/* $Id$ * * DESCRIPTION: Object Manager Simple Explorer * PROGRAMMER: David Welch * REVISIONS * 2000-04-30 (ea) * Added directory enumeration. * (tested under nt4sp4/x86) * 2000-08-11 (ea) * Added symbolic link expansion. * (tested under nt4sp4/x86) * 2001-05-01 (ea) * Fixed entries counter. Added more * error codes check. Removed wprintf, * because it does not work in .17. * 2001-05-02 (ea) * Added -r option. */ #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #define MAX_DIR_ENTRY 256 static PCHAR WINAPI RawUszAsz ( PWCHAR szU, PCHAR szA ) { register PCHAR a = szA; while (*szU) {*szA++ = (CHAR) (0x00ff & * szU++);} *szA = '\0'; return a; } static PWCHAR WINAPI RawAszUsz ( PCHAR szA, PWCHAR szW ) { register PWCHAR w = szW; while (*szA) {*szW++ = (WCHAR) *szA++;} *szW = L'\0'; return w; } static const char * WINAPI StatusToName (NTSTATUS Status) { static char RawValue [16]; switch (Status) { case STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: return "STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL"; case STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: return "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER"; case STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID: return "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID"; case STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND: return "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND"; case STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD: return "STATUS_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD"; case STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES: return "STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES"; case STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES: return "STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES"; case STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED: return "STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED"; case STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL: return "STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL"; case STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: return "STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE"; } sprintf (RawValue, "0x%08lx", Status); return (const char *) RawValue; } BOOL WINAPI ExpandSymbolicLink ( IN PUNICODE_STRING DirectoryName, IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolicLinkName, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING TargetObjectName ) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE hSymbolicLink; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; UNICODE_STRING Path; WCHAR PathBuffer [MAX_PATH]; ULONG DataWritten = 0; Path.Buffer = PathBuffer; Path.Length = 0; Path.MaximumLength = sizeof PathBuffer; RtlCopyUnicodeString (& Path, DirectoryName); if (L'\\' != Path.Buffer [(Path.Length / sizeof Path.Buffer[0]) - 1]) { RtlAppendUnicodeToString (& Path, L"\\"); } RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (& Path, SymbolicLinkName); oa.Length = sizeof (OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); oa.ObjectName = & Path; oa.Attributes = 0; /* OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE; */ oa.RootDirectory = NULL; oa.SecurityDescriptor = NULL; oa.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL; Status = NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject( & hSymbolicLink, SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, /* 0x20001 */ & oa ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ( "Failed to open SymbolicLink object (Status: %s)\n", StatusToName (Status) ); return FALSE; } TargetObjectName->Length = TargetObjectName->MaximumLength; memset ( TargetObjectName->Buffer, 0, TargetObjectName->MaximumLength ); Status = NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject( hSymbolicLink, TargetObjectName, & DataWritten ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ( "Failed to query SymbolicLink object (Status: %s)\n", StatusToName (Status) ); NtClose (hSymbolicLink); return FALSE; } NtClose (hSymbolicLink); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI ListDirectory ( IN PUNICODE_STRING DirectoryNameW, IN BOOL Recurse ) { CHAR DirectoryNameA [MAX_PATH]; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE DirectoryHandle; BYTE DirectoryEntry [512]; POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION pDirectoryEntry = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) DirectoryEntry; POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION pDirectoryEntries = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) DirectoryEntry; ULONG Context = 0; ULONG ReturnLength = 0; ULONG EntryCount = 0; /* For expanding symbolic links */ WCHAR TargetName [2 * MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING TargetObjectName = { sizeof TargetName, sizeof TargetName, TargetName }; /* Convert to ANSI the directory's name */ RawUszAsz (DirectoryNameW->Buffer, DirectoryNameA); /* * Prepare parameters for next call. */ InitializeObjectAttributes ( & ObjectAttributes, DirectoryNameW, 0, NULL, NULL ); /* * Try opening the directory. */ Status = NtOpenDirectoryObject ( & DirectoryHandle, DIRECTORY_QUERY, & ObjectAttributes ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ( "Failed to open directory object \"%s\" (Status: %s)\n", DirectoryNameA, StatusToName (Status) ); return (FALSE); } printf ("\n Directory of %s\n\n", DirectoryNameA); for(;;) { /* * Enumerate each item in the directory. */ Status = NtQueryDirectoryObject ( DirectoryHandle, pDirectoryEntries, sizeof DirectoryEntry, FALSE,/* ReturnSingleEntry */ FALSE, /* RestartScan */ & Context, & ReturnLength ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { printf ( "Failed to query directory object (Status: %s)\n", StatusToName (Status) ); NtClose (DirectoryHandle); return (FALSE); } if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { break; } pDirectoryEntry = pDirectoryEntries; while (EntryCount < Context) { CHAR ObjectNameA [MAX_PATH]; CHAR TypeNameA [MAX_PATH]; CHAR TargetNameA [MAX_PATH]; if (0 == wcscmp (L"SymbolicLink", pDirectoryEntry->TypeName.Buffer)) { if (TRUE == ExpandSymbolicLink ( DirectoryNameW, & pDirectoryEntry->Name, & TargetObjectName ) ) { printf ( "%-16s %s -> %s\n", RawUszAsz (pDirectoryEntry->TypeName.Buffer, TypeNameA), RawUszAsz (pDirectoryEntry->Name.Buffer, ObjectNameA), RawUszAsz (TargetObjectName.Buffer, TargetNameA) ); } else { printf ( "%-16s %s -> (error!)\n", RawUszAsz (pDirectoryEntry->TypeName.Buffer, TypeNameA), RawUszAsz (pDirectoryEntry->Name.Buffer, ObjectNameA) ); } } else { printf ( "%-16s %s\n", RawUszAsz (pDirectoryEntry->TypeName.Buffer, TypeNameA), RawUszAsz (pDirectoryEntry->Name.Buffer, ObjectNameA) ); } ++ pDirectoryEntry; ++ EntryCount; } }; printf ("\n\t%lu object(s)\n", EntryCount); /* * Free any resource. */ NtClose (DirectoryHandle); /* * Recurse into, if required so. */ if (FALSE != Recurse) { pDirectoryEntry = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) DirectoryEntry; while (0 != pDirectoryEntry->TypeName.Length) { if (0 == wcscmp (L"Directory", pDirectoryEntry->TypeName.Buffer)) { WCHAR CurrentName [MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING CurrentDirectory; CurrentName [0] = L'\0'; wcscpy (CurrentName, DirectoryNameW->Buffer); if (wcslen (CurrentName) > 1) { wcscat (CurrentName, L"\\"); } wcscat (CurrentName, pDirectoryEntry->Name.Buffer); RtlInitUnicodeString (& CurrentDirectory, CurrentName); ListDirectory (& CurrentDirectory, Recurse); } ++ pDirectoryEntry; } } return (TRUE); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { WCHAR DirectoryNameW [MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING DirectoryName; BOOL Recurse = FALSE; /* * Check user arguments. */ switch (argc) { case 2: RawAszUsz (argv[1], DirectoryNameW); break; case 3: if (strcmp (argv[1], "-r")) { fprintf ( stderr, "%s: unknown option '%s'.\n", argv [0], argv[1] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } RawAszUsz (argv[2], DirectoryNameW); Recurse = TRUE; break; default: fprintf ( stderr, "\nUsage: %s [-r] directory\n\n" " -r recurse\n" " directory a directory name in the system namespace\n\n", argv [0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * List the directory. */ RtlInitUnicodeString (& DirectoryName, DirectoryNameW); return (FALSE == ListDirectory (& DirectoryName, Recurse)) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */