#pragma once MUI_LAYOUTS svSELayouts[] = { { L"041D", L"0000041D" }, { L"0409", L"00000409" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSELanguagePageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Language Selection.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 10, "\x07 Please choose the language used for the installation process.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, " Then press ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "\x07 This Language will be the default language for the final system.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEWelcomePageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Välkommen till ReactOS Setup!", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 6, 11, "Denna del av installationen kopierar ReactOS till eran", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, "dator och förbereder den andra delen av installationen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 15, "\x07 Tryck på ENTER för att installera ReactOS.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, "\x07 Tryck på R för att reparera ReactOS.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, "\x07 Tryck på L för att läsa licensavtalet till ReactOS.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 21, "\x07 Tryck på F3 för att avbryta installationen av ReactOS.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 23, "För mer information om ReactOS, besök:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 24, "http://www.reactos.org", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Fortsätt R = Reparera F3 = Avbryt", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEIntroPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "ReactOS Setup är i en tidig utvecklingsfas och saknar därför ett antal", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 9, "funktioner som kan förväntas av ett fullt användbart setup-program.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, "Följande begränsningar gäller:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "- Setup kan ej hantera mer än 1 primär partition per hårddisk.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, "- Setup kan ej radera en primär partition från en hårddisk", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 15, " om utökade partitioner existerar på hårddisken.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 16, "- Setup kan ej radera den första utökade partitionen från en hårddisk", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, " om andra utökade partitioner existerar på hårddisken.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 18, "- Setup stöder endast filsystem av typen FAT.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, "- Kontrollering av hårddiskens filsystem stöds (ännu) ej.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 23, "\x07 Tryck på ENTER för att installera ReactOS.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 25, "\x07 Tryck på F3 för att avbryta installationen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Fortsätt F3 = Avbryt", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSELicensePageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 6, "Licensering:", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 8, 8, "ReactOS är licenserad under GNU GPL med delar", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 9, "av den medföljande koden licenserad under GPL-förenliga", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 10, "licenser såsom X11-, BSD- och GNU LGPL-licenserna.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, "All mjukvara som är del av ReactOS är publicerad", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 12, "under GNU GPL, men även den ursprungliga", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "licensen är upprätthållen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 15, "Denna mjukvara har INGEN GARANTI eller begränsing på användning", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 16, "bortsett från tillämplig lokal och internationell lag. Licenseringen av", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, "ReactOS täcker endast distrubering till tredje part.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 18, "Om Ni av någon anledning ej fått en kopia av", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, "GNU General Public License med ReactOS, besök", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 20, "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 8, 22, "Garanti:", TEXT_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT }, { 8, 24, "Detta är gratis mjukvara; se källkoden för restriktioner angående kopiering.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 25, "INGEN GARANTI ges; inte ens för SÄLJBARHET eller PASSANDE FÖR ETT", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 26, "SPECIELLT SYFTE. ALL ANVÄNDNING SKER PÅ EGEN RISK!", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Återvänd", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEDevicePageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Listan nedanför visar inställningarna för maskinvaran.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, " Dator:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 12, " Bildskärm:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL, }, { 8, 13, " Tangentbord:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, "Tangentbordslayout:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 16, " Acceptera:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 25, 16, "Acceptera dessa maskinvaruinställningar", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 19, "Ändra inställningarna genom att trycka på UPP- och NED-piltangenterna", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 20, "för att markera en inställning, och tryck på ENTER för att välja", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 21, "inställningen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 23, "När alla inställningar är korrekta, välj \"Acceptera dessa maskinvaruinställningar\"", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 24, "och tryck på ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Fortsätt F3 = Avbryt", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSERepairPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "ReactOS Setup är i en tidig utvecklingsfas och saknar därför ett antal", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 9, "funktioner som kan förväntas av ett fullt användbart setup-program.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 12, "Reparations- och uppdateringsfunktionerna fungerar ej.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 15, "\x07 Tryck på U för att uppdatera ReactOS.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, "\x07 Tryck på R för Återställningskonsolen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 19, "\x07 Tryck på ESC för att återvända till föregående sida.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 21, "\x07 Tryck på ENTER för att starta om datorn.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ESC = Gå till föregående sida ENTER = Starta om datorn", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEComputerPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Ändra vilken typ av dator som ska installeras.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 10, "\x07 Använd UPP- och NED-piltangenterna för att välja önskad datortyp.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, " Tryck sen på ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "\x07 Tryck på ESC för att återvända till den föregående sidan utan", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, " att ändra datortypen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Fortsätt ESC = Återvänd F3 = Avbryt", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEFlushPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 10, 6, "Datorn försäkrar sig om att all data är lagrad på hårdisken.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 8, "Detta kommer att ta en stund.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 9, "När detta är färdigt kommer datorn att startas om automatiskt.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " Rensar cachen", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEQuitPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 10, 6, "Installationen av ReactOS har inte slutförts.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 8, "Se till att ingen floppy-disk finns i floppy-läsare A:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 9, "och tag ur alla skivor från CD/DVD-läsarna.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 11, "Tryck på ENTER för att starta om datorn.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " Var god vänta ...", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS, }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEDisplayPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Ändra vilken typ av bildskärmsinställning som ska installeras.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 10, "\x07 Använd UPP- och NED-piltangenterna för att välja önskad inställning.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, " Tryck sedan på ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "\x07 Tryck på ESC för att återvända till den föregående sidan utan", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, " att ändra bildskärmsinställningen.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Fortsätt ESC = Återvänd F3 = Avbryt", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSESuccessPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 10, 6, "ReactOS har nu installerats på datorn.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 8, "Se till att ingen floppy-disk finns i floppy-läsare A:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 9, "och tag ur alla skivor från CD/DVD-läsarna.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 10, 11, "Tryck på ENTER för att starta om datorn.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Starta om datorn", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEBootPageEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Setup misslyckades med att installera bootloadern på datorns", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 9, "hårddisk", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 13, "Var god sätt in en formatterad floppy-disk i läsare A: och", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 14, "tryck på ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL, }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Fortsätt F3 = Avbryt", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSESelectPartitionEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "The list below shows existing partitions and unused disk", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 9, "space for new partitions.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, "\x07 Press UP or DOWN to select a list entry.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "\x07 Press ENTER to install ReactOS onto the selected partition.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 15, "\x07 Press C to create a new partition.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 17, "\x07 Press D to delete an existing partition.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " Please wait...", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEFormatPartitionEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Format partition", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 10, "Setup will now format the partition. Press ENTER to continue.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEInstallDirectoryEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Setup installs ReactOS files onto the selected partition. Choose a", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 9, "directory where you want ReactOS to be installed:", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 14, "To change the suggested directory, press BACKSPACE to delete", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 15, "characters and then type the directory where you want ReactOS to", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 6, 16, "be installed.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEFileCopyEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 11, 12, "Please wait while ReactOS Setup copies files to your ReactOS", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 30, 13, "installation folder.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 20, 14, "This may take several minutes to complete.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " \xB3 Please wait... ", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEBootLoaderEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Setup is installing the boot loader", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 12, "Install bootloader on the harddisk (MBR).", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "Install bootloader on a floppy disk.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, "Skip install bootloader.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEKeyboardSettingsEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "You want to change the type of keyboard to be installed.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 10, "\x07 Press the UP or DOWN key to select the desired keyboard type.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, " Then press ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "\x07 Press the ESC key to return to the previous page without changing", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, " the keyboard type.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue ESC = Cancel F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSELayoutSettingsEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Please select a layout to be installed by default.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 10, "\x07 Press the UP or DOWN key to select the desired keyboard", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 11, " layout. Then press ENTER.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 13, "\x07 Press the ESC key to return to the previous page without changing", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 14, " the keyboard layout.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue ESC = Cancel F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEPrepareCopyEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Setup prepares your computer for copying the ReactOS files. ", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " Building the file copy list...", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; static MUI_ENTRY svSESelectFSEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 17, "Select a file system from the list below.", 0 }, { 8, 19, "\x07 Press UP or DOWN to select a file system.", 0 }, { 8, 21, "\x07 Press ENTER to format the partition.", 0 }, { 8, 23, "\x07 Press ESC to select another partition.", 0 }, { 0, 0, " ENTER = Continue ESC = Cancel F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSEDeletePartitionEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "You have chosen to delete the partition", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 18, "\x07 Press D to delete the partition.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 11, 19, "WARNING: All data on this partition will be lost!", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 8, 21, "\x07 Press ESC to cancel.", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " D = Delete Partition ESC = Cancel F3 = Quit", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static MUI_ENTRY svSERegistryEntries[] = { { 4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup ", TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE }, { 6, 8, "Setup is updating the system configuration. ", TEXT_STYLE_NORMAL }, { 0, 0, " Creating registry hives...", TEXT_TYPE_STATUS }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; MUI_ERROR svSEErrorEntries[] = { { //ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED "ReactOS is not completely installed on your\n" "computer. If you quit Setup now, you will need to\n" "run Setup again to install ReactOS.\n" "\n" " \x07 Press ENTER to continue Setup.\n" " \x07 Press F3 to quit Setup.", "F3= Quit ENTER = Continue" }, { //ERROR_NO_HDD "Setup could not find a harddisk.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_NO_SOURCE_DRIVE "Setup could not find its source drive.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_LOAD_TXTSETUPSIF "Setup failed to load the file TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CORRUPT_TXTSETUPSIF "Setup found a corrupt TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_SIGNATURE_TXTSETUPSIF, "Setup found an invalid signature in TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_DRIVE_INFORMATION "Setup could not retrieve system drive information.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_WRITE_BOOT, "Setup failed to install FAT bootcode on the system partition.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_LOAD_COMPUTER, "Setup failed to load the computer type list.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_LOAD_DISPLAY, "Setup failed to load the display settings list.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_LOAD_KEYBOARD, "Setup failed to load the keyboard type list.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_LOAD_KBLAYOUT, "Setup failed to load the keyboard layout list.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_WARN_PARTITION, "Setup found that at least one harddisk contains an incompatible\n" "partition table that can not be handled properly!\n" "\n" "Creating or deleting partitions can destroy the partiton table.\n" "\n" " \x07 Press F3 to quit Setup." " \x07 Press ENTER to continue.", "F3= Quit ENTER = Continue" }, { //ERROR_NEW_PARTITION, "You can not create a new Partition inside\n" "of an already existing Partition!\n" "\n" " * Press any key to continue.", NULL }, { //ERROR_DELETE_SPACE, "You can not delete unpartitioned disk space!\n" "\n" " * Press any key to continue.", NULL }, { //ERROR_INSTALL_BOOTCODE, "Setup failed to install the FAT bootcode on the system partition.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_NO_FLOPPY, "No disk in drive A:.", "ENTER = Continue" }, { //ERROR_UPDATE_KBSETTINGS, "Setup failed to update keyboard layout settings.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_UPDATE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, "Setup failed to update display registry settings.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_IMPORT_HIVE, "Setup failed to import a hive file.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_FIND_REGISTRY "Setup failed to find the registry data files.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CREATE_HIVE, "Setup failed to create the registry hives.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_INITIALIZE_REGISTRY, "Setup failed to set the initialize the registry.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_INVALID_CABINET_INF, "Cabinet has no valid inf file.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CABINET_MISSING, "Cabinet not found.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CABINET_SCRIPT, "Cabinet has no setup script.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_COPY_QUEUE, "Setup failed to open the copy file queue.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CREATE_DIR, "Setup could not create install directories.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_TXTSETUP_SECTION, "Setup failed to find the 'Directories' section\n" "in TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CABINET_SECTION, "Setup failed to find the 'Directories' section\n" "in the cabinet.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_CREATE_INSTALL_DIR "Setup could not create the install directory.", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_FIND_SETUPDATA, "Setup failed to find the 'SetupData' section\n" "in TXTSETUP.SIF.\n", "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_WRITE_PTABLE, "Setup failed to write partition tables.\n" "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_ADDING_CODEPAGE, "Setup failed to add codepage to registry.\n" "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_UPDATE_LOCALESETTINGS, "Setup could not set the system locale.\n" "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_ADDING_KBLAYOUTS, "Setup failed to add keyboard layouts to registry.\n" "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_UPDATE_GEOID, "Setup could not set the geo id.\n" "ENTER = Reboot computer" }, { //ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DISKSPACE, "Not enough free space in the selected partition.\n" " * Press any key to continue.", NULL }, { NULL, NULL } }; MUI_PAGE svSEPages[] = { { LANGUAGE_PAGE, svSELanguagePageEntries }, { START_PAGE, svSEWelcomePageEntries }, { INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE, svSEIntroPageEntries }, { LICENSE_PAGE, svSELicensePageEntries }, { DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE, svSEDevicePageEntries }, { REPAIR_INTRO_PAGE, svSERepairPageEntries }, { COMPUTER_SETTINGS_PAGE, svSEComputerPageEntries }, { DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PAGE, svSEDisplayPageEntries }, { FLUSH_PAGE, svSEFlushPageEntries }, { SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE, svSESelectPartitionEntries }, { SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE, svSESelectFSEntries }, { FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE, svSEFormatPartitionEntries }, { DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE, svSEDeletePartitionEntries }, { INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE, svSEInstallDirectoryEntries }, { PREPARE_COPY_PAGE, svSEPrepareCopyEntries }, { FILE_COPY_PAGE, svSEFileCopyEntries }, { KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_PAGE, svSEKeyboardSettingsEntries }, { BOOT_LOADER_PAGE, svSEBootLoaderEntries }, { LAYOUT_SETTINGS_PAGE, svSELayoutSettingsEntries }, { QUIT_PAGE, svSEQuitPageEntries }, { SUCCESS_PAGE, svSESuccessPageEntries }, { BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE, svSEBootPageEntries }, { REGISTRY_PAGE, svSERegistryEntries }, { -1, NULL } }; MUI_STRING svSEStrings[] = { {STRING_PLEASEWAIT, " Please wait..."}, {STRING_INSTALLCREATEPARTITION, " ENTER = Install C = Create Partition F3 = Quit"}, {STRING_INSTALLDELETEPARTITION, " ENTER = Install D = Delete Partition F3 = Quit"}, {STRING_PARTITIONSIZE, "Size of new partition:"}, {STRING_CHOOSENEWPARTITION, "You have chosen to create a new partition on"}, {STRING_HDDSIZE, "Please enter the size of the new partition in megabytes."}, {STRING_CREATEPARTITION, " ENTER = Create Partition ESC = Cancel F3 = Quit"}, {STRING_PARTFORMAT, "This Partition will be formatted next."}, {STRING_NONFORMATTEDPART, "You chose to install ReactOS on a new or unformatted Partition."}, {STRING_INSTALLONPART, "Setup install ReactOS onto Partition"}, {STRING_CHECKINGPART, "Setup is now checking the selected partition."}, {STRING_QUITCONTINUE, "F3= Quit ENTER = Continue"}, {STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER, "ENTER = Reboot computer"}, {STRING_TXTSETUPFAILED, "Setup failed to find the '%S' section\nin TXTSETUP.SIF.\n"}, {STRING_COPYING, " Copying file: %S"}, {STRING_SETUPCOPYINGFILES, "Setup is copying files..."}, {STRING_REGHIVEUPDATE, " Updating registry hives..."}, {STRING_IMPORTFILE, " Importing %S..."}, {STRING_DISPLAYETTINGSUPDATE, " Updating display registry settings..."}, {STRING_LOCALESETTINGSUPDATE, " Updating locale settings..."}, {STRING_KEYBOARDSETTINGSUPDATE, " Updating keyboard layout settings..."}, {STRING_CODEPAGEINFOUPDATE, " Adding codepage information to registry..."}, {STRING_DONE, " Done..."}, {STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER2, " ENTER = Reboot computer"}, {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL1, "Unable to open the console\n\n"}, {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL2, "The most common cause of this is using an USB keyboard\n"}, {STRING_CONSOLEFAIL3, "USB keyboards are not fully supported yet\n"}, {STRING_FORMATTINGDISK, "Setup is formatting your disk"}, {STRING_CHECKINGDISK, "Setup is checking your disk"}, {STRING_FORMATDISK1, " Format partition as %S file system (quick format) "}, {STRING_FORMATDISK2, " Format partition as %S file system "}, {STRING_KEEPFORMAT, " Keep current file system (no changes) "}, {STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE, "%I64u %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) on %wZ."}, {STRING_HDDINFOUNK1, "%I64u %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu)."}, {STRING_HDDINFOUNK2, " %c%c Type %lu %I64u %s"}, {STRING_HDINFOPARTDELETE, "on %I64u %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) on %wZ."}, {STRING_HDDINFOUNK3, "on %I64u %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu)."}, {STRING_HDINFOPARTZEROED, "Harddisk %lu (%I64u %s), Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu (%wZ)."}, {STRING_HDDINFOUNK4, "%c%c Type %lu %I64u %s"}, {STRING_HDINFOPARTEXISTS, "on Harddisk %lu (%I64u %s), Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu (%wZ)."}, {STRING_HDDINFOUNK5, "%c%c Type %-3u %6lu %s"}, {STRING_HDINFOPARTSELECT, "%6lu %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu) on %S"}, {STRING_HDDINFOUNK6, "%6lu %s Harddisk %lu (Port=%hu, Bus=%hu, Id=%hu)"}, {STRING_NEWPARTITION, "Setup created a new partition on"}, {STRING_UNPSPACE, " Unpartitioned space %6lu %s"}, {STRING_MAXSIZE, "MB (max. %lu MB)"}, {STRING_UNFORMATTED, "New (Unformatted)"}, {STRING_FORMATUNUSED, "Unused"}, {STRING_FORMATUNKNOWN, "Unknown"}, {STRING_KB, "KB"}, {STRING_MB, "MB"}, {STRING_GB, "GB"}, {STRING_ADDKBLAYOUTS, "Adding keyboard layouts"}, {0, 0} };