/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/mm/shutdown.c * PURPOSE: Memory Manager Shutdown * PROGRAMMERS: */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define MODULE_INVOLVED_IN_ARM3 #include "ARM3/miarm.h" /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ VOID MiShutdownSystem(VOID) { ULONG i; PFN_NUMBER Page; BOOLEAN Dirty; /* Loop through all the pages owned by the legacy Mm and page them out, if needed. */ /* We do it twice, since flushing can cause the FS to dirtify new pages */ do { Dirty = FALSE; Page = MmGetLRUFirstUserPage(); while (Page) { LARGE_INTEGER SegmentOffset; PMM_SECTION_SEGMENT Segment = MmGetSectionAssociation(Page, &SegmentOffset); if (Segment) { if ((*Segment->Flags) & MM_DATAFILE_SEGMENT) { MmLockSectionSegment(Segment); ULONG_PTR Entry = MmGetPageEntrySectionSegment(Segment, &SegmentOffset); if (!IS_SWAP_FROM_SSE(Entry) && IS_DIRTY_SSE(Entry)) { Dirty = TRUE; MmCheckDirtySegment(Segment, &SegmentOffset, FALSE, TRUE); } MmUnlockSectionSegment(Segment); } MmDereferenceSegment(Segment); } Page = MmGetLRUNextUserPage(Page, FALSE); } } while (Dirty); /* Loop through all the paging files */ for (i = 0; i < MmNumberOfPagingFiles; i++) { /* Free page file name */ ASSERT(MmPagingFile[i]->PageFileName.Buffer != NULL); ExFreePoolWithTag(MmPagingFile[i]->PageFileName.Buffer, TAG_MM); MmPagingFile[i]->PageFileName.Buffer = NULL; /* And close them */ ZwClose(MmPagingFile[i]->FileHandle); } UNIMPLEMENTED; } VOID MmShutdownSystem(IN ULONG Phase) { if (Phase == 0) { MiShutdownSystem(); } else if (Phase == 1) { ULONG i; /* Loop through all the paging files */ for (i = 0; i < MmNumberOfPagingFiles; i++) { /* And dereference them */ ObDereferenceObject(MmPagingFile[i]->FileObject); } } else { ASSERT(Phase == 2); UNIMPLEMENTED; } }