %d\n", num); } } // "C:\WINDOWS\system32\pcaui.exe" /g {bf39e0e6-c61c-4a22-8802-3ea8ad00b655} /x {4e50c93f-b863-4dfa-bae2-d80ef4ce5c89} /a "apphelp_name_allow" /v "apphelp_vendor_allow" /s "Allow it!" /b 1 /f 0 /k 0 /e "C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Temp\apphelp_test\test_allow.exe" /u "http://reactos.org/allow" /c // "C:\WINDOWS\system32\pcaui.exe" /g {fa150915-1244-4169-a4ba-fc098c442840} /x {156720e1-ef98-4d04-965a-d85de05e6d9f} /a "apphelp_name_disallow" /v "apphelp_vendor_disallow" /s "Not allowed!" /b 2 /f 0 /k 0 /e "C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Temp\apphelp_test\test_disallow.exe" /u "http://reactos.org/disallow" /c static void check_matching_apphelp(PDB pdb, TAGID apphelp, int num) { if (num == 0) { /* [Window Title] Program Compatibility Assistant [Main Instruction] This program has known compatibility issues [Expanded Information] Allow it! [^] Hide details [ ] Don't show this message again [Check for solutions online] [Run program] [Cancel] */ match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_FLAGS, 1); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_PROBLEMSEVERITY, 1); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_HTMLHELPID, 1); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_APP_NAME_RC_ID, 0x6f0072); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_VENDOR_NAME_RC_ID, 0x720067); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_SUMMARY_MSG_RC_ID, 0); } else { /* [Window Title] Program Compatibility Assistant [Main Instruction] This program is blocked due to compatibility issues [Expanded Information] Not allowed! [^] Hide details [Check for solutions online] [Cancel] */ match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_FLAGS, 1); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_PROBLEMSEVERITY, 2); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_HTMLHELPID, 2); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_APP_NAME_RC_ID, 0x320020); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_VENDOR_NAME_RC_ID, 0x38002e); match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_SUMMARY_MSG_RC_ID, 0); } apphelp = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, apphelp, apphelp); ok(apphelp == TAGID_NULL, "Did not expect a secondary match on %d\n", num); } static void check_matching_layer(PDB pdb, TAGID layer, int num) { if (num == 2) { match_dw_attr(pdb, layer, TAG_LAYER_TAGID, 0x18e); match_str_attr(pdb, layer, TAG_NAME, "TestNewMode"); } else { TAGID layer_tagid = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, layer, TAG_LAYER_TAGID); ok(layer_tagid == TAGID_NULL, "expected not to find a layer tagid, got %x\n", layer_tagid); match_str_attr(pdb, layer, TAG_NAME, "WinSrv03"); } } static struct { const char* name; const char* app_name; const char* vendor; GUID exe_id; const char* extra_file; DWORD dwLayerCount; TAGREF atrExes_0; DWORD adwExeFlags_0; TAGREF atrLayers_0; TAGREF trApphelp; const char* env_var; } test_exedata[5] = { { "test_allow.exe", "apphelp_name_allow", "apphelp_vendor_allow", { 0x4e50c93f, 0xb863, 0x4dfa, { 0xba, 0xe2, 0xd8, 0x0e, 0xf4, 0xce, 0x5c, 0x89 } }, NULL, 0, 0x1c6, 0x1000, 0, 0x1c6, NULL, }, { "test_disallow.exe", "apphelp_name_disallow", "apphelp_vendor_disallow", { 0x156720e1, 0xef98, 0x4d04, { 0x96, 0x5a, 0xd8, 0x5d, 0xe0, 0x5e, 0x6d, 0x9f } }, NULL, 0, 0x256, 0x3000, 0, 0x256, NULL, }, { "test_new.exe", "fixnew_name", "fixnew_vendor", { 0xce70ef69, 0xa21d, 0x408b, { 0x84, 0x5b, 0xf9, 0x9e, 0xac, 0x06, 0x09, 0xe7 } }, "test_checkfile.txt", 1, 0x2ec, 0, 0x18e, 0, NULL, }, { "test_w2k3.exe", "fix_name", "fix_vendor", { 0xb4ead144, 0xf640, 0x4e4b, { 0x94, 0xc4, 0x0c, 0x7f, 0xa8, 0x66, 0x23, 0xb0 } }, NULL, 0, 0x37c, 0, 0, 0, NULL, }, { "test_unknown_file.exe", "apphelp_name_allow", "apphelp_vendor_allow", { 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }, NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0x18e, 0, "TestNewMode", }, }; static void check_db_exes(PDB pdb, TAGID root) { int num = 0; TAGID exe = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, root, TAG_EXE); TAGID altExe = pSdbFindFirstNamedTag(pdb, root, TAG_EXE, TAG_NAME, L"test_allow.exe"); ok_hex(altExe, (int)exe); while (exe != TAGID_NULL) { TAGID apphelp, layer; ok(num < 4, "Too many matches, expected only 4!\n"); if (num >= 4) break; match_str_attr(pdb, exe, TAG_NAME, test_exedata[num].name); match_str_attr(pdb, exe, TAG_APP_NAME, test_exedata[num].app_name); match_str_attr(pdb, exe, TAG_VENDOR, test_exedata[num].vendor); match_guid_attr(pdb, exe, TAG_EXE_ID, &test_exedata[num].exe_id); check_matching_file(pdb, exe, pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, exe, TAG_MATCHING_FILE), num); apphelp = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, exe, TAG_APPHELP); if (num == 0 || num == 1) { ok(apphelp != TAGID_NULL, "Expected to find a valid apphelp match on %d.\n", num); if (apphelp) check_matching_apphelp(pdb, apphelp, num); } else { ok(apphelp == TAGID_NULL, "Did not expect an apphelp match on %d\n", num); } layer = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, exe, TAG_LAYER); if (num == 2 || num == 3) { ok(layer != TAGID_NULL, "Expected to find a valid layer match on %d.\n", num); if (layer) check_matching_layer(pdb, layer, num); } else { ok(layer == TAGID_NULL, "Did not expect a layer match on %d\n", num); } ++num; exe = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, root, exe); } ok(num == 4, "Expected to find 4 exe tags, found: %d\n", num); } static struct { DWORD htmlhelpid; const char* link; const char* apphelp_title; const char* apphelp_details; } test_layerdata[2] = { { 2, "http://reactos.org/disallow", "apphelp_name_disallow", "Not allowed!", }, { 1, "http://reactos.org/allow", "apphelp_name_allow", "Allow it!", }, }; static void check_db_apphelp(PDB pdb, TAGID root) { int num = 0; TAGID apphelp = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, root, TAG_APPHELP); while (apphelp != TAGID_NULL) { TAGID link; ok(num < 2, "Too many matches, expected only 4!\n"); if (num >= 2) break; match_dw_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_HTMLHELPID, test_layerdata[num].htmlhelpid); link = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, apphelp, TAG_LINK); ok(link != TAGID_NULL, "expected to find a link tag\n"); if (link != TAGID_NULL) { match_str_attr(pdb, link, TAG_LINK_URL, test_layerdata[num].link); } match_str_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_APPHELP_TITLE, test_layerdata[num].apphelp_title); match_str_attr(pdb, apphelp, TAG_APPHELP_DETAILS, test_layerdata[num].apphelp_details); apphelp = pSdbFindNextTag(pdb, root, apphelp); num++; } ok(num == 2, "Expected to find 2 layer tags, found: %d\n", num); } static void test_CheckDatabaseManually(void) { static const WCHAR path[] = {'t','e','s','t','_','d','b','.','s','d','b',0}; TAGID root; PDB pdb; BOOL ret; DWORD ver_hi, ver_lo; test_create_db("test_db.sdb", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN10); /* both ver_hi and ver_lo cannot be null, it'll crash. */ ver_hi = ver_lo = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbGetDatabaseVersion(path, &ver_hi, &ver_lo); ok(ret, "Expected SdbGetDatabaseVersion to succeed\n"); if (g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN10) { ok(ver_hi == 3, "Expected ver_hi to be 3, was: %d\n", ver_hi); ok(ver_lo == 0, "Expected ver_lo to be 0, was: %d\n", ver_lo); } else { ok(ver_hi == 2, "Expected ver_hi to be 2, was: %d\n", ver_hi); ok(ver_lo == 1, "Expected ver_lo to be 1, was: %d\n", ver_lo); } ver_hi = ver_lo = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbGetDatabaseVersion(NULL, &ver_hi, &ver_lo); if (g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN10) { ok(!ret, "Expected SdbGetDatabaseVersion to fail\n"); ok(ver_hi == 0, "Expected ver_hi to be 0, was: 0x%x\n", ver_hi); ok(ver_lo == 0, "Expected ver_lo to be 0, was: 0x%x\n", ver_lo); } else { ok(ret, "Expected SdbGetDatabaseVersion to succeed\n"); ok(ver_hi == 0x12345678, "Expected ver_hi to be 0x12345678, was: 0x%x\n", ver_hi); ok(ver_lo == 0x12345678, "Expected ver_lo to be 0x12345678, was: 0x%x\n", ver_lo); } ver_hi = ver_lo = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbGetDatabaseVersion(path + 1, &ver_hi, &ver_lo); if (g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN10) { ok(!ret, "Expected SdbGetDatabaseVersion to fail\n"); ok(ver_hi == 0, "Expected ver_hi to be 0, was: 0x%x\n", ver_hi); ok(ver_lo == 0, "Expected ver_lo to be 0, was: 0x%x\n", ver_lo); } else { ok(ret, "Expected SdbGetDatabaseVersion to succeed\n"); ok(ver_hi == 0x12345678, "Expected ver_hi to be 0x12345678, was: 0x%x\n", ver_hi); ok(ver_lo == 0x12345678, "Expected ver_lo to be 0x12345678, was: 0x%x\n", ver_lo); } pdb = pSdbOpenDatabase(path, DOS_PATH); ok(pdb != NULL, "unexpected NULL handle\n"); root = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_DATABASE); ok(root != TAGID_NULL, "expected to find a root tag\n"); if (root != TAGID_NULL) { TAGID tagLayer = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, root, TAG_LAYER); TAGID tagAlt = pSdbFindFirstNamedTag(pdb, root, TAG_LAYER, TAG_NAME, L"TestNewMode"); TAGID tagAlt2 = pSdbFindFirstNamedTag(pdb, root, TAG_LAYER, TAG_NAME, L"TESTNEWMODE"); TAGID tagAlt3 = pSdbFindFirstNamedTag(pdb, root, TAG_LAYER, TAG_NAME, L"testnewmode"); ok_hex(tagLayer, (int)tagAlt); ok_hex(tagLayer, (int)tagAlt2); ok_hex(tagLayer, (int)tagAlt3); check_db_properties(pdb, root); check_db_layer(pdb, tagLayer); check_db_exes(pdb, root); check_db_apphelp(pdb, root); } pSdbCloseDatabase(pdb); DeleteFileA("test_db.sdb"); } static void test_is_testdb(PDB pdb) { if (pdb) { GUID guid; memset(&guid, 0, sizeof(guid)); ok(pSdbGetDatabaseID(pdb, &guid), "expected SdbGetDatabaseID not to fail.\n"); ok(IsEqualGUID(guid, GUID_DATABASE_TEST), "Expected SdbGetDatabaseID to return the test db GUID, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&guid)); } else { skip("Not checking DB GUID, received a null pdb\n"); } } template static void check_adwExeFlags(DWORD adwExeFlags_0, SDBQUERYRESULT_T& query, const char* file, int line, int cur) { ok_(file, line)(query.adwExeFlags[0] == adwExeFlags_0, "Expected adwExeFlags[0] to be 0x%x, was: 0x%x for %d\n", adwExeFlags_0, query.adwExeFlags[0], cur); for (size_t n = 1; n < _countof(query.atrExes); ++n) ok_(file, line)(query.adwExeFlags[n] == 0, "Expected adwExeFlags[%d] to be 0, was: %x for %d\n", n, query.adwExeFlags[0], cur); } template<> void check_adwExeFlags(DWORD, SDBQUERYRESULT_2k3&, const char*, int, int) { } template static void test_mode_generic(const char* workdir, HSDB hsdb, int cur) { char exename[MAX_PATH], testfile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR exenameW[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; SDBQUERYRESULT_T query; PDB pdb; TAGID tagid; TAGREF trApphelp; DWORD expect_flags = 0, adwExeFlags_0, exe_count; UNICODE_STRING exenameNT; memset(&query, 0xab, sizeof(query)); sprintf(exename, "%s\\%s", workdir, test_exedata[cur].name); if (test_exedata[cur].extra_file) sprintf(testfile, "%s\\%s", workdir, test_exedata[cur].extra_file); test_create_exe(exename, 0); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, exename, -1, exenameW, MAX_PATH); if (test_exedata[cur].extra_file) { /* First we try without the file at all. */ DeleteFileA(testfile); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(hsdb, exenameW, NULL, NULL, 0, (SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA*)&query); ok(ret == 0, "SdbGetMatchingExe should have failed for %d.\n", cur); /* Now re-try with the correct file */ test_create_file(testfile, "aaaa", 4); } #if 0 // Results seem to be cached based on filename, until we can invalidate this, do not test the same filename twice! DeleteFileA(exename); // skip exports test_create_exe(exename, 1); ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(hsdb, exenameW, NULL, NULL, 0, &query); ok(ret == 0, "SdbGetMatchingExe should have failed for %d.\n", cur); DeleteFileA(exename); test_create_exe(exename, 0); #endif if (test_exedata[cur].env_var) { SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", test_exedata[cur].env_var); } ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(hsdb, exenameW, NULL, NULL, 0, (SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA*)&query); ok(ret, "SdbGetMatchingExe should not fail for %d.\n", cur); exe_count = (test_exedata[cur].env_var == NULL) ? 1 : 0; ok(query.dwExeCount == exe_count, "Expected dwExeCount to be %d, was %d for %d\n", exe_count, query.dwExeCount, cur); ok(query.dwLayerCount == test_exedata[cur].dwLayerCount, "Expected dwLayerCount to be %d, was %d for %d\n", test_exedata[cur].dwLayerCount, query.dwLayerCount, cur); ok(query.dwCustomSDBMap == 1, "Expected dwCustomSDBMap to be 1, was %d for %d\n", query.dwCustomSDBMap, cur); ok(query.dwLayerFlags == 0, "Expected dwLayerFlags to be 0, was 0x%x for %d\n", query.dwLayerFlags, cur); trApphelp = (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) ? 0 : test_exedata[cur].trApphelp; ok(query.trApphelp == trApphelp, "Expected trApphelp to be 0x%x, was 0x%x for %d\n", trApphelp, query.trApphelp, cur); if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN7) expect_flags = 0; else if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN8) expect_flags = 1; else if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) expect_flags = 0x101; else expect_flags = 0x121; /* for 2 and 3, this becomes 101 when not elevated. */ if (test_exedata[cur].env_var) expect_flags &= ~0x100; ok(query.dwFlags == expect_flags, "Expected dwFlags to be 0x%x, was 0x%x for %d\n", expect_flags, query.dwFlags, cur); ok(query.atrExes[0] == test_exedata[cur].atrExes_0, "Expected atrExes[0] to be 0x%x, was: 0x%x for %d\n", test_exedata[cur].atrExes_0, query.atrExes[0], cur); for (size_t n = 1; n < _countof(query.atrExes); ++n) ok(query.atrExes[n] == 0, "Expected atrExes[%d] to be 0, was: %x for %d\n", n, query.atrExes[n], cur); adwExeFlags_0 = (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN10) ? 0 : test_exedata[cur].adwExeFlags_0; check_adwExeFlags(adwExeFlags_0, query, __FILE__, __LINE__, cur); ok(query.atrLayers[0] == test_exedata[cur].atrLayers_0, "Expected atrLayers[0] to be 0x%x, was: %x for %d\n", test_exedata[cur].atrLayers_0, query.atrLayers[0], cur); for (size_t n = 1; n < _countof(query.atrLayers); ++n) ok(query.atrLayers[n] == 0, "Expected atrLayers[%d] to be 0, was: %x for %d\n", n, query.atrLayers[0], cur); if (g_WinVersion >= WINVER_VISTA) ok(IsEqualGUID(query.rgGuidDB[0], GUID_DATABASE_TEST), "Expected rgGuidDB[0] to be the test db GUID, was: %s for %d\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&query.rgGuidDB[0]), cur); else ok(IsEqualGUID(query.rgGuidDB[0], GUID_MAIN_DATABASE), "Expected rgGuidDB[0] to be the main db GUID, was: %s for %d\n", wine_dbgstr_guid(&query.rgGuidDB[0]), cur); for (size_t n = 1; n < _countof(query.rgGuidDB); ++n) ok(IsEqualGUID(query.rgGuidDB[n], GUID_NULL), "Expected rgGuidDB[%d] to be GUID_NULL, was: %s for %d\n", n, wine_dbgstr_guid(&query.rgGuidDB[n]), cur); if (query.atrExes[0]) { pdb = (PDB)0x12345678; tagid = 0x76543210; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, query.atrExes[0], &pdb, &tagid); ok(ret, "SdbTagRefToTagID failed for %d.\n", cur); ok(pdb != NULL && pdb != (PDB)0x12345678, "SdbTagRefToTagID failed to return a pdb for %d.\n", cur); ok(tagid != 0 && tagid != 0x76543210, "SdbTagRefToTagID failed to return a tagid for %d.\n", cur); if (pdb && pdb != (PDB)0x12345678) { TAGREF tr = 0x12345678; TAG tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid); test_is_testdb(pdb); ok(tag == TAG_EXE, "Expected tag to be TAG_EXE, was 0x%x for %d.\n", tag, cur); match_str_attr(pdb, tagid, TAG_NAME, test_exedata[cur].name); /* And back again */ ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, tagid, &tr); ok(ret, "SdbTagIDToTagRef failed for %d.\n", cur); ok(tr == query.atrExes[0], "Expected tr to be 0x%x, was 0x%x for %d.\n", query.atrExes[0], tr, cur); } else { skip("Skipping a bunch of tests because of an invalid pointer\n"); } } if (test_exedata[cur].atrLayers_0) { pdb = (PDB)0x12345678; tagid = 0x76543210; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, query.atrLayers[0], &pdb, &tagid); ok(ret, "SdbTagRefToTagID failed for %d.\n", cur); ok(pdb != NULL && pdb != (PDB)0x12345678, "SdbTagRefToTagID failed to return a pdb for %d.\n", cur); ok(tagid != 0 && tagid != 0x76543210, "SdbTagRefToTagID failed to return a tagid for %d.\n", cur); if (pdb && pdb != (PDB)0x12345678) { TAGREF tr = 0x12345678; TAG tag = pSdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid); test_is_testdb(pdb); ok(tag == TAG_LAYER, "Expected tag to be TAG_LAYER, was 0x%x for %d.\n", tag, cur); match_str_attr(pdb, tagid, TAG_NAME, "TestNewMode"); /* And back again */ ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, tagid, &tr); ok(ret, "SdbTagIDToTagRef failed for %d.\n", cur); ok(tr == test_exedata[cur].atrLayers_0, "Expected tr to be 0x%x, was 0x%x for %d.\n", test_exedata[cur].atrLayers_0, tr, cur); } else { skip("Skipping a bunch of tests because of an invalid pointer\n"); } } pdb = (PDB)0x12345678; tagid = 0x76543210; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, 0, &pdb, &tagid); ok(pdb != NULL && pdb != (PDB)0x12345678, "Expected pdb to be set to a valid pdb, was: %p\n", pdb); ok(tagid == 0, "Expected tagid to be set to 0, was: 0x%x\n", tagid); if (RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(exenameW, &exenameNT, NULL, NULL)) { ret = pSdbGetMatchingExe(hsdb, exenameNT.Buffer, NULL, NULL, 0, (SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA*)&query); ok(ret, "SdbGetMatchingExe should not fail for %d.\n", cur); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&exenameNT); } if (test_exedata[cur].extra_file) DeleteFileA(testfile); DeleteFileA(exename); if (test_exedata[cur].env_var) { SetEnvironmentVariableA("__COMPAT_LAYER", NULL); } } template static void test_MatchApplications(void) { char workdir[MAX_PATH], dbpath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dbpathW[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; HSDB hsdb; ret = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, workdir); ok(ret, "GetTempPathA error: %d\n", GetLastError()); lstrcatA(workdir, "apphelp_test"); ret = CreateDirectoryA(workdir, NULL); ok(ret, "CreateDirectoryA error: %d\n", GetLastError()); /* SdbInitDatabase needs an nt-path */ sprintf(dbpath, "\\??\\%s\\test.sdb", workdir); test_create_db(dbpath + 4, g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN10); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dbpath, -1, dbpathW, MAX_PATH); hsdb = pSdbInitDatabase(HID_DATABASE_FULLPATH, dbpathW); ok(hsdb != NULL, "Expected a valid database handle\n"); if (!hsdb) { skip("SdbInitDatabase not implemented?\n"); } else { /* now that our enviroment is setup, let's go ahead and run the actual tests.. */ size_t n; for (n = 0; n < _countof(test_exedata); ++n) test_mode_generic(workdir, hsdb, n); pSdbReleaseDatabase(hsdb); } DeleteFileA(dbpath + 4); ret = RemoveDirectoryA(workdir); ok(ret, "RemoveDirectoryA error: %d\n", GetLastError()); } static void test_TagRef(void) { char tmpdir[MAX_PATH], dbpath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dbpathW[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; HSDB hsdb; PDB pdb; TAGID db; DWORD size; TAGREF tr; ret = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmpdir); ok(ret, "GetTempPathA error: %d\n", GetLastError()); /* SdbInitDatabase needs an nt-path */ sprintf(dbpath, "\\??\\%stest.sdb", tmpdir); test_create_db(dbpath + 4, g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN10); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dbpath, -1, dbpathW, MAX_PATH); hsdb = pSdbInitDatabase(HID_DATABASE_FULLPATH, dbpathW); /* HSDB is the only arg that can't be null */ ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, 0, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); size = test_get_db_size(); pdb = (PDB)&db; db = 12345; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, size - 1, &pdb, &db); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a result, got: %p\n", pdb); ok(db == (size - 1), "Expected %u, got: %u\n", size - 1, db); /* Convert it back. */ tr = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, db, &tr); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(tr == (size - 1), "Expected %u, got: %u\n", size - 1, tr); pdb = (PDB)&db; db = 12345; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, size, &pdb, &db); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a result, got: %p\n", pdb); ok(db == size, "Expected %u, got: %u\n", size, db); tr = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, db, &tr); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(tr == size, "Expected %u, got: %u\n", size, tr); pdb = (PDB)&db; db = 12345; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, size + 1, &pdb, &db); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a result, got: %p\n", pdb); ok(db == (size + 1), "Expected %u, got: %u\n", size + 1, db); tr = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, db, &tr); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(tr == (size + 1), "Expected %u, got: %u\n", (size + 1), tr); pdb = (PDB)&db; db = 12345; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, 0x0fffffff, &pdb, &db); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected a result, got: %p\n", pdb); ok(db == 0x0fffffff, "Expected %u, got: %u\n", 0x0fffffff, db); tr = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, db, &tr); ok(ret == TRUE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(tr == 0x0fffffff, "Expected %u, got: %u\n", 0x0fffffff, tr); pdb = (PDB)&db; db = 12345; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, 0x10000000, &pdb, &db); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected ret to be FALSE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(pdb == NULL, "Expected no result, got: %p\n", pdb); ok(db == 0, "Expected no result, got: 0x%x\n", db); tr = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb, 0x10000000, &tr); ok(ret == FALSE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(tr == 0, "Expected %u, got: %u\n", 0, tr); pdb = NULL; db = TAGID_NULL; ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, TAGID_ROOT, &pdb, NULL); ok(ret != FALSE, "Expected ret to be TRUE, was: %d\n", ret); ok(pdb != NULL, "Expected pdb to be valid\n"); if (pdb == NULL) { skip("Cannot run tests without pdb\n"); } else { db = pSdbFindFirstTag(pdb, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_DATABASE); if (db != TAGID_NULL) { TAGID child; child = pSdbGetFirstChild(pdb, db); while (child != TAGID_NULL) { PDB pdb_res; TAGID tagid_res; /* We are using a TAGID as a TAGREF here. */ ret = pSdbTagRefToTagID(hsdb, child, &pdb_res, &tagid_res); ok(ret, "Expected SdbTagRefToTagID to succeed\n"); /* For simple cases (primary DB) TAGREF == TAGID */ tr = 0x12345678; ret = pSdbTagIDToTagRef(hsdb, pdb_res, tagid_res, &tr); ok(ret, "Expected SdbTagIDToTagRef to succeed\n"); ok_hex(tr, (int)tagid_res); child = pSdbGetNextChild(pdb, db, child); } } else { skip("Cannot run tests without valid db tag\n"); } } /* Get a tagref for our own layer */ tr = pSdbGetLayerTagRef(hsdb, L"TestNewMode"); ok_hex(tr, 0x18e); /* We cannot find a tagref from the main database. */ tr = pSdbGetLayerTagRef(hsdb, L"256Color"); ok_hex(tr, 0); pSdbReleaseDatabase(hsdb); DeleteFileA(dbpath + 4); } static void expect_indexA_imp(const char* text, LONGLONG expected) { static WCHAR wide_string[100] = { 0 }; LONGLONG result; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, text, -1, wide_string, 100); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(wide_string); winetest_ok(result == expected, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", text, wine_dbgstr_longlong(expected), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); } #define expect_indexA (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : expect_indexA_imp static void test_IndexKeyFromString(void) { #if 0 static WCHAR tmp[] = { 0xabba, 0xbcde, 0x2020, 0x20, 0x4444, 0 }; static WCHAR tmp2[] = { 0xabba, 0xbcde, 0x20, 0x4444, 0 }; static WCHAR tmp3[] = { 0x20, 0xbcde, 0x4041, 0x4444, 0 }; static WCHAR tmp4[] = { 0x20, 0xbcde, 0x4041, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0 }; static WCHAR tmp5[] = { 0x2020, 0xbcde, 0x4041, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0 }; static WCHAR tmp6 [] = { 0x20, 0xbcde, 0x4041, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0}; static WCHAR tmp7 [] = { 0xbcde, 0x4041, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0}; static WCHAR tmp8 [] = { 0xbc00, 0x4041, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0x4444, 0}; #endif #if 0 /* This crashes. */ pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(NULL); #endif expect_indexA("", 0x0000000000000000); expect_indexA("a", 0x4100000000000000); expect_indexA("aa", 0x4141000000000000); expect_indexA("aaa", 0x4141410000000000); expect_indexA("aaaa", 0x4141414100000000); expect_indexA("aaaaa", 0x4141414141000000); expect_indexA("aaaaaa", 0x4141414141410000); expect_indexA("aaaaaaa", 0x4141414141414100); expect_indexA("aaaaaaaa", 0x4141414141414141); expect_indexA("aaa aaaaa", 0x4141412041414141); /* Does not change */ expect_indexA("aaaaaaaaa", 0x4141414141414141); expect_indexA("aaaaaaaab", 0x4141414141414141); expect_indexA("aaaaaaaac", 0x4141414141414141); expect_indexA("aaaaaaaaF", 0x4141414141414141); /* Upcase */ expect_indexA("AAAAAAAA", 0x4141414141414141); expect_indexA("ABABABAB", 0x4142414241424142); expect_indexA("ABABABABZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", 0x4142414241424142); #if 0 /* These fail, but is that because the codepoints are too weird, or because the func is not correct? */ result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp); ok(result == 0xbaabdebc20200000, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0xbaabdebc20200000), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp2); ok(result == 0xbaabdebc00000000, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp2), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0xbaabdebc00000000), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp3); ok(result == 0x20debc4140000000, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp3), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0x20debc4140000000), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp4); ok(result == 0x20debc4140000000, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp4), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0x20debc4140000000), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp5); ok(result == 0x2020debc41400000, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp5), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0x2020debc41400000), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp6); ok(result == 0x20debc4140444400, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp6), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0x20debc4140444400), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp7); ok(result == 0xdebc414044444444, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp7), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0xdebc414044444444), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); result = pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString(tmp8); ok(result == 0xbc414044444444, "Expected %s to result in %s, was: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(tmp8), wine_dbgstr_longlong(0xbc414044444444), wine_dbgstr_longlong(result)); #endif } static int validate_SDBQUERYRESULT_size() { unsigned char buffer[SDBQUERYRESULT_EXPECTED_SIZE_VISTA * 2]; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; size_t n; memset(buffer, 0xab, sizeof(buffer)); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, MAX_PATH); pSdbGetMatchingExe(NULL, path, NULL, NULL, 0, (SDBQUERYRESULT_VISTA*)buffer); if (buffer[0] == 0xab) { trace("SdbGetMatchingExe didnt do anything, cannot determine SDBQUERYRESULT size\n"); return 0; } if (buffer[SDBQUERYRESULT_EXPECTED_SIZE_2k3] == 0xab && buffer[SDBQUERYRESULT_EXPECTED_SIZE_2k3-1] != 0xab) { return 1; } if (buffer[SDBQUERYRESULT_EXPECTED_SIZE_VISTA] == 0xab && buffer[SDBQUERYRESULT_EXPECTED_SIZE_VISTA-1] != 0xab) { return 2; } for (n = 0; n < _countof(buffer); ++n) { if (buffer[n] != 0xab) { trace("Unknown size: %i\n", n); break; } } return 0; } START_TEST(db) { //SetEnvironmentVariable("SHIM_DEBUG_LEVEL", "4"); //SetEnvironmentVariable("SHIMENG_DEBUG_LEVEL", "4"); //SetEnvironmentVariable("DEBUGCHANNEL", "+apphelp"); silence_debug_output(); hdll = LoadLibraryA("apphelp.dll"); /* We detect the apphelp version that is loaded, instead of the os we are running on. This allows for easier testing multiple versions of the dll */ g_WinVersion = get_module_version(hdll); trace("Apphelp version: 0x%x\n", g_WinVersion); *(void**)&pSdbTagToString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbTagToString"); *(void**)&pSdbOpenDatabase = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbOpenDatabase"); *(void**)&pSdbCreateDatabase = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbCreateDatabase"); *(void**)&pSdbGetDatabaseVersion = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetDatabaseVersion"); *(void**)&pSdbCloseDatabase = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbCloseDatabase"); *(void**)&pSdbCloseDatabaseWrite = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbCloseDatabaseWrite"); *(void**)&pSdbGetTagFromTagID = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetTagFromTagID"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteNULLTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteNULLTag"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteWORDTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteWORDTag"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteDWORDTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteDWORDTag"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteQWORDTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteQWORDTag"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteBinaryTagFromFile = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteBinaryTagFromFile"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteStringTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteStringTag"); *(void**)&pSdbWriteStringRefTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbWriteStringRefTag"); *(void**)&pSdbBeginWriteListTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbBeginWriteListTag"); *(void**)&pSdbEndWriteListTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbEndWriteListTag"); *(void**)&pSdbFindFirstTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbFindFirstTag"); *(void**)&pSdbFindNextTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbFindNextTag"); *(void**)&pSdbFindFirstNamedTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbFindFirstNamedTag"); *(void**)&pSdbReadWORDTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReadWORDTag"); *(void**)&pSdbReadDWORDTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReadDWORDTag"); *(void**)&pSdbReadQWORDTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReadQWORDTag"); *(void**)&pSdbReadBinaryTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReadBinaryTag"); *(void**)&pSdbReadStringTag = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReadStringTag"); *(void**)&pSdbGetTagDataSize = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetTagDataSize"); *(void**)&pSdbGetBinaryTagData = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetBinaryTagData"); *(void**)&pSdbGetStringTagPtr = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetStringTagPtr"); *(void**)&pSdbGetFirstChild = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetFirstChild"); *(void**)&pSdbGetNextChild = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetNextChild"); *(void**)&pSdbGetDatabaseID = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetDatabaseID"); *(void**)&pSdbGUIDToString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGUIDToString"); *(void**)&pSdbInitDatabase = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbInitDatabase"); *(void**)&pSdbReleaseDatabase = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbReleaseDatabase"); *(void**)&pSdbGetMatchingExe = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetMatchingExe"); *(void**)&pSdbTagRefToTagID = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbTagRefToTagID"); *(void**)&pSdbTagIDToTagRef = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbTagIDToTagRef"); *(void**)&pSdbMakeIndexKeyFromString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbMakeIndexKeyFromString"); *(void**)&pSdbGetLayerTagRef = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetLayerTagRef"); test_Sdb(); test_write_ex(); test_stringtable(); test_CheckDatabaseManually(); switch (validate_SDBQUERYRESULT_size()) { case 1: test_MatchApplications(); break; case 2: test_MatchApplications(); break; default: skip("Skipping tests with SDBQUERYRESULT due to a wrong size reported\n"); break; } test_TagRef(); skip("test_SecondaryDB()\n"); test_IndexKeyFromString(); }