/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS TCP/IP protocol driver * FILE: include/icmp.h * PURPOSE: Internet Control Message Protocol definitions */ #ifndef __ICMP_H #define __ICMP_H typedef struct ICMP_HEADER { UCHAR Type; /* ICMP message type */ UCHAR Code; /* ICMP message code */ USHORT Checksum; /* ICMP message checksum */ ULONG Unused; /* ICMP unused */ } ICMP_HEADER, *PICMP_HEADER; /* ICMP message types */ #define ICMP_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY 0 /* Echo reply */ #define ICMP_TYPE_DEST_UNREACH 3 /* Destination unreachable */ #define ICMP_TYPE_SOURCE_QUENCH 4 /* Source quench */ #define ICMP_TYPE_REDIRECT 5 /* Redirect */ #define ICMP_TYPE_ECHO_REQUEST 8 /* Echo request */ #define ICMP_TYPE_TIME_EXCEEDED 11 /* Time exceeded */ #define ICMP_TYPE_PARAMETER 12 /* Parameter problem */ #define ICMP_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST 13 /* Timestamp request */ #define ICMP_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_REPLY 14 /* Timestamp reply */ #define ICMP_TYPE_INFO_REQUEST 15 /* Information request */ #define ICMP_TYPE_INFO_REPLY 16 /* Information reply */ /* ICMP codes for ICMP_TYPE_DEST_UNREACH */ #define ICMP_CODE_DU_NET_UNREACH 0 /* Network unreachable */ #define ICMP_CODE_DU_HOST_UNREACH 1 /* Host unreachable */ #define ICMP_CODE_DU_PROTOCOL_UNREACH 2 /* Protocol unreachable */ #define ICMP_CODE_DU_PORT_UNREACH 3 /* Port unreachable */ #define ICMP_CODE_DU_FRAG_DF_SET 4 /* Fragmentation needed and DF set */ #define ICMP_CODE_DU_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILED 5 /* Source route failed */ /* ICMP codes for ICMP_TYPE_REDIRECT */ #define ICMP_CODE_RD_NET 0 /* Redirect datagrams for the network */ #define ICMP_CODE_RD_HOST 1 /* Redirect datagrams for the host */ #define ICMP_CODE_RD_TOS_NET 2 /* Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and network */ #define ICMP_CODE_RD_TOS_HOST 3 /* Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and host */ /* ICMP codes for ICMP_TYPE_TIME_EXCEEDED */ #define ICMP_CODE_TE_TTL 0 /* Time to live exceeded in transit */ #define ICMP_CODE_TE_REASSEMBLY 1 /* Fragment reassembly time exceeded */ /* ICMP codes for ICMP_TYPE_PARAMETER */ #define ICMP_CODE_TP_POINTER 1 /* Pointer indicates the error */ NTSTATUS ICMPSendDatagram( PADDRESS_FILE AddrFile, PTDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION ConnInfo, PCHAR BufferData, ULONG DataSize, PULONG DataUsed ); NTSTATUS ICMPStartup(); NTSTATUS ICMPShutdown(); VOID ICMPReceive( PIP_INTERFACE Interface, PIP_PACKET IPPacket); VOID ICMPTransmit( PIP_PACKET IPPacket, PIP_TRANSMIT_COMPLETE Complete, PVOID Context); VOID ICMPReply( PIP_INTERFACE Interface, PIP_PACKET IPPacket, UCHAR Type, UCHAR Code); #endif /* __ICMP_H */ /* EOF */