/* * ReactOS Explorer * * Copyright 2016 Sylvain Deverre * Copyright 2020 Katayama Hirofumi MZ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include "utility.h" #if 1 #undef UNIMPLEMENTED #define UNIMPLEMENTED DbgPrint("%s is UNIMPLEMENTED!\n", __FUNCTION__) #endif /* * TODO: * - Monitor correctly "external" shell interrupts (seems like we need to register/deregister them for each folder) * - find and fix what cause explorer crashes sometimes (seems to be explorer that does more releases than addref) * - TESTING */ typedef struct _PIDLDATA { BYTE type; BYTE data[1]; } PIDLDATA, *LPPIDLDATA; #define PT_GUID 0x1F #define PT_SHELLEXT 0x2E #define PT_YAGUID 0x70 static BOOL _ILIsSpecialFolder (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { LPPIDLDATA lpPData = (LPPIDLDATA)&pidl->mkid.abID; return (pidl && ((lpPData && (PT_GUID == lpPData->type || PT_SHELLEXT== lpPData->type || PT_YAGUID == lpPData->type)) || (pidl && pidl->mkid.cb == 0x00))); } HRESULT GetDisplayName(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlDirectory,TCHAR *szDisplayName,UINT cchMax,DWORD uFlags) { IShellFolder *pShellFolder = NULL; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRelative = NULL; STRRET str; HRESULT hr; if (pidlDirectory == NULL || szDisplayName == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } hr = SHBindToParent(pidlDirectory, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pShellFolder), &pidlRelative); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pShellFolder->GetDisplayNameOf(pidlRelative,uFlags,&str); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StrRetToBuf(&str,pidlDirectory,szDisplayName,cchMax); } pShellFolder->Release(); } return hr; } /* This is a Windows hack, because shell event messages in Windows gives an ill-formed PIDL stripped from useful data that parses incorrectly with SHGetFileInfo. So we need to re-enumerate subfolders until we find one with the same name. */ HRESULT _ReparsePIDL(LPITEMIDLIST buggyPidl, LPITEMIDLIST *cleanPidl) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr folder; CComPtr persist; CComPtr pEnumIDList; LPITEMIDLIST childPidl; LPITEMIDLIST correctChild; LPITEMIDLIST correctParent; ULONG fetched; DWORD EnumFlags; EnumFlags = SHCONTF_FOLDERS | SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN; hr = SHBindToParent(buggyPidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &folder), (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&childPidl); *cleanPidl = NULL; if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("Can't bind to parent folder\n"); return hr; } hr = folder->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IPersistFolder2, &persist)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("PIDL doesn't belong to the shell namespace, aborting\n"); return hr; } hr = persist->GetCurFolder(&correctParent); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("Unable to get current folder\n"); return hr; } hr = folder->EnumObjects(NULL,EnumFlags,&pEnumIDList); // avoid broken IShellFolder implementations that return null pointer with success if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pEnumIDList) { ERR("Can't enum the folder !\n"); return hr; } while(SUCCEEDED(pEnumIDList->Next(1, &correctChild, &fetched)) && correctChild && fetched) { if (!folder->CompareIDs(0, childPidl, correctChild)) { *cleanPidl = ILCombine(correctParent, correctChild); ILFree(correctChild); goto Cleanup; } ILFree(correctChild); } Cleanup: ILFree(correctParent); return hr; } CExplorerBand::CExplorerBand() : m_pSite(NULL) , m_fVisible(FALSE) , m_mtxBlockNavigate(0) , m_dwBandID(0) , m_isEditing(FALSE) , m_pidlCurrent(NULL) { } CExplorerBand::~CExplorerBand() { if (m_pidlCurrent) { ILFree(m_pidlCurrent); } } void CExplorerBand::InitializeExplorerBand() { // Init the treeview here HRESULT hr; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; CComPtr browserService; SHChangeNotifyEntry shcne; hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&m_pDesktop); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return; hr = SHGetFolderLocation(m_hWnd, CSIDL_DESKTOP, NULL, 0, &pidl); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return; IImageList * piml; hr = SHGetImageList(SHIL_SMALL, IID_PPV_ARG(IImageList, &piml)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return; TreeView_SetImageList(m_hWnd, (HIMAGELIST)piml, TVSIL_NORMAL); // Insert the root node m_hRoot = InsertItem(0, m_pDesktop, pidl, pidl, FALSE); if (!m_hRoot) { ERR("Failed to create root item\n"); return; } NodeInfo* pNodeInfo = GetNodeInfo(m_hRoot); // Insert child nodes InsertSubitems(m_hRoot, pNodeInfo); TreeView_Expand(m_hWnd, m_hRoot, TVE_EXPAND); // Navigate to current folder position NavigateToCurrentFolder(); // Register shell notification shcne.pidl = pidl; shcne.fRecursive = TRUE; m_shellRegID = SHChangeNotifyRegister( m_hWnd, SHCNRF_ShellLevel | SHCNRF_InterruptLevel | SHCNRF_RecursiveInterrupt, SHCNE_DISKEVENTS | SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER | SHCNE_RMDIR | SHCNE_MKDIR, WM_USER_SHELLEVENT, 1, &shcne); if (!m_shellRegID) { ERR("Something went wrong, error %08x\n", GetLastError()); } // Register browser connection endpoint hr = IUnknown_QueryService(m_pSite, SID_SWebBrowserApp, IID_PPV_ARG(IWebBrowser2, &browserService)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return; hr = AtlAdvise(browserService, dynamic_cast(this), DIID_DWebBrowserEvents, &m_adviseCookie); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return; ILFree(pidl); } void CExplorerBand::DestroyExplorerBand() { HRESULT hr; CComPtr browserService; TRACE("Cleaning up explorer band ...\n"); hr = IUnknown_QueryService(m_pSite, SID_SWebBrowserApp, IID_PPV_ARG(IWebBrowser2, &browserService)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return; hr = AtlUnadvise(browserService, DIID_DWebBrowserEvents, m_adviseCookie); /* Remove all items of the treeview */ RevokeDragDrop(m_hWnd); TreeView_DeleteAllItems(m_hWnd); m_pDesktop = NULL; m_hRoot = NULL; TRACE("Cleanup done !\n"); } CExplorerBand::NodeInfo* CExplorerBand::GetNodeInfo(HTREEITEM hItem) { TVITEM tvItem; tvItem.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvItem.hItem = hItem; if (!TreeView_GetItem(m_hWnd, &tvItem)) return 0; return reinterpret_cast(tvItem.lParam); } static HRESULT GetCurrentLocationFromView(IShellView &View, PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE &pidl) { CComPtr pfv; CComPtr psf; HRESULT hr = View.QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IFolderView, &pfv)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pfv->GetFolder(IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &psf)))) hr = SHELL_GetIDListFromObject(psf, &pidl); return hr; } HRESULT CExplorerBand::GetCurrentLocation(PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE &pidl) { pidl = NULL; CComPtr psb; HRESULT hr = IUnknown_QueryService(m_pSite, SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellBrowser, &psb)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return hr; CComPtr pbs; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = psb->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IBrowserService, &pbs)))) if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pbs->GetPidl(&pidl)) && pidl) return hr; CComPtr psv; if (!FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr = psb->QueryActiveShellView(&psv))) if (SUCCEEDED(hr = psv.p ? GetCurrentLocationFromView(*psv.p, pidl) : E_FAIL)) return hr; return hr; } HRESULT CExplorerBand::IsCurrentLocation(PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl) { if (!pidl) return E_INVALIDARG; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE location = m_pidlCurrent; if (location || SUCCEEDED(hr = GetCurrentLocation(location))) hr = SHELL_IsEqualAbsoluteID(location, pidl) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; if (location != m_pidlCurrent) ILFree(location); return hr; } HRESULT CExplorerBand::ExecuteCommand(CComPtr& menu, UINT nCmd) { CComPtr pBrowserOleWnd; CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO cmi; HWND browserWnd; HRESULT hr; hr = IUnknown_QueryService(m_pSite, SID_SShellBrowser, IID_PPV_ARG(IOleWindow, &pBrowserOleWnd)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return hr; hr = pBrowserOleWnd->GetWindow(&browserWnd); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return hr; ZeroMemory(&cmi, sizeof(cmi)); cmi.cbSize = sizeof(cmi); cmi.lpVerb = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(nCmd); cmi.hwnd = browserWnd; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) cmi.fMask |= CMIC_MASK_SHIFT_DOWN; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) cmi.fMask |= CMIC_MASK_CONTROL_DOWN; return menu->InvokeCommand(&cmi); } HRESULT CExplorerBand::UpdateBrowser(LPITEMIDLIST pidlGoto) { CComPtr pBrowserService; HRESULT hr; hr = IUnknown_QueryService(m_pSite, SID_STopLevelBrowser, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellBrowser, &pBrowserService)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return hr; hr = pBrowserService->BrowseObject(pidlGoto, SBSP_SAMEBROWSER | SBSP_ABSOLUTE); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return hr; ILFree(m_pidlCurrent); return SHILClone(pidlGoto, &m_pidlCurrent); } // *** notifications handling *** BOOL CExplorerBand::OnTreeItemExpanding(LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv) { NodeInfo *pNodeInfo; if (pnmtv->action == TVE_COLLAPSE) { if (pnmtv->itemNew.hItem == m_hRoot) { // Prenvent root from collapsing pnmtv->itemNew.mask |= TVIF_STATE; pnmtv->itemNew.stateMask |= TVIS_EXPANDED; pnmtv->itemNew.state &= ~TVIS_EXPANDED; pnmtv->action = TVE_EXPAND; return TRUE; } } if (pnmtv->action == TVE_EXPAND) { // Grab our directory PIDL pNodeInfo = GetNodeInfo(pnmtv->itemNew.hItem); // We have it, let's try if (pNodeInfo && !pNodeInfo->expanded) if (!InsertSubitems(pnmtv->itemNew.hItem, pNodeInfo)) { // remove subitem "+" since we failed to add subitems TV_ITEM tvItem; tvItem.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; tvItem.hItem = pnmtv->itemNew.hItem; tvItem.cChildren = 0; TreeView_SetItem(m_hWnd, &tvItem); } } return FALSE; } BOOL CExplorerBand::OnTreeItemDeleted(LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv) { /* Destroy memory associated to our node */ NodeInfo* ptr = GetNodeInfo(pnmtv->itemOld.hItem); if (ptr) { ILFree(ptr->relativePidl); ILFree(ptr->absolutePidl); delete ptr; } return TRUE; } void CExplorerBand::OnSelectionChanged(LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv) { NodeInfo* pNodeInfo = GetNodeInfo(pnmtv->itemNew.hItem); /* Prevents navigation if selection is initiated inside the band */ if (m_mtxBlockNavigate) return; UpdateBrowser(pNodeInfo->absolutePidl); SetFocus(); // Expand the node //TreeView_Expand(m_hWnd, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem, TVE_EXPAND); } void CExplorerBand::OnTreeItemDragging(LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv, BOOL isRightClick) { if (!pnmtv->itemNew.lParam) return; NodeInfo* pNodeInfo = GetNodeInfo(pnmtv->itemNew.hItem); HRESULT hr; CComPtr pSrcFolder; LPCITEMIDLIST pLast; hr = SHBindToParent(pNodeInfo->absolutePidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pSrcFolder), &pLast); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return; SFGAOF attrs = SFGAO_CANCOPY | SFGAO_CANMOVE | SFGAO_CANLINK; pSrcFolder->GetAttributesOf(1, &pLast, &attrs); DWORD dwEffect = 0; if (attrs & SFGAO_CANCOPY) dwEffect |= DROPEFFECT_COPY; if (attrs & SFGAO_CANMOVE) dwEffect |= DROPEFFECT_MOVE; if (attrs & SFGAO_CANLINK) dwEffect |= DROPEFFECT_LINK; CComPtr pObj; hr = pSrcFolder->GetUIObjectOf(m_hWnd, 1, &pLast, IID_IDataObject, 0, (LPVOID*)&pObj); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return; DoDragDrop(pObj, this, dwEffect, &dwEffect); } // *** ATL event handlers *** LRESULT CExplorerBand::OnContextMenu(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled) { HTREEITEM item; NodeInfo *info; HMENU treeMenu; POINT pt; CComPtr pFolder; CComPtr contextMenu; HRESULT hr; UINT uCommand; LPITEMIDLIST pidlChild; UINT cmdBase = max(FCIDM_SHVIEWFIRST, 1); UINT cmf = CMF_EXPLORE; SFGAOF attr = SFGAO_CANRENAME; BOOL startedRename = FALSE; treeMenu = NULL; item = TreeView_GetSelection(m_hWnd); bHandled = TRUE; if (!item) { goto Cleanup; } pt.x = LOWORD(lParam); pt.y = HIWORD(lParam); if ((UINT)lParam == (UINT)-1) { RECT r; if (TreeView_GetItemRect(m_hWnd, item, &r, TRUE)) { pt.x = (r.left + r.right) / 2; // Center of pt.y = (r.top + r.bottom) / 2; // item rectangle } ClientToScreen(&pt); } info = GetNodeInfo(item); if (!info) { ERR("No node data, something has gone wrong !\n"); goto Cleanup; } hr = SHBindToParent(info->absolutePidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pFolder), (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlChild); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("Can't bind to folder!\n"); goto Cleanup; } hr = pFolder->GetUIObjectOf(m_hWnd, 1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlChild, IID_IContextMenu, NULL, reinterpret_cast(&contextMenu)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("Can't get IContextMenu interface\n"); goto Cleanup; } IUnknown_SetSite(contextMenu, (IDeskBand *)this); if (SUCCEEDED(pFolder->GetAttributesOf(1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlChild, &attr)) && (attr & SFGAO_CANRENAME)) cmf |= CMF_CANRENAME; treeMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); hr = contextMenu->QueryContextMenu(treeMenu, 0, cmdBase, FCIDM_SHVIEWLAST, cmf); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WARN("Can't get context menu for item\n"); DestroyMenu(treeMenu); goto Cleanup; } uCommand = TrackPopupMenu(treeMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL); if (uCommand) { uCommand -= cmdBase; // Do DFM_CMD_RENAME in the treeview if ((cmf & CMF_CANRENAME) && SHELL_IsVerb(contextMenu, uCommand, L"rename")) { HTREEITEM oldSelected = m_oldSelected; SetFocus(); startedRename = TreeView_EditLabel(m_hWnd, item) != NULL; m_oldSelected = oldSelected; // Restore after TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT goto Cleanup; } hr = ExecuteCommand(contextMenu, uCommand); } Cleanup: if (contextMenu) IUnknown_SetSite(contextMenu, NULL); if (treeMenu) DestroyMenu(treeMenu); if (startedRename) { // The treeview disables drawing of the edited item so we must make sure // the correct item is selected (on right-click -> rename on not-current folder). // TVN_ENDLABELEDIT becomes responsible for restoring the selection. } else { ++m_mtxBlockNavigate; TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, m_oldSelected); --m_mtxBlockNavigate; } return TRUE; } LRESULT CExplorerBand::ContextMenuHack(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled) { bHandled = FALSE; if (uMsg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) { TVHITTESTINFO info; info.pt.x = LOWORD(lParam); info.pt.y = HIWORD(lParam); info.flags = TVHT_ONITEM; info.hItem = NULL; // Save the current location m_oldSelected = TreeView_GetSelection(m_hWnd); // Move to the item selected by the treeview (don't change right pane) TreeView_HitTest(m_hWnd, &info); ++m_mtxBlockNavigate; TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, info.hItem); --m_mtxBlockNavigate; } return FALSE; /* let the wndproc process the message */ } LRESULT CExplorerBand::OnShellEvent(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled) { LPITEMIDLIST *dest; LPITEMIDLIST clean; HTREEITEM pItem; dest = (LPITEMIDLIST*)wParam; /* TODO: handle shell notifications */ switch(lParam & ~SHCNE_INTERRUPT) { case SHCNE_MKDIR: if (!SUCCEEDED(_ReparsePIDL(dest[0], &clean))) { ERR("Can't reparse PIDL to a valid one\n"); return FALSE; } NavigateToPIDL(clean, &pItem, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); ILFree(clean); break; case SHCNE_RMDIR: DeleteItem(dest[0]); break; case SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER: if (!SUCCEEDED(_ReparsePIDL(dest[1], &clean))) { ERR("Can't reparse PIDL to a valid one\n"); return FALSE; } if (NavigateToPIDL(dest[0], &pItem, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) RenameItem(pItem, clean); ILFree(clean); break; case SHCNE_UPDATEDIR: // We don't take care of this message TRACE("Directory updated\n"); break; default: TRACE("Unhandled message\n"); } return TRUE; } LRESULT CExplorerBand::OnSetFocus(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled) { m_bFocused = TRUE; IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS(m_pSite, reinterpret_cast(this), TRUE); bHandled = FALSE; return TRUE; } LRESULT CExplorerBand::OnKillFocus(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled) { IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS(m_pSite, reinterpret_cast(this), FALSE); bHandled = FALSE; return TRUE; } // *** Helper functions *** HTREEITEM CExplorerBand::InsertItem(HTREEITEM hParent, IShellFolder *psfParent, LPITEMIDLIST pElt, LPITEMIDLIST pEltRelative, BOOL bSort) { TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvInsert; HTREEITEM htiCreated; /* Get the attributes of the node */ SFGAOF attrs = SFGAO_STREAM | SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER; HRESULT hr = psfParent->GetAttributesOf(1, &pEltRelative, &attrs); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return NULL; /* Ignore streams */ if (attrs & SFGAO_STREAM) { TRACE("Ignoring stream\n"); return NULL; } /* Get the name of the node */ WCHAR wszDisplayName[MAX_PATH]; STRRET strret; hr = psfParent->GetDisplayNameOf(pEltRelative, SHGDN_INFOLDER, &strret); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return NULL; hr = StrRetToBufW(&strret, pEltRelative, wszDisplayName, MAX_PATH); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return NULL; /* Get the icon of the node */ INT iIcon = SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex(psfParent, pEltRelative, NULL); NodeInfo* pChildInfo = new NodeInfo; if (!pChildInfo) { ERR("Failed to allocate NodeInfo\n"); return FALSE; } // Store our node info pChildInfo->absolutePidl = ILClone(pElt); pChildInfo->relativePidl = ILClone(pEltRelative); pChildInfo->expanded = FALSE; // Set up our treeview template tvInsert.hParent = hParent; tvInsert.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; tvInsert.item.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_CHILDREN; tvInsert.item.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; tvInsert.item.pszText = wszDisplayName; tvInsert.item.iImage = tvInsert.item.iSelectedImage = iIcon; tvInsert.item.cChildren = (attrs & SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER) ? 1 : 0; tvInsert.item.lParam = (LPARAM)pChildInfo; htiCreated = TreeView_InsertItem(m_hWnd, &tvInsert); if (bSort) { TVSORTCB sortCallback; sortCallback.hParent = hParent; sortCallback.lpfnCompare = CompareTreeItems; sortCallback.lParam = (LPARAM)this; SendMessage(TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB, 0, (LPARAM)&sortCallback); } return htiCreated; } /* This is the slow version of the above method */ HTREEITEM CExplorerBand::InsertItem(HTREEITEM hParent, LPITEMIDLIST pElt, LPITEMIDLIST pEltRelative, BOOL bSort) { CComPtr psfFolder; HRESULT hr = SHBindToParent(pElt, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &psfFolder), NULL); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) return NULL; return InsertItem(hParent, psfFolder, pElt, pEltRelative, bSort); } BOOL CExplorerBand::InsertSubitems(HTREEITEM hItem, NodeInfo *pNodeInfo) { CComPtr pEnumIDList; LPITEMIDLIST pidlSub; LPITEMIDLIST entry; SHCONTF EnumFlags; HRESULT hr; ULONG fetched; ULONG uItemCount; CComPtr pFolder; TVSORTCB sortCallback; entry = pNodeInfo->absolutePidl; fetched = 1; uItemCount = 0; EnumFlags = SHCONTF_FOLDERS; hr = SHGetFolderLocation(m_hWnd, CSIDL_DESKTOP, NULL, 0, &pidlSub); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("Can't get desktop PIDL !\n"); return FALSE; } if (!m_pDesktop->CompareIDs(NULL, pidlSub, entry)) { // We are the desktop, so use pDesktop as pFolder pFolder = m_pDesktop; } else { // Get an IShellFolder of our pidl hr = m_pDesktop->BindToObject(entry, NULL, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pFolder)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ILFree(pidlSub); ERR("Can't bind folder to desktop !\n"); return FALSE; } } ILFree(pidlSub); // TODO: handle hidden folders according to settings ! EnumFlags |= SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN; // Enum through objects hr = pFolder->EnumObjects(NULL,EnumFlags,&pEnumIDList); // avoid broken IShellFolder implementations that return null pointer with success if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pEnumIDList) { ERR("Can't enum the folder !\n"); return FALSE; } /* Don't redraw while we add stuff into the tree */ SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); while(SUCCEEDED(pEnumIDList->Next(1, &pidlSub, &fetched)) && pidlSub && fetched) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlSubComplete; pidlSubComplete = ILCombine(entry, pidlSub); if (InsertItem(hItem, pFolder, pidlSubComplete, pidlSub, FALSE)) uItemCount++; ILFree(pidlSubComplete); ILFree(pidlSub); } pNodeInfo->expanded = TRUE; /* Let's do sorting */ sortCallback.hParent = hItem; sortCallback.lpfnCompare = CompareTreeItems; sortCallback.lParam = (LPARAM)this; SendMessage(TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB, 0, (LPARAM)&sortCallback); /* Now we can redraw */ SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); return (uItemCount > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * Navigate to a given PIDL in the treeview, and return matching tree item handle * - dest: The absolute PIDL we should navigate in the treeview * - item: Handle of the tree item matching the PIDL * - bExpand: expand collapsed nodes in order to find the right element * - bInsert: insert the element at the right place if we don't find it * - bSelect: select the item after we found it */ BOOL CExplorerBand::NavigateToPIDL(LPITEMIDLIST dest, HTREEITEM *item, BOOL bExpand, BOOL bInsert, BOOL bSelect) { HTREEITEM current; HTREEITEM tmp; HTREEITEM parent; NodeInfo *nodeData; LPITEMIDLIST relativeChild; TVITEM tvItem; if (!item) return FALSE; current = m_hRoot; parent = NULL; while (TRUE) { nodeData = GetNodeInfo(current); if (!nodeData) { ERR("Something has gone wrong, no data associated to node !\n"); *item = NULL; return FALSE; } // If we found our node, give it back if (!m_pDesktop->CompareIDs(0, nodeData->absolutePidl, dest)) { if (bSelect) TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, current); *item = current; return TRUE; } // Check if we are a parent of the requested item relativeChild = ILFindChild(nodeData->absolutePidl, dest); if (relativeChild != 0) { // Notify treeview we have children tvItem.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; tvItem.hItem = current; tvItem.cChildren = 1; TreeView_SetItem(m_hWnd, &tvItem); // If we can expand and the node isn't expanded yet, do it if (bExpand) { if (!nodeData->expanded) InsertSubitems(current, nodeData); TreeView_Expand(m_hWnd, current, TVE_EXPAND); } // Try to get a child tmp = TreeView_GetChild(m_hWnd, current); if (tmp) { // We have a child, let's continue with it parent = current; current = tmp; continue; } if (bInsert && nodeData->expanded) { // Happens when we have to create a subchild inside a child current = InsertItem(current, dest, relativeChild, TRUE); } // We end up here, without any children, so we found nothing // Tell the parent node it has children ZeroMemory(&tvItem, sizeof(tvItem)); *item = NULL; return FALSE; } // Find sibling tmp = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hWnd, current); if (tmp) { current = tmp; continue; } if (bInsert) { current = InsertItem(parent, dest, ILFindLastID(dest), TRUE); *item = current; return TRUE; } *item = NULL; return FALSE; } UNREACHABLE; } BOOL CExplorerBand::NavigateToCurrentFolder() { LPITEMIDLIST explorerPidl; HTREEITEM dummy; BOOL result; HRESULT hr = GetCurrentLocation(explorerPidl); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr)) { ERR("Unable to get browser PIDL !\n"); return FALSE; } ++m_mtxBlockNavigate; /* find PIDL into our explorer */ result = NavigateToPIDL(explorerPidl, &dummy, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); --m_mtxBlockNavigate; ILFree(explorerPidl); return result; } BOOL CExplorerBand::DeleteItem(LPITEMIDLIST idl) { HTREEITEM toDelete; TVITEM tvItem; HTREEITEM parentNode; if (!NavigateToPIDL(idl, &toDelete, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) return FALSE; // TODO: check that the treeview item is really deleted parentNode = TreeView_GetParent(m_hWnd, toDelete); // Navigate to parent when deleting child item if (!m_pDesktop->CompareIDs(0, idl, m_pidlCurrent)) { TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, parentNode); } // Remove the child item TreeView_DeleteItem(m_hWnd, toDelete); // Probe parent to see if it has children if (!TreeView_GetChild(m_hWnd, parentNode)) { // Decrement parent's child count ZeroMemory(&tvItem, sizeof(tvItem)); tvItem.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; tvItem.hItem = parentNode; tvItem.cChildren = 0; TreeView_SetItem(m_hWnd, &tvItem); } return TRUE; } BOOL CExplorerBand::RenameItem(HTREEITEM toRename, LPITEMIDLIST newPidl) { WCHAR wszDisplayName[MAX_PATH]; TVITEM itemInfo; LPCITEMIDLIST relPidl; NodeInfo *treeInfo; TVSORTCB sortCallback; HTREEITEM child; ZeroMemory(&itemInfo, sizeof(itemInfo)); itemInfo.mask = TVIF_PARAM; itemInfo.hItem = toRename; // Change PIDL associated to the item relPidl = ILFindLastID(newPidl); TreeView_GetItem(m_hWnd, &itemInfo); if (!itemInfo.lParam) { ERR("Unable to fetch lParam\n"); return FALSE; } SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); treeInfo = (NodeInfo*)itemInfo.lParam; ILFree(treeInfo->absolutePidl); ILFree(treeInfo->relativePidl); treeInfo->absolutePidl = ILClone(newPidl); treeInfo->relativePidl = ILClone(relPidl); // Change the display name GetDisplayName(newPidl, wszDisplayName, MAX_PATH, SHGDN_INFOLDER); ZeroMemory(&itemInfo, sizeof(itemInfo)); itemInfo.hItem = toRename; itemInfo.mask = TVIF_TEXT; itemInfo.pszText = wszDisplayName; TreeView_SetItem(m_hWnd, &itemInfo); if((child = TreeView_GetChild(m_hWnd, toRename)) != NULL) { RefreshTreePidl(child, newPidl); } // Sorting sortCallback.hParent = TreeView_GetParent(m_hWnd, toRename); sortCallback.lpfnCompare = CompareTreeItems; sortCallback.lParam = (LPARAM)this; SendMessage(TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB, 0, (LPARAM)&sortCallback); SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); return TRUE; } BOOL CExplorerBand::RefreshTreePidl(HTREEITEM tree, LPITEMIDLIST pidlParent) { HTREEITEM tmp; NodeInfo *pInfo; // Update our node data pInfo = GetNodeInfo(tree); if (!pInfo) { WARN("No tree info !\n"); return FALSE; } ILFree(pInfo->absolutePidl); pInfo->absolutePidl = ILCombine(pidlParent, pInfo->relativePidl); if (!pInfo->absolutePidl) { WARN("PIDL allocation failed\n"); return FALSE; } // Recursively update children if ((tmp = TreeView_GetChild(m_hWnd, tree)) != NULL) { RefreshTreePidl(tmp, pInfo->absolutePidl); } tmp = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hWnd, tree); while(tmp != NULL) { pInfo = GetNodeInfo(tmp); if(!pInfo) { WARN("No tree info !\n"); continue; } ILFree(pInfo->absolutePidl); pInfo->absolutePidl = ILCombine(pidlParent, pInfo->relativePidl); tmp = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hWnd, tmp); } return TRUE; } // *** Tree item sorting callback *** int CALLBACK CExplorerBand::CompareTreeItems(LPARAM p1, LPARAM p2, LPARAM p3) { /* * We first sort drive letters (Path root), then PIDLs and then regular folder * display name. * This is not how Windows sorts item, but it gives decent results. */ NodeInfo *info1; NodeInfo *info2; CExplorerBand *pThis; WCHAR wszFolder1[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszFolder2[MAX_PATH]; info1 = (NodeInfo*)p1; info2 = (NodeInfo*)p2; pThis = (CExplorerBand*)p3; GetDisplayName(info1->absolutePidl, wszFolder1, MAX_PATH, SHGDN_FORPARSING); GetDisplayName(info2->absolutePidl, wszFolder2, MAX_PATH, SHGDN_FORPARSING); if (PathIsRoot(wszFolder1) && PathIsRoot(wszFolder2)) { return lstrcmpiW(wszFolder1,wszFolder2); } if (PathIsRoot(wszFolder1) && !PathIsRoot(wszFolder2)) { return -1; } if (!PathIsRoot(wszFolder1) && PathIsRoot(wszFolder2)) { return 1; } // Now, we compare non-root folders, grab display name GetDisplayName(info1->absolutePidl, wszFolder1, MAX_PATH, SHGDN_INFOLDER); GetDisplayName(info2->absolutePidl, wszFolder2, MAX_PATH, SHGDN_INFOLDER); if (_ILIsSpecialFolder(info1->relativePidl) && !_ILIsSpecialFolder(info2->relativePidl)) { return -1; } if (!_ILIsSpecialFolder(info1->relativePidl) && _ILIsSpecialFolder(info2->relativePidl)) { return 1; } if (_ILIsSpecialFolder(info1->relativePidl) && !_ILIsSpecialFolder(info2->relativePidl)) { HRESULT hr; hr = pThis->m_pDesktop->CompareIDs(0, info1->absolutePidl, info2->absolutePidl); if (!hr) return 0; return (hr > 0) ? -1 : 1; } return StrCmpLogicalW(wszFolder1, wszFolder2); } // *** IOleWindow methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetWindow(HWND *lphwnd) { if (!lphwnd) return E_INVALIDARG; *lphwnd = m_hWnd; return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } // *** IDockingWindow methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::CloseDW(DWORD dwReserved) { // We do nothing, we don't have anything to save yet TRACE("CloseDW called\n"); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::ResizeBorderDW(const RECT *prcBorder, IUnknown *punkToolbarSite, BOOL fReserved) { /* Must return E_NOTIMPL according to MSDN */ return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::ShowDW(BOOL fShow) { m_fVisible = fShow; ShowWindow(fShow); return S_OK; } // *** IDeskBand methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetBandInfo(DWORD dwBandID, DWORD dwViewMode, DESKBANDINFO *pdbi) { if (!pdbi) { return E_INVALIDARG; } this->m_dwBandID = dwBandID; if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_MINSIZE) { pdbi->ptMinSize.x = 200; pdbi->ptMinSize.y = 30; } if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_MAXSIZE) { pdbi->ptMaxSize.y = -1; } if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_INTEGRAL) { pdbi->ptIntegral.y = 1; } if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_ACTUAL) { pdbi->ptActual.x = 200; pdbi->ptActual.y = 30; } if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_TITLE) { if (!LoadStringW(_AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_FOLDERSLABEL, pdbi->wszTitle, _countof(pdbi->wszTitle))) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_MODEFLAGS) { pdbi->dwModeFlags = DBIMF_NORMAL | DBIMF_VARIABLEHEIGHT; } if (pdbi->dwMask & DBIM_BKCOLOR) { pdbi->dwMask &= ~DBIM_BKCOLOR; } return S_OK; } // *** IObjectWithSite methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::SetSite(IUnknown *pUnkSite) { HRESULT hr; HWND parentWnd; if (pUnkSite == m_pSite) return S_OK; TRACE("SetSite called \n"); if (!pUnkSite) { DestroyExplorerBand(); DestroyWindow(); m_hWnd = NULL; } if (pUnkSite != m_pSite) { m_pSite = NULL; } if(!pUnkSite) return S_OK; hr = IUnknown_GetWindow(pUnkSite, &parentWnd); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR("Could not get parent's window ! Status: %08lx\n", hr); return E_INVALIDARG; } m_pSite = pUnkSite; if (m_hWnd) { // Change its parent SetParent(parentWnd); } else { HWND wnd = CreateWindow(WC_TREEVIEW, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_HASBUTTONS | TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | TVS_EDITLABELS /* | TVS_SINGLEEXPAND*/ , // remove TVS_SINGLEEXPAND for now since it has strange behaviour 0, 0, 0, 0, parentWnd, NULL, _AtlBaseModule.GetModuleInstance(), NULL); // Subclass the window SubclassWindow(wnd); // Initialize our treeview now InitializeExplorerBand(); RegisterDragDrop(m_hWnd, dynamic_cast(this)); } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetSite(REFIID riid, void **ppvSite) { if (!ppvSite) return E_POINTER; *ppvSite = m_pSite; return S_OK; } // *** IOleCommandTarget methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::QueryStatus(const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, ULONG cCmds, OLECMD prgCmds [], OLECMDTEXT *pCmdText) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Exec(const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdexecopt, VARIANT *pvaIn, VARIANT *pvaOut) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } // *** IServiceProvider methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { /* FIXME: we probably want to handle more services here */ return IUnknown_QueryService(m_pSite, SID_SShellBrowser, riid, ppvObject); } // *** IInputObject methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::UIActivateIO(BOOL fActivate, LPMSG lpMsg) { if (fActivate) { //SetFocus(); SetActiveWindow(); } // TODO: handle message if(lpMsg) { TranslateMessage(lpMsg); DispatchMessage(lpMsg); } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::HasFocusIO() { return m_bFocused ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::TranslateAcceleratorIO(LPMSG lpMsg) { if (lpMsg->hwnd == m_hWnd || (m_isEditing && IsChild(lpMsg->hwnd))) { TranslateMessage(lpMsg); DispatchMessage(lpMsg); return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; } // *** IPersist methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetClassID(CLSID *pClassID) { if (!pClassID) return E_POINTER; memcpy(pClassID, &CLSID_ExplorerBand, sizeof(CLSID)); return S_OK; } // *** IPersistStream methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::IsDirty() { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Load(IStream *pStm) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Save(IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetSizeMax(ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbSize) { // TODO: calculate max size UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } // *** IWinEventHandler methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::OnWinEvent(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *theResult) { BOOL bHandled; LRESULT result; if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { NMHDR *pNotifyHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; switch (pNotifyHeader->code) { case TVN_ITEMEXPANDING: result = OnTreeItemExpanding((LPNMTREEVIEW)lParam); if (theResult) *theResult = result; break; case TVN_SELCHANGED: OnSelectionChanged((LPNMTREEVIEW)lParam); break; case TVN_DELETEITEM: OnTreeItemDeleted((LPNMTREEVIEW)lParam); break; case NM_RCLICK: OnContextMenu(WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM)m_hWnd, GetMessagePos(), bHandled); if (theResult) *theResult = 1; break; case TVN_BEGINDRAG: case TVN_BEGINRDRAG: OnTreeItemDragging((LPNMTREEVIEW)lParam, pNotifyHeader->code == TVN_BEGINRDRAG); break; case TVN_BEGINLABELEDITW: { // TODO: put this in a function ? (mostly copypasta from CDefView) DWORD dwAttr = SFGAO_CANRENAME; LPNMTVDISPINFO dispInfo = (LPNMTVDISPINFO)lParam; CComPtr pParent; LPCITEMIDLIST pChild; HRESULT hr; if (theResult) *theResult = 1; NodeInfo *info = GetNodeInfo(dispInfo->item.hItem); if (!info) return E_FAIL; hr = SHBindToParent(info->absolutePidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pParent), &pChild); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pParent.p) return E_FAIL; hr = pParent->GetAttributesOf(1, &pChild, &dwAttr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (dwAttr & SFGAO_CANRENAME)) { if (theResult) *theResult = 0; m_isEditing = TRUE; m_oldSelected = NULL; } return S_OK; } case TVN_ENDLABELEDITW: { LPNMTVDISPINFO dispInfo = (LPNMTVDISPINFO)lParam; NodeInfo *info = GetNodeInfo(dispInfo->item.hItem); HRESULT hr; m_isEditing = FALSE; if (m_oldSelected) { ++m_mtxBlockNavigate; TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, m_oldSelected); --m_mtxBlockNavigate; } if (theResult) *theResult = 0; if (dispInfo->item.pszText) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew; CComPtr pParent; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlChild; BOOL RenamedCurrent = IsCurrentLocation(info->absolutePidl) == S_OK; hr = SHBindToParent(info->absolutePidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pParent), &pidlChild); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pParent.p) return E_FAIL; hr = pParent->SetNameOf(m_hWnd, pidlChild, dispInfo->item.pszText, SHGDN_INFOLDER, &pidlNew); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pidlNew) { CComPtr pPersist; LPITEMIDLIST pidlParent, pidlNewAbs; hr = pParent->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IPersistFolder2, &pPersist)); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return E_FAIL; hr = pPersist->GetCurFolder(&pidlParent); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return E_FAIL; pidlNewAbs = ILCombine(pidlParent, pidlNew); if (RenamedCurrent) { // Navigate to our new location UpdateBrowser(pidlNewAbs); } else { // Tell everyone in case SetNameOf forgot, this causes IShellView to update itself when we renamed a child SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER, SHCNF_IDLIST, info->absolutePidl, pidlNewAbs); } ILFree(pidlParent); ILFree(pidlNewAbs); ILFree(pidlNew); if (theResult) *theResult = 1; } return S_OK; } } default: break; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::IsWindowOwner(HWND hWnd) { return (hWnd == m_hWnd) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } // *** IBandNavigate methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Select(long paramC) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } // *** INamespaceProxy *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetNavigateTarget(long paramC, long param10, long param14) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Invoke(long paramC) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::OnSelectionChanged(long paramC) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::RefreshFlags(long paramC, long param10, long param14) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::CacheItem(long paramC) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } // *** IDispatch methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetTypeInfoCount(UINT *pctinfo) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetTypeInfo(UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr) { switch (dispIdMember) { case DISPID_DOWNLOADCOMPLETE: case DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2: TRACE("DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 received\n"); NavigateToCurrentFolder(); return S_OK; } TRACE("Unknown dispid requested: %08x\n", dispIdMember); return E_INVALIDARG; } // *** IDropTarget methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::DragEnter(IDataObject *pObj, DWORD glfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect) { ERR("Entering drag\n"); m_pCurObject = pObj; m_oldSelected = TreeView_GetSelection(m_hWnd); return DragOver(glfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::DragOver(DWORD glfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect) { TVHITTESTINFO info; CComPtr pShellFldr; NodeInfo *nodeInfo; //LPCITEMIDLIST pChild; HRESULT hr; info.pt.x = pt.x; info.pt.y = pt.y; info.flags = TVHT_ONITEM; info.hItem = NULL; ScreenToClient(&info.pt); // Move to the item selected by the treeview (don't change right pane) TreeView_HitTest(m_hWnd, &info); if (info.hItem) { ++m_mtxBlockNavigate; TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, info.hItem); --m_mtxBlockNavigate; // Delegate to shell folder if (m_pDropTarget && info.hItem != m_childTargetNode) { m_pDropTarget = NULL; } if (info.hItem != m_childTargetNode) { nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo(info.hItem); if (!nodeInfo) return E_FAIL; #if 0 hr = SHBindToParent(nodeInfo->absolutePidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pShellFldr), &pChild); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return E_FAIL; hr = pShellFldr->GetUIObjectOf(m_hWnd, 1, &pChild, IID_IDropTarget, NULL, reinterpret_cast(&pDropTarget)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return E_FAIL; #endif if(_ILIsDesktop(nodeInfo->absolutePidl)) pShellFldr = m_pDesktop; else { hr = m_pDesktop->BindToObject(nodeInfo->absolutePidl, 0, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder, &pShellFldr)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* Don't allow dnd since we couldn't get our folder object */ ERR("Can't bind to folder object\n"); *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; return E_FAIL; } } hr = pShellFldr->CreateViewObject(m_hWnd, IID_PPV_ARG(IDropTarget, &m_pDropTarget)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* Don't allow dnd since we couldn't get our drop target */ ERR("Can't get drop target for folder object\n"); *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; return E_FAIL; } hr = m_pDropTarget->DragEnter(m_pCurObject, glfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect); m_childTargetNode = info.hItem; } if (m_pDropTarget) { hr = m_pDropTarget->DragOver(glfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect); } } else { m_childTargetNode = NULL; m_pDropTarget = NULL; *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::DragLeave() { ++m_mtxBlockNavigate; TreeView_SelectItem(m_hWnd, m_oldSelected); --m_mtxBlockNavigate; m_childTargetNode = NULL; if (m_pCurObject) { m_pCurObject = NULL; } return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::Drop(IDataObject *pObj, DWORD glfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect) { if (!m_pDropTarget) return E_FAIL; m_pDropTarget->Drop(pObj, glfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect); DragLeave(); return S_OK; } // *** IDropSource methods *** HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::QueryContinueDrag(BOOL fEscapePressed, DWORD grfKeyState) { if (fEscapePressed) return DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL; if ((grfKeyState & MK_LBUTTON) || (grfKeyState & MK_RBUTTON)) return S_OK; return DRAGDROP_S_DROP; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CExplorerBand::GiveFeedback(DWORD dwEffect) { return DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS; }