/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Tests for the SetComputerNameExW API * COPYRIGHT: Victor Martinez Calvo (victor.martinez@reactos.org) * Katayama Hirofumi MZ (katayama.hirofumi.mz@gmail.com) */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #undef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 #include static HKEY OpenHostNameKey(void) { static const WCHAR RegHostNameKey[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters"; HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG Error = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegHostNameKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey); if (!Error) return hKey; return NULL; } static HKEY OpenComputerNameKey(void) { static const WCHAR RegComputerNameKey[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName"; HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG Error = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegComputerNameKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey); if (!Error) return hKey; return NULL; } static void DoTestComputerName(HKEY hKeyHN, HKEY hKeyCN, LPCWSTR pszNewName, BOOL bValid) { LONG Error; BOOL ret; DWORD cbData; WCHAR szNVHostNameOld[MAX_PATH], szNVHostNameNew[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szHostNameOld[MAX_PATH], szHostNameNew[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szComputerNameOld[MAX_PATH], szComputerNameNew[MAX_PATH]; trace("Testing '%S':\n", pszNewName); /* Get Old NV Hostname */ szNVHostNameOld[0] = UNICODE_NULL; cbData = sizeof(szNVHostNameOld); Error = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyHN, L"NV Hostname", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szNVHostNameOld, &cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); ok(szNVHostNameOld[0], "szNVHostNameOld is empty\n"); /* Get Old Hostname */ szHostNameOld[0] = UNICODE_NULL; cbData = sizeof(szHostNameOld); Error = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyHN, L"Hostname", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szHostNameOld, &cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); ok(szHostNameOld[0], "szHostNameOld is empty\n"); /* Get Old Computer Name */ szComputerNameOld[0] = UNICODE_NULL; cbData = sizeof(szComputerNameOld); Error = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyCN, L"ComputerName", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szComputerNameOld, &cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); ok(szComputerNameOld[0], "szComputerNameOld is empty\n"); /* Change the value */ SetLastError(0xDEADFACE); ret = SetComputerNameExW(ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname, pszNewName); ok_int(ret, bValid); Error = GetLastError(); if (bValid) ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); else ok_long(Error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* Get New NV Hostname */ szNVHostNameNew[0] = UNICODE_NULL; cbData = sizeof(szNVHostNameNew); Error = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyHN, L"NV Hostname", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szNVHostNameNew, &cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); if (bValid) { ok(szNVHostNameNew[0], "szNVHostNameNew is empty\n"); ok(lstrcmpW(szNVHostNameNew, pszNewName) == 0, "szNVHostNameNew '%S' should be pszNewName '%S'\n", szNVHostNameNew, pszNewName); } /* Get New Hostname */ szHostNameNew[0] = UNICODE_NULL; cbData = sizeof(szHostNameNew); Error = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyHN, L"Hostname", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szHostNameNew, &cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); if (bValid) { ok(szHostNameNew[0], "szHostNameNew is empty\n"); ok(lstrcmpW(szHostNameNew, szHostNameOld) == 0, "szHostNameNew '%S' should be szHostNameOld '%S'\n", szHostNameNew, szHostNameOld); } /* Get New Computer Name */ szComputerNameNew[0] = UNICODE_NULL; cbData = sizeof(szComputerNameNew); Error = RegQueryValueExW(hKeyCN, L"ComputerName", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szComputerNameNew, &cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); if (bValid) { ok(szComputerNameNew[0], "szComputerNameNew is empty\n"); if (lstrlenW(pszNewName) > MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH) { WCHAR szTruncatedNewName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; lstrcpynW(szTruncatedNewName, pszNewName, ARRAYSIZE(szTruncatedNewName)); ok(lstrcmpiW(szComputerNameNew, szTruncatedNewName) == 0, "szComputerNameNew '%S' should be szTruncatedNewName '%S'\n", szComputerNameNew, szTruncatedNewName); } else { ok(lstrcmpiW(szComputerNameNew, pszNewName) == 0, "szComputerNameNew '%S' should be pszNewName '%S'\n", szComputerNameNew, pszNewName); } } /* Restore the registry values */ cbData = (lstrlenW(szNVHostNameOld) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); Error = RegSetValueExW(hKeyHN, L"NV Hostname", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szNVHostNameOld, cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); cbData = (lstrlenW(szHostNameOld) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); Error = RegSetValueExW(hKeyHN, L"Hostname", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szHostNameOld, cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); cbData = (lstrlenW(szComputerNameOld) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); Error = RegSetValueExW(hKeyCN, L"ComputerName", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szComputerNameOld, cbData); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); } START_TEST(SetComputerNameExW) { HKEY hKeyHN, hKeyCN; static const WCHAR ValidSymbols[] = L"-_"; static const WCHAR InvalidSymbols[] = L"\"/\\[]:|<>+=;,?"; WCHAR szName[32]; INT i, cchValidSymbols, cchInvalidSymbols; LONG Error; /* Open keys */ hKeyHN = OpenHostNameKey(); ok(hKeyHN != NULL, "hKeyHN is NULL\n"); hKeyCN = OpenComputerNameKey(); ok(hKeyCN != NULL, "hKeyCN is NULL\n"); if (!hKeyHN || !hKeyCN) { if (hKeyHN) RegCloseKey(hKeyHN); if (hKeyCN) RegCloseKey(hKeyCN); skip("Unable to open keys. Missing Admin rights?\n"); return; } cchValidSymbols = lstrlenW(ValidSymbols); cchInvalidSymbols = lstrlenW(InvalidSymbols); /* Test names */ DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"SRVROSTEST", TRUE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"SrvRosTest", TRUE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a", TRUE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A", TRUE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1", FALSE); // numeric-only DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"@", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L".", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L" ", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\t", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\b", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L" a", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L" A", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L" 1", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\ta", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\tA", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\t1", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\ba", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\bA", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"\b1", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a ", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A ", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1 ", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a\t", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A\t", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1\t", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a\b", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A\b", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1\b", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a c", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A C", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1 c", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a\tc", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A\tC", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1\tc", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"a\bc", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"A\bC", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"1\bc", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, ValidSymbols, TRUE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, InvalidSymbols, FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"123456", FALSE); // numeric-only DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"123.456", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"123X456", TRUE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"123X.456", FALSE); DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, L"ThisIsLongLongComputerName", TRUE); for (i = 0; i < cchValidSymbols; ++i) { szName[0] = ValidSymbols[i]; szName[1] = UNICODE_NULL; DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, szName, TRUE); } for (i = 0; i < cchValidSymbols; ++i) { szName[0] = L'a'; szName[1] = ValidSymbols[i]; szName[2] = UNICODE_NULL; DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, szName, TRUE); } for (i = 0; i < cchValidSymbols; ++i) { szName[0] = L'A'; szName[1] = ValidSymbols[i]; szName[2] = UNICODE_NULL; DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, szName, TRUE); } for (i = 0; i < cchValidSymbols; ++i) { szName[0] = L'1'; szName[1] = ValidSymbols[i]; szName[2] = UNICODE_NULL; DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, szName, TRUE); } for (i = 0; i < cchInvalidSymbols; ++i) { szName[0] = L'A'; szName[1] = InvalidSymbols[i]; szName[2] = UNICODE_NULL; DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, szName, FALSE); } for (i = 0; i < cchInvalidSymbols; ++i) { szName[0] = L'1'; szName[1] = InvalidSymbols[i]; szName[2] = UNICODE_NULL; DoTestComputerName(hKeyHN, hKeyCN, szName, FALSE); } /* Close keys */ Error = RegCloseKey(hKeyHN); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); Error = RegCloseKey(hKeyCN); ok_long(Error, ERROR_SUCCESS); }