/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/mm/rmap.c * PURPOSE: Kernel memory managment functions * * PROGRAMMERS: David Welch (welch@cwcom.net) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #include #define NDEBUG #include /* TYPES ********************************************************************/ /* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/ static NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST RmapLookasideList; /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) static VOID NTAPI RmapListFree( _In_ __drv_freesMem(Mem) PVOID P) { ExFreePoolWithTag(P, TAG_RMAP); } CODE_SEG("INIT") VOID NTAPI MmInitializeRmapList(VOID) { ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList (&RmapLookasideList, NULL, RmapListFree, 0, sizeof(MM_RMAP_ENTRY), TAG_RMAP, 50); } NTSTATUS NTAPI MmPageOutPhysicalAddress(PFN_NUMBER Page) { PMM_RMAP_ENTRY entry; PMEMORY_AREA MemoryArea; PMMSUPPORT AddressSpace; PVOID Address = NULL; PEPROCESS Process = NULL; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PMM_SECTION_SEGMENT Segment; LARGE_INTEGER SegmentOffset; KIRQL OldIrql; GetEntry: OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock(); entry = MmGetRmapListHeadPage(Page); while (entry && RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(entry->Address)) entry = entry->Next; if (entry == NULL) { MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); goto WriteSegment; } Process = entry->Process; Address = entry->Address; if ((((ULONG_PTR)Address) & 0xFFF) != 0) { KeBugCheck(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT); } /* This is for user-mode address only */ ASSERT(Address < MmSystemRangeStart); if (!ExAcquireRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect)) { MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); return STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING; } Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(Process, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, KernelMode); MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); return Status; } AddressSpace = &Process->Vm; MmLockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); MemoryArea = MmLocateMemoryAreaByAddress(AddressSpace, Address); if (MemoryArea == NULL || MemoryArea->DeleteInProgress) { MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); goto GetEntry; } /* Attach to it, if needed */ ASSERT(PsGetCurrentProcess() == PsInitialSystemProcess); if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeAttachProcess(&Process->Pcb); if (MmGetPfnForProcess(Process, Address) != Page) { /* This changed in the short window where we didn't have any locks */ if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeDetachProcess(); MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); goto GetEntry; } if (MemoryArea->Type == MEMORY_AREA_SECTION_VIEW) { ULONG_PTR Entry; BOOLEAN Dirty; PFN_NUMBER MapPage; LARGE_INTEGER Offset; BOOLEAN Released; BOOLEAN Unmapped; Offset.QuadPart = MemoryArea->SectionData.ViewOffset + ((ULONG_PTR)Address - MA_GetStartingAddress(MemoryArea)); Segment = MemoryArea->SectionData.Segment; MmLockSectionSegment(Segment); Entry = MmGetPageEntrySectionSegment(Segment, &Offset); if (Entry && MM_IS_WAIT_PTE(Entry)) { /* The segment is being read or something. Give up */ MmUnlockSectionSegment(Segment); if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeDetachProcess(); MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } /* Delete this virtual mapping in the process */ MmDeleteRmap(Page, Process, Address); Unmapped = MmDeleteVirtualMapping(Process, Address, &Dirty, &MapPage); if (!Unmapped || (MapPage != Page)) { /* * Something's corrupted, we got there because this process is * supposed to be mapping this page there. */ KeBugCheckEx(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, (ULONG_PTR)Process, (ULONG_PTR)Address, (ULONG_PTR)__FILE__, __LINE__); } if (Page != PFN_FROM_SSE(Entry)) { SWAPENTRY SwapEntry; /* This page is private to the process */ MmUnlockSectionSegment(Segment); /* Check if we should write it back to the page file */ SwapEntry = MmGetSavedSwapEntryPage(Page); if ((SwapEntry == 0) && Dirty) { /* We don't have a Swap entry, yet the page is dirty. Get one */ SwapEntry = MmAllocSwapPage(); if (!SwapEntry) { PMM_REGION Region = MmFindRegion((PVOID)MA_GetStartingAddress(MemoryArea), &MemoryArea->SectionData.RegionListHead, Address, NULL); /* We can't, so let this page in the Process VM */ MmCreateVirtualMapping(Process, Address, Region->Protect, Page); MmInsertRmap(Page, Process, Address); MmSetDirtyPage(Process, Address); MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeDetachProcess(); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } if (Dirty) { SWAPENTRY Dummy; /* Put a wait entry into the process and unlock */ MmCreatePageFileMapping(Process, Address, MM_WAIT_ENTRY); MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); Status = MmWriteToSwapPage(SwapEntry, Page); MmLockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); MmDeletePageFileMapping(Process, Address, &Dummy); ASSERT(Dummy == MM_WAIT_ENTRY); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* We failed at saving the content of this page. Keep it in */ PMM_REGION Region = MmFindRegion((PVOID)MA_GetStartingAddress(MemoryArea), &MemoryArea->SectionData.RegionListHead, Address, NULL); /* This Swap Entry is useless to us */ MmSetSavedSwapEntryPage(Page, 0); MmFreeSwapPage(SwapEntry); /* We can't, so let this page in the Process VM */ MmCreateVirtualMapping(Process, Address, Region->Protect, Page); MmInsertRmap(Page, Process, Address); MmSetDirtyPage(Process, Address); MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeDetachProcess(); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } if (SwapEntry) { /* Keep this in the process VM */ MmCreatePageFileMapping(Process, Address, SwapEntry); MmSetSavedSwapEntryPage(Page, 0); } /* We can finally let this page go */ MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeDetachProcess(); #if DBG OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock(); ASSERT(MmGetRmapListHeadPage(Page) == NULL); MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); #endif MmReleasePageMemoryConsumer(MC_USER, Page); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* One less mapping referencing this segment */ Released = MmUnsharePageEntrySectionSegment(MemoryArea, Segment, &Offset, Dirty, TRUE, NULL); MmUnlockSectionSegment(Segment); if (Process != PsInitialSystemProcess) KeDetachProcess(); MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); ExReleaseRundownProtection(&Process->RundownProtect); ObDereferenceObject(Process); if (Released) return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #ifdef NEWCC else if (Type == MEMORY_AREA_CACHE) { /* NEWCC does locking itself */ MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); Status = MmpPageOutPhysicalAddress(Page); } #endif else { KeBugCheck(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT); } WriteSegment: /* Now write this page to file, if needed */ Segment = MmGetSectionAssociation(Page, &SegmentOffset); if (Segment) { BOOLEAN Released; MmLockSectionSegment(Segment); Released = MmCheckDirtySegment(Segment, &SegmentOffset, FALSE, TRUE); MmUnlockSectionSegment(Segment); MmDereferenceSegment(Segment); if (Released) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* If we are here, then we didn't release the page */ return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } VOID NTAPI MmInsertRmap(PFN_NUMBER Page, PEPROCESS Process, PVOID Address) { PMM_RMAP_ENTRY current_entry; PMM_RMAP_ENTRY new_entry; ULONG PrevSize; KIRQL OldIrql; if (!RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(Address)) Address = (PVOID)PAGE_ROUND_DOWN(Address); new_entry = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&RmapLookasideList); if (new_entry == NULL) { KeBugCheck(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT); } new_entry->Address = Address; new_entry->Process = (PEPROCESS)Process; #if DBG new_entry->Caller = _ReturnAddress(); #endif if ( !RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(Address) && MmGetPfnForProcess(Process, Address) != Page) { DPRINT1("Insert rmap (%d, 0x%.8X) 0x%.8X which doesn't match physical " "address 0x%.8X\n", Process ? Process->UniqueProcessId : 0, Address, MmGetPfnForProcess(Process, Address) << PAGE_SHIFT, Page << PAGE_SHIFT); KeBugCheck(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT); } OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock(); current_entry = MmGetRmapListHeadPage(Page); PMM_RMAP_ENTRY previous_entry = NULL; /* Keep the list sorted */ while (current_entry && (current_entry->Address < Address)) { previous_entry = current_entry; current_entry = current_entry->Next; } /* In case of clash in the address, sort by process */ if (current_entry && (current_entry->Address == Address)) { while (current_entry && (current_entry->Process < Process)) { previous_entry = current_entry; current_entry = current_entry->Next; } } if (current_entry && (current_entry->Address == Address) && (current_entry->Process == Process)) { #if DBG DbgPrint("MmInsertRmap tries to add a second rmap entry for address %p\n", current_entry->Address); DbgPrint(" current caller %p\n", new_entry->Caller); DbgPrint(" previous caller %p\n", current_entry->Caller); #endif KeBugCheck(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT); } new_entry->Next = current_entry; if (previous_entry) previous_entry->Next = new_entry; else MmSetRmapListHeadPage(Page, new_entry); MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); if (!RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(Address)) { ASSERT(Process != NULL); PrevSize = InterlockedExchangeAddUL(&Process->Vm.WorkingSetSize, PAGE_SIZE); if (PrevSize >= Process->Vm.PeakWorkingSetSize) { Process->Vm.PeakWorkingSetSize = PrevSize + PAGE_SIZE; } } } VOID NTAPI MmDeleteRmap(PFN_NUMBER Page, PEPROCESS Process, PVOID Address) { PMM_RMAP_ENTRY current_entry, previous_entry; KIRQL OldIrql; OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock(); previous_entry = NULL; current_entry = MmGetRmapListHeadPage(Page); while (current_entry != NULL) { if (current_entry->Process == (PEPROCESS)Process && current_entry->Address == Address) { if (previous_entry == NULL) { MmSetRmapListHeadPage(Page, current_entry->Next); } else { previous_entry->Next = current_entry->Next; } MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&RmapLookasideList, current_entry); if (!RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(Address)) { ASSERT(Process != NULL); (void)InterlockedExchangeAddUL(&Process->Vm.WorkingSetSize, -PAGE_SIZE); } return; } previous_entry = current_entry; current_entry = current_entry->Next; } KeBugCheck(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT); } /* Return the process pointer given when a previous call to MmInsertRmap was called with a process and address pointer that conform to the segment rmap schema. In short, this requires the address part to be 0xffffff00 + n where n is between 0 and 255. When such an rmap exists, it specifies a segment rmap in which the process part is a pointer to a slice of a section page table, and the low 8 bits of the address represent a page index in the page table slice. Together, this information is used by MmGetSectionAssociation to determine which page entry points to this page in the segment page table. */ PVOID NTAPI MmGetSegmentRmap(PFN_NUMBER Page, PULONG RawOffset) { PCACHE_SECTION_PAGE_TABLE Result = NULL; PMM_RMAP_ENTRY current_entry;//, previous_entry; KIRQL OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock(); //previous_entry = NULL; current_entry = MmGetRmapListHeadPage(Page); while (current_entry != NULL) { if (RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(current_entry->Address)) { Result = (PCACHE_SECTION_PAGE_TABLE)current_entry->Process; *RawOffset = (ULONG_PTR)current_entry->Address & ~RMAP_SEGMENT_MASK; if (*Result->Segment->Flags & MM_SEGMENT_INDELETE) { MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); return NULL; } MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); return Result; } //previous_entry = current_entry; current_entry = current_entry->Next; } MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); return NULL; } /* Remove the section rmap associated with the indicated page, if it exists. */ VOID NTAPI MmDeleteSectionAssociation(PFN_NUMBER Page) { PMM_RMAP_ENTRY current_entry, previous_entry; KIRQL OldIrql = MiAcquirePfnLock(); previous_entry = NULL; current_entry = MmGetRmapListHeadPage(Page); while (current_entry != NULL) { if (RMAP_IS_SEGMENT(current_entry->Address)) { if (previous_entry == NULL) { MmSetRmapListHeadPage(Page, current_entry->Next); } else { previous_entry->Next = current_entry->Next; } MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&RmapLookasideList, current_entry); return; } previous_entry = current_entry; current_entry = current_entry->Next; } MiReleasePfnLock(OldIrql); }