/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Run-Time Library * PURPOSE: Memory functions for amd64 * FILE: lib/rtl/i386/rtlswap.S * PROGRAMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ .code64 /* SIZE_T * RtlCompareMemory( * IN CONST VOID *Source1, * IN CONST VOID *Source2, * IN SIZE_T Length * ); */ .proc RtlCompareMemory /* Save registers */ push rsi .pushreg rsi push rdi .pushreg rdi .ENDPROLOG /* Setup registers for compare */ mov rsi, rcx mov rdi, rdx /* Clear direction flag */ cli /* Get number of qwords */ mov rcx, r8 shr rcx, 3 jz RtlCompareMemory2 /* Compare qwords */ repe cmpsq jnz RtlCompareMemory4 RtlCompareMemory2: /* Compare rest */ mov rcx, r8 and rcx, 7 jz RtlCompareMemory3 repe cmpsb jnz RtlCompareMemory5 RtlCompareMemory3: /* All equal */ /* Return the full count */ mov rax, rcx jmp RtlCompareMemory6 RtlCompareMemory4: /* Not equal after comparing qwords */ /* Compare the last qword */ sub rsi, 8 sub rdi, 8 mov rcx, 8 repe cmpsb RtlCompareMemory5: /* Not equal after comparing bytes */ /* Return difference */ sub rdi, rdx dec rdi mov rax, rdi RtlCompareMemory6: /* Cleanup and return */ pop rdi pop rsi ret .endp RtlCompareMemory END