/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/include/trap_x.h * PURPOSE: Internal Inlined Functions for the Trap Handling Code * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ #pragma once // // Unreachable code hint for GCC 4.5.x, older GCC versions, and MSVC // #ifdef __GNUC__ #if __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 405 #define UNREACHABLE __builtin_unreachable() #else #define UNREACHABLE __builtin_trap() #endif #elif _MSC_VER #define UNREACHABLE __assume(0) #else #define UNREACHABLE #endif // // Debug Macros // VOID FORCEINLINE KiDumpTrapFrame(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Dump the whole thing */ DbgPrint("DbgEbp: %x\n", TrapFrame->DbgEbp); DbgPrint("DbgEip: %x\n", TrapFrame->DbgEip); DbgPrint("DbgArgMark: %x\n", TrapFrame->DbgArgMark); DbgPrint("DbgArgPointer: %x\n", TrapFrame->DbgArgPointer); DbgPrint("TempSegCs: %x\n", TrapFrame->TempSegCs); DbgPrint("TempEsp: %x\n", TrapFrame->TempEsp); DbgPrint("Dr0: %x\n", TrapFrame->Dr0); DbgPrint("Dr1: %x\n", TrapFrame->Dr1); DbgPrint("Dr2: %x\n", TrapFrame->Dr2); DbgPrint("Dr3: %x\n", TrapFrame->Dr3); DbgPrint("Dr6: %x\n", TrapFrame->Dr6); DbgPrint("Dr7: %x\n", TrapFrame->Dr7); DbgPrint("SegGs: %x\n", TrapFrame->SegGs); DbgPrint("SegEs: %x\n", TrapFrame->SegEs); DbgPrint("SegDs: %x\n", TrapFrame->SegDs); DbgPrint("Edx: %x\n", TrapFrame->Edx); DbgPrint("Ecx: %x\n", TrapFrame->Ecx); DbgPrint("Eax: %x\n", TrapFrame->Eax); DbgPrint("PreviousPreviousMode: %x\n", TrapFrame->PreviousPreviousMode); DbgPrint("ExceptionList: %x\n", TrapFrame->ExceptionList); DbgPrint("SegFs: %x\n", TrapFrame->SegFs); DbgPrint("Edi: %x\n", TrapFrame->Edi); DbgPrint("Esi: %x\n", TrapFrame->Esi); DbgPrint("Ebx: %x\n", TrapFrame->Ebx); DbgPrint("Ebp: %x\n", TrapFrame->Ebp); DbgPrint("ErrCode: %x\n", TrapFrame->ErrCode); DbgPrint("Eip: %x\n", TrapFrame->Eip); DbgPrint("SegCs: %x\n", TrapFrame->SegCs); DbgPrint("EFlags: %x\n", TrapFrame->EFlags); DbgPrint("HardwareEsp: %x\n", TrapFrame->HardwareEsp); DbgPrint("HardwareSegSs: %x\n", TrapFrame->HardwareSegSs); DbgPrint("V86Es: %x\n", TrapFrame->V86Es); DbgPrint("V86Ds: %x\n", TrapFrame->V86Ds); DbgPrint("V86Fs: %x\n", TrapFrame->V86Fs); DbgPrint("V86Gs: %x\n", TrapFrame->V86Gs); } #ifdef TRAP_DEBUG VOID FORCEINLINE KiFillTrapFrameDebug(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Set the debug information */ TrapFrame->DbgArgPointer = TrapFrame->Edx; TrapFrame->DbgArgMark = 0xBADB0D00; TrapFrame->DbgEip = TrapFrame->Eip; TrapFrame->DbgEbp = TrapFrame->Ebp; } VOID FORCEINLINE KiExitTrapDebugChecks(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN KTRAP_STATE_BITS SkipBits) { /* Make sure interrupts are disabled */ if (__readeflags() & EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK) { DbgPrint("Exiting with interrupts enabled: %lx\n", __readeflags()); while (TRUE); } /* Make sure this is a real trap frame */ if (TrapFrame->DbgArgMark != 0xBADB0D00) { DbgPrint("Exiting with an invalid trap frame? (No MAGIC in trap frame)\n"); KiDumpTrapFrame(TrapFrame); while (TRUE); } /* Make sure we're not in user-mode or something */ if (Ke386GetFs() != KGDT_R0_PCR) { DbgPrint("Exiting with an invalid FS: %lx\n", Ke386GetFs()); while (TRUE); } /* Make sure we have a valid SEH chain */ if (KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList == 0) { DbgPrint("Exiting with NULL exception chain: %p\n", KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList); while (TRUE); } /* Make sure we're restoring a valid SEH chain */ if (TrapFrame->ExceptionList == 0) { DbgPrint("Entered a trap with a NULL exception chain: %p\n", TrapFrame->ExceptionList); while (TRUE); } /* If we're ignoring previous mode, make sure caller doesn't actually want it */ if ((SkipBits.SkipPreviousMode) && (TrapFrame->PreviousPreviousMode != -1)) { DbgPrint("Exiting a trap witout restoring previous mode, yet previous mode seems valid: %lx", TrapFrame->PreviousPreviousMode); while (TRUE); } } VOID FORCEINLINE KiExitSystemCallDebugChecks(IN ULONG SystemCall, IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { KIRQL OldIrql; /* Check if this was a user call */ if (KiUserMode(TrapFrame)) { /* Make sure we are not returning with elevated IRQL */ OldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (OldIrql != PASSIVE_LEVEL) { /* Forcibly put us in a sane state */ KeGetPcr()->CurrentIrql = PASSIVE_LEVEL; _disable(); /* Fail */ KeBugCheckEx(IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE, SystemCall, OldIrql, 0, 0); } /* Make sure we're not attached and that APCs are not disabled */ if ((KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcStateIndex != CurrentApcEnvironment) || (KeGetCurrentThread()->CombinedApcDisable != 0)) { /* Fail */ KeBugCheckEx(APC_INDEX_MISMATCH, SystemCall, KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcStateIndex, KeGetCurrentThread()->CombinedApcDisable, 0); } } } #else #define KiExitTrapDebugChecks(x, y) #define KiFillTrapFrameDebug(x) #define KiExitSystemCallDebugChecks(x, y) #endif // // Helper Code // BOOLEAN FORCEINLINE KiUserTrap(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Anything else but Ring 0 is Ring 3 */ return (TrapFrame->SegCs & MODE_MASK); } // // "BOP" code used by VDM and V8086 Mode // VOID FORCEINLINE KiIssueBop(VOID) { /* Invalid instruction that an invalid opcode handler must trap and handle */ asm volatile(".byte 0xC4\n.byte 0xC4\n"); } VOID FORCEINLINE KiUserSystemCall(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* * Kernel call or user call? * * This decision is made in inlined assembly because we need to patch * the relative offset of the user-mode jump to point to the SYSEXIT * routine if the CPU supports it. The only way to guarantee that a * relative jnz/jz instruction is generated is to force it with the * inline assembler. */ asm volatile ( "test $1, %0\n" /* MODE_MASK */ ".globl _KiSystemCallExitBranch\n_KiSystemCallExitBranch:\n" "jnz _KiSystemCallExit\n" : : "r"(TrapFrame->SegCs) ); } // // Generates an Exit Epilog Stub for the given name // #define KI_FUNCTION_CALL 0x1 #define KI_EDITED_FRAME 0x2 #define KI_DIRECT_EXIT 0x4 #define KI_FAST_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT 0x8 #define KI_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT 0x10 #define KI_SYSTEM_CALL_JUMP 0x20 #define KiTrapExitStub(x, y) VOID FORCEINLINE DECLSPEC_NORETURN x(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { KiTrapExit(TrapFrame, y); UNREACHABLE; } #define KiTrapExitStub2(x, y) VOID FORCEINLINE x(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { KiTrapExit(TrapFrame, y); } // // How volatiles will be restored // #define KI_EAX_NO_VOLATILES 0x0 #define KI_EAX_ONLY 0x1 #define KI_ALL_VOLATILES 0x2 // // Exit mechanism to use // #define KI_EXIT_IRET 0x0 #define KI_EXIT_SYSEXIT 0x1 #define KI_EXIT_JMP 0x2 #define KI_EXIT_RET 0x3 // // Master Trap Epilog // VOID FORCEINLINE KiTrapExit(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN ULONG Flags) { ULONG FrameSize = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Eip); ULONG ExitMechanism = KI_EXIT_IRET, Volatiles = KI_ALL_VOLATILES, NonVolatiles = TRUE; ULONG EcxField = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Ecx), EdxField = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Edx); /* System call exit needs a special label */ if (Flags & KI_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT) __asm__ __volatile__ ( ".globl _KiSystemCallExit\n_KiSystemCallExit:\n" ); /* Start by making the trap frame equal to the stack */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %0, %%esp\n" : : "r"(TrapFrame) : "%esp" ); /* Check what kind of trap frame this trap requires */ if (Flags & KI_FUNCTION_CALL) { /* These calls have an EIP on the stack they need */ ExitMechanism = KI_EXIT_RET; Volatiles = FALSE; } else if (Flags & KI_EDITED_FRAME) { /* Edited frames store a new ESP in the error code field */ FrameSize = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, ErrCode); } else if (Flags & KI_DIRECT_EXIT) { /* Exits directly without restoring anything, interrupt frame on stack */ NonVolatiles = Volatiles = FALSE; } else if (Flags & KI_FAST_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT) { /* We have a fake interrupt stack with a ring transition */ FrameSize = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, V86Es); ExitMechanism = KI_EXIT_SYSEXIT; /* SYSEXIT wants EIP in EDX and ESP in ECX */ EcxField = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, HardwareEsp); EdxField = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Eip); } else if (Flags & KI_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT) { /* Only restore EAX */ NonVolatiles = KI_EAX_ONLY; } else if (Flags & KI_SYSTEM_CALL_JUMP) { /* We have a fake interrupt stack with no ring transition */ FrameSize = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, HardwareEsp); NonVolatiles = KI_EAX_ONLY; ExitMechanism = KI_EXIT_JMP; } /* Restore the non volatiles */ if (NonVolatiles) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %c[b](%%esp), %%ebx\n" "movl %c[s](%%esp), %%esi\n" "movl %c[i](%%esp), %%edi\n" "movl %c[p](%%esp), %%ebp\n" : : [b] "i"(FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Ebx)), [s] "i"(FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Esi)), [i] "i"(FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Edi)), [p] "i"(FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Ebp)) : "%esp" ); /* Restore EAX if volatiles must be restored */ if (Volatiles) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %c[a](%%esp), %%eax\n":: [a] "i"(FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Eax)) : "%esp" ); /* Restore the other volatiles if needed */ if (Volatiles == KI_ALL_VOLATILES) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %c[c](%%esp), %%ecx\n" "movl %c[d](%%esp), %%edx\n" : : [c] "i"(EcxField), [d] "i"(EdxField) : "%esp" ); /* Ring 0 system calls jump back to EDX */ if (Flags & KI_SYSTEM_CALL_JUMP) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movl %c[d](%%esp), %%edx\n":: [d] "i"(FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, Eip)) : "%esp" ); /* Now destroy the trap frame on the stack */ __asm__ __volatile__ ("addl $%c[e],%%esp\n":: [e] "i"(FrameSize) : "%esp"); /* Edited traps need to change to a new ESP */ if (Flags & KI_EDITED_FRAME) __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl (%%esp), %%esp\n":::"%esp"); /* Check the exit mechanism and apply it */ if (ExitMechanism == KI_EXIT_RET) __asm__ __volatile__("ret\n"::: "%esp"); else if (ExitMechanism == KI_EXIT_IRET) __asm__ __volatile__("iret\n"::: "%esp"); else if (ExitMechanism == KI_EXIT_JMP) __asm__ __volatile__("jmp *%%edx\n.globl _KiSystemCallExit2\n_KiSystemCallExit2:\n"::: "%esp"); else if (ExitMechanism == KI_EXIT_SYSEXIT) __asm__ __volatile__("sti\nsysexit\n"::: "%esp"); } // // All the specific trap epilog stubs // KiTrapExitStub (KiTrapReturn, 0); KiTrapExitStub (KiDirectTrapReturn, KI_DIRECT_EXIT); KiTrapExitStub (KiCallReturn, KI_FUNCTION_CALL); KiTrapExitStub (KiEditedTrapReturn, KI_EDITED_FRAME); KiTrapExitStub2(KiSystemCallReturn, KI_SYSTEM_CALL_JUMP); KiTrapExitStub (KiSystemCallSysExitReturn, KI_FAST_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT); KiTrapExitStub (KiSystemCallTrapReturn, KI_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT); // // Generic Exit Routine // VOID FORCEINLINE DECLSPEC_NORETURN KiExitTrap(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN UCHAR Skip) { KTRAP_EXIT_SKIP_BITS SkipBits = { .Bits = Skip }; PULONG ReturnStack; /* Debugging checks */ KiExitTrapDebugChecks(TrapFrame, SkipBits); /* Restore the SEH handler chain */ KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList = TrapFrame->ExceptionList; /* Check if the previous mode must be restored */ if (__builtin_expect(!SkipBits.SkipPreviousMode, 0)) /* More INTS than SYSCALLs */ { /* Restore it */ KeGetCurrentThread()->PreviousMode = TrapFrame->PreviousPreviousMode; } /* Check if there are active debug registers */ if (__builtin_expect(TrapFrame->Dr7 & ~DR7_RESERVED_MASK, 0)) { /* Not handled yet */ DbgPrint("Need Hardware Breakpoint Support!\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); while (TRUE); } /* Check if this was a V8086 trap */ if (__builtin_expect(TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK, 0)) KiTrapReturn(TrapFrame); /* Check if the trap frame was edited */ if (__builtin_expect(!(TrapFrame->SegCs & FRAME_EDITED), 0)) { /* * An edited trap frame happens when we need to modify CS and/or ESP but * don't actually have a ring transition. This happens when a kernelmode * caller wants to perform an NtContinue to another kernel address, such * as in the case of SEH (basically, a longjmp), or to a user address. * * Therefore, the CPU never saved CS/ESP on the stack because we did not * get a trap frame due to a ring transition (there was no interrupt). * Even if we didn't want to restore CS to a new value, a problem occurs * due to the fact a normal RET would not work if we restored ESP since * RET would then try to read the result off the stack. * * The NT kernel solves this by adding 12 bytes of stack to the exiting * trap frame, in which EFLAGS, CS, and EIP are stored, and then saving * the ESP that's being requested into the ErrorCode field. It will then * exit with an IRET. This fixes both issues, because it gives the stack * some space where to hold the return address and then end up with the * wanted stack, and it uses IRET which allows a new CS to be inputted. * */ /* Set CS that is requested */ TrapFrame->SegCs = TrapFrame->TempSegCs; /* First make space on requested stack */ ReturnStack = (PULONG)(TrapFrame->TempEsp - 12); TrapFrame->ErrCode = (ULONG_PTR)ReturnStack; /* Now copy IRET frame */ ReturnStack[0] = TrapFrame->Eip; ReturnStack[1] = TrapFrame->SegCs; ReturnStack[2] = TrapFrame->EFlags; /* Do special edited return */ KiEditedTrapReturn(TrapFrame); } /* Check if this is a user trap */ if (__builtin_expect(KiUserTrap(TrapFrame), 1)) /* Ring 3 is where we spend time */ { /* Check if segments should be restored */ if (!SkipBits.SkipSegments) { /* Restore segments */ Ke386SetGs(TrapFrame->SegGs); Ke386SetEs(TrapFrame->SegEs); Ke386SetDs(TrapFrame->SegDs); Ke386SetFs(TrapFrame->SegFs); } /* Always restore FS since it goes from KPCR to TEB */ Ke386SetFs(TrapFrame->SegFs); } /* Check for system call -- a system call skips volatiles! */ if (__builtin_expect(SkipBits.SkipVolatiles, 0)) /* More INTs than SYSCALLs */ { /* User or kernel call? */ KiUserSystemCall(TrapFrame); /* Restore EFLags */ __writeeflags(TrapFrame->EFlags); /* Call is kernel, so do a jump back since this wasn't a real INT */ KiSystemCallReturn(TrapFrame); /* If we got here, this is SYSEXIT: are we stepping code? */ if (!(TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_TF)) { /* Restore user FS */ Ke386SetFs(KGDT_R3_TEB | RPL_MASK); /* Remove interrupt flag */ TrapFrame->EFlags &= ~EFLAGS_INTERRUPT_MASK; __writeeflags(TrapFrame->EFlags); /* Exit through SYSEXIT */ KiSystemCallSysExitReturn(TrapFrame); } /* Exit through IRETD, either due to debugging or due to lack of SYSEXIT */ KiSystemCallTrapReturn(TrapFrame); } /* Return from interrupt */ KiTrapReturn(TrapFrame); } // // Virtual 8086 Mode Optimized Trap Exit // VOID FORCEINLINE KiExitV86Trap(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { PKTHREAD Thread; KIRQL OldIrql; /* Get the thread */ Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); while (TRUE) { /* Turn off the alerted state for kernel mode */ Thread->Alerted[KernelMode] = FALSE; /* Are there pending user APCs? */ if (__builtin_expect(!Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending, 1)) break; /* Raise to APC level and enable interrupts */ OldIrql = KfRaiseIrql(APC_LEVEL); _enable(); /* Deliver APCs */ KiDeliverApc(UserMode, NULL, TrapFrame); /* Restore IRQL and disable interrupts once again */ KfLowerIrql(OldIrql); _disable(); /* Return if this isn't V86 mode anymore */ if (__builtin_expect(TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK, 0)) return; } /* If we got here, we're still in a valid V8086 context, so quit it */ if (__builtin_expect(TrapFrame->Dr7 & ~DR7_RESERVED_MASK, 0)) { /* Not handled yet */ DbgPrint("Need Hardware Breakpoint Support!\n"); while (TRUE); } /* Return from interrupt */ KiTrapReturn(TrapFrame); } // // Virtual 8086 Mode Optimized Trap Entry // VOID FORCEINLINE KiEnterV86Trap(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Save exception list */ TrapFrame->ExceptionList = KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList; /* Save DR7 and check for debugging */ TrapFrame->Dr7 = __readdr(7); if (__builtin_expect(TrapFrame->Dr7 & ~DR7_RESERVED_MASK, 0)) { DbgPrint("Need Hardware Breakpoint Support!\n"); while (TRUE); } } // // Interrupt Trap Entry // VOID FORCEINLINE KiEnterInterruptTrap(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Save exception list and terminate it */ TrapFrame->ExceptionList = KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList; KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList = EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END; /* Flush DR7 and check for debugging */ TrapFrame->Dr7 = 0; if (__builtin_expect(KeGetCurrentThread()->DispatcherHeader.DebugActive & 0xFF, 0)) { DbgPrint("Need Hardware Breakpoint Support!\n"); while (TRUE); } /* Set debug header */ KiFillTrapFrameDebug(TrapFrame); } // // Generic Trap Entry // VOID FORCEINLINE KiEnterTrap(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Save exception list */ TrapFrame->ExceptionList = KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList; /* Flush DR7 and check for debugging */ TrapFrame->Dr7 = 0; if (__builtin_expect(KeGetCurrentThread()->DispatcherHeader.DebugActive & 0xFF, 0)) { DbgPrint("Need Hardware Breakpoint Support!\n"); while (TRUE); } /* Set debug header */ KiFillTrapFrameDebug(TrapFrame); }