/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Shim helper library * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Shim helper functions * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2016-2018 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) */ #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct UsedShim { SLIST_ENTRY Entry; PSHIMREG pShim; #if (WINVER > _WIN32_WINNT_WS03) BOOL bInitCalled; #endif } UsedShim, *pUsedShim; ULONG g_ShimEngDebugLevel = 0xffffffff; static HINSTANCE g_ShimLib_hInstance; static HANDLE g_ShimLib_Heap; static PSLIST_HEADER g_UsedShims; void ShimLib_Init(HINSTANCE hInstance) { g_ShimLib_hInstance = hInstance; g_ShimLib_Heap = HeapCreate(0, 0x10000, 0); g_UsedShims = (PSLIST_HEADER)ShimLib_ShimMalloc(sizeof(SLIST_HEADER)); RtlInitializeSListHead(g_UsedShims); } void ShimLib_Deinit(VOID) { // Is this a good idea? HeapDestroy(g_ShimLib_Heap); } PVOID ShimLib_ShimMalloc(SIZE_T dwSize) { return HeapAlloc(g_ShimLib_Heap, 0, dwSize); } void ShimLib_ShimFree(PVOID pData) { HeapFree(g_ShimLib_Heap, 0, pData); } HINSTANCE ShimLib_Instance(VOID) { return g_ShimLib_hInstance; } PCSTR ShimLib_StringNDuplicateA(PCSTR szString, SIZE_T stringLengthIncludingNullTerm) { PSTR NewString = ShimLib_ShimMalloc(stringLengthIncludingNullTerm); StringCchCopyA(NewString, stringLengthIncludingNullTerm, szString); return NewString; } PCSTR ShimLib_StringDuplicateA(PCSTR szString) { return ShimLib_StringNDuplicateA(szString, lstrlenA(szString) + 1); } BOOL ShimLib_StrAEqualsW(PCSTR szString, PCWSTR wszString) { while (*szString == *wszString) { if (!*szString) return TRUE; szString++; wszString++; } return FALSE; } #if defined(_MSC_VER) #if defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_M_AMD64) #define _ATTRIBUTES read #else #define _ATTRIBUTES read #endif #pragma section(".shm",long,read) #pragma section(".shm$AAA",long,read) #pragma section(".shm$ZZZ",long,read) #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:.shm=.rdata") #endif _SHMALLOC(".shm") SHIMREG _shim_start = { 0 }; _SHMALLOC(".shm$ZZZ") SHIMREG _shim_end = { 0 }; /* Generic GetHookAPIs function. The macro's from and will register a list of all apis that should be hooked for a specific shim This helper function will return the correct shim, and call the init function */ PHOOKAPI WINAPI ShimLib_GetHookAPIs(IN LPCSTR szCommandLine, IN LPCWSTR wszShimName, OUT PDWORD pdwHookCount) { PSHIMREG ps = &_shim_start; ps++; for (; ps != &_shim_end; ps++) { if (ps->GetHookAPIs != NULL && ps->ShimName != NULL) { if (ShimLib_StrAEqualsW(ps->ShimName, wszShimName)) { pUsedShim shim = (pUsedShim)ShimLib_ShimMalloc(sizeof(UsedShim)); shim->pShim = ps; #if (WINVER > _WIN32_WINNT_WS03) shim->bInitCalled = FALSE; #endif RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList(g_UsedShims, &(shim->Entry)); return ps->GetHookAPIs(SHIM_NOTIFY_ATTACH, szCommandLine, pdwHookCount); } } } return NULL; } BOOL WINAPI ShimLib_NotifyShims(DWORD fdwReason, PVOID ptr) { PSLIST_ENTRY pEntry = RtlFirstEntrySList(g_UsedShims); if (fdwReason < SHIM_REASON_INIT) fdwReason += (SHIM_REASON_INIT - SHIM_NOTIFY_ATTACH); while (pEntry) { pUsedShim pUsed = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, UsedShim, Entry); _PVNotify Notify = pUsed->pShim->Notify; #if (WINVER > _WIN32_WINNT_WS03) if (pUsed->bInitCalled && fdwReason == SHIM_REASON_INIT) Notify = NULL; #endif if (Notify) Notify(fdwReason, ptr); #if (WINVER > _WIN32_WINNT_WS03) if (fdwReason == SHIM_REASON_INIT) pUsed->bInitCalled = TRUE; #endif pEntry = pEntry->Next; } return TRUE; } VOID SeiInitDebugSupport(VOID) { static const UNICODE_STRING DebugKey = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"SHIM_DEBUG_LEVEL"); UNICODE_STRING DebugValue; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG NewLevel = SEI_MSG; WCHAR Buffer[40]; RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&DebugValue, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)); Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(NULL, &DebugKey, &DebugValue); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&DebugValue, 10, &NewLevel))) NewLevel = 0; } g_ShimEngDebugLevel = NewLevel; } /** * Outputs diagnostic info. * * @param [in] Level The level to log this message with, choose any of [SHIM_ERR, * SHIM_WARN, SHIM_INFO]. * @param [in] FunctionName The function this log should be attributed to. * @param [in] Format The format string. * @param ... Variable arguments providing additional information. * * @return Success: TRUE Failure: FALSE. */ BOOL WINAPIV SeiDbgPrint(SEI_LOG_LEVEL Level, PCSTR Function, PCSTR Format, ...) { char Buffer[512]; char* Current = Buffer; const char* LevelStr; size_t Length = sizeof(Buffer); va_list ArgList; HRESULT hr; if (g_ShimEngDebugLevel == 0xffffffff) SeiInitDebugSupport(); if (Level > g_ShimEngDebugLevel) return FALSE; switch (Level) { case SEI_MSG: LevelStr = "MSG "; break; case SEI_FAIL: LevelStr = "FAIL"; break; case SEI_WARN: LevelStr = "WARN"; break; case SEI_INFO: LevelStr = "INFO"; break; default: LevelStr = "USER"; break; } if (Function) hr = StringCchPrintfExA(Current, Length, &Current, &Length, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE, "[%s] [%s] ", LevelStr, Function); else hr = StringCchPrintfExA(Current, Length, &Current, &Length, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE, "[%s] ", LevelStr); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return FALSE; va_start(ArgList, Format); hr = StringCchVPrintfExA(Current, Length, &Current, &Length, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE, Format, ArgList); va_end(ArgList); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return FALSE; DbgPrint("%s", Buffer); return TRUE; }